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Sta. Mesa, Manila

Department of Humanities
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy

This CRITIC PAPER entitled

“A REVIEW: Folkloric Studies and Values Education”

is submitted by

as a partial requirement in

under the supervision of


submitted on
September 23, 2010
Folkloric Studies and Values Education

This paper wishes to criticize the aforementioned essay and to justify and
support strong points the author – the author of the essay, as well as to argue with some
points the author of this paper cannot do agree. This paper cannot remove the character
to be schematic for diagrams and examples will be frequently used. This will help for
better understanding on the subject and for more justifiable claims and arguments. This
paper will as well as shows statements in logical form, to show the logical analysis of
the two authors.

At some point, this paper will appear to be misleading but then again the author
will try to pull it back to the right track.


Indeed, every nation has their own culture, culture that may be identical or merely a
shadow of repressions and colonialism. Culture symbolizes the kernel of knowledge in
a specific society; this can be a manifestation of social awareness of a specific group of
people or the community, society itself. This can be the building blocks of indubitable
historical actions, social behavior of a particular group of people and a collective
cultivation of ideas and principles. In Hermeneutics, Culture is given a big importance
in interpreting ancient documents and scriptures and in understanding the historical
analysis. Hermeneutics considers the greatest influences during a specific period or
bracket into which one arises. Culture gives descriptions to the early existence not by
society alone, but with the humanity as a whole.

There is so much to see when we speak up of culture, but to specify or

breakdown this issue, let us use two factors, significant factors that are necessary and
continuously manifested through the period of times or continuity of civilization –
Folklore and Values; they might changed their importance yet, the fact, it is inseparable
to one’s consciousness: in implicit sphere or explicitly exposed.

Folklores are beliefs passed by one generation into another generation. These are
beliefs of the early ages that constitutes the present year. These are customs often
referred to be the oral history of a specific society. This is an oral history in the sense
that it is being transferred up to this age bracket by story telling or by the use of oral
communication. To this age, wherein everything can be explained by science and
humanity is evolving under the power of modernization; these customs are on its

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heights, meaning, it is now in written form and are studied systematically. Folklores
include legends, myths, proverbs, fables or somehow popularly known as literary
pieces – kwentong bayan to be specific.

Folklores commonly talks about moral and lessons of good will and conduct.
This inclines traditional values or the dream of perfect values in which elders are trying
to inculcate to the young generations. Stories or line of thoughts have seeds of these
dreamt values. To explain this much easier let us use comparison for this effect, let us
use for example in China. Chinese uses the Confucian Analects, Book of Mencius,
Sayings of Lao Tze as the basis of their values – these literary are being studied
wholeheartedly by the Chinese people. The seeds of thoughts in the mentioned
literatures are once transferred up to this generation and are use by the present ages.
The transfer at some point was successful, Chinese nowadays do give importance to
what these books are telling or teaching them.

Values on the other hand comprises of the standard behavior of a given group.
Values are observable to the society and can be use to distinguish one’s way of life; their
difference and similarities. Values are the manifestation of how a specific society grows
in some certain of light. These values are commonly inherited from their social
consciousness and observable attitude of the society and the elders underneath. Values
– for the author of this paper believes, is the consensus of the people that is established
in an unaware manner. It arises from somewhere that even the most wise man cannot
give a specific point of origin. Values may differ from one another yet the fact is that
historical background and people’s social consciousness is important to this factor.

For an easier analysis to this claim, let use examples. First is the issue of
pornography – in the Philippines this action or tradition is considered to be taboo and
forbidden. This is a form of immorality and evilness, but in some state in the United
States, California for example, this tradition is normal, typical, ordinary and legal.
Second is in Islamic tradition, beheading is the highest form of punishments while in
Christianity; to kill someone in general is a form of ruining the original law of God.
Lastly, in Chinese history, they implemented the One Child Policy into which no one is
entitled to have more than children or else they should kill or abort the second one, in
the Philippines, this is again a form of immorality and wickedness.

To some extent, values became dogmatic as it produces social norms of which

are indubitable, inevitable and permanent. These values, though it is good and
justifiable, are then use to preserve the status quo. The common misconception today is
that, whatever that goes beyond status quo is invaluable and immoral. The fact is,
values must not come after status quo but instead status quo should follow what is the
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real valuable in a specific bracket of time. Values and Status Quo should not be equated
to one another or form an alliance for interchangeability. Values independently exist
away from status quo but status quo always depends on values. Further explanation to
this matter will be found on the analysis.

How folklores are use to inculcate the seeds of dreamed values? Let us take for
example this scenario. A kid shows an act of greediness. The initial reaction of the
parents or elders would be like this: first is to talk to the kid in a calm way, then he will
start telling stories – stories such as myth, legends in which characters who possesses
the conduct of greediness will be punished either by transforming it into an object or
punishing by giving him monstrous appearance.

Originally, or part of the folkloric traditions, some of such and such are uses to
explain origin of certain objects. This sounds superstitious to this modernized time in
which everything can be now run by technologies and gadgets. The truth that this is the
science in the early period of existence is undeniably true; they created their own fears
by creating these folklores.

Solidity of these folklores are basically and will depend in personal outlook and
awareness in life influenced by religious beliefs, communal traditions, educational
background, historical life and others of the same kind to be expanded in the analysis


As mentioned in the early part of this paper, Folklore is an overview to understand the
values and disciplinary actions during the early ages or during the life of our ancestors.
Folklore, aside from art, serves as signifier of desires for perfection of the society as
mentioned earlier and will be justified at the concluding statement. There is a necessary
need for values for a nation or society to exists, an absence of values is an absence of
spirit and soul.

In the Philippine Educational Curriculum, Pre-Elementary Level has Character

Education, in Elementary Level had EKAWP (Edukasyong Pangkapwa at Wastong Pag-
uugali) and GMRC (Good Manners and Right Conduct) and for High School the Values
Education. These subjects do differ with names but possesses something in common.
These subject matters are all dealing with one’s relationship to otherness of people and
the proper action inside the society. These subjects deal with the inculcation of
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discipline and cultivation of values. These subjects deal with the moral and ethical
aspect of life. Some misinterpret these subjects as religious and spiritual subject, but in
essence, these conceptions are just part of the whole and sometimes and in some
schools, these two are separate subjects.

The main problem presented to us by the essay is the teaching of Folklores as the
measurement or grounds for Values Education for College Level, hence inasmuch with
the other level.

The author of this paper derives sub-problems with this matter. The author of
this paper foresees that, the method of teaching will only fall as discussing literature but
not grasping its real essence and meaning of the text being discussed. Secondly, the
author of this paper notices that what might happen is that students are then to
memorize but not to philosophize. Third, the author of this paper again sees the
possibility that there will be lack of appreciation for the students if the second will
happen. Fourth, there will be collision of ideas, most especially when one is compared
to others and will result to confusion when students are not guided properly and
instructors are incompetent. Fifth is the problem with so much folklore in different
parts and selection will cause unfairness to other regions. Six, the original meaning may
be lost because of authorities assertion of own prejudice and biases. Seventh, in line
with six, conformity of interpretation is impossible depending on social classes. Lastly,
this might cause isolation and dogmatism if not modified and analyze.

The problem is presented and a brief introduction is said, it is now time to

analyze the essay and shows parts of complimentary and critical ideas. These are
essential to set boundaries between the two and to exercise free thinking of the author.


The author of this paper found it easier to arrange this part into three sub-parts. This
are: Summary of the Essay, Complimentary Ideas and Critical Ideas.

Summary of the Essay will just briefly discuss what the essay is all about. The
author believes that it is necessary to discuss the subject of criticisms before the personal
ideas are presented. This action will then show that – “here is the essay, here is my position
and how will you place your position.” The author wants the readers of his work to exercise
their own ability to think that he included the summary of the essay.

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Complimentary Ideas will give emphasize to points that the author of this paper
believes to be true and reliable. These are ideas into which they both agree and see
significance and are essentially justifiable. Criticisms are not always to appear as con or
anti or against or opponents. Criticism on the other side must show defensible target
areas in which they both believe. It is their intersections of thoughts and opinions.

Critical Ideas will do emphasize and rebut points into which needs for
clarification, modification or are problematic according to the point of view of the
author of this paper. Since this is a free thinking paper, the author wishes to practice
this opportunity that he will react on these points according to what he believes.

As totality, this part will try to harmonize all the necessary thoughts and ideas
and will gather and arrange information orderly.

Summary of the Essay

This essay opens up with presentation of regional myths and beliefs of supernaturalism.
Theory of creations and origins are opened up. Basically, the introductory part of the
essay is all about the custom and traditions of a specific region in the Philippines – the
Bicol Region.

In general, the main argument here by the author of the essay is that the folklore
as the foundations of education. This is a trial to find common grounds for Philippine
Folklore and the foundation of education through the use of values education. The
author of the essay believes that studying the nature of man and values and the
common framework of values education are necessary elements to discuss by virtue the
studying of the problem.

Understanding man’s nature is beneficial for better appreciation to his beliefs,

aspirations and behavior or in totality of values. Discussions on human nature are
presented on how it was overview in different fields or disciplines. Psychologists
believe that the nature of man depends on their needs and drives. Their drives are the
process or way to fulfill their needs. Anthropologists who root the nature of man from
culture have different discussions about the same subject. Some believes that it is the
environment and the adaptive activities that shaped an individual. Others say that it is
the variety of institutionalized ways that explain the world. Religion, education, and
others are responsible for shaping an individual for these teaches them to meet the
conditions of the society for the particular time and place. The author of the essay
clarified that these institution does not always provide us what the society really needs.
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Political explanation about human nature said that man is motivated to serve the
interests of the elite by casting the citizens through indoctrination. Rousseau’s definition
about human nature was included in the essay that man is originally good but was
corrupted by the society.

Laurence Kohlberg presented five stages of moral development. First, one

performs an action in a matter of punishments and rewards. Second, is to satisfy his
needs or to please other. Third, is to follow rules and authority. Fourth, is to assert or
know his rights especially when he is inside the society. Fifth, is to observe ethical
principles of justice and respect for human dignity. This structure is hard to attain, the
most obvious scenario, an individual only reached up to third level then decline again
to the first stage. When this is to apply with Filipino people, sensibility is the most
obvious aspect with us. We will try hard not to be offended or to offend others. This
attitude prevents us to attain or to elapse more than the third stage.

The author of the essay presented his conclusion about the nature of man and
found out seven characteristics of it. First is man possesses sense organ to understand
the world, second is have needs and desires, third unruly emotions causing
deceitfulness, fourth limited knowledge causing errors, fifth conflicting virtues, needs
and desires, sixth have language uses for communicating and lastly, ability to produce
tools, symbols and form.

Values briefly define to be the mode of conduct as personally and socially

desirable. This serves to be the guide in performing an action, the basic measurement
whether it is morally upright depending on dictate of the status quo or the social norms.
Difference on institutions and cultural background causes differences in values

Values education is being taught in schools and was part of the curriculum.
Department of Education brings forth the basic framework on how Values will be
taught. The standard refinement includes the categorization into relation to other
person, relation to his family, relation to the community, relation to the society and
relation to the Supreme Being.

To return back to the real problem in this essay – the essay was in fact in essence
a proposal of what is to be taught, and that is the folklore. The author of the essay saw
the significance of local folklores to teach values to an individual. The following are the
grounds why did the author of the essay declare that folklore is a good basis of values.

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The myths and legends for example will teach us to relate with the environment.
This will teach us to see how our forefathers deal with the outside world. With limited
knowledge and understanding, these myths and legends arises to explain things of
which cannot be reached by their finite power.

Epics are reflection of good traits and attitudes that they perform and picture the
value of justice and aspiration for excellence. Though these epic characters possess God
like powers, they manifest the good character or desirable character for people to live

Traditional values are preserved through the ages. The author uses the example,
that good traits are more important than wealth or beauty and conservatism is more

There is a need to determine the changes that are occurring that affects our
thinking, cognition and feeling. These changes are present yet, the original virtue was

Proverbs are expressions of moral virtues, aspirations and inherited wisdom.

Proverbs are normative but must be said according to the real situation that happens.

The last part of the essay is s symbolism to Filipinos superstitious beliefs. The
character of aswang as a warning for the wayward, patianak the reverence of life, kapre as
warning for vandals who desecrate hallowed places, santilmo that represents the
atonement of misdeeds after death and the ingkantado that shows kindness and helps
the depressed and problematic.

The author of the essay sites that the EDSA Revolution happened because of
these virtues and values inherited from the folklores that lessons from these tales are
learned, inherited and adapted by the Filipino people. It is the beliefs that the original
values or the values of our forefathers were preserved and that is how it manifested to
the revolution.

Complimentary Ideas

The author of this paper agrees with the author of the essay to the following grounds
with little explanation and discussions for elaborations on the matter were already
discussed in the essay’s body.

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One has to have a belief in man’s ability to elevate his life by conscious endeavor
one has to be committed to truth, choice and evaluation. It is true; one has to analyze a
specific decision for the common good of humanity. He has the right to elevate his life
but he has not need to commit the deal of misfortune for others. To do this, one has to
consult his rational ability to know what the true is, what is good and what is supposed
to be beautiful.

Institutions as the agent of values are not always for the good and benefit of the
many. Like what Martin Heidegger said, it is very hard to remove or set aside our
prejudices and personal biases in doing an action or saying something. Because of this
fact, we are commonly become mischievous that we are unaware to set standards that
will only benefit us and not the other.

Kohlberg’s five stages were actually essential for the part of the author of this
paper. There is a little truth behind it, but into which he agrees most is the causes of the
attainment barriers that the author of the essay presented. Greedy, corrupt and
ambitious politicians are really performing tasks to serve themselves, giving them
comfort and self-interest. To this fact, they were the one who pushes through not to
allow any ideology entered their citizens that will destruct their pleasures. It is the
complexity of cultural life that can bring forth what is naturally inhibited by these

Filipino sensibility is in fact another example which hinders a person not to reach
the last level in Kohlberg’s stages. Through sensibility, we are becoming more aware to
what we are doing. It is true that this causes us to think before we perform actions but
the sake, we always want to keep ourselves step out from criticisms. To this extent,
because of this fear, we are consciously deciding not for anybody’s good but for our self
interest of security and safety from rebuttals.

The author of the essay’s conclusion about the nature of man is undeniably true
for the point of view of the author of this paper. At some point, it seems to be lacking
and apprehended as partiality of the complex reality. Definitely, for the opinion of the
author of this paper, the author of the essay presented only what are negatives and
forget on what are the positive.

Understanding man’s characteristics and his predicaments will lead to a better

appreciation of his preferred beliefs, aspirations, and behavior called virtues – the exact
sentence uses in the essay. Yes, it is true; to remember Schleiermacher once recognizes
the importance of individuals’ historical background, with the presence of cultural

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background, before we are able to understand him as a whole and to understand the
causes of his actions and response to the society.

The difference of value systems may be caused of personal circumstances,

institutions and cultural awareness. Difference of systems causes collisions of what is
the objective system. Indeed, in as short as possible, the author of this paper will then
try to explain this point briefly.

Man is living in a society in which there are established institutions and beliefs.
It is indeed at some point, these institutions became people’s way of life.
People are unhesitant in following what these institutions have to say for them.
Since they were only following, they were living under the wings of these and believe in beliefs.
In to this case, since an individual is influenced by these institutions, it is not impossible that
their personal ideas are related and are salvaged from these institutions.
Since there are contrasting institutions, it is possible to arise several systems.
Uprising of these systems will only mean a divertive of beliefs.
Uprising of systems will mean a formulation of opposite beliefs.
When two opposing belief of value system collided,
The greatest possibility of collision to be expected.

Obedience is a desired value. The two authors intersect to this point, the only
difference is that the author of the essay leaves a question “but does it mean blind
agreement with authority, unquestioning acceptance of traditions, absence of courage to
initiate possibilities or avoidance of exposure to alternative outlooks?” the author of this
paper will gladly answer this question raised. Obedience is a desired value, yet it does
not always follow for blind obedience. We can do obey with our own freewill, we are
given a right to follow but to obey is our own decision. Obedience is not a value if it is
not for the common good. Passivity has no place for the real virtuous individual. As
stated earlier, one has to decide for the common good and not for his self-interest alone.
If he practices obedience for his self-interest, then he only attains the first level of
Kohlberg’s stages.

Finally, folklore is indeed a great indicator of values system. Yes, to include it in

the curriculum is great but to experience it effectively, it must be monitored and give
emphasize and focus on things. This should not be taught as it is but most importantly,
it must be taught systematically and nationalistically. Undeniably true that folklore
gives suggestions of what is desired and what men ought to be. Folklore is an overview
of what is or what our forefathers like us to be.

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Critical Ideas

To start this part, let us begin with Kohlberg’s six stages and uses family tight as the
agent to hinder for attaining the fifth stage. The author of this paper believes that family
relations should not be considered as an agent for several grounds:

The family relation if tight implies trust.

If trust is build and founded strong, then the communication is open.
If the communication is open, then it means to understand each other.
Understanding each other’s weaknesses and strengths implies the acceptance of you as a whole.
If acceptance is vividly manifested, then free thinking will be practice.
If freewill will be practice, then you can move and set free the real you.
Setting free the real you means the more possible to achieve the final stage.
Therefore family is an agent to attain the fifth stage.

But this is not always the case. This is applicable to some individual but not for
the general. This perspective is available if and only if the family tights is considerably
real in essence and not a pseudo that you cannot express the real you.

Human values are transmitted to successive generation is true, but we should

remember that these transmission might have undergone changes. It is not always the
case that what we know is actually the real idea behind. It may be bastardized by the
colonial civilization of our country. We should always remember that presupposition is
not like an armored gear that can be easily removed so as; we should always give the
benefit of the doubt on its essence.

If the Filipino folklores are from the ancient times it implies that it is transferred in different
But man unconsciously performs prejudices as a normal habit.
Therefore, folklores are not pure and may be biased.

The author of the essay claims that the early traditions and values are preserved
up to this generation might be the biggest lie the author of this paper can condemn. It is
not true that it is preserved. People are conscious about this matter but modernization is
the biggest factor that changes this way of life. Conservatism is not practiced by the
majority. People improve physically but forget to enhance their internal ability. Look at
your environment, all you can see were disgrace and misfortune. Look at the
irresponsibility of modernity to humanity; it leaves in full agony and sacrifice. The
tension between preservation and extreme flux is battling on similar grounds.

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Ergo, if the society’s face is like this, I should call the responsible – let people not
be stupefied and salvage the dreams of our forefathers for a perfect society with their
visions left on the messages of our folklore and moral of our oral history.


Folklore was created because our forefathers realized the imperfection of human mind
and conduct and the limitation of their extended knowledge. The imperfections of these
give them the idea of formulating written stories or narrated moral which will guide
their offspring to live in perfect world. Their aspiration of good life gives existence to
these folkloric believes and practices. Our forefathers might see that this can be
beneficial for future generation that it must be transferred, successfully transferred from
one generation to other. This was the product of their extended knowledge that they are
able to fantasized of what is supposed to be the ideal. They fantasized of what is the
ideal and explain on origin of things. Undeniably, the empirical investigations serves as
the only science during their time, their limited extended knowledge could only reach
up to this conclusions.

Values give us the standard of what is good and beautiful. Unconsciously, values
set the standard for social norms. They both have something in common – they rely on
single point of view and people relied on them to be the only true, inevitable and
indubitable truth. Essentially, this is not true. The world is in flux and everything
changes. Changes imply that there is a new surface of the world, and then it follows
that the values should be modified so that it will not be stagnant to a single time and
purpose of creation. To this part, values or the standard of values are ideologies of the
ruling class. Basically, this is for the preservation of the status quo.

The transfer of folklore and values faces controversy on interpretation. Since,

prejudice cannot be prevented; Jurgen Habermas had a great proposal for this –
interpret them in the most sense to benefit the majority. Remove the power of the ruling
and concealed people for interpretation and let critical minded people do it with much
care and concern for the beneficiary.

Kant said – we should not teach the students philosophy, in a matter of

doctrines, but rather how to philosophize. This means, this is not a matter of discussions
alone or memorization alone. We should not think of folklore as a piece of literature but
rather as an ethical standardization and heart of Filipinism. Teachers should inculcate
the seeds of love to their students – love for Filipino folklores.
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At some point, there is really similarity in folk traditions in different regions, yet,
there are as well as different. The collision can provide the readers confusion into which
is the true among the two. If will be treated into different perspective according to their
regions or locality, there is a possible collisions between people itself because what they
believe are not the same. This is not that big deal, but this might cause danger.

Philippines have multiples of folkloric traditions. Some are being repeated and
some not. How to objectify these? How possible is to study them all? What should be
the object for these and preventing and removing the allegation of unfairness?

Above all, this should prevent sufferings from dogmatisms.

Emmanuel R. Caleon
2007 – 026158 – 3
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy IV – 1

September 19, 2010

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