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Professional Practice

Secondary Program
k\fmSYKRN $YSf*lXY
Daily Feedback Form 17
Completed by the Mentoring Teacher once daily

Pre-service Teacher's na me Orr-l rPr^J fVl,-,fio, n la) Date: aln /18

Curriculu m/teaching area : Qnorer$ l-ltslovr.r Time:

Lesson topic: {lqjr qron r Year/Stage: +

Mentoring Teacher: SM-P,nr, .tnnr$n School: ,.lOl"Yru\(;trt
Lesson Plan Received on-timer] h Late tr Notr
Pre-service Teacher performance is to be assessed as either
NA - Not Applicable WT-WorkingTowards D-Demonstrated E - Exceeds expectations

Lesson Preparation NA WT D E

Evidence of preparation and lesson plan (3.1-3.4) tr tr E tr

Appropriateness of m ethod (L.t-1.6, 2.t-2.6) ! tr tr tr
Outcomes clearly evident (3.L-3.4) tr tr b tr
Links progression lesson flow (3.2) tr tr \p tr
Resources identified and available (3.4,2.6) n ! N tr
Evidence of Quality Teaching Framework (1.L-2.6) tr ! h tr

Lesson lntroduction NA WT D E

Room a ppropriately prepa red for lesson (l.L-!.6,3,4,3.5,4.5\ tr tr ..8 tr

Entry to room (3.5,4.2-4.4) tr tr b tr
Settling down procedure (3.5-,4.2) tr tr E tr
Class Routines established e.g. roll check, homework checked, lateness dealt with etc (3.5,4.2-4.3) tr tr \E tr
Purpose of lesson and links to previous or future lessons (3.2,3.5) tr tr E tr
Classroom Orga nisation (4.L-4.5) tr tr - tr

Lesson Body NA WT D E

Use of Resources including board/interactive whiteboard/computer hardware (3.1-3.6) ! tr =E !

Assessing student learning (3. 5,5.1-5.5) tr tr tr tr
Explanations / lnstructions (3.5) tr tr E tr
Student participation / Discussion (4.L-4.5) tr tr b tr
Effective Questioning - spread, type, clarity, re-direct, elicit (3.5,4.1-4.2) tr tr "tr tr
Student management and discipline (4.2-4.4) tr n \! !
Effective teach ing Strategied3. 1-3.5) tr tr tr tr
Effective use of voice (3.5) tr tr tr tr
Pacing of lesson (2.2,3.2) tr tr tr tr
Catering for the range of student needs (7.1,-L.6,2.4) tr tr "tr tr
Lesson content (2.7-2.5) tr tr n tr
Development of student literacy (2.5) tr tr 'tr tr
Development of student numeracy (2.5) tr tr \E tr

Lesson Conclusion NA WT D E

Conclusion to lesson (4.2,5.1-5.5) tr tr tr tr

Homework setti ng (13.t,3.4,4.2) tr tr tr tr
Orderly dismissal of students (4.2,4.41 tr ! tr tr
Classroom Climate NA

Clear set of classroom rules (4.1-4.5) ! tr tr n

Effective overall classroom management (4.1-4.5) tr tr 'E tr
Positive reinforcement used (4.1-4.3) tr tr E tr
lssues identified quickly and acted upon (5.2-5.3) D tr tr tr
Consequences made know and acted upon (5.4-5.5) tr tr tr tr
Range of methods used management (3.1-3.6) tr tr tr tr
lnvolvement of a ll students th roughout the lesson (4.1) tr tr tr tr
Clarity of lnstruction (3.5) tr tr E tr

Professional Persona I Qua lities NA WT D E

Professio naIa ppea ra n ce (3.7,6.t-6.4,7 .1-7 .41 tr tr F n

Effective co mmunication (36.3,7 .3-7 .4) tr tr E tr
Responsive to feedback (6.1-6.4) tr tr tr tr
Evidence of concern for students (3.5,5.2-5.5,6.L-6.41 tr tr tr tr
Approachability (3.7,6.3,7.3) tr tr h tr
Application of school policies (e.g. discipline, homework, diary use, out of class etc.)(7.2) tr tr .E tr
Adequacy of class records (3.6-3.7,5.4-5.5) tr tr tr tr
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c.lqss= +A cl.g:pa fy^'ly\.<-
rdrpr J1 df +k q Corc\e ,"rL

OUTCOMES: Lesson discussed with Pre-service Teacher

e t-tS<- of Sh.ks:S ura"S a OO€cl rr.e:*!- oJ $--z
po<itl L.>€. rerr$3[cszr\r-\en+

---t1 Pre Service Teocher's performonce is sotisfoctory * E Pre Service Teoche/s performonce is causing concern *
* lf, by the end of the first week of the Professional Experience Block, the Pre Service Teacher's performance is causing
concern, then the Mentoring Teacher MUST commence the Requiring Additional Support (RAS) process. Refer to
Section 4 of the Professionol Experience Protocols (ovoiloble from this school's Professionol Experience Coordinotor or
from the UWS School of Education website) for the process ond responsibilities.
Signed: Mentoring Teacher: Date: \V
Signed : Pre-service Teacher: 4-/*/-*t// Date:

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