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UNIVERSIDAD PEDAGÓGICA NACIONAL Has the social reality risen from human ability to socialize?

Lengua Extranjera
Actividad: Taller de tiempos verbales

NOMBRE: Luis Felipe Martínez Bueno CÓDIGO: 2017260044 4. La vida social ha significado un sentido de los hechos sociales.
Social life has meant a way in social facts.
NOMBRE:________________________________ CÓDIGO:__________
Has social life meant a way in social facts?
CALIFICACIÓN: __________

Escriba el verbo correspondiente en español para completar la 5. La vida en comunidad ha construido la realidad social.
oración en el tiempo sugerido. Living in community has built the social reality.
Has living in community built the social reality?
Luego, escriba la pregunta en el tiempo respectivo.

Finalmente, reescriba la oración en tiempo perfecto. Tenga en cuenta 6. El sociólogo francés Bourdieu investigó temas sociales.
el tiempo de la oración (presente, pasado, futuro) el modo
(afirmativo, negativo). French sociologist Bourdeau researched social topics.
Does french sociologist Bourdieu researched social topics?
Cada cultura tiene su mito de origen. French sociologist Bourdieu has researched social topics?
Every culture has its myth of origin.
Does every culture have its myth of origin?
7. El filósofo francés Foucault estaba yendo más allá de los estudios
Every culture has had its myth of origin.
comunes sobre el poder.
1. La sociología ha estudiado los hechos, las acciones y comportamientos French philosopher Foucault was going further in ordinary studies about
sociales. the power.
Sociology has studied the facts, actions and social behaviors. Was french philosopher Foucault going further in ordinary studies about
Has Sociology studied the facts, actions and social behaviors? the power?
French philodopher Foucault has gone further in ordninary studies
2. La realidad social ha sido un forma cultural subjetiva. about the power.
The social reality has been a subjective cultural form. 8. La filosofía y la ciencia no están manteniendo un diálogo permanente.
Has the social reality been a subjective cultural form? Philosophy and science are not keeping in a permanent dialogue.
Are not philisophy an science keeping in a permanent dialogue?
3. La realidad social ha surgido de la habilidad humana para socializar. Philosophy an science have not kept in a permanent dialogue.
The social reality has risen from human ability to socialize.
9. La modernidad clasifica los cambios económicos y políticos. 14. El imperialismo enseñó el pensamiento europeo.
Modernity classify economic and political changes. Imperialism taught the European thinking.
Does modernity classify economic and political changes? Did imperialism teach the European thinking?
Modernity has classified ecnonomic and political changes. Imperialism has taught the European thinking.
15. La investigación social busca nuevos conocimientos.
10. Las prácticas políticas y sociales manejan rupturas discursivas. The social research __________ new knowledge.
Political and social practices manege discoursive ruptures.
Do political and social practices manage discoursive ruptures? 16. Los paradigmas investigativos han ido en varias direcciones.
Political an social practices have managed discursive ruptures. The investigative paradigms has gone in many ways.
Has the investigative paradigms gone in many ways?
11. La experiencia occidental europea guio el concepto de modernidad.
European wester experience led Modernity’s concept. 17. Las ideas han conseguido la mayor fuerza económica.
Does european wester experience lear Modernity’s concept. The ideas have got the higher economic strengh.
European wester experience has led Modernity’s concept. Have the ideas got the higher economic strengh?

12. El discurso de la modernidad ha tenido un campo especial en la 18. La actividad científica ha leído el contexto.
antropología. Scientific activity has read the context.
Modernity dicourse has had a special space in Anthropology. Has scientific antivity read the context?
Has modernity discourse had a special space in Antropology?

19. La Modernidad entiende un amplio campo de pensamiento.

13. La crítica del colonialismo entiende ciertas condiciones psicológicas del Modernity understand a wide field of thinking.
contexto. Does modernity understood a wide field of thinking?
Critique of colonialism understand some psychological conditions of the Modernity has understood a wide field of thinking.
Does critique of colonialism understand some psychological conditions
of the context?
Critique of colonialism understood some psychological conditions of the

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