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Alicia Halpin Ortiz

Mathematical Methods
3 Bean Salad Mathematical Task


Mathematical Ideas/Concepts (in own words)
In this lesson, SWBAT practice ratio relationships IOT become more familiar and better
acquainted with algebraic thinking.

Mathematical practices
CCSS.Math.Practice.MP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
CCSS.Math.Practice.MP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively
CCSS.Math.Practice.MP4: Model with mathematics

Standards and Mathematical Practices Commented [VC1]: Previous standard regarding unit rate
CC.2.1.6.D.1 Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems. has been removed, as the lesson does not pertain to that
M06.A-R.1.1 Represent and/or solve real world and mathematical problems using rates,
ratios, and/or percents.

This activity should be a worthwhile task for students because it approaches rational as well as
algebraic thinking in an accessible way. The students will soon be diving into algebra more in
depth, and are currently very intimidated. This activity will allow them to explore ratios as well
as algebra with tools and skills they already have, while experimenting with new techniques. The
lesson additionally applies algebraic and proportional thinking into real life practices, such as

- Students will read the recipe for each salad
- Students will consider the conditions and work to determine how many of each of the
three types of beans are needed for the recipe.
- Some parameters to follow: Commented [VC2]: Previous requirement for students to
o All three types of beans go into each salad. use direct modeling has been removed in an effort to avoid
predetermining strategies and instead encourage multiple
o Students should be encouraged to guess and adjust as they work. strategies.

 Paper  Paper plates
 Pencils  Dry beans as models
o Regular graphite o Black beans
o Colored o Green lentil beans
 Index cards notating recipes o Pinto beans Commented [VC3]: The specific beans have been
changed in order to accommodate what was available for
Three Bean Salad Recipes
(Green lentil beans instead of lima beans, black beans instead of red beans, and pinto beans
instead of black-eyed peas)
UNPACKING THE MATHEMATICS Commented [VC4]: Expanded upon unpacking the math
In this lesson, students will have to consider a number of mathematical practices. In order in order to clarify my own understanding. Included points
made by Chapin & Johnson (2006) in their chapter regarding
to determine the proper recipe for the bean salads, students will have to consider what ratio or Ratio.
value is being requested, what operation will aid in their problem solving based on the text, and
what values meet the conditions requested. Students will work to make sense of the problem,
and reason abstractly and quantitatively in order to determine the recipe. This is especially true in
some problems, where the total number of beans is not explicitly determined.
The students have had experience working with all operations (addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division), and additionally recently finished up a unit on multiplying and
dividing fractions. This background knowledge should supply them with a variety of methods to
use to approach these problems. Although students have experience with fractions, they may not
be familiar with ratios. Fractions as a notation are used in proportional reasoning, but depending
on the context is not the same as ratio. A ratio is the numerical relation between two or more
quantities. Ratios are usually determined by dividing one of the numbers by the other in order to
compare the quantities, and expressing the comparison as a fraction or a percent. When this is
the case, the fraction is only a symbol of a relationship, and cannot be manipulated
mathematically the same way as it would if it represented an actual quantity (Chapin & Johnson,
What might create some challenges for the students will be the lack of a calculator. The
students are accustomed to using the calculator to solve problems, and will hopefully instead
able to solve these relatively simpler problems using pencil and paper for drawings or
calculations, as well as using concrete beans as supplied models. What also might be challenging
for the students is translating their knowledge of fractions into their understanding of ratios, and
recognizing the differences.


Problem 1: This salad contains 2 lentil beans, twice as many black beans as lentil beans, and 10
beans in all. How many of each bean could be in this salad?
Solution: 2 lentil beans, 4 black beans, 4 pinto beans
Strategies Representations Commented [VC5]: Incorporated realistic, plausible, and
Multiplication 2 lentil beans understandable representations for each problem to use
when discussing student strategies. Included color
2 x 2 lentil beans = 4 black beans
coordination as well.
twice 6 beans so far

10 beans total
10 – (6) = 4 pinto beans

Repeated Addition 2 lentil beans

2 + 2 = 4 black beans
6 beans so far

10 – 6 = 4 pinto beans
Direct Modeling with beans or drawings

Multiplication or Repeated Addition in a Ratio Table Lentil Black Pinto Total

2 4 1 7
2 4 2 8
2 4 3 9
2 4 4 10

Problem 2: This salad contains 4 black beans, ½ as many pinto beans as black beans, and 10
beans in all. How many of each bean could be in this salad?
Solution: 4 black beans, 2 pinto beans, 4 lentil beans
Strategies Representations
Division 4 black beans
4 ÷ 2 = 2 pinto beans
6 beans so far

10 – (6) = 4 lentil beans

Fractional multiplication 4 black beans

4 x ½ = 2 pinto beans
6 beans so far

10 – 6 = 4 lentil beans

Direct modeling with beans or drawings

- Division

- Multiplication

Multiplication or repeated addition in a ratio table Black Pinto Lentil Total

4 2 1 7
4 2 2 8
4 2 3 9
4 2 4 10
Problem 7: This salad contains 3 times as many black beans as pinto beans, one more lentil bean Commented [VC6]: Problem #7, the focus problem, has
than black beans. How many of each type of bean could be in the salad? been modified to be open to multiple solutions. The part of
Solution: minimum of 3 black beans, 1 pinto bean, 4 lentil beans the recipe that read that there were 8 beans in all has been
removed, with no specification of how many beans there
Strategies Representations were total.

Repeated Addition/Counting 3x pinto beans = black beans

(same representation for multiples) 1 + black beans = lentil beans

1 pinto bean
1 + 1 + 1 = 3 black beans (or 3 x 1 = black beans)
3 black + 1 = 4 lentil beans

Direct modeling with beans or drawings

- Multiplication starting with the black bean

- Division starting with the pinto beans

Multiplication or repeated addition in a ratio table Pinto Black Lentil Total

Guess and check 1 3 4 8
2 6 7 15
3 9 10 22
4 12 13 29
5 15 16 36
6 18 19 43
7 21 22 50

Students will be seated around a table in the library. The problems and materials will be
placed in the center of the table once the instructions have been reviewed. The library will be a
good location because it is typically not in use, and will allow for minimal distractions and ample
space to move around if needed. There is the potential that students may begin arguing due to
disagreeing opinions. This should be remedied by smaller groups and the norms set in place.

Before (Launch)
Norms Time: 3 minutes Commented [VC7]: Considered time limits of each
Inform students that they will be working in pairs, and ask them to suggest some norms to section of the lesson in attempt for efficiency throughout
follow, as students are not used to working in pairs very frequently.
Important norms to consider:
1. Students should listen to everyone’s opinions and suggestions
2. Students should work together and collaborate, and ensure everyone is understanding
3. Students should be open to other ways of thinking
4. Students should ask questions for clarification
5. Students are welcome to use whatever tools on the table that they feel will help them
solve the problem
6. Try you best and if you get stuck, ask for help!

Introduction Time: 1 minute Commented [VC8]: Created a more engaging

Today we are going to be making bean salads. Has anyone ever had a been salad? Has anyone introduction to hook students in that included questions to
activate prior knowledge.
done cooking at home? These bean salads are made with 3 kinds of beans and we will be trying
out different recipes.

Connections Time: 1 minute

In our last unit, we worked a lot with fractions, and looked at how fractions were used in recipes.
In this activity, we will expand our understanding of fractions and how they are used in other

Explanations Time: 5 minutes

Give an overview of Problem 1 as an example. Commented [VC9]: In order to provide scaffolding,
Can someone explain this problem in a different way? incorporated the review of the first problem together in
order to discuss mathematical language associated with
How could you think to solve this? List strategies. ratio as well as share multiple strategies.
Collect solutions in a discussion
(See detailed instructions for more information)

Instructions Commented [VC10]: Provided more detail into each part

1. Inform students that they will be working in pairs, and ask them to suggest some norms of the lesson. With each instruction step, included specific
questions to ask students in order to practice inquiry-based
to follow as we work as a group and work with partners (students are not used to working learning, and to incorporate them in their own learning.
in pairs very frequently)
2. Introduce the lesson: Today we are going to be making bean salads.
a. Has anyone ever had a been salad?
b. Has anyone done cooking at home?
c. These bean salads are made with 3 kinds of beans and we will be trying out
different recipes.
3. Discuss connections: What does this make students think of?
a. In our last unit, we worked a lot with fractions, and looked at how fractions
were used in recipes.
b. In this activity, we will expand our understanding of fractions and how they
are used in other contexts.
4. Pass out instructions for Problem #1 as a group and review mathematical language,
potential strategies, and solutions.
a. Twice as many: What does that mean? What is the problem asking you to do?
b. What is the opposite? What is the relationship of lentil beans to black beans?
5. Remind students that they will work in (preselected) pairs to solve the following
a. They will read the recipe for each salad
b. They will consider the conditions and work to determine how many of each of the
three types of beans are needed needed for the recipe.
i. All three types of beans go into each salad.
c. Students will be able to use any of the tools supplied to assist them in their
problem solving
d. Students should be encouraged to guess and adjust as they work.
e. Students should come to an agreement on the solution as a pair
6. Ask students to review instructions and ask for questions
7. Pass our instructions for Problem #2.
8. Walk around as the students work, help maintain expectations and go around to listen to
their strategies and their use of tools
9. When students finish up and agree upon a solution for Problem #2, pass out Problem #7

During (Explore) Time: 10 minutes

As students work, I will help maintain expectations and go around to listen to their strategies and
their use of tools. Prompting questions to use:
1. How are they are thinking about the problem? How they are working through it?
2. What operations have they used? What are they considering to figure out the unknowns?
3. What information has each member contributed?
4. Are they working cooperatively to agree on an answer? Is each partner contributing
5. What parts are they having trouble with?

Students will be given Problem 2 at the start, and Problem 7 as they finish. Commented [VC11]: As an additional entry point,
students will solve one more problem before solving the
focus problem (Problem #7).
Notes on strategies:
complete Strategies
problems Group 1: Group 2: Group 3:
in this
Problem 2

Problem 7
After (Discuss and Wrap Up)
Discussion Time: 10 minutes
1. Student share strategies for problem #7 one pair at a time (instructor will record) Commented [VC12]: After students complete the
2. I will be listening and looking for problems, we will review only the open version of Problem
- Clear explanations
- Use of tools
- Operations practiced
3. Prompting and probing questions:
- Ask a student to compare and connect one student’s question to another
o Where do you see ½ as many black beans in each of these solutions?
o How do you know there are ½ as many?
o Do other people agree?
o What’s the relationship between pinto and black beans in all these
- What do you like about this strategy?
- Questions about this strategy?
- Why do you think this student did this?
4. If there is a discrepancy in answers, work through student thinking to come to an
a. Why do multiple answers work? The ratio stays the same regardless of the total
5. Model ratio language language throughout (so we can say that the ratio of black beans to
pinto beans in this salad is 3 to 1 or 3:1) Commented [VC13]: Ensured to include use of ratio
language in order to appropriately include mathematical
language in accordance to lesson objective.
Wrap Up Time: 1 minute
In this activity, you used a whole range of mathematical operations. You began thinking about
ratios and you began thinking algebraically! In these problems, you worked to solve for
unknowns. There was information missing from these salad recipes, and you worked through the
problem to figure out what these unknowns were!

Exit Slip Time: 3 minutes

Make up a different salad and create your own recipe using two kinds of fruit, similar to what we
did today. In your recipe, write instructions for someone else to make your salad, describing the
relationship between the two without giving away the quantities of both. Provide a solution.

- Throughout: assessment will be taken, through pictures and notes on their thinking,
during student work, and probing questions will be asked throughout activity.
- Exit slip (see above) Commented [VC14]: As an additional form of
assessment, requested students to create their own salad
recipe, practicing algebraic and ratio thinking.
- As a scaffold: Ask the students to break down the Problem #1 and consider each aspect of
the problem. Pay special attention to
- As an extension: Provide students with additional problems in the following order:
Problem #3, Problem # 4, Problem #5, Problem #6, Problem #8

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