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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

By :


Registration Number : 2143332009



Nur Putri Nabila

Tanti Kurnia Sari, S.Pd, M.Hum
Jujur Siahaan, S.Pd, M.Hum


The aim of this research is to create an interactive video “hand puppet” for
speaking skill. The development research is used in this research. The
process of the development uses the Richey and Klein theory. The theory
consists of three phases, namely: (1) the planning phase, the production
phase and (3) the evaluation phase. The data used in this research are verbal
expression of the topic “introduction” and pictures. The data source in this
research are taken from the books of SMA Class X (selection program),
Studio dA 1, and the Internet. The result of the research is an interactive
video “hand puppet” as a learning medium for beginners of German
learning with the topic “introduction”. The material in the video consists of
script, verbal expression (Redemittel) in dialogue, grammar and exercise.
The language, pronunciation and medium have been validated by experts.
The medium is good based on the validations’ result.
Keywords: interactive video, hand puppet, speaking skill


Communication is the most important means of making contact with

people throughout the world. People have to face the development of era
and technology so that they can absorb information and understanding in
foreign language usage. Therefore, many people learn other languages
besides English, one of which is German. In Indonesia, German is taught in
college and high school. German has four language skills that must be
mastered by the learner: listening skill, reading skill, writing skill and
speaking skill. Listening comprehension and reading comprehension are

part of language proficiency (receptive competence). Speaking is a
linguistic and productive competence.

Based on the four language abilities mentioned above, speaking is

the most important skill to acquire our daily communication. Speaking is a
productive oral skill. It consists of producing systematic verbal utterance to
convey meaning “Bailey in Nurhayati (2011: 2)”. Each speaker should be
able to build a communication understanding so that the message can be
conveyed to the listener.

Speaking skill has to be mastered by German learners, because this

ability is directly related to the entire learning process of German lesson in
the school, as well as in the process of interacting with people who can
speak German. Therefore, teachers are required to be able to teach the
speaking skills and competencies in an interesting and balanced way so that
it can help to master other language skills.

In the knowledge, it is well known that speaking skill is important to

the German learners. In addition, it is important that the German teacher
encourages students to speak. The author's experience in an internship at a
school (SMAN 17 Medan) is that students are not actively speaking because
they are not motivated to learn German. It is probably caused by several
factors. One of the factors is the insignificant variation in the use of medium
and learning methods. The methods which teachers use while teaching and
learning process are just conventional methods, and the use of multimedia in
the learning process is not enough. There are no multimedia or even
interactive video in the learning process. For this reason, the conventional
learning medium is not efficient to improve the speaking skill of students.
Therefore, teachers need different techniques and media that can help them
to improve the students' speaking skill.

In order to support students' success and learning outcomes while
learning process, teachers need an active learning method so that the student
can understand easier. One of the active teaching methods is medium usage.

In this study, an interactive video is developed by using “hand

puppet” as a learning medium, with the interesting topic as basic topic for
speaking “introduction”. This topic is available in the lesson plan and in the
book (Deutsch ist einfach) for class X (Senior High School). It contains the
following materials: "Name, place of residence, place of origin, age,
profession". With this, the author expect that it will help the student to
understand German better, as a first step to speak German and to speak
German independently.

Based on the introduction above, it can conclude that the

development of an interactive video “hand puppet” for speaking skill is
important to be performed so the learning process can be more interesting
and significant.


The Concept of Development Model

This research uses the development model of Richey and Klein. It

consists of three steps, they are: the planning, the production or
development and the evaluation. Sugiyono (2016: 39)

a. The Planning
The planning phase plans the product to create specific purpose.
The beginning is the analysis of the need that is made by
investigation and literacy.
b. The Production/Development
The product is created based on the planning. In this phase, the
product is built, which is made as a product suitable for the
planning phase.

c. The Evaluation
The evaluation is the last phase. In this phase, the product is tried
and the expert rated.

The Definition of Interactive Video

An interactive video is a digital movie that offers the user to interact

with, in other words, to give feedback. (
Seels and Glasgow revealed the meaning of interactive video media
which is a learning means with computer control so that it looks like a living
picture that provides an active response to students in determining student
learning outcomes.
From the descriptions above, it can be summarized that the
interactive video can give the learners an impulse to react actively.

The Definition of Hand Puppet

Kimberly (in Rachmawati, 2015: 2) claims that the hand puppet is
the doll, which has a soft body and head, and it can easily be controlled by
A hand puppet is a doll that is bigger than a finger puppet and can be
taken in the hand. The fingers can become supporters of hand movements
and doll heads (Gunarti, 2010: 5.20).
Ahira (in Juliandari, dkk. 2015: 4) states that a hand puppet is a
puppet that played with one or two hands. This doll consists of a head and
two hands. Parts of the body and legs are just a shirt that covers the arm of
the person who plays it. In addition, the use of real objects or animals in the
classroom is often considered the best.
Based on the explanations above, it can be summarized that a hand
puppet is a doll that can be used as one of the best media while learning
process in the classroom.

The Definition of Hand Puppet Video
The hand puppet video is a video showing of hand puppet show. In
the video, the puppet will talk during the movement. With this movement,
the hand puppet will make the students feeling fun and enjoy. In this video,
the hand puppet tells the story about predetermined topic "introduction".

The Definition of Speaking Skill

Tarigan (2008: 16) claims that speech is the ability to articulate
articulated sounds or words, as well as express thoughts, ideas and feelings.
Thus, speaking is more than just the pronunciation of sounds or words.
Speaking is a means to communicate the ideas that are prepared and
developed according to the needs of the listener.
Burns & Joyce (1997) state that speaking is an interactive process of
constructing meaning that involves the production, reception, and
processing of information. Its form and meaning depend on the context in
which it occurs, including the participants themselves, their collective
experiences, the physical environment, and the purposes of speech.
According to the opinions above, it is summarized that speaking is
an important means of communication, expressing oneself and conveying
thoughts, ideas and feelings to the listener in accordance with the needs and

The Topic “Introduction” (Sich Vorstellen)

Septriani and Penyalai (2014: 36) state that “introduction” is the first
step in finding friends in a new environment. Therefore, it is the first step in
talking to new people.
According to the German lesson plan of class X, 1st semester, the
topic “Introduction” is a topic that has to be mastered by German learners.
Based on the topic, there is the verbal expression (Redemittel), they are: 1.
Die Du-Form: Name (Wer bist du? Ich bin .... Wie heißt du? Ich heiße ....)

Wohnort (Wo wohnst du? Ich wohne in ....) Herkunft (Woher kommst du?
Ich komme aus .... Woher bist du? Ich bin aus ....) Alter (Wie alt bist du?
Ich bin .... Jahre alt.) Beschäftigung (Was machst du? Ich bin ....) 2. Die
Sie-Form: Name (Wer sind Sie? Ich bin .... Wie heißen Sie? Ich heiße ....)
Wohnort (Wo wohnen Sie? Ich wohne in ....) Herkunft (Woher kommen
Sie? Ich komme aus .... Woher sind Sie? Ich bin aus ....) Alter (Wie alt
sind Sie? Ich bin .... Jahre alt.) Beschäftigung (Was machen Sie? Ich bin ....
Was sind Sie von Beruf? Ich bin ....) (Kasim und Widayanti, 2013:11).
It would be important to include this topic in this research because it is
important for every learner to master the topic of “Intoduction” as the first
step in speaking. Especially for learners who are afraid to talk because they
do not know what to say, it is good to learn about this topic.

The Software “Techsmith Camtasia Studio”

Camtasia Studio is an intuitive screen recording software that allows
users to create professional interactive videos. (Yang and Li, 2016:112)
Camtasia makes it possible to record spoken comments in the
recorded video. By way of illustration, the mouse pointer can be assigned
with different background effects (so-called cursor highlights) or completely
hidden. The recorded video can then be equipped or cut, for example, with
transition effects or speech bubbles. (
It can be concluded that Camtasia Studio can create an interesting
video. Techsmith Camtasia Studio is also one of the simpler softwares to
create interactive learning medium.

Based on the results of creating an interactive video “hand puppet”
for speaking skill with the topic “Introduction”, it was summarized that the
data in this research are the verbal expression (Redemittel) of the topic
“Introduction” and the pictures. In this research the Richey and Klein theory

is used. This theory consists of three phases; they are: (1) the planning, (2)
the production pr development, and (3) the evaluation. In this chapter each
phase is explained with its result. In the first phase, the observation of the
speaking skill of students is carried out. The author asked questions about
the person, such as name, age, address and origin in German. The result of
the observation is that there are many students who can not answer the
questions. The reason is that they are ashamed or do not know the answer.
Then the author arranged a plan to create an interesting learning medium,
that is interactive video “hand puppet”. The author formulated the
preparation of the product. The author prepared the story, the stage of hand
puppet show, and also the exercise for the medium.
In the second phase, the creation of the medium is carried out. The
author does the things that were prepared in the planning phase. Then
records the video of hand puppet that is currently speaking. After that the
author makes video editing to create the video more interesting. Then the
video is converted into an interactive video using the Techsmith Camtasia
software. When creating the interactive video, firstly the author creates the
opening video. In the opening video there is a video of the puppet, with
welcome text, form and background music. The welcome text is “Das
interaktive Video „Handpuppe‟ von Nur Putri Nabila”. The font of text is
the Monserrat because this font is easy to read, modern and efficient. The
Chosen Shape is Thought Bubble 1. On Shape there is a word “Syaura”.
That is also the name of the doll. The background music is Happy Children
by Synthezx. Then the other videos are added to creat the next step to
completion. Finally the interactive video is exported to the CD.
During the evaluation phase, the interactive video “hand puppet”,
will be compiled on the topic “Introduction”. Then the test and the
validation are carried out. The language and pronunciation are corrected by
native speaker. After the correction, the language and pronunciation will be
improved. Thereafter, the design of the medium is validated by the design
expert. The design expert has rated it as the following: Out of 9 categories

of the assessment’s aspects there is the grade 4 for 6 aspects and the grade 3
for 3 aspects. The grade 4 means very good and 3 means good.
According to the explanations above, it can be summarized that the
development of an interactive video “hand puppet” for the speaking skill
using the Richey and Klein theory is good and interesting, so that German
teachers and learners can use the interactive video “hand puppet” as a
learning medium.

The Process of Development
This chapter explains the results of the development of an interactive
video “hand puppet” with the topic “Introduction” for speaking skill.
1. The Planning
Planning is the first phase to create an interactive video
“hand puppet”. The author has made an observation in a school
(SMA Negeri 17 Medan) by talking to several students. The
author asked simple questions about theirselves and asked them
to introduce theirselves in German. According to the
observation, the author gathered all the information from the
students and collaborated with lesson plan (RPP) to create an
interactive video as a learning medium for speaking skill using
the hand puppet. Then the author arranged the planning. The
materials and preparation of the place were designed.

2. The Production
Before conducting the production phase, several preparations
have been made to develop the interactive video “Hand Puppet”.
In this phase, two steps of interactive video development are
carried out, namely:
a. The first step is recording the hand puppet-show video
b. The second step is processing videos that have been
recorded using Techsmith Camtasia Studio Software. In
this step, various editing, interactivity, music adding, text
adding and also animation adding were done to create
more interesting interactive video media.
3. The Evaluation
This phase is the final step in creating a good and interesting
learning medium. In this phase, the interactive video is created.
Then the test and the validation are carried out.
Before the medium is validated, the language and
pronunciation are corrected by the native speaker. After the
correction, the language and pronunciation will be improved.
Thereafter, the design of the medium is validated by the design
expert. The design expert has rated the interactive video “hand
puppet” with grade 91.67 (very good).
Based on the opinion above, it can be concluded that the
interactive video “hand puppet” for speaking skill as a learning
medium is interesting and well designed.

The Result of Development

The result of the development is an interactive video “hand puppet”
as a learning medium for the beginners of the German learners with the
topic “Introduction”. It has already been exported to CD. This video is
created with the help of Techsmith Camtasia Studio. The materials consist

of script, verbal expression in dialogue, grammar, and exercises. The
duration of the video ist 20 minutes 49 seconds. The capacity of the video is
228.77 MB.
This medium is used on the PC and the PC must have the web
browser (such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or

Based on the results and conclusions of this study, some suggestions
are described:
1. The other development research could be carried out in the future,
especially in German program.
2. The German students could in the future create an interactive
learning medium and perform it more interesting.
3. The German teachers can use the interactive video “hand puppe” in
German lessons.
4. The German learners can use the interactive video “hand puppet”
with topic “Introduction” as a learning medium.


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