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Polymerization of Unsaturated Fatty Acids"

Emery Industries, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio

Introduction esters are split, polybasic fat acids are formed. Poly-
HE purpose of this paper is to describe a novel amides of these materials have been suggested as ad-
T method for the preparation of polybasic fat acids
by the direct polymerization of unsaturated fatty
hesives and shellac substitutes, and the polyglycol
esters of the polybasic fat acids were tested as rubber
acids by heat without a resulting appreciable loss in substitutes during the war. The proposed uses have
carboxy acidity. In this process decarboxylation and encouraged various investigators to introduce methods
decomposition which heretofore invariably have ac- for the preparation of these polybasic fat acids as
companied heat polymerizations of fatty acids are pre- such.
vented by the presence of moisture maintained in the There are four principal methods for the prepara-
reaction vessel by steam pressure. Besides its stabiliz- tion of polybasic fat acids. Unsaturated glycerides are
ing effect on the carboxyl group, the moisture which is polymerized by heat in an inert atmosphere until the
present also changes the composition of the polybasic gel point is nearly reached. This material is then split
fat acids in that the ratio of dibasic fat acids to higher by alkali, and the acids are recovered by acidification
po]ybasic fat acids is shifted considerably in favor of of the soaps. Unpolymerized acids are removed by
the dibasic acids as shown by polyamide preparations distillation under reduced pressure. In this process
and moIecular distillations. This process of polymeri- the yield of polybasic fat acids seems to be limited by
zation in the presence of moisture has also been used the gel point of the oil used. The second process
to remove polyunsaturated acids from commercial utilizes a methanalysis reaction of a drying oil and
oleic acid. methanol in the preparation of the methyl esters of
The results have been sufficiently promising to war- the unsaturated fat acids. The methyl esters are then
rant the preparation of patent applications which are polymerized by heat, after which the material is dis-
now pending with the expectation that the processes tilled under reduced pressure to remove the unreacted
will find commercial utilization in the near future. portion. The residual esters are then split with alco-
The subject of oil polymerization and the mechan- holic caustic solution, and the free acids are obtained
ism by which it takes place has been the basis for by acidification of the soaps. These two methods are
numerous investigations not only because of the wide- described in detail by Cowan (7, 8) and Bradley (9).
spread practical use of the process but also in order Percy and Ross (10) have described a method of pre-
that a satisfactory working theory might be provided. paring polybasic fat acids by the heat polymerization
Most of the early work on this general subject dealt of the anhydrous sodium soaps of unsaturated fatty
with the mechanism of oil polymerizations. Schreiber acids. The free acids are obtained by the acidulation
(1), who was one of the early workers in the field, of the soaps and are separated by distillation. Poly-
advanced the theory that the isomerization of noncon- basic fat acids have been prepared by the heat
jugated systems is a prerequisite to the polymerization polymerization of the f a t t y acids directly, with the
reaction. Kappelmeier (2) suggested that the poly- separation being made by distillation. This would
merization took place by a diene reaction or 1,4 addi- seem to be the most economical and direct method of
tion of an isomerized molecule to a double bond of preparing polybasic fat acids, but all of the reports
another molecule to form a substituted cyclohexene on this procedure point out the fact that the fatty
derivative. These theories were supported by Bradley acids tend to decompose and decarboxylate when
and coworkers (3, 4) who investigated the course of heated at or above 275~ which is lower than the
polymerization of drying and semi-drying oils and de- usual polymerization temperature of 300~ In fact,
termined the constitution of drying oil gels. During it has been found in our laboratories that when lin-
the course of the latter work, these investigators (5) seed fatty acids are polymerized at 280 to 290~ in
isolated and characterized a fraction of polybasic an inert atmosphere, polybasie fat acids are obtained
acids which they termed " d i m e r " acids. According which constitute 50 to 55% of the weight of the start-
to the postulated mechanisms, the structural formula ing acids but which have lost 30 to 35% of the origi-
for dimerized linoleic acid would be, nal acidity by decarboxylation. Since it is desirable
to prepare polybasic fat acids directly from fatty
O]~(OH,)r--CH OH CH=CH(CH,),b-~,H
/ \ acids without appreciable loss in carboxy acidity, the
C~, (0H,),--G~ C H (CH2),C0:H following procedure, which is the basis of this paper,
\ /
cH=CII was developed.
More recent work by Bradley and Johnston (3, 4) Experimental
has shown that trimeric esters as well as dimeric esters The fatty acids used in the experimental work were
are formed when methyl linoleate obtained from de- commercial grade fatty acids. Heat polymerizations
hydroxylated castor oil is polymerized by heating. of the unsaturated fatty acids in the presence of mois-
Cowan and coworkers (6) have shown by molecular ture were carried out in a stainless steel pressure ves-
distillations of materials obtained by the polymeriza- sel which was heated by a direct gas flame.
tion of methyl esters of linseed fatty acids that more Polybasic Fat Acids: A sample of the unsaturated
than 50% of the polymerized esters are trimeric and fatty acids was put into the pressure vessel along with
higher polymeric in nature. When the polymerized a small amount of water and heated to 330 to 860~
The pressure was adjusted to the desired value of 85
* Presented st 20th fall meeting, American Oil Chemists' Society,
Chicago, Ill., Oct. 3 0 - ~ o v . I, 1946. to 400 lbs./in. * by the use of a vent valve. As an

alternate method, the pressure vessed was connected that the p o l y u n s a t u r a t e d acid content had been sub-
directly to a steam line. A f t e r the heating period of stantially lowered. Results of a typical r u n are
3 to 8 hours the p a r t i a l l y polymerized acids were tabulated.
dried, and the unreacted portion was removed b y dis-
tillation u n d e r reduced pressure. The color of the
polybasic acids in some runs was improved b y bleach-
. ateri. . . I, . I IPContent
r a t e d Acid
ing with 3% of bleaching earth for 40 minutes at Commercial Oleic Acid .............. I lOO I 95 I 286 l 11.9
80 to 90~ The products were characterized b y Distillate ................................... I 85 I 83 ! 283 2.7
Residue ................................ -....I 15 I 8o I 556 I
iodine values and neutralization equivalents. Results
of typical polymerizations are t a b u l a t e d :
Polyhasic F a t Acids Monohasie Acids
The process for the p r e p a r a t i o n of poIybasic f a t
Raw Material I.V. N.E. acids directly f r o m the acids is a v e r y simple one
% " I.V. N.E. % I.V.N.E.
involving two steps which are polymerization and
Linseed Acids ....... 190 286 63.3 102.5 303 36.7 85 277
~ottonseod Acids.. 135 293 50.5 88 315 49.5 80 292 separation. It is based on the discovery t h a t small
Soy Acids ............. 136 282 58.5 81 311 41.5 60 280 amounts of water maintained in the reaction vessel
almost completely stop decomposition of the f a t t y
Polyamides From Polybasic Fat Acids: Polybasic acids at polymerization temperatures. The use of
f a t acids were used to p r e p a r e polyamides with both moisture in conjunction with heat and moderate pres-
ethylene diamine and hexamethylene diamine. Poly- sures is a very simple p r o c e ~ to a p p l y commercially,
basic f a t acids were heated with stirring to 150~ and perhaps because of its simplicity is surprisingly
a n d with a slow stream of carbon dioxide gas being effective. The various factors effecting this p r o c e ~
passed through them. A chemical equivalent of ethyl- are the nature of the raw material used, polymerizing
ene diamine (70% aqueous solution) was added slowly temperatures, time of polymerization, moisture pres-
through a tube leading to the bottom of the reaction ent, and catalysl%.
vessel. W h e n all of the ethylene diamine had been Raw materials: F a t t y acids f r o m a n y of t h e . m a n y
added, the t e m p e r a t u r e was raised g r a d u a l l y to drying or semi-drying oils m a y be used, b u t f r o m the
200~ and the pressure was lowered to 10 a m . of standpoint of economics, f a t t y acids recommended are
Hg. A f t e r one hour at these conditions a sample was those from soy, cottonseed, corn, and linseed oils. In
removed and titrated with both acid a n d base to de- this process the yield of polybasic f a t acids obtained
termine which ingredient was in excess. A calculated seems to be limited by the amount of p o l y u n s a t u r a t e d
amount of the lesser ingredient was added, and the acids present in the raw material used (Table I ) . In
t e m p e r a t u r e was raised to 250 to 260~ u n d e r 10 a m . general, the color and quality of polybasie f a t acids
of Hg. pressure. Polyamides having molecular weights are dependent on the color and quality of the r a w
of 6,000 to 10,000 were obtained in this manner. material. The amount of p o l y u n s a t u r a t e d f a t t y acids
Chemical equivalents of polybasic f a t acids and having more than two double bonds to a molecule is a
hexamethylcne diamine were heated in the presence of factor in determining the amount of tribasic and
carbon dioxide gas at 150~ for one hour. The tem- higher polybasic f a t acids formed during the poly-
p e r a t u r e was then raised to 200~ and the pressure merization. This is demonstrated b y the fact that
was reduced to 10 a m . of Hg. A f t e r one hour, a sam- linseed f a t t y acids, which contain considerable lino-
ple was removed and titrated with acid and base to lenic acid, produce more tribasic acids than do f a t t y
determine the ratio of free carboxyl to free amino acids from soy oil which have much lower linolenie
groups. A n y inequalities were adjusted, and the resin acid content.
was heated to 250 to 260~ u n d e r a pressure of 10 TABLE I
a m . of Hg. Polyamides having molecular weights of Effect of R a w Material on Yield of Polybaslc F a t Acids Obtained
28,000 to 29,000 were obtained b y this method.
Molecular Distillations: The methyl esters of poly- R a w Material
I] I.V.
Yield of
basic f a t acids f r o m various raw materials were pre- Acids
pared. They had free f a t t y acid values of about 2% Soy Acids ................................................................... I! '137 58.5
Linseed Acids ............................................................ [ 190 64.2
as oleic acid. The esters were heated to 300~ u n d e r Linseed Acids ........................................................... [ 208 76.8
4 mm. of IIg. pressure to remove gases and a n y unre- Cottonseed Acids ....................................................... 134 50.5
Cottonseed Foots Acids .............................................. ~ 109 39.5
moved monomeric esters. Samples were weighed into
a H i c k m a n molecular still and were distilled at tem- Time and Temperature of Polymerization: The
peratures up to 250~ u n d e r a pressure of one to two polymerizing t e m p e r a t u r e s used were f r o m 275 to
microns. The distilled esters were mobile liquids hav- 370~ The t e m p e r a t u r e at which the reaction is car-
ing free f a t t y acid values in the order of 0.2% as ried out d o e s n o t seem to be critical, b u t there is an
oleic acid.
interrelationship between time and t e m p e r a t u r e in
Removal of Polyunsaturated Acids From Com- that higher t e m p e r a t u r e s shorten the time of poly-
mercial Oleic Acid: Only slight variations in the merization appreciably. F o r example, about the same
polymerization process need be made for removing degree of polymerization is attained in six to seven
p o l y u n s a t u r a t e d acids f r o m commercial oleic acid. hours at 350~ as results f r o m an 18-hour heating
Usually a shorter time and a lower t e m p e r a t u r e are period at 290~ In order to obtain a high degree of
used. polymerization in a reasonable length of t4me, tem-
Commercial oleic acid was heated in an autoclave peratures of 330 to 360~ are recommended. At these
for three hours at 330 to 340~ u n d e r a steam pres- temperatures, polymerization is virtually complete in
sure of 300 lbs./in. 2. Monomer acids were removed three to eight hours.
f r o m the polymerized acids b y distillation u n d e r re- Presence of Moi~ture: The presence of moisture
duced pressure. Spectrophotometric results showed in the polymerization reaction produces r e m a r k a b l e

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