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Centre For Higher Secondary Education

Name Class

Advanced Subsidiary
Unit 3B: Exploring Physics
International Alternative to Internal Assessment
Tuesday 09 April 2013 Paper Reference

Time: 1 hour 20 minutes 6PH07/01

Total Marks
You must have:

t UsFilleinblathcek binokxeorsbatall-point pen.
t and class. the top of this page with your name,

t AnAnsswwerer thalleques tions.

t – there may bequesmore tions in the spaces provided
space than you need.

t The total mark for this paper is 40.
t The marks for each question are shown in brackets
– se this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question.
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The lae and relationships is provided.
t se a scientific calculator.

t KRead each question carefully before you start to answer it.
t Treyeptoananeye on the time.
t Check yoursweranswers
every question.
t if you have time at the end.
Turn over

Answer ALL questions.

For questions 1–5, in Section A, select one answer from A to D and put a cross in the box .
If you change your mind put a line through the box and then
mark your new answer with a cross .

1 A student takes the following readings of the diameter of a wire

1.52 mm , 1.47 mm , 1.48 mm, 1.51 mm, 1.48 mm

Which of the following is the best way to express the diameter of the wire with suitable uncertainty?

A 1.49 ± 0.01 mm B 1.49 ± 0.02 mm

C 1.49 ± 0.03 mm D 1.492 ± 0.025 mm

2 The current, I, through a resistor is measured with a digital ammeter to be 0.10 A.

The uncertainty in the calculated value of 𝐼 will be

A 1 %. B 2 %. C 5 %. D 20 %.

3 A student measures the time t for a ball to fall from rest through a vertical distance h. Knowing that
the equation h = ½ g t 2 applies, the student plots the graph shown.

Which of the following is an explanation for the intercept on the t - axis?

A Air resistance has not been taken into account for larger values of h.
B There is a constant delay between starting the timer and releasing the ball.
C There is an error in the timer that consistently makes it run fast.
D The student should have plotted h against t 2 .

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4 The resistance of an electrical component is measured. The following meter readings are obtained.

The resistance of the component is

A 2.5 Ω B 2.7 Ω C 2500 Ω D 2700 Ω

5 A small metal block is suspended from a spring balance at a depth h below the surface of a liquid
in a large beaker.

Which of the following statements is/are true?

I . The reading on the sprig balance depends on the density of the liquid in the beaker.

II . The reading on the sprig balance is equal to the weight of the metal block.

III . The reading on the sprig balance will increase as the depth h is increased.

A I only C III only

B I and III only D II and III only


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Answer ALL questions in the spaces provided.

6 A student traces the path of a narrow beam of light through a transparent plastic block, and measures
the angles θa and θp (see diagram). She repeats the measurements for various chosen values of
θp, and her results are plotted below.

plastic block

θ a /° 90








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
θ p /°

(a) Draw a curve of best fit. (1)

(b) Without calculation, use the graph to obtain a value for the critical angle
of the plastic. (1)

critical angle =

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(c) Continue the light path on the diagram below , to show what would happen if the student
had selected an angle θp which was greater than the critical angle. (1)


(d) Use data from any one of the plotted points on the graph to calculate a value for the
refractive index, µ, of the plastic. (2)



(e) The actual value of µ for plastic used in the experiment is 1.42. Calculate the
percentage difference in the value of µ obtained by the student. (2)



(f) (i) Describe the line of best fit you would expect if sin θa were plotted on the y axis
against sin θp . (1)



(ii) how would you find µ from this graph? (1)



(Total for Question 6 = 9 marks)

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7 The apparatus shown below may be used to investigate waves on strings.

(a) By varying setting on the signal generator, a standing wave with 3 antinodes may be set up on
the string.
(i) In the space below draw a diagram to show how the string would look when this standing
wave is set up (Note: There is no need to draw vibrator or pulley). (1)

(ii) Calculate the wavelength of the wave you have drawn (1)



(b) The following data were collected during the experiment

f / Hz 8.6 16 25 35 42 52 62 69

No. of antinodes, n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The frequency of the signal generator can be written as

v xn
f = 2L

Where v is the velocity of the wave,

L is the length of the wire,
n is no. of antinodes.

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By means of plotting a suitable graph, find the velocity of waves on the string. (6)






Velocity of waves on the string =


(Total for Question 7 = 8 marks)

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8 A student is doing an experiment to find the spring constant, k, of a spring. She is provided with
five 50g masses. She adds the masses on the end of the spring and measures the length of the
spring. Her results are shown below.

Mass/ g Length of spring / cm

0 21.2
50 25
100 28.8
150 32.6
200 36.4
250 40

(a) Criticise her measurements. (2)




(b) To find the spring constant, k, she uses a single set of measurement from the table.
(i) Calculate k of the spring when a mass of 150g is hung on it. (2)




(ii) Estimate the percentage uncertainty in your calculated value of k. (1)



(c) Teacher suggests that a more accurate value of k can be found by plotting a suitable graph.
State two advantages of using a graphical method to find k. (2)


2P – 8-0



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(d) Young modulus of a material is considered as a more useful quantity than its stiffness constant
by construction engineers. Explain why. (1)



(Total for Question 8 = 8 marks)

9. A student is asked to determine the resistivity of a material by graphical method.

Different samples of wires made of the same material with different lengths but equal
area of cross-sections are provided.
Write a plan for this experiment using standard laboratory apparatus.

You should :

(a) draw a diagram of the circuit to be used, (2)

(b) state any additional quantities to be measured, which are not shown in the circuit,
with your choice of measuring instruments for each. (2)

(c) explain which of your measurements has the greatest influence on the uncertainty in the
calculated value for resistivity. (2)

(d) state the independent and dependent variables of the graph that can be used to
find resistivity (2)

(e) explain how resistivity can be found using the graph. (2)

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(Total for Question 9 = 10 marks)



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