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Beauty of Vegeta ve Variety, Convenience of Seed

Cathay Zoysia japonica is widely recognized as an improved seeded zoysiagrass. It

is an excellent choice for golf courses, athle c fields, and landscapes in both the
Excellent heat, Transi on and warm‐season areas. Cathay has improved turf quality and playabil‐
drought and salt ity, good density, extreme wear resistance, moderate fine leaf texture and uni‐
tolerance formity. Cathay Brand is great for any low maintenance project, or can be main‐
tained on golf course fairways and rough areas.
Low nitrogen
fer lity and  Convenience of seed rather
than shipping and handling
overall lower
live plants
requirements  Higher purity and germina on
 Easily adaptable to various
Extremely wear types of soil
resistant with
 Improved shade and disease
excep onal turf tolerance
density and
 Deep green color, medium‐
Cathay seeded on en re course in Fiji
fine leaf texture

Reduced Dormancy for Enhanced Germina on: Cathay is treated for enhanced
germina on. Cathay boasts germina on rates over 70 and 80% due to a patented
material. Cathay seed has been made to reduce dormancy to speed up establish‐
Seeding Rate: Broadcast or slit‐seed in two direc ons at least 2‐4
lb/1,000 2 (10‐20 g/m2). The seed requires soil temperatures
above 70°F (21°C), sunlight, fer lizer and frequent irriga on during
ini al establishment.
See the Jacklin Zoysia Establishment Guidelines for more infor‐
ma on.
Scan for more informa on
Toll Free: 1-800-688-SEED on Jacklin specialty grasses
Fax: 1-509-319-3181

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