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Profile for Tristan Kantohe



You are a 'people person' and you love being around people.

You are very sociable, exciting and fun person to be with.

You just love to talk, great at making new friends and connecting people.

You usually know a lot of people who know a lot of people.

You really enjoy being the center of attention.

You are often very attentive to style, clothes, and gadgets.

Most people really enjoy being around You.

“My Relationship is my biggest assets”

You are a "NETWORKER"

You have a huge network of friends and it seems you know everyone.

You can make friends easily because you are a fun person.

You have the skills to connect people around you.

Your world is like a social network and that is your asset.


You just love to talk

You know how to break the ice and makes everyone likes you just by talking to you.

You are very good in communication and anywhere, anytime you will make
conversations with people near you.

You are an "ARTIST

You are popular.

Many people know you and you have a reputation that attach to you.

You are a trend setter among the people around you.

You just stands out among the crowds by whatever you use or do.

You are often very attentive to style, clothes, the latest trends and gadgets.
You are a "DOLPHIN"
You are the ones who bring in the fun, and have a way of lightening up any social situation, with jokes or funny
stories, and sometimes unique. Endowed with a way with words, Dolphins are youthful looking people who
generally have good verbal skills, and talkative when the mood hits.

Though you tend to have a bubbly and cheerful outlook on life, it’s not always fun and games with you.
Dolphins tend to be very ambitious and proud people, Their desire above all else to achieve something is to
show their hard work and effort to people around them.

They also tend to aspire to great heights, and to inspire others with your creativeness and upbeat optimism.
However, the Dolphin is also prone to over-optimism and unrealistic expectations of themselves and others,
which can sometimes lead to immature and irresponsible behavior when things don’t go their way - not
excluding whining, and temper tantrums.

Being the social creatures they are, most Dolphin people make friends easily and may have a whole array of
friends from all walks of life.

A good name and a good reputation is important to Dolphins, although they can at times seem childish,
irresponsible, self-centered, vain, and boastful.

Even with their faults, imagine life without the fun and the party Dolphin people bring to life.

“The most important thing in life is where people remember you for a good reason”

“Show me your friends and I will show you your future”

“The greatest good we can do for others is not just to share our riches with them, but to reveal theirs.” ~ Zig
Extrovert, Easygoing, Optimistic, Responsive, Confident, Friendly, Warm, Talkative,
Persuasive, Energetic, Enthusiastic, Encouraging, Compassionate, Giving, People Person,
Polite, Casual, Attentive, Daring, Active, Multi-tasking, Charismatic, Charming, Helpful,
Humorous, Cheerful.

Undisciplined, Clumsy, Not detail oriented, Disorganized, Unproductive, Exagerates,
Ignorant, Quickly bored by routines, Disobedient, Don’t like system and procedures, Can be
too talkative, Negligent, Not too loyal, Sometimes looks too childish.

Sucessfull People
Oprah Winfrey - Arnold Swarzeneger

You do your best work when given a list of people to meet and to network with. You also like to talk
about helping people or social works.

Hours, Days, Weeks and Years.

Time Management
You are very flexible. It can be today, next week, next month or maybe next year.

Desicion Making
You make a very quick decision but you can change that decision quickly too.

Stress Management
You will try hard to defend yourself because you want to save your reputation more than anything

“Who can I call or talk to, today ?”
“How can i make them happy”
“Who else want to join me ?”

Work Area
Not too organized, two or more phones, latest gadgets, active in social media on your computer and
phones, Lots of pictures, Souvenirs, Snacks to share, etc.

Ideal Job

These are the list of career that is ideal for a you. These career is more suitable for you but doesn't mean that
other career is not fit for you, it's just that if you choose these career then you will be more effective

Businessman / Businesswoman
Public Relation
Public Speaker
F & B Business

Trigger Communication
Discussion about People and Resources and planning fun activities.

You don’t like to talk about procedure, rules or detailed planning.

Being likeable / popular. Recognition and approval from others.

Love Language
Touch and Words of affirmation


You Learn through a Concrete Experience and active experimentation.

Which you use your Feeling and Doing experience to learn something.

You are good at making practical applications of ideas and using deductive reasoning to see people’s need and
to solve problems.

The Activist learning style is 'hands-on', and relies on intuition rather than logic. These people use other
people's analysis, and prefer to take a practical, experiential approach. You are attracted to new challenges and
experiences, and to carrying out plans. You commonly act on 'gut' instinct rather than logical analysis.

Unifiers tend to rely on personal information than other people analysis. This learning style is useful in roles
requiring quick action.

Unifier learning style prefers to work in teams to complete tasks. You will set targets and ask people to work in
the field trying different ways to achieve an objective.

You are more to Tactile / Kinesthetic and Visual Learner rather than Auditory Learner.


You are simply the person who make things work.

You are not watchers or listeners. You love to solve problems.

You can learn to do things, basically You can do almost anything.

You are very competitive and like to be challenged.

You are an individualist who value independence and self-reliance.

You love to seek new adventures and opportunities.

“Don’t talk too much. Just do it."

You are a ”DOER"

You are the one who will perform in whatever situation that you put you in.

You will do the actual action instead of just talking about the plan or just thinking about it.

You “JUST DO IT”. Life is about moving and make things happen for you.

You can learn and adapt to do things, basically you can do almost anything.

You are a ”HANDYMAN"

You are simply “The Man” to makes things work even thou not too detailed but it worked.

You are not watchers or listeners.

You love to solve problems whenever you see one.

You like activities that include practical, hands-on problem and solutions.
You are a "CHALLENGER"
You love challenge more than anyone else.

For you life is about task to be done.

If you ask a taskmaster to move a mountain, you will make sure the mountain is moved.

You are usually individualists who love to seek new adventures and opportunities.

You are a ”STALLION"

You are the “Stallion”, because you are genuinely courageous, dominant, always want to take
charge and high-spirited nature. You just love to work hard and make things done. You are very
confident and self-reliant. In a group setting, if no one else instantly takes charge, “Stallion” will.

Unfortunately, if you don’t learn how to tone down your aggressiveness, your natural dominating
traits can cause problems with others. You have a strong fighting spirits and willingness to stand up
for what is good for all of humanity. You are the protectors, defenders, and warriors. You are fiercely
competitive and physically athletic in nature. Stallion people also love traveling and a global people.
You have a tendency to always want to reach out and touch others and if possible to try and bring
the world together in universal brotherhood.

Stallions are hot-bloodied, hot-headed temperament; which is sort of a by-product of their high-
spirited and competitive nature. Stallions tend to be very passionate people, but when they get too
hot and bothered over a particular situation or person, they can become overtly aggressive,
combatant and argumentative which can often lead to violence and physical confrontation.

The primary reason hostility break out with Stallion people, is because their role to make sure
everything is finished and done whether others likes it or not from the way they deal with the
situation or circumstances.
Stallions are very reliable, and that is why people can always depend on them to make sure that the
job is done.

"“When things get ugly, the only people that you can rely on is the one who takes actions”

“Your belief determines your action and your action determines your results, but first you have to believe.” ~
Mark Victor Hansen

“If you wait until all the lights are ‘green’ before you leave home, you’ll never get started on your trip to the
top.” ~ Zig Ziglar
Extrovert, Productive, Practical, Strong-willed, Independent, Decisive, Daring, Active,
Problem Solver, Fast moving, Courageous, Multi-tasking, Persistent, Frank, Competitive,
Dependable, Fearless, Brave, Charismatic, Initiator.

Bossy, Inflexible, Ambitious, Argumentative, Controlling, Impatient, Sloppy, Ignorant,
Stubborn, Impulsive, Not Detailed, Quickly bored by routines, Demanding, Poor listener,

Sucessfull People
Theodore Roosevelt

If you want them to work, give them a problem to solve and challenges.

Desicion Making
Impulsive; makes quick decisions with goal or end result in mind. Results-focused.

Stress Management
You will dominate the situation or that challenge you or put you in a stress situation.

“What can I do about it?”
“Don’t talk to much, Just do it.”
“What’s the matter with everyone ?”


Discuss about issues, task, challenges and work.

You don’t like to talk about planning or long range ideas.

Results; challenge, action, power, and credit for achievement

Love Language
Act of Service or Gift

You Learn through an active experimentation and concrete Experience, which you use your Doing
and Feeling experience to learn something.
You are good at making practical applications of ideas and using deductive reasoning to see tasks
and to solve problems.
The Activist learning style is 'hands-on', and relies on intuition rather than logic. These people use
other people's analysis, and prefer to take a practical, experiential approach. You are attracted to
new challenges and experiences, and to carrying out plans. You commonly act on 'gut' instinct rather
than logical analysis.

Taskmaster tends to have your own analysis and make your own decision. This learning style is
prevalent and useful in roles requiring action and initiative.

Taskmaster learning style prefer to work alone to complete tasks. You set targets and actively work
in the field trying different ways to achieve an objective.

You are more to Tactile/kinesthetic and Visual Learner rather than Auditory Learner



They are a person who can turn problems into opportunities and benefits.

Whatever people trusted them with will flourish and multiplied because they just know how
to make profit out from anything.

They see everything can be benefited using their innovative thinking.

They are very aggressive in what they do in sense of taking opportunities.

They have a good sense for business and investment.

They are the "PROFIT MAKER”

They see how everything can be benefited using their innovative thinking.

They can use their calculative mind and know exactly how they can gain profit in any situation.

When people trust them with something, then they will make sure that it will gain profit and
give a good return.

They attract financial growth naturally and they also avoid something that will turn out bad or
not beneficial for them.
They are an "OPPORTUNIST”
They are a person who can turn problems into opportunities.

They are very aggressive in what they do in sense of taking opportunities because for them
there is always a way to get a good outcome in any situation even in a very bad situation or a
condition that is almost there's no hope, they can come up with great ideas and turn things
around into good.

They can see the needs around them and use that opportunity to meet the needs. All they need
to do is calculating when is the right time to take action and also to stop for awhile.

They are very attentive to things that people do not notice and they can see the needs around
them and use that opportunity to take them to other level.

They are a "PERSUADER”

They are really good in persuading people using their reasoning and influence.

They have a high energy and enthusiasm that will make people believe what they say and do.

Their communication skill and Their adaptive personality makes people feel comfortable being
around them and makes them trust in them along the way.

Their diplomacy skill is very good and their sweet talk is irresistible for some who really got
into their charm.

They are a "CHIPMUNK”

They are the "Chipmunk", because they are charming, charismatic and extremely inventive. Chipmunk are
most noted for their intelligence and clever genius in working out difficult problems for themselves and others.

Cheerful and energetic by nature, they attract many friends with their magnetic personality and diplomacy.
They are impatient when it comes to getting their way, but their anger cools quickly because they just see no
benefits in it.

Extremely curious and thirsty for knowledge, Chipmunk are never happier than when absorbing facts and
information and, possessed of a near photographic memory, usually retain all they have learned. Their
inventiveness in tackling thorny problems usually earns their well-deserved admiration and appreciation from
business associates, friends and loved ones.

Loyal and devoted to friends, Chipmunk are passionate in romance, but they may quickly lose interest in the
object of your affection and seek out another.

Chipmunks jumps from one thing to another too fast sometimes, and this general fickleness is also seen in
their abandonment of unfinished projects. Because of this nature, it seems that Chipmunks are not committed
in what they do, but somehow they just have the instinct to move on to other things just simply because it is
out of trend or not beneficial anymore for them.

Chipmunks have a very calculative mind and a talent to draw beneficial things to them naturally

You have to understand and realize that this is not who you are and You don’t have to act like
one or pretend to be one.

With this understanding, you don’t have to be frustrated or be ashamed if you fail or do not
perform as best as other things which is your primary or secondary profile. But also, don't
make it as an excuse for you to put your hands up and don’t do anything about it.


Admit that you are not as good in doing the role in your MINOR profile as other people.

Communicate it to other people around you and you don't’ have to be ashamed about it.


Most of the times there are some people around us that knows exactly our minor profile or
something that we are not good at. These people can become your enemy because they feel
that you are not competent to do it yet doesn’t delegate it to someone else and makes things
worse. In the other hand, if you delegate it to someone. There will be a chance that the
person can be your sparring partner who can sharpen you in the area that you are not really
good at.


Maybe the person with a strength of your minor profile can be someone that is very close to
you or someone who really annoys you and you try to avoid most of the time.

If you want to maximize your life, you should get these people closer

Since now you know which role that you are not really good at, it is time for you

To trust other people to help you in that area and fill in that role.

Delegate some obligations and empower them to make decisions in the area that you are
not really good at.

It is not always easy to do this, but when you start to do it, you can focus on other things that
you are good at and more effective.


“You cannot run away from weakness; you must some time fight it out or perish; and if that
be so, why not now, and where you stand?” - Robert Lewis Stevenson

Try to understand why you are not good at it and try to accept it. But it doesn’t mean that
you ignore it or just become the worst in that are.

In contrary, you have to learn to understand how it works at least to a medium level where
you know how it works and let nobody fools you or abuse you in the area even you don’t
have to be an expert of it.


If you have to make a decision to take any position/role/project that requires you to do it with
your Minor role’s profile, it’s the best and wisest thing for you to delegate it to someone else,
but try not to take full responsibility of any of the outcome by being honest about it to the
people who offered you the responsibility..

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