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Homework – due 11/27

1. Form the comparative and superlative with translations for the following …

Comparative Superlative
2. ___________________ _____________________

3. ___________________ _____________________

4. ___________________ _____________________

5. ___________________ _____________________

6. ___________________ _____________________

7. ___________________ _____________________

8. Translate the following (review…)

a. Quisquis credit se nulla vitia habere, is nimis errat.

b. Dux magnanimous negavit arcem Carthaginis delendam esse.

c. Servi speraverunt se perfugium atque solacium pro vulneribus ultra montes

inventuros esse.

d. Graeci duces gemini senserunt Troiam vidisse diem ultimum.

e. Hostes feroces credunt omnem rem publicam sibi vindendam esse.

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