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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2016; 20: 447-451

Occult urinary incontinence in elderly women

and its association with geriatric condition
Department of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Yildirim Beyazit University, Ataturk Research and
Training Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
Department of Hematology, Yildirim Beyazit University, Ataturk Research and Training Hospital,
Ankara, Turkey
Department of Medical Oncology, Yildirim Beyazit University, Ataturk Research and Training Hospital,
Ankara, Turkey
Department of Market Access and Health Policy, Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical
Companies, Ankara, Turkey

Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: Many older women functional status and comorbid conditions
are hesitated to initiate discussions about uri- should be the initial step during incontinence
nary symptoms and their incontinence. The aim management in elderly patients.
of this study is to determine the prevalence of
occult urinary incontinence in outpatient older Key Words:
women and to evaluate its association with oth- Urinary incontinence, Elderly, Geriatric assessment,
er geriatric conditions. Quality of life.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: 100 female pa-
tients 65 years and older were assessed at the
geriatric outpatient clinic. The validated form of
the Turkish version of the International Consul-
tation on Incontinence Questionnaire-Short Introduction
Form was used to evaluate urinary incontinence
and quality of life. Comprehensive geriatric as-
sessment including activities of daily living, in-
Urinary incontinence (UI) is the involuntary
strumental activities of daily living, mini mental loss of urine, in the absence of urinary tract in-
state examination and geriatrics depression fection. The International Continence Society de-
scale was performed. The number of falls, co- fines urinary incontinence as “involuntary loss of
morbid conditions and number of medications urine that is a social or hygienic problem”1. Uri-
were noted. The association between urinary in- nary incontinence impacts the lives of older indi-
continence and geriatric domains were evaluat-
viduals and it is considered one of the most im-
ed with logistic regression analysis.
RESULTS: A total of 100 patients were evaluat- portant and recurrent geriatric syndromes 2-5.
ed, 64 of them included in the study. The median There are four major types of urinary inconti-
age of patients was 72.5. The rate of urinary in- nence associated with lower urinary tract dys-
continence was found 40.6%. The association function: urgency incontinence, stress inconti-
between urinary incontinence and quality of life, nence, mixed incontinence, and incontinence due
performance status and comorbidity was found to incomplete bladder emptying.
statistically significant with logistic regression
(p = 0.033, p = 0.005, p = 0.031 respectively). Half
Urinary incontinence increases by age due to
of the patients with UI believe that it is part of functional and structural changes occurring in the
normal aging and no definite treatment is avail- urinary system and with impaired functional in-
able. dependence. It is estimated that approximately
CONCLUSIONS: Occult urinary incontinence 15% of community-dwelling elderly individuals
is a significant problem in older women that in- and 50% of institutionalised elderly persons have
versely affecting the quality of life. The study
significant urinary incontinence6.
suggests that awareness and education regard-
ing incontinence should be increased among el- In older women, the prevalence of urinary in-
derly patients and screening of urinary inconti- continence is 17 to 55 percent and in younger
nence is an important part of the geriatric as- and middle-aged women it is 12 to 42 percent. In
sessment. The evaluation and management of general, the prevalence of urinary incontinence

Corresponding Author: Kamile Silay, MD; e-mail: 447

K. Silay, S. Akinci, A. Ulas, A. Yalcin, Y.S. Silay, M.B. Akinci, I. Dilek, B. Yalcin

in men is approximately half that in women6,7. (MMSE) and mood assessed by geriatrics de-
The prevalence of urinary incontinence is 2 to 11 pression scale (GDS). Patients with MMSE score
percent in men older than 65 years8,9. 29 to 21 (cognitive impairment and mild demen-
Stress incontinence is the primary type of uri- tia) were included in the study. GDS score equal
nary incontinence reported among younger to 5 and more is suggestive of depression. The
women10. Urge incontinence becomes more preva- comorbid medical conditions, the number of
lent with age, with urge and mixed incontinence medications, the number of falls and body mass
explaining the majority of urinary incontinence in index (BMI) of patients were noted. Polypharma-
older women9. Some of the complications of UI cy defined as the use of 4 or more medications
include sexual dysfunction, stress, major depres- by patients. High comorbidity defined as having
sion and diminished quality of life11-14. Quality of 5 or more comorbid condition. Demographic and
life was found to significantly decrease with in- medical data were obtained from patient`s med-
creasing urinary incontinence severity15. ical records.
Many patients are hesitated to initiate discus-
sions about urinary symptoms and their inconti- Statistical Analysis
nence. In a survey, only 45 percent of women Baseline demographics and geriatric assess-
who reported urinary incontinence occurring at ments were summarized using descriptive statis-
least once a week sought care for their inconti- tics. The association between urinary inconti-
nence symptoms in United States16. This leaves nence and depression, quality of life, functional
incontinent patients with unresolved physical, status, cognitive function, high comorbidity,
functional, and psychological morbidity, and di- polypharmacy, obesity and the number of falls
minished quality of life17. Since urinary inconti- were evaluated with logistic regression analysis.
nence can be a difficult topic for patients to dis- p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
cuss, screening and an empathic approach are
important aspects of care.
The purpose of this study is to determine the Results
prevalence of occult urinary incontinence in old-
er women and to evaluate its association with A total of 100 patients were evaluated, 64 of
other geriatric conditions. The underlying rea- them were included in the study. Patients with
sons of not seeking medical help among patients active urinary tract infections, severe dementia,
with urinary incontinence were also assessed. history of stroke and neurologic disease, prior
pelvic surgery and radiation were excluded from
the study. The median age of patients was 72.5.
Patients and Methods Patients were divided according to their age in
two groups to those between 65 and 74 years
100 female patients age 65 years and older 60.9% (n = 39) and those older than 75 years
were evaluated in geriatric outpatient clinic. The 39.1% (n = 25). While the rate of urinary inconti-
validated form of the Turkish version of the In- nence was found 40.6% (n = 26), the quality of
ternational Consultation on Incontinence Ques- life was affected by 28.1% among the patients.
tionnaire-Short Form (ICIQ-SF) was used to The association between urinary incontinence
evaluate urinary incontinence and quality of life. and quality of life, performance status and co-
ICIQ-SF is composed of six questions, which morbidity was found statistically significant with
evaluate the frequency and severity of urinary logistic regression (p = 0.033, p = 0.005 and p =
loss and how much UI interferes in daily life. Pa- 0.031 respectively). No association was found
tients who have urinary incontinence were ques- with depression (p = 0.486). Also there was not
tioned about the reasons of “not seeking medical any association between urinary incontinence
help” in the past. and age, obesity, cognitive impairment and mild
Functional status assessed by activities of dai- dementia, polypharmacy, history of diabetes and
ly living (ADL) that represents the ability of the falls. (Table I: Association between urinary in-
patient to take care of himself or herself, and in- continence and geriatric assessment domains)
strumental activities of daily living (IADL) that Depression was found associated with dementia
assess the ability of the patient to live indepen- (p = 0.016).
dently in the community; cognitive status as- When patients were questioned regarding their
sessed using the Mini Mental State Examination understanding of urinary incontinence and the

Occult urinary incontinence in elderly women and its association with geriatric condition

Table I. Logistic regression; association of urinary incontinence with geriatric assessment domains.

95% CI for odds ratio

B S.E. Wald df p Odds ratio Lower Upper

Age .15 .89 027 1 .868 1.7 019 6.75

ADL 6.67 2.38 7.85 1 .005 788.9 7.41 83884.5
IADL -1.95 1.63 1.42 1 .232 .14 .006 3.49
MCI/dementia -.86 1.13 .59 1 .444 .42 .05 3.83
GDS -.65 .94 .49 1 .486 .51 .08 3.29
Polypharmacy -.50 1.21 .17 1 .680 .60 .06 6.51
Comorbidity 2.63 1.22 4.65 1 .031 13.9 1.27 153.9
Obesity .17 .88 .03 1 .845 1.19 .21. 6.68
DM .54 1.06 26 1 .613 1.71 .21 13.9
FALL -.08 .86 .01 1 .920 .91 .17 4.91
QOL 2.10 .99 4.55 1 .033 8.19 1.18 56.6
Constant -1.97 .96 4.23 1 .040 .14

ADL: activities of daily living; IADL: instrumental activities of daily living; MCI: Minimal Cognitive Impairment; GDS:
Geriatric Depression Scale; DM: Diabetes mellitus QOL: Quality of Life.

reason of not seeking medical help in the past; severity of UI19. Quality of life was found to sig-
50% (n = 13) of patients answered that it is part nificantly decrease with increasing urinary in-
of normal aging and no definite treatment is continence severity15. Our finding support that
available, 34.6% (n = 9) of them is embarrassed there is a significant association with UI and di-
to talk about it and 15.3% (n = 4) said they did minished quality of life. 28.1% of patients with
not know that urinary incontinence can be evalu- UI stated that their quality of life was affected by
ated in medicine clinic. incontinence.
However, no association was found between
UI and depression in our study. Even though the
Discussion quality of life was affected by incontinence no
associated depression was seen. In one study no
In this study the occult urinary incontinence significant association was seen between UI and
rate has been shown 40.6% in older women. depression in multiethnic older women and more
Many patients are reluctant to initiate discus- research is advised to further elucidate the mech-
sions about their incontinence which leaves anisms linking depressive symptoms and UI18.
them with unresolved physical, functional, and On the other hand younger women between the
psychological morbidity and diminished quality ages of 18-44 living with UI are at a threefold
of life17. Our findings reveal that if urinary in- risk of being diagnosed with major depression in
continence is not specifically addressed in geri- comparison with women over the age of 45 in
atric population it might be easily overlooked. A another study 14. These findings suggest that
recent study suggests that more research is need- younger females might be affected emotionally
ed on whether UI is under diagnosed and under- with incontinence more than elders.
treated, including reasons for why it is occur- The association between dementia and depres-
ring18. In our study majority of patients with UI sion is found significant in elderly patient20. This
think that incontinence is natural course of aging shows the importance of comprehensive geriatric
and no definite treatment is available. 34.6% of assessment while evaluating and addressing dif-
patients are embarrassed about to bring up the ferent problems in older patient effectively.
subject. Therefore physicians should be encour- The functional dependency rate was found sig-
aged inquiring the older patients about urinary nificantly higher in patients with urinary inconti-
incontinence. Also the awareness and education nence than those without UI. Functional disabili-
regarding UI as a disease needs to be increased ty is common in older adults. It is associated with
to avoid under diagnosis and lack of treatment in a high risk of subsequent health decline. Studies
elderly population. have documented that as the degree of functional
Most researchers concur that a patient’s psy- dependence increases, the prevalence of inconti-
chosocial health is an important aspect of the nence increases as well21.

K. Silay, S. Akinci, A. Ulas, A. Yalcin, Y.S. Silay, M.B. Akinci, I. Dilek, B. Yalcin

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