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Microscopic Descriptions

Histologic section showed fibrofatty tissue with hemosiderin-laden macrophages, plump

activated fibroblasts with pale staining nuclei, and abundant gray vacuolated cytoplasm, fat
Hernial Sac necrosis and focal necrosis of the fibrous tissue. No evidence of malignancy was noted.

Histologic section showed tumor cells that are pleomorphic and have relatively large,
Osteosarcoma hyperchromatic nuclei surrounded by a fine lacelike pink matrix.

Histologic section showed polypoid tissue lined by pseudostratified ciliated epithelium. The
Nasal Polyp stroma is edematous and fibrous with inflammatory cell infiltrates. The basement membrane
underlying the surface mucosa is markedly thickened. No evidence of malignancy was noted.

Histologic sections of the peritoneum, omentum, bilateral ovaries, appendix and one fallopian
Papillary Serous tube showed large sheets of polygonal cells having large hyperchromatic and pleomorphic
Carcinoma of the nuclei and moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm forming cribriform pattern and papillae
Peritoneum with slender vascular core. Likewise noted is the presence of concentric lamellated calcified
structures (psammoma bodies). Mitotic figures and vascular invasion were present.

Histologic section showed congested subserosal vessels with perivascular neutrophilic

Acute Appendicitis infiltrates present within all layers of the wall and invading the muscularis propria. No evidence
of malignancy noted.

Histologic section showed congested subserosal vessels with perivascular neutrophilic

Acute Suppurative infiltrates present within all layers of the wall and invading the muscularis propria. Likewise
Appendicitis noted are areas of focal abscesses within the wall. No evidence of malignancy noted.

Histologic section showed congested subserosal vessels with perivascular neutrophilic

Acute Gangrenous infiltrates present within all layers of the wall and invading the muscularis propria with large
Appendicitis areas of hemorrhagic ulceration and gangrenous necrosis that extends up to the serosa. No
evidence of malignancy noted.

Histologic section showed proliferation of mammary glands with dilated architecture lined by
inner luminal epithelial cell layer and surrounded by an outer myoepithelial cell layer. Likewise
fibrocystic change with noted are irregularly shaped and sized, peripherally distributed secondary lumens, and
Usual Ductal Hyperplasia streaming of the central bolus of proliferating cells. Individual cells lack polarization,
charcaterized as oval, normochromatic with nuclear groove, small indistinct nucleoli and no
mitotic activity and eosinophilic cytoplasm. No evidence of malignancy was noted.

Histologic section showed proliferation of mammary glands lined by inner luminal epithelial cell
fibroadenoma surrounded by an outer myoepithelial cell in a background of dense fibrous stroma. No
evidence of malignancy was noted.

hemorrhoids dilated, thick walled, congested submucosal vessels with thrombosis and variable haemorrhage
in the connective tissue.

Adenocarcinoma, well Histologic section showed well-formed glands with basally located nuclei. Individual tumor cells
differentiated composed of tall columnar cells, hyperchromatic nuclei with necrotic debris at the lumen.

Adenocarcinoma, poorly Histologic section showed absence of glandular differentiation creating a solid-like pattern and
differentiated loss of nuclear polarity. Individual tumor cells are composed hyperchromatic and elongated
nuclei with necrotic debris at the lumen
Invasive Ductal
Carcinoma, Nuclear Grade Histologic section showed tumor cells arranged in cords and clusters with increased nuclear to
2. (CNAB) stroma ratio. There is little tubule formation, marked variation in nuclear pleomorphism and
little to no mitosis noted. The cytoplasm is abundant and eosinophilic

Histologic section showed numerous large, oval cells with hyperpigmented, peripherally
Langhan's giant cells (TB) located, semi-circularly arranged nuclei in a background of fibrous tissue. No evidence of
malignancy was noted.

Chronic Granulomatous Histologic section showed numerous large, oval cells with hyperpigmented, peripherally
Inflammation With located, semi-circularly arranged nuclei in a background of fibrous tissue and numerous
Langhans Giant Cells inflammatory cells with predominance of lymphocytes, plasma cells and histiocytes and few
neutrophils. No evidence of malignancy was noted.
Histologic section showed localized outgrowths of lamina propia with edematous stroma
INFLAMMATORY POLYP containing mucous glands, capillaries and a mixed inflammatory infiltrate with prominent
neutrophils and eosinophils.

Histologic section showed gallbladder mucosa, muscular, and perimuscular layers. Aschoff-
Rokitansky sinuses are more prominent. The wall is thickened with fibrosis and contains
acute on chronic
cholecystitis. moderate acute and chronic inflammation composed predominantly of neutrophils,
lymphocytes, histiocytes, plasma cells and occasional eosinophils. Granulation tissues and
abscesses are noted. Likewise noted are liver tissues with congestion. No malignant cells seen.

Histologic section showed mammary glands lined by an inner luminal epithelial cell layer and an
CHRONIC MASTITIS outer myoepithelial layer with fibrous stroma. Likewise noted were inflammatory cells with
predominance of lymphocytes, plasma cells and few neutrophils. No evidence of malignancy

BENIGN PHYLLOIDES Histologic section showed enhanced intracanalicular growth pattern with leaf-like projections
TUMOR into dilated lumens. The epithelial component consists of luminal epithelial and myoepithelial
cells. The stroma is cellular with monomorphic spindle cell nuclei. Areas of necrosis are likewise
noted. The margins are well demarcated. No malignant cells seen.

UNDIFFERENTIATED Histologic section showed hypercellular proliferation with trabecular and solid pattern.
CARCINOMA, Individual cells are composed of large, round to oval, polygonal cells, with hyperchromatic
NASOPHARYNX nuclei, prominent nucleoli and varying amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm with poorly defined
UNREMARKABLE BREAST Histologic section shows fibrous tissue surrounded by mature adipose cells. No mammary
TISSUE glands seen. No evidence of malignancy was noted.
Histologic section showed proliferation of basal cells with predominance of lymphocytes,
Chronic Endocervicitis plasma cells and histiocytes with varying amounts of granulation tissues and stromal
with Squamous fibrosis. Likewise noted, is the loss of columnar differentiation resulting to multiple layers
Metaplasia of squamous epithelium composed of mature metaplastic cells with occasional mucinous
endocervical cells at the surface. No dysplasia and evidence of malignancy were noted.

Likewise noted, is the loss of columnar differentiation resulting to multiple layers of

Squamous Metaplasia squamous epithelium composed of mature metaplastic cells with occasional mucinous
endocervical cells at the surface. No dysplasia and evidence of malignancy were noted.

Reserve Cell
Hyperplasia, cervix Likewise noted is the progressive growth and stratification of reserve cells

Histologic sections showed fragments tissues lined by pseudostratified ciliated columnar

epithelium with eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm with round to oval nuclei and moderately
Paratubal Cyst granular and basophilic nucleoli. Likewise noted, attached to the wall of the tissues are
cystic spaces lined by flattened epithelium surrounded by fibrous stroma. No evidence of
malignancy noted.

Histologic section of the uterine mass showed well-circumscribed masses composed of

Leiomyoma Uteri spindle cells arranged in intersecting fascicles. Cells have indistinct borders, eosinophilic
fibrillary cytoplasm and cigar-shaped nuclei with small nucleoli.

Adenomyosis nests of endometrial stroma and glands interposed between muscle bundles
Serous Cystadenoma Histologic section of the right ovary showed cysts and papillae lined by non-stratified
cuboidal to columnar focally ciliated cells.
Secretory proliferation of tightly coiled, uniform secretory glands lined by nonvacuolated secretory
Endometrium epithelium within an edematous stroma.

Histologic section showed proliferation of endometrial glands of irregular size and shapes
Simple Hyperplasia with an associated increase in gland-to-stroma ratio, in back-to-back crowding with little
without Atypia intervening stroma. The glands are irregularly distributed and are lined by stratified
columnar epithelium. No cytological atypia was noted. No evidence of malignancy.

Histologic section of the mass showed glandular and villoglandular architecture lined by
stratified columnar epithelium with crowded, complex, branching architecture. The lining
Endometrial cells are columnar cells that shares common apical border with adjacent cells resulting to
Carcinoma, Well- smoothly contoured glandular lumen. The cytoplasm is eosinophilic and granular.
Differentiated Individual tumor cells exhibit mild to moderate nuclear atypia with inconspicuous
nucleoli. No mitotic figures were noted. There was noted stromal invasion characterized
by loss of intervening stroma.

Mucinous multiple cysts and glands lined by simple, non-stratified mucinous epithelium surrounded
Cystadenoma by a cellular stroma with areas of luteinization.
Histologic section showed intraluminal chorionic villi, degenerated extravillous
tubal Pregnancy trophoblasts and blood clots. The lamina propria showed minimal decidual change. No
evidence of malignancy was noted.

proliferative endometrial glands that are lined by pseudostratified cuboidal or low

columnar cells with moderate amount of basophilic cytoplasm. The nuclei are round or
Proliferative oval with small nucleoli oriented to the basement membrane. The stroma is densely
Endometrium cellular and the stromal cells are small and oval with hyperchromatic nuclei and indistinct
cytoplasm and cell borders.

DECIDUAL TISSUE Histologic section showed round to polygonal cells with central nuclei surrounded by
abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm.
The smears are cellular containing cluster of inflammatory cells with
c/w abscess (Cyto) predominance of neutrophils, eosinophils and lymphocytes. No atypical cells
Sparse to moderately cellular smears with abundant thin or thick colloid, flat
Nodular Colloid sheets with evenly spaced follicular cells, pigment laden macrophages and
Goiter (CYTOLOGY) oncocytic cells

The smears showed clusters of epithelioid cells arranged in honeycomb sheets

Reactive with occasional papillary cluster formation. Some cells showed cellular
Mesothelial Cells enlargement, dense cytoplasm and large nuclei with increased nuclear to
(Cytology) cytoplasmic ratio, with prominent nucleoli and vacuolization. No atypical cells

Negative for The smears are acellular containing few inflammatory cells. No atypical cells seen.
Malignant Cells.
CHRONIC The smears showed infiltration of inflammatory cells with predominance of
INFLAMMATION lymphocytes, macrophages and plasma cells. No atypical cells seen.
HEMORRHAGIC The smears are acellular showing numerous red blood cells. No atypical cells
SMEAR seen.

The smears showed branching cellular clusters of epithelial and myoepithelial cells.
PLEOMORPHIC Acellular elements including myxomatous and chondroid components were observed.
ADENOMA There were no cellular pleomorphism and nucleoli. No atypical cells seen
TUBERCULOUS Smears showed lymphohistiocytic aggregates and epithelioid cells rimmed by
ADENITIS inflammatory cells. No atypical cells seen.

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