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Name: __________________________________________ Date: _________________

5th Grade Social Studies Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Test

Fill in the blank (1 point each)
Use the words from the word bank to fill in the blanks.

Word Bank
Dred Scott Case Kansas Nebraska Act
Sojourner Truth The Raid on Harpers Ferry
Harriet Beecher Stowe Election of !860

1. _________________________ This plot was devised by John Brown in order to start a slave rebellion
against their owners.

2. _________________________ The Supreme Court ruled that African American had no rights as citizens
and that the phrase all men are created equal in the Declaration of Independence did not include black

3. _________________________ was an abolitionist who began writing about slavery. Her story Uncle Tom’s
cabin told the story of an abused slave named Eliza.

4. _________________________ was an African American women and former slave from New York State
who became famous for her speeches.

5. _________________________ This law erased the Missouri Compromise line and allowed the people in
each new territory to decide whether or not to have slavery.

Short Answer (1 point each)

Use the words from the word bank to fill in the blanks.

Word Bank
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Fredrick Douglas The Compromise of !850
William Lloyd Garrison Missouri Compromise
The Grimke Sisters

6. Who was born a slave but escaped to Massachusetts, was a great speaker and wrote an autobiography
about his life as a slave?

7. Who was the editor of an anti-slavery newspapers, The Liberator and was also an abolitionist?
8. These sisters grew up on a plantation. They saw how slaves were treated and wanted to help them. They
wrote about the evils of slavery in newspapers and booklets. Who are they?

9. This book, which was written by abolitionist Harriet Beecher Stowe told the story of an abused slave who
tried to run away to freedom. Millions of copies were sold in the United States and around the world.

10. This compromise allowed California to enter the Union as a free state, allowed Utah and New Mexico to
decide if they slave states based on popular sovereignty, ended the slave trade and passed Fugitive Slave

Multiple Choice (1 point each)

Choose the best answer.

11. Why did most white southerners oppose getting rid of slavery?
A. They knew the South’s economy depended on slavery
B. They believed slavery had become a part of the southern way of life
C. They needed slave labor to produce their crops at a faster rate.
D. All of the above

12. What did the Republicans’ position on slavery during the 1860 Campaign?
A. Republicans opposed slavery completely
B. Republicans wanted slavery to spread
C. Republicans did not want to abolish slavery.
D. Republicans wanted to keep slavery only in the territories.

13. What was the myth of the Antebellum South?

A. Slaves were treated harshly
B. Slaves were treated well and like being in slavery
C. Slaves would be beaten or whipped
D. Slaves would be given wages for their work done

14. Which party was created because people disliked all the other candidates?
A. Constitutional Union Party
B. Republican Party
C. Northern Democrats
D. Southern Democrats

15. Which is not a freedom that African Americans who lived in the North enjoyed?
A. African Americans could own property
B. African Americans could start businesses in the North
C. African Americans could learn to read and write in the North
D. African Americans could send their children to the same schools as white children
Matching (1 point each)
Match the word to its definition.

A. Abolitionist C. Bleeding Kansas

B. Antebellum D. Secede
E. Prosperous

16. _____The Latin word meaning, “Before the war” is

17. _____The Antebellum Periods was a blank one for much of the nation, especially in the South.

18. _____When the southern states learned Lincoln had been elected, they decided to blank.

19. _____have been arguing against slavery almost since it began, but the movement grew rapidly in the 1840.

20. _____ Attacks that took place in Kansas between pro-Slavery southerners and antislavery northerners over
which side would win when it came to voting about slavery.

True/False (1 point each)

Circle true or false.

21. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 compromise admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine has a free
True or False

22. The reason behind the Kansas-Nebraska Act was that the North wanted to make sure slavery stayed in the
True or False

23. The Fugitive Slave Act was passed by the United States Congress in 1850.
True or False

24. Tennessee and Georgia were slave states.

True or False

25. Michigan and Ohio were free slave states.

True or False

Essay Questions (12.5 points each)

27. Please explain the differences between the North and South during the Antebellum Period


28. Abraham Lincoln said, “A house divided against itself, cannot stand.” In your own words, what did
President Lincoln mean by this statement?

Points: ____ / 50

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