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A Non-smooth Composite Control

Approach for Direct Torque Control of
Permanent Magnet Synchronous
School of Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, 210031 CHINA
School of Electronic and Optical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology ZiJin College, Nanjing, 210023 CHINA.
College of electric engineering and control science, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing, 211816 CHINA.
Corresponding author: Wenqing Yin (
This work is supported in part by Qing Lan Project (2016), in part by Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education
Institutions of China (18KJB413005), in part by National Science Foundation of China (51477073) and in part by Basic Research Project
of Central Public Welfare Research Institutes (S201715).

ABSTRACT Considering the effects of disturbances in permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM),
in this paper, a non-smooth composite control approach, which includes finite time disturbance observer
(FTDO) for feedforward compensation and finite time control (FTC) for feedback control, is proposed
to improve the anti-disturbance performance of PMSM. First, the FTDO is used to estimate the lumped
disturbances, such as friction, parameter perturbation and load variation. Then, the observed value is added
into the speed controller as a feedforward compensation to eliminate the effect of disturbance. Second, FTC
is introduced into the feedback control design part. In the end, by utilizing Lyapunov theory, the stability
analysis of overall closed-loop system is demonstrated. In contrast to conventional asymptotically stable
control strategy, the proposed composite scheme can provide not only a faster dynamic response, but also a
stronger capacity of disturbance rejection. Simulation and experimental tests are presented to demonstrate
the superior properties of the proposed control scheme.

INDEX TERMS Permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM), direct torque control (DTC), distur-
bance rejection, finite-time disturbance observer (FTDO), finite-time control (FTC).

I. INTRODUCTION though it is simple, DTC is capable of generating fast torque

response. Moreover, since that DTC could minimise the use
UE to the characteristics of low inertia, high efficiency,
D high power density, free maintenance, high torque-
current ratio and low noise [1], permanent magnet syn-
of motor parameters, it is less susceptible to the changes of
model parameters. Thus, more and more researchers pay their
attention to DTC in recent years.
chronous motors (PMSMs) have been extensively used in
plenty of practical industrial applications, such as power In actual operation, disturbances are an important factor
generations [2], autonomous mobile robots [3], aeronautics which will deteriorate the control performance of PMSM.
and astronautics [4], electric vehicles [5], numerical con- These disturbances may come from both in and out of the
trol machine [6] and other industrial fields [7]. The high- PMSM systems, e.g. unmodeled dynamics, frictions and load
performance control system of PMSM often adopts two disturbances. The common approaches based on feedback
typical control frameworks: Field orientated control (FOC) control, for example, proportional integral differential control
and direct torque control (DTC), which are presented by (PID), usually can not restrain the disturbances quickly,
Blaschke in 1971 and M. Depenbrock in 1985, respectively in other words, these control schemes can suppress those
[8], [9]. Compared with FOC, DTC needs not coordinate disturbances by means of feedback regulation in a relative-
transformation and any current control. It controls the torque ly slow way. With the developments of power converters
and flux of PMSM according to the instantaneous errors. Al- technology and high performance microprocessors, many

VOLUME 4, 2016 1
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2905103, IEEE Access

Author et al.: 11

advanced control methods (e.g. sliding model control (SMC) A. SYSTEM MODEL OF PMSM
[10], model predictive control (MPC) [11], adaptive fuzzy Under the rotor oriented coordinates d − q, the equations of
controller [12]) have been proposed to enhance the capacity a PMSM can be described as follow [30] :
of anti-disturbance of PMSM systems from different aspects. (
In addition to the control methods mentioned above, taking ψd = Ld id + ψr
a feed-forward compensation of disturbance into the design ψq = Lq iq
of controller can be considered as another effective and easy (
way to enhance the control performance of PMSM in this ud = Rs id + ψ̇d − ωψq
case. Because of the diversity of the disturbances in PMSM, (2)
uq = Rs iq + ψ̇q + ωψd
it is difficult to detect those disturbances by using instrument

and equipment, disturbance observation technology can be
 Te = np (ψd iq − ψq id )

seen as a good alternative. A variety of disturbance observers 2 (3)
have been presented, during the past few decades, for exam-  ω̇ = 1 Te + 1 TL + Bω

ple, disturbance observer (DOB) [13], sliding mode observer J J
(SMO) [14], equivalent input disturbance (EID) approach where ud and uq are d- and q- axis stator voltages, respective-
[15], perturbation observer [16], unknown input observer ly; id and iq are d- and q- axis stator current, respectively; Ld
(UIO) [17], extended state observer (ESO) [18] and finite and Lq are d- and q-axis stator inductances, respectively; ψd
time disturbance observer [19], [20]. and ψq are d- and q- axis stator flux linkage, respectively;
It is note worthy that for most of existing control methods, ω is the rotor angular velocity; B is the viscous frictional
the closed-loop system for PMSM is asymptotic stable, that coefficient; TL is the load torque; ψr is rotor flux linkage;
is to say, the system output is allowed to track asymptotically ψs is amplitudes of stator flux; Rs is the stator resistance; J
the reference signal. For PMSMs, it is crucial to improve is the moment of the total inertial; np is the number of pole
the system’s transient response [21]–[23]. In contrast to pairs.
asymptotically stable of closed-loop systems, finite-time sta- In the stationary stator reference frame, the model of
ble systems own some superiorities [24]–[26], for example, PMSM in the rotor reference frame can be expressed as
faster convergence rate at the equilibrium points, and stronger  Z
performance of anti-disturbance. Because of these merits 
 ψα = (uα − Riα )dt
mentioned above, it has been widely studied in engineering

 Z
and technology, for example, robotic manipulators [27], pow- (4)
ψ β = (uβ − Riβ )dt
er electronics [28] and serial elastic actuators [29].

Based on the above analysis, a non-smooth composite ψs = ψα2 + ψβ2

control method, which combines FTC and FTDO, is pro-
posed. The unknown lumped disturbances can be observed 3
np (ψα iβ − ψβ iα )
Te = (5)
by FTDO. By adding the observed value into the feedforward 2
path of controller, the capacity of disturbance rejection can be where uα and uβ are α- and β- axis stator voltages, re-
significantly increased. Then, a FTC control law in the feed- spectively; iα and iβ are α- and β- axis stator current,
back path is designed. The characteristics of the proposed respectively; ψα and ψβ are α- and β- axis stator flux linkage,
non-smooth composite control method can be outlined below. respectively.
• Simple structure and easy to realize
• Finite-time convergence of output tracking error
To unite the DTC scheme, the PMSMs torque is analysis
• Strong ability of disturbance rejection
from the flux linkage and torque angle. The equation of
For the performance evaluation of presented approach, electromagnetic torque Te of PMSM can be written as
simulation and experimental implementation of PMSM are
3 np
carried out in this paper. It is shown that the effectiveness and Te = |ψs | (2ψr Lq sin δ−|ψs | (Lq −Ld ) sin 2δ) (6)
superiorities of the proposed non-smooth composite control 4 Ld Lq
method are well demonstrated. where δ is the torque angle, which is the electrical angle be-
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II tween stator and rotor flux linkages. As for surface mounted
introduces the system model of PMSM and the principle of PMSM, the Ld = Lq = Ls . Thus, the electromagnet torque
DTC. A non-smooth composite control algorithm and the can be simplified as
stability analysis are presented in section III. In Section IV,
fine-grained simulation and experimental studies have been 3 np
Te = |ψs | ψr sin δ. (7)
done to confirm the validity of the theoretical results. Finally, 2 Ls
a conclusion and reference list end the paper. According to (7), for the purpose of taking full advantage
of the motor quota, if the amplitude of rotor flux linkage
II. PRELIMINARIES ψr remain unchanged, when motor runs, the magnitude of

2 VOLUME 4, 2016

2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2905103, IEEE Access

Author et al.: 11

FIGURE 1. Block diagram of direct torque control for PMSM.

electromagnetic torque Te can be changed by the power angle Remark 1. In most of the existing results [13], only the
δ, which changed with the amplitude of stator flux linkage ψs ideal model is considered, many practical characteristics, like
and the rotating speed ω. This is the essential idea of DTC. friction, sensors errors and inertia variation, are often neglect-
The output of the system is the feedback speed and the ed. Therefore, based on such an ideal model, how to eliminate
PMSM dynamic equation can be further written as: the effects of parametric uncertainties and disturbances is a
major concern. However, if those non-ideal characteristics
1 B 1

 ω̇ = Te − ω − TL are not included in the model of PMSM, it is difficult to

 J J J achieve the desired performances of speed regulation for
1 B 1 1

= Te∗ − ω − TL − (Te∗ − Te ) (8) PMSM.

 J J J J
 = 1 T ∗ + d(t),

J e
where Te∗ is the input of reference torque, d(t) = − B Jω − Assumption 1. d(t) in Eq.(8) is first-order differentiable and
1 1 ∗
J L − J (T e − Te ) is the lumped disturbances of PMSM ˙ has Lipschitz constancy vector l ∈ Rn .
system, which includes the friction, load disturbances, mod- Remark 2. In practice, lots of disturbances satisfy As-
eling error and tracking error. The principle block diagram is sumption1, such as constant disturbances, ramp disturbances,
shown in Fig.1. and harmonic disturbances, etc.
Under Assumption 1, to estimate the disturbance and its
C. DISTURBANCES ANALYSIS OF PMSM derivative, finite-time disturbance observers for system (8)
In practical PMSM servo system, disturbances/uncertainties can be designed as follows:
can be briefly and divided into three categories: paramet- 
ric uncertainties, unmodeled dynamics and external distur-  ṙ1 = ξ + u

bances. ξ = r2 − λ1 l0.5 |r1 − ω|0.5 sign(r1 − ω) (9)
(1) Parametric Uncertainties: Parameters in PMSM sys- 

ṙ2 = −λ2 lsign(r2 − ξ)
tem can be classified as electrical parameters, e.g. stator
resistance and inductance, and mechanical parameters, like T∗
where u = Je , l > 0, λ1 > 0, λ2 > 0. Here, according to the
inertia, friction and rotor flux linkage. analysis in [28], r1 is the estimate of ω and r2 is the estimate
(2) Unmodeled Dynamics: The unmodeled dynamic of of −d(t).
PMSM often includes cogging torque, misalignment of shaft,
broken shaft, measurement error effects, slot harmonics, B. DESIGN OF NON-SMOOTH COMPOSITE
dead-time effects and the unique motor structure, etc. CONTROLLER
(3) External Disturbances: Load torque can be seen as
Define the speed error as:
the major disturbance for PMSM. The position/speed will
inevitably be impacted by load torque variation. In addition, e = ω ∗ − ω. (10)
friction torque is another non-negligible effect in PMSM
system. where ω ∗ is the speed reference. The derivative of (10) is

VOLUME 4, 2016 3

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2905103, IEEE Access

Author et al.: 11

FIGURE 2. Block diagram of the PMSM control system based on proposed scheme.

Lemma 1. [19] (Finite-time Lyapunov stability) Suppose

1 ∗
ė = ω̇ ∗ −
T − d(t). (11) there exist a C 1 positive definite function V : U → R
J e defined on an open neighborhood U of the origin such that
Combining the disturbance feed-forward compensation V̇ + cV α ≤ 0 on for some c > 0 and x ∈ (0, 1). Then
and the finite-time feedback control technique together, the the origin of system (13) is a finite-time stable equilibrium
reference of electromagnetic torque can be given as 1
and the settling time T satisfies T (x0 ) ≤ c(1−α) V (x0 )1+α
Te∗ = J ω̇ ∗ + Kp J(ω ∗ − ω)α − Jr2 . (12) for the initial state x0 . if U = R and V (x) is radically
unbounded, the origin of system (13) is global finite-time
where Kp > 0, 0 < α = q1 /q2 < 1 (q1 and q2 stable.
are positive odd integers). The control diagram of proposed Theorem 1. Assume the desired speed ω ∗ is twice differ-
control method can be found in Fig. 2. entiable. For system (8), if Assumption 1 holds and controller
is (12), the PMSM speed ω will track the desired speed ω ∗ in
C. STABILITY ANALYSIS a finite time, where Kp > 0, 0 < α = q1 /q2 < 1 (q1 and q2
Definition 1. [31] Finite-time stability is studied for a class are positive odd integers).
of autonomous systems, and finite-time stability is exhibiting Proof. The stability analysis for closed loop system (10)
a better rejection of disturbances and uncertainties. Besides, and (12) is shown in the following which could be divided
based on Lyapunov theory, some useful results for finite-time into two steps. In step 1, system states of (10) and (12) will
stability are given as follows. not escape to infinity for t < t1 . In step 2, system (10) and
Considering the following nonlinear autonomous system: (12) is finite time stable when t > t1 .
ẋ = f (x), x ⊆ Rn , f (0) = 0 (13) Step 1 Defining the observer error as ed = d(t) − d(t). ˆ
Choosing the Lyapunov Function as
where f : U0 → R is continuous on an open neighbor-
hood U of the origin and f (0) = 0. Then zero solution 1 2
V = e , (14)
of (13) is said to be finite-time convergent if there is an 2
open neighborhood U ⊆ U0 of the origin and a function and the derivative of V can be written as
T : U/{0} → (0, ∞) called the settling time function,
such that ∀x0 ∈ U , the solution x(t, x0 ) = 0. If the zero V̇ = eė
solution of (13) is finite-time convergent, the set of point x0
= e[−Kp eα + ed ] (15)
such that x(t, x0 ) → 0 is called the domain of attraction of
the solution. The zero solution of (13) is said to be a finite- = −Kp e + ed e.
time stable equilibrium if it is Lyapunov stable and finite-time
Since the d(t) is estimated by d(t) ˆ in finite time t1 ,
convergent. Moreover the zero solution of (13) is said to be
respectively, then |d(t) − d(t)| is bounded for t < t1 . Thus,
a globally finite-time stable equilibrium if it is a finite-time
there exist constants ε, such that |d(t) − d(t)| ≤ ε. The
stable equilibrium with U = U0 = Rn .
Remark 3. [20] It is clear that from the definition 1, local following inequality can be established
finite-time stability and global asymptotic stability mean
global finite-time stability. V̇ ≤ −Kp eα+1 + εα−1 εα e. (16)

4 VOLUME 4, 2016

2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2905103, IEEE Access

Author et al.: 11

(a) (a)

(b) (b)

(c) (c)
FIGURE 3. Performance comparisons of speed response curves (simulation). FIGURE 4. Performance comparisons of torque response curves (simulation).

According to Young’s inequality [32]: By solving inequality (17), it can be obtained that
α α+1 1 1 3
V̇ ≤ −Kp eα+1 + εα−1 ( ε + eα+1 ) V̇ ≤ −(Kp − C)( + e2 ) + E
α+1 α+1 (17) 2 2
≤ −(Kp − C)eα+1 + E, 1 (19)
≤ −(Kp − C)( + 3V ) + E
where kp > C (C = εα+1 ), E = α+1
ε2α , and eα+1 can be = BV + G
written as
eα+1 ≤ |e| + e2 where B = −3(Kp − C) and G = E − 12 (Kp − C). Hence,
1 system state e is bounded when t < t1 .
≤ (1 + e2 ) + e2 (18) Step 2 It will be that closed loop system (10) and (12) is
1 3 2 finite time stable when t > t1 . Before proceeding, denote
= + e .
2 2 α+1
eα+1 = (2V ) 2 (20)

VOLUME 4, 2016 5

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2905103, IEEE Access

Author et al.: 11

V̇ ≤ −Kp eα+1
≤ −Kp (2V ) 2 (21)
≤ −bV
where β = α+1 2 < 1 and b = 2 Kp . So the (21) can be
further written as

V̇ + bV β ≤ 0, (22)
∃V makes that
V + αV c ≤ 0. (23)
It can be concluded from Lemma 1 that the closed-loop
system (10) and (12) is finite-time stable, i.e. the feedback
speed ω can track the desired speed ω ∗ in a finite time. This
completes the proof.

TABLE 1. Specification of PMSM

Parameters Meaning Value Unit

Np Number of poles-pairs 4 -
R Stator resistance 9.7 Ω
L Stator inductance 26 kg.m2
ψf Magnetic flux linkage 0.084 Wb
J Moment of inertial 1.35 × 10−4 kg.m2
Bv Friction coefficient 7.4 × 10−5 N.m.s/rad (b)
Ω =Ohm, kg=kilogram, m=meter, N =N ewton, rad=radius, W b =
weber. FIGURE 5. Experimental system. (a) Configuration. (b) Setup.

TABLE 2. Controlling Parameters of Simulation

PI Parameter P+ESO Parameter FTC+FTDO Parameter

Kp 50 Kp 50 Kp 50
Ki 10 p 200 α 0.2
λ1 60
λ2 45


In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed non-
smooth composite method, the simulation test based on
Matlab/Simulink has been performed. The specific parame-
ter values of PMSM in simulation and experiment are the
same which can been found in Table I, and the controller
parameters, in simulation, are selected as Table II. To have
a comparison, two kinds of typical control algorithms are
employed to make valid comparisons. One is PI control
algorithm, and other one is P+ESO algorithm.
The response curves of speed and torque of PMSM can be
found in Fig.3 and Fig.4, respectively. Fig.3 (a) is the entire
speed response curve, Fig.3(b) is the speed response of start-
up phase and Fig.3 (c) is the speed response with sudden
load. From those figures, in contrast to PI and P+ESO, the
proposed non-smooth composite control has a lower over-
shoot and a shorter recovery time. When a load variation
(TL = 3N.m) is added suddenly, the proposed scheme owns (a)
a less speed drop and shorter adjustment time. Fig.4 (a),(b) FIGURE 6. Performance comparisons at start-up (experiment).
and (c) are corresponding torque response curves.

6 VOLUME 4, 2016

2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2905103, IEEE Access

Author et al.: 11

To further verify validity of the proposed non-smooth com-
posite controller, the experimental platform for speed regula-
tion of PMSM system are established. The experimental test
setup configuration is illustrated in Fig.5. The control part
of experimental setup adopts the dSPACE DS1104 processor
board, which own the capacity of floating-point computation
by using a 603 Power PC processor and the clock rate up
to 250MHz and offers four 12-bit ADC units and a four-
channel 16-bit (multiplexed) ADC. The power inverter circuit
is comprising of tree parts, 1) single-phase of diode bridge
rectifier, 2) IGBT inverter and 3) large capacitor filter. The
(a) phase current and bus voltage signals can be measured by
Hall sensors, and the position and speed of PMSM can
be obtained by a 17-bit photoelectric shaft encoder. The
controlling parameters of PMSM, in experiment, are selected
as Table III.
In experimental, the response curves of speed and torque
of PMSM at 1000rpm are demonstrated in Fig.6. Similar
to simulation results, in contrast to PI (41ms) and P+ESO
(22ms), the proposed non-smooth composite controller owns
a shorter settling time (12ms) with a small overshoot (1.3%).
The performance comparison of anti-disturbance are shown
in Fig.7. When a load torque (TL = 2N.m) is added sudden-
ly at 1000 rpm by magnetic powder braker, the non-smooth
(b) composite controller has a lower speed drop (20rpm) than
PID control (76rpm) and P+ESO control (42rpm), and gives
FIGURE 7. Performance comparisons with sudden disturbance (experiment).
a shorter recovery time (20ms) than PID control (140ms)
and P+ESO control (30ms). The experimental results show
that, comparing with typical control methods, such as PID
Remark 1: In practical process of adjusting-parameter, a and P+ESO control, the proposed non-smooth composite
larger proportional gain of PI is beneficial to convergence control scheme has significantly enhanced the performance
rate and precision, but meanwhile, it will cause larger control for disturbance rejection.
energy consumption and overshoot. Simular to PI, in P+ESO To make the comparison more clearer, the detailed perfor-
approach, bigger Kp will lead to higher tracking precision mance indexes of set-point tracking case are also included in
and faster convergence rate, but larger control energy; and Table IV.
vice versa. The amplitude of pole p decides the performance
TABLE 4. Dynamic and steady-state tracking performances
of anti-disturbance, but over large p will lead to the problem
of noise amplification. Notably, in proposed non-smooth Index PI P+ESO FTC+FTDO
composite control scheme, a larger Kp will obviously result Settling time (ms) 41 22 12
Overshoot (%) 5.2 3.8 1.3
in a lower steady error and faster convergence speed. In paral- Ripple range (rpm) 17 15 9
lel, the parameter α also plays a key role in the gain parameter
settlements, a larger α may cause an apparent deterioration
of the system robustness against the measurement noises.
Hence, in the practices, a proper value of α can be selected
via a trial and error method. Aiming at performance degradation caused by disturbances
in PMSM system, in this paper, a non-smooth composite
control method has been applied to DTC of PMSM for
TABLE 3. Controlling Parameters of Experiment improving the dynamic response and capacity of resisting
PI Parameter P+ESO Parameter FTC+FTDO Parameter disturbance. First, a FTDO are adopted to estimate the
Kp 12 Kp 12 Kp 12 lumped disturbances, which include the parameter pertur-
Ki 5 p 50 α 0.2
λ1 20
bation, friction and load torque, etc. The observed value is
λ2 10 employed as a feedforward compensation for lumped distur-
bances of PMSM’s system. The results of simulation and
experiment, in contrast to P+ESO control and PI control,
have demonstrated that the proposed non-smooth compos-

VOLUME 4, 2016 7

2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2905103, IEEE Access

Author et al.: 11

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