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Child/Hine: Bushra. Teacher/ Kaiako: Naema. Date: 20th ,November/Whiringa-ā-rangi ,2018.

Asalam-o-Alaikum, kia Ora! Bushra! Your last story was about how you have been gaining more con-
fidence in expressing yourself and finding new strategies to join the play with a positive attitude.
During these last few weeks I have provided you small and large group activities to develop your so-
cial skills, such as sharing and turn taking. Today while baking Banana Muffins you sat with a group
of children and waited for your turn for measuring and mixing ingredients and pouring them in the
baking tray. You were also given the responsibility to collect the banana peels to feed the worms.

Today I brought an ‘Operation Board’ game for children to learn about the human body as well as to
work as a team. When I asked a group of four children to have their turn, I noticed you got a little bit
upset when someone sat on the stool before you. I mentioned to you that you can either sit on the oth-
er stool or you can wait until another child finishes his turn. To get you more into ‘co-operative’ play I
asked you to join children in a group activity. In the activity a child will pick an item form the organ
and pass onto the next child and so on so forth. Bushra, I noticed Alen picked the object from the organ,
passed it onto you and you passed it to Samira. I mentioned how doctors and nurses worked as a team
when they operate a patient. I noticed you had a big smile and sparkles in your eyes, you felt very
proud to be part of the team.
6.11.18 7.11.18 8.11.18
Bushra you were supported in all areas of learning to find strategies and skills
to play and learn with other children/te ngā kau aroha.

20.11.19: Revisit: Today I was near the play-dough table when I heard Thaakeira asked for a popsicle
stick and I heard Bushra you said “No,” I stood there to observe the situation, I heard Thaakeira said,
“Bushra you have so many you need to share.” I heard you replied, “I have this many” and looked
carefully at the play-dough cake and realized you had too many candles on the cake and passed one
popsicle stick to Thaakeira. I gave you a thumbs up for good sharing and making good choices.

Ka pai Bushra good sharing!

What is happening?
You are becoming a positive learner and developing the respect for others, to identify and accept an-
other's point of view, this is giving you the attitude of acceptance and interaction with other children
to maintain your friendship and play.
We extend this learning?
Staff will continue to support you to further gain more confidence in expressing yourself and will en-
courage you to take responsibility for your learning and strengthening your strategies to maintain
your play with others. We will continue to provide small and large group activities to further develop
your social skills; identifying and accepting other point of views, sharing and taking turns. We will
also give you leading roles so you can contribute to the group and comfortable for making decisions.
Parent’s contribution:
Today you had a big smile on your face when I mentioned the generosity of Bushra’s mum for bring-
ing fruits and vegetables to share with the children.

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