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Mindmaven's Mee�ng Mindset Checklist

How to Communica�on Congruently, Build Trust, Deepen Rela�onships, and Deliver a Great
Experience During Any Interac�on

1 Iden�fy Your Current State of Mind

• Become aware of whether you're distracted, frazzled, or otherwise in a nega�ve mood.

• Iden�fy what might be causing this unproduc�ve mood and consciously let it go.
• This is especially important if a previous mee�ng didn't end well and your mind is s�ll
• Check out How to Stop Dwelling if you struggle to let go of anxious or nega�ve thoughts
between mee�ngs.

2 Se�le & Refocus Your Mind

• Spend 60 seconds prac�cing Box Breathing or a Pointed Body

Scan to return your mind to the present moment.
• If you struggle with mindfulness, check out free resources like 10% Happier or
Headspace for short guided medita�ons.

• Focus on the present moment by turning your a�en�on to the individual or group you're
mee�ng with.
• Visualizing their face (or simply their name) forces your mind to focus on the present.

3 Cul�vate Your Natural Curiosity

• Commit to learning at least one new thing you're genuinely interested in discovering over
the course of the mee�ng.
• The more specific you can be, the be�er.

• Learn more in How to Leverage the Power of Curiosity to Build Rela�onships and
Generate Breakthrough Opportuni�es.

4 Visualize a Specific Posi�ve Outcome

• What's the perfect outcome of this mee�ng? Visualize this posi�ve result as clearly as you
• Imagine how you'll feel if you achieve those goals and the desired outcome is
• The more real you can make it, the more excited you'll feel. And the more excited you feel,
the more engaged you'll be.
• To learn more about visualiza�on, check out Visualiza�on Techniques to Affirm Your
Desired Outcomes.

5 Set Clear Primary & Secondary Objec�ves

• Never enter a mee�ng without knowing exactly what you want to accomplish.
• Be able to clearly iden�fy three elements of your mee�ng in advance:
• A primary objec�ve: From a business perspec�ve, what is the main purpose of this
mee�ng? What do you need to leave having learned or accomplished?
• Secondary objec�ve: From a rela�onship perspec�ve, what do you want to learn or
accomplish over the course of this mee�ng?
• Next steps: What are the desired next steps a�er this mee�ng?

6 Make a Great First Impression in the First 60 Seconds

• Enter the mee�ng with posi�ve, open body language. Don't cross your arms or lean slightly
• Make eye contact, but follow their lead for how much eye contact their comfortable with. If
you no�ce them constantly glancing away, match that. If they hold eye contact, mirror that.
• Greet them by saying their name as you shake their hand.
• Use a pre-prepared Icebreaker Sentence to make a great first impression.
• As they begin talking, lean in just slightly to express genuine interest.

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