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« experience our surroundings largely through ‘what we see and heat Bot light and sound are forms of energy tht ravel in waves, When Ou n ore we explore the light around ws let eink Sounds Get Things Sha concert. The sounds are one, The mouthpice has that make up the ac Inside youir eat, ‘moves inside your ea, it causes your eardrum to vibrate. The eardrum sends the ‘ibations to small ones and a iid inside your ear. These vibrations are sensed and are ty the vib idea of what a sound Tike, draw a wavy line ‘ona sheet of paper. The distance between the rop of one wave and the top ofthe ext wave isa ‘wavelength. Each wave of sound hnas a frequency. Frequency is the number of wavelengths tha pass by a particule point in a given length of time, Waves with longer wavelengths have lower frequencies. Waves with shorter wavelengths have higher frequencies, That means that in one second fewer long waves pass by than shore waves. People can heat a wide range of frequencies—but not all fequencies ‘of sound, Sound with a frequency higher than we can detects called turasound. Insect-eating bats produce ultrasound to find food land avoid fying iat things in the dark, Sound with a frequency Tower than our ears can detect is called inrasound. Elephants Sometimes communicate with | ach othe using infeasound. Sound waves can teavel though ain They abo can travel theough ‘haters such ae solids and gid However, sound can ral through empty space. Outer space without air or other kinds of (Is L15 eet) a second, Sound travels isa vacuum. A vacuum isa place matter, Because there is no matter four tove times faster chtough | to vibrate, no sound can be made. liquids, like wates chan through ait, Sound waves travel even faster | Sound moves at diferent speeds through many solids. “ depending on what material it travels through, Sound travels Through what materials through ai at about 340 meters can sound travel? eran ort | Bouncing Sounds A sound that bounces back ro its A 1Pcentury scientist named Isaac ound chrough different kinds of standing some distance away fron anid echoes, In Fac, he used echoes | inaterials. Did you also know chat 4 large wall witha hard surface. I to measure the speed of sound. ‘ow can hear sound waves th na shout, your words wil rtwen How? He stood at one end of a feflect, or bounce, off a surface? to you a few moments latex. Th Jong hallway and he loudly stamped Sound waves can strike a smooth farther yow are from the wal, the his foot. Then he measured the ti surface ikea wall othe sie of a longer i wil rake for the sound to it took for the sound to leave his Cliff These waves also can bounce bounce hack, And the longer i wil foot, bounce off the wal atthe off the wall and back vo you. take for you to hear thee: other end of the hall, and return to him as an echo, He knew che distance to the fa wall. So Newto was able to uae his measurements fof sound more than three centuries ago using simple instruments, Yet his measuremene is only isle different from the more precise one

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