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Kylee Glazier 

Student seeking a part-time job as a dining room server. 


​ abysitting 
The Hawks Family, ​Daybreak—​ B Very hard working. 
SUMMER 2015  Takes pride in punctuality. 
In charge of taking care of a 5-year-old and a 2-year-old little girls. I had 
Good at following direction. 
to make them dinner, get them ready for bed, and put them to bed. 
Works well with others.  

Blue Knights, S
​ andy, Ut​ —
​ T
​ eam Member  Determined and reliable. 
JUNE 2016 - JUNE 2017 
Thinks rationally and is 
Center Back Defender, responsible for keeping the team organized on the  intuitive. 
field during play as well as providing support to my fellow players.  
Comfortable public speaking. 

LDS Church, ​South Jordan, UT​ —

​ ​Class President  Extremely organized and a 
SEPTEMBER 2014 - APRIL 2015  good work ethic. 

Supervised my councillors and the other girls in my class. Following up 

with how the girls were doing inside as well as outside of the class.  

Herriman High and Copper 

Mountain Middle School 
Honor Rolls  
Herriman High, H
​ erriman Utah — ​Senior 
Awarded to those with a 3.5 
gpa or higher. All three 
Currently a Senior. Received a 4.0 cumulative grade point average.  quarters of my sophomore 
Participated in one of the school choirs. Took honors, concurrent  year. 
enrollment, and AP courses. 
Copper Mountain Middle 
School Triple Crown Award 
Awarded for 100% 
attendance, a 4.0 gpa, and all 
References available upon request. 
honorary citizenship. 
Quarters 2 and 4 Freshman 


Spending time with family, 

camping, and boating. 

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