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Professional Goals & Growth Plan

Name: Jayda Wynia School: FFCA (high school campus)

Practicum Dates: August – December (2018)
Teacher Mentor:
 Mariko Glenney
School Administrator:
 Bharati Singh, Susan Boyd & Joshua Symonds
Faculty Mentor: Sue Price

A. Professional Goals

• Goal #1: Develop confidence and competency by effectively implementing new

educational technologies to enhance both student motivation and learning during
physical education.

Rationale: Instead of running away from technology, I think it is essential to develop

competency in order to embrace technology for enhanced student motivation and learning.

• Goal #2: Create a welcoming, encouraging and safe environment, while still fostering
and challenging student’s physical literacy and growth.

Rationale: I hope to learn from my students as much as they will learn from me. By
incorporating personal experiences, stories, challenges, and room for entrance/exit slips I
want to provide the best learning possible for my students by receiving feedback that will
help them grow and foster as young adults.

Strategies (How I will go about achieving my goals?)

• Strategies for addressing Goal #1: I look forward to using the “Group Me App” with my grade
nine PE/leadership class to facilitate discussion and unite the class together in a unique way by
sharing ideas, activities, and pictures of how they are staying active. Coaches Eye is a unique
sport-analysis app that allows slow motion instant replay, which is perfect for teaching
techniques in various sports that students can see seconds after they’ve completed their

• Strategies for addressing Goal #2: I hope to present a welcoming and approachable persona
for my students, while remaining passionate, knowledgeable and encouraging during my
lessons. I will open each class with either an instant activity or riddle and encourage for
students to talk about their activities over the weekend or in their free time.

Indicators of Progress Towards Goals

(How I will know when and if I have achieved my goals?)

• Indicators of Progress for Goal #1: An indicator would be incorporating technology in BOTH of
my classes for a minimum of three times a week, six times in total. If minimum technology is
used one week, the following week will have more technology involved for student learning.
Indicators of progress will demonstrate my personal comfort/familiarity with the technologies
used, as well as the students.

• Indicators of Progress for Goal #2: An indicator would be students interacting positively with
one another and myself, sharing more personal stories or short-term/long-term goals for
themselves. A true indicator of this is recognizing if students really enjoy coming to class each
day, whether it’s to see me, their friends, or participate in a fast pace-jam packed class of
activity in a comfortable environment!

D. Timeline for Completion

I hope to improve each month and reflect on my progress using a journal, and ultimately gain
competency using various technologies in my classes and have a welcoming, enjoyable
environment for kids to prosper by December.


E. Summary of Growth and Goals Achieved

 Goal #1:
o I used music as much as possible during my PE lessons in the Gymnasium and
Fitness Centre, as well as “Edsby”, which is an online communication tool for
students to connect online and read important announcements or connect with
the teacher in regard to extra help, questions or concerns. I did not use
technology in the classroom as much I had hoped, so I am hoping to find more
resources and ways of implementation. My Professional Inquiry Project is
developed around the use of technology as I’ve created visual exemplars of the
PE rubric for students. By leaving this resource with the FFCA PE department, I’m
hoping students gain clearer understandings on how they are assessed in
physical education.
 Goal #2:
o Each day I began Leadership with a “riddle of the day” and PE class with a
“question of the day” to not only create structure, but promote a fun, easy, and
engaging way to get to know my students. I welcomed every student to class and
greeted them by name to foster a comfortable environment. By sharing my own
personal experiences, stories, and challenges I know students were able to relate
and also voice their own experiences. By creating a fun, engaging environment,
I’m hopeful students enjoyed coming to class and felt safe as “respect” was an
essential principle in my classroom. Overall, I think I’ve achieved my goal for this
semester and look forward to adopting additional strategies to strengthen my
class atmosphere in the future.

F. Reflections on Professional Growth

 Change is inevitable, growth is optional. I feel I’ve grown tremendously during this
internship. By embracing strategies that worked and learning from the ones that didn’t,
I’ve recognized that my professional growth is boundless. I consistently learn from my
mistakes and see new strategies as an opportunity rather than a challenge. I feel I’ve
grown most in developing relationships with my students. From disciplining multiply
students at a time, to fostering confidence in a student who desperately needed my
support. Mutual respect has been cultivated within my class and I’ve realized that it is
an essential component for effective learning to take place. I’ve also grown in the area
of assessment by ensuring that students clearly understand how they are being assessed
in order for them to be successful. I look forward to always learning and improving my
practice while sharing my passion for physical activity.

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