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English for Science

Unit 2: Links in Science

Revised Edition 1999

Education Department
Hong Kong
IEC English for Science: Unit 2 Links in Science

• Warmer - icebreaker
• To practise reading skills - using science-based texts to practise reading
• To practise the grammar of science. Passives and Processes
• To carry out error correction
• To annotate a diagram - a listening-based activity which involves diagrams
• To discuss Science - for or against - building up a case and presentation

EFS2.1 Student's File – Which Subject
EFS2.2 Student's File – Passives and Processes
EFS2.3 Student's File – Annotating Diagrams
EFS2.4 Student's File – Pronunciation Spot

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IEC English for Science: Unit 2 Links in Science

1 To begin with a little vocabulary warmer. Write the following words on the board
Cell Nucleus Electron Radio activity Energetics
Ideal gas
Ask the students which subject, Biology, Chemistry or Physics they belong to.
They all belong to more than one discipline according to the Advanced Level
Examination Regulations and Syllabuses 1996.
2 Feedback to the board. According to the Syllabuses document:
Cell - Biology and Physics
Nucleus - Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Electron - Chemistry and Physics
Radio activity - Chemistry and Physics
Energetics - Biology and Chemistry
Ideal gas - Chemistry and Physics
Ask the students if there are any other terms they know which cross the
boundaries of their science subjects.
3 This unit is going to look at other common links between the three sciences. And
we will be looking at common areas of grammar later in the unit. First, begin with
some reading.
4 In the Student's File there are the "AIMS AND OBJECTIVES" for the three
subjects (EFS2.1). In each case the subject name has been removed. The first
thing to do is get the students to skim through each article and decide which
subject the texts refer to.
Key EFS 2.1
Text One is Biology, Text Two is Chemistry, and Text Three is Physics.
5 Next get the students to read the texts more slowly looking for similarities.
Although many of the aims and objectives are written in slightly different ways,
similar vocabulary is used and similar skills are described.
Each subject asks for an ability to make observations, record observed phenomena,
experiment, relate what they are studying to the real world and develop an ability
to understand basic scientific principles. The Physics and Biology Syllabuses aim
to "prepare students to become responsible citizens in a changing world."
Get the students to tell you the similarities they have found. Suggest to them that if
there are so many similarities between the disciplines, then the language that they
need to use will be similar too.

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IEC English for Science: Unit 2 Links in Science

Before we leave the exam syllabuses’ ask the students to create one for another
subject. The obvious choice would be English. Tell them to use the three
syllabuses they have as examples and to think about what they already do in
English. They should work in pairs or small groups for this. Tell them that they
should include between six and ten points in their syllabuses.
Below is a copy of the HK A-level Exam Syllabus for English. There is also a copy
of this in the resource kit which you can copy for students if you want.
(Use of English)
This syllabus aims to foster the development of students' English language skills
in order to equip them for tertiary education and/or employment.
The examination will test the ability of candidates to understand and use
English as might be required in tertiary education and/or future employment. It
will test the ability of candidates to:
(i) understand and interpret spoken English as it might be encountered in
academic or vocational situations;
(ii) write clear, concise and grammatical English in an appropriate style;
(iii) demonstrate both global and detailed understanding of a variety of written
(iv) understand and use spoken English for practical communication;
(v) integrate reading, writing and study skills in the pursuance of task-
based/problem-solving activities.
6 Grammar Attack. Another similarity between the sciences is the need to write up
experimental reports. Unlike the "hard boiled" style seen in "Language Arts", it is
very unusual to write a report like this in the first person. "I applied heat to the
solution. I timed the swing of the pendulum." The most common style to use in
this case would be the passive. "Heat was applied to the solution." "The swing of
the pendulum was timed."
Write "PASSIVE" and "ACTIVE" on the board. Ask the students what they know
about these terms related to grammar. Write up whatever the students give you
that is related to these terms. If you don't get anything, write up the following
"I observed a rise in temperature in the solution."
Ask the students whether this is active or passive. Ask them to make a passive
sentence out of it.
"A rise in temperature in the solution was observed."

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IEC English for Science: Unit 2 Links in Science

The next section looks at simple transformations - it might be necessary to give a

quick revision of how to form the passive. Worksheet 2.2 gives a list of the
different tense formations in the passive followed by a short transformation

(Key ESF 2.2)

Active to Passive 1
2 The solution was poured into the glass measuring cylinder.
3 The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram.
4 The same experiment was carried out by the whole class. (Here the people
doing the action are important, but not as important as the action).
5 The solution was left to cool while the experimental procedure was written
Active to Passive 2
1 The crystals are added to the supersaturated solution. Temperature
readings are taken for five minutes. Then the solution is diluted with pure
water until a change in colour is noticed. Once a change has been seen, the
temperature is measured. After five minutes the temperature is measured
again and 20ccs of the solution is removed. The solution is tested for
acidity using some litmus paper. If the pH of the solution is below 4, then
the temperature is taken again. If the solution is not that acidic, then it is
left for another five minutes and the test is repeated.
2 The lens holder is set in place on the light bench. The light source is turned
on. The screen is placed at the end of the bench. The first convex lens is
placed in the lens holder and is moved along the bench until the image is
focussed on the screen. The distance from the holder to the screen is
measured and recorded. The procedure is repeated for all five lenses. All the
measurements are recorded and each lens is marked with the focal length
that was observed.
Passive Correction
It can seen that the passive voice is very useful when 1 can be seen
an experimental procedure being written up. It makes 2 is being written
the report sound more objective and the reader 3
understand that the experiment has been carry out by 4 carried
the person writing the report. The passive voice is also 5
used in a lot of academic writing. For example which 6
of the following do you think sounds more official: I 7
asked 20 people what they liked about Hong Kong, or 8
20 people was asked what they liked about Hong 9 were
Kong. 10

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IEC English for Science: Unit 2 Links in Science

It can seen that the second one seems more official; it 11 can be seen
could have been write for a newspaper or magazine. 12 written
That is another area of writing that uses the passive 13
voice. Journalism. Examples of the passive can seen 14 can be seen
on the pages of the English language newspapers 15
every day, eg. "A taxi driver and two passengers were 16
slightly injury when falling masonry..." 17 injured
So for your report writing to be improve it is a good 18 be improved
idea to practise using the passive. 19

7 Annotation of Diagrams. This is a very important skill for students of science subjects.
However, it is not just scientists who need to annotate diagrams. Any members of different
disciplines require this skill. The activities require the students to listen to the descriptions of
the diagrams and make appropriate annotations. The terminology involved in this task may
not be familiar to the students. You may refer them to Student's File EFS2.4 before
Announcer: You are going to hear two diagrams described to you. These
diagrams can be found in your notes. As you listen to the description,
annotate the diagrams in the appropriate places.
Voice 1: You have in front of you a diagram of a Fluid Cushion Transport
The Fluid Cushion Transport Vehicle or FCTV for short is a
workhorse transport device for use in very wet areas or areas where
the surface is very changeable. There are several features of the
FCTV which make it quite exceptional. I want to concentrate on
eight of those features now.
The first of these features is the modular propulsion unit. This is an
interchangeable unit which can be removed and replaced within half
an hour. It is situated at the front of the vehicle. The modular design
of the whole vehicle makes it extremely adaptable. So just below the
modular propulsion unit is the highly durable skirt or HDS. It is
similar to the traditional skirt that is utilised by hovercraft, but it is
much more durable and has an expected life of up to ten years. The
third feature is the polymer-toughened visi-shield. This provides
ultra-clear visibility and with the new polymer-bonded toughened
glass the shield is virtually unbreakable. Number four is the side-
access port. This is sealable which means that the vehicle can be used
in environmentally dangerous areas. In fact the whole vehicle can be
sealed off from the outside environment allowing complete
protection of passengers and internally stored cargo.

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IEC English for Science: Unit 2 Links in Science

On top of the vehicle are two features. The first I want to mention is
the telescopic fuel intake system. This allows the vehicle to be
refuelled on the move from a helicopter or low, slow flying plane.
The second feature on the top of the vehicle is the communication’s
cluster. This allows for satellite links from anywhere on the surface.

At the rear of the vehicle is the load pad access ramp. This facilitates
loading of heavy cargo and self-powered cargo. Finally there is the
universal coupling which joins the load pad to the vehicle. There are
four different load pad modules all easily coupled and uncoupled
using the universal.
So there you have the Fluid Cushion Transport Vehicle.

Voice 2: I am going to describe the new generation of integrated

communications terminals to you. This particular one is a Scientific
Integrated Terminal or SIT. There are a number of features that you
will need to know about. The SIT is a fully integrated modular design
machine. The modular technology used in SIT is exactly the same as
that used in the new generation of shuttle craft. The first feature that
will look familiar, but is in fact quite revolutionary, is the full fuzzy
keyboard. This keyboard has been ergonomically designed and is
adaptable to your hand span. Below the full fuzzy is the central
nervous system of the SIT, the CNS. This contains quadruple
processors with dual backup systems. This allows for partial shut
down of the central nervous system without loss of function. This
unit contains four key slots which allow for easy up-grades and use
of peripherals. At the front of the CNS are two slots for portable
storage disks. The one on the left is an optical storage disk drive. The
one on the right is an ordinary 2.88 megabyte floppy drive. On the
side of the CNS are two more slots, the lower one being a fluid-drive
CD ROM drive and the upper one a plug-in slot for voice activated

Between the CNS and the screen is the Coms Neck. The Coms Neck
is hinged in three places which allows for easy packing of the SIT.
The screen itself is a touch-sensitive, fully interactive monitor. The
surrounding of the screen is also touch-sensitive for all the controls
such as brightness, contrast and so on.

On either side of the screen is an import/export module. Each of

these modules has two ports, the upper port on each side being the
import, the lower being the export.

The SIT is fully portable and weighs only 3.1kg with the 8-hour
battery onboard.

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IEC English for Science: Unit 2 Links in Science

Key ESF 2.3

A: Annotated Diagram of Fluid Cushion Transport Vehicle (FCTV)

telescopic fuel
intake system communication’s cluster
universal coupling


propulsion unit
load pad access ramp side-


B: Annotated Diagram of Scientific Integrated Terminal (SIT)


import port
import port

export port
export port

4 key slots plug-in slot for

voice activated

fluid-drive CD
Rom drive

optical storage disk drive 2.88 megabyte floppy drive

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IEC English for Science: Unit 2 Links in Science

8 The students should check with each other before you ask for feedback. Although
these diagrams may seem simple, it is important that the students are accurate with
the annotation and that they get the important information. Note-taking is about
accuracy, not the specific nature of the content.
9 As an optional activity, students could draw their own diagrams and describe
them to their classmates so that the latter can annotate them.
10 Pronunciation Attack. In the listening there are a number of words and phrases
that might cause difficulty. It would be a good idea to do a mini-pron attack to
change the focus. This can be done as a listen-and-repeat activity using the tape, or
students can read through the tapescript and note the words or phrases they have
found difficult. The words and phrases chosen for the taped version appear below.
Fluid Cushion
modular propulsion
communication's cluster
integrated modular design
ergonomically designed
quadruple processors
voice activated
11 The focus will now turn to students producing their own work. Begin this section
by putting up the word SCIENCE on the board. Tell the students you want them
to think about all the good things that science contributes to our lives. After a few
minutes, tell them to concentrate on the bad things that science brings to our lives.

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IEC English for Science: Unit 2 Links in Science

I'm sure you can think of many different examples, but here are one or two to get
you going.

Good Bad
− Advances in medical science − Weapons of mass destruction
− New safer materials − Toxic waste
− Safer pesticides and fertilizers − Playing with genetics
− Genetic engineering of better crops
− Possibilities of new and safe forms
of fuel
− Products that do least harm to the
− Research into the effects of global
warming and the greenhouse effect
and alerting governments to the

In groups students should start to build a case for or against science. You should
encourage them to be as lateral in their thinking as possible.
Get feedback from the groups on this and then tell them you want them to create a
case either for or against science. You should tell them that this is the basis of an
argumentative essay, i.e. looking at both sides and coming down in favour of one.
In their groups ask them to produce an overview with specific examples - basically
this includes an introduction, specific paragraphs and a conclusion. Tell them that
they will present their case to the class and that they will have only five or ten
minutes to do so. Also tell them that each member of the group will have to speak,
either individually or as a group - e.g. chanting a slogan.
Set them to work giving them 20-30 minutes to produce the work and then present
12 Finally, as with Unit One you should look back at what the students have practised
in this Unit and see how it fits in with the UE exam.

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