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Date : 7th October 2018

Subject : English Language

Class : 4 Elit

Language proficiency level: Intermediate

Day : Sunday

Time : 10.45 a.m until 11.45 a.m

Enrolment : 28 pupils

Theme/Context : World of Knowledge

Topic : Unit 11: The Insects Investigator

Focused Skill : Language Arts

Content Standard : 4.1 By the end of 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be
able to enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs.

Learning Standard : 4.1.2 Able to sing songs and recite jazz chants and poems with
correct stress, pronunciation, rhythm and intonation

Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

1. Sing a ‘Itsy-bitsy spider’ song

2. Draw and describe a shelter for the spider during
rainy days

Vocabulary : itsy-bitsy, spout, climbed, washed, shelter

Moral Values : Be nice to animals (insects)

Teaching Aids : Laptop, LCD projector, speaker, PowerPoint slides Itsy-bitsy

spider lyrics, Itsy-bitsy spider video, mahjong paper, marker
Stage/Time Content Teaching/Learning activities Resources

Set Induction 1. To arouse pupils' 1. Teacher asks pupils to

(5 Minutes) attention and name the insects they
prompt them with know.
the content of the 2. Teacher asks what will
lesson. happen to the insects
during rainy days.

3. Teacher discusses
possible outcomes with
the pupils.

(10 minutes) Itsy-bitsy spider lyrics, 1. Teacher gives example of
-lyric of “itsy-
PowerPoint slides, Video what happens to a spider
bitsy spider”
of itsy-bitsy spider song when it is raining.
2. Teacher distributes a
-video of
Vocabulary: nursery song lyric of “Itsy-
Itsy-bitsy, spout, climbed, bitsy spider” to the pupils.
washed 3. Teacher asks pupils to
read the lyrics.
4. Teacher discusses the
song lyrics with the
5. Teacher plays a video of
“itsy-bitsy spider” song.
6. Teacher asks pupils to
sing along to the song.
Practice 1. Teacher asks pupils other Teaching
(20 minutes) Drawing a shelter for the places the spider can aid:
spider take shelter during rainy -Mahjong
days. paper
2. Teacher asks pupils to be
in groups.
3. Teacher distributes
mahjong paper to each
4. Teacher asks pupils to
choose a shelter for the
spider and draw.
5. Pupils are to prepare
their reasons for the
6. Pupils are given 15
minutes to complete the
Production 1. Pupils will present their
(20 minutes) -Presentation drawings in front of the
2. Teacher will evaluate and
assess pupils’
Closure Make conclusion of the 1. Teacher asks the pupils
(5 minutes) lesson today. what have they learned
Discussion of the nursery 2. Teacher recaps the
rhyme lesson and instills moral
Moral values.
1. Be nice to animals

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