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InspectThis! Fall 2014

Supplement to CoatingsPro Magazine Fall 2014

The Role of the Coating Inspector

By Malcolm McNeil, CIP Committee Chair

h ere has been of the definitions in the dictionary for consider this to be project management rather
much discussion “control” is “to test and verify.” We find than quality control or quality assurance.
in the coatings the definition of “assurance” as “a positive In summary, the role of the coating
industry as to what declaration intended to give confidence.” inspector should be defined on each individ-
the role of the coating Based upon these definitions we could say ual project. It is critical that the coating
inspector is. The defini- that the coating inspector does some of both inspector accept only work for which he or
tion will vary in different quality control (for example, taking dry film she has the required training and qualifi-
countries around the thickness measurements) and quality assur- cations to perform. As inspectors we must
world. The definition will also vary within ance (for example, reporting that the work understand clearly what our responsibilities
any country depending on whom you ask. is in compliance with the specification). and authority are for each project. Each of
The NACE International Coating We are taught that it is the responsibility of us who are NACE certified signed an attes-
Inspector Program (CIP) defines the role of the coating inspector to observe the work tation when we took our exams.
the coatings inspector as that of a “quality and perform required tests to determine It is a good idea to review that attesta-
control technician” who is primarily whether or not the contractor’s work is in tion from time to time to keep it fresh in our
responsible for observing and reporting the compliance with the specification. Some minds.!
technical aspects of a coating project and its people will call this “quality control” and
conformance or deviation from the project some people will call it “quality assurance.”
specification. CIP goes on to say that the Whatever we call it, the coating inspector
general duties of the inspector are: must be clear on what his or her responsibili-
• Observe ties and authority are for every project. If this
• Test is not spelled out in the specification, the
• Verify conformance to specification (with coating inspector should ask for a clarification
documentation) at the pre-job conference. If there is no pre-job
• Report conference, the coating inspector should
We hear the terms “quality control” and get clarification from whomever they are
“quality assurance” in explaining the role of reporting to on the project. Everyone on the
the inspector. Often these terms are used project should be aware of what the coating
interchangeably, but do they mean the same inspector’s responsibilities and authority are.
thing? Let’s take a look and see if we can As pointed out previously, these can vary
get some clarification. Webster’s Dictionary depending on the geographical location of the
defines “quality” as “character with respect project. In some countries the coating inspec- IN THIS ISSUE...
to fineness or grade of excellence.” One tor is expected to direct the workers. Many
From the Chairman........................................ 1
Coating Failures—
A Coating Supplier’s Perspective........ 2
Inspection and Training: Variables
Everyone on the project should be Involved in Quality Control.................. 5
2014 Knobloch Scholarship Recipients
aware of what the coating inspector’s Announced.................................................. 6
Get This!............................................................. 7
responsibilities and authority are. NACE Coatings Course Schedule............ 8
Coatings Resources..................................... 10

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