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A Practical Guide to Compressor Technology Heinz P. Bloch Library of Congress Cataloging Bloch, Heine P, 1983 ‘A practical guide to compressor technology / Hein P. Bloch cm, lade index BN 0-07. 006887.9, 1 Compressors. I Title '75990.B546 1995 e215'1-de20 95.2289 CIP McGraw-Hill A Dison of The Mera Fl Companies Copyright © 1996 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, All rights reserved. Printed in the Unite State of America, Excoptas permed under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part a chia publication may be reproduced or distributed in sny form or by any menns, or stored in 8 data base or retrieval system, without the prior written permission af the publisher 1254567890 DOCDOC 90098765 ISBN 0.07.005987.3, ‘The sponsoring editor for this bok was Bob Hauserman, and the production supervisor ios Paraela A Plton. This Book ts st in Century Schoalbook by North Market Street Grophice Printed and bound by RR. Donnelley & Sons Company. ‘McGraw-Hill books are available at special quentity discounts to use ae premiums and sales prometions, or for use in corparste training pro {rams. For more information, please write to the Director of Special Sales, McGraw, 11 West 19th Street, New York, NY 10011, Or con tact your lea bookstore ‘This book is printed on acid-free paper Tnfermation contained in thin work bas bean obtained ty The ‘McGraw: il Companies In. McGraw Hl” re ours belived tobe reliable However nether McGrail nr ie authors guar: tutes the accurecy a cmpletenes of ny information published Ipein and neither McGraw Hill arte author shall be eaponise {Grany errs omiasons. or damages arsng out of use of ts infor ‘matin. This work is published with the uadersandiag that ‘McGraw Hil and its authors are suppliag information but ee ot attempting to render engineering or cther professional rence If Such serve are required, Une asntane ofan appropiate poles ‘Sonal shold be wou. “To the making of many books there is no end, and ‘much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh.” —May the author of this quote always consider ine his friend. Contents Prolace Part 4 Positive Displacement Compressor Technology Chapter 1. Theory 12 13 18 15 18 7 18 19 10 un 112 119 16 115 116 47 118 139 120 nat 122 ‘Symbols How a Compressor Works “The Fist Law of Termodynamies ‘Tne Second aw of Thermodyasrmics Ideal ox Perect Gas Laws v3 152 153 154. Datton's Law 155. Amagats Law 156 Avogadro® Law 137 The Petect Gas Formula ape: Prassute Gas and vapor Paria! Prossures Criical Conditions Compressiilty Goreraized Comoressbity Charis Gas Mawes ‘The Mole Specie Voume and Density Volume Percant of Constivents Molecular Weight of Mure Spectic Gray and Partial Pressure Patio of Specie Heats seu Gsical onatons and Comprossbity Wiigh-Bass tems Compression Cycies Power Requirement ° 2 2 2

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