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Student Profile

Name: Myles Kon

Grade: 7th grade

Background: Myles is a 12-year-old white male who speaks English as his first and only


Interests: Myles’ interests include gaming, watching funny YouTube videos, designing memes

and listening to music.

Learning Strengths: Myles is a very creative student who enjoys using his imagination in class.

He has a strong opinion and is open to participating in group discussions. Mason learns best with

hands-on activities and with information that he can relate to.

Learning Challenges: Myles has a difficult time with direct instruction and executive

functioning skills. He becomes distracted easily in class and struggles to control his anxiety;

because of this, he uses headphones to calm himself down. On top of this, Myles also has a

difficult time keeping a high degree of motivation in academic situations.

Eating Healthy Meal Plan

Students are responsible for researching and creating a healthy, balanced meal plan for

their family. The ultimate learning objective is for students to understand the possibility of eating

healthy, even on a budget. Students will also begin to understand the challenge of creating a

weekly meal plan and will learn to do this in an efficient way. Obesity is a huge problem for the

United States and a common excuse is that it is more expensive to eat healthy. My objective is to

show our students that this excuse is a myth.

All students are placed in groups of two, and given a realistic budget and family size.

This information is based on the annual income for residents in Detroit, Chicago and Cleveland.

Students used the link below as a framework

for their project. They spend their time researching

various food prices in their area and how to create

balanced, healthy meals for their family (Figure A).

Students will use various tools to organize their Figure A

budget and pantry (Figure B and C).

Project Outline (Link)

Figure C

Figure B
Comprehension Strategies
There are many different strategies that can be used during this project to help students

comprehend and understand information.

Group Discussion: To improve comprehension, the class will begin with a group discussion

about the project. Groups will be assigned by the teacher with learning ability in mind. We will

discuss how to budget for each meal based on the overall budget for the week. We will also

discuss various options for each food group. For example, students could use chicken, pork,

turkey, eggs, etc. for protein. Within the group discussion, we will also discuss and demonstrate

how to use the various graphic organizers that have been created for the project.

Graphic organizers (Figure B and C above): Spreadsheet graphic organizers have been

provided for all of the students. This allows the students to understand how much money they are

spending and also to ensure that they are purchasing the correct amount of food for their family. I

always will provide the students with examples of how each of these graphs should be


Page-by-Page Outline: All students will be given a page-by-page outline for completion of the

project. The Google Slides document will show the students exactly what is required on each

page, with examples (Figure A above).

Group Conference: Throughout the project, the teacher will conduct group conferences to

evaluate the process of each group and the progress. Within the conference, the students will be

able to ask questions if needed and the teacher will be able to give direct feedback to the group.

This will be used as an informal assessment to evaluate the students understanding of the project

and topic at hand.

Optional Demonstration: The teacher will hold an optional demonstration for any students who

need help understanding how to “shop” online for their project. This demonstration will take

place during a study hall session during the advisory period.

Student Opportunities

Cooperative Work:

Students will be working in groups of two during the project. This will allow students to

work together and help each other throughout the process. Each day, two groups will meet to

evaluate each other’s project/progress. With this, they will complete an evaluation form (Figure

D) which includes helpful information for their classmates. They will provide their classmates

with two things on their project that they really

enjoy and also two things on their project that

could be improved or that they are missing.

These meetings will take place at the

beginning of each class, and they will never

meet with the same group more than once.

Graphic Organizers:

As stated previously, all students will be given multiple graphic organizers to work with

throughout the project (Figure A, B and C above). These graphic organizers will help the

students with organizing, evaluating and processing the information for the project.
State Literacy Standards

The following standards were taken from the seventh grade Reading Standards for Informational


“Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as

well as inferences drawn from the text.”

Students will use information found online, along with reading food labels, to determine

if specific foods are considered healthy or not.

“Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how the author

distinguishes his or her position from that of others.”

“Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning

is sound and the evidence is relevant and sufficient to support the claims.”

Students will have to determine if information from sources is reliable based on the

author of the information. For example, if a soda company publishes an article claiming

that soda is healthy, we know that this is a biased opinion.

National Standards

“Students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and appreciate

texts. They draw on their prior experience, their interactions with other readers and writers,

their knowledge of word meaning and of other texts, their word identification strategies, and

their understanding of textual features”

Students will use many strategies to complete the project including interpreting data,

evaluating text and group discussions.

“Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process

elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.”

“Students conduct research on issues and interests by generating ideas and questions, and by

posing problems. They gather, evaluate, and synthesize data from a variety of sources (e.g., print

and non-print texts, artifacts, people) to communicate their discoveries in ways that suit their

purpose and audience.”

Students will gather information from multiple sources to determine if they can create

healthy meals for a family. They will research specific foods and different strategies to

incorporate healthy foods into their meal plan.

Ongoing Academic/Behavior Intervention Plan and Log

Student Information

Student Myles Kon


Campus Middle School

Teacher Geyman

Grade/Placement 7th grade

Age 13 years old

Baseline Assessment

Date 7/12/2018

Reading Level 772L

Content Area Level Health (83%)

Review 1

Date 8/23/2018

Reading Level 842L

Content Area Level Health (85%)

Review 2

Date 9/24/2018

Reading Level 875L

Content Area Level Health (84%)

Review 3

Date 10/29/2018

Reading Level 937L

Content Area Level Health (82%)

Date Target Area Intervention Resources Academic Person Notes

(Academic or (Description) Behavior Respons
Behavior) (Monitoring ible

11/12/2018 Behavior Behavior Behavior Student is Geyman Because of off-task

Frequency Frequency frequently off- behavior, Myles
Observation Chart task, and struggled to follow
Chart because of this, many of the directions
struggles to needed to complete
follow the in-class activity.
directions for
Continue to monitor
in-class activity
Myles for behavioral
and academic

11/15/2018 Academic; “Pop-quiz” Various Myles took a Geyman Myles appeared to

Reading Students are articles long time to read the text, while
Comprehension given time in used in get started. following along with
class to read class his pencil. He was
He read the
through a eager to answer
article while
specific text questions that were
following along
on one asked by his peers,
with the tip of
overall topic. however struggled to
his pencil.
Students will find the correct
then ask the Myles answers.
class attempted to
Send home parent
questions, answer
which will multiple
allow for questions
discussion. during the class
11/20/2018 Academic; CARI Content Myles Geyman Myles completed the
Comprehension area completed a CARI, along with his
reading content area classmates. Myles
inventory reading reading speed was
inventory for average, however, his
Health class. comprehension was
CARI very low. It is clear
response that he is not
form understanding what
he is reading in class.

Continue to

RTI Time Line

Student Information

Student Myles Kon


Age 13 years old

Grade 7th grade

Placement Tier 2

Begin Tier II Round 1

Date 11/23/2018 (30 minutes)

Intervention Notes Our goal today was to identify various text structures to help with reading

We will start the session by talking about everything that Myles’ knows
Text Features
about smoking. He knows some of the basic information and has a personal
connection, as his father smokes.

I began by demonstrating to Myles the task, and then allowed him to do it

on his own:
- Circle all of the text features including headings, maps, illustrations,
timelines, and tables. Then, also write brief notes on what you learned from
each one of these figures.

-Next, we turned all of the headings in the text, to questions. For example, if
the heading reads “Health risks of smoking”, we can change it to, “What are
the main health risks of smoking?”.

After we have the question, Myles read the section and marked all parts that
helped him answer the question.

Myles seemed receptive of new strategies and appeared to understand the

importance of using the text structure to help with comprehension.

Next session we will focus on identifying internal text structures to help

Myles with comprehension using graphic organizers.

Begin Tier II Round 2

Date 11/26/2018 (30 minutes)

Intervention Notes Our goal today was to use graphic organizers to identify key pieces in text.

The first question that is asked of Myles is to explain to me why charts may
be useful in the classroom. He does a great job and explains to me that he
Graphic Organizers
would prefer to see pictures (visuals) instead of reading text. He
understands information better when it can be displayed in front of him.

I began by showing Myles the format of a graphic organizer and talking to

him about how it can help with organizing thoughts and information from
the text. We used a very basic organizer to identify information that
supported to main topic of each section. (Graphic organizer)

Again, I demonstrated with one section of a text, and then allowed him to
work on a different section.

Myles worked well today and showed improvement. He is able to complete

the graphic organizer but still needs to work on comprehending the
information that is presented to him.

Next session we will focus on creating a summary of what was read, using
graphic organizers.
Begin Tier II Round 3

Date 11/28/2018 (30 minutes)

Intervention Notes The goal for today is to write a summary of different sections, using graphic
organizers. We will use the graphic organizer strategy that we began last
Details remembered
Myles will read a section of text and complete a graphic organizer, as
learned last session. Following this, I will ask Myles to “remember” the
important details from the passage and record these details using the
attached chart (Details remembered chart)

When Myles completes the attached chart, he is given the opportunity to go

back and add onto any of his memories by re-reading the text.

Finally, I will demonstrate how to turn his chart into a summary of the
information that we read.

Myles did an outstanding job today, He worked hard and seems to

understand the concepts that were taught. Myles was able to create two
graphic organizers today and claims that he will be using these strategies in
class as well.

Next session we will evaluate reading comprehension.

Begin Tier II Round 4

Date 11/30/2018 (30 minutes)

Intervention Notes The goal of today’s session is to assess Myles’ reading comprehension to
determine if he should move to tier three of the RTI.

Today, Myles will be given a text and asked to read specific passages. He can
use any of the strategies that we have worked on to help him with
comprehension. When Myles is done reading, he will be asked to complete a
post reading evaluation with just a couple of short questions based on the
reading. This will allow us to evaluate if Myles has been showing
improvement with his comprehension. (post-assessment data)

Although Myles has shown some improvement over the last four sessions, I
would recommend for him to move to tier three of his RTI to help him
continue to improve his comprehension and learning strategies.

Myles still struggles with putting together concepts and understanding

connections between two ideas, concepts or events.

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