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Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa

Archdiocese of Good Hope

By the Grace of God

Festal Matins & Divine Liturgy Hymns

1 February

The Meeting/Presentation

PO BOX 28348






Also the Feast of St Gabriel the New Martyr of Constantinople - St Jordan, the New
Martyr - St Agathadoros of Cappadocia

Our Eternal Gratitude to Pater Seraphim Dedes & all the contributing Translators
for the Greek & English texts that make our Worship much easier
to understand, to participate and to appreciate.
Glory to God for His Great Mercy!



Orthodoxy’s Unchanging Teachings
One of the most powerful reasons for embracing Orthodoxy is to be found in

The Meeting/Presentation of our Lord Jesus Christ the Orthodox Church’s insistence that She holds to the Evangelical and
Apostolic Doctrine of the Ancient Church.
In an age when everything is up for change, there is a certain security and
Today we celebrate the Great Feast of The Meeting (or Presentation) of our Lord stability when our Holy Church stands firm in Her Apostolic Authority,
and Saviour, Jesus Christ in the Temple. and refuses to allow popular culture or political correctness to influence
The Gospel Lesson relates how our Lady Theotokos - the All Pure, Ever Virgin Her rightful Role as Hospital for the soul.
Mother of God Incarnate – took Him to the Temple in Jerusalem when He was
40 days old and Her Days of Purification has been completed, in order to “It is not lawful to differ even by a single word from the Evangelical and
Present Him to God, as was the custom and requirements under the God-given Apostolic Doctrine, or to think otherwise than as the Blessed Apostles
Law of Moses, the Divine Law of Israel. (EXODUS 13:2, 12; LEVITICUS 12:2-8). and our Fathers learned and taught concerning the Holy Scriptures...”
When the Righteous St Symeon, who received Christ in his arms at the Temple,
We know from the very Foundations of the Church, set down in the Gospels
beheld the Holy Infant, he knew immediately that this was the Redeemer Who
and Apostolic Canons, that the Church exists - not to Judge - but to bring
had been Promised by all Israel’s Holy Prophecies, for the Holy Elder was
Healing. Her Mission is to make whole those who enter Her Gates, as
Inspired and Enlightened by the Holy Spirit. (LUKE 2:26-27).
though entering a Hospital.
Having been Divinely Inspired, St Symeon uttered prophetic words,which form the
She forces no one, for one who is forced is not open to Healing. Yet the
Dismissal Hymn that is chanted towards the end of every Vespers Service: “Now
Church is also aware that sin is not really a private matter, for all sin
let Thy servant depart, O Lord, according to Thy Word, in Peace. For my eyes
affects everyone. She knows that even private sins have an effect on the
have seen Thy Salvation, which Thou hast prepared before the sight of all
whole of the cosmos.
Nations; a Light to Lighten the Gentiles, and the Glory of Thy people Israel.
Therefore, the Church continues, as She has from ancient times, to give
(LUKE 2:29-32).
witness to the Commandments of God, the Hope that is found in the
This particular Great Feast is part of the Great Festive Celebrations that began
Gospel of Christ, and the Forgiveness and Healing that can lead to
forty days before - with the Feast of the Nativity of Christ on 25 December.
Eight days later on 1 January, we celebrated our Lord’s Circumcision, followed
The Church may seem to be a ‘backward looking institution’, irrelevant for
by His Baptism in the River Jordan on 6 January.
our times - a view that has caused many of the denominations to alter
The Commemoration of these Events in our Lord’s Earthly Life basically form one
basic foundational teachings in order to please a more liberal society.
Great Feast - the Feast of the Incarnation of God the Word.
This has led numerous of the denominations to allow Parliaments to enact
The Lord our God actually entered our world – He entered our time and history.
laws that have forced these religious institutions to ordain women as
being physically present in the midst of His People – the people whom He
Clergy, perform ‘same sex marriages,’ and bow down to modern views
created and whom He Loves.
on abortion that have lead to the murder of thousands of innocents.
Our Lord – the Eternal, Only Begotten Son and Word of God - took on our human
Our Orthodox Clergy stand out in appearance, with their beards and black
nature in order to Reconcile us unto Himself – all we human beings who had
robes, demonstrating that our Faith is not of this world.
strayed far from the Source of Life.
This presence in our modern and fallen world, gives witness to the Truth
By taking on the “form of a servant” God, at the same time, in the Person of Christ,
that our Faith is ancient and that change is not necessary, for the Faith
fulfilled every requirement of the Law that He Himself had given to His People
of our Fathers is just as relevant today as it was two thousand years ago.
through Moses, the ancient Patriarch.
What our Holy Church has to offer today is just as effective in bringing about
He demonstrated, thereby, that everything that had happened in Israel’s history
the Healing of the soul, as in ancient times.
could not be described merely as a succession of unrelated events. Rather this
The sad state of modern ‘Christianity’ has as its basis a constant attempt to
was a history with a definite Goal: the Salvation of mankind.
conform to an ever changing society, and with each change, there is
He identified Himself as the Director of that history and fulfilled its expectation.
less and less of Authentic, Ancient Christianity to be seen.
When the Righteous St Symeon took the Holy Infant into his arms and declared
It could be compared to using an old family cake recipe, dropping one
that this indeed was Salvation Incarnate - the “Light to Lighten (Enlighten) the
ingredient, or changing another, with each passing generation. In the
Gentiles, and the Glory of Israel...” a New Era began; the Era of God’s Presence
end, is it really great Great Grandmother’s cake recipe, or is it
among His Children.
something else?
To this day, all of our Holy Church’s celebrations - no matter what the Event being
With love in Christ,
Commemorated may be, whether in the Life of Christ, of the Theotokos, or of
Abbot Tryphon
the Saints - are Celebrations of Christ and the establishment on Earth of the
(Morning Offerings)
Kingdom of His Presence.
He initiated this Kingdom and promised its ultimate Realization. And now, just as
the Old Israel had awaited the beginning of God’s Kingdom, the New Israel
(the Holy Church of Christ) awaits the Second and Glorious Coming

prototokon Logon, Patros anarhou womb shall be Sanctified to God. (Reappearance) of our Lord and Saviour, and the Fullness of His Kingdom,
Iion, Prototokoumenon Mitri Therefore the Firstborn Word and revealed.
apirandro Megalinomen. Son of the Father without beginning - Although all our celebrations are intimately rooted in the Knowledge that we have
the Firstborn Child of a Mother who been Called for complete Communion with Christ and to live in function of His
had not known man - we Magnify Kingdom to which we already belong, we still live in a world that has for the
most part, rejected what our Lord gave it - that is, Authentic Life “
abundance...” - with real Purpose and Meaning.
We Christians - despite having accepted what God’s intervention in human affairs
gave us - slip repeatedly and fall into the great temptation of converting
worldly, material, perishable, temporary things into ‘gods.’
We are constantly attracted by ways of ‘seeking happiness and fulfillment’ that
exclude God, which, of course, always proves to be vain and futile.
So our lives vacillate, back and forth, between the Assurance of Salvation and
indifference - between moments of Real Joy - because we know that God is
with us - and moments of boredom because we cannot give ourselves totally
over to Him.

St Joseph the Hesychast

Every Christian Celebration reaches its climax in the Festal Divine Liturgy.
In this Sacred Work, when God’s People assemble in His Name, we actually
become Participants in the Heavenly Kingdom to come.
We are as literally present with Christ in His future Kingdom as the Apostles were
with Him at the Last Supper.
So the Kingdom is initiated among us and we enjoy it before our time, by
When God tests us anticipation. This is what every Eucharist is; this is what our Feasts and
as only He knows how, Celebrations are all about, and that is why the Eucharist is the very centre of
them all.
Then we must show Although what we have said is true, we continually orient our life towards
our Patience and Thanksgiving! everyday pursuits - often living as though we had never experienced this
Divine Reality.
That is why Repentance and Penitential Seasons (Lents) are in order (and so vital to
our Spiritual Welfare and Progress.)
That is why in approximately one month we will enter the Great Fast or Great Lent
during which we are sincerely exhorted to Repent our sins.
What is important for us Faithful Disciples of Christ is that we have really “...seen
the True Light, received the Heavenly Spirit, found the True Faith...” in this
Experience of the Kingdom of God.
The question we must all honestly ask ourselves, however, is “...what are we like
when we return into this world after this Heavenly Experience?”
To Christ Who Willed to be held in the arms of the Righteous St Symeon for our
Salvation be Glory, Honour and Worship, now and ever and unto Ages of ages.



Ke lithen, en to Pnevmati, is to Ieron. And he went, by the Spirit, into the
Ke en to isagagin tous gonis to Pedion Temple.
Festal Matins Hymns – Meeting/Presentation Iisoun tou piise aftous kata to And when the Parents brought in the
ithismenon tou Nomou peri Aftou ke Child Jesus, to do for Him according
KINDLY USE THE SERVICE BOOK UNTIL THIS POINT, aftos edexato Afton is tas agkalas to the Custom of the Law, he took
THEN CAREFULLY FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS WITH REGARD TO THESE HYMNS aftou ke Evlogise ton Theon ke ipe: Him up in his arms and Blessed God
“Nin apolis ton doulon Sou, Despota, and said: “Now let Thy servant O
PSALM 117 /118 kata to Rima Sou en Irini, oti idon i Master, depart in Peace, according to
PRAISE TO GOD FOR HIS EVERLASTING MERCY ofthalmi mou to Sotirion Sou, O Thy Word; for my eyes have seen Thy
itimasas kata prospon panton ton Salvation, which Thou hast prepared
Theos Kyrios ke Epefanen imin. The Lord is God, and has Appeared to laon - Fos is Apokalipsin Ethnon ke before the face of all peoples - a Light
Evlogimenos O erhomenos en us. Blessed is He Who comes in the
Doxan laou Sou Israil.” to bring Revelation to the Gentiles,
Onomati Kyriou! Name of the Lord!
and the Glory of Thy People, Israel.”
1. Exomologisthe to Kyrio, oti Agathos, 1. Confess the Lord, for He is Good;
Ke in Iosif ke i Mitir Aftou And Joseph and His Mother marvelled
oti is ton eona to Eleos Aftou! ✶ for His Mercy endures forever! ✶
Thavmazontes epi tis laloumenis peri at those things that were spoken of
2. Panta ta Ethni ekiklosan me, ke to 2. All the Nations surrounded me, but Aftou. Him.
Onomati Kyriou inamin aftous. ✶ in the Name of the Lord I drove Ke Evlogisen aftous Symeon ke ipen pros And Symeon Blessed them, and said to
3. Para Kyriou egeneto afti, ke esti them back. ✶
Mariam tin Mitera Aftou: “Idou! Mary, His Mother: “Behold! This
Thavmasti en ofthalmis imon. ✶ 3. This is the Lord’s doing, and it is outos kite is ptosin ke anastasin Child is destined for the fall and
Marvellous in our eyes. ✶ pollon en to Israil ke is Simion rising of many in Israel, and for a
FESTAL APOLYTIKION –MEETING/PRESENTATION – TONE 1 antilegomenon. Ke Sou de aftis tin Sign, which will be spoken against,
psihin kielefsete romfea, opos an (and a sword will pierce through
Here, Keharitomeni Theotoke Parthene! Rejoice, O Lady Full of Grace, Virgin apokalifthosin ek pollon kardion Thine own soul also!), so that the
Ek Sou gar anetilen O Ilios tis Theotokos! For Christ our God, the dialogismi.” thoughts of many hearts may be
Dikeosinis, Hristos O Theos imon, Sun of Righteousness has risen from revealed.”
Fotizon tous en Skoti. Eufrenou ke ou Thee and He Illumined those in
Presvita Dikee, examenos en agkales Darkness. And Thou, O Righteous Ke in Anna - Profitis Thigatir Phanoiil, And Anna - a Prophetess, the daughter
ton eleftherotin ton psihon imon Elder, be glad in heart, receiving in ek filis Asir - afti provevikiia en of Phanuel, of the Tribe of Asher -
harizomenon imin ke tin Anastasin Thine embrace the One Who imeres polles, zisasa meta andros eti who was of a great age, and who had
(3) Liberates our soul and bestows on us epta apo tis parthenias aftis, ke afti lived with a husband seven years
Resurrection. (3) hira eos eton ogdoikonta tessaron, i from her virginity; and who was a
SMALL LITANY  ouk afistato apo tou Ierou, nisties ke widow of about eighty-four years,
FIRST FESTAL KATHISMA – MEETING/PRESENTATION – TONE 1 deisesi latrevousa nikta ke imeran. and who did not leave the Temple,
but served God with Fastings and
Horos Angelikos, ekplittestho to O Angels in Heaven, be amazed by the Prayers night and day.
Thavma, vroti de tes fones, Wonder, with voices cry aloud a
anakraxome imnon, Orontes tin Divine Hymn! O Mortals, beholding Ke afti afti ti ora epistasa And entering in that hour, she gave
afaton, tou Theou sigkatavasin. On the Ineffable Condescension of God anthromologito to Kyrio ke elali peri Thanks to the Lord, and spoke of
gar tremousi, ton Ouranon e to us! For now Symeon holds in his aftou pasi tis prosdehomenis litrosin Him to all those who looked for
Dinamis, giralee nin, enagkalizonte aged embrace, Him before Whom the en Ierousalim. Redemption in Jerusalem.
hires, ton monon Filanthropon. Heavenly Hosts stand and tremble – Ke os etelesan panta ta kata ton Nomon And when they had performed all
the only One Who Loves mankind. Kyriou, ipestrepsan is tin Galilean is things according to the Law of the
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, polin eafton Nazaret. Lord, they returned to Galilee, to
ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and their own city, Nazareth.
eonon. forever, and to the Ages of ages. To de Pedion iixane ke ekrateouto The Child grew and became Strong in
Amin Amen Pnevmati pliroumenon Sofias, ke Spirit, filled with Wisdom; and the
Haris Theou in ep’ Afto. Grace of God was upon Him
Horos Angelikos, ekplittestho to O Angels in Heaven, be amazed by the INSTEAD OF THE AXION ESTIN HYMN – MEETING/PRESENTATION - TONE 3
Thavma, vroti de tes fones, Wonder, with voices cry aloud a
anakraxome imnon, Orontes tin Divine Hymn! O Mortals, beholding Theotoke, i Elpis panton ton O Theotokos, Hope of all Christians,
afaton, tou Theou sigkatavasin. On the Ineffable Condescension of God Hristianon, Skepe, frouri, filatte tou Protect, watch over and guard all
gar tremousi, ton Ouranon e to us! For now Symeon holds in his elpizontas is Se. those who put their hope in Thee.
Dinamis, giralee nin, enagkalizonte aged embrace, Him before Whom the En Nomo, Skia ke Grammati tipon In the shadow and letter of the Law, let
hires, ton monon Filanthropon. Heavenly Hosts stand and tremble – katidomen i Pisti. Pan arsen to tin us, the Faithful, discern a figure:
the only One Who Loves mankind Mitran dianigon Agion Theo. Dio every male child who opens the

gar en ti osfii tou Patros in ote still in the loins of his Father when SECOND FESTAL KATHISMA – MEETING/PRESENTATION – TONE 1
sinintisen afto O Melihisedek. Melchizedek met him. O on Sin to Patri, epi Thronou Agiou, The One Who is upon the Holy Throne
I men oun teliosis dia tis Levitikis Therefore, if Perfection were through elthon epi tis Gis, ek Parthenou with the Father, has come upon the
ierosinis in, (O laos gar ep’ afti the Levitical Priesthood (for under it etehthi, ke vrefos egeneto, hronis on Earth and was Born of a Virgin. An
Nenomothetito), tis eti hria kata tin the people received the Law), what aperigraptos, on dexamenos, O Infant has He become Who by years
taxin Melhisedek eteron anistasthe further need was there for another Symeon en agkales, Heron elege: Nin is uncircumscribed. And when
Ierea ke ou kata tin Taxin Aaron Priest to arise according to the Order apoliis Iktirmon, evfranas ton doulon Symeon, in his embrace, received
legesthe? of Melchizedek, and not be Called Sou. Him, he Rejoiced and said: Thou
according to the Order of Aaron? make me Glad, now release me, Thy
servant, O Compassionate Lord.
Metatitheenis gar tis Ierosinis e anagkis If the Priesthood is changed, of
ke Nomou metathesis ginete. necessity there would also be a ✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
change of the Law. ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and
eonon. forever, and to the Ages of ages.
Ef’ on gar legete tafta filis eteras For He of Whom these Things are
meteshiken, af’ is oudis proseshike to spoken, belongs to another Tribe, Amin Amen
Thisiastirio. from which no man has officiated at O on Sin to Patri, epi Thronou Agiou, The One Who is upon the Holy Throne
the Altar.
elthon epi tis Gis, ek Parthenou with the Father, has come upon the
Prodilon gar oti ex Iouda anatetlken O For it is evident that our Lord arose etehthi, ke vrefos egeneto, hronis on Earth and was Born of a Virgin. An
Kyrios imon, is in filin ouden peri from Judah, of which Tribe Moses aperigraptos, on dexamenos, O Infant has He become Who by years
Ierosinis Moisis elalisen. spoke nothing concerning Symeon en agkales, Heron elege: Nin is uncircumscribed. And when
Priesthood. apoliis Iktirmon, evfranas ton doulon Symeon, in his embrace, received
Sou. Him, he Rejoiced and said: Thou
Ke perissoteron eti katadilon Estin, i And it is yet far more evident if, in the make me Glad, now release me, Thy
kata tin Omoitita Melhisedek anistate likeness of Melchezedek, there arises
servant, O Compassionate Lord.
Ierefs eteros - os ou kata Nomon another Priest Who has come – not
Entolis sarkikis gegonen, alla kata according to the Law of a fleshly
Dinamin Zois Akatalitou. Commandment, but according to the Nipiazi di’ eme, O Paleos ton imeron, Now the Ancient of Days becomes an
Power of Life Everlasting. katharsion kinoni, O katharotatos Infant for me. And the Most Pure
Martyri gar, oti Si Iefefs is ton Eona For He testifies: “Thou art a Priest Theos, ina tin sarka Pistosi mou, tin God now shares Purification with
kata tin Taxin Melhisedek. forever, according to the Order of ek Parthenou. Ke tafta Symeon me, to show that truly He assumed
Melchezedek.” mystagogoumenos, epegno ton afton, my flesh from the Virgin. And
THE HOLY GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST LUKE 2:22-40 Theon fanenta sarki, ke os zoin Symeon was led to know the
OUR LORD JESUS C HRIST ’S D EDICATION TO GOD AT THE TEMP LE ispazeto, ke heron, presvitikos Mystery and recognised as God the
anekravgazen. Apolison me. Se gar One he beheld in the flesh. And he
To kero ekino, anigagon i gonis to At that time, they took Jesus to katidon, tin Zoin ton apanton. embraced and kissed Him as Life
Pedion Iisoun is Ierosolima parastise Jerusalem to Present Him to the Lord itself, and he Rejoiced as an Elder,
to Kyrio, kathos gegrapte en Nomo when the days of her Purification and cried out aloud: Let me depart
Kyriou oti “...pan arsen dianigon according to the Law of Moses were now, for I have seen Thee, O Lord,
Mitran Agion to Kyrio klithisete,” ke completed, , (as it is written in the the Life of all things!”
tou doune Thisian kata to irimenon Law of the Lord; ‘Every male who
en to Nomo Kyriou: “zevgos trigonon opens the womb shall be called Holy
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and
i dio neossous peristeron.” to the Lord’), and to offer a sacrifice
eonon. forever, and to the Ages of ages.
according to what is written in the
Law of the Lord: ‘A pair of Amin Amen
turtledoves or two young pigeons.’
Nipiazi di’ eme, O Paleos ton imeron, Now the Ancient of Days becomes an
Ke idou: in anthropos en Ierousolimis O And behold, there was a man in katharsion kinoni, O katharotatos Infant for me. And the Most Pure
onoma Symeon. Jerusalem, whose name was Symeon. Theos, ina tin sarka Pistosi mou, tin God now shares Purification with
Ke O anthropos outos Dikeos ke Evlavis, And this man was Just and Devout, ek Parthenou. Ke tafta Symeon me, to show that truly He assumed
mystagogoumenos, epegno ton afton, my flesh from the Virgin. And
prosdehomenos Paraklisin tou Israil. waiting for the Consolation of Israel.
Theon fanenta sarki, ke os zoin Symeon was led to know the
Ke Pnevma in Agion ep’ afton. And the Holy Spirit was upon him. ispazeto, ke heron, presvitikos Mystery and recognised as God the
Ke in afto Kehrimatismenon ipo tou And it had been revealed to him by the anekravgazen. Apolison me. Se gar One he beheld in the flesh. And he
katidon, tin Zoin ton apanton. embraced and kissed Him as Life
Pnevmatos tou Agiou mi idin Holy Spirit that he would not see
itself, and he Rejoiced as an Elder,
Thanaton prin i idi ton Hriston death before he had seen the Lord’s
SMALL LITANY  and cried out aloud: Let me depart
Kyriou. Christ.

now, for I have seen Thee, O Lord, of our souls, Who bestows upon us
the Life of all things!” Resurrection.
FESTAL ANTIPHONS – TONE 4 2. To Prosopon Sou litanefsousin i 2. Even the rich among the people
Ek neotitos mou, pola polemi me pathi From my youth up many passions plousii tou laou. shall entreat Thy Favour
al aftos andilavou, ke soson, Sotir have warred against me. But do 3. Mnisthisome tou Onomatos Sou en 3. They shall remember Thy Name
mou. [2] Thou succour and save me, O pasi genea ke genea. from generation to generation.
I misoundes Sion, eshinthite apo tou Those who hate Zion shall be put to
Egnorise Kyrios to Sotirion Aftou The Lord has declared His Salvation; He
Kyriou; os hortos gar, piri esesthe confusion by the Lord; like grass in
apexirameni. [2] the fire shall they be withered up. enantion panton ton Ethnon. ✞ has revealed His Righteousness in
[2] Soson imas, Iie Theou, O en Agkales the presence of the Nations. ✞ O
tou Dikeou Symeon Vastahthis, Son of God, Who was borne in the
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, psallontas Si: Allilouia! arms of Symeon the Righteous, Save
and to the Holy Spirit us who sing to Thee: Alleluia!
Agio Pnevmati, pasa psihi zooute, ke Through the Holy Spirit is every soul FESTAL APOLYTIKION – MEETING/PRESENTATION – TONE 1
katharsi, ipsoute, lambrinete, ti quickened and exalted in purity, and ✞Here, Keharitomeni Theotoke ✞Hail, O Lady Full of Grace, O Virgin
Triadiki Monadi, Ierokrifios Illumined by the Triune Unity in
Parthene. Ek sou gar anetilen O Ilios Theotokos, for Christ our God, the
Mystic Holiness.
tis Dikeosinis, Hristos O Theos imon, Sun of Righteousness has risen from
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the Ages of Fotizon tous en skoti. Evfrenou ke Si, Thee and He Illumined those in
eonon. Ages. presvita dikee, dexamenos en agkales darkness. And Thou, O Righteous
Amen ton Eleftherotin ton psihon imon Elder, be glad in heart, receiving in
Amin harizomenon imin ke tin Anastasin. Thine Embrace the One Who
✞Agio Pnevmati, anavlizi ta tis Haritos ✞From the Holy Spirit do the streams of (3) Liberates our soul and bestows on us
reithra, arthevonda, apasan tin ktisin Grace well forth; they irrigate Resurrection. (3)
pros Zoogonion. everything created, so that Life can FESTAL KONTAKION – MEETING/PRESENTATION - ST ROMANOS THE
be produced. MELODIST - TONE 1
O Mitran Parthenikin Agiasas to Toko Thou Who has Sanctified by Thy Birth a
Mnisthisome tou Onomatos Sou en Thy Name shall be remembered from Sou ke hiras tou Symeon Evlogisas, Virgin Womb and fittingly Blessed the
pasi genea ke genea. generation to generation. os eprepe, profthasas ke nin esosas hands of Symeon, Thou art come, O
imas, Hriste O Theos. All irinefson Christ our God, and on this day has
STIHOS: Exirevxato i kardia mou Logon VERSE: Thy Name shall be remembered en polemis to plitevma ke krateoson Saved us Grant Peace to Thy
Agathon. Lego ego ta erga mou to from generation to generation.
Vasilis, ous igapisas, O Monos Commonwealth in times of Battle,
Vasili. I glossa mou kalamos
Filanthropos. and Strengthen the Orthodox People
grammateos oxigrafon.
whom Thou has Loved, O Thou Who
Mnisthisome tou Onomatos Sou en Thy Name shall be remembered from alone Loves mankind.
pasi genea ke genea. generation to generation. FESTAL PROKEIMENON – MEETING/PRESENTATION – TONE 3

SMALL LITANY – PRAISES TO ALMIGHTY Megalini i psihi mou ton Kyrion ke My soul magnifies the Lord and my
GOD – THE HOLY GOSPEL  igalliase to pnevma mou epi to spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.
HOLY GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST LUKE 2 : 25 - 32 Theo to Sotiri Mou

To kero ekino in anthropos en At that time, there was a man in

Oti epevlepsen epi tin tapinosin tis For He has regarded the low estate of
doulis Aftou. Idou gar: apo tou nin His Handmaiden. For behold:
Ierousalim, O Onoma Symeon. Jerusalem whose name was Symeon. ‘Makariousi ‘me pase e genee. henceforth all generations will call
Ke O anthropos outos dikeos ke evlavis, And that man was Righteous and me “Blessed.”
prosdehomenos paraklisin tou Israil. Devout, waiting for the Consolation THE EPISTLE OF ST PAUL TO THE HEBREWS 7 : 7 – 17
of Israel.
Ke Pnevma Agion in ep afton. And the Holy Spirit was upon him. Adelphi, horis pasis antilogias to elatton Brethren: beyond all contradiction the
ipo tou krittonos Evlogite. lesser is Blessed by the Better.
Ke in afto Kehrimatismenn ipo tou And it was revealed to him by the Holy
Pnevmatos tou Agiou mi idin Spirit that he should not see Death Ke ode me Dekatas apothniskontes And here mortal men receive Tithes,
Thanaton, prin i idi ton Hriston before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. anthropi lamvanousin, eki de but there He receives them, of Whom
Kyriou. martyroumenos oti Zi. it is witnessed that He Lives.
Ke ilthen en to Pnevmati is to Ieron. And he came by the Holy Spirit into the Ke os epos ipin, di’ Avraa ke Levi O Even Levi, who received Tithes, paid
Temple. Dekatas lamvanon dedekatote, eti Tithes through Abraham. For he was

Ke en to iagagin tous gonis to Pedion And when the parents brought in the
Iisoun tou Piise Aftou kata to Child Jesus, to do for Him according
ithismenon tou Nomou peri aftou ke to the custom of the Law, he took
Evlogise ton Theon ke ipe: ‘Nin Him up in his arms and Blessed God
Divine Liturgy Hymns - Meeting/Presentation apoliis ton doulon Sou, Despota,
kata to rima Sou, en Irini. Oti idon
and said: ‘Lord, now let Thy servant
depart in Peace, according to Thy
i ofthalmi mou to Sotirion Sou, O Word, for my eyes have seen Thy
FIRST FESTAL ANTIPHON – MEETING/PRESENTATION – TONE 2 itimasas kata prosopon panton ton Salvation, which Thou has prepared
✞ Tes Presvies tis Theotokou, Soter ✞ By the Intercessions of the laon - Fos is apokalipsin ethnon ke before the sight of all people – a Light
Doxan Laou Sou Israil. to Lighten the Gentiles, and the Glory
Soson imas! Theotokos, O Saviour, Save us!
of Thy People, Israel.
1. Exirevxato i kardia mou Logon 1. My heart overflows with a Good
Agathon. Lego ego ta Erga mou Word; I tell my works to the King.
to Vasili.
✞ Doxa Si, Kyrie, Doxa Si! PEOPLE ✞Glory to Thee, O Lord: Glory to
2. I glossa mou kalamos grammateos 2. My tongue is the pen of a scrivener.
oxigrafou. PSALM 50 /51
3. Oreos kalli para tous vious ton 3. Thou art more beautiful than the

Anthropon, exehithi Haris en sons of men; Grace was poured ✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
hilesi Sou. out on Thy Lips. and to the Holy Spirit
4. Dia touto evlogise se O Theos is ton 4. Therefore, God has Blessed thee ✞Tes tis Theotokou Presvies, Eleimon, ✞Through the Intercessions of the
eona. forever exalipson ta plithi ton emon Theotokos, O Merciful One, blot out
egklimaton. the multitude of our transgressions.
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the Ages of
✞ Soson imas
Ie Theou, O E N ✞ O Son of God, C A R R I E D I N T H E eonon. Ages.
VASTAHTHIS, psallontas Si: R I G H T E O U S , Save us who sing to Amin Amen
Allilouia! Thee: Alleluia! ✞Tes tis Theotokou Presvies, Eleimon, ✞Through the Intercessions of the
1. Perizose tin Romfean Sou epi ton 1. Gird Thy Sword upon Thy Thigh, O exalipson ta plithi ton emon Theotokos, O Merciful One, blot out
egklimaton. the multitude of our transgressions.
miron Sou, dinate, ti Oreotiti Sou Mighty One; in Thy Splendour
ke to kalli Sou. and Thy Beauty.
2. Ke entine ke katevodou ke Vasileve 2. And stretch Thou bow; and grant
Eleison me, O Theos, kata to Mega Have mercy upon me, O God,
Eleos Sou ke kata to plithos ton according to Thy Great Mercy;
eneken Alithias ke Praotitos ke prosperity; and reign because of
iktirmon Sou Exalipson to anomima according to the multitude of Thy
Dikeosinis. Truth, gentleness and
mou. Mercies do away mine offences.
3. Ta veli Sou ikonimena, dinate Lai 3. Thine arrows are sharp, O Mighty
Anigestho i Pili tou Ouranou simeron! Open the Gates of Heaven today! For
O gar anarhos Logos tou Patros, the Father’s Beginningless Logos,
ipokato Sou pessounte. En kardia One, (the people shall fall under
arhin lavon hronikin, mi ekstas tis having taken a beginning in time and
ton ehthron tou Vasileos. Thee), in the heart of the King’s
Aftou Theotitos, ipo Parthenou os unseparated from His Divinity, is
vrefos tessarakonthimeron, Mitros willingly offered as a Forty-day Old
4. O Thronos Sou, O Theo, is ton eona 4. Thy Throne, O God, is forever and ekon prosferete, en Nao to Nomiko ke Infant in the Temple of the Law, by
tou eonos; Ravdos Evthititos i ever; Thy Royal Sceptre is a touton agkales isdehete O Presvis. His Virgin Mother. And the Elder
Ravdos tis Vasilias Sou. Sceptre of Uprightness. Apolison krazon, O doulos to Despoti received Him in his arms: “Let me
THIRD FESTAL ANTIPHON – MEETING/PRESENTATION - TONE 1 I gar ofthalmi mou idon to Sotirion depart,” cried the Servant to the
Sou, O elthon is ton kosmon, sose Master. “For my eyes have seen Thy
1. Akouson Thigater, ke ide, ke klinon 1. Hearken, O Daughter, and Salvation.” O Lord, Who came to the
to ous Sou. consider, and incline thine ear: genos anthropon, Kyrie,  Doxa Si!
world to Save humanity:  Glory to
✞Here Keharitomeni Theotoke ✞Hail, O Theotokos Virgin Full of PRAYER OF SALVATION  Thee!
Parthene. Ek Sou gar anetilen O Ilios Grace: for from Thee has shone forth FESTAL KONTAKION – PRESENTATION OF CHRIST
tis Dikeosinis, Hristos O Theos imon, the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our BY ST ROMANOS THE MELODIST - TONE 1
Fotizon tous en skoti. Evfrenou ke Si God, granting Light to those in
Presvita Dikee, dexamenos en agkales darkness. Be glad also, O Thou O Mitran Parthenikin Agiasas to Toko Thou Who has Sanctified by Thy Birth
ton Eleftherotin ton psihon imon, Righteous Elder, for Thou hast Sou ke hiras tou Symeon evlogisas, os a Virgin Womb and fittingly Blessed
eprepe, profthasas ke nin esosas the hands of Symeon, Thou art come,
harizomenon imin ke tin Anastasin. received in Thine arms the Deliverer
O Christ our God, and on this day

imas, Hriste O Theos. All irinefson has Saved us Grant Peace to Thy
en polemis to plitevma ke krateoson Commonwealth in times of Battle, Nomon ton en Grammati, apopliron O Fulfilling the Law, He Who Loves
and Strengthen the Orthodox People Filanthropos, to Nao nin prosagete, mankind was now brought into the
Vasilis, ous igapisas, O Monos
Filanthropos. whom Thou has Loved, O Thou Who ke touton isdehete, grees agkales, Temple; and Symeon received Him in
alone Loves mankind. Symeon O presvis. Nin apoliis me his aged arms, crying aloud: ‘Now let
FESTAL IKOS – PRESENTATION OF CHRIST voon, pros tin ekithen makariotita. me depart to the Blessedness of the
Katidon gar Se simeron, sarka thnitin world to come, for I have beheld
Ti Theotoko prosdramomen, i Let us run to the Theotokos, desiring perikimenon, ton Zois kirievonta, ke today, wrapped in mortal flesh, Him
voulomeni katidin ton Iion aftis, pros to behold Her Son brought to Thanatou Despozonta. Who is Lord of Life and Master of
Symenon apagomenon, on per Symeon. The Bodiless Powers, Death.’
Ouranothen i Asomati Vlepontes, looking at Him from on High, are
exeplittonto legontes, Thavmasta filled with amazement, saying: ‘Now Enite Afton en timpano ke horo. Enite Praise Him with timbrel and dance;
Theoroumen nini ke paradoxa, we behold Wondrous and Most Afton en hordes ke organo. praise Him with strings and flute.
akatalipta, afrasta, O ton Adam Marvellous Things, beyond Fos is apokalipsin, ethnon epefanas As a Light to Enlighten the Gentiles,
dimiourgisas vastazete os vrefos, O understanding and telling! He Who Kyrie, epi koufis kathimenos, nefelis Thou has made Thyself manifest, O
ahoritos horite en agkales tou created Adam is carried as a Babe!
O Ilios tis Dikeosinis, Nomou to Lord: the Sun of Righteousness
Presvitou, O epi ton kolpon He Who cannot be compassed is
skiodes, apopliron ke tin arhin, seated upon a swift Cloud, Thou has
aperigraptos iparhon tou Patros compassed by the arms of the Elder!
kathipofenon tis Neas Haritos. Dio Se fulfilled the Shadow of the Law and
aftou, ekon perigrafete sarki, ou He Who rests Uncircumscribed in the
Theotiti, O Monos Filanthropos. Bosom of His Father, is voluntarily Thesamenos, O Symeon shown forth the Beginning of the
circumscribed in Flesh but not in anekravgazen: ‘Ek fthoras me New Grace. Therefore, beholding
Divinity – He Who alone Loves apolison, oti idon Se simeron!’ Thee, Symeon exclaimed aloud: ‘Now
mankind! let Thou Thy servant depart from
SYNAXARION – 2 FEBRUARY corruption, for I have seen Thee
Ti B’ tou aftou minos, i Ipapanti tou On the 2nd day of this month we
Kyriou imon Iisou Hristou, en i celebrate the Meeting
Enite Afton en kimvalis evihis. Enite Praise Him with tuneful cymbals;
edexato Afton is tas agkalas aftou (Presentation) of our Lord and God Afton en kimvalis alalagmou. praise Him with loud cymbals. Let
ODikeos Symeon. and Saviour, Jesus Christ, in the Pasa pnoi inesato ton Kyrion. everything that has breath praise
Temple, wherein the Righteous St the Lord.
Symeon received Him into his Kolpon tou Gennitoros, mi horisthis ti Not parted in Thy Divinity from the
Theotiti, sarkothis os evdokisas, Bosom of the Father, Thou was
Ti afti imera, Mnimi tou Agiou Martyros On this day we Commemorate the agkales kratoumenos, tis Incarnated according to Thy Good
Agathodorou. Holy Martyr, ST Agathodoros of Aiparthenou, hersin epedothis, tou Pleasure; and upheld in the arms of
Tyana, Cappadocia Theodohou Symeon, O ti hiri Sou the Ever Virgin, Thou hast beem
Afto to Theo i Doxa ke Kratos is tous To the True God be Glory and Kraton ta simpanta. Dio nin apoliis committed to the hand of Symeon,
eonas. Dominion to the Ages. me, periharos anekravgazen, en the Receiver of God, O Thou Who
irnini ton doulon Sou, oti idon Se upholds the whole world with Thy
Amin Amen Despota. Hand. Therefore he cried with Joy:
KATAVASIA OF THE MEETING/PRESENTATION – TONE 3 ‘Not let Thou Thy servant depart in
15 JANUARY UNTIL THE APODOSIS/LEAVETAKING Peace, for I have seen Thee, O Lord!’
O D I 1 Herson avissotokon, pedon ilios, 1 The sun once shone with its
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
epepolefse pote. Osi tihos gar epagi, rays upon dry land in the midst of ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and
ekaterothen idor, lao the deep. For the water on both eonon. forever, and to the Ages of ages.
pezopontoporounti, ke thearestos sides became firm as a wall while the
melponti. Asomen to Kyrou. Endoxos people crossed the sea on foot, Amin Amen
gar dedoxaste. offering this song acceptable to God: BY GERMANOS –MEETING/PRESENTATION - TONE (6) PLAGAL 2
Let us sing to the Lord, for He has O en hersi presvitikes, tin simeron O Christ our God Who has been
been greatly glorified! imeran, os ef armatos Herouvim, pleased to rest this day in the arms
ODI 3 To stereoma, ton epi si O D E 3 O Lord, the firm foundation of anaklithine evdokisas Hriste O Theos, of the Elder as upon the Chariot of
pepithoton, stereoson Kyrie tin those who put their trust in Thee, do ke imas tous imnountas Se, tis ton the Cherubim, from the tyranny of
Ekklisian, in ektiso, to Timio Sou Thou confirm the Church, which pathon tyrannidos, anakaloumenos
passions now deliver us who sing
Emati. Thou hast purchased with Thy Rise, ke Soson tas psihas imon.
Thy Praises, and Save our souls.
Precious Blood.

O D I 4 Ekalipsen Ouranous, i Areti Sou ODE 4 Thy Virtue, O Christ, has
Theotoke, i Elpis panton ton O Virgin Theotokos, Thou Hope of all Hriste. Tis kivotou gar Proelthon, tou covered the Heavens, for proceeding
Hristianon, Skepe, Frouri, Filatte Christians, Protect, Watch over and Agiasmatos Sou, tis afthorou Mitros, forth from the Ark of Thy
tous Elpizontas is Se Guard all those who put their Hope en to Nao tis Doxis Sou, ofthis os Sanctification, from Thine undefiled
in Thee. vrefos agkaloforoumenos, ke eplirothi Mother, Thou hast appeared in the
ta panta, tis Sis Eneseos. Temple of Thy Glory as an Infant in
En Nomo Skia ke grammati, tipon In the Shadow and the letter of the Law, arms, and the whole world has been
katidomen i Pisti. Pan arsen, to tin let us, the Faithful, discern a figure:
filled with Thy praise.
mitran dianigon, Agion Theo. Dio every male child who opens the
womb shall be Sanctified to God. ODI 5 Os iden Isaes simvolikos, en O D E 5 In a figure Isaiah saw God upon
Prototokon Logon Patros Anarhou
Therefore, we Magnify the First Born Throno epirmeno Theon, ip Angelon a Throne, lifted up on high and
Iion, Prototokoumenon Mitri,
Word and Son of the Father Without Doxis Doriforoumenon, O talas! borne in triumph by Angels of Glory;
epirandro, Megalinomen and he cried: “Woe is me! For I have
Beginning, the First Born Child of a Evoa, ego! Pro gar idon
Mother who had not known man. Somatoumenon Theon. Fotos seen beforehand God made Flesh,
anesperou, ke Irinis Desponzonta Lord of the Light that knows no
En Pnevmati to Iero, parastas O The Holy Spirit brought the Elder into ODI 6 Evoise Si, idon O Presvis, tis O D E 6 The Elder, having seen with his
Presitis, agkales ipedexato, ton tou the Temple, and taking into his
ofthalmis to Sotirion, O lais epesti. Ek eyes the Salvation that has come to
Nomou Despotin, kravgazon. In tou arms the Master of the Law, he
Theou Hriste:, Si Theos mou. the people, cried aloud to Thee: “O
desmou me, tis sarkos apolison, os cried: Now let me depart in Peace
irikas en Irini. Idon gar tis ofthalmis, from the bonds of the flesh Christ Who comes from God: Thou
apokalipsin Ethnon, ke Israil Sotirian. according to Thy Word, for my eyes art my God.”
(3) have seen the Revelation that brings O D I 7 Se ton en piri drosisanta, Pedas ODE 7 O Word of God Who in the
Light to the Gentiles, and the theologisants, ke parthenon akirato midst of the Fire hast dropped Dew
Salvation of Israel. (3) enikisanta, Theon Logon imnoumen, upon the Children as they
LAUDS: THE PRAISES TO GOD - PSALM 148 efsevos melodountes. Evlogitos O discoursed on things Divine, and
ALL CREATION PRAISES THE LORD OUR GOD Theos, O ton Pateron imon. who hast taken up Thy dwelling in
Pasa pnoi enesato ton Kyrion. Enite Let everything that has breath praise the Pure Virgin: Thee do we praise
ton Kyrion ek ton Ouranon. Enite the Lord. Praise the Lord from the as with piety we sing: “O God of our
Afton en tis Ipsistis. Si prepi imnos Heavens; praise Him in the Highest. Fathers, Blessed art Thou!”
to Theo. To Thee praise is due, O God. ODI 8 ✞Enoumen, Evlogoumen ke O D E 8 ✞We praise, we Bless and we
Proskinoumen ton Kyrion Worship the Lord!
Enite Afton, pantes i Angelli Aftou. Praise Him, all His Angels; praise Him, Astekto piri enothentes, i theosevias Standing together in the unbearable fire
Enite Afton, pase e Dinamis Aftou. all His Powers. To Thee praise is proestotes Neanei. Ti flogi de mi yet not harmed by the flame, the
Si prepi imnos to Theo. due, O God. lovithentes, thion imnon emelpon. Children, Champions of Godliness,
PSALM 150 – FESTAL VERSES – MEETING/PRESENTATION- TONE 4 Evlogiete panta ta Erga ton sang a Divine Hymn: O All you
Kyrion, ke iperipsoute is pantas tous Works of the Lord: Bless the Lord and
Enite Afton epi tes Dinasties Afton. Praise Him for His Mighty Acts;praise
eonas! exalt Him above all forever!
Enite Afton kata to plithos tis Him according to the greatness of
Megalosinis Aftou. His Majesty.
Nomon ton en Grammati, apopliron O Fulfilling the Law, He Who Loves
Tin Theotokon ke Miter to Fotos: en ✞The Theotokos and Mother of the Light:
imnis timontes Meglinomen! with hymns let us Magnify!
Filanthropos, to Nao nin prosagete, mankind was now brought into the FESTAL ODE 9 – MEGALYNARIA – MEETING/PRESENTATION – TONE 3
ke touton isdehete, grees agkales, Temple; and Symeon received Him in
Symeon O presvis. Nin apoliis me his aged arms, crying aloud: ‘Now let Akatalipton esti, to teloumenon en Si, ke That which is fulfilled in Thee is
voon, pros tin ekithen makariotita. me depart to the Blessedness of the Angelis ke vrotis, Mitroparthen Agni. beyond the Understanding of
Katidon gar Se simeron, sarka thnitin world to come, for I have beheld Angels and mortals, O Pure
perikimenon, ton Zois kirievonta, ke today, wrapped in mortal flesh, Him Virgin Mother.
Thanatou despozonta. Who is Lord of Life and Master of Agkalizete hersin, O Presvitis Symeon, Symeon the Elder takes in his
Death.’ ton tou Nomou Piitin, ke Despotin tou arms the Maker of the Law
Praise Pantos. and Master of all.
Enite Afton en iho salpingos. Enite Him with the sound of the
Afton en psaltirio ke kithara. trumpet; praise Him with lute and Voulithis O Plastourgos, ina sosi ton The Creator, wishing to Save
harp. Adam, Mitran okise tin Sin, tis Adam, took up His Dwelling in Thy
Parthenou ke Agnis. Pure and Virgin Womb.

Genos apan ton vroton, Makarizi Se Every generation of mortal nature
Agni, ke Doxazi Se Pistos, os Mitera Blesses Thee, O Pure Virgin, and in Nin Apolisin Zito apo Sou tou Now I seek release from Thee, O
tou Theou. Faith Glorifies Thee as Mother of Plastourgou, oti idon Se Hriste, to Creator, for I have beheld Thee, O
God. Sotirion mou Fos. Christ, my Salvation and my Light.
Defte idete Hriston, ton Despotin tou Come and behold Christ, the Master of Tis prin Neognon trigonon zevgos dias Of old the people offered a pair of
pantos, on vastazi Symeon simeron all, Whom Symeon carries today in te in neoson, anth on O Thios Presvis, doves and two young pigeons. In
en to Nao. the Temple. ke Sofron Anna Prophitis, to ek their stead, the Godly Elder and
Parthenou tehthenti, ke io gono Hannah the Prophetess, sober in
Epivlepis pros tin gin, ke piis tremin Thou looks down upon the earth and
Patros, en to Nao Prosionti, spirit, Ministered and gave Glory to
aftin, ke pos geron kekmikos, Se makes it tremble. How then can I,
Litourgontes emegalinon. the Child of the Virgin, the Only
katehi en hersi? aged and weary, hold Thee in my
Begotten Son of the Father, as He
was brought into the Temple.
Sisas eti Symeon eos ide ton Hriston, ke Symeon had lived for many years when On i ano Litourgi tromo Litanevousi, Him Whom the Ministers at the
evoa pros Afton: ‘ Nin apolisin zito!’ he beheld Christ and exclaim aloud
kato nin O Symeon agkalizete Liturgy on High Entreat with
to Him: ‘Now do I seek my release!’
hersi. trembling, here below Symeon took
I lavis i Mystiki, i ton anthraka Hriston The Mystic Tongs who has Conceived in into his arms.
sillavousa en gastri, si iparhis Thy Womb Christ the live coal, art Tis prin Neognon trigonon zefgos, dias Of old the people offered a pair of
Mariam. Thou O Mary.
te in Nesoson, anth on O Thios doves and two young pigeons. In
Thelon eninthropisas, O proanarhos O God Pre-Eternal, of Thine own Will Presvis, ke sofron Anna Profitis, to ek their stead, the Godly Elder and
Theos, ke Nao prosferese, Thou became Man and were Parthenou tehthenti, ke io gono Hannah the Prophetess, sober in
tessarakonthimeros. presented at the Temple at Forty Patros, en to Nao Prosionti, spirit, Ministered and gave Glory to
Days. Litourgountes emegalinon. the Child of the Virgin, the Only
Begotten Son of the Father, as He
Katelthont ex Ouranou, ton Despotin tou Having come down from Heaven, the
was brought into the Temple.
pantos, ipedexato afton Symeon O Lord of all was received by Symeon
Ierefs. the Priest. ✞ Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

Lamprinon mou tin psihin ke to Fos to Illuminate my soul and the light of my I ti fisi men monas, tis prosopis de O Thou Who by Nature is One but in
esthiton opos ido katharos, ke senses that I may behold Thee in Trias, Filatte tous doulous Sou tous Persons Three, watch over Thy
kirixo Se Theon. Purity, and proclaim that Thou art Pistevontas is Se. servants who put their Faith in
God. Thee.

En Nomo, skia ke grammati, tipon The shadow and letter of the Law, let Apedokas mi evoa Symeon, tou Sotirious ‘Thou hast committed to me the
katidomen i Pisti, pan arsen to tin us, the Faithful, discern a Figure: Sou Hriste agaliasin, apolave Sou ton Exceeding Joy of Thy Salvation, O
Mitra dianigon, Agion Theo, dio every male child who opens the latrin, ton ti skia kekmikota, Neon tis Christ,’ cried Symeon, ‘Take Thy
prototokon Logon, Patros anarhou womb shall be Sanctified to God. Haritos, Ierokirika Mystin, en enesi servant who is weary of the shadow,
Iion, prototokoumenon Mitri Therefore the Firstborn Word and Megalinonta. and make him a New Preacher of the
apirandro, Megalinomen. Son of the Father Without Beginning, Mystery of Grace, as he magnifies
the Firstborn Child of a Mother who Thee in praise.’
had not known man do we Magnify. Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the Ages of
Mitroparthene Agni, ti prosferis to O Pure Virgin Mother, why did Thou eonon. ages.
Nao, Neon vrefos apodous en bring into the Temple an Newborn Amin Amen
agkales Symeon. Babe and commit Him into the
hands of Symeon. Theotoke, i Elpis panton ton O Theotokos, Thou Hope of all
Hristianon, Skepe, Frouri, Filatte Christians, Protect, watch over, and
En Nomo, skia ke grammati, tipon The shadow and letter of the Law, let tous Elpizontas is Se. guard all who put their hope in
katidomen i Pisti, pan arsen to tin us, the Faithful, discern a Figure: Thee.
Mitran dianigon, Agion Theo, dio every male child who opens the
prototokon Logon, Patros anarhou womb shall be Sanctified to God. Ieroprepos anthomologito, Anna Holy Hannah, sober in spirit and
Iion, prototokoumenon Mitri, Therefore the Firstborn Word and ipofitevousa, i sofron ke Osia, ke venerable in years, with reverence
apirandro, Megalinomen. Son of the Father Without Beginning, Presvira to Despoti, en to Nao confessed the Master freely and
the Firstborn Child of a Mother who diarridin, tin Theotokon de openly in the Temple; and
had not known man do we Magnify anakirittousa, pasi tis prousin proclaiming the Theotokos, before
Emegalinen all who were present, she Magnified


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