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Introduction into technical drawing 1

Lrnes 2
Standard lettering
Basic geomelrical design 0oining ot circles) 7
Flat angular workpieces in one elevatior'l I
Flat rounded workoieces in one elevatton 10
Inlroduction into lhree-dimensional drawrnq 12
Drawing in lhree elevations 14
Workpreces with concealed edges to
Workpieces with angled surlaces 18
Cylindrical workpieces 20
Sections through cylinders parallel to rotation axis
Pyramidal workpiec€s 24
Full sectron 26
Half section - Part section 28
Orawing of threads 30
Screw / Bolt connections 32
Tolerances 34
Surface finish 36
Assembly dra$/ing, parl-assembly drawing, parts drawing 38
Reading simple production drawings 40

Or(linaltitel: Fachzeichnen Melall Teil 1. Grundstul€

Verlasser: Chrislgau / Schmatz. Zeichnung€n von Sl. Slippl€r und W Wriggsrs
O 1981 (6. Aullago) Fachbuchve.lag S Wengert, Ingolstadt
I! O l9&3 Deutsche Gesellschalt hlr Tochnische Zusammenarb€it (GTZ) GmbH, Eschborn
Published by lhs Gernran Agericy for Technrcal Cooperation (Gl Z)
in cooperalion with Fachbuchverlag S. Wengerl, Ingolstadl,
and Exporl V€rlag. D 7O31 GralenauMiirtt.. Fod€ral Republic ol Gennany

All rights reserved. Printed in Germany

lntroduction into Technical 0rawing

Orawing Equipmenl
Good drawings require good drawing equrpment:
drawing boatd, compass, sel sguar'e, pencls (e. g. HB = 2'h, 2H - 4), rubbet, sanding block, pens

Sheet Sizes
DIN AO A1 A2 A3 A6
mm 841 x 1 189 594 x841 42Ox 594 297 x42O 21Ox297 148x21O 105x'148

All sizes can be used vertically or horizonlally. The space between the notos column and tho edqe ol the
sheet is 5 mm.

ll lhe drawing sh€et (DlN A 4) is used horizontally

the noles column is always al the /eft.

Notes Column
For school drawings the following notes column is being preferred

S 1:1 - True sizc Length on drawing

S 1:1 s2:1 | ss:t I s t:z.s

S 2:1 = Scaled up
7 -zo l-so I
14 | :s I
(S 5:1 , 10:1)
50 125 10
r05 210 525 42

S 1:2,5 = Scaled down

(S 1:2. 1:5, 1:10, 1:20. 1:50, 1:100)


erlengon Ine

r)- a( t-

dimens@n lrr€

eod o{ lhr€ad

Thick- -
Types of line ness Appiication (see above)

Unbroken line o.7 visible edges, limit ol thrcad

(thick) 0,5

Unbroken line 0,35 dimension lines, extension lines,

(thin) 0,25 shading, diagonal lines, thread line

Dash line 0.5 concealed edges

dash: approx 4 rnm (medium lhickness) 0,35
gapj 1 mm

Dash/dot line 0,7 section lino

gap: 1 mm
(thin, short) 0,5

Oash/dot line 0,35 center limj

dash: approx. l0 mm (thin, long) o,25
gap: r mm

Fre€hand line break line

(thin) 0,25

Further applications:

Thick unbroken Iine: Welding seams, welding symbols, rirnmlng

Thin unbroken line: Fleference linos, folding edges, cross sections
Thick dash/dot lane: Symbol for limited hardening
Thin dash/dol lino: Fladius ol gear teeth. holo circl€s,
machining allowances, extended lengths.
Trpes ol Iines
Thick unbroken line Thick dashidot tine

Thin dash/dot line Thin unbroken line

Shading Dash line

Compl€t€ lho typos of lines and lh€ cornpas.s exorcise.

Standard leftering

Characteristics of standard lettering'. easy to read, uniform, suitable tor nicrofilming

For lettering and drawing the same line thickness is used.

The lettering may be vertical or sloping less than 15" to the right (italic).

Preferred is the vertical lettering:

Nomlnal heights In mm:

2,5 3,5 5 l 10 14 20

Nominal height h
--u---l-- t
Hoight of capital lettors (h)
Height of small letters (c) 7/to.h 2.5
Line thickness 1/r0.h 0.25 0,35
Smallest spac€ between lines (b) 14/10.h 3,5 5
Smallest space between letters 2/10.h 0,5 o7 1,4

The heights h and c should be no less than 2,5 mm. When using both, capital and small lenors
a minimum lettering size of 3,5 mm should be chosen.

Gapital letters and Figwes

- -2

;r-f : ---:---




Small letlers

T-_l-- :if,lt
;TUr- __ _ __

'll ' 4L
^V, -

-,'ry' --- _-_

1p'- -
Basic Geometilcal 0esign
l. Dlvdrng a given longth into a chosen number ol equal pads

A A8
r --s

Oivide drslanc€ AB Into 5 oquals pa.tsl

2. Eisoctng an angl€

3 Joining 2 skaight lin€s using a curve wilh radrus R

4. Jcining 2 poinls using a curve |vlth radius R



5. JoinirE 2 circles t sing a curve with radius R

6. Joining a circle and s straight lino using a curve wrlh radrus R

C/ass D6te
Flat Angular Workpieces in one Eleuallon

-l I Dimenslons are entered in m limetrcs without m€asures. Any

deviahng dimensions musl be specified in lh€ir corresponding
-l measures.

In th€ line group 0,5 the dimension arrows are 2,5 mm lo;19 and

3. Dlmension lines must have a distance ot about 10 mm from the

object edge and Z mm lrorn parallel dimension lnes The dlmen-
sfons are lo olaced above lhe dimension lirras and should be
Dimension lines may only b€ broken if short of space in ordor to
enter dimensions.
The extension lines projecl 1 to 2 mm beyond the dimension lines.

Dimen6fons must b€ either read lrcm below o( lrom the /.,ght. For
small dimensions, e.g. under 70 nrm, the arrows are placed outs/-
de. Shoufd the space for dimonsions bef./een the extension lines
o( lhe obiecl edge be insutficient, dimensions are entered above
the dimension arrows.

The dimensioning stads at lh,e relgrcnce edges. The smal/esl

dimension is nearest to the workoiece. Obvious dimensions are not

6. Symmetrlc€l rvorkpleces are dimdnsioned synrmolrical to the
center line 'rt hich extends 2-5 mm beyond the obi€ct edge.
Flat workpiecea are presented in one olevalion. The wo*piece
thickness may be specified within ths area or nolil lo il.
| Examole: | =2mm

Oimenslon llnes may not be drawn from (a) oblect edges, used
as (b) exlension /rnes and shall nol ba (c) crossod by other
dimension lrnos.

Oimension flgures may not b6 divided by lines.

Conter lines ar€ lo be broken.

Flat Angular Wo*pleces in one Eleyatlon

A tlat steel bar 40 x10, 80 long, has a cut-oul 20 A steel sheet plate 6Ox8, 80 long, has a cut-out
wide and 30 deep. 20 x 30 at the uoper narrow side. The @rners at the
Reterence lines are the lower edqe and center line. too aro cut 45 x 1 0, the corners al lhe bottom 10 x 10.

Given: Text. angled illustration Given: Text, angled illustration

Required: Drawing with dimensions Required: Drawing wilh dimensaons
Material Malerial
S 1:1 Shaped sheet A S 1:1 Steel sheel B

The stepped sheet plate, 5 thick, is reduced to scale The templato, | 0 thick, is reduced to scale 1 :2,5
1'.2,5. Draw the workoiece to scale :1 and dimension from
Draw the workpiece lo scale 1 :1 and dimension lrom the cenler line and the lower object edge The di-
the tett and lower edges. The dimensions are lo be mensions are to be laken fronr the drawing
taken from the drawing.

Giv€n: Text, Outline S 1;2,5 Given: T€xl. Oulline S 1:2,5

Requir€d: Drawing with dimensions Required: Drawing with dimensions
Material Matonal
S 1:1 Stepped sheet plate c S 1:l l'emplate D
C/ass Date
Flal Bounded Workpleces in one Elevation

1. Cfrcles have a cross of centct ilnes Center lines ahrays intersect

on a dash They also begin and end with a dash Short center lines
are sfmplified lo thin unbraken li:tes
The diameler is shown by two dimensron arrows on lhe cicumle-
tence or dtawn on the extenslon /lnes ol lhe circle In lhese cases
no diameler svmbol will be used

For vory small circles the diameler dimensions ar€ placed with a
/ retercnce arrow poinling al lhe circle. The diameter symbol O(7/1O
h) is written in lront ol lhe dinrension The same applies if only one
dimension arrow can be drawn.
010 ll short of space the diameier dimension may be placed together
with a dimension arrow outside of the object edge.

lf several diameters ot the same size are shown only one is to be

dimensioned. Center lines may be used as extension rnes. They
are drawn outside lhe object edge as thin unbroken /lnes. Orstan-
ces between holes are always laken lrcm the cenler point oI lhe

4. A radlus is symbolized by R and has only cne dimension atow al

the circumference. The center point is fixed by lho ctossing of
center lines. ln obvious cases the center point symbol may be

ll, due to shortage of space, the ccnter point of a large radlua has
to be brought close to the dra'^ing, thc radius dimension line sfto$/s
two tight angl6s. Tho extension of the dimension line is always
directed to lhe actual cen@t poitll of the radius.

When dimensioning slotted holes lhe way ol produclion has to b€

considered. Erther the hole ccnters or ths hole edgos may b€

Flat Rounded Workpieces in one Elevation

€,xl6rnal drmensons 30x18 Ettornal dimcnstons: 78x60

Thckn€ss: 2 Th|ckn€ss 5
Hol€ diamster: 8, c€nkal Hole diameterl 10
Rounding D: 18 Distanc€ b€tween lloles 50, lrom b€low 14
Width ot letl tang: 8- Roundrngs: R - 14
Width or.ight tang: 5 Cut-oul: R = 20, c€ntsr pornt: _l-
Drm€nson rel€ronce linesl cgnt€r tnes c€nl€r lrno
uppor objecl odge
Dim€nsion rel€rence linesl c€nler lro€, Io,rrer €dge

Given: Telit. anoled illustration Given: Texl, angled illustration
R€quired: Drawing-with dimensrons Required: Drawing with dimensions
Material Mat€rial
S 2i1 Securing plate A S 1:1 Cover plete B

Ertsmal ctimsnsions: 50x 90 Exlemal dimonsions: 12Ox60

Thbkn€ss: 5 Thic*n63s: 6
Holo diam€ler: 30 Hole diameter: 30
Dislance botw€en hol€s: 55 lrom below Slolted hole : 10 s,ido
Roundings: above R = 35 Dislan@ canter to (rnler: 75
end of lang: R : 5 Roundings: l€flO=60
TaBg i 20 \Yide, m high rillht D = 30
Cut-out: R = 6, contor point: I chsngo ol radius R = 38
canter lins DnFnaron rsterencs lng3: @nlor lin6s
lowor object edge
Oimsngion r€loronc€ lines' @ntsr line, loser edgo

Given: Texl, angled illuslration Given: Text, angled illustration

Required: Drawing with dimensrons Required: Drawing with dim€nsions
1:1 Tleplate c s11 Guldlng lleplate
C/ass Dato
Introduction lnto Three-0imensional 0rawing
l. Dimetrlc Drawing

1. Parallel perspective (nol standardized)

Angle d : 45"
Widlh: Scale | :1
Height: Scale 1:1
Depth. Scale O,5:1

When drawing on squared papsr lhe deplh should b€ shortened 0,7 1

In this cas€ tho diagonal ol ono squaro roprss€nts 10 mm

Angle a -
Widlh: Scale 1:1
Heaghl: Scale
Depth: Scale 0,5:1

ll. lsometric Orawlng according to standard

Angle .t : i0', 3C
Width: Scale 1:1
Height: Scale 1:1
O€pth: Scale 1:1

dimetric (di = lwo) isomslric (iso = equal)

Scales: two ditferent scales ono scarc onlY
Show the essenlial: lrcnl elevation all €levations

Widlh: Height: Depth as 1:1:0,5 1:1 :l

With pillsrs one starts lrom tho lronl side, with poinl€d obiocts (o g cono) korn tho bottom ar6s Frrst drslr lho bssrc shapo
(e.g clJboH) then devolop lhe workpisc€ shep€l

Introducllcn into Three-0imensional llrawlng
B..k Cub€ wrlh sides 40 mm
Po.ltio{r: Angle a to th€ righl
R€Ga6!€a: abov€r lon and right cul-out '10 rl0
through the wholo d€prh ol lhe cube
below: righl. lronl cul-orrl 20 x 20 x 20

Taak: Oraw the objoct on€ timo oach:

pdrallel perspeclive, dimokic and isometric!

Task: Oraw the objec drm€lric!

Choose 4 diflerent positions!
Us€ the dimensions ol the angled illuslrationl

Given: Text Given: Angledillustration

Required: Three-dimensional drawings Required: Dimelric (4 positions)
Mateaal Material
S 1:1 lntermediate piece A S 1:1 S€ction B

lsomolrlc drawing ol tho ob,€cl in 4 ditr6.6nl pos'tions! uso Draw obioct in ony rorm In 4 dillcr€nl posltiodsl Uso tho
the dirn€nsions ol the angled illusttatron, dimensions ol tho anglod rlluslralionl

Givsn: Angledilluslration Givon: Angledillustration

R€quired: lsometric (4 Positions) Required; 4 ditferent positions
Matenal Mareriel
S 1:1 Gulding block c S 1;l Supportlng plece D
C/ass O.rrd
Drawing showlng lhree EleYations



Development of 3 elevations Technical drawing




top view

! l, n

Maximum dimensions
Position of Elevations Direction of width (b) herght (h) dePth (d)

Front elevation normal position from front b h

Side elevation to right ol lront elevation {rom left h d

Top viow below front elevation lrom above b d

Extension linos and cenler lines may not run through ftonr one elevation into another!
Extension lines for one dimension may not be drawn from differcnt elevations!
Each dimerrsion is to be enlered once only!

0rawing showing lhree EleYations

Draw the cbiect
in stages
showing lhree elevations!

Given: Angled illusiration Given: Front elevation, toP view

RequireOt Fro"nt elevation, top view, side elevation Aequired: Side elevation (no angled areas)

"T. Steel section

lronl 6levat|on

Given: ToP view, side elevation
Worlrpieces wllft Goncealed Edges

1 Concealed edges are drawn as dash hnes (thickness 7/10 of

unbroken line). The length of each dash depends on the s2e ot the
drawing ln order lo give the impression of an unbroken line the
I I gaps are very smatl

Dash lines start and end wilh a dash at the obiect edges.

When changrng from a visible edge to a concealed edge the dash

fine slarls and ends wilh a gap.

\!l 4. Dash lines always meet with dashes, forming full corners.
5. Concealed edges c/os.s on dashes.

Parallel dash lines running c/osely logelhet arc drawn walh stagge-
red dashes.

7. lf visible and concealed edges coincide tho visible edges


lf concealed edges and c€nler lines coincide. the concealod edges

aro orawn.

A Concealed edgos may only be dimensioned of lhe dim€nsioning ol

visible edges is impossib/e.

l- 16
Workpieces with Goncealed Edges




flil =l I



tl i _t



-t -iI

Given: Front elevation, top view Given: Front elevation. side elevation
Required: Side elevation Required: Top view
Material Material
S 1:1 Guiding rall A q 1.1 Jig tool B

Main dimensions: 8 x 6x 16 rA
Positon of workplece: F 1"-----l
In front elevation vertically erected, 8 mm wide
Stages of work:
a) A horizontalopening 2 mm high and 4 mm wide is
recessed 4 mm form the lower edge.
b) A slot 2 mm wide and 5 mm high is to be milled
out from above in the center of the workpiece.
c) A continuous groove 1 mm deep and 2 mm wide
is to be milled out in the center of the lefl and right
narrow sides.


Given: Text Given: Front elevation, top view

Required: Front elevation, top view, side elevation Required: Side elevalion
Flat steel Material Melerial
S 5:1 wlth grooves c S 1:1 Clamping block D

CIass Date
Woilpieces with Angled Suilaces

Measlrre lhe length o{ gdge al

Resuft; Length ot edge a in fronl elevation 50 mm, in side elevation

30 mm, and in top view 40 mm Thus, it appears shodened in sade
elevation and in top view

I The edge appears shortened whcn the end points are al unequal
distances from the eye

-J The slopo of an angled edge is determined when its end ponls are
fixed by dimensions


:lJ 3. The slope can also be dinrensioned by angle spectlicahon.

4. Normally the true length of angled e,Jges is not dimensioned.

Wilh angular dimension the dimension line is a circular arc, which

is drawn at lhe venex.

6. lf Dossible. the shaded area, about 30", should bear no dimensions.

lf this cannot be avoided, lhe dimonsions must b€ readable from
the /eft.

7. Square areas aro dimensioned al fwo maotmg stdes.

lf an elevalion is to bo dirnensioned in which Ihe square area

appears as a lrne, lhe sqrii/c .\yarbol (7/10 of tho dimension figure)
ist to be set in Iront ol llro drmension tiouro.

Workpieces wlth Angled Surlaces






Given: Front elevation, side elevation eiu.n, gront fop ui.",

Required: Top view "f"u"ti-,
Required: Side elevation


Main dimensions: 60 x 40 x100

Posltion of workpiece:
In front elevation uprighl, 60 wide
Stages of work:
a) A bevel45" is made left and right 85 mm lrom the
lower edge.
b) The upper half is to be milled from the front down
to 20 mm deep.
c) In the lower hall of the object the front is lo be
bevelled from the cenler to the lefl at 30" and to
the right at 45o.

lronl €l€vation

Given: Text Given: Angled illustration

Required: Front elevation, top view, side elevation Required: Front elovaiion, top view, side ol€vation
Gylindrical Worlrp tSces

1. When drawing a cyiinder or oth€r symmetrical workpieces one

starts from th'e center line

2 Simple workpieces are mostly drawn in lrcnt elevation only. It an

cct el€vation in which the area of a circle appears as a straight /rn€ is to
be dimensioned lhe dianete, symbol is to b€ placed in front ol the
e dimension figure.

3. lf possible areas ol a circle are to be dimensioned in the elevation

where they are shown as clrcle. In this case ltle diamster symbol is


4. Eccentric cams are lo be specified by the dlslance betwe€n lhe

center lines.

5. No diameter dimension should be entered il possible within lhe

shaded areas. ll this cannol be avoided lhe dimension ligure
(similar to angle specification) musl be readable from lhe /e/t

a) Simpfe /ong cylinders arc shorlened by using looped break

llnes; the aclual length of the workpiece is to be entered. Break
lines are to be drawn heehand as thin unbroken lines; btoken
areas are shaded al 45".

b) The brcken area of hollow cylinders (pipes) is mark€d by two

loop brcak lines.

c) lf th€ round shape is obvious (by dimensioning or a lurlher

elavotion) a simple freehand line is sufliciont.

Cylindrical Worknieces

Main dimensions: A 70x227

Positlon of workplece:
In front elevation horizontal
Stages of work:
a) from right .180 mrn long lathe lo Q 40
b) from right journal 17 long recess to Q 28
c) from left 25 long lathe to Q 50
d) left recess eccentric cam:
center-to-center distance 14, @ 16, '17 long
end of cam (towards workpiece) R : 3
Ends of recesses (toward workpiece) R : 5

Do not dimension each radius R - 5, bul nole al lhe

bonom of lh€ sheet: All roundings not dimensioned are R : 5.

Given: Angled illustration Given: Text

Required: Front elevation, top view, side elevation Required: Front elevalion, side elevation

,t,l1 Pulley I Materiat

4 ]"'"n'' |"


The journal is on top, -l

th€ other circl€s repr€sont
t I
t_ I

-l I
-t *l 3.


Given: ToP view, side elevation Given: Front elevation, side elevation
Required. Front elevation Required: Top view
Mat€nal Mat€rial
S 1:1 Crank arm c S 1:'l Rocker arm D
C/ass Odte
Seclions through Cylinders paraltel t0 Rotation Axis

1 ll a round object is seclioned parallel to its rotation axis

straight edges are shown.

The limiting Iine encloses the round oblect completely

only il the flattenrng covers the whole diameter

l{ the flattening in lroot elevation is seen as an area the

objekt edges in side elevatlon are recessed.

Dosign the side elevation!

Recessed edges ol gtooves and cut-outs are lo be

drawn as well.

Recessed edges need not be dimensioned as th€y

rcsult automatcally.


Sections thlough Gylinders Patallel to Botation Aris


Given: Dirnetric drawing Given: Front elevation, top view (incomplete)

Required: Fronl elevation, top view, side elevation Required: Front elevation, top view, side elevation
Material Material

S 2:1 Fitting plece A S'1:'l Control shatt B

gr I

Given: Front elevation Given: Frorrt and side elevation (incomplete)

Required: ToP view, side elevation Required: Front elevation, top viow, sido olovation
Malerial Malerial
S 1:1 Coupllng c S 1:1 Jolnt pert D
Class Dete
,Vamg 2?
Pyramldal Worltpieces

'1. Iwo elevalions are mostly sufticient to llluatrate a pyramidal

workpiece One elevatiolr is suiticienl {or square based pyramids.

The slope of an ar€a can b€ giv€n as s/ope rato or in p€rcenlage.

For production lhe angle of slope may also b€ entered.
The direction oI slope is indicated by the symbol f>-
parallel to the bas€ /ine.

r 21) 10
Slope --. -9- -

The degree ot taper of pyramid-shaped sections is the ratio of

difference in width to length ol pyramid.

Degree of taper : -o-1- : : 1:2

The taper is indicated by the symbol > which is placed above

the pyramidal elemsnt parallel to tho center /ine and pointing in
direction of the taoer.

4. Flat areas in elevalion are marked as such l)y diagonal lines, il nol
apparent from turther elovations.

Spsnngr Op€ning = 20

The true l€ngth of an edge rs only s€an whan the end pornts are at
equal distance frorn ths oyc. Tho edge must lio padlel lo a
proioclion lovol. Therolorc, the edges ar€ lufisd in such a way thal
th€y appear in this position- fwo elovations are needed to construct
lh€ true length.

PWamidal Worlrpieces



o60 '.1,
ril ,/ 1'

+-Y4v-- J

Given: Front elevation Given: Front elevation

Required: Top view, calculation of degree of taper Required: Top view, side elevation, taper
Material Back stay Material
S 1:1 Knob A S 1:1 for chamferlng B

Maln dlmensions: 60 x 60 x 80
Position of workpiece: '-=o
In tront elevation 60 wide and 80 high .) tsj

Stages of work: __J


a) A cylinder @ 30,33 long is lathed lrom below.

b) The cylinder is centrally countersunk Q 10, 15
deep in longitudinal axis direction.
c) A frustum with a base area 60 x 60 and top area
20x20 is sel on the cYlinder.

Task: Draw the object in front elevation and top

view and find the true length ol a side edge of
the frustum.

Given: Text Given: Front elevation, side

Required: Front elevation, top view, trtle length Required: Top view
S 1:1 Anchor bolt
c S 1:1 Floor plate D
C/ass Date
1 lnner edges are shown by sectiorrs running along ltrc centel
One assunres that ttre lro;lt half of the workpiece is cut awav.

The sectrbn arcas are shaded, not lhe hollow


The shading lines are thin unbrcken ii.r,es

which ate angled al
45" lo lhe cenler lrne or angled to the
base edoe.

3. The smatler the section area lhe c/oser the

shading lines.

4. Very narrow areas ({.,. g. angles in cross sections) are

ned. Btackened areaJot o-"ifierent pieces are
tated. "iign,ly "p"

5. Angled seclion areas are shaded at 45" to main dircction.

Assembfed workpieces are identified

by opposite ot vaied
Section aroas of obiect are atways
shaded in th€ samo

7. ,o insert dimension tigur€s lho shadrng has

Droken to be

8. y: visiPle odges run through sedron areas _ conc€aled

eoges in section drawings ars lo
be avoided, if possibls.
Full Section




Given:'Frontelevation Given: Front elevation, top view

Required: Front and side elevation in section, top view Required: Front and side elevation in section
Mate.ial Material
S'l:1 Jaw A S 1:1 Jig tool B

-9niT :--r I

tl --- -t
rl I

Given: Fronl elevation Given: Front elevalion

Required: Front elevation in section, top view Required: Fronl elovation in section, side elevation
Material Mat€nal
S 1:1 Bearlng wlth bush c S 2:1 Eccentric carn D
Name C/ass Datc
Hall Seclion - Parl $ection

1 Hall sections show only one hall ol the workpiece in section, the
other halt aooears in elevation.

Bolh halves are seperated by the center line orly. Concealed edges
are to be avoided, if possible.

lnner diamelers and similar dimensions are marked with one

dimension arrow only in the cul half. The dimension line is drawn
beyond lhe center line into lhe e/eyation.

3. Mostly the lowet hall ot lhe right half of lhe workpiece is drawn in

4. Simple workpiece parts such as so/id shafts, bolts, rivets, scrcws,

webs etc. arc not drawn in section.

Pan sections (cut views) ar€ drawn of workpieces which ar€ not
supposed to be drawn in s€clion.
Part sections are marked 6\i lhin lreohand lines.

6. Tho dimensioning of a 45" chamfer can be combined in one

dimension. All other charnfers are to be dimension€d bv width and
2x1,5" angle ol chamfer.

Half Section - Part Section
o60 Main dimensions: O 40 x 300

Position: in lront elevalion horizontal

Stages of work:
-l a) lrom left 32 deep lathe to 30
I I b) from fefl countersink Q 18, 12 deep
l;os2ll c) from right chamfer 60" over a width of 5
---i--j---i l
t- lrl d) from right countersink O 10, 51 deep

: _- .'-
sl e) from right countersink O 20,24 deep

-l I I



- L .- ---+- - ---. --r -


lr I I
Ri I

iPt -t _ I


Given: Front elevation Given: Text

Required: Front elevation in half section, top view Required: Front elevalion with part sections
Material Material
S 1:1 Bush A S 1:1 Shaft B

The web has a
triangular lorm

; L_.oT .J
iiii l"* I



nl i



-i . r._t i

Given: Front elevation, toP view Given: Front elovation
Required: Side elevation in section nequiiea, Front elevation in halt section, top view

S 1:1 Jack
c S 1:2,5 Covering hood D
C/ess Date
Narn€ 29
0rawing of Threads

1 The ouler drameter of tile outer thread is drawn as a thtck

unbrokenilne, tlte core ciiameter as athin unbroken line lhe
drstance between the thrck and thin ltnos reples€nts the
thread depth.
Corc drameter: outor diameter x 0,8

Looking in direction of lbe shalt errd the core diameter appe-

arc as a three-quarte( circle in any posrtlon.

3 Ends oI screws are moslly rounded or cone-shaped Tde

radius of the rounded etld equals roughly the outer diametet
The cone'shaped end is chamlered f rcm lhe corc diameter al
45" .

4. The core diameter ot the iDner thread as oPposed to the

outer thread --is dravrn as a thick unbroken /'ne' the
diameter as a thin unbroken line
Not€: The thin unbroksn line lies always at the side ol malenal:
shading up to the thic* unbroken [ne-

5. All lines ol a conce€tled lhread are drawn as invisible edges

The thin three-quarter circle becomss a lull circlg shown
-t-- broken line.

up lo
6. The thread end is to be drawn as a thick unbroken line
rhe outer diameter. The outer threads have only short thread
end lin€s in sectiorl drawing

To be dimensioned are:
a) Outot diameter. The thread symbol is sal in frcnl ol lhe
dim€nsion figure,
o.o M to, M t8xt.5.Z, \ry 104x1/6'. R4", T'2Ox4' Fld 16xl/8'
S 12x2, Z l6fi (doublo lh.€ad)
b) Usoful length ol tllroad
cj tengn or inan with end, or respectively depth of cor€ hol€
without drill cone.
and 610 nol dr'non_
Drill con€ and innor chcmlor hsvo an angl6 ol 120"

0rawing ol Thleads

Given: Front elevation 6iu"n' rront-"r"uation, r"p viJ;

Required: Top view, side elevation in full section Required: Side elevation in full section
Material Material
S 1:1 Clamp dog A S 'l:1 Fork head B

Main dimensions: @ 4OX1OO

Pogition of workpiece:
In front elevation uPright
Stages of work:
a) A cylinder @ 20,65 long to be lathed from below
b) The cylinder is recessed at the end to @, 30 long
c) The bolt end is given a metric fine thread
M 12x1, 20 long with rounded end
d) Above is to be milled a square 24x24,20 long


Given: Text Given: Side elevation, toP view

Required: Front elevation, top view Required: Front elevation

S 1:'l Bolt
c S 1:1 Gulde flange D
Class Date
Name 3l
Screw/Bolt Gonnections
1 When drawing a hexagon the maximum comer-to-cornor
dimension (e) appears in frcnt elevation and top view, the
spanner opening (s) in s/de elevation
The chamfer curves are simptified lo circular segments and
result from the maximum corner-to-corner dimension called
a = s 1.155
s = € 0,866

Nuts as opposed to screw heads have lwo chamfers. Atter

chamfering sharp corners are only lo be seen in side eleva-
In lront elevations and side elevaticrns no threads are drawn.

3. ln the simplified drawing ttro chamlered curves and scrcw

ends are omitted.
The following is valid (also for detail€d drawing):
k = 0,7 d (height ot bott head)
m : 0,8 d (heighl of nut)

4. Bolts, nuts and washers are nol shadsd in secllons.

lf lhe lines ol inner and outbr threads coincid€ the outer

thread is drawn.

Sclew/Bolt Connections

Hexagon screw M 2Ox75
(e - 35, cone-shaped end, thread lengttr roughly to
head (69)
2 hexagon nuts M 20
Washer 21, (outer diameter 36, thickness 4)
2 tie ends:

| =40J
Show the workpiece in two elevations with screwed-
in hexagon screw M '10x45 (e :20, thread length
20) and washer 10,5 (outer diameter 21, thickness
Task: 2,s).
Show the screw fixing with doublenuts in detailed Borehole and thread to be made visible by part
drawing withoul dimensioning, front and side eleva- section (cut view).
tion in section Do not dimension standard Parts!
Simplified screw drawing.

Given: Text, sketch Given: Front elevation, tett

Required: Fronl and side elevation in section, top view Required: Front elevation with parl section, top view

Clamp ring

spanner opening 36


H 61.

Task: in lrom
Show the workpieco in two elevations with screwed- 12x35
in hexagon screw M 16x80 (e : 28' thread length Sinrplilied drawlng. .
roughly to head [75], rounded end), screw-in length Oo irot oimension-standard partsl
lree to choose. Do not dimension slandard parts!
Detailed drawing ol screw.
All roundings not dim€rrsionod: R -' 6

Given: Front el€vation, top vi€w (incomplol€)' toxl

Given: Fronl €levataon. text
Required: Front elovalion in section, top view
Required: Fronl elevation in section, lop view

Fitting dimension

-- Nominal dimension 30 30

. 0,03 +0,1

- v,vz

30,03 29,9 30

min. : minimum dimension 29,98 29,9 29,9

0,05 o2 0r

30 :3,R1
al The permitted variations (lolerances) may be added to the
nominal dimension. Tolerances are to be enlered with sma//er
figures (not below 2,5 mm). The upper tolerance is set above,
lo :3:l the lower lolerance is set below. Plus (+) and minus (-) are
bl ol no significarrce. ldentical tolerances are combined to show
one figure only together with +. The tolerance 0 may be
omitted, if no misinterpretations are lo be expected.
30 t o,t

30 _ 8,,

Borehole - O 4O'o.' lf assembled workpieces are shown lhe dimension for the
outer part (borehole) is always abovo the dimension for the
Shaft : @ 4O::': inner part (shaft) together wilh wording, e.g.borehole, shaft,
part, etc.

Borehofe : @ 4g,o.z ff onfy one tolerance is necossary for each part, because the
Shatt : (/) 40 o' other : 0, only one dimension line is drawn.

Free dimension tolerances

Oo$.m Nominal dimension range (mm)
.qGY 0,5 >3 >6 >30 > tzg >3r5
lo lo lo lo to to
l 6 30 r20 3r5 rooo
Free dlmensions aro dinrensions withoul specifiod toleran-
fimr oo5 o,05 O.r 0.r 5 o3 ces. According to DIN 7168lhere are 4 degrees of accurary:
rnad@ t o.l o.t o,2 o3 o5 on fine, medium, coarse, very coarse. Tho degree of accuracy is
@8. o.r 3 0.2 0,5 o.8 l2
wry lo be noted on the drawing.
@i 0.5 I r,5 3


'J I



I _i

a b c e

N 875 262,5 50 90" 100

a h
Ut +0 I
I N 10 90 5U

max- 87,6 262,7 49,9 90'30' max. 101 90 50.2

mrn. 874 262,5 498 89'40',
mrn. 99 87,3 50,1

Given: Front elevation. Dimensions and table are imcomolets. Given: Front elovation. table
Required: Front elevation. Dimensions with tolerance, copy and
Required: Top view, side elevation in half section
complele table
Material Mat€rial
S 1:2,5 Base plate A S 1:1 Mounting B
spanner oPening = 66

L---n- , I

ali, )

a b d b c

N 30 30 90 30 N 30 40 3{'

max. 30 05 30 1 90 30,1 max 30 40, I 34,2

min. 30 30 877 299 min. 29,9 39,9 37,9

Dimonsrons without specified tolerances

Given: Front €l€vation, table

Given: Front €l€vation. tablo
Required: Top view, side elevolion (h8lf sectaon),
Roquifed: Top view, side elevation in section Dimcnsicninq with tol€ranc€s
Material Material
S 1:1 Coupling bolt c S 1:1 Guldlng bolt D
Name C/ass Date
Surface Finislr (lSll 1302)

machining of malerial machining of material machinrng of material

I free to choose requtred inadmissible

1 Thc basic symbol consists of two lines of unequal lengths (ratio 712)
which are Inclined to each olher at 60'. The symbol is to be used
only if explanalions are given to clear its meaning.
H, = 5mml H? - 10mm;
(hrckness ol lin€ : 0,35; hoighl of lettering - 3,5 mrn

fhe individual soecification of the surface linish is to be added to

the corresponding symbol.
a) Roughness value R" in g.rn or roughness class N -N 12
b) Production method, surface lreatment. coating
c) Reference dislance in mm
d) Diredion of grooves
e) Allowance for machining in mm

The soecilications are to be wrinen on an e)ctra lin€ of lhe longer

side. The instruclion states the linal condltion of th€ surface.

Symbols and lettering must be readable lrcm below or from fhe

igfi. Tney may also be joinod to the surface by a relercnce arrow'
Symbol and arrow are to be placed lrcm the outside on the oDlect
edge ot on an extension line-

5. The surface symbol is placed lor each area in one elevation onty
i.e. where the corresponding dimensiotr ligure appears'

v When sudaces hav€ the samo finish the symbot is placed noxt lo
lhe workpiece. Th€ word sp€cification "allround" may be added'

wv) 7. When identical surtaces pr€vail lhe deviating sign only is entered
on the objocl edge. Ths main symbol is ent€red n€xt to the obiecl
drawn, the exception repeated in brcckets nexl to it.
Turned obj€cts are given one symbol only on th€ ouler line'

Simp/itied €ntries may be made at lho surlac€ il sp€cifications are

comolicated or if short ol space, ih€ir meaning must be €xplained
somewhere els€.

Surlace Finish (lS0 l3tf2)

g!e* -M N 12
Roughness vatudE"7fr- o 4 fo€-_T-ls J--f ll-I-tT= 50

1 Production melhod. milling

2 Direclion of grooves: vertical to elevation
3 Allowance for macfrining: 2 mm
4 Surface with greatest possible roughness
Ru :
3,2 Pm
Method: cutting
Surface with greatest surface roughness of 6,3 pm
and smallest ol 1,6 pr-m
Melhod: free to choose (the smaller rough-depth is
entered below lhe greater)
b. Surtace: Ru:25 lrm, allowance for machining:
3 mm, methcd: lathing
Enter simplified specificalion on the areas!

\>r' v/.

Given: T""
Required: Syntbols and marks for surface finishes
Surface finish ISO 1302 A


Rear side: scraped

Angled surfaces: ground, R. = 1,6 pm
Other surlaces: R. = 12,5 *nt

Given: Top view, side elevation

Required: Front elevation
S 1:1 Bearing Plate B S 1:1 Cam shaft c
Oess Dale
Assemily Orawing, Pail-Assemily Drawing, Parls Drawing
The assembly drawing shows a device, machine, building etc. in assembled condition.
The part-assembly drawing shows individual componenl groups (often only 2 assembled parts)
The part drawing illustrates component parts.

Heading for parts llst

a) line spacing: Bottom line 10 mm, othenvise
6 mm.
b) Column width (from left to righl): 10 mm -
70 mm - 10 mm - 30 mm - 30 mm - rest
c) Height of lettering: designation, scate,
drawing an'd part number : 7 mm;
otheruise 3.5 mm


Assembly drawing
Only the main dimensions - if at all- are entered in the assembly
drawing. The part numbers appea( in the parts lisl under ,Con-
secutive No.. from below upwards.
They are about fwice as high as dimension figures and are
pfaced in the main reading direction. A reference line (thin
unbroken ine) ending with a point provides the connection to the

corresponding component part.

Parts drawlng
No parts drawing is ntade ol standardized parts.
lf selveral parts are dr.awn on one sheet, tho corresponding part
number (h : 7 mm) with syrnbols plus specification for machi_
ning (h : 5 mm) is put next lo oach drawing.
The scale (h : 5 mm) is to be entered next to the drawing of the
NO ,/ component part, if it varies lrom the main scate.
3 V
The subsidiary scale is rep€ated in tho notss column bolow lho main scalo in
S 2:1 lsttering one size smaller.
Assemily 0raw Parl-Assemily 0rawing, Pads Dlaw

ir1 position showing maxrmurn

Task A: Draw pari 6 in giv€n poGitjon, i-e. lront €levation in half ssclion,
top viow and sido elevation- Enter dimenslon lines wilhout dimensio!

Task B: Draw part 3 (hand vrheel) in kont etevation (ha[ section) and side etevaton,
pad 4 (sealang nul) in kont elevation (halt section) and side slevation.
pan 7 (spindlo) in t.ool elgvationl

Enler dim€nsion lings rvilhout dimcnsion figuresl Prodrrc€ a gmple parls list headtng!
Given: Part-assemblydrawing
S 1:1 Stop valve
Required: Part drawings

Oraw psrr 2In lront 6lovatio.l, top view (hall section) and sido €l€vetion in the giv€n posrtion!
Enter th6 dirn€nion linos er hout liquresl

Given: Part-ass€mblydrawing
Required: Part drawing
ilarne Cldss
S 2:1 Veni scretY
Reading ol Simple Production Dtawings



ilachrinlng sequence:
"U<-Section 1- Remove tinder
llain dlmenslons:
U . 4ox20x80
2. File base surfaco
3. File length of sides
St 37 . steel 37 kp/mm'
4. File sides (9C)
minimum tensile strength
5. File top surface (9C)
6. File to length
7. Mark, drill, countersink, cut thread
Marking tools, measuring tools,
8. Mark and {ile tho dovetail guide
centre punch, drill, counlersink,
9. Mark and file out the side recess
thread tap, tap wrench,
1O. Debur all edges
flat square 9A, thread plug gauge,
angle gauge, saw, files
Exomine other drawings (e.9. exercises)
accordlng to th€ above asp€cts.


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