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LWT 40 (2007) 1520–1526

Some physicochemical and functional properties of alfalfa

soluble leaf proteins
B.P. Lamsala,, R.G. Koegelb, S. Gunasekaranc
Grain Science and Industry Department, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA
US Dairy Forage Research Center, 1925 Linden Dr. West, Madison, WI 53706, USA
Biological Systems Engineering Department, UW-Madison, 460 Henry Mall, Madison, WI 53706, USA
Received 7 August 2006; received in revised form 12 November 2006; accepted 16 November 2006


Important physicochemical and functional properties of soluble leaf proteins (SLPs) from alfalfa herbage are presented. Subunits molecular
weight (MW) distribution, denaturation temperature, and functional properties like, emulsification, foaming, and solubility are discussed. SLP
concentrates were prepared by acid precipitation, and ultrafiltration of clarified alfalfa juice. The MW of major soluble protein component
ribulose 1,5, bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase was estimated to be around 490 kDa. Denaturation temperature of soluble proteins was
observed to be around 70–75 1C. Most of the functional properties were affected by concentrate preparation. Acid-precipitated SLP
concentrate showed lowest emulsifying properties and nitrogen solubility. Heat stability of emulsions was good. Foam overrun for SLP
concentrate depended on pH and was stable around protein’s isoelectric point. Stress relaxation tests on 7/100 g SLP gels indicated that they
were softer gels and relaxed faster compared to 13/100 g WPI gels. SLP preparations showed encouraging functional properties.
Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology.

Keywords: Soluble leaf proteins; Functional properties; Stress relaxation

1. Introduction applications in the food industry for such heat-coagulated

concentrate is limited by its low solubility. Precipitation of
Several novel sources, like leaf, have been suggested to protein through pH reduction (pH 3.5) at low temperature
meet the ever-increasing world demand for proteins. They (2 1C) was investigated as an alternative to heat-coagula-
are the most abundant and renewable proteins in nature. tion (Miller, de Fremery, & Kohler, 1975). Raising the
Leaf proteins contain one of the purest and highly nutritive pH to 7.0 redissolved most of the protein precipitated at
components: rubisco (ribulose 1, 5-bisphosphate carbox- pH 3.5.
ylase). Rubisco, also called Fraction-I protein, accounts for The proteins functional properties and applications are
up to 30–70/100 g of soluble leaf proteins (SLP) (Douillard affected by their purification and/or concentration meth-
& de Mathan, 1994) and plays a part in photosynthesis. It ods. Food properties that may be influenced by proteins
is believed that rubisco could be the main product when include water holding capacity, emulsification, foaming,
‘cracking’ leaves into protein, fiber, vitamins, pigments and viscosity, gelation, and texture (Giese, 1994). Protein
other products. SLP concentrates have commonly been influences these properties via two characteristics: water
prepared by differential heating (55–60 1C) of expressed solubility and hydrodynamic properties. Solubility is the
leaf juice followed by centrifugation. The clear brown result of surface-active properties of a protein, which
supernatant containing soluble proteins could be heat- affects foaming, emulsification, and water and fat binding
coagulated to yield a light-colored bland protein concen- properties among others. Hydrodynamic properties influ-
trate, more than 90/100 g protein on dry basis. The range of ence viscosity, gelation, thickening, and texturization.
Water solubility of protein is the result of protein amino
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 785 532 2875; fax: +1 785 532 7010. acid composition and distribution, molecular flexibility,
E-mail address: (B.P. Lamsal). and shape and size, whereas the hydrodynamic properties

0023-6438/$30.00 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology.
B.P. Lamsal et al. / LWT 40 (2007) 1520–1526 1521

are due to shape and size of the protein (Hall, 1996), thus, (2003). Briefly, 4–5-week-old alfalfa herbage was field-
affecting food systems during preparation, processing, harvested and macerated in a modified Gehl Corporation,
storage and consumption. West Bend, WI hammer mill, 660 mm dia  510 mm wide
The amino acid composition and structure of SLP, (Koegel, Straub, & Boettcher, 2000) and then pressed in a
notably rubisco, has been investigated. Rubisco is a multi-cone press (Chase, 2000). CAJ was then prepared by
globular protein and in higher plants having molecular removing green proteins from pressed alfalfa juice after
weight (MW) close to 550 kDa and a general structure of heating (55 1C) and centrifuging (3066g, Super-D-Canter
L8S8-eight large subunits with MWs around 55 kDa and P660; Sharples, Warminster, PA). Physicochemical proper-
eight small subunits with MWs close to 12.5 kDa. Four ties of SLP were determined with CAJ as described below.
dimers of the large subunit constitute a core of eight large SLP physicochemical properties: SLP properties evalu-
subunits with a four-fold axis of symmetry and a barrel-like ated were protein MW distribution with sodium dodecyl-
general shape (Barbeau & Kinsella, 1988; Douillard & de sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE),
Mathan, 1994). The denaturation temperature of rubisco is and protein denaturation profile with differential scanning
76.2 1C and its heat of denaturation enthalpy is 6.3 kcal/kg calorimetry (DSC). SDS-PAGE was run with a 10/100 g
(Tomimatsu, 1980). Macromolecular properties and sub- polyacrylamide resolving gel and 4/100 g stacking gel
unit interactions (Hood, Cheng, Koch, & Brunner, 1981; following Tong, Barbano, and Jordan (1989) with some
Noguchi, Maekawa, Fujimoto, Satake, & Sakakibara, minor modifications. Low-range standard MW markers,
1978; Tomimatsu, 1980) of alfalfa leaf extract and purified ranging from 107 to 20.2 kDa, were used (Bio-Rad
rubisco have been reported. laboratories, Hercules, CA). DSC profiling was carried
The functional properties of SLP, e.g., solubility, water out by placing 10–15 mg CAJ at different concentrations in
and fat absorption, gelation, emulsification, foaming and hermetically sealed aluminum cups (TA Instruments,
whipping are comparable to those of standard proteins model no. 991100.901, New Castle, DE). The sample was
(Barbeau, 1990; Knuckles & Kohler, 1982; Sheen, 1991; first heated to 90 1C at 5 1C/min, and then cooled back to
Wang & Kinsella, 1976). Betschart (1974) reported that the 25 1C. It was reheated to 90 1C at the same rate. This
solubility of acid-precipitated leaf protein was markedly second-heating profile served as a baseline reference for the
influenced by pH. Lower solubility of heat-precipitated sample and minor differences between the first and second
(80 1C) proteins was attributed to irreversible effects on the heating were attributed to protein denaturation.
physical state of the protein upon heating, e.g., denatura-
tion. Miller et al. (1975) reported that the solubility of 2.1. SLP functional properties
protein decreased rapidly, from about 90/100 g to 15/100 g,
as the precipitation and wash temperature increased from 2 SLP concentrates preparation: Acid-precipitated and
to 25 1C. Apart from solubility, other functional properties ultrafiltered SLP concentrates were prepared from CAJ
of alfalfa leaf proteins (Wang & Kinsella, 1976) and that of as described in Lamsal et al. (2005). Briefly, CAJ, at pH
soluble protein fraction (Knuckles & Kohler, 1982) have 6.0, was adjusted to pH 3.5 with addition of 1 mol/L HCl
been studied. Knuckles and Kohler (1982) reported that to precipitate SLP, centrifuged at 1200g, 4 1C for 10 min
the emulsion activity and emulsion stability (ES) of alfalfa (Beckman, model J2-21, Palo Alto, CA) and washed three
protein concentrate and soy protein isolate were similar. times with pH-adjusted distilled water. One-half of the
Emulsion capacity of the SLP concentrate at 0.5, 1, and washed precipitate at pH 3.5 was freeze-dried and denoted
2/100 g protein was greater than 700, 521 and 246 mL of oil/g. AP. Other half of the precipitate was redissolved at pH 7.0
Such decrease in emulsifying capacity with concentration was with the addition of 0.1 mol/L NaOH, centrifuged at
also observed by Wang and Kinsella (1976) for acid- 37,000g for 20 min and freeze-dried. The resolublilized
precipitated alfalfa proteins. In all these studies, the SLP concentrate was denoted RP. Part of CAJ prepared was
was prepared by acid precipitation at its isoelectric point. concentrated in a custom-made rotary ultrafiltration device
We believe that if the proteins retained their native (Lamsal & Koegel, 2005) using 10 kDa MW cut-off
structure during concentration their physicochemical and (MWCO) membrane (PBGC membrane, Millipore Co.,
functional properties will be different. Accordingly, we Bedford, MA). The filter was operated at a feed pressure of
prepared SLP by different membrane concentration 242 kPa, membrane clearance of 5 mm and rotor speed of
method (Lamsal, Koegel, & Gunasekaran, 2005). There- 16.7 rev/s. The retentate was then freeze-dried (Freezemo-
fore, the objectives of this study were to investigate bile 35ES, Virtis Inc., Gardiner, NY) and named UFR.
important physicochemical properties of SLP from alfalfa Protein content of the sample was determined as described
herbage extract and to evaluate some functional properties later. Dry basis true protein (TP) content of SLP
of SLP concentrates prepared by different methods. concentrates were 72/100 g, for AP, 63/100 g for RP, and
35/100 g for UFR.
2. Materials and methods Nitrogen solubility: SLP solubility profile over the pH
range of 2–9 was evaluated as per Knuckles and Kohler
Clarified alfalfa juice (CAJ) preparation: CAJ was (1982). About 400 mg of AP, RP, or UFR was added to
prepared as described in Lamsal, Koegel, and Boettcher 30 mL of distilled water. After the pH of solution was
1522 B.P. Lamsal et al. / LWT 40 (2007) 1520–1526

adjusted to the desired value with 1 mol/L NaOH or 1 mol/L Viscoelastic properties of SLP gels: Heat-set SLP gels
HCl, it was shaken for 30 min at room temperature were prepared as described in Lamsal et al. (2005). SLP
(model no. 3520, Labline Instruments Inc., Melrose Park, solution was prepared by vacuum-evaporating CAJ.
IL). Samples were then centrifuged at 37,000g for 20 min at Standing gels were prepared in stainless steel molds with
4 1C (Beckman, model J2-21, Palo Alto, CA). Total 7/100 g SLP and 13/100 g whey protein isolate solutions
nitrogen (TN) was determined on decant samples as (WPI, 90/100 g protein, Davisco Foods International, Eden
described in later section and expressed as the percent Prairie, MN) by heating at 90 1C for 1 h. The WPI gel was
nitrogen solubilized. The averages of duplicate samples are used for comparison. Gels were cooled overnight at 4 1C
reported. and warmed to room temperature for testing. Stress
Emulsification properties: Emulsification activity (EA), relaxation test in compression was carried out with gels
ES, and emulsification capacity (EC) of SLP were tested 10 mm dia  6 mm long under constant applied strains
following Wang and Kinsella (1976) and Knuckles and using a universal testing machine (Synergie 200, MTS
Kohler (1982) with reduced sample size to be within Corporation, Cary, NC). The applied strains of 0.05, 0.08,
blender capacity. The blending/mixing for all the emulsion 0.12, and 0.2 mm/mm under crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/s
works was done with a laboratory blender (51BL31, were maintained up to 5 min and the stress decay with time
Waring Laboratory, Torrington, CT) with different bowls. was recorded. Stress-time data were analyzed using
To evaluate EA and ES, 2.1 g of SLP concentrate was linearization technique (Peleg, 1979; Tang, Tung, & Zeng,
added to 30 mL of distilled water in a 250-mL blender bowl 1998). First, stress value at any time, s(t), was normalized
and dispersed at 300 rev/s for 30 s. About 30 mL of with respect to the instantaneous stress at time zero, s(0).
vegetable cooking oil was then added and blended at The ratio of time and normalized stress was fitted against
367 rev/s for 1 min. The emulsion was then poured into time to produce a linear plot as per Eq. (1), slope of which
four 15-mL centrifuge tubes. For EA, two of the tubes were is the constant k2 and the intercept k1. Application of this
centrifuged at 1300g for 5 min (Beckman, model J2-21, relation assumes linearity of the data. Second, the
Palo Alto, CA) and total height and emulsion layer height equilibrium stress in the samples at infinite time, se, was
recorded. For ES, the remaining two tubes were first heated estimated as per Eq. (2), and the initial decay rate of stress
in an 80 1C water bath for 30 min before centrifuging at ratio was obtained using Eq. (3):
1300g for 5 min. The total height and emulsion layer height sð0Þt
were recorded. EA and ES were calculated as the ratio of ¼ k1 þ k2 t, (1)
sð0Þ  sðtÞ
emulsion layer height to the total height. EC was evaluated
with 0.5 g of SLP concentrate by adding 25 mL of distilled  
water in the 250-mL blender bowl. It was then dispersed se ¼ sð0Þ 1  , (2)
for 30 s at 300 rev/s. About 25 mL of cooking oil was then
added and blended at 367 rev/s for 1 min. Cooking oil was
1 dsðtÞ 1
also filled in a glass buret. As blending continued, oil was ¼ . (3)
sð0Þ dt t¼0 k1
added directly into the blender approximately at the rate of
1 mL/s until the phase inversion occurred. The phase Protein content and moisture content determination: The
inversion was characterized by a sudden decrease in the protein content of CAJ was determined with a combustion-
current load on the blender monitored with a clip-on type TN analyzer (FP-2000, LECO Corporation, St. Joseph,
ammeter (RS-3, Amprobe Instrument, Lynbrook, NY). MI). TN and non-protein nitrogen (NPN) as protein soluble
The EC of the protein was expressed as the total volume of in 0.2 g/mL trichloroacetic acid (TCA) were determined and
oil emulsified per gram of the protein in the sample. TP content was obtained by multiplying the difference by
Whippability and foam stability: Concentrate RP was 6.25 (Eakin & Singh, 1978). Dry matter or total solid in
tested per Knuckles and Kohler (1982) at 2/100 g protein sample was determined as per Lamsal et al. (2003) by heating
concentration. Effect of pH on foam stability was studied in a forced-draft oven (Isotemp, model 825F, Fisher
at pH values of 4, 7, and 10. About 60 mL solution at Scientific, Dubuque, IA).
desired pH was whipped for 2 min in a Waring blender at Statistical analysis: Means were compared with GLM
300 rev/s. The foam was immediately poured into a 1000- procedure in SAS statistical software (SAS Institute, Inc.,
mL graduated cylinder and the total volume and drain Cary, NC) at po0.05, where appropriate.
volume were noted at 0, 15, 30, 60, 80 and 120 min. The
foaming capacity (or % overrun) was calculated as 3. Results and discussion

% volume increase Physicochemical properties of CAJ: The dry matter

¼ 100  ðvolume after whipping  60 mLÞ=60 mL. content of CAJ ranged from 2/100 to 13/100 g and the
average was 7.2/100 g, with standard deviation (SD) of
Foam stability was reported as foam volume standing 0.02. The average TP content of CAJ was 10.2/100 g dry
after a holding time. The averages of duplicate measure- basis with SD of 0.05. The lipid content of CAJ determined
ments were reported. as per Bligh and Dyer (1959), averaged at 4.2/100 g dry
B.P. Lamsal et al. / LWT 40 (2007) 1520–1526 1523

basis, with SD of 0.02. Such wide variations in protein and 0.020

dry matter reflect on the climatic conditions at the time of 0.015
alfalfa harvest (Telek & Martin, 1983). The CAJ dry matter 0.010
and protein values were determined for preparations from 0.005

Heat flow, mW
alfalfa harvest of summer and fall of 2000–2003. Rain, 0.000
morning dew, late fall harvest, etc. influenced these values -0.005
and are presented here to show the variation possible.
MW distribution: The SLP from alfalfa herbage juice
contains a mixture of proteins, MW of which ranges
approximately from 6 kDa to about 550 kDa (Barbeau &
Kinsella, 1988). Fig. 1 shows an SDS-PAGE for nonclar-
ified and clarified alfalfa juice. Nonclarified juice shows -0.030
Exo down 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
protein bands well above 107 kDa and below 20.2 kDa
Temperature, °C
range and in between. CAJ had prominent protein bands at
around 49, and 30 kDa and well below 20 kDa range, Fig. 2. Differential scanning calorimeter profiles for soluble leaf proteins
around 10–12 kDa range. The bands above 107 kDa, likely as 0.5/100 g (B), 0.8/100 g (+), and 1.8/100 g (  ) protein clarified alfalfa
the green protein fraction of the whole juice were missing juice.
from CAJ. The bands at 49 kDa and around 12 kDa for
CAJ are SDS-dissociated subunits of rubisco (Barbeau &
Kinsella, 1988; Hood et al., 1981; Tomimatsu, 1980). Hood conformational changes that produce endothermic peaks.
et al. (1981) noted that the native protein structure of Heating weakens the forces that hold protein tertiary and
alfalfa rubisco dissociates completely during SDS-PAGE quaternary structures in place, i.e., hydrogen bonds,
and large and small subunits MW were 52 and 12.5 kDa, hydrophobic interactions, van der Waals forces and
respectively. Other light protein bands seen between 35 and exposes buried hydrophobic sites. The exposed hydropho-
28 kDa could either be the Fraction-II proteins or bic patches come together and form aggregates. DSC
proteolytic artifact. As alfalfa rubisco is composed of eight analysis of protein measures the net changes between
large and eight small subunits (Barbeau & Kinsella, 1988), endothermic denaturation process and the exothermic
our alfalfa rubisco MW could be estimated at around process of aggregation (Farkas & Mohacsi-Farkas, 1996).
488 kD, which again is within the published range Tomimatsu (1980) obtained single endothermic DSC peak
(Tomimatsu, 1980). at 76.2 1C for purified alfalfa rubisco at 0.11/100 g
Denaturation temperature: Fig. 2 shows the DSC profiles concentration. Our CAJ was a mixture of proteins along
for CAJ at 0.5, 0.8, and 1.8/100 g protein content. The with other solubles; thus we observed a number of peaks in
highest peaks for 0.5, 0.8, and 1.8/100 g protein CAJ DSC profile. Two peaks are distinct for 0.5/100 g (around
concentrations were at 70, 68 and 65 1C, respectively, 68 and 77 1C), and 0.8/100 g (around 70 and 75 1C) protein
showing the effect of protein concentration. But CAJ CAJ, whereas three peaks (at around 58, 65, and 75 1C) are
protein denaturation had started earlier—66 1C for prominent for 1.8/100 g protein CAJ. The leftward shift in
0.5/100g, 62 1C for 0.8/100 g, and 50 1C for 1.8/100 g peak temperature is consistent with SLP protein gelling
protein CAJ samples. DSC profiling gives insight into the behavior (Lamsal et al., 2005), which seemed to contradict
response of a protein to the applied heat causing Farkas and Mohacsi-Farkas (1996). They reported that soy
protein isolates became stable towards heat when the water
content was lower.
107 kDa
90 kDa 3.1. SLP functional properties

Nitrogen solubility: Fig. 3 shows nitrogen solubility

49.6 kDa
profiles in water for SLP concentrates. For a concentrate
35 kDa UFR, the protein solubility was the least at pH 4.5, the
isoelectric point of the protein. There was no appreciable
27.8 kDa
difference in solubility for AP and RP below pH 4.5, but it
increased in the alkaline range. Higher protein solubilities
20.2 kDa on either side of the isoelectric point have been reported for
leaf proteins of various preparations (Betschart, 1974;
Knuckles & Kohler, 1982; Ng, 1975; Wang & Kinsella,
Lanes 1 2 3 1976). Solubility profiles were markedly affected by SLP
Fig. 1. Sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for concentrate preparation method. Acid precipitated con-
uncentrifuged (lane 2) and clarified alfalfa juice (lane 3) along with Biorad centrate, AP, was least soluble over the pH range of 2–9
standard protein markers (lane 1). Sample loading, 4 mL. among the concentrates tested. RP, and UFR solubilities
1524 B.P. Lamsal et al. / LWT 40 (2007) 1520–1526

120 Table 1
Emulsifying properties of SLP concentrate and egg white protein (EWP)
SLP Emulsifying Emulsifying Emulsion
Protein resolubilized, g/100g

concentrates capacity (mL oil/ activity (%) stability (%)

80 g protein DM)
Mean7SE Mean7SE Mean7SE

60 UFR 474714a 6972bc 9271ab

AP 24277b 6371c 7572c
RP 29274c 8172a 8872b
40 EWP 15972d 7472b 9671a

SE, standard error of mean; n ¼ 3. Means sharing same superscript letter

20 are not significantly different at po0:05.

0 210
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
pH 180


Foam volume, mL
Fig. 3. Protein solubility profiles for soluble leaf concentrates over the pH
range of 2.0–9.0. Symbols, diamonds, acid precipitated concentrates (AP);
squares, redissolved acid precipitated concentrates (RP); and triangles, 120
ultrafiltered concentrate (UFR). Concentrate AP was precipitated at pH
3.5; RP was redissolved at pH 7.0, and UFR was membrane concentrated 90
at pH 7.0, prior to freeze drying.

were higher, 97/100 g, and 90/100 g, respectively, at pH 9.0. 30

Both RP and UFR were at pH 7 prior to freeze-drying,
whereas AP was at pH 3.5 along with associated electric 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
charges. These charges may have played a role in solubility
Elapsed time, h
of SLP concentrates at various pHs. SLP concentrates were
more soluble in alkaline range than in acidic range. Partial Fig. 4. Standing foam volumes at different times for redissolved acid
hydrolysis could account for some of the enhanced precipitated concentrate (RP) at different pH and 2/100 g protein
solubility at acid and alkaline pH values (Betschart, concentration. Symbols, diamonds pH 4.5; squares pH 7, and triangles
1974). However, greater than 90/100 g% of the solubilized pH 10. RP was prepared by precipitating alfalfa soluble leaf proteins at
pH 3.5 and redissolving at pH 7.0 before freeze drying.
protein at the pH range employed was TP, i.e., insoluble in
0.2 g/mL TCA, implying that the proteins were intact and
not smaller hydrolyzed peptides.
Emulsification properties: The EC, EA, and ES at pH 7 Whippability and foam stability: Mean7standard errors
for SLP concentrates UFR, AP, RP, and egg white protein of foam overruns for 2/100 g SLP were 15571, 21871, and
(EWP) concentrate are shown in Table 1. AP showed 23873% at pH 4.5, 7, and 10, respectively. These overruns
lowest EA, ES, and EC among SLP samples. For the are lower than reported by (Knuckles & Kohler, 1982) for
concentrates tested, EAs were consistently lower than ES, spray-dried alfalfa protein concentrate at similar concen-
which indicated strengthening and stabilizing of emulsion tration. Foam stabilities with pH are shown in Fig. 4.
due to heating at 80 1C prior to centrifugation. Wang and Although the initial volumes were higher for high-pH
Kinsella (1976) also reported stabilizing of unclarified foams, they were not stable compared to low-pH foams.
alfalfa leaf protein emulsion by heating. UFR concentrate Foam volume practically reached zero by 1.5 h for pH 7
showed the highest EC, possibly owing to the fact that and pH 10 foams, whereas pH 4.5 foam was stable at
most of the proteins would have been in native form, 96 mL by 2 h. This is consistent with reported foaming
whereas other two concentrates had pH-modified proteins. behavior of alfalfa SLP concentrates (Knuckles & Kohler,
It was interesting to observe that EWP had lower EC than 1982), with foams most stable at pH near 4.5. The greater
all SLP samples, although it had higher EA and ES. EC of stability of foams near protein’s isoelectric point is
AP and UFR concentrates progressively decreased with generally attributed to zero net charge on proteins in the
increase in protein concentration in dispersion (data not interface, among other things, thus minimal electrostatic
shown). Decrease in EC with increase in protein concen- repulsion (Wilde & Clark, 1996; Zayas, 1997). Decreased
tration has been reported for alfalfa leaf protein concen- electrostatic repulsion in the foam interface at protein
trates, meat proteins, and soy protein isolates (Knuckles & isoelectric point also causes packing of compact protein
Kohler, 1982; Wang & Kinsella, 1976). molecules into the interface to a greater extent, thus,
B.P. Lamsal et al. / LWT 40 (2007) 1520–1526 1525

Table 2
Stress relaxation and log-linear parameters for soluble leaf proteins (SLP), and whey protein isolate (WPI) gels at 0.5 mm/s crosshead speed

Applied strain mm/mm s1, kPa s35 min , kPa Log-linear model parameters: Eqs. (1)–(3) Mean ratio s5 min/se

Mean7SE2 Mean7SE k2 1/k1, s1 s4e , kPa Mean7SE

Mean7SE Mean7SE

7/100 g SLP
0.05 4.670.1d 0.5570.02d 1.1170a 0.1170.01c 0.4770.01d 1.17ab
0.08 6.570.3c 0.7470.03c 1.1170a 0.1470.01b 0.6570.02c 1.14b
0.12 8.370.2b 0.9370.03b 1.1170a 0.1370.0b 0.8170.03b 1.14ab
0.20 12.670.5a 1.1670.06a 1.0970b 0.1670.01a 0.9970.05a 1.17a
13/100 g WPI, pH 7
0.05 3.070.1d 1.870.1d 2.3670.08a 0.01070a 1.770.1d 1.06a
0.08 5.070.4c 3.170.2c 2.4070.05a 0.01170b 2.970.2c 1.06ab
0.12 7.770.1b 4.770.1b 2.4070.05a 0.01370a 4.570.1b 1.05c
0.20 11.870.5a 7.370.3a 2.4270.02a 0.01470a 6.970.3a 1.05bc

1—instantaneous stress at the start of loading; 2—standard error, n ¼ 324; 3—stress at the end of 5 min run; 4—theoretical equilibrium stress at t ¼ N.
Means sharing same superscript letter are not significantly different at po0:05.

forming stronger and stable films (German & Phillips, experiment, it is fair to assume that for k241, the material
1994). The thickness and rigidity of the protein films can be treated as solid on pertinent time scale (Peleg &
adsorbed at the air-water interface was also attributed to Pollak, 1982), for when k2 ¼ 1, se is zero (Eq. (2))
electrostatic intermolecular attractions at the isoelectric indicating liquid-like behavior.
point of proteins (Zayas, 1997). Electrostatic repulsion of Time-dependent gel characteristics are attributed to
the protein surface film was not important in the isoelectric release of hydraulic pressure induced within the gel during
point region (Zayas, 1997). loading (Peleg & Pollak, 1982; Tang et al., 1998). Rapid
Viscoelastic properties of SLP gels: Table 2 summarizes compression of the polymer/water system during sudden
average initial stresses, equilibrium stresses and log-linear loading builds up hydraulic pressure, which causes polymer
parameters for 7/100 g SLP, and 13/100 g WPI gels at network to fail if exceeded certain limit. At small strains
different strain levels. Coefficient of determination (R2) for and compression rates, polymer network deforms without
stress–time data linearization as per Eq. (1) was greater breaking, but an internal hydraulic pressure develops due
than 0.99 verifying independence of coefficients k1 and k2 to the resistance of the network to the liquid seepage.
to test duration (Peleg & Pollak, 1982). Also, the ratios of Differential pressure between gel surface and the interior
actual equilibrium stresses at 5 min, s5 min to theoretical would force the water held in gel matrix towards free
equilibrium stresses, se (Eq. (2)) were p1.2 for SLP and surfaces. This leads to release of some hydraulic pressure
1.06 for WPI indicating that observed equilibrium stresses and contribute to relaxation. The rate of stress relaxation
reached closer to the theoretical ones. This lends credence depends on the magnitude of capillary forces that hold the
to 5-min test runs for estimating the short-term viscoelastic water, the resistance to water seepage and the distance for
properties of these gel samples. Initial stresses decay to an the water to flow (Tang et al., 1998). The first two factors
equilibrium value increased slightly with applied strain for depend on gel network pore sizes and the third on the gel
SLP gels, but increased considerably for WPI gels. This is dimensions. Since the gel dimensions were reasonably
also corroborated by almost constant rate of stress decay constant in our tests, the pore size variation is chiefly
(1/k1) for a given WPI sample, even though the initial responsible for different relaxation rates in SLP and WPI
stresses increased with applied strains. This contrasts gels. While WPI produces fine-stranded clear gels at pH
decaying behavior of gellan gels reported by Tang et al. away from isoelectric point (Turgeon & Beaulieu, 2001),
(1998), for which equilibrium stresses decreased with SLP gels were not clear that probably had bigger pores
imposed strains. SLP gels relaxed 10-fold faster than WPI resulting in different stress relaxation rates.
gels as indicated by 1/k1 values. Thus, with comparable
initial stresses, WPI gels retained about 60% of initial 4. Summary and conclusion
stress at all strain levels, whereas SLP gels retained only
about 9–12%. Dominant liquid-like behavior in SLP gel Some physicochemical and functional properties of SLP
was evident by its faster relaxation rates, as in a viscoelastic from alfalfa were evaluated. The MW of rubisco was
entity Newtonian fluid relaxes instantly and Hookean body estimated to be around 490 kDa. Denaturation tempera-
never relaxes. This can also be inferred from the average ture of SLP in CAJ was observed to be around 70–75 1C
slope of the linearized plots (k2) for SLP and WPI gels, in DSC experiments. TP in CAJ was lost due to
which were about 1.1 and 2.4. For a short-term relaxation time–temperature effect, most likely, through proteolytic
1526 B.P. Lamsal et al. / LWT 40 (2007) 1520–1526

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