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Well, here is the story.

One day a country man was going to the nest of his

goose found there was an -egg all yellow and glittering. When he took it up it
was as heavy as lead and he was going to throw it away because he thought
a trick had been played upon him. But he took it home on a second thought
and soon found to his delight that it was an egg of pure gold. Every morning
the same thing occured, and he soon became rich by selling his eggs. As he
grew rich he grew greedy, and thought to get at once all the gold the goose
could give, he killed it and opened it only to find nothing. Okay, what lesson
can you learn from this story? Right. “Greed of Doer Reaches Itself”.
1. The narrative type given above is ....
2. The majority structure of the passage is .....
Past Future
Simple Present
Simple Past
Past Perfect
3. The main idea of the text is
The country man got nothing from the goose because of his
The golden eggs made the country man greedy.
Greed of the country man destroyed himself.
The golden eggs caused the country man delightful.
4. what is the objective of the text ?
to amuse the readers with the story.
to threaten the reader with the passage.
To entertain us with the characters.
To give information about the characters.
5. What made him greedy ?
His delight
His wealth
His thought
His poverty
6. The generic structure of the text is
Orientation - Reariematici'
- Evaluation - Resolution -
Complication. f. Resolution - Evaluation
Complication - Orientation r. Resolution- Reorientation -
Orientation - Complication ^. - Evaluation. .J Orientation - Evaluation -
Complication -r Resolution -

These things happened nearly ten years ago. I lived in a efty, but the city was
hot in summer. I wahted to go sight seeing in the country side where I could
smell clean country , air and see greenesis. I went there by car.
Suddenly, my car stopped because I hadn't got any petrol. I had to find a
town and bought some petrol but 1 was lost. And then, I saw a girl. She was
very pretty and she asked me to come with her to the village. I went with her
happily. Finally, we came to that village. It was very old and pretty one. She
stopped at a house and asked me to come in. I went in. The house was very
clean, but strange. I met her parents who wore weird; clothes. I felt happy
there. We went out to the garden and spoke romantically. Her name was
Mary. I loved Her.
I was surprised because she had to say good bye that night and I would be
right back the day after. I walked quite a long way till I got some petrol for my
car. Then I asked the petrol seller about the name of the village but he gave
me a strange look. According to him, the village was not there anymore
because it was burnt by Cromwell and his soldiers.
I couldn't speak.

Where did the stoiy occur ? fa «. In a large country -k ^^ In a small village r~

x. In a gas station - In a hot city

The house was very clean, but strange " (paragraph 2) The
underlined word means
. hot fc. dark scary weird comfor-tafeter

Who is the main charc~ter of the story ?

r. The pretty girl yThe writer '. The petrol seller 4- The writer and
Which of the statements is true according to the text ? A ?c. There are
5 characters
in the story.
Ja. The story happened ten years ago in a city. The complication of the
text above is the girl said good bye to the writer. tt: The story
has a happy

What is the main idea of

paragraph two ?
The writer was lost * The writer's car didn't
^ work
r~ %. The writer met the
^ pretty girl whom he Icved
The writer were surprised looking at the clothes of Mary's parents.

What is the type of the above text ?

ft SL. Descriptive Anecdote Report ?Narative
Sherlock Holmes was a famous private detective who lived in London with his
best friend, Dr. Watson, a retired British army doctor. Together they helped
each other to solve the mysterious cases. Both lived at 221 Baker Street in
One day, a beautiful lady, named Miss Morstan,-,came to the house for some
help. Pr. Watson fell in love for the very first time with her. Miss Morstan told
Holmes, "My father, Captain Morstan had been lost since his returning to
England from India in 1878. Since then, I always receive a beautiful pearl
every year on the date when my father lost."
"This morning," she continued, "I got a letter asking me to come to Lyceum
Theatre at 7 p.m. tonight, So, please, accompany me to go there."
At Lyceum Theatre, a man named Theodore Sholto greeted thre^.of them.
"Miss Morstan, my name is Theodore Sholto, Nice to see you, * he said . *Do
you want to know your father's death ? Let me tell you. My father and yours
were friends during their service in India."
"One day, they found the treasure of Agra and they promised to share when
they had returned to England. But your father broke the promise and they had
a severe quarrel and your father got a heart attack and soon he died."
"A few years later my father was seriously ill and he told me and my brother
the truth and asked us to divide the treasure fairly. He told us to send you a
pearl each year." •'
"Before he could tell the place the treasure, an ugly face appeared on the
window and killed my father and the murderer ran in the dark of the night."
Finally we found that the treasure was kept in Pondicherry Lodge, an old
house of my father and now we would like to divide the treasure. "Theodore
ended story.

X : what genre is used by the

writer ? Y : .......

X: Vnat type of story is it ?. Y : It is ....

fairy tale
J2". historical story

. A -.^sasea on trie texi, wiiiuii u the following statements is

correct ? Y: I think .......
ft j%. Miss Morstan and
Theodore Sholto were friends *
Jr. Both Miss Morstan and Theodon? Vatherjs; were once friends.
'Because of Theodore's father Captain Morstan died.
BothMiss Morstan and Theodore father^fought to death.

X : Which of the following phrase is incorrect ?. Y : Both Sherlock

Holmes and Dr. Watson ........
worked or helped each other to solve mysterious cases * were best
friends • private detecives lived in London / Miss

Merotaii to go to Lyoeum Theatre i

Andi : Where are the setting and the participants stated ?
Arii It is in the ....paragraph, (first second _ K, third £) ^. fourth

3>1$.Citra: The following are the * complications stated in the

story except....;..
/Miss Morstan's father, captair/ Btforstant had •&&*V ,l£Uein
1878. On the , date of his father's lost, she always received
beautiful pearl. She was invited to come tb Lyceum
at 7. p.m. Lyceum theatre, sholto told her about her father
death and the treasure. s^ Miss Morstan's father got heart
atrack and soon died.
e^Fheedorc's father was~ seriously —— ^H ——— arnt
taurdcrod. '•
This morning I got a letter asking me to come to Lyceum Theatre
at 7 p.m tonight, so please accompany me to go there "
The underlined pronouns ab.ove refer to .....
Theodore Sholto Miss Morstan Captain Morstan Sherlock Holmes
X: Who gave Miss Morstan pearl every year ?
Theodore . Dr. Watson j^Sherlock Holmes f Miss Morstan's
father eWEhcodorc'a brother.
X : Why did he send pearl
What kind of films is the most popular with teenagers? It all depends on the
teenagers, doesn't it ? For instance, popular films in India include plenty of
songs and dances, whatever their theme. Chinese movies are often violent
with lots of fighting scenes. Then, there are action movies, adventure movies,
science-fiction, horror, romantic and family-oriented movies. These are all
vastly popular. They are exciting and the action is quick. Perhaps it is easier
to answer the question : what kind of films is the least popular with teenagers.
The answer might be art : movies that are usually slow, intellectual and
complex. They may be hit with critics but the ordinary teenagers find them a

The antonym of the word "s_l.ow_' in the text is

6. plenty
B. violent
JT. quick
What movie that isn't exciting based on the text ?
B. teenagers
C. songs
D. Dances

What movie that isn't exciting

based on the text ?
A. Action movie
B. Adventure movie
C. Art movie
D. Chinese movie

What does the word "their" refer

to ?
A. Teenagers
B. Indian movies
C. Indian songs
D. Indian dances

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