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Lincoln Pre-Assessment

Michelle Cooper
Jennifer Skaggs

Standard: Unit 16

Lesson 1 Draw and Identify perpendicular, parallel and intersecting lines

Lesson 1 Classify triangles by line segments and angles

Lesson 2 Recognize and draw lines of symmetry. Identify line symmetric figures
Lesson 2 Draw figures that have line symmetry

Lesson 3 Classify quadrilaterals by lines and angles

Lesson 3 Use understanding of 2 dimensional shapes to critique the reasoning on others.

Line symmetric
Line of Symmetry
Parallel Lines
Perpendicular lines
Intersecting lines
Right triangle
Obtuse triangle
Acute triangle
Equilateral triangle
Isosceles triangle
Scalene triangle
Individual Assessment:
What are things that you like?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite animal?
What is your favorite movie?
What is your favorite subject?
What is your favorite part of the day?
What is your favorite snack?
Do you like working by yourself or doing group assignments?

Group Assessment:
Can they draw the different lines, Triangles and Quadrilaterals?
Can they Identify what the different shapes are?


Lines, Triangles & Quadrilaterals


Draw the following lines and then tell what each line is:
Line of Symmetry
Parallel Lines
Perpendicular lines
Intersecting lines

Draw the following Triangles and then tell what each triangle is:
Right triangle
Obtuse triangle
Acute triangle
Equilateral triangle
Isosceles triangle
Scalene triangle
After drawing the triangle and labeling it mark the angles of the Triangles:
Draw the following Quadrilaterals and then tell what each Quadrilateral is:
After drawing the Quadrilaterals and labeling it, mark the angles of the Quadrilaterals

Lesson Plans
Lesson plan 1 March 21

● Draw and Identify perpendicular, parallel and intersecting lines
● Recognize and draw lines of symmetry. Identify line symmetric figures
● Draw figures that have line symmetry
● Line symmetric
● Line of Symmetry
● Parallel Lines
● Perpendicular lines
● Intersecting lines

● Draw Line of Symmetry, Parallel Lines, Perpendicular lines, Intersecting lines on a map
● Real life examples/ applications of lines
● Video about lines.
● Lines worksheet.
● Create a flip book to put all Of the different types of lines that we talk about. The
students will be adding to these flip books after each lesson.

1. Ask the students who remembers how to draw a
● Line symmetric
● Line of Symmetry
● Parallel Lines
● Perpendicular lines
● Intersecting lines

2. Play video about Lines

3. Ask students for real life examples of each line, and how lines are used in nature.
4. After the real life examples have them fill out this worksheet.
5. ​Map Activity
If the students understand the material then we will move onto the map activity
We are going on a road trip
● Use a road map
● Split the students into two groups. One group will guide the blue car, the other group will
guide the red car
● Cars will start in the same place, and go to different places. At some point the cars need
to be going perpendicular, parallel, intersecting to each other
Lesson Plan 2 March 23
● Classify triangles by line segments and angles
● Lines of symmetry
Recap from first lesson:
Ask the students what they remember about lines
● Parallel
● Perpendicular
● Intersecting
● Right triangle
-has one angle that is a 90 degree angle
● Obtuse triangle
-​is a ​triangle​ in which one of the ​angles​ is an ​obtuse angle​.
● Isosceles triangle
-​In geometry, an isosceles triangle is a triangle that has two sides of equal length.
● Scalene triangle
-​s a ​tr​ iangle that has three unequal sides,
Ask the students if they know these triangles, and go over the differences and similarities
between them. All the angles inside of a triangle must add up to 180

Flip books:
● Add all the triangles to their flip books

● Use straws to make different angles of triangles
● Use the door to show them how different angles are made
● Do triangle worksheet

1.We will split the group in half, and will Use straws to create different types of triangles
● This will help students to tangible create the different triangles
● We will make one of each of the triangles.
2. The other group will go over and look at the different angles doors make.
3.The students will do a worksheet on triangles, and their angles.
Lesson plan 3 March 26
● Classify quadrilaterals by lines and angles
● Use understanding of 2 dimensional shapes to critique the reasoning on others.

● Ask the students what they remember about lines, angles and triangles
● Pull out their flip books to review what they have learned

● Parallelogram
● Rectangle
● Square
● Rhombus
● Trapezoid

Flip books:
● Add All the vocabulary words into the flip book

● Watch the video that talks more about quadrilaterals
● Ask basic questions to check for understanding
● Have the students use the 5 different quadrilaterals to create different animals

● They will create their favorite animal using the different shapes. They can also use
triangles and lines as well to create the animals

Lines, Triangles & Quadrilaterals


Draw the following lines and then tell what each line is:
Line of Symmetry
Parallel Lines
Perpendicular lines
Intersecting lines

Draw the following Triangles and then tell what each triangle is:
Right triangle
Obtuse triangle
Acute triangle
Equilateral triangle
Isosceles triangle
Scalene triangle
After drawing the triangle and labeling it mark the angles of the Triangles:
Draw the following Quadrilaterals and then tell what each Quadrilateral is:
After drawing the Quadrilaterals and labeling it, mark the angles of the Quadrilaterals

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