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(ll.ltrt oestsnatton: A 239 -95 (Reapproved 2004)

Standard Practice for
iJi'"tino titJit innest spot In a zinc (Galvanlzed) coatlng
on lron-or Steel Artlclesr'
-ii'"1iii"ri" iir" ni** *"{ro' td or hn E'idEvn'oo
A iumb''
d 'n
r*i -. ihr'd' rl* }d or rei E!t46Yd ^
li,ii-"' ixir. fu mr""* - ."ke.r .h;i. .r@ .''6 rd nrtrrovrl
oJ tht DrP'tutdt o! Dtt'B''
mk @.totd ho brd .tt'dd br e bt
pdat sa!.t, @d heahh Prd.tics ana d2Qmin th' tPptica'
1. scoDc
bilitt oJ t.gulotory linitotiota p.ior to ut'
l.l This Dmctic€ covcru thc prorrdDre for locating, by the
usc n roti.r ion o{ coppcr sulfllc. thc rhinnest spol in 0 zrnc
or 2. Sigoiflco!.e ond U6e
co in! (ho( diPpcd, cl.cnoplalcd, or spdv'd) or iron or utc'l 2.1 ThL pmcticc is dosigned to locarc lhc thinneq
nnictci rtar o16ioorea atci rtr. Fh!P. is Pmduc'd bv carting
T 4". ,it*i"g * **tv coslcd iwn! (s€c Appcnd'x xl)'
dn'linR, ple6sio8, or oth.r fo.mlng mctlo& b(amPl'r :
V*i"ti*t i" .""ii'e thi"kncss con be du' to th' PGc8! bv
neraUii ruting ano riSid conduit pipc' ca5tin83 and
ctccrrico'; *rti.r, ,r'. ;"" it oppli.a Oot diPpcd .l.atroplarci' or sPravcd)
fomiDr3, otrd ttruconl stc€]i on eP'cial hatdwarc' iuch
tr'. pa(thot is co od Durln8 hol'diP
.f o.
ooilii". uo;ta"rc, -o ra'[' imPlcmcnt hordwaroi bolts' n'iB' ",1"
o'" tti*"cas is !6ccr.d bv oc drrlnls'
;crews, a|ld orhcr miscdlmcou 8en'nl hardwu''
-i.i ir," ,t" i"*. ro"" ;"'
"i"ri"c *h;lc durins zinc sPrsvins (m'tal-
of thii pBctic. wkh zinc cotting deposiled coolins rhickncss can b. dependcn! on lht opcmlors
iizios). "iir'"
rhroueh dillxcnr pmccsaa, (such !s hot diPp'd, 'lcctop)olcd' mmioulotion df rtp spnv nozzle The 8'omcuy ol lhc
pln cqn
,p'*y"Ji *qri,",*",io" in lni'r!rctarion 6inc' tE cnd ;ff;il; oo,rii'r it'i.rno, cspccilrtv dudns hot'dip
noini niov',uri con; dc'rblv bets.ln differnt zinc'coirrng ldvdizins, qhdo Pcals and vallcvs on $e
prn @ c!'rsc
;vitl*;*t"d.d iior"" A#,o uira i'p o, rt'in oul. fiis pnctic' lr dt'igncd to
r.. thk p.*tic. is shccr st"l from hot4ip
iJi"atr ir'"* *.* tt'" port * th' coatins i5 thin'
oL J"crro*"tlne line! $e shcet products uc normsllv
$ "i
snbicct to addiaond forminS ofict th€ corLio8 proc€ss Also 3, Copper Surf!& Soluttor
ixiiuacc rrom tis pncticr ore lll zinc-coaicd vrirc
ond *'n 3.t nc coopct sutfato soturion shallbc made bv dissolving 31$61 6snil Lto$lv or batch c'uted bcfoR orter d *o'*i.r"ri'ge p.rt' w?ish of comm'rc;al cuFic sulrate
i"."i"u. il"-r"g-+*t ';;""h (datiis rrom lround t963)
rc"6o. sn,ol itr l0o Pln5 bv wcitht or diltillcd
hs itutlcaLoi rhoarh; proctic. ctn bc infu"ccd bv opcEtor r ue us;d ro comprcG thc aorution or
ii* "r.ii.l i i i i.i,, ;,vi*,"a,
v"ii"t"* i- bc duc to Lh' drn'rcnc! rn hbd
-ii" ..vo,rt'
iuirun tr th' solurion ihall bc 3l)ow'd
.Fsru; usd !o *ipe ulc a0loplc or thc inlbiliry of op'raltr
1[r. ,"iitl- .r'"tt ,t'.o bc asirrtcd wirh 'no/ssl or
'xc43[1 0
iol!.olniu $c lnd Point l"*a".; ."0,i" r'va.ttc" tc\l(OH)r), about 0 13
r.a fhh s@tdotd-do.s not Purport to add'ess olt ol thz iru i"r"tll". d" o**^* or rn t€cr! or cupric hvd'ox idc
*i"" ,"*,,*, iJ uv, 6soci4tcd Nith its ute' It it he qPPN'
"i th'
iiii u" ii.*li,t'"''"a;'."nt or thi3 bc allow'd to glard
crscnt 0t bonom or
zJ,oirsibitirt oJ tu *e, oI thk standad ta
"tsbtish t" "*'Ji-t'. i'""-l"a -turion !h!ll
24 h rnd then frlcr.n or d.cont.d'
c"O" (cuo), o lr o''/8ar t08 s/Ll m'v be
lr utrd.r E l! dlcdot ol A'TM Coinnirk' 403 oi Mdrrrt'
' ftr trd's subsiituaa'ror ""ia"
cupric hvdrcxid., Prclid€d lhc..iohtion rs
c""ii i'i,iio s*r r,.a,.i .^a d'd drs iLrrirv or suh'mnirk' .i"*J,o t-l r.*'*,an aB h aft'r lhi! bcfot'
's 'M 'ddition
de.:nting or frltcring
h H;.311'lil, lT,#;,Tr#i' 3.2 T;c solutbnlhdt havo a spednc shvitv of
I 186 !i
lli*;rlil$Sffi33, io ;jur, *:"tion o-f impropcr 3p'rinc Itrvirv
rsi6 rii:Fr-. u
*r;i ;i;; ftr;n"'. r! b b. u; o s'hitr u* rimiB 'r s'dim
' *""' i-t'." rt'" ,Pccific etaviiv i5 blsh' and ldd a

hcdd'd''rp^lril@!. rJlri'dd*
@,idcrnxmrocrr1!obdrrhotDrh ro!qc o

(ffi a ras - ss lzoo+1
@pp$ sulflt€ solution of & hirber spedfc Slarity wbcn tbc 7. Proccduft
solution is low in spccifrc Sravlty. 7.1 Imncnc fic spccimc irl th. copPer sulfste solution'
vhich shall h. maintained st a lempqaturc ol 16 to 20"C [61
4. S}€.ihen Rinle Woter to 6E F). Allow hc lPccimds !o rcmllni! a nrcd-position
4.1 Oidinury, clesn top walcr IEav bc used for linring ,rr" r". I mln. Do nor agitllc ihc solution
est r is avsil8ble' $! rinse water "or'j,ion
durirg """itrv
tho inuDersioD Pcriod, nor allow th. spccimen3
to louch
specimens. If no ruonin8 la! _orfru
giics of lhc contriftr' Aftcr c&h
siall be Qlargcd aft.r lach dip The tcml)cEtllrc of th' rinsc iach or rfrc
nnsc watcr'
w;rh lhc spccihens imhcdiolcly in th'
wa(er shd bo from l5Io 2l'C 160 !o 70'Fl irnncrsion,
iid us. ! fib.r htutl. brush lo rcno!. sny coppet dcpott that
mav r'atc fomca o" d|e linc co.ting Bcforc tcn]ming
5. Quantlty ol CopPcr Sulfatc Solulion
ro rlt copper zu]farc solutiorl dmin.thorcughlv of
A4itltt- For cval$atlng hard- fie'cimox
5.1 |Iodwalc and Shnllf|r crccss rins. wstcr lnd wipc dry wtlh a cle!tr crotn
rrnre aoc timilar 0niclcs, thc qusntity of coppor sulfaG
*alurion rEouircd for .6ch .tolundon wil d.9end on 0t' 7.2 Continu! succlssivc irurcnioos of 1 n n crch' *oshing
offic spccinen bc'ngewlu0kdsnd lhe weiSht lnd wiDinr $c ip..imens aftc! csch inmersion unlil thc cnd
srDcrhcial srca xlr'
quaD ry should not bc les6 than l 2 qt/o/ point h;s 6cd rcachcd Gee APpendix
of coatin!. Thc
rr'tao,s or zi"" craliry on $e spccimcn (Note I ) lnd
qurflcc Nd 2-ZiE.@irrt! o. thddr e ltu'llv di6cu! b oL Ir h!! 'I '
strat: ic sumitnt ro corcr ttc s!@imcn io lrllt thc lop b.:;iJ;;;;;;; ;;- r.n*rerh*;.d P@ronlnudiilrrv
l!!ll h in EoDv'
tE L\slll to full vicw Md f4llidinB clclnin-s lotorutrm
of tho solution ls al ll 2 7 rnml abov! thc top of thc .rsin!-.opo.t
cvaluarion. Thc solution slall bc ,ri""" in tht @pp'r rulric
section of thc 6pe.im6 urdcr "rl.r """tt 'mh.Eion
Br!6hing sholld bc tlniLl ro |h. lhsd!.
discarded lftcr;omplelior of the cvaluation, and f€sh solutjon
uhall bc 0scd for aoy tddiliond evduadons.
8. fnd Polnt
N@ l-Tnc tho6ric.l niiiBun @unt or dpFr $lution ot
'ulrdr' 8.1 Thc cnd Doint shrtl bc Eco8niz€d by thc nplFronce
dquiFd o dlsol/. zinc r0rrquorlll5 nluilTnoqdrnLirv bF(Ifi'd if such I d'Postt
ii lr. r t rrrec rtnc" rltr ontmim ro cnss adcqu,rc otc oI rcluion briehl odbcrcni coppor deposirs. Hoscver,
ffi;-i; dklPFarsn'e or thc zinc
"fi.'ih" th' disaPp'nutcc of thcr '
6. Piepfiatlol of Sp.cimen6 .""-,i*,,f,. ir"t""lo" succ-ccdinS
iIl"i-a * *prcs;dns thc cnd Poinr'
i r'l
6.i rhe goc'rimcns selealcd for cvdnation shrll bc frcc of 'i".8.2"iail.
confirn adhcrcoce of tbe brirht copPcr dePosit bv a
abruion or ;ub itr lhc ziE cordng' .Ictpt thosc which may pJiine t."; tr i( i' p.r'iul. ro rcmo; 6e c-opPcr with 3n ink
occur auriu mrnulacrure of hc slecinrcn WhclE lhe 4ft0 ol
uncooled 6u'rfac. to bc lmme6.d ls moE thdr l0 % of thc totul
l.i".i. to octlt copp.r *irh thc cdge of ablunt tool such

iftmcrscd surfacc aru, pt!.lutlons' such ss pluS! for tubular

JJi t*r ir " r'it i,i"a. r"d zinc lppcars und'm'atr' rhc
shsll nor bc
mole al, or l!cqu.r, pmfrn. or othef suilable coatlngs for $' ."pp*, - "pp**t*
"""ft {Iqrd
of alcpositcd coPPcr

urstad surl&es ndit b€ tlkcn so as not !o deplet''lhc construcd us P(ini.

ot scftw
stenlth of coiier sulfate solulion 8.3 A 6nc Inc aPlc5mnci of copP€r on rhc.lop
rr'-"a" or on sham coees of aniclcr. or within I in l25 mml
6.? clcln thc spcliDem {ith a tuilsble vohtile orssnic judscd an
solven( tnd finolly, thorcuthl, wasb w;thcl$nw0tcr eod w'Pc
*t oJi- "i,rt.".i.i,"cn,
shall not bc us
dd with a cl.arl <omn clolh U ess otler{{isc sP€cifed, "i"
iintlii.*ir", i,iai.n ion of briSht tdhcrenr dcposib
-lkasion pruc.t or th'

.tmovc lacquct or vahish coatin8s wiih a 6uitlblc clc$' i;;;;;aJj;.", . *v cut or

o;;nal glccincn shall not b. considcrcd an end Pornt'
volntilc orao;lc solv.ntsuch tr! lcetonc, which will not attlck
thc zinc ;(ing ot l.{!c a gr.i0y or wary drpctil Thoroughlv
rinsc the specimels ii clqtr wuter ed wipe dry wiib a clein 9. Suppl.meDtlrt Tcsis
couon cloti. Bdng tl'. specimcns to 0 lcrnPemlurc b'tw€cn 15 thcre
9.1 If at anv d . durlng thc imme^ion Proceducm'tal'
and 21'C t60 ;d ?0'R prio. to tlo beginning of the
*; ;;;; ;," trrc px;onc€ or cxPosed bas' 's

J.L*j"a ti "it,"t i"ip."tron, th'rc lrc sckral supPrcmcr

which mi) b'
.-6,3 Ahormal cas.{ m.y ori6. whct' by E$on of unusyrl *u o+. ai;uta It s.irion i 0 ono or morc of
suffnci condklots, th! coppc. sulfatc solution will not tcl u'i J"pcnaing on *'" rvpc of costinS being Gvglustcd'
nomdlly on ihc zinc cdrinS. For c,omplc. th' solution nly
hsvc n; lDoorcnt albck on dl or Pan of th' sufrcc' or fihc 10. Soppteri.nrirJ r'!st forAl TJPg of Zlnc Co8 ngs
J.ooca iiopptr n ny npp*r o,r thc rhc coatl'r8 lf thcr! is thc spccim lhrongh th'
an; oualion ;f abnorm0l(v of! of sPc'lmc l0.l T.v-Sc.lion !'3U'
di;nrd rh! 6D€cimcn! rnd sclcct nclv ones. Clcio the ncw -""* i"*(
ai*'1,. -aau-r'tacc using;ciollosnphic
p"tish i! for
ii.l'irJ'rr'" noritr'.1 !n €tching solution
sDclln.ns t ;kohol,linsc, and wip. drv Tlen immersc for s sult't'' lnd
or ldr ot ctvom;c acid. I 5 t of sod ium
;in in a sol'rlion consistin8 of I Pln by volum' of ommonium -.-'ia
iirii'i. *",". Cpalmcnon sscno Arlcr
hydoxide (sp gr 0 90) and 9 Prff of wltcr' Th! rpcci m'ns mav 'tchins
*",r'a'.i"*i*." rhc eGbcd rpccimon
d scrubbed';irh 0 cotton clolh during this immcnion Anct "i.t "t."hol.Exlmine
uring a tagnifcotlot of l00diarn€tcB or
clcrdns, w.!h rh.6!.cim.n3 and wtPc dry thcn subjEt lh'n una.r
b th. Droccdur. d.sribcd in Sc.tion ? grcrtcr".L"4"op.,
if nccc$!ry.

{ffi I zos - ss 1aooa1!o,zi'"'-..^.p.'Y.,-1".',t":l".ii* "J"#Y"'TiJJ,:T,tr1,"i;:ffHl'ffi'"#:f,"J
droos) of dilut d hvdrochloric acld to
"' ry.'i,irli-ii yirh ic.ric !c,.1, snd oass hvdrDscd sulfidc
;;d;idc, acidiry
a whi' PrcciPi'l c'(zinc l'ridc' zns)
l;mu,jffi"':""J?.I"'m?!"ii.11Tilffi;? ii."
r' p"*nr thc ercrvctcac' will G mikl
coifrrms "oruuoi"
lhe presen€c or anc
ii""frn"ii"l:i ":*
diPpcd; nursi
-tlili*., *- u ,,v* 1tu .,.b,,' o.h. Es d', rc ,e"
" ,.:U,ffljlJ':jjllo"]:filll.,oil"Jhl:'


(No ud'lort lnlormrliot)


lnmonium hvdrorid' soltilion (l by volumc of a'nmo_

*ll;l ll]ilffir,f H[i',Hli; ]# ur#**;rr:;f i#.iJil:l:'*"*tr"'#Ii;lfl Pan

i.'*a *' tl Practicc

lil'l.i. ri " to s matcrlrl the
on such
ll].]]ii^l ii--^i""ia
" be Emiv.d b.fole conductins
"H,i"-f, o,cm drY.
;; for 3 min in an
;;il; ;mrrasng ttrc sP€'im€nl

x! STANDAID rol colt?AltlsoN

' i
x!. ACUON Or col?&R St,LATts SOLUIIoN


m**Hi#**:*:ffi In thc tnskcup of thc zinc
T*--**" - tn * d$od
drv t' md' b rlt
X3.2 ln vicw of tlc!. dificrr'lct!

{$f I aae - el 1mo4

ltfl/t lc''!tc,,dhdt,.&,' ai/'ttj, bdn" ,ott*'-

r$fu,|ltut.b m*aD',&v0.6/|/ryot.t'l ,,flY av'aFa ry.' d n I
rfr ffiiiis a w a* M t@t' ;rr.a..dr.d*.rhb'd d
ot htfiu.nd ol rd a4

Nn bt add'dMtt lnvtrd-$t
1fl. t|,|drt I try b nefc@.t.!rrD. h! h ig}l,!{.trr',.ll'leit,,tt.d
r ai'iiiei;; a.i v'-ry ":.ryWgo#mffi
t ,duttb.',|rdb,.ltntt.,'&,'d
"iq,,r,a t{..q!!4.r tlu M .
lN d t& t t tata
drit td'lrrdtJr.l, {16 r4n! M ' st tn,'t' ptffi"tt
'ffifi.fri r; ; h, rnl" d,'lla @ d'rxh''t e's'86 h'ht' 'N



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