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Math 309 (Matrix Algebra)

Section 1 Name ____________________________

Final Exam, Fall 2007

I. Definitions/Theorems

. The dimension of a vector space  is defined as: _________________ _____________

. A matrix  is orthogonal  if: ____________________________________________

. An    matrix  can be factored as    (where  is diagonal)

if and only if: ___________________________________________________________

4. An    matrix  can be factored as    (where  is diagonal and  is

orthogonal) if and only if: __________________________________________________

5. Suppose  is an    matrix, and that     In each part, tell whether the
space listed is a subspace of  or  (in each part, you can simply write “ ” or “ ”
for your answer)

i) Col  ____

ii) Row  ____

iii) Nul ( 

iv range of  ____

v) Nul  ____
II. Solve each problem: show enough work that I can understand how you found
the solution. Solutions should not look like “lucky guesses.”

1. a) Suppose      is the linear mapping that takes a vector , reflects it across

the line   , then rotates it 90° counterclockwise around the origin, and finally
multiplies its length by . We can write     for some matrix . What is ?

b) What matrix  represents the linear mapping            

     ?
2. a) Give an example of a -dimensional subspace  of  with all of the properties
listed below:

 is in 
    is in 
   is not in 
dim   

Your answer should be in the form   Span   . Explain briefly why    is
not in your space  and why your space  has dimension .

b) In  , determine whether      is in   Span          If

not, explain why; if it is, then show how to write      as a linear combination of
these vectors.
      
3. Let          in .
 
       
     

If  is not a subspace of  , then explain why it is not. If  is a subspace of , then find
dim  and exhibit a basis for  .
         
   
4. Consider the system          
          

The augmented matrix for this system of equations row reduces to

    
    
    

a) Write the general solution of the system in parametric vector form.

b) What is the general solution of the corresponding homogeneous system?

c) Suppose  is a    matrix and that the system    is inconsistent. Give an

example of what the row reduced echelon form of the augmented matrix might look like

There is more than one correct answer.

   
   
5. a) Find the inverse of   
   

   

       
b) If      , then   
   
       
Write  as a linear combination of the columns of  .
    
    
6. a) Find det  for     . Indicate how you found it.
   
     

b) Give an example of a    matrix whose determinant is

     
  det    det    det 
     
     
7. The matrix      2   row reduces to
     

      
     
      

a) Define      by    . What is a basis for ker         ?

(True or false: no justification needed)

_______b)  maps  onto  .

_______c) The rows of  are linearly independent vectors in  

_______d) For all vectors   in           

_______e)  is a one-to-one mapping from  to  .

 
8. a) Find the eigenvalues of   
 

b) An eigenvector corresponding to the larger of the two eigenvalues is   Find an

eigenvector corresponding to the smaller of the two eigenvalues.

c) Give matrices   , where  is orthogonal,  is diagonal, and      

    
    
9. a) The matrix     can be written as   , where  is a
   
   

     
     
diagonal matrix and    . What is   the last entry on the
   
     
diagonal of ?

b) The diagonalization in a) is not an orthogonal diagonalization of  (because  is

not an orthogonal matrix). Is it possible to find an orthogonal diagonalization of ?
State a theorem that says why or why not.
    
10. Let   Span      a plane in  . Write  as a sum of two

    
vectors, one in  and the other orthogonal to  .
  
11. a) The system  is inconsistent. Find the least squares solution(s).
  

   

b) The least squares solution to the inconsistent system     is 
   

     
Calculate the least squares error.
12. Suppose the Gram-Schmidt process is used to construct an orthogonal basis

   

   
      for Span             Then    , and
   
   
it turns out that    


a) Write the formula for finding  in terms of          

b) Find  .
 
13. The matrix    has two distinct real eigenvalues:
  

 a corresponding eigenvector is   and

 a corresponding eigenvector is 
 

Consider the quadratic form

   
             
    

a) A substitution introducing a new variable    changes   into a
 
quadratic form   that contains no “mixed product” terms    In this example,
what is the substitution (  ??) and what is  ?

b) Write   in terms of  and  (as was done above for

         ).

c) Describe the graph of         (Make a drawing that's careful
enough to show me that you understand what's happening. Useful fact:
arctan     °
III. True or False (No justification is required  just “T” or “F” )

______1.    is a homogeneous system if    is a solution.

______2. If    is defined, then the matrix  must be square.

______3. Every invertible matrix  can be written as a product of elementary matrices.

 
   

______4.        , where      
   
  

 

and      
 

______5. An    symmetric matrix has  distinct real eigenvalues.

______6. It is possible to find a one-to-one, onto, linear mapping from  to  

______7. There is a linear mapping  that maps  onto  and such that

 
 
       Span      
   
 
   
 

______8. If a set of vectors is linearly dependent, then each vector in the set can be
written as a linear combination of the other vectors in the set.

______9. For a dynamical system     where  is     if  has  distinct

eigenvalues  ,..., that satisfy              , then    as
  , independent of how the initial state  is chosen.

______10. An    matrix  is invertible iff the columns of  span 

______1 An    matrix  is invertible iff  is an eigenvalue of .

______12. The mapping      given by           is one-to-

one if and only if     

______13. It is possible for a    symmetric matrix to have

Span    and Span     as its eigenspaces.


______14. If a square matrix  is row reduced to an echelon form, then det   the
product of the pivots on the diagonal in the echelon form.

______15 If  is square, then det    det 

______16. For an    matrix , it is always true that dim Nul   dim Nul 

______17. dim Nul    if and only if all the mapping    is one-to-one.

______18. Suppose  is a subspace of  and that we have two different orthogonal

bases for       and     Then for any  in 

              

   

______19. Col  is the set of all solutions of the system    

______20. For any matrix , det    .

______21. For a    matrix : if dim Nul   , then  has exactly  nonpivot


______22. An    matrix  is invertible if and only if rank   

______23. If  is invertible and  is an eigenvalue, then  is an eigenvalue for  

______24. If    is an eigenvalue of , then the eigenspace associated with    is
the same as the null space of .

     
     
______25. The matrix    has exactly two distinct
   
        
eigenvalues (you may assume this is true). Before we can decide whether  is
diagonalizable, we need to find the dimension of each eigenspace.

 
______26.  is diagonalizable.
  

______27. If    , where  has orthonormal columns, then    

______28. If proj    then  is orthogonal to  

______29. If        has the property that      whenever   , then 

is an orthonormal set.

______30. If  and  are orthogonal    matrices, then   and   are also


______31. If  is an    orthogonal matrix, then the rows of  form an orthonormal

basis for  

2 1
  
______32. The transformation defined by    represent  a rotation
   2 
of  clockwise around the origin.

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