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Studying Bivariate Data 

Math 9 Summative Assessment 

You will ​select​ your own data set of ​quantitative​ data. You will complete the sections of the graphic 
organizer (below) to ​analyze​ the data and show ​insightful interpretations​ of what the data means. 
Remember that you only have an hour to complete this assessment, so use your time wisely.  
Criterion C Communicating 

Strand  Level 1-2  Level 3-4  Level 5-6  Level 7-8 

Use​ appropriate  Use​ limited  Use​ some appropriate  Usually ​use​ appropriate  Consistently ​use 
mathematical language  mathematical  mathematical language.   mathematical language.  appropriate mathematical 
(notation, symbols and  language.      language. 
terminology) in both oral   
and written statements.  

Use​ different forms of  Use​ limited forms of  Use​ appropriate forms  Usually ​use​ appropriate  Use​ appropriate forms of 
mathematical  mathematical  of mathematical  forms of mathematical  mathematical 
representation to present  representation to  representation to  representation to  representation to 
information.  present information.  present information  present information  consistently present 
  adequately.  correctly.  information correctly. 

Move​ between different  Communicate  Communicate​ through  Usually move between  Move effectively between 
forms of mathematical  through lines of  lines of reasoning that  different forms of  different forms of 
representation.  reasoning that are  are complete.  mathematical  mathematical 
  difficult to  representation.  representation. 

Communicate​ complete    Adequately ​organize  Communicate​ through  Communicate​ through 

and coherent  information using a  lines of reasoning that  lines of reasoning that are 
mathematical lines of  logical structure.   are complete and  complete, coherent and 
reasoning.    coherent.   concise. 

Organize​ information      Present​ work that is  Present​ work that is 
using a logical structure.  usually organized using a  consistently organized 
  logical structure.  using a logical structure. 

Student Justifications:4 
I get 4 because I use appropriate math language. I use forms of mathematical representation present information. I organized my 
information. I communicate through line. 

Teacher Justifications:  
Criterion D Applying Math In Real World Contexts 

Strand  Level 1-2  Level 3-4  Level 5-6  Level 7-8 

Identify​ relevant  Identify​ some of the  Identify​ the relevant  Identify​ the relevant  Identify​ the relevant 
elements of authentic  elements of the  elements of the  elements of the  elements of the 
real-life situations.  authentic real-life  authentic real-life  authentic real-life  authentic real-life 
situation.  situation.  situation.  situation. 

Select​ appropriate  Apply​ mathematical  Select,​ with some  Select​ adequate  Select​ appropriate 
mathematical strategies  strategies to find a  success, adequate  mathematical strategies  mathematical strategies 
when solving authentic  solution to the authentic  mathematical strategies  to model the authentic  to model the authentic 
real-life situations.  real-life situation, with  to model the authentic  real-life situation.  real-life situation. 
  limited success.  real-life situation. 

Apply​ the selected    Apply ​mathematical  Apply​ the selected  Apply​ the selected 
mathematical strategies  strategies to reach a  mathematical strategies  mathematical strategies 
successfully to reach a  solution to the authentic  to reach a valid solution  to reach a correct 
solution.  real-life situation.  to the authentic real-life  solution to the authentic 
  situation.  real-life situation.  

Explain​ the degree of    Discuss ​whether the  Explain​ the degree of  Justify​ the degree of 
accuracy of a solution.  solution makes sense in  accuracy of the solution.  accuracy of the solution. 
the context of the     
authentic real-life     

Explain​ whether a      Explain​ whether the  Justify​ whether the 

solution makes sense in  solution makes sense in  solution makes sense in 
the context of the  the context of the  the context of the 
authentic real-life  authentic real-life  authentic real-life 
situation.  situation.  situation. 

Student Justifications:5 
I get 5 because I show relevant element for real life situation. I select the math that need for real life. I apply my selected math and 
show real life situation. I explain the solution. I show that my solution make sense in context and real life situation.  

Teacher Justifications:  

Your Work Begins Here 
Insert​ a link to your data here. This should be a CSV file.

Identify​ the two variables that are being compared in this data. Which is the independent 
variable and which is the dependent variable? (Minimum 2 sentences) 

Age is independent variable, because you can’t control your age to be younger, you only just 
going to get older. Dependent variable is weight, because weight depend of your age, the older 
you get, the heavier you will be. Because when you’re young your weight are 20kg, but when 
you grow, your weight will be more and more. 

Explain​ how you know which variables are which. (Minimum 2 sentences) 

Age is independent variable because you can’t control age. It just getting more and more 
bigger number. 
Weight is dependent variable because weight depend on age, when you grow up, you will be 
more heavy. 

Select​ a Global Context and ​explain​ how this data relates to that Global Context. (minimum 4 
Global Contexts: 
Identities and Relationships Orientation in Space and Time 
Globalization and Sustainability Scientific and Technical Innovation 
Personal and Cultural Expression Fairness and development 

Personal and Cultural Expression. I choose this global context because I think that weight are 
personal, because you can control it. But age is a thing that so can’t control, so I think it’s 
nature because you can’t control nature.  
Predict​ what kind of correlation you will find when you graph this data and ​explain​ why you 
think it will be that type of correlation. (Minimum 2 sentences) 

The correlation ship between this two variable will be the older you are, the more weight you 
will be. But your weight will not get more if you’re grow enough, your body will stop growing, 
and then your weight won’t be dependent variable anymore. Your weight will turn to control 

Now use Google Sheets to ​create​ a scatterplot of your data. ​Insert​ your graph with a 
trendline here. 

What is the ​equation​ of the trendline and the ​R2​ ​value​? What does your R​2​ value tell you about 
your equation? (Minimum 2 sentences) 

Equation of trendline is 0.104x + 75.5 and equation of R2 value is 0.104x + 75.5=0.001, if the R 
number is small, it mean the graph is really fit on the line. 

Based on your trendline, What ​predictions​ or inferences can you make about your data? 
Provide an expected value AND ​justify​ your prediction. (Minimum 4 sentences) 
The older football player is, the more weight football player will be. It depend on the football 
player too, if that guy eat a lot, then he will be extra weight than normal. My prediction is right 
because if the football player are not old or in this age, his weight will be less or his weight 
won’t be more. But if football player is in that age now, he won’t be grown anymore, his weight 
will be like that. 

Why might someone choose to study this data?​ In other words, what makes this interesting 
data to study? What information or deeper understanding does it provide? (Minimum 4 

I think a lot of people will find out this data is interesting, because I think that someone 
doesn’t think about relationship between age and weight. They might use the data to find 
about other living thing, it might help about overall of normal kids when they were born, and 
can compare to abnormal kids that born. This might be use in hospital when doctor is finding 
that kids weight, and the weight is not normal, then we already know that this kids is not 
normal, or this kids is very strong that his body is really big. 

What could you ​recommend as a follow-up study​? I.e.: How could your conclusions be used 
to help people make decisions or to create a new study? (Minimum 3 sentences) 

I know that for sure people will use this data to learn more, find new information, and make a 
decision should he learn or not, I also find out this data is very interesting. My conclusion is to 
show the people that want to learn about this graph, what is this graph about, how would it 
help real world.  

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