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Considerations in the use of cone-beam

computed tomography for buccal bone
Aaron Dean Molen
Auburn, Wash

Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has become a popular modality in research, but it can be mis-
used and misunderstood. Several image quality, bone biology, and statistical factors must be considered
before designing CBCT studies or interpreting their results. Studies making small measurements, such as
changes in buccal bone thickness, are especially susceptible to these factors. The spatial resolution as de-
termined by a line pair phantom, the CBCT settings used, and a statistical power analysis should be reported
in studies that investigate small bony changes. Protocols should therefore be established and followed to
minimize the misinterpretation of results and improve the quality of research in this field. (Am J Orthod Den-
tofacial Orthop 2010;137:S130-5)

one-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has In a study by Ballrick et al,6 a Classic i-CAT (Imag-
become a popular modality in the evaluation of ing Sciences International, Hatfield, Pa), set at 120 kVp
orthodontic diagnoses and outcomes.1 It offers and 5 mA, was used with a line pair phantom to test the
high diagnostic value with a relatively low radiation spatial resolution of all potential field of view (FOV)
dose. Its linear accuracy has also been verified.2 This ac- and voxel size combinations. Those authors found that
curacy has justified the use of CBCT scans in studying a 0.2 mm voxel scan had an average spatial resolution
implant sites,3 palatal thickness,4 and cephalometrics.5 of 0.4  mm. The 2 most common voxel sizes used for
Thus far, these studies have been limited to larger mea- orthodontic scans—0.3 and 0.4  mm—both averaged a
surements spanning several centimeters. spatial resolution of 0.7  mm. In areas of thin bone, a
Recently, there has been interest within the research spatial resolution of 0.7 mm would not be adequate to
community in using CBCT to evaluate smaller maxil- properly visualize the bone.
lofacial structures: in particular, buccal-bone thickness Spatial resolution is also frequently confused with
before, during, and after treatment. Before one under- measurement accuracy. Measurements made with
takes or interprets a study evaluating buccal bone with CBCT have been shown to be accurate to within 0.1 to
CBCT, several image quality, bone biology, and statisti- 0.2 mm.7 However, linear accuracy over long distances
cal factors must be considered. is different from a scan’s ability to differentiate between
Spatial resolution is the minimum distance needed 2 objects in close proximity (spatial resolution).
to distinguish between 2 objects and is often incorrectly Because of the multi-factorial nature of spatial resolu-
assumed to be equal to a scan’s reported resolution or tion, each machine and scan must be evaluated individu-
voxel size. Factors such as partial volume averaging, ally. For CBCT studies that focus on small measurements,
noise, and artifacts make it impossible to achieve a reso- it would be prudent to use a line pair phantom (Fig 1) to
lution equal to the voxel size. These factors and others determine the unique spatial resolution of the machine and
will be discussed in this article. the scan settings used. Caution should be exercised when
drawing conclusions based on numbers smaller than a
Lecturer, Section of Orthodontics, University of California at Los Angeles; pri-
scan’s spatial resolution. If a study fails to report a scan’s
vate practice, Auburn, Wash. spatial resolution and, instead, simply reports the voxel
The author reports no commercial, proprietary, or financial interest in the prod- size, we are left without the proper tools to interpret the
ucts or companies described in this article.
Reprint requests to: Aaron D. Molen, 2229 166th Ave E, Lake Tapps, WA results. Also, spatial resolutions determined using the ideal
98391-4903; e-mail, conditions in a phantom will always overestimate the sub-
Submitted, June 1009; revised and accepted, January 2010. sequent in-vivo spatial resolution.6
Copyright © 2010 by the American Association of Orthodontists. An important factor influencing in-vivo spatial reso-
doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2010.01.015 lution is partial volume averaging.8 Frequently, the size

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Fig 1. Example of a line pair phantom (Phantom Laboratory, Salem, NY) used in determining spatial

densities harder to accurately distinguish, and results in

lower spatial resolution.
Thin bone is especially susceptible to partial volume
averaging, not just buccal bone, but also with areas such
as temporal bone and the sphenoid sinus (Fig  2). The
affect of partial volume averaging on thin bone has been
well documented in conventional computed tomography
(CT) scanners.10 It was shown that the angle at which
the image plane intersects the bone wall can cause thin
bone to appear thicker or thinner than it truly is.11 This
type of partial volume averaging can cause bone walls
thinner than 1 mm to all but disappear on CT scans.12
The most effective way to decrease the influence of
partial volume averaging is to decrease the voxel size.
There is a trade-off, however, when using smaller voxel
sizes, since they require more radiation and are more
prone to noise.13
Fig 2. Coronal slice of sphenoid sinus. Red arrow indi- Noise is the result of unintended energy or photons
cates where partial volume averaging has created the
hitting the detector and clouding the resultant image.
false appearance that there is a communication be-
tween the sinus and the anterior cranial fossa (settings:
The noise levels in scans vary greatly between ma-
0.42‑mm voxel, 1.26‑mm slice thickness, 12‑in FOV). chines. Some machines have cleaner or less noisy im-
ages, whereas others are more difficult to read. Each
machine’s settings, environment, and reconstruction al-
of a voxel is larger than the object or the densities it gorithms affect the image’s noise.13
represents. This occurs most often along the margin of A main cause of noise in a scan is scatter radiation.14
an object or at the boundary of 2 substances of differing Compared with medical CT, CBCT can have up to 15
densities.9 The voxel can display only 1 gray value at a times higher scatter levels.9,15 Medical CT’s lower scat-
time. To account for this, the voxel displays an average ter levels allow it to image some structures better than
of the densities present. Simply put, if a voxel repre- CBCT. For example, Loubele et al16 found that medical
sents an area of 75% lucent soft tissue and 25% opaque CT is superior to CBCT in imaging cortical bone.
cortical bone, the voxel will appear more lucent than In CBCT, scatter levels increase as the size of the
opaque. This process can make boundaries between FOV increases. The easiest way to decrease noise from

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Fig  3. Coronal and axial slices demonstrating metal artifacts (settings: 0.36‑mm voxel, 0.36‑mm
slice thickness, 12‑in FOV).

scatter is to use the smallest FOV that encompasses the This presents a dilemma when the goal of the scan
region of interest.17 The larger the FOV and the greater is to achieve high spatial resolution. Do you expose the
the scatter, the worse the spatial resolution becomes. For patient to a longer scan to improve spatial resolution but
this reason, large FOVs, such as those frequently used increase the risk of movement artifacts? Or do you com-
in orthodontic scans, are contraindicated for clinicians promise spatial resolution to decrease the risk of move-
wishing to evaluate buccal bone thickness. ment artifacts? Most orthodontic scans are taken with
Smaller FOVs may decrease noise from scatter, a short scan time, resulting in fewer frames acquired,
but decreasing the voxel size has an inverse effect. As fewer movement artifacts, and lower spatial resolution.
voxels decrease in size, they become more sensitive to Orthodontic scans with these characteristics are ideal
noise, resulting in poorer spatial resolution than one for general treatment planning but should be used with
might expect.10 Reconstruction algorithms can decrease caution if the goal is to properly evaluate the fine details
the noise in small voxel scans but require further devel- of the buccal bone.
opment. Although a voxel size of 0.125 mm is available, Image quality is also affected by the gray scale bit
because of noise and other factors, a spatial resolution depth of the CBCT system used. Current CBCT sys-
of 0.125 mm is currently unachievable. tems range from 12-bit to 16-bit gray scale.21 Since the
A number of artifacts can affect the quality of a human eye cannot distinguish beyond 10-bit gray scale
CBCT image. The most apparent ones in orthodontics and computer monitors are currently available in only
are metal artifacts. CBCT scans taken with braces pres- 8-bit or 10-bit gray scale, some people assume that it
ent show streaking artifacts around the teeth (Fig  3). would not be worthwhile to exceed these thresholds.22
These artifacts might simply be a nuisance, except that However, this approach fails to take into account that
they can affect how a scanner interprets and reconstructs the reconstruction software uses the increased bit depth
the surrounding structures.18 Katsumata et al19 showed to improve its primary and secondary reconstructions,
that the densities of surrounding structures can affect resulting in a cleaner and more defined volume. Most
an adjacent voxel’s perceived density. For this reason, software also allows the clinician to change the values
a practitioner should be cautious in making measure- of gray scale displayed on the screen using a process
ments close to braces or other metal objects, since the called windowing.23 By scrolling through the various
spatial resolution in that area will be compromised. An values of gray captured in the scan, the clinician can
analogy would be trying to spot an airplane flying close better visualize the volume. In essence, the software al-
to the sun. The closer the airplane gets to the sun, the lows us to use the additional shades of gray captured by
harder it becomes to see because of the sun’s brightness. the scan despite the limitations of our eyes and com-
The airplane is still there, but the sun has made it dif- puter monitors. When evaluating small structures, the
ficult to distinguish. highest available gray scale should be used.
Another artifact frequently encountered in ortho- Moving beyond image quality, another consideration
dontics is movement. CBCT is more sensitive to patient is the orientation and location of the image planes used
movement than medical CT.20 The most effective way to visualize the region of interest. Since most crowded
to limit movement artifacts is to decrease the scan time. teeth have some rotation, the thinnest portion of bone
This is especially helpful with younger orthodontic might not correspond to the buccal surface of the root.
patients. However, with a decreased scan time comes A rotated tooth will naturally have thicker bone along
fewer data or frame acquisitions.6 This leads to under- the buccal surface of its root. However, when the tooth
sampling, which makes resolving fine details difficult.9 is derotated, the buccal surface of the root will move

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This phenomenon is why changes in the alveolar

bone should be assessed only after orthodontic treat-
ment and the rematuration of the bone. RAP takes 6 to
24 months to fully subside after the end of tooth move-
ment.13 The appropriate waiting time after orthodontic
treatment before taking a final scan to evaluate buccal
bone thickness has yet to be determined, but perhaps a
minimum of 1 year posttreatment should be considered
in the interim.
An important statistical consideration is the pow-
er analysis, which is used to determine the minimum
sample size needed to make a determination with a
certain degree of confidence or power. Ultimately, the
power analysis determines the statistical sensitivity of
a study more than its spatial resolution. A study dem-
onstrating a spatial resolution of 0.4 mm with a 1.5 mm
power analysis level of sensitivity will be sensitive to
only 1.5  mm. A power analysis should be considered
Fig 4. Axial slice of rotated premolar showing the effect during the design of the study and not retrospectively to
of rotation on buccal bone thickness. The black arrow prevent drawing conclusions that are outside the study’s
(1) indicates the rotated tooth, and the blue arrow (2) level of sensitivity.27
indicates the derotated tooth. Note the thinning of bone
There is often confusion between the power analy-
after the tooth is derotated (settings: 0.36‑mm voxel,
sis and statistical significance. Statistical significance is
1.08‑mm slice thickness, 12‑in FOV).
simply the comparison of 2 groups for any differences.
If the differences are small enough, they are not con-
sidered significant; if they are large enough, they are
into thinner bone (Fig 4). This phenomenon can easily deemed significant. Statistical significance is super-
be mistaken for bone loss, whereas in reality the buccal seded by statistical power when interpreting results.
surface of the root has simply rotated into a new bony For example, if a small study with a confidence level
position. For this reason, buccal bone measurements of 1.5  mm has a statistically significant difference of
should be made at several sites around the tooth and av- 0.5 mm between 2 groups, the finding would be clini-
eraged for a more honest representation of bone support cally irrelevant, since 0.5  mm is less than the study’s
regardless of the tooth’s rotation. If the measurement is power of 1.5 mm.
made only at the buccal surface of the root at both pre- Putting all previously discussed factors aside, the in-
treatment and posttreatment times, the derotated tooth clusion of a control group might be the single most im-
will appear to be in thinner bone after treatment. portant factor when drawing conclusions from a study’s
The removal of braces and end of orthodontic tooth results. A longitudinal study with the experimental
movement are important beyond the simple avoid- group as its own control limits its power to make com-
ance of metal artifacts. When teeth are being moved parisons with groups outside the study. For example,
orthodontically, the alveolar bone in the direction of the if a comparison is to be made between 2 orthodontic
applied force undergoes constant bone turnover.24 This techniques, there must be 2 groups, 1 representing each
bone turnover is driven by the activity of osteoclasts, technique. If only 1 group is used, any changes could
which decrease the density of the active bone. This in- simply be due to orthodontic movement in general and
crease in osteoclastic activity and the reduction in bone have no relevance to the technique used. The use of 2
density are called the regional acceleratory phenom- groups removes this variable and allows for more pow-
enon (RAP).25 This decrease in density is important, erful comparisons.
since CBCT scanners identify an object’s presence by
its density. For example, buccal bone undergoing RAP
would appear less clearly and more lucent on a CBCT
scan. This makes the less-active bone appear more dis- Spatial resolution and its contributing factors should
tinctly than the adjacent bone undergoing RAP26; this in be considered during the design or interpretation of
turn gives the illusion that the boundaries of the bone CBCT studies. Line pair phantoms should be used to
lay along the margins of the less-active bone. determine a scan’s spatial resolution so that conclusions

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