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Finding Credibility in a Website

While I relaxing in my living room one fine evening I had an incredible idea, one of pure

delight. I thought about the importance of breakfast, and it has just flourished from there. I had to

begin my research somewhere so I started searching Google. I found so many websites on the

topic, but one stuck out to me more than all the rest. The website is called the Dairy Council of

California. The title of the article is “5 Reasons to Eat a Protein-Packed Breakfast” written by

Claire St John M.P.H., R.D.N., and what an informative article this is.

This website is extremely easy to navigate and there are no pop-ups, which is another

plus. There is so much information about breakfast and other healthy food choices within the

website, they even give you quick and easy recipes! They have little quizzes within the website

to see how healthy your food choices are. Just a really great website all around. Why I have

chosen this specific website and article for my essay is because of its credibility. If you look at

the ending of authors name it has M.P.H., which means Masters in Public Health, and R.D.N.,

meaning Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist. These alone show the credibility of this author

and her writings. At the end of her article she also lists six different articles she used as

references, this means she did her research even for this article.

This website will be a great tool to use in my own essay. It has so much information

dealing with breakfast, and the importance of breakfast. The article I have chosen in this website

explains how breakfast maintains blood sugar and cholesterol levels, how skipping breakfast is

not a way to loose weight, and how breakfast is full of protein and nutrients we need to start our

day (John 1-3). Another great attribute to this website is how is wonderful the layout is, and all

the resources it has! I am just in awe. I keep looking at different recipes it has to offer and I’m

thinking about all the new things I can try for breakfast myself!
Work Cited

John, Claire St. “5 Reasons to Eat a Protein-Packed Breakfast.”, Dairy

Council of California, Healthy Eating Made Easier,


Protein-Packed-Breakfast. Accessed February 06, 2019.

Is Skipping Breakfast a big deal?

I am always skipping breakfast, there just isn’t enough time in the morning to get ready

for college, get the baby ready for day care, feed the baby, and make time to feed myself. I’ve

tried to wake up earlier to take time for myself in the morning, but then I get really tired by the

time five at night rolls around, and that is when I have to head to work. Is sleeping in and

skipping breakfast really that big of a deal?

Well according to the article I have researched called, “Breakfast in the United States:

Food and Nutrient Intakes in Relation to Diet Quality in National Health and Examination

Survey 2011⁻2014. A Study from the International Breakfast Research Initiative” by Adam

Drewnowski, Colin D. Rehm, and Florent Vieux, it really is a big deal. Within this peer reviewed

article you are given a vast amount of research collected on what skipping breakfast does to the

body, studying, “…14,488 [children of 6 years old to adults]. The sample included 2511 children

(ages 6–12 y); 1546 adolescents (ages 13–17 y); 6594 adults (ages 18–54 y) and 3837 older

adults (ages ≥ 55 y)” (Drewnowski, Rehm, Vieux). This research broke up this research into

many subgroups, race, age, and sex. They use graphs and data sheets to display their findings.

One of their findings on breakfast is as follows: “breakfast skipping was associated with lower
education and incomes, themselves predictors of lower-quality diets and impaired health”

(Drewnowski, Rehm, Vieux).

There are many reasons I chose this article. First it is extremely credible, this is obvious

by all the resources they have used within their article and all of the research they have

conducted themselves. The next reason being, this article was easy to read and understand. The

last reason I chose this article is because it will compliment my essay for many reasons. This

article was such a great find!

Work Cited

Drewnowski, Adam, Colin D. Rehm, and Florent Vieux. "Breakfast in the United States: Food

and Nutrient Intakes in Relation to Diet Quality in National Health and Examination

Survey 2011⁻2014. A Study from the International Breakfast Research Initiative."

Nutrients, vol. 10, no. 9, 2018, pp. 1200.

The Search Continues

I have been on the hunt for different sources about the importance of breakfast. My latest

research is from the Time magazine called “How Eating Breakfast Can Help Your Metabolism”

by Amanda MacMillan. I really enjoyed reading this article and I believe it will be very useful in

my exploratory essay. Amanda states”…eating a substantial morning meal directly affects how

fat cells function in the body by changing the activity of genes involved in fat metabolism and

insulin resistance” (MacMillan). This sentence answers the burning question I have on what

affects does eating breakfast have on our body. The reason I have chosen the magazine Time as a

reputable source is the fact that it has been around for so long. I have seen Time magazines in

many stores, and my grandma even has some next to the toilet to read, in case your going to be in
there for a while. Time magazine always sites all of its’ sources which is a great indication of

credibility. I also believe if they were stating lies the magazine would no longer exist. The reason

I have chosen this specific article is because it will compliment my essay and it was written in

2017, therefore the research within the article is fairly new and reliable.

Work Cited

MacMillan, Amanda. “Eating Breakfast Can Help Your Metabolism, Study Says.” Time, Time,

29 Nov. 2017,

Getting to Know the Truth

Within learning about the importance of breakfast I have found a great newspaper article.

This article was written by Roni Caryn Rabin called “The Case for a Breakfast Feast”. The main

point of this newspaper article is how most Americans snack for breakfast and their meals get

larger throughout the day, but that this is actually the wrong thing to do. According to the

American Heart Association eating breakfast reduces the risk factors for heart disease, high

blood pressure and high cholesterol. Skipping breakfast is also related to obesity (Rabin). This

article is also very credible, because it comes from the credible news source of the New York

Times. This article also uses research from reputable sources and people as its back bone and

structure. I think this article will be very useful for my essay about “The importance of

Breakfast” by Andrea Ventura ! Just you wait it’ll be a great read. I can’t wait to see how my

essay turns out, and I know that all of these sources I am collecting will be very beneficial to my

credibility as well. I will be an expert on breakfast after this!

Works Cited
Rabin, Roni Caryn. “The Case for a Breakfast Feast.” The New York Times, The New York

Times, 21 Aug. 2017,


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