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Cileg Dems nf Dat so Women and Politics in the Philippines Maria Ela L. Atienza and Ruth Lusterio Rico Homer Wie have a purpose in our fives to be par of histor of¢ new dawn 10 be an overflowing river that waters the world whi blonge 1 al, egually From the song"“Women'" by the Shakti Group BB Learning objectives ‘tthe ond of hs chapter, the student should 1. Define and diterentat the basic concepts and epproeches eparding fender feminism, andthe labal davelopmentsregacing women's ‘eevee Doser he general status of women in Prope sociay and polities | it wal asthe major leauoe of problems tay contort. 4 Evaluate avaiable plies on waren and their implementation, | Reto the le, contbutons, and actives of war's oroups fsaton'aPhippine soy. pis, and acct, wm emphesis onthe) | ert ee +s often said that women in Philippine society ae on a pedestal, They ate fften assumed to occupy high stas ia society, But until today, many {stues conffont women in the Phikppines, such as inadequate political pavicipation, unfair eaten or discciaination in the family and in the Workplace, and sexual abuse. Womens groups and activists continue to Fight for genuine equality in all areas of society. “This chaple itroduces stents to some inpotant concep andl perspectives con gender and fersinis as well 35 the international context of women's rights fives an overiew ofthe general satus of eomen and the atendant ses 10 Philp od vane: Gan Demcresae lDerdp a Philippine society and palcs; presents available policies on women ad they level of implementation and offers an assessment ofthe oes ane contig ‘of momen and women’s groups to Philippine society and politics {BB Concepts, Approoches, andthe International Context of Feminism, Gender, ond Women’s Issues Feminist aspirations have been expressed since ancient times. However, ‘as not uni the emergence of the women's sufage movement in the 15 and 18508 inthe West that feminist ideas reached a wider audience. This wat ko known as “fiee-wave feminism.” Women's sufrage was achieved in mest ‘Western societies in the eat twentieth century. In the 1960, “second wave feminism’ emerged, Tis strain was more radical and sometimes revolutionary Feminist theories and doctines are tus diveree (gee box 1 fora brief discussion of the diferent types of feminism), but thes unifying featute is “a common desire to enhance, through whatever means, the social role of women Feqinisn's underying themes ae: 1 that society is charactenzed by sex ‘Render inequality, and 2) tha this strutute of male power can and should be ‘overturned Feminism ~ A perspective or ideology commited to prometing the socal rol of woman and, in meet eases, dediested tothe goal of gander equal [eis also important to distinguish berween the terms gonder and 8ex On the fone hand, sx refers toa person’ biological identity; itis meant to signify he fact that one is ether male o female, On the other hand, gone seers to “he socially learned behaviors and expecations that are associated with the to sexes. Thus, while maleness and femalenes ae biological facts, becoming 2 ‘man or a woman is 2 cultwal process. Also, according to Anders, while “one's biological sex usually establishes a patern af gendered expectations, ‘one's biological sex isnot always the same as one's gender identity. Femininity and masculinty are cultural concepts; thus, they "have fucruating mearings see leaned difecenty by differeat members of culture, and are relative 1 he historical snd socal setings in which they emerge.” ‘Gender refers 1 “the soci larned behaviors and expectations that aro astociated th th tw sxe But ex festa the perso bilogiaiceny ile meant sign enor male or fal (hap 1 aman od atin Pps ee i Ditterant Feminist Tradtions 1 oast four major contrasting faint taciions can be identified * Liberal fominem tended to undestend female subordination in terms of ‘he unequal strbution of rights and pportunes in society. Hence, this sual ight feminism Is essentially ceormis and concemed more with reform inthe pubic” sphere, 1. enhancing the lgal and pltcal status ‘of women and improving tel education and career prospects rather than ‘reordering ptvae” or domestic en contrast, Mart fini typically highlights the linka between female suborsinaton and the aptaist mode ‘ol production, drawing atlention othe economic signifeance of were to a family or domestic ie whore they, for ntance, Yelove mala workort of ‘the burden of domestic labor, rear and hep fo educate the nex generation of capita workere, and act as a roserve army of about." By erasing social classes, soxgm wil be eliminatod. But Marvst feminism was challenged nthe 19708 by sci! eminem. The ater treton conciuded that women's oppression isnot due to capitalism and economic class ‘elations alone, although they ate signicant sources of oppression, ‘Gondor relations are aqualy important in detemsning women’s stats. Sil ‘king the feminist ciscouree further, radical feminism botioves that gender divisions are the most fundamental end polcaly sigaiicant ‘eavages in scily. ll ssletos, past o prosont, re characterized by patarhy, where male conto females. Thus radical feminists procisim ‘he need for sxval revolution tha wil esreture he personal, domestic, anc famiy {As feminist movements interac wth global and local developments, feminist theories have inroasingl been inked wih ter seves andi hence producing ether variants of fomiism.* For instance, ecteminism locate the origin ofthe ecological cris inthe systom of male power or atarhy, whare man are ess genstve then women o natural processes ‘and he natural work, Black feminism, meanwhile, ie atuatedinantraist, sectvtes. n contrast to white women, black feminists se race, class, and gender expan a intreecting in hee ies, Thed-word feminism, for it pan, seeks to chalonge the universalizing language of the Western feminists and developmental stale discourses about women, the stale, and the struggle ‘hi raat Gove: Chloe Darvon nd Delopet em Before going ino the specifies ofthe stuntion of Filipina women, tis Siting to set the global context fst because it also relates to developmens Inthe county, From the Firs World Conference on Women in Mexico (1995) to the Fourth World Conference on Women in Being (1995), women have increasingly brought their agenda to United Nations (UN) conferences Thee include not only women's conferences but also other conferences. I becoming apparent that women's isives can no longer be separated fom ther sphetes. Por instance, the Rio Earth Summit (1992), the Vienna Conference on Human Rights (1993), and the Cairo Conference on Population (1954) inked women’s issues withthe envionment, uaa rights, and population and development. Other UN conferences in the 19808 and 1960s as well as parallel conferences fun by nongovernment organizations (NGOS) widened the concems and issues being addessed by women \Women-in-development (WID) Approach An approach used by evelopmont agencies from the 1970s and 1980s. It assumes tht the neglect of women could be remedied and their situation improved by inucing or integrating them in development projects and programs In the area of women and development, s number of approaches were developed to include women in the development process, By the mid197 particulary in 1975 (the Inernational Year of Women), a new policy 0 integrate women in development caught the attention of many development agencies, The assumption was that the neglect of women could be remedied and thee situation improved by including o integrating them in developmest projects and programs. This policy came to be known as the wonanscr ‘development approach" However, WID approaches that include

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