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Neuroscience & BiobehavioralReviews, Vol. 10, pp. 295-315, 1986. ©AnkhoInternationalInc. Printedin the U.S.A. 0149-7634/86$3.00 + .


The Role of Glucose, Insulin and

Glucagon in the Regulation of
Food Intake and Body W e i g h t I
S E B A S T I A N P. G R O S S M A N

Committee on Biopsychology, The University o f Chicago, 5848 S. University Ave., Chicago, IL 60637

R e c e i v e d 4 M a r c h 1986

GROSSMAN, S. P. The role of glucose, insulin and glucagon in the regulation of food intake and body weight.
NEUROSCI BIOBEHAV REV 10(3) 295-315, 1986.--Glucose and related pancreatic hormones play a major role in the
metabolism of monogastric mammals yet their influence on hunger and/or satiety is, as yet, poorly understood. Glucose,
insulin and glucagon rise during a meal and gradually decline to baseline levels shortly after a meal. A sudden drop in
plasma glucose as well as insulinhave been reported just prior to the onset of a meal but the functional significance of this is
not yet clear. Systemic injections of glucose have no acute satiety effects but intraduodenal and intrahepatic infusions
r~duce food intake and free-feeding and deprived animals respectively. Treatments which decrease cellular glucose
utilization directly (2-DG) or indirectly (insulin) increase food intake while exogenous glucagon (which produces
hyperglycemia) decreases it. There is considerable evidence that some or all of these effects may be due to a direct central
action of glucose, 2-DG, insulin, and glucagon on brain mechanisms concerned with the regulation of hunger and satiety
although influences on peripheral "glucoreceptors" have been demonstrated as well. The functional significance of
glucoprivic feeding is, however, questioned. The feeding response to 2-DG and related compounds is capricious, and its
temporal course does not parallel the hyperglycemic reaction which presumably reflects cellular glucopenia. Moreover,
numerous brain lesions which increase, decrease, or have no effect on ad lib intake and often have no effect on the response
to deprivation have been shown to severely impair or abolish feeding responses to systemic injections of 2-DG that produce
severe central as well as peripheral glucopenia. Feeding responses to insulin are intact after most of these lesions,
suggesting that this hormone may influence food intake in a fundamentally different fashion. The mechanism of insulin
action is not understood--the classic feeding response is obtained only with doses that are pharmacological when compared
to normal plasma levels and there is increasing evidence that lower doses may have opposite, inhibitory effects on food
intake and body weight. Relatively small doses of glucagon decrease food intake (although opposite facilitatory effects have
been reported aider even smaller doses) but the effect does not appear to be due to hepatic mobilization of glucose as
initially assumed. Decreases in food intake after intracranial injections of very small doses suggest a direct central action.

Food intake Glucose Insulin Glucagon 2-Deoxy-D-glucose Glucoreceptors

ONE of the central issues in the contemporary behavioral least 30-40% of its energy needs are met by glucose. Mayer's
neurosciences is the relationship between basic biological "glucostatic" theory is thus appealing even though most
need states and corresponding corrective behaviors. Hunger contemporary investigators feel that other factors (such as
has served as a model of considerable heuristic value in this the quantity of fat stores, fat metabolism or energy in gen-
field and there has been more empirical research on the eral) may also influence regulatory mechanisms concerned
determinants of food intake than any comparable problem. with food intake and/or body weight (e.g., [28, 69, 131, 166,
We nonetheless still do not understand the fundamental 286]).
e v e n t - - t h e translation of current energy need into the per- Mayer's proposal is supported by the fact that experi-
ception of hunger or satiety. It is generally agreed that the mental treatments which decrease glucose utilization di-
ebb and flow of nutrient ingestion, storage, and retrieval that rectly (e.g., 2-deoxy-D-glucose and other nonmetabolizable
occurs in most species as a consequence of intermittent pat- glucose analogues) or indirectly (e.g., insulin) elicit hunger in
terns of ingestion must be monitored and evaluated in the man [82,260] and food intake in many species of experi-
light of contemporary energy expenditures and the status of mental animals [83, 107, 108, 159, 202, 203,233].
various potential fuel reserves. But there is little consensus Treatments that increase glucose utilization (e.g., gluca-
as to the mechanisms which accomplish this feat. gon which increases hepatic glucose output), on the other
J. Mayer [144,145] proposed 30 years ago that the prob- hand, induce satiety in man [188] and reduce food intake in
lem might be solved, most parsimoniously, by "glucorecep- experimental animals [75, 141,273].
tors" that are sensitive to their own rate of glucose utiliza- These observations do not, however, compel acceptance
tion. Mammalian tissues use glucose preferentially, and our of the glucoreceptor hypothesis as Epstein, Nicolaidis and
most important organ, the brain, cannot function unless at Miselis [64] have argued cogently. Many contemporary in-

~Supported by PHS 2 S07 RR-07029-20.


vestigators in this field are, indeed, disenchanted and dis- Hormonal Regulation
satisfied with a model that has failed to produce more com-
pelling suppoi-t in spite of 30 years of intense empirical re- The utilization, storage and retrieval of glucose and other
search. nutrients is determined by availabilit (i.e., ingestion in re-
Some investigators in the field (e.g., [69,166]) have sponse to some need signal, or recruitment from existing
suggested that a combination of (as yet unknown) peripheral body stores) and by the interplay of several hormones. The
and central regulatory mechanisms may monitor available most important of these are insulin, secreted by the pancre-
" e n e r g y " (i.e., the total flux of metabolizable fuel) and ad- atic beta cells; glueagon, secreted by the alpha cells of the
just food intake accordingly. Others have proposed that var- pancreas; somatostatin, released by pancreatic delta cells as
iables such as the total quantity of adipose tissue [190,291], well as neurons of the hypothalamus; growth hormone from
or the availability of free fatty acids or ketone bodies [286] the pituitary; and epinephrine and norepinephrine from the
may play important regulatory influences on food intake and adrenal medulla. The rate of release of these hormones is
body weight. As yet, none of these hypotheses has attracted directly and/or indirectly affected by blood levels of nutri-
sufficiently consistent and persuasive empirical support to ents, particularly glucose.
warrant dismissal of the glucostatic theory. The secretory cells of the pancreas receive information
Indeed, much relevant research has been published since about the composition and quantity of a meal prior to the
the glucostatic theory was last critically and comprehen- absorption of nutrients from a variety of intestinal hormones
sively reviewed more than a decade ago [64]. It therefore such as cholecystokinin (CCK), secretin, enteroglucagon,
seems appropriate, at this time, to take another look at the vasoactive intestinal peptide, gastro-inhibitory peptide,
role of glucostasis and related hormonal and neural proc- motilin and bombesin [61,247,265-267].
esses in the genesis of hunger and satiety. The secretion of insulin, glucagon and growth hormone
are also affected by neural inputs of hypothalamic origin
which are carried by vagal afferents (in the case of insulin) or
splanchnic nerves (in the case of glucagon) [70-73, 98, 242,
The principal metabolic fuels used by man and most The secretory activity of the pancreas is significantly
monogastric vertebrates are glucose, fatty acids, and ketone modulated by the direct, local interaction of its principal
bodies. Other nutrients such as lactate pyruvate and amino hormones. Insulin inhibits the secretion of glucagon by the
acids also play a role in intermediate metabolism. The use, pancreatic alpha cells while glucagon promotes insulin and
storage, and subsequent distribution of these macronutrients somatostatin release. Somatostatin, in turn, inhibits both in-
is tightly regulated. sulin and glucagon [6]. These " p a r a c r i n e " effects of the pan-
Of all the metabolic fuels, glucose is used preferentially creatic hormones appear to fine-tune the pancreatic control
by all tissues and exclusively (when available) by the brain. of blood glucose and, in general nutrient utilization, storage
The availability of glucose also determines, to a significant and retrieval [21].
extent, the metabolism of other fuels. This may account for Pre-absorptive phase. The sight, smell, and taste of food
the fact that blood glucose levels are kept within surprisingly trigger a " c e p h a l i c " (centrally mediated) neural reflex which
narrow limits under a wide range of nutritional conditions. results in the release of a considerable amount of insulin as
When blood glucose levels rise after a carbohydrate- well as glucagon during the first minute of a meal [49, 132,
containing meal, the excess is rapidly sequestered as glyco- 133,241,243, 251]. This pre-absorptive insulin and glucagon
gen in liver and muscle and as triglycerides in adipose tissue. release reaches a peak within a few minutes and declines to
When blood glucose levels fall between meals, the liver re- baseline levels unless the animal ingests a significant amount
supplies the organism directly from hepatic glycogenstores of food. The magnitude of the pre-absorptive insulin release
and indirectly by gluconeogenesis, using amino acids, has been shown to be positively correlated with the palata-
glycerol, lactate and pyruvate. bility of the available food as well as the size of the subse-
During long-term starvation, the brain adjusts by using quent meal (the latter may, of course, be causally related to
ketone bodies (acetoacetate and beta-hydroxy-butyrate) for palatability rather than insulin release per se) [135].
as much as 50-60% of its energy requirements [182,183]. Steffens [242,243] has suggested that the anticipatory re-
Ketone body utilization by brain is nonetheless not likely to lease of insulin and glucagon may serve to prepare the liver
be a factor in the normal regulation of meal size and inter- for the arrival of nutrients from the gut, thus attenuating the
meal interval because the shift to ketones occurs only after post-absorptive release of glucose and insulin. Such an in-
prolonged deprivation and requires extensive exposure to terpretation is supported by Shimazu's [225,226] report that
substrate [40, 78, 79, 158]. (This should also be considered in electrical stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus activates
the interpretation of the results of experiments attempting to liver mechanisms which convert glucose into glycogen
demonstrate the efficacy (or lack thereof) of alternate whereas stimulation of the ventromedial hypothalamus ac-
"brainfuels" in reducing food intake, glucopenia, etc.) tivates liver mechanisms that convert glycogen into glucose.
Starvation also causes the kidney to increase The early, cephalic release of insulin in response to food-
gluconeogenesis to the point where it may account for nearly related stimuli is prevented by vagotomy or systemic injec-
half of the endogenously derived glucose. tions of atropine [132,133] indicating that it is mediated by
The major storage site for metabolic fuels is adipose tis- vagal efferents that act on cholinergic receptor cells. The
sue. During and shortly after a meal, fat cells remove fatty central representation of this system in the hypothalamus, on
acids and their substrates from the circulation and store them the other hand, appears to be noradrenergic since microin-
in the form of triglycerides. When energy demands exceed jections of norepinephrine into the lateral hypothalamus
availability, during a fast, adipose tissue breaks down the elicit a sustained release of insulin [49,243]. That the neural
stored triglycerides and releases fatty acids and glycerol into influence on insulin secretion is mainly due to activation of
the circulation. components of the vagus is further indicated by the fact that
G L U C O S E AND F E E D I N G 297

electrical stimulation of the caudal end of a transected vagus production of free fatty acids, glycerol and ketones which
nerve elicits insulin secretion in a variety of species [44, 73, most tissues can metabolize in place of glucose [193, 266,
117, 118]. 267].
Glucagon release, on the other hand, appears to be prin- Somatostatin exerts its influence on catabolic metabolism
cipally sensitive to neural inputs from the splanchnic nerve at several levels: (a) in the gastrointestinal tract, where it
(as well as increases in systemic catecholamine levels) [70]. inhibits gastric acid and gastrin secretion as well as gastroin-
Electrical stimulation of the splanchnic nerve releases gluca- testinal motility thus decreasing nutrient absorption; (b) in
gon from the pancreas [24,156] and comparable effects are the hypothalamus where it provides an inhibitory influence
obtained by systemic injections of epinephrine (E) or norepi- on growth hormone and thyrotropin release by the pituitary;
nephrine (NE) [77]. In both cases, insulin levels are reduced. and (c) in the delta cells of the pancreas which release
The central origin of this aspect of control over pancreatic somatostatin in response to decreasing concentrations of
secretory activity appears to reside in the ventromedial blood glucose and other nutrients [6, 221,222].
hypothalamus since microinjections of norepinephrine into
this structure provoke glucagon release [49, 242-244].
Although the distinction between glucagon and insulin re-
lease in terms of sympathetic and parasympathetic control
is, in general, a valid one, the two branches of the autonomic
nervous system interact to a considerable extent so that As we have seen, the utilization, storage and retrieval of
vagal stimulation can release glucagon as well as insulin [118] nutrients is under tight hormonal control. But how does the
and vagotomy may abolish the normal, glucagon-induced organism regulate the essential periodic re-supply of nutri-
suppression of feeding [142]. Conversely, the insulin secret- ents so as to avoid starvation or excessive storage? How do
ing beta cells of the pancreas have been shown to be sensi- we know when and how much to eat?
tive to catecholamines [189,191]. Glucose is the exclusive substrate of brain cell metabo-
Absorptive phase. The arrival of nutrients in the stomach lism under normal circumstances, and blood glucose levels
and duodenum results in the release of a number of "gut are tightly regulated. The brain can cover a significant per-
hormones" (e.g., cholecystokinin, gastrin, secretin) which centage (50-60%) of its energy needs with ketone bodies dur-
act on the pancreas to promote a second and far larger re- ing periods of prolonged starvation [68, 182, 183] but there is
lease of insulin that begins within a few minutes after the first considerable evidence that the transport of ketones into
bite and peaks, in the rat, about 45 min after the onset of the brain is quite slow and may require induction by prolonged
meal (i.e., quite some time after the rat has ceased feeding). exposure of substrate [40, 78, 79, 158]. It thus seems likely
Insulin levels then decline, rapidly at first, to baseline levels that ketones cannot nourish the brain during acute
which remain essentially constant until the next meal [240, glucopenia, forcing it to rely mainly on glucose except under
251,254]. Blood glucose follows a similar time course [165, extreme conditions.
238, 240]. In the rat, blood glucose remains in a range of 75-100
During and after a carbohydrate containing meal, when mg/dl under ad lib feeding conditions [238, 240]. At concen-
blood levels of glucose are high, the pancreas releases a trations below 50 mg/dl the brain cannot extract enough glu-
mixture of hormones that is high in insulin and low in gluca- cose from blood to cover routine metabolic needs and there
gon and somatostatin. Insulin is essential for the metabolism is some evidence that blood glucose levels of 200 mg/dl and
of nutrients during the absorptive phase of digestion because above can produce tissue damage [269].
without insulin glucose cannot enter the cells of most tissues In view of the significance of glucose for normal brain
of the organism (the brain and liver being the principal ex- functions and the pervasive role of glucose in all phases of
ceptions). Insulin also facilitates the conversion of glucose to metabolic activity it is tempting to suggest that a measure of
glycogen or fat (thus promoting the storage of nutrients that the availability or rate of utilization of this important fuel
are not required for current metabolic activity) and facilitates would provide the most useful index of the organism's ever-
the transport of amino acids into cells [259]. changing fuel needs.
Post-absorptive phase. As long as the available energy J. Mayer formally postulated such a glucostatic theory of
stores permit the maintenance of blood glucose above a hunger more than 30 years ago. It proposed, in essence, that
rather narrow range (75-100 mg/dl in the rat), insulin is re- the organism's energy needs are monitored by special
leased at a fairly low and steady rate [240,254]. When blood "glucoreceptors" which are sensitive to their own rate of
glucose falls significantly below this level during periods of glucose utilization and directly affect hunger-related brain
food deprivation, the flow of insulin declines and glucagon mechanisms accordingly [144,145].
and somatostatin begin to be released in increasing quantities In the context of current controversies, it is important to
[21,193]. remember that Mayer did not deny the potential importance
In the post-absorptive phase when the nutrients from the of other metabolic variables and did, indeed, suggest that
last meal have been used or stored, the pancreas releases a while glucostatic mechanisms might regulate meal size and
mixture of hormones that is relatively low in insulin and high intermeal interval in the short term, "lipostatic" signals, re-
in glucagon. This hormonal profile (supported by increased lated to the state of the body's adipose tissue might well
release, of adrenal glucocorticoids and catecholamines) pro- provide overriding signals that control body size in the long-
motes the release of glycogen and fats from storage and re- term.
sults in gluconeogenesis. It also results in increased produc- Since the brain uses glucose exclusively except after pro-
tion of glycerol, free fatty acids and ketones [36, 65,102, 266, longed food deprivation Mayer suggested that the
267]. glucoreceptors might be located in the brain, most likely in
Glucagon is the principal hormone of catabolic metabo- the ventromedial hypothalamus which contemporary inves-
lism because it (along with growth hormone) promotes the tigations implicated in the control of satiety and body weight
conversion of liver glycogen to glucose and facilitates the regulation [30,101].

Russek [207-211] has proposed a glucostatic theory of BLOOD GLUCOSE, GLUCOSE UTILIZATION,AND HUNGER
hunger and satiety which postulates receptor cells in the
Arterio-Venous Glucose DifJ~,rences
liver. According to Russek, pre-absorptive satiety is due to
the activation of chemoreceptors in the gut which hyper- Much of the early empirical work in this field was de-
polarize liver glucoreceptors via sympathetic nerves. Post- signed to relate hunger and/or food intake to measures of
absorptive satiety, according to this " h e p a t o s t a t i c " theory, glucose utilization such as arterio-venous (A/V) differences
is due to a direct action of glucose on the liver receptors. in glucose levels. Although some of the early clinical reports
The liver is a likely place for feeding-related glucorecep- [144,278] were encouraging, subsequent experimental work
tots because it is a major storage depot for glucose (in the has generally failed to demonstrate significant correlations
form of liver glycogen) which can be readily used under the between A/V glucose differences and hunger and food con-
influence of pancreatic glucagon. Nerve cells which appear sumption in man [74, 192,201].
to be uniquely sensitive to glucose have been found in the Because A/V differences were an important component of
liver [168] and there is evidence that these cells communicate the early writings about the glucostatic theory, the failure to
with feeding-related portions of the hypothalamus via the find consistent effects continues to be cited as evidence
hepatic branch of the vagus nerve [169, 218,227]. Russek's against the theory. It is only fair to point out, however, that
interpretation receives support from the fact that electrical at any point in time, the rate of glucose utilization varies
blockade of vagal activity inhibits feeding in hungry dogs greatly in different parts of the organism as well as within
[207], whereas electrical stimulation of the vagus elicits feed- individual organs. Crude estimates of total body- or whole
ing [187] as well as insulin secretion [73,287]. That the vagus brain-glucose utilization could thus not be expected to detect
carries information about systemic glucose availability even major changes in glucose uptake in small populations of
and/or utilization is further indicated by the fact that vagot- cells such as the hypothesized glucoreceptors in the ven-
omy attenuates the feeding response to 2-deoxy-D-glucose tromedial hypothalamus (or elsewhere).
(see below). Russek and associates [200, 208,214] have also
shown that intraportal injections of glucose produce Plasma Levels o f Glucose andh~r Insulin
anorexia in hungry animals while systemic injections of
Most investigators have failed to find a significant rela-
comparable quantities had no effect. Russek and Stevenson
tionship between plasma glucose or insulin (the two varia-
[212] further supported the notion of liver glucoreceptors by
bles that primarily control glucose utilization) and the pat-
demonstrating a strong negative correlation between food
tern of food intake (i.e., meal-onset, -duration and intermeal
intake and the concentration of hepatic reducing sugars.
interval) (e.g., [238,240, 252, 254]). Glucose levels are typi-
Although there is considerable support for the notion that
cally steady during the intermeal interval [238,252] although
liver glucoreceptors may play a significant role in the regula-
a sudden drop has been reported when a meal was prevented
tion of hunger and/or satiety, they may not be an essential
[238]. Plasma insulin falls more gradually from its prandial
component of the neural control of hunger and/or satiety
elevation [240] and a significant decrease in plasma insulin
since total liver denervation has been reported not to affect
levels (which may result in lowered glucose utilization) has
food intake or body weight regulation in the dog [18] or rat
been observed five minutes before the onset of a meal [254].
[16], even when a detailed analysis is made of meal-size and
Two recent investigations, using on-line continuous
intermeal interval ([20,136], but see [211]).
measures of blood sugar [37,134] have shown that a small
Even human and animal recipients of liver transplants
(6-11%) and brief drop in blood glucose may occur just prior
show no persistent deficits in food intake and weight regula-
to the onset of a meal. LeMagnen [130] has suggested that
tion [114,237].
this may be a critical signal for feeding in the rat but the
As we will discuss in more detail below, liver denervation
extensive peer commentary on this article suggests that
also does not significantly alter the feeding response to
many investigators in this field are not willing to infer caus-
glucoprivic challenges such as insulin or 2-DG [17,261,263].
ality from these correlative data. Campfield et al. [37] have,
Novin [171,172] has suggested that liver glucoreceptors
however, recently provided some data which argue in favor
may play a role in satiety only when an animal feeds after
of LeMagnen's hypothesis. When a glucose infusion de-
prolonged deprivation while glucoreceptors in the gut may
signed to compensate for the pre-meal drop was adminis-
be responsible for satiety when food is available ad lib. The
tered when blood glucose began to drop at the expected time
theory relies on the fact that the ingestion of glucose causes
of a new meal, the latency to the anticipated next meal was
the release of glucagon. In the freefeeding animal which has
markedly increased.
high glycogen reserves, this can directly increase cellular
An interpretation of the observed pre-meal drop in blood
glucose levels. In the starved animal, liver glycogen stores
glucose is further complicated because its magnitude appears
are low and this mechanism is not effective. Instead, glucose
quite small when compared to the enormously elevated
must reach the liver in significant quantities and the arrival of
levels seen after glucose injections that do not affect feeding
glucose in the liver becomes part of the satiety signal.
[252] or to the size of the glucose drop seen after insulin
Novin's theory is based on the observation [174,272] that
injections that are minimally effective in increasing food in-
intraportal infusions of glucose reduce food intake in 22 hour
take [239]. Further research is clearly needed to elucidate the
deprived rabbits but not in freefeeding rabbits while
functional significance of the slight rise in blood glucose that
intraduodenal infusions of glucose significantly reduce the
does appear to precede the onset of a meal in the rat.
food intake of freefeeding animals but have no effect in 22
hour deprived rabbits. These observations may explain why
Systemic Glucose Infusions
some investigators [58] have reported that intragastric or
intraduodenal infusions of glucose do not reduce food intake Attempts to induce satiety by intravenous infusions of
in deprived animals while others [27,297] report positive ef- glucose have not met with success. Some early investigators
fects. [146] reported significant effects but others [111,112], includ-

ing a number of recent studies [18, 245, 252] consistently Slow IV infusions of very low doses of insulin, on the
report that infusions which increase blood glucose levels far other hand, have been reported to reduce rather than
beyond the levels normally attained during a carbohydrate- enhance food intake and body weight in the rat [274]. A
rich meal fail to reduce food intake in a variety of species failure to replicate this potentially important observation has
unless large, calorically significant amounts are infused. been noted [131] but inhibitory effects on sham-feeding have
recently been reported even after single small doses of
EXPERIMENTALMANIPULATIONSOF GLUCOSEUTILIZATION short-acting insulin [176]. It is possible that this apparently
A vast body of empirical research has shown unequivo- paradoxical inhibitory effect of insulin might be related to a
cally that experimental treatments which result in central direct central action of insulin, to be discussed below.
and/or peripheral glucoprivation provide a reliable stimulus The feeding response to exogenous insulin appears to be
for hunger and food intake. However, the results of recent independent of parasympathetic or sympathetic feedback
experiments (to be discussed in detail below) suggest that the since neither vagotomy [82, 83,261,263] nor surgical [83] or
ability to respond to experimentally-induced glucoprivation chemical [264] sympathectomy significantly impair the ef-
may not be essential for the meal-to-meal or day-to-day regu- fectiveness of insulin.
lation of food intake and body weight. Moreover, it has been Just where and how insulin exerts its effects on food in-
argued [64,69] that increased eating during glucopenia does take has been the subject of debate. Infusions of glucose
not, by itself, constitute a convincing case for glucostatic prior or during the insulin injection prevent feeding but so do
regulation of hunger because a variety of non-specific manose, ketone bodies and, at least at low doses of insulin,
metabolic events (which might themselves be "metered") fructose which cannot nourish brain [204, 248, 250]. These
occur during glucoprivation. findings argue for a peripheral site of action although the
observed pattern of effects clearly does not exclude the
possibility that insulin may have feeding-related central as
Increased Feeding After Insulin well as peripheral sites of action. Indeed, it is possible that in
The principal clinical and experimental observation that these studies, the availability of alternate fuels to peripheral
led to the postulation of the glucostatic theory is the fact that tissues might free sufficient glucose to ameliorate brain
the administration of large doses of exogenous insulin elicits glucopenia secondarily.
hunger sensations and eating in man [82] and feeding in every
monogastric species tested to-date including dogs [83], cats The Satiety Effect of Glucagon
[203], rats [137,159], hamsters [52, 53,194], gerbils [202] and
The second major pancreatic hormone, glucagon, has
mice [206].
been shown to decrease food intake in man [188,220], rat [48,
The stimulatory effects of insulin on food intake are de-
75, 76, 141,142], rabbit [273], and dog [213]. Intraperitoneal
layed by about 30--90 rain in most species but even longer in
injections of antibodies to glucagon conversely have been
others such as hamsters. During this initial period, insulin
shown to increase food intake in rats [122].
promotes the rapid uptake of glucose from extracellular fluid.
Glucagon stimulates hepatic glucose output via
Eventually, this produces hypoglycemia which, in turn,
glycogenolysis, decreased glycogen synthesis and
causes cellular glucoprivation. According to the glucostatic
gluconeogenesis. The suppressive effect of glucagon is
theory, it is this reduced cellular utilization of glucose which
prominent only in free-feeding or mildly deprived animals
gives rise to the sensation of hunger. The alternative hypoth-
[142, 217, 273] possibly because longer periods of depriva-
esis that the hypothesized glucoreceptors might be sensitive
tion deplete liver glycogen stores.
to the absolute level of glucose in the blood was rejected by
The apparent dependence of the suppressive effects of
Mayer because hunger coexists with high blood glucose
glucagon on liver glycogen stores suggests that it may not,
levels (but low utilization because of insufficient insulin) in
under normal circumstances, play a major role as a 'satiety
patients afflicted with diabetes rnellitus.
hormone.' However, its explosive release during the first
A detailed analysis of the time course of the metabolic
minutes of a meal [251] and the fact that it appears to
and behavioral effects of exogenous insulin in the rat [239]
lengthen intermeal intervals when administered in large
has shown that single injections of insulin sharply reduce
doses [11] suggests that it may play an as yet poorly under-
blood glucose to a low level of about 50 mg/dl within a few
stood role in the regulation of food intake and body weight.
minutes of the injection but do not elicit feeding until about
That the mode of action of this hormone may be far more
30--60 min later. In the hamster, the normal pattern of nearly complex than anticipated is suggested by a recent report of
constant nibbling delays the blood glucose fall until about 2 increased food intake (in the presence of significant
hours after exogenous insulin and significant increases in
hyperglycemia) following IP injections of very low doses of
food intake occur as late as 3 hours after the injection
glucagon [97].
[52,53]. The puzzling delay of the feeding response to single The effect of glucagon on food intake is abolished by
injections of insulin may simply be due to the fact that signif- vagotomy in rats [76, 141, 142] as well as rabbits [273].
icant cellular glucopenia develops only after the observed Splanchnicectomy but not vagotomy abolishes the release of
delays [130]. Steffens [239] has suggested that the delay may
glucagon due to electrical stimulation of the lateral hypothal-
be further prolonged because the sudden induction of hypo- amus [98].
glycemia may release epinephrine which may act as a tran-
sient satiety signal [214]. Effects of Nonmetabolizable Glucose Analogues
Continuous intravenous (IV) infusions of large doses of
insulin result in a significant increase in the number of meals 2-Deoxy-D-glucose. The glucostatic theory (as well as the
consumed (their size is affected little or not at all) because more modest hypothesis that glucoprivation induces hunger)
the animals (rats) initiate meals promptly whenever blood appeared handsomely supported when Smith and Epstein
glucose levels fall to 50 mg/dl [239]. [233] reported in 1969 that systemic injections of the glucose

analogue 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) elicit feeding in sated or hydroxybutyrate ~the latter actually potentiated the
rats and monkeys. hyperglycemia significantly). The authors of this report
2-Deoxy-D-glucose is a structural analogue of glucose concluded that the brain cells believed to be responsible for
which inhibits intracellular glucose utilization in brain, liver, the 2-DG induced hyperglycemia may not be specifically re-
and other tissues [32]. The effect of 2-DG is not uniform, sponsive to glucose or glycoprivation but react, instead, to
glucose utifization being decreased more in brain than in changes in the rate of oxydative metabolism. Several inves-
striated muscle [32]. tigators (e.g., [68,69]) have supported such an interpretation.
2-DG stimulates the release of epinephrine from the ad- The feeding response to 2-DG appears to be permissive
renal medulla and promotes hepatic glycogenolysis and and not essential for survival. It differs in this important
gluconeogenesis [32]. The adrenal response to 2-DG results respect from the feeding response to exogenous insulin
in severe hyperglycemia [103] accompanied by overt symp- which appears to be essential to survival in monogastric ver-
toms of hypoglycemia due to reduced cellular utilization tebrates. (Ruminants such as goats and sheep fail to increase
[123]. The hyperglycemia can be prevented by adrenalec- feed ingestion to exogenous insulin and do not respond to
tomy [235]. IV or intragastric infusions of glucose [7-9, 41, 104, 138]).
2-DG also inhibits insulin secretion [121,191] and releases Although 2-DG is a potent stimulus for eating in man
free fatty acids from adipose tissue, thus reducing glucose [260], monkeys [233-235], cats ([203], but see also [110]),
uptake by fat and muscle cells. This alters the normal distri- rats [233,235], rabbits [108], house mice [206], goats and
bution of glucose so that more of it is available to the brain. sheep [107], some species such as hamsters [194, 202,230],
Feeding during 2-DG-induced glucoprivation not only pro- deermice [206], and gerbils [202] which increase food intake
vides exogenous glucose from the ingested foods but also in response to exogenous insulin, do not feed in response to
tends to normalize the distribution of glucose because insulin 2-DG, even though significant hyperglycemia develops.
secretion is stimulated [234]. Moreover, even in species which do, generally display
Although it is generally assumed that the feeding response significant feeding responses to 2-DG, the response of indi-
to 2-DG reflects cellular glucoprivation, the relationship be- viduals is often unpredictable. It is not at all uncommon to
tween feeding, blood glucose levels and cellular glucopriva- find individual animals that do not eat in response to a wide
tion is, as yet, poorly understood. The first report of 2-DG range of doses of 2-DG even though they become severely
feeding in the rat [233] describes such classic signs of central hyperglycemic and display overt signs of central glucopriva-
glucoprivation as stupor and ataxia within minutes after the tion (see, for instance, [235]).
injection of 2-DG, yet feeding occurred only after a delay of The feeding response to 2-DG is also highly dependent
124 min on the average (the range extended from 24 to 360 upon the palatability of the diet, being blocked by the addi-
min). Blood glucose levels were highest in this experiment 60 tion of small doses of quinine to the diet which do not inter-
min after the injection of 2-DG (no earlier samples were fere with ad lib intake [I 15,279], and enhanced when a palat-
taken). A comparison of the blood glucose levels of 4 rats able high-fat diet is offered [298].
that were allowed to eat and those of 6 others that were We might note here that 2-DG does not increase and may
deprived after the injection of 2-DG failed to show significant even depress food intake in deprived animals [108, 113,235].
effects of the food ingested during the first 6 hours after Jones and Booth [113] found that 2-DG increased food intake
2-DG. The same report describes data from one monkey that in deprived animals if glucose had been administered within
did not eat after 300 mg/kg of 2-DG even though blood glu- 2 hours of the 2-DG injections. The authors suggested, on the
cose was severely elevated as in other monkeys that did basis of this information, that 2-DG might increase food in-
increase their food intake two- to fourfold over saline control take in free feeding animals by blocking the satiating conse-
levels. quences of glucose absorption.
A later report [235] describes large and reliable increases The efficacy of ICV 2-DG injections at doses far smaller
in blood glucose after 100,200, and 400 mg/kg of 2-DG but no than those effective in the periphery (below) clearly implies a
reliable increases in food intake in most of the rats tested. In central site of action. This widely accepted interpretation is
monkeys, blood glucose was significantly elevated 5, 15, and supported by the observation that 2-DG feeding is blocked
30 min after injections of 80 or 100 mg/kg of 2-DG but reliable by infusions of glucose but not fructose (which cannot re-
feeding responses were obtained only with 320 mg/kg. verse glucopenia in brain tissue) [248]. Infusions of ketone
More recently, significant feeding responses to systemic bodies which should not reverse brain glucopenia acutely,
as well as intracerebroventricular (ICV) injections of 2-DG apparently do not suppress 2-DG feeding [205], although
have been observed at a time (6-8 hours after the 2-DG in- positive effects have been reported in an earlier publication
jection) when blood glucose levels had returned to normal [248].
[196]. Further research from this laboratory [170] has shown The feeding response to 2-DG is attenuated, but not
that 6 hours after 2-DG two measures of glucose uptake and abolished by complete subdiaphragmatic vagotomy [26,173],
utilization (glucose oxidation and uptake of C-14 labelled suggesting that it may affect peripheral as well as central
2-DG in brain) were significantly affected during the first 1.5 glucoreceptors. In the rabbit, the liver, in particular, appears
or 3.5 hours after 2-DG but not 6-7 hours after the injection to be implicated by the observation that intrahepatic portal
when rats displayed significant eating in the previous exper- infusions of 2-DG produce more feeding more rapidly than
iment. These results suggest that the feeding response to comparable intrajugular injections [173,219]. In the rat, the
2-DG may reflect a metabolic event that persists after cellu- two infusion sites are equally effective [248]. Selective hepa-
lar glucoprivation has abated. tic vagotomy does not reduce the feeding response to 2-DG
This conclusion is supported by the results of an earlier in rats even when combined with celiac vagotomy or a more
experiment [67] which demonstrated that the hyperglycemic extensive denervation of the stomach and duodenum
response to intracerebroventricular injections of 2-DG was [261,263]. Intact feeding responses to 2-DG have even been
suppressed by fumarate and glutamate as well as pyruvate reported after complete denervation of the liver [17].
and d-fructose but not by d-xylose, d-ribose or aceto-acetate Surgical visceral sympathectomy reduced the feeding re-

sponse of the rabbit to intraportal 2-DG but actually in- tered to mice pretreated 6 days earlier with gold thioglucose.
creased food intake after intrajugular injections [219]. Chem- Mueller and associates [161] have implicated central
ical (i.e., guanethidine-induced) sympathectomy attenuated alpha-adrenergic pathways in the mediation of 2-DG feeding.
the feeding response to intraperitoneal 2-DG (but not insulin) ICV injections of alpha-adrenergic blockers such as phen-
in the rat [264]. tolamine and azapetine in doses (50-100/xg/rat) that did not
It is interesting to note in this context that intracerebro- affect ad lib food intake, reliably reduced the feeding effect
ventricular injections of very small quantities of alloxan of a large (750 mg/kg) systemic injection of 2-DG, ICV injec-
block the feeding response to systemic 2-DG but not the tions of beta-adrenergic blockers such as propranolol or MJ
hyperglycemic reaction to it [199,292]. 1999 in comparable doses did not interfere with 2-DG eating.
Other glucose analogues. In order to shed more light on Inhibitory effects were obtained by systemic pretreatments
the cellular mechanisms that are responsible for the effects with 50 mg/kg of the catecholamine synthesis blocker
of 2-DG on feeding and glucostasis, other glucose analogues alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine and by repeated ICV injections of the
have been tested. There is some controversy about the effec- catecholamine neurotoxin 6-hydroxy-dopamine, adminis-
tiveness of 3-O-methyl glucose (3-O-MG), a glucose tered 12 days before the 2-DG test.
analogue that freely enters cells but is not metabolized. At Viewed in conjunction with Miselis and Epstein's [157]
high concentrations, 3-O-MG competes for the transport observation that ICV 2-DG reliably elicits feeding, these ex-
mechanisms of d-glucose in cell membranes. periments leave little doubt that all three of the principal
3-O-MG elicits gastric acid secretion [39], and produces effects of 2-DG (hyperglycemia, hypothermia, and increased
hyperglycemia [103] but affects food intake only slightly food intake) can be produced by central injections.
even when extremely high doses are used [26,64]. Since Another nonmetabolizable glucose analogue,
3-O-MG, unlike 2-DG, is not metabolized, it passes rapidly 5-thioglucose (5-TG) administered intracerebroventricularly
out of cells so that its intracellular concentration is far lower (as well as intravenously) has been reported to be an even
than that of 2-DG after injections of equimolar doses. more potent stimulus for feeding and hyperglycemia than
Whether this explains the weak feeding response to 3-O-MG 2-DG [195,231].
is not clear. The feeding response to ICV 5-thioglucose is severely
5-Thio-D-glucose (5-TG) is a glucose analogue in which impaired by microinjections of very small quantities (200/zg)
sulfur is substituted for the pyranose ring oxygen [66]. Very of alloxan (a toxin which selectively destroys pancreatic beta
low doses of this compound, administered intravenously, cells) into the fourth ventricle [163]. ICV alloxan did not, in
have recently been shown to elicit dose-dependent increases this experiment, block the hyperglycemic response to ICV
in food intake and blood glucose concentration in the rat 5-TG.
[195]. In other species, such as hamsters, which do not feed Insulin. Brain metabolism is, in general, insulin inde-
in response to 2-DG, 5-TG elicits hyperglycemia but fails to pendent and the hormone does not readily cross the blood-
increase food intake reliably [51,54]. brain barrier except at a few circumventricular 'windows' in
the brainstem. However, specific insulin receptors have
T H E R O L E O F T H E C E N T R A L N E R V O U S SYSTEM been demonstrated in brain parenchyma [96, 275-277],
especially in portions of the ventromedial hypothalamus
Effects of lntracerebroventricular (ICV) Injections
[276] that are readily accessed by systemic insulin. Elec-
2-Deoxy-D-glucose and other glucose analogues. The trophysiological responses to iontophoretically applied insu-
hypothesis that central glucoreceptors may play a significant lin have been reported from medial as well as lateral hypo-
role in hunger and/or satiety is supported by the results of thalamus [178-180] (see section on hypothalamus, below, for
experiments that have demonstrated feeding as well as detail).
hyperglycemia and hypothermia after intracerebroventricu- LeMagnen [130] has suggested that insulin-sensitive
lar injections of doses of 2-DG that were smaller, often by glucoreceptors in the ventromedial hypothalamus control the
nearly an order of magnitude, than those needed to produce diurnal rhythm of alternating lipogenesis (during the dark
feeding when administered systemically. portion of the cycle in the rat) and lipolysis. If these insulin
Miselis and Epstein [157] have reported significant feed- receptors are "downregulated" like insulin receptors on
ing after ICV injections of 2.9 to 5.0 rag/rat, the magnitude of adipocytes and other tissues, a persistent hyperinsulinemia
the effect being comparable to that elicited by systemic in- (such as one finds during the night when the rat ingests most
jections of far larger doses of 2-DG (2.5-2.7 g over saline of its food) will reduce the density and affinity of the insulin
baseline). Eating began after 6-53 minutes and was com- receptors and thus sensitize the glucoreceptors to
pleted, usually as a single meal, no later than 1.5 hours after glucopenia. This is thought to provide the signal for neurally
the injection. Control injections of d-glucose or sucrose did induced lipolysis. Upregulation of the insulin receptors dur-
not affect food intake. The ICV injections of 2-DG also ing the light portion of the diurnal cycle (when rats feed
produced symptoms of central glucopenia such as ataxia and little), on the other hand, would desensitize the glucorecep-
stupor that are typically seen after much larger doses of tors and give rise to lipogenesis.
2-DG given systemically. Woods and Porte [190, 289, 292] have suggested that the
Mueller and associates [67, 160, 162] have shown that long-term regulation of body weight might depend on brain-
ICV injections of 1.0 to 5.0 mg/rat of 2-DG resulted in signifi- insulin receptors which are sensitive to the concentration of
cant hyperglycemia and concomitant fall in body tempera- insulin in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The hypothesis is based
ture. Both effects peaked 60 minutes after the injection and on the fact that CSF insulin levels are proportional to body
gradually disappeared in the course of the following 120 to fat content both within and between individuals [22, 183,
180 minutes. Even small doses (0.06 to 0.5 mg/animal) elic- 293] and the observation that insulin is transported from
ited significant and persisting hyperglycemia in mice. The blood to CSF, the rate of exchange being sufficient that CSF
effects of ICV 2-DG on blood glucose was significantly di- insulin tends to be proportional to basal plasma levels (with-
minished but not abolished entirely when 2-DG was adminis- out, however, being subject to the rapid fluctuations that

occur during and immediately after a meal) [183,288, 290]. increased the food intake of deprived animals when applied
Intracisternal or intracerebroventricular infusions of in- to the dorsomedial hypothalamus. In both cases, the abso-
sulin have been shown to modify plasma glucose and insulin lute magnitude of the effects was very small and attempts to
levels in the dog [38,288]. replicate these potentially interesting effects with more phys-
Small doses of insulin (4.2 /zU/hour) infused ICV con- iological injections of glucose or 2-DG in solution have had
tinuously for 20 days have been reported to decrease food limited success.
intake and body weight in baboons without affecting plasma Gonzales and Novin [80] injected 1/zl of a 5% 2-DG solu-
glucose or insulin levels. The effects of these chronic infu- tion into the hypothalamus of free feeding rabbits. Injections
sions were not very large (the average weight loss over the 20 into the ventromedial hypothalamus had no effect on feed-
day experiment did not exceed 0.75 kg) but the effect ap- ing, similar injections into the lateral hypothalamus resulted
peared to be repeatable [294]. Small but statistically reliable in very small but statistically reliable increases in food in-
decreases in food intake and body weight have also been take.
reported, more recently, after chronic infusions of 7.5 or 10 Miselis and Epstein [157] obtained robust and repeatable
mU per day of insulin into the third ventricle of the rat [29]. increases in food intake after ICV injections of 2-DG but
It is interesting to recall in this context that Vander-Weele could not obtain significant effects after injections of a wide
et al. [274] have reported that insulin administered slowly range of doses into the lateral hypothalamus.
and continuously into the peritoneal cavity by means of an Panksepp and Nance [186] injected glucose or glucose
osmotic 'minipump' also decreased food intake by reducing mixed with insulin into the VMH 10 or 30 min before a 1 hour
meal size and limiting weight gain. test period. The rats were then food deprived for 2.5 hours
Walls and Wishart [282], on the other hand, have reported and another 1 hour test begun immediately afterwards. Food
that a single ICV injection of 600 mU of insulin into the third intake was not affected by glucose or glucose mixed with
ventricle increased the food intake of 21 hour deprived rats. insulin on either of these tests. However, in the 19 hour
The effect was not affected by ICV injections of the glucose period following the last test, food intake was significantly
uptake blocker phlorizin but was reduced by the alpha- decreased by both injections. When glucose or 2-DG were
adrenergic blocker phentolamine (15 mg/rat), and blocked administered into the VMH at 12 a.m. and again at 6 p.m.,
completely by the beta-adrenergic blocker propranolol (60 the daily food and water intake were depressed. The effect
mg/rat). was large and statistically reliable for glucose and relatively
Glucagon. Injections of very low doses of glucagon (5-25 small and statistically not significant for 2-DG.
ng) into the third ventricle of rats have recently been re- Panksepp and Meeker [185] gave 3 intrahypothalamic in-
ported [109] to suppress food intake with a relative potency jections of either d-glucose or 2-DG, spaced 7 hours apart
that was more than 1000 times greater than that of systemi- and observed a large decrease in the daily intake after glu-
cally administered glucagon. Similar ICV infusions have cose injections. The effect was statistically reliable in normal
been shown [ 143] to produce persisting hyperglycemia which controls as well as alloxan-diabetic rats. 2-DG also produced
might be responsible for the suppressive effects on food in- a statistically significant decrease in the food intake of the
take. The effect of ICV glucagon on blood glucose was diabetic animals but increased the daily intake of controls
blocked by systemic injections of atropine or phentolamine (the effect was sizeable but not statistically reliable).
(but not the beta-adrenergic blocker propranolol). These re- Finally, Booth [25] reported that microinjections of 1.1/zl
cent findings contradict several earlier reports. Herberg [99] of isotonic glucose into the lateral hypothalamus signifi-
failed to observe reliable effects on food intake in the rat with cantly reduced the normal feeding response to 20 U/kg of
ICV injections of up to 1 /zg/kg. Woods et al. [294] did not insulin. He noted, however, that the glucose injections also
observe significant effects on food intake or body weight eliminated drinking and appeared to make the animals
after slow and long-continued infusions of 2.35 ng/kg/day in drowsy, suggesting that the effects of the glucose injections
the baboon. were not specifically related to an effect on feeding-related
Sugar acids. Recently two short-chain sugar acids have neural mechanisms.
been identified in the blood of fasted rats [216]. When the
first of these, 2-deoxytetronic acid (DTA), is injected into the Insulin-Sensitive Central Mechanisms
third ventricle of rats in small quantities (2.5 /xmol), food
intake and neuronal activity in the lateral hypothalamus are Controversy concerning brain insulin. Binding sites indi-
suppressed [229]. When a comparable dose of the second cative of insulin receptors have been demonstrated in many
sugar acid (3-deoxypentonic acid or 3-DPA) is infused via the regions of the brain in a variety of species [96, 275-277].
same route, feeding is elicited and lateral hypothalamic What has remained controversial is the source of the in-
neuron activity increased [228]. sulin that may act on brain receptors. Some investigators
have observed brain insulin concentrations comparable or
even larger than those found in plasma and suggested that
lntrahypothalamic Injections o f Glucose and Glucose brain insulin may be produced by brain cells [96]. This hy-
Analogues pothesis is supported by immunocytochemical evidence that
Most investigators have been unable to modify food in- insulin is found in some CNS neurons [56,57]. However,
take by intrahypothalamic injections of glucose [62, 88, 157, Baskin et al. [12] have recently failed to obtain im-
281]. munocytochemical staining for immunoreactive insulin (IRI)
The main exception is a report by Balagura and Kanner in the .hypothalamus of the rat when antiserum at high dilu-
[10] which describes very small but statistically significant tions was used. These authors have argued that some of the
effects of intrahypothalamic placements of glucose or 2-DG earlier results may reflect cross-reactivity with other CNS
in crystalline form. In free feeding rats, glucose as well as molecules possessing insulin-like antigenic properties.
2-DG increased food intake during a 30 rain test when Other investigators [59,60] have consistently reported
applied to the lateral hypothalamus. Both compounds also lower insulin concentrations in brain (and other tissues) than

in plasma. They have therefore argued against extrapancre- These reports do, however, complement the results of a
atic synthesis of insulin and proposed, instead, that brain technically competent experiment reported by Strubbe and
insulin is taken up from plasma and concentrated onto insu- Mein [253] who found increased feeding after microinjec-
lin receptors. Attempts to demonstrate such transport di- tions of very small doses (0.5 to 1.5/~U) of insulin antibodies
rectly have provided evidence for regional uptake, confined into the VMH.
mainly to circumventricular organs lacking a blood-brain There are also a number of reports of experimental find-
barrier, and to tissues surrounding the third ventricle espe- ings that provide indirect evidence in support of the hypoth-
cially in the postero-medial hypothalamus [12, 81,276, 277]. esis that glucose uptake in feeding-related neurons in the
Attempts to provide indirect evidence for a role of plasma medial basal hypothalamus, unlike other CNS cells, may be
insulin in brain by studying the effects of exogenous insulin insulin dependent. Microinjections of 3 mU of insulin into
on brain glucose transport or metabolism have produced the VMH restore the destructive effects of gold thioglucose
conflicting results that have been difficult to interpret be- on VMH neurons in diabetic mice (which normally are not
cause most of the experiments were done under metabolic subject to GTG lesions presumably because the toxic gold
nonsteady state conditions [45, 81, 105] and/or relied on compound is not taken up into nerve cells) [46,47]. Similarly,
methods which do not permit the assessment of regional ef- implants of GTG directly into the VMH result in overeating
fects [100]. and obesity in intact animals but not in diabetic animals
A recent report by Grunstein et al. [94], however, does [232].
not appear to be subject to these limitations. These authors Lastly, we have a brief report of significant inhibitory
examined the effects of insulin infusions on regional glucose effects on food intake and body weight following long-term
utilization in the brain of rats undergoing englycemic clamps continuous infusions of low doses of insulin into the perifor-
that maintained steady glucose levels at increasing plasma nical hypothalamus [167]. The author suggests that the hypo-
insulin concentrations. The results of these experiments thalamus may represent a 'microcosm' of peripheral tissue
demonstrate reduced glucose utilization in the medial basal and that the lipid content of at least some of its cells in-
hypothalamus (as well as several other regions of the rat creases as peripheral adiposity develops. It is suggested that
brain) during insulin infusions that were within the normal the presence of a lipogenic agent such as insulin should be
physiological range. These observations appear to confirm able to 'fool' these cells and thus lead to reduced food intake
earlier reports of in vitro studies that have shown decreased and a loss of body weight.
glucose utilization in medial hypothalamus in the presence of Iontophoretic application of insulin to a significant
insulin [124]. number of neurons in the medial hypothalamus modifies
Pancreatic insulin as a modulator of hypothalamic func- their electrical activity in predictable fashion [177-180]. On
tion. Baskin et al. [12] have suggested that plasma insulin the basis of extensive studies of this phenomenon, Oomura
may be transported preferentially to periventricular brain and Kita [180] have suggested that insulin may act as a neu-
parenchyma, so that pancreatic insulin may reach hypotha- romodulator in hypothalamic neuron systems concerned
lamic receptors via cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). They pro- with the control of food intake, body weight, and related
posed, more specifically, that: "CSF insulin may be a pep- metabolic events. The reports from Oomura's laboratory
tide signal in the brain, modulating feeding behavior and indicate that insulin exerts powerful effects on the response
body weight gain." of some medial hypothalamic neurons to glucose. This is
This hypothesis is supported by several earlier studies consonant with the recent suggestion by Grunstein et al. [94]
which have shown that (a) CSF insulin is proportional to that insulin may influence brain neural activity by lowering
body fat content both within and between individuals [22, glucose utilization in some areas.
183,293], and (b) insulin is transported from blood to CSF,
the rate of exchange being sufficient that CSF insulin tends
Pharmacology of Feeding- and Glucostasis-Related Brain
to be proportional to basal plasma levels (without, however,
being subject to the rapid fluctuations that occur during and
immediately after a meal) [288,290]. The effects of intraven- It is well established (see [126,244] for review) that cate-
tricular injections of insulin on food intake and body weight cholamine neurons in the hypothalamus mediate many, if not
(see above) support the general notion that this hormone all, of the region's influences on food intake, body weight,
may complete a feedback loop concerned with food-intake and related metabolic functions such as pancreatic insulin
regulation. and glucagon release.
lntrahypothalamic injections of insulin. There are, as yet, Microinjections of norepinephrine (NE) into the ven-
few reports of physiological or behavioral effects of insulin tromedial hypothalamus (VMH) elicit feeding in sated rats
injections into the hypothalamus. Several investigators [84,125] and stimulate pancreatic glucagon release in unfed
[246,255] have reported decreased blood glucose levels after animals [226,242]. Epinephrine (E) has similar but smaller
insulin injections into the VMH. Similar injections into effects [85,226]. The effects of NE and E on feeding as well
neighboring areas of the hypothalamus had no effect [246]. as glucagon release have been shown to be selectively
The hypoglycemic effect of intrahypothalamic insulin is blocked by local pretreatment with alpha-adrenerglc
blocked by vagotomy or atropine pretreatment [255]. Hat- antagonists such as phentolamine, phenoxybenzamine and
field and associates [95] implanted bovine or porcine insulin tolazoline but not by beta-adrenergic antagonists such as
in crystalline form into the VMH of normal or diabetic rats propranolol, alprenolol or haloperidol [86, 126--128].
and observed statistically reliable reductions in the food in- Microinjections of epinephrine or beta-adrenergic
take of 12 or 24 hour deprived animals. Unfortunately, this agonists such as l-isoproterenol, dl-salbutamol, and dl-
interesting report contains no data from a control test con- terbutaline into the perifornical and adjacent ventrolateral
ducted after the insulin implantation so that one cannot rule hypothalamus suppress feeding in deprived rats [127]. This
out explanations in terms of non-specific irritation of the effect is selectively blocked by beta-adrenergic antagonists
VMH. such as l-propranolol, l-alprenolol, and dl-butoxamine but

not by alpha-adrenergic antagonists such as phentolamine or In most of these studies, cells in the ventromedial hypo-
tolazoline [128]. Dopamine antagonists such as haloperidol, thalamus were affected most strongly although exceptions to
and pimozide also block the feeding-suppressive effects of this rule have been reported [33]. Hyperglycemia generally
periventricular E and various beta-adrenergic agonists [129]. activates the E E G or increases the activity of cells in the
Microinjections of dopamine agonist and antagonists into medial hypothalamus and decreases neural activity in the
the periventricular and lateral hypothalamus reproduce (and lateral hypothalamus. Hypoglycemia or 2-DG induced
block respectively) the inhibitory effects of beta-adrenergic glucoprivation produce opposite effects in both regions.
compounds but Leibowitz [126] has presented considerable Although this literature is generally internally consistent
evidence in support of her conclusion that " E P I and DA act and in agreement with the hypothesis that the ventromedial
directly on distinct, functionally independent beta- as well as lateral hypothalamus may contain hunger or sati-
adrenergic and dopaminergic receptors, respectively." ety related glucose-sensitive cells, other interpretations are
Microinjections of NE or E into the lateral (perifornical) possible. Severe systemic hypo- or hyperglycemia is un-
hypothalamus provoke sustained release of pancreatic insu- doubtedly stressful and it is possible that some or all of the
lin, NE being more effective than E [226,242]. The effects of observed changes in hypothalamic activity may reflect stress
beta-adrenergic or dopaminergic compounds and their reactions rather than hunger-related reactions to changes in
antagonists on pancreatic secretory activity are, to the best the availability of glucose.
of my knowledge, unknown. In some of the earlier studies attempts were made to
An interaction between pancreatic hormones, food in- demonstrate the relationship between feeding and the hypo-
take, and hypothalamic catecholamine metabolism is also thalamic E E G [2,3] or between hypothalamic unit activity
indicated by other lines of investigation. Systemic insulin and arteriovenous differences in blood sugar which
injections increase hypothalamic N E " t u r n o v e r " (NE con- presumably reflect glucose utilization [4]. The results of
centration after alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine) in the rat [13,14] these studies are, however, generally not persuasive.
and the effect persists after plasma glucose levels have re- Oomura and colleagues [181] have reported increased
turned to normal levels until nutrients such as glucose or neural activity in the medial hypothalamus and opposite de-
beta-hydroxybutyrate (which can be used by brain) are ad- activation of cells in the lateral hypothalamus during and
ministered, Nutrients such as fructose which are excluded after feeding, and activation of lateral hypothalamic cells
from brain do not normalize hypothalamic NE turnover after when food was withheld at the customary feeding time.
exogenous insulin [198]. This persistence of the increased Oomura and colleagues [17%180] have also reported re-
NE turnover, at a time when acute glucoprivation has sults from an extensive series of experiments which demon-
abated, is significant in view of the well-established fact that strate specific and apparently unique single neuron re-
stress per se appears to increase NE release and/or turnover sponses to electrophoretic applications of glucose, insulin,
in the brain [259]. or glucose-insulin mixtures. Although the detailed results of
In a related experiment, McCaleb and Myers [148], using these studies are complex, they consistently show that a
a push-pull cannulation technique demonstrated that sys- significant number of neurons in the lateral and ventromedial
temic 2-DG increased NE effiux from medial hypothalamus hypothalamus appear to be specifically sensitive to glucose.
but had no effect on the LH whereas peripheral insulin in- Approximately 313% of the neurons of the lateral hypothala-
jections had no consistent effect on medial hypothalamus but mus are glucose-sensitive. These cells decrease their firing
reliably decreased the effiux of NE from the lateral hypo- rate when glucose is applied to them iontophoretically and
thalamus. are excited by direct application of insulin and/or 2-DG.
In mice (but not rats or hamsters) Rowland et al. [205] Neurons in the ventromediai hypothalamus show a pattern
have reported increased NE turnover in medial as well as of responding which suggests that they may act specifically
lateral hypothalamus following systemic insulin. 2-DG af- as insulin-sensitive glucoreceptors. These cells increase their
fected NE turnover only in the medial hypothalamus in this discharge frequency in a dose-dependent manner in response
study. to iontophoretically applied glucose in concentrations that
Increased hypothalamic NE release or turnover have also are within the normal physiological range. When insulin is
been observed during and following a meal [140, 149, 270, applied to these cells their firing rate tends to decrease but
271]. The role of endogenous insulin release in this phenom- when a mixutre of glucose and insulin is applied simulta-
enon has not yet been examined. neously, the facilitatory effects of glucose are greatly en-
Intracerebroventricular (ICV) injections of the alpha- hanced.
adrenergic antagonists phentolamine or azapetine which had
no effect on ad lib food intake have been reported to inhibit Effects of Hypothalamic Lesions
the feeding response to IP injections of 2-deoxy-D-glucose.
The beta blocker propranolol produced no effects in this Ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH). M a y e r ' s proposal
paradigm [161]. The feeding response to 2-DG was also that the VMH may contain feeding related glucoreceptors
blocked, in these experiments, by systemic injection of the was based, in part on the results of experiments [139,147]
synthesis blocker alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine and by ICV injec- which demonstrated that systemic injections of gold thioglu-
tions of 6-OHDA at doses that produced little or no effects on cose (GTG) produced lesions in the ventromedial hypothal-
ad lib food intake. amus of mice and resulted in hyperphagia and obesity.
Mayer concluded that nerve cells in this area must have a
special affinity for glucose and thus accumulate the toxic
Electrophysiology of Feeding- and Glucostasis-Related gold compound.
Brain Mechanisms Mayer's interpretation received support from a series of
A number of investigators have reported changes in the studies by Debons and colleagues which demonstrated that
EEG, multiple unit, or single unit activity of hypothalamic GTG did not destroy the ventromedial hypothalamus in dia-
cells in response to systemic injections of glucose, betic mice or in mice pretreated with an anti-insulin serum
2-deoxy-D-glucose, or insulin [2-4, 33, 50, 181]. [46,47]. Intravenous as well as intra-VMH injections of insu-
G L U C O S E AND F E E D I N G 305

lin restored the region's susceptibility to GTG promptly. also produced delayed feeding but the response was smaller
Intrahypothalamic injections of insulin were effective even than that of the controls.
in the presence of insulin antiserum in the general circulation These observations are in good agreement with several
[47]. The latter observation is a particularly important one other reports in the literature. Houpt and Gold [106], for
since it has been suggested that the effects of GTG may not instance, found little or no response to 600 mg/kg of 2-DG
be due to a direct toxic action on glucosensitive neurons in but essentially normal although delayed responses to 150 and
the VMH but, instead, to ischemia brought about by de- 300 mg/kg in rats that were obese as a result of parasagittal
struction of capillaries in the region [5]. It also addresses a knife cuts lateral to the VMH.
controversy which arises as a consequence of the observa- It thus seems that VMH lesions delay the feeding re-
tion that VMH lesions can be produced by systemic injec- sponse to low doses of 2-DG and shift the dose-response
tions of toxic compounds such as bipiperidyl mustard [34,35] curve such that doses higher than 300--400 mg/kg depress
and 4-nitroquinoline l-oxide [296] which have no known rather than increase feeding. Rats with VMH lesions are
special affinity for glucoreceptors. hyperreactive to noxious stimuli [87] and it is possible that
Smith [232] implanted cannulae containing GTG directly the reduced response to higher doses of 2-DG may reflect a
into the hypothalamus of normal and alloxan-diabetic rats. non-specific reaction to the stupor and ataxia that are typical
Cannulae placements in the VMH increased food intake and signs of central glucopenia. It is particularly interesting to
rate of body weight gain in intact but not in diabetic animals. compare this with the essentially unchanged or even
The latter did increase body weight when insulin was added facilitated response to insulin which, unlike 2-DG, produces
to the GTG plug, suggesting that glucose-uptake in this area a potentially life-threatening hypoglycemia.
might be insulin-dependent. Cannulae placements in the lat- There is some disagreement in the literature concerning
eral hypothalamus produced a significant decrease in food the effects of VMH lesions on the hyperglycemic response to
intake and body weight in both normal and diabetic animals. ICV 2-DG. Mueller and associates [160] reported that gold
This effect was blocked by the addition of 2-DG to the GTG thioglucose induced lesions in the VMH of mice greatly re-
plug providing some support for the hypothesis that the GTG duced but did not abolish the hyperglycemic response to
effects were due to the cellular uptake of the toxic substance intraventricular injections of 2-DG. In subsequent publica-
rather than non-specific damage. tions from the same laboratory [162,184], large electrolytic
Muller and associates [162] have reported that rats in the lesions of the VMH were reported to have no effect on the
dynamic phase of VMH obesity did not eat in response to a hyperglycemic response of rats to ICV 2-DG. Indeed, the
high dose of 2-DG (750 mg/kg) or a moderate dose of insulin 2-DG induced blood glucose rise was reported to be larger
(4 U). Very high doses of insulin (8 U) produced a delayed than in intact controls in this experiment. It is possible that
and reduced feeding response. When the tests were repeated the effects of GTG seen in the earlier experiments may be the
80 days after the lesion (e.g., during the static phase of VMH result of lesions outside the VMH itself.
obesity), 750 mg/kg of 2-DG produced a delayed increase in Vagotomy also delays and reduces the feeding response
food intake that was, however, significantly smaller than that to 2-DG but has little or no effect on (or may in fact facilitate)
seen in controls. insulin-induced feeding [26, 159, 173]. This suggests that
Panksepp and Nance [186] reported that rats which VMH lesions may interfere with vagal connections that
were tested shortly after VMH lesion with 2, 4, 6, and 8 U of somehow contribute to the initial stage of 2-DG feeding. It is
insulin given on consecutive days did not overeat and died in interesting to note that the inhibitory effects of glucagon on
coma. When this experiment was repeated with increasing feeding in the rat and rabbit [141,142] are completely
doses of insulin administered twice daily for 21 days, rats abolished by subdiaphragmatic vagotomy [142,273]. Selec-
with VMH lesions displayed little or no overeating (the con- tive hepatic vagotomy, on the other hand, has been reported
trols consumed more than the experimental animals on the to have no effect on feeding responses to 4, 8, or 12 U of
last 8 days of the insulin treatment). insulin or 125,250, or 500 mg/kg of 2-DG [263].
Other investigators have reported normal feeding re- On balance, the available literature on the effects of VMH
sponses to insulin as well as 2-DG in mice with gold thioglu- lesions does not support the hypothesis that this region con-
cose induced lesions of the VMH [64] as well as rats with tains glucoreceptor cells that are essential to glucoprivic
electrolytic lesions [63, 119, 120] or parasagittal knife cuts feeding. This conclusion is in good agreement with the ob-
lateral to the VMH [106, 223,224]. servation that intracerebroventricular injections of 2-DG
My associate and I [119,120] have consistently obtained produce a significant systemic hyperglycemia which is not
normal or supernormal feeding response to moderate as well affected or facilitated by VMH lesions [162]~
as high doses (4 or 8 U) of insulin in rats tested during the Lateral hypothalamus. The lateral hypothalamus has not
static phase of hypothalamic obesity. The same animals dis- received as much attention from investigators in this field
played delayed but otherwise nearly normal feeding re- even though electrophysiological studies have consistently
sponses to a moderate dose (350 mg/kg) of 2-DG but no reported significant EEG, as well as single and multiple unit
response at all to 750 mg/kg (a dose which consistently changes in response to systemic or central injections of glu-
produced optimal effects in control rats). The rats with VMH cose, 2-DG etc. (see above).
lesions ate little or nothing during the first hour after the Rats with large electrolytic lesions of the LH are aphagic
injections of 350 mg/kg of 2-DG (when normal rats do most of and adipsic in the immediate postoperative period but regain
their eating) but increased food intake steadily during the voluntary ingestive behavior after some days, weeks, or
ensuing hours so that the total 6 hour response was com- sometimes months of intragastric feeding [256,257].
parable to that of the controls. After recovery of normal or nearly normal daily intake,
We [120] subsequently repeated the experiment, using a rats with LH lesions display severely impaired or absent
wide range of doses of 2-DG. Low doses (50-250 mg/kg) feeding responses to insulin [63] or 2-deoxy-D-glucose [285].
consistently produced delayed feeding responses that were Recent experiments [116] have shown that rats with LH le-
equal or even larger than those of controls when accumu- sions do increase their intake of a palatable liquid diet after
lated over a 6 hour test period. Higher doses (300-400 mg/kg) insulin as well as 2-DG. It is not yet clear whether this is the

result of partial recovery in animals that may have sustained Subsequent investigations from this laboratory used
only partial destruction of feeding-related components of the smaller parasagittal cuts lateral to selected portions of the
L H or increased acceptance of a highly palatable fluid (it is diencephalon [1, 154, 155]. These cuts produced far less se-
well known that recovered laterals are hyperreactive to vere and persistent effects on ad lib food and water intake
taste) rather than a true feeding response to glucoprivation. than the larger ones used earlier (all animals recovered nor-
Small facilitatory effects on food intake have been re- mal ad lib food intake within 10 days or less). However,
ported [249] after a regimen of dally injections of very low feeding responses to 2-DG as well as insulin were abolished.
and gradually increasing doses of long-acting protamin zinc In one of these experiments [154], the experimental
insulin in rats which had recovered voluntary ingestive be- animals did not respond to insulin although their food intake
havior after electrolytic lesions in the LH or intraventricular in- increased reliably after 2-DG, a clear reversal of the pattern
jections of the neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine which produce often seen after various extrahypothalamic lesions which
effects on ingestive behavior that are similar though typically abolish feeding responses to 2-DG but leave insulin eating
less severe than those of large electrolytic lesions in the LH. intact.
This experiment provides evidence of significant responding The biochemical consequences of these smaller parasagit-
to insulin in animals that do not feed in response to a high tal cuts included significant norepinephrine depletions from
dose (750 mg/kg) of 2-DG. Lower doses of 2-DG were, unfor- hypothalamus as well as telencephalon and very severe
tunately, not tested. Five of six 6-OHDA treated animals dopamine depletions in striatum and forebrain [1, 154, 155].
increased their food intake in response to gradually increas- Two further attempts were made to interrupt the nigro-
ing doses of insulin much like vehicle-injected controls, the striatal projections to the striatum without disrupting hypo-
sixth animal died during the experiment. This provides clear thalamic neurons and their connections. In these experi-
evidence of insulin feeding after ICV 6-OHDA. The story is, ments [I] two types of knife cuts were made in the horizontal
unfortunately, not as clear when one considers the perform- plane under the striatum. The first of these was intended to
ance of animals with lateral hypothalamic lesions. Only four sever fibers that enter or leave the anterior ventral striatum;
of 13 rats with electrolytic L H lesions survived 15 days of in- the second was intended to selectively transect the posterior
sulin treatments (the others died after 1,4, 4, 6, 6, 8, 10, 11, and ventral connections of the region. Both cuts produced signif-
13 days presumably of hypoglycemic shock). The high mortal- icant aphagia and adipsia and a variety of persisting deficits
ity rate appears to be directly related to the animal's inability in food and water intake regulation but had little or no effect
to feed during periods of hypoglycemia since the authors on eating in response to a high dose (750 mg/kg) of 2-DG or 5
stated that " m o s t of these animals did not show pronounced U of insulin. It is interesting to note that both of these cuts
initial impairments . . . . " [249]. severely depleted striatal dopamine but had no effect on hy-
Electrolytic lesions in the lateral hypothalamus appar- pothalamic NE or 5-HT.
ently do not reduce the hyperglycemic response to systemic Caudal connections of the diencephalon. Because of the
[300] or intracerebroventricular [162] injections of 2-DG. prominent role of noradrenergic hypothalamic neurons in the
Rats that have recovered voluntary feeding after L H le- regulation of glucostasis and food intake (above), we also
sions no longer display inhibitory effects of intraduodenal thought it important to observe the effects of surgical tran-
infusions of glucose but, instead, increase food intake [175]. sections of fiber systems caudal to the substantia nigra.
Knife cuts in the coronal plane in portions of the tegmen-
tum known to contain many ascending noradrenergic fibers
Extrahypothalamic Influences
were shown to abolish the feeding response to 2-DG without
Although the evidence reviewed above indicates that hy- reducing the food intake after moderate doses of insulin.
pothalamic mechanisms may play a significant role in the Some but not all of these cuts produced significant hyper-
regulation of glucostasis, apparently critical input and output phagia or hyperdipsia [1,91].
connections can be traced to a variety of other brain struc- All of these cuts depleted hypothalamic as well as fore-
tures. brain norepinephrine significantly but had no effect on
The nigrostriatal projection system. A number of inves- striatal dopamine. Most of these cuts also depleted hypotha-
tigators [268, 299, 300] have suggested that the effects of lamic and forebrain serotonin [93].
lateral hypothalamic lesions on food intake and glucoprivic Coronal cuts across lateral components of the medial
feeding in particular might be due to incidental destruction of forebrain bundle, at the level of the posterior hypothalamus,
fibers of passage, particularly the dopaminergic nigrostrial have been shown to produce transient aphagia and adipsia
projections. [154,155]. Rats with such cuts displayed essentially normal
To address this issue, my colleagues and I have investi- responses to insulin after recovery of normal ad lib intake.
gated the effects of surgical transections of various compo- When first tested with 2-DG, 1 month after the knife cuts
nents of the fiber systems which enter and/or leave the hypo- were made, the animals did not increase their food intake
thalamus. significantly. When retested 3 months after surgery, animals
In the initial series of studies, we [89,90] demonstrated with lateral MFB cuts increased their food intakes signifi-
that parasagittal cuts along the lateral border of the hypo- cantly although the response was far smaller than that of
thalamus which interrupted essentially all lateral connec- controls. When subsequently tested with a low dose of
tions of the hypothalamus, reproduced the effects of lateral 2-DG, given in combination with a small dose of caffeine
hypothalamic lesions on food and water intake even though (designed to overcome the stupor typical of 2-DG treated
there was little or no damage to cellular components of the animals) the animals with lateral MFB cuts ate as much as
region. After recovery of voluntary ingestive behavior to controls.
normal or near normal levels, these animals maintained per- These cuts did not deplete hypothalamic NE or 5-HT but
manently lowered but stable body weights apparently by reduced telencephalic as well as striatal norepinephrine and
regulating food intake. They did not, however, eat in re- dopamine [154,155].
sponse to either insulin or 2-DG. Similar knife cuts across medial aspects of the medial

forebrain bundle in the posterior hypothalamus resulted in to note that apomorphine had no significant effects either in
significant hyperphagia [154,155]. Rats with such cuts did the experimental or the control animals [152].
not increase their food intake in response to 2-DG when In all of these experiments, we administered a range of
tested 1 month after surgery and actually decreased their doses of insulin IP. In most tests, including an extensive
food consumption reliably when retested 3 months after the dose-response analysis which examined feeding responses to
cuts were made. 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 units we found no
When tested with a low dose of 2-DG, given in conjunc- indication of an impairment in the same animals that refused
tion with caffeine, the rats with cuts across medial compo- to eat after 2-DG [151,283]. However, in some tests, con-
nents of the MFB increased their food intake significantly ducted in the same laboratory, often by the same personnel
although their response remained very much smaller than [ 153,236], a small but statistically significant impairment was
that of the controls. When tested with 4 U of insulin, the noted. It is possible that sensory-motor dysfunctions which
experimental animals increased their food intake signifi- are seen after some but not all ZI lesions may be responsible
cantly so that their total intake was not significantly different for the inconsistency of this effect.
from that of the controls. Attempts to establish a correlation between the biochem-
These cuts did not affect hypothalamic N E or 5-HT but ical and behavioral effects of ZI lesions have not been suc-
depleted catecholamine as well as 5-HT from striatum as cessful. The ZI lesions made in these experiments consis-
well as telencephalon. tently depleted forebrain norepinephrine by 40-50% but this
The observations on the effects of knife cuts across the effect did not correlate with the severity of the behavioral
MFB are in good agreement with a report by Blass and Kraly consequences of the lesion. Forebrain DA and 5-HT, striatal
[23] that large lesions in the medial forebrain bundle had no DA and 5-HT, and hypothalamic NE and 5-HT were not
effect on ad lib feeding but impaired the feeding response to significantly affected by the ZI lesions [284].
2-DG. The response to insulin was, unfortunately not tested Severe inhibitory effects on 2-DG eating have also been
in these experiments. observed after iontophoretic injections of the neurotoxin
Attempts to demonstrate significant correlations between kainic acid into the zona incerta, suggesting that the often
the biochemical effects of the various knife cuts made in complete disappearance of 2-DG eating after ZI lesions may
these experiments and their influence on 2-DG or insulin be due to the destruction of nerve cell bodies in the region
feeding did not result in a meaningful overall pattern [155]. rather than to the interruption of fibers of passage [31].
Z o n a incerta. The region immediately dorsal to the area Rats with zona incerta lesions do increase their intake of a
of the lateral hypothalamus where lesions produce the most palatable liquid diet following 2-DG much like rats with lat-
severe and persistent effects on feeding responses to eral hypothalamic lesions do [258]. The rat with ZI lesions
glucoprivation (and feeding in general) is called z o n a incerta. overreacts to the palatability of its diet [42] and it is possible
This subthalamic area is almost inevitably destroyed, at least that a severely impaired response to glucoprivation could
in part, by the L H lesions which produce persistent effects initiate feeding if sufficient incentive were provided in the
on ingestive behavior. form of a palatable diet. Other interpretations are, of course,
My associates and I have consistently found that even possible.
very small electrolytic lesions in the rostromedial zona in- O t h e r brain regions. We [43], as well as other [15,19],
certa abolish or sharply reduce 2-DG eating without affect- have observed significant impairments in 2-DG eating in rats
ing the feeding response to insulin [92, 150, 151, 175, 236]. with dorsomedial hypothalamic lesions that responded well
Rats with zona incerta lesions are not aphagic or adipsic to insulin. Neill and Kaufman [164] have reported impaired
after surgery although a slight and transient hypophagia and 2-DG feeding after ventrobasal thalamic lesions that did not
persisting hypodipsia are often seen. After a few days of appear to infringe on the adjacent tissue of the zona incerta.
postoperative recovery, animals with rostromedial zona in- Tordoff et al. [262] have observed impaired feeding re-
certa lesions eat normal quantities of food under ad lib as sponses to several doses of 2-DG in rats with amygdaloid
well as deprivation conditions, adjust their intake to caloric lesions that fed normally to a large dose of insulin.
dilution or enrichment of their diet [159], and display essen- In spite of the ubiquity of forebrain structures which ap-
tially normal responses to various gustatory stimuli [42]. pear to be essential for intact 2-DG feeding, there is some
However, they do not eat in response to a wide range of evidence that at least some aspects of the physiological re-
IP doses of 2-DG (including 50, 150, 300, 600, 750 and 900 sponse to glucoprivation are not dependent upon forebrain
mg/kg) [92, 150, 151, 153]; respond poorly or not at all to glucoreceptors. DiRocco and Grill [55], for instance, have
intragastric injections of 750, 1000, or 1250 mg/kg; a route of reported that the hyperglycemic response to 2-DG is intact in
administration that was found to elicit optimal feeding and chronically decerebrate rats. Ritter et al. [197] have impli-
few side effects (such as ataxia and stupor) in control cated the lower brainstem in glucoprivic feeding with the
animals; and eat little or nothing after 200 or 300 mg/kg of observation that microinjections of the glucose analogue
2-DG administered SC (a treatment paradigm found to be as 5-thioglucose into the lateral or fourth cerebral ventricle
effective in controls as much larger doses given IP [236]). elicited feeding in rats. When the aqueduct was obstructed,
When tested in the dark, rats with ZI lesions did not in- the animals continued to respond to 4th ventricle injections
crease their intake after 250 or 450 mg/kg of 2-DG and actu- but not to infusions into the lateral ventricle.
ally ate significantly less than on saline control tests when
given a dose of 650 mg/kg [152]. When 2-DG was adminis-
tered in conjunction with CNS stimulants such as caffeine
and amphetamine, rats with ZI lesions responded signifi- Is the role of glucose and related hormones in the regula-
cantly to low doses of 2-DG but their best response was still tion of hunger and/or satiety elucidated? I think not. As we
far smaller than that consistently shown by controls which have seen there has been a good deal of interest and active
also increased their feeding response to 2-DG when caffeine research on this question but the outcome has as often raised
or amphetamine was added to the treatment. It is interesting more questions as it has provided answers.

The recent literature suggests that blood glucose levels 1CV injections of extremely small doses of glucagon produce
may show a sudden decrease just prior to a meal. That may similar effects, suggesting a direct action of the hormone on
provide a clue to the elusive signal which is responsible for brain mechanisms related to the control of food intake. A
the initiation of meals but the data are strictly correlative, the recent report of increased feeding after very low systemic
magnitude of the effects is disappointingly small, and it is not doses of glucagon further complicates the picture.
entirely clear why a sudden fall to blood glucose, which The question whether hormones such as insulin and
presumably reflects increased utilization, should occur just glucagon or glucose analogues such as 2-DG may affect food
before a meal. intake entirely or in part because of a direct action on brain
Experimental treatments which induce glucopenia, sys- mechanisms rather than their systemic effects on glucose
temically or centrally, initiate food intake in a wide variety of availability or utilization has generated much debate. Vagot-
species but there are many unanswered questions. omy abolishes the satiety effects ofglucagon, but merely delays
Feeding responses to insulin are reliable but large "phar- the ingestive response to 2-DG and has no effect on
macological" doses are required and the time course of the the response to insulin. The results of experiments that have
resulting hypoglycemia does not parallel that of the in- investigated the effects of nutrients other than glucose are
creased food intake (which can be delayed by as much as difficult to interpret because fuels such as ketone bodies that
60-90 minutes). These issues have become more trou- can potentially nourish brain, may be able to do so only after
blesome with the publication of reports that very low single considerable delays. It is also possible that nutrients which
doses or slow infusions of insulin do, in fact, produce inhibi- are excluded from brain may nonetheless affect metabolism
tory rather than facilitatory effects on food intake. by making glucose reserves more readily available to it.
Similar questions must be raised about the feeding re- There is a good deal of evidence for a direct central action
sponse to 2-DG and other nonmetabolizable glucose of insulin. Insulin as well as insulin-bindingsites indicative of
analogues. The effect can be quite large but seems capri- insulin receptors have been demonstrated in several species.
cious. Although 2-DG produces significant hyperglycemia Insulin has been shown to affect hypothalamic glucose utili-
and symptoms of central glucopenia within a few minutes zation and iontophoretic injections of insulin have been
after systemic or ICV injections, feeding responses are de- shown to modulate the electrical activity of cells in the ven-
layed by as much as several hours and are not a reliable tromedial and lateral hypothalamus. ICV infusions of very
phenomenon in many individuals. Moreover, when access to low doses of insulin reduce food intake and body weight and
food is delayed, feeding may occur 6-8 hours after the 2-DG similar effects have been reported after intrahypothalamic
treatment, at a time when blood glucose and cellular glucose injections.
utilization have returned to normal levels. ICV injections of low, systemically ineffective doses of
The functional significance of glucoprivic feeding has 2-DG reproduce the effects of systemic injections
been questioned by the fact that numerous brain lesions (hyperglycemia, hypothermia and increased food intake).
which increase, decrease, or have no effect on ad lib food The brain tissues responsible for these effects are, as yet,
intake abolish or severely impair feeding responses to 2-DG. unknown, although there is some evidence to suggest that
The feeding response to insulin is not impaired by most of lower brainstem mechanisms may be involved. Intracranial
the lesions that abolish 2-DG feeding, suggesting that funda- injections of glucose appear to have no acute effects on food
mentally different mechanisms may be involved. intake although many neurons in medial and lateral hypo-
Systemic injections of glucagon produce hyperglycemia thalamus appear to respond specifically to iontophoretic
and reduce food intake in free-feeding animals, possibly be- administrations of glucose.
cause the glucose output of the liver is stimulated. However,


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