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Alcoholism and Psychiatry Research 2017;53:33-44

DOI: 10.20471/apr.2017.53.01.04
Received December 11, 2015, accepted after revision October 20, 2016.

The role of thrombocyte serotonin system and

some thrombocyte characteristics in treatment
of depressive patients with cardiovascular
Lidija Kostanjšak1, Davor Zdunić2
Acute Psychiatric Unit, University Hospital Campus, Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland, 2Depart-

ment of Psychiatry, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center, Zagreb, Croatia

Abstract – Serotonin has an important role in the development of depressive disorders. Bearing in mind that
direct testing of central nervous system is unavailable to researchers due to the inability to reach the sam-
ples, ever greater attention is given to the peripheral systems that can help us diagnose and detect changes
of the disease, but also follow the course of its treatment and recovery. Thrombocyte is a blood cell that con-
tains serotonin lodged in its delta granules. Thrombocyte serotonin system is similar, although not the same
as the serotonin system in central nervous system. The most important differences are that in thrombocytes,
serotonin is broken down by the enzyme monoaminooxidase B (MAO-B), while that function in neuron is
carried out by monoaminooxidase A (MAO-A) and that a thrombocyte cannot synthetize serotonin itself, be-
cause it lacks tryptophan hydroxylase. Nowadays, in the treatment of depressive disorders, mostly the selec-
tive inhibitors of serotonin uptake (SIPPS) are being used. The research has proved that therapy with those
medications changes the concentration of serotonin in thrombocytes and changes the values of some throm-
bocyte indices. The thrombocyte serotonin is a powerful vasoconstrictor, which increases the cardiovascular
risk and the probability of thrombogenesis. The mean volume of thrombocytes (MPV) is a positive index of
thrombocyte activity and the increase of MPV represents an independent risk factor for the development
of cardiovascular diseases. It is of enormous significance to recognize the depression in patients who suffer
from cardiovascular diseases. Depression interferes with the recovery of those patients, because it reduces
the personal engagement in it and disturbs patients’ compliance and the motivation for treatment. Besides
the fact that the treatment with SIPPS leads to the regression of symptoms of depression, it also changes
the concentration of thrombocyte serotonin and the mean volume of thrombocytes towards the values that
reduce their role in pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases, thus reducing the risk of re-occurrence of car-
diovascular incidents and improving the patients’ recovery.
Keywords: Serotonin, Thrombocytes, SIPPS, Depression, Cardiovascular diseases

Copyright © 2017 KBCSM, Zagreb

e-mail: • www.http//

Correnspodence to: Lidija Kostanjšak, M.D.

Acute Psychiatric Unit, University Hospital Campus
Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland

Introduction of depressive patients [8]. Numerous investi-

Among the known neurotransmitters, se- gations have shown that, among the patients
rotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine play who had suffered a myocardial infarction or
the important roles in the development of other diseases of cardiovascular system we
psychiatric disturbances. The research so far can find depressive symptoms in the frame
has shown that this is not the matter of con- of depressive reaction, but also a real depres-
centrations themselves, but of disbalance of sion in its fully-blown clinical form. Depres-
concentrations between the neurotransmit- sion slows the recovery in those patients but,
ter systems in CNS (central nervous system). even more importantly, some indices had
There is proof that there is a decrease of se- been found in patients suffering from de-
rotonin, epinephrine and dopamine functions pression that it could be directly connected
in patients suffering from the recurring de- with an increased risk for the development
pressive episodes, while there is a hyperactiv- of cardiovascular diseases and complications
ity of norepinephrine and dopamine system during recovery. Thrombocyte serotonin is a
in patients suffering from the bipolar affective strong vasoconstrictor and the research has
disorder [1]. There is still a dilemma if there shown that the treatment with selective in-
were a hypo or hyperactivity of serotonin hibitors of serotonin uptake (SIPPS) causes
system in generalized anxiety disorder [2,3]. lowering of its concentration, thus reducing
The agonists of 5HT1A receptors reduce the its role in increasing the cardiovascular risk
symptoms of panic disorders, while the ac- and causing the complications of recovery.
tivation of 5HT2C receptors induces a panic Also, the treatment of depressive patients
attack [4]. Hypersensitivity of postsynaptic with SIPPS lowers the values of MPV (mean
serotonin receptors plays an important role platelet volume, mean thrombocyte cell vol-
in obsessive-compulsive disorders [5]. Desta- ume), which had been recognized as an inde-
bilization of serotonin system has been not- pendent risk factor for the development of
ed also in posttraumatic stress disorders. This myocardial infarction and stroke.
fact had been confirmed by the efficiency of
SIPPS in its treatment [6]. Dysfunction of se- Serotonin system in thrombocytes
rotonin system is also present in some per- Enterochromafine cells are the only cells
sonality disorders, urge-control disturbances, besides 5HT neurons, that synthetize sero-
feeding disorders and dementia. It seems that tonin. They release it into the blood stream,
the negative symptoms in schizophrenia are from where it, bound to its transporter, goes
due to a dysfunction of serotonin system. In mostly into the thrombocytes. Serotonin sys-
suicidal tendencies, the role of serotonin sys- tem in thrombocytes is very similar to the one
tem is of the greatest importance and numer- in neurons. It is a part of the mechanism of
ous post-mortem investigations had revealed thrombocyte response, which is actually a
lower concentrations of serotonin and its process of shape change and aggregation of
main metabolite 5-hydroxyindolacetate acid thrombocytes [9,10]. Thrombocytes contain
(5-HIAA) in brainstem, nuclei raphe, puta- about 99% of total serotonin in circulation,
men and hypothalamus [7]. Some research so in physiological conditions, plasma lev-
show that lower levels of thrombocyte sero- els of serotonin reflect the concentration of
tonin are connected with suicidal behaviour serotonin in thrombocytes. Human throm-

Alcoholism and Psychiatry Research 2017;53:33-44 Kostanjšak, Zdunić


bocytes contain averagely 150 to 600 ng of during which the thrombocytes also change
serotonin/109 thrombocytes [11]. Serotonin their shape. Serotonin also shows the ability
system of thrombocytes is made of: sero- to strengthen the thrombocytes’ response in
tonin transmembrane carrier ( transporter), the presence of other agonists. Antagonists
serotonin receptor, enzyme monoaminooxi- of 5HT2A receptors at the periphery show an
dase and serotonin stored in delta granules. anti-migraine effect. They are also used in the
Serotonin enters the thrombocytes and ag- treatment of asthma and for controlling the
gregates through actions of two carriers [12]. carcinoid tumors [18]. In CNS, 5HT2A recep-
Protein 5-HT carrier (5HTt) is located at the tors are located in the cortex and play a role
membrane of thrombocyte and enables the in sensory perception. Activation of those
intake of serotonin and other endogenous receptors is connected with the loss of appe-
amines, for example dopamine, from plasma tite and the occurrence of anxiety and panic
to the cytoplasmic fluid of thrombocytes [13]. [19]. Antagonists of 5HT2A receptors in CNS
After the active transport, serotonin can be show an antidepressive, but also antipsychot-
partly subjected to enzymatic breakdown, ic, anxiolytic and hypnotic effect.
catalyzed by MAO-B enzyme, located at the
external side of membrane of thrombocyte
Development of thrombocytes and
mitochondria and partly stored in delta gran-
ules. Storage in delta granules is carried out
thrombocyte indices
through so called vesicular transporter, lo- The lifespan of thrombocytes in the pe-
cated at the membrane of the granules. This ripheral blood flow equals 9-11 day [20]. Nor-
active transport is enabled by the highly ef- mal number of thrombocytes is 250x 10 na 9
ficient proton ATP-aze [14-16]. This mecha- /L, mean diameter is about 1-2 micrometers
nism is equal to the serotonin intake in neu- and the mean cell volume is 8 fl. Thrombo-
ron vesicles. In the complicated process of cytes are the only blood cells that reach their
blood coagulation, serotonin is also involved. full number already in the fetal blood [21].
During the process of coagulation, serotonin Pluripotent stem hematopoietic cell is the
is released from delta granules of thrombo- destination cell, which differentiates in imma-
cytes by process of exocytosis. Similarly, be ture cells of myelopoetic and lymphopoetic
means of exocytosis, serotonin is released system, from which the functionally mature
from the synaptic vesicles during the chemi- cells, like erythrocytes, granulocytes, mono-
cal transmission. The research so far had re- cytes, thrombocytes and lymphocytes T, get
vealed 15 different 5HT receptors and they differentiated through the processes of pro-
all belong to the family of G protein recep- liferation and maturation. The least mature
tors, while on the surface of thrombocytes, cell that shows the morphological character-
there is only 5HT2A receptor, which is the istics of the thrombocyte strain is a mega-
binding place for serotonin and antidepres- karyoblast. The next developmental form is a
sants - inhibitors of serotonin active trans- megakaryocyte, which is the biggest hemato-
port [17]. Binding of serotonin, as an agonist poietic cell, already containing the thick gran-
of 5HT receptors, induces the thrombo- ules or delta granules, filled with, among oth-
cytes’ response, consisting of release reaction er things, serotonin. Megakaryocyte is a cell
and increased aggregation of thrombocytes, that does not proliferate. It has got multiple

The role of depressive patients and cardiovascular diseases Alcoholism and Psychiatry Research 2017;53:33-44

endomytoses and a very high DNA content. are alpha granules which contain adhesive
The final destiny of megakaryocytes during proteins, growth factors and coagulation
maturation is releasing the thrombocytes factors and delta granules which, besides
into the bloodflow.Prothrombocyte theo- other active substances and metabolites,
ry implies the creation of prothrombocyte contain ATP and serotonin. Thrombocyte
through the long protrusions of the cyto- lysosomes contain hydrolytic enzymes and
plasm of megakaryocytes. In the final stage, peroxisomes with catalase. They have a key
which lasts about 5-10 hours in already con- role in the process of hemostasis. Qualita-
verted cytoplasm with intracellular content, tive indices of thrombocytes are: number of
the filaments connect the already formed thrombocytes (Plt), mean volume of throm-
thrombocytes with the cytoplasm of pro- bocytes (MPV) and thrombocrite (Pct), rou-
thromobocytes, and after these filaments tinely available index of heterogeneity of
are ruptured, thrombocytes get released thrombocytes is thewidth of distribution
to the blood flow. From the beginning of per volume (PDW).
differentiation of the hematopoietic stem The number of thrombocytes (Plt) is
cell to the creation of thrombocyte, about the absolute number of circulating throm-
ten days pass. Each megakaryocyte creates bocytes per unit of blood volume. Physi-
5-10 thousands of thrombocytes. They are
ological values span from 150-400x109/L.
shaped like a disk and contain neither nu-
The mean volume of thrombocytes - MPV
cleus, nor endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi
(mean platelet volume) is expressed in fem-
bodies. Glycocalix is a fluffy wrapping that
toliters (fL) and its clinical significance lies
covers the peripheral zone of thrombocytes.
in the fact that bigger thrombocytes are
It contains plasma proteins and factors of
more reactive and cause creation of more
coagulation, fibrinolysis and complement.
thrombogenic factors [23,24].
Below the glycocalix is a negatively charged
thrombocyte membrane, consisting of con- The research has been directed towards
glomerates of lipid and protein molecule- determining the clinical significance of MPV
sol-gel zones. Through the membrane of as a potential predictive index of thrombo-
thrombocytes, the substances from throm- cyte activation, as a link in the activation of
bocyte granules are being released to blood- atherosclerosis pathogenesis and the devel-
stream, but some substances are also ac- opment of the acute coronary syndrome.
tively carried inside, including serotonin. Thrombocrite (Pct) represents a volume part
The thrombocyte skeleton is a thick tubu- of thrombocytes per volume unit of blood. It
lar system consisting of filaments and mi- is calculated as a product of multiplication of
crotubules. It is important for storing and MPV and the number of thrombocytes. The
regulation of calcium ion levels and syn- reference interval spans from 0.214±0.40%
thesis of prostaglandins, thromboxane and [25]. The distribution of thrombocytes per
cyclooxygenasis [22]. There is another sys- volume – PDW (platelet distribution width) is a
tem of microfilaments which takes part in measure of heterogeneity of thrombocytes
contraction and secretion of thrombocytes by size. It is used in clinical practice for the
and causes the shape change. In the zone differential diagnosis of reactive and primary
of organelles inside the thrombocytes there thrombocytosis [26].

Alcoholism and Psychiatry Research 2017;53:33-44 Kostanjšak, Zdunić


Thrombocyte serotonin and subjects showed that the concentration of

thrombocyte characteristics in the thrombocyte serotonin is lower in patients
neurobiology of depression and with unipolar and involutive depression com-
pared to the healthy volunteers [31]. Samas
cardiovascular diseases – review of
study, from 1987, made on 18 patients suf-
the research so far fering from melancholy and compared to 20
The possibilities for exploring the sero- healthy volunteers showed that the concen-
tonin system in CNS are limited, because of tration of thrombocyte serotonin is signifi-
the complicated access to samples needed for cantly lower in patients suffering from mel-
the analysis, which is why the focus of inves- ancholy compared to the healthy volunteers
tigation has been turned to the investigation [32]. Quintana study, from 1992, done on
of elements of thrombocyte serotonin sys- 25 untreated depressive patients, compared
tem. The similarity of these two serotonin to 25 healthy volunteers showed that the
system has been discovered at the end of the concentration of thrombocyte serotonin is
previous century [27]. The similarity between lower in depressive patients [33]. The study
the basic elements has been established: en- of Maurej-Spurej et al. from 2004, carried
zyme monoaminooxidase, serotonin trans- out on 27 depressive patients, 13 of which
porter and 5HT2A receptors. The reason why had been untreated and 14 had been tak-
we cannot speak of being identical, but only ing SIPPS, showed a lower concentration of
similar is the fact that serotonin in throm- thrombocyte serotonin in the untreated de-
bocytes is metabolized by MAO-B, while in pressive subjects [34]. In the study present-
neurons, it is metabolized by MAO-A. The ed by Ataoglu and Canan in 2009, they had
further difference is that a thrombocyte can- followed 15 patients suffering from the ma-
not synthetize serotonin itself, because of jor depressive disorder, compared them to
the lack of tryptophan hydroxylaze [28,29]. the group of healthy volunteers and found
Thrombocyte serotonin represents an eas- out that MPV was significantly higher in the
ily accessible biological index, and numerous group of depressive patients, but no signifi-
studies were designed to investigate its rela- cant difference had been found between the
tions with various forms of the depressive patients and the control group considering
disorder, suicidal behaviour and if there was the number of thrombocytes [35]. A signifi-
a connection between it and the response to cant reduction of MPV, but also a significant
pharmacotherapy [30]. In some of the stud- reduction of the number of thrombocytes
ies made so far, the results have shown that, had been found even after an eight-week
in the patients suffering from the major de- treatment with escitalopram. MPV values had
pressive disorder, there is a lower level of stayed higher compared to the control group
thrombocyte serotonin and that the therapy even after eight weeks of treatment. Patients
with antidepressants changes some thrombo- who had suffered a myocardial infarction and
cyte indices. The Takakshi study, from 1976, those with the unstable angina pectoris dis-
made on 20 patients with unipolar depres- play increased values of MPV compared to
sion and 19 patients with involutive depres- the patients suffering from the stable angina
sion, 20 of which had just suffered their first pectoris and compared to the patients with
depressive episode, compared to 118 healthy chest pain of non-cardiac origin. An increase

The role of depressive patients and cardiovascular diseases Alcoholism and Psychiatry Research 2017;53:33-44

of MPV has been even recognized as an in- cations are better tolerated, which enhances
dependent risk factor for the development the compliance of patients, thus making the
of myocardial infarction or stroke [36]. In the course of therapy easier and more secure in
study of Canan et al. from 2011, the authors given time. The most widely used drugs from
investigated the relation between MPV, as an this group are SIPPS, which are very similar
index of the activity of thrombocytes and to each other and do not differ significant-
depression in the adult population of Turkey ly in their antidepressive affect, but do dif-
[37]. The study included 2286 subjects and fer in the profile of their adverse effects. The
revealed significantly higher values of MPV mechanism of action of SIPPS is blocking
in patients suffering from depression com- the serotonin transporter. The process in cen-
pared to the control group of healthy volun- tral nervous system occurs in various areas
teers. After the exclusion of other parameters of the brain where the serotoninergic neu-
that could cause the elevation of MPV level, rons originating from nuclei raphe end. An-
the value of MPV in depressive patients was tidepressive effect is achieved when the sero-
still elevated. In the study made by Song et tonin transporter is about 80% blocked. As
al. in 2012, the authors measured the num- a consequence, an increase of serotonin on
ber of thrombocytes after the treatment with the synapse occurs, affecting the postsynap-
escitalopram, venlafaxine and bupropion tic 5HT2A, 5HT2C and 5HT3 receptors, result-
and found a significantly reduced number of ing in some adverse occurrences in the first
thrombocytes after one month of therapy weeks of medication. The agonist effect of
with escitalopram, while there had been no SIPPS on post-synaptic 5HT1A and 5HT4 re-
significant changes after the treatment with ceptors leads towards the antidepressive and
other two medications [38]. anxiolytic effect. In the beginning of medica-
tion, SIPPS also cause the stimulation 5HT1A
pre-synaptic autoreceptors, causing the re-
Selective inhibitors duction of serotonin neurons’ activity. Sev-
of serotonin re-uptake eral weeks later, the desensitization of post-
Antidepressants represent a various group synaptic serotonin receptors occurs, leading
of medications with different mechanisms to the alleviation or the entire regression of
of action. The tricyclic antidepressants have adverse effects. The beginning of antidepres-
a prominent place among them, because they sive action is connected with returning the
had served as a base for further research. It activity of serotoninergic neurons back to
was through them that the importance of normal and then increased, due to the desen-
inhibition of serotonin and norepinephrine sitization of pre-synaptic 5HT1A receptors.
reuptake had been determined, as a base for However, it is estimated that in 30-50% of
the antidepressant action. However, since patients, SIPPS will show no antidepressive
they have a very wide profile of adverse ef- effect. That is why the medications with dif-
fects, they belong among the medicaments ferent mechanisms of action are used. The
that are not so well tolerated. Considering the following SIPPS drugs are registered in our
antidepressant effect itself, we have not gone Country and the primary characteristics in
much further from the tricyclic antidepres- which they differ are: 1. Fluvoxamine – the
sants but, on the other hand, the new medi- greatest affinity for sigma receptors, their

Alcoholism and Psychiatry Research 2017;53:33-44 Kostanjšak, Zdunić


stimulation leads to an increase of choliner- sive symptoms and it’s then when we turn to
gic and glutaminergic transmission, which the medications with different mechanisms
has an important influence on cognitive func- of action. The characteristics of other groups
tioning [39]. 2. Fluoxetine – inhibitor of sero- of antidepressants are 1.dual inhibitors of se-
tonin 5HT2C receptors, leading to a beneficial rotonin and norepinephrine reuptake: venla-
effect on slow-wave sleep, improvement of faxine – in lower doses, affects only the se-
cognitive functions, antidepressive effect and rotonin transporter, while in higher doses
moderate influence on MAO-A and MAO- it affects also the noradrenergic receptor;
B [40]..3. Paroxetine – moderate affinity to that effect is achieved through blocking the
noradrenergic receptors, anticholinergic ef- MAO-B enzyme; duloxetine – registered also
fect, both effects dose-dependent, the most for the treatment of neuropathic pain; that
potent SIPPS., 4. Sertraline – inhibiting the effect is achieved through blocking both se-
dopamine transporter, increases the level of rotonin and noradrenergic transporter [43].
dopamine in nucleus accumbens, affects the The noradrenergic and the specific sero-
sigma receptors and the adrenergic alpha 1 toninergic 5HT2A and 5HT2C blocker (NAS-
receptors [41]. 5. Citalopram – very strong SA): mirtazapine - dose-dependent action,
inhibitor of serotonin reuptake, the stron- acts as a histamine receptor blocker (in lower
gest affinity for H1 histamine receptors of all doses), serotonin 5HT2A and 5HT2C receptors
SIPPS, with higher doses, one has to consider (medium doses), adrenergic alpha 2 receptors
sedation and body weight increase. 6. Escita- (higher doses). The modulators of serotonin
lopram – the most selective inhibitor of se- intake: tianeptine – mechanism of action is
rotonin reuptake, does not affect any other insufficiently known, it is believed that it acts
receptors, transporters or enzymes, even in in such manner as to reduce the quantity of
the highest doses. available serotonin by means of increasing
The differences between the SIPPS medi- the serotonin reuptake to neurons. Agonist
cations mentioned originate from their phar- of melatonin MT1 and MT2 receptors and
macokinetic characteristics. The elimination the antagonist of 5HT2C receptors- agomela-
half-time for citalopram, sertraline, fluvox- tine – has no effect on other receptors and its
amine and paroxetine equals 24 hours, while antidepressive action is the result of interac-
fluoxetine is an exception and its half-life tion between the receptors mentioned, while
equals 2-4 days for itself and 7-15 days for its agomelatin does not affect the level of sero-
metabolite, norfluoxetine. The significant dif- tonin, but changes the level of increasing the
ferences stem from the ability of each SIPPS dopamine and norepinephrine and affects
to inhibit the enzymes CYP 450, while flu- the neuroplasticity [44].
voxamine is the least selective and can dras- When using the drugs which affect the
tically increase the concentration of drugs serotonin system, one should be very care-
which are metabolized through CYP 3A4. ful not to cause the development of toxic
Paroxetine influences the CYP 2D6 enzyme serotonin syndrome, which occurs because
and its inhibition lasts about 3 days [42]. of an increased serotonin activity and hy-
As we already mentioned, in certain num- perstimulation of serotonin receptors, par-
ber of patients with depression, SIPPS will ticularly 5HT1A in spinal cord and brainstem.
not achieve the desired regression of depres- The increase of norepinephrine, glutamate

The role of depressive patients and cardiovascular diseases Alcoholism and Psychiatry Research 2017;53:33-44

and dopamine release, as a consequence of erosclerosis, thrombosis and the acute coro-
an increased serotonin activity, also produces nary syndromes. It is considered that one of
symptoms in the frame of a toxic serotonin the reasons for the previously mentioned in-
syndrome [45]. creased risk is a dysfunction, i.e. increased ac-
tivity of thrombocytes in depressive patients
Discussion and conclusions [48]. Serotonin secreted by alpha granules is
Considering the fact that the course of a very potent vasoconstrictor, which increas-
recovery from many diseases can be compli- es the cardiovascular risk and the probabil-
cated by the occurrence of depression, which ity of thrombi formation. Some changes of
is particularly accentuated in cardiovascular physiological characteristics of thrombocytes
diseases, timely recognition and successful present in depressive patients, such as mobi-
treatment of depression directly influences lization of calcium inside the thrombocytes,
the course of recovery and finally, the mor- up-regulation of serotonin receptors and al-
tality, because the depression is related to the pha 2 adrenoreceptors, down-regulation of
increased mortality in those patients. Besides serotonin transporters, changing the signal
the fact that the depressive behaviour dis- of the second messenger, i.e. changes of
turbs the recovery of patients, it also reduces levels of monoamines and cateholamines in
the personal engagement in recovery, com- thrombocytes can have a negative effect on
pliance and motivation of patients, which is thrombocyte function, namely strengthen
a very important role, but an important role the processes of coagulation and throm-
belongs also to the thrombocyte serotonin bogenesis [49]. Thus, we can conclude that
in pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases, serotonin plays important roles both in the
especially the coronary heart disease and its neurobiology of depression and in throm-
complications. The thrombocyte serotonin bogenesis [50]. There have been studies that
is one of the factors in coagulation process, tried to explain the connection between the
which is, on the other hand, one of the most level of thrombocyte serotonin in the acute
important mechanism that connect depres- coronary syndrome in patients with and
sion with the coronary heart disease. The without the symptoms of depression and
prevalence of depression in patients with determine if there was a linear correlation
coronary heart disease spans from 16-23%. between them. In the study made by Sanner
Numerous studies have shown that besides et al. in 2013, the authors could not find a
hyperlipidemia, hypertension, obesity, diabe- linear correlation. The study concludes that
tes and smoking, depression also represents the correlation between the thrombocyte se-
an independent risk factor for the develop- rotonin, depressive symptoms and the acute
ment of coronary heart disease [46]. The coronary syndrome is not yet fully explained,
presence of depression is a bad prognostic but there is a number of clues that suggest
sign for patients who had already suffered a such correlation [51]. The SIPPS act in such
heart attack. The depressive patients have 3-4 manner that their action reduces the level
times greater risk of developing the cardio- of the available serotonin, which is reflect-
vascular complications compared to the non- ed in lower levels of serotonin in thrombo-
depressive patients [47]. Thrombocytes play cytes. The data for individual SIPPS suggest
the central role in the development of ath- that, for example, sertraline in vitro causes

Alcoholism and Psychiatry Research 2017;53:33-44 Kostanjšak, Zdunić


the inhibition of thrombocyte aggregation, tack [56]. It has been proved that the size of
depending on its dose [52]. After six weeks thrombocytes, measured as a mean value of
of therapy with paroxetine, a normalization thrombocytes’ volume (MPV) is correlated
of thrombocyte activity can be observed in with their reactivity [57].
depressive patients, both in those with and In concordance with the facts listed above,
those without the coronary heart disease [53]. we are at liberty to conclude that the timely
Similarly. The study made by Glassman et al detection of depression in patients with car-
in 2002 showed that the depressive patients diovascular diseases is, particularly after the
who had suffered a heart attack and had been coronary incidents, of the utmost impor-
treated with sertraline during the period of tance. The treatment of depression direct-
24 weeks had a smaller number of the acute ly influences the recovery of those patients
coronary incidents compared to patients who and reduces the incidence of complications.
had been treated with placebo [54]. However, The antidepressants from SIPPS group has
the difference was not statistically significant, a special role in the treatment of depression.
but considering the high incidence of cardio- These medications display a positive effect
vascular diseases (especially ischemic heart on the recovery through the improvement
disease) in population, even such difference of mental status and there is also clear evi-
should not be neglected. dence that they reduce the concentration of
A positive index of thrombocyte activ- thrombocyte serotonin and the mean volume
ity is MPV [55]. In the study by Ataoglu and of thrombocytes, which both have an impor-
Canan from 2009, the results have shown a tant role in pathogenesis of cardiovascular
decrease of MPV values after an eight-week diseases.
treatment with escitalopram. The increased
values of MPV have been detected in pa-
tients with unstable angina pectoris and pa-
tients who had suffered a heart attack. That None
is why an increase of MPV has been recog-
nized as an independent risk factor for the Conflict of interest
development of both stroke and a heart at- None to declare

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Uloga trombocitnog serotoninskog sustava i nekih karakteristika trombocita u

liječenju depresivnih pacijenata s kardiovaskularnim bolestima.
Sažetak – U razvoju depresivnog poremećaja serotonin ima vrlo važnu ulogu. S obzirom da su direktna
istraživanja u području centralnog živčanog sustava čovjeka dobrim dijelom nedostupna istraživačima zbog
nedostupnosti uzimanja uzoraka, sve veća važnost se pridaje perifernim sustavima koji nam mogu pomoći u
dijagnozi, detekciji promjena u samoj bolesti, ali i u praćenju liječenja i oporavka. Trombocit je krvno tjelešce
koje u svojim delta granulama sadrži serotonin. Trombocitni serotoninski sustav je sličan, ne i istovjetan sero-
toninskom sustavu u centralnom živčanom sustavu. Najbitnija je razlika što u trombocitu serotonin razgrađuje
enzim monoaminooksidaza B (MAO-B), a u neuronu monoaminooksidaza A (MAO-A), te što trombocit ne
može sam sintetizirati serotonin jer mu nedostaje triptofan hidroksilaza. U liječenju depresivnog poremećaja
danas se najviše koriste selektivni inhibitori ponovne pohrane serotonina (SIPPS). Istraživanja su dokazala da
terapija navedenim lijekovima mijenja koncentraciju serotonina u trombocitima, te mijenja vrijednosti nekih
trombocitnih pokazatelja. Trombocitni serotonin je snažan vazokonstriktor, povećava kardiovaskularni rizik i
vjerojatnost formiranja tromba. Srednji volumen trombocita (MPV) je pozitivan pokazatelj trombocitne ak-
tivnosti, te je povišeni MPV nezavisni faktor rizika od kardiovaskularnih incidenata. Od izuzetno velike važnosti
je prepoznavanje depresije kod pacijenata koji boluju od kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Depresija narušava opora-
vak tih bolesnika jer reducira osobni angažman u oporavku, suradljivost i motivaciju za liječenje. Osim što
liječenje SIPPS-ima dovodi do oporavka simptoma depresije, ono mijenja koncentraciju trombocitnog sero-
tonina i srednji volumen trombocita u smjeru vrijednosti koje smanjuju njihove uloge u patogenezi kardio-
vaskularnih bolesti čime se smanjuje rizik ponavljanja kardiovaskularnih incidenata i poboljšava se oporavak
Ključne riječi: serotonin, trombociti, SIPPS depresija, kardiovaskularne bolest

Alcoholism and Psychiatry Research 2017;53:33-44 Kostanjšak, Zdunić

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