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Teacher: Rosa Isela Flores Becerra. Subject: English Grade: 1º Group: A, B. Date:______________. Unit: 4 English teaching/ approach Social practice of the
language: Understand and incite oral exchanges regarding leisure situations. Educational field: Language and communication. Curriculum Standards: Hearing of
reading, oral and written comprehension. Multimodal and attitudes towards the language and communication. Real life competence: lifelong. Profile: there are
40 -48 ss. The ss are visual, some of them know basic vocabulary like verbs. Achievements: Recognizes the speakers and listeners behavior that supports the
construction of meaning. Requests clarifications. Writes sentences. Formulates questions to clarify doubts. Anticipates the general meaning to start a dialogue.
Specific competency: Exchange likes and dislikes in a dialogue Environment: Familiar and community. Main aim: Express likes and dislikes Skills: Writing,
reading, speaking, listening, grammar. Type of work: Didactic sequence Repertoire/Concepts: like, don’t like, hate and love, vocabulary about sports etc.
Values: Civic, respect full, honesty and solidary. Programs for work: Reading comprehension. Transversal topics: improve writing and speaking skill´s
Assesment: self-evaluation, participation and products. Final product: interview about likes and dislikes. Generator questions: What do you like to do in your free
time? Bibliography: All ready 1 Macmillan Education. Teens club Castillo.

• Observe and comprehend non-verbal communication. • Context clues. • Use language to Exchange common
• Identify topic, purpose and intended audience. • Speech register. interests.
• Recognize situations in which likes and dislikes are shared. • Topic, purpose and intended audience. • Promote interpersonal relationships.
• Identify leisure activities by name • Structure of dialogues: opening, body and closure.
• Anticipate the general meaning. • Acoustic features.
• Identify and compare forms for expressing likes and dislikes. • Sentence types.
• Establish sequence of statements. • Repertoire of words necessary for this social practice of the
• Identify words used to link ideas. language.
• Identify speech register. • Connectors.
• Question tags.
Express likes and dislikes in a dialogue. • Syntactic particularities of the English language: sentences using
• Write sentences. “like”, stranded prepositions (e.g., The man I talked to).
• Organize sentences in a sequence. • Syntactic differences between British and American varieties:
• Include details in main ideas. collective nouns concordance.
• Express points of view in favor and against. • Start a dialogue to express likes and dislikes about leisure
• Use linguistic resources to confirm comprehension. activities.
• Use non-verbal language.
• Recognize the appropriate time to interrupt a speaker.
• Practice and follow rhythm, speed and pronunciation.
Session Contents Resources Time Product
1 Before, during and after activities:

T introduces the topic about likes and dislikes. T puts Board 5´ Answer the questions about
some pictures on the board and asks some questions Marker vocabulary in English. Summary
about the new vocabulary (previous knowledge). Ss raise Notebook about the topic. Participations about
their hand and answer the questions if they know the Pictures the vocabulary.
vocabulary. Scotch tape

T explains the vocabulary with examples about likes and Notebook 15´ Structures for like, don’t like, hate
dislikes. Ss copy the vocabulary in their notebooks. T Boar and love. Vocabulary
clarifies doubts. T writes some vocabulary in the board and Marker Exercise
ss have to copy and match with the correct picture about
free time.

T pastes a wall chart about Fiona’s free time. In addition, Wall chart 10´ Questions in English
writes on the board some questions. Ss copy the questions Scotch tape Vocabulary, participations,
and they look at the wall chard and answer the questions Notebook Exercise
about Fiona’s free time. They have to underline the correct Colors
answer. True or false.

Ss pass a ball and play Hot Potato . When the t says stop. S Ball 10´ Oral practice
answers the question: What do you like to do in your free Chairs Activity
time? And continues this activity for a few of minutes.
Ss Board´s
Ss take out their student board and answer with the Notebook
correct structures for example : do you like watching TV? Markers 10´ Participations
Do you like eating chetos? Etc. Homework: ss have to Vocabulary Sentences with likes and dislikes
write sentences with their likes and dislikes. Student book
Session Contents Resources Time Product
2nd Before, during and after activities:
Pictures about Homework
T ask some questions about the previous vocabulary and Vocabulary 7´ Questions about like and dislike
their homework. Ss plays again hot potato and answer the Ball Practice about pronunciation
questions if they know. Chairs

T puts in the board some pictures and incomplete Board 5´ Sentences with likes and dislikes
sentences about free time and ss have to complete. markers

Ss go to the page 107 in their ss book, look at the pictures, Student book 8´ Vocabulary in English
and answer the questions: What are these people doing? Notebook Sentences about like and dislikes
They having fun? Then t writes different activities and ss Sentences
copy in their notebook and they participate with the

T asks some questions about some programs, sport, music Board 10´ Exercises in their notebook
etc. she gives some examples for make a conversation. Markers
Then ss have to write sentences with like and don´t like Notebook
(dislike) about their free time. Board

Then ss have to work by pairs they have to ask the Notebook 20´ Role play about likes and dislikes
question what do you like to do in your free time? The Agenda Participations
other ss answer a question. They have to pass in front of Ss board´s Memory game
the board and make a presentation about likes and Markers
dislikes.Ss participate with their ss board´s. t asks some Magazine
questions about the topic and ss answer. Homework: Scissors
make a memory game about free time activities. Dictionary
General Observations:






Rosa Isela Flores Becerra

Master teacher Principal

__________________________ ___________________________

Teacher: Beatriz Concepción Adaya Carrillo Teacher: Antonino Tufiño Bautista

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