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Cutting carbon nanotubes for solar cell

Cite as: Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 123508 (2008);
Submitted: 12 February 2008 . Accepted: 07 March 2008 . Published Online: 26 March 2008

Golap Kalita, Sudip Adhikari, Hare Ram Aryal, Masayoshi Umeno, Rakesh Afre, Tetsuo Soga, and
Maheshwar Sharon


Fullerene decoration in oxygen plasma treated multiwalled carbon nanotubes for

photovoltaic application
Applied Physics Letters 92, 063508 (2008);

Application of carbon nanotubes in perovskite solar cells: A review

AIP Conference Proceedings 1902, 020015 (2017);

Organic solar cells with carbon nanotube network electrodes

Applied Physics Letters 88, 233506 (2006);

Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 123508 (2008); 92, 123508

© 2008 American Institute of Physics.


Cutting carbon nanotubes for solar cell application

Golap Kalita,1,a兲 Sudip Adhikari,1 Hare Ram Aryal,1 Masayoshi Umeno,1 Rakesh Afre,2
Tetsuo Soga,2 and Maheshwar Sharon3
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Chubu University, 1200 Matsumoto-cho 487-8501,
Department of Environmental Technology and Urban Planning, Nagoya Institute of Technology,
Nagoya 4668555, Japan
Nanotechnology Research Center, Birla College, Kalyan-421304, India
共Received 12 February 2008; accepted 7 March 2008; published online 26 March 2008兲
This paper presents the application of cutting multiwalled carbon nanotubes 共cut-MWNTs兲 in solar
cell. Cutting of MWNTs is performed by plasma fluorination and followed by defluorination.
Cut-MWNTs with lengths of 50– 200 nm are incorporated in a poly共3-octylthiophene兲 / n-Si
heterojunction solar cell. We found that a device fabricated with cut-MWNTs shows much better
performance than that of a device with pristine MWNTs. The device with cut-MWNTs shows short
circuit current density, open circuit voltage, fill factor, and power conversion efficiency as
7.65 mA/ cm2, 0.23 V, 31%, and 0.54%, respectively. Here, we proposed that cut-MWNTs provide
efficient hole transportation having a few nanometer transportation path, hence suppressing
recombination. Cut-MWNTs can be the solution to the shorting and shunting effects generally
observed in the MWNT solar cell. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
关DOI: 10.1063/1.2903493兴

Application of carbon nanotubes 共CNTs兲 in organic pho- incorporation of cut-MWNTs in a heterojunction photovol-
tovoltaic device is of great interest.1,2 It has been demon- taic device. Pristine MWNTs and cut-MWNTs were incorpo-
strated that CNTs along with conjugated polymers favor rated in poly共3-octylthiophene兲 共P3OT兲 and n-Si heterojunc-
charge transportation and exciton dissociation.3,4 CNTs can tion photovoltaic device. It was observed that with cut-
improve exciton dissociation by providing field at the poly- MWNTs, much better device performance can be obtained
mer nanotube interface. A blend of CNTs with conducting than that of pristine MWNTs. We expect that cut-MWNTs
polymer allows formation of devices with high interfacial provide efficient hole transportation having a few nanometer
area, which can lead to a large pair dissociation region.5–8 transportation path hence suppressing recombination. Cut-
These properties of CNTs with conjugated polymer have MWNTs can be the solution to the shorting and shunting
generated a great interest in developing photovoltaic devices. effects generally observed in the MWNT solar cell.
Pradhan et al. have demonstrated incorporation of function- MWNTs were synthesized as previously described17 by
alized multiwalled carbon nanotubes 共MWNTs兲 in a donor- using precursor turpentine oil by spray pyrolysis at 800 ° C.
acceptor type of photovoltaic device.9 We have demonstrated Purified MWNTs were placed in a surface wave microwave
the application of oxygen plasma treated MWNTs combined plasma chamber for fluorination. CF4 gas was introduced in
with fullerene for photovoltaic application.10 Although the chamber along with argon with flow rates of 20 and
charge transportation and exciton dissociation are desirable 15 SCCM 共SCCM denotes cubic centimeter per minute at
properties of CNTs, in the case of a CNT-polymer composite STP兲, respectively. Fluorine plasma was generated via a sur-
film for photovoltaic devices, the CNT length may need to be face guide supplied by a 2.45 GHz microwave generator at
controlled. For example, thickness of the composite active
film is of a few nanometers 共⬍1 ␮m兲, but the average length
of purified CNTs is in micrometers 共⬃100 ␮m兲. As a result,
the actual length of the fabricated device is of the order of
micrometers as that of CNT length.11 In the fabricated device
with CNT-polymer composite, there can be shunting and
shorting effects through the micrometer long CNTs.12–14
Therefore, controlled cutting of CNTs is necessary for blend-
ing with the conducing polymer. Cut-CNTs can reduce the
shunting effect in these devices while maintaining the high
electrical conductivity necessary to extract charges out of the
polymer layer.
Controlled cutting of CNTs in the range of a few nanom-
eters can be obtained through fluorination.15,16 Gu et al. have
demonstrated cutting of single walled CNTs in the range of
50 nm through fluorination and followed by annealing.15
Here, we report cutting of MWNTs in nanometer range and
FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 XPS C 1s spectra of 共a兲 cut-CNTs 共defluorinated
Electronic mail: CNTs兲, 共b兲 fluorinated CNTs, and 共c兲 as synthesized CNTs.

0003-6951/2008/92共12兲/123508/3/$23.00 92, 123508-1 © 2008 American Institute of Physics

123508-2 Kalita et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 123508 共2008兲

FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 TEM study

of 共a兲 as synthesized MWNTs and
共b兲 cutting MWNTs 共cut-MWNTs兲
through fluorination.

gas composition pressure of 40 Pa. Fluorination of the tration of up to 1.25% and an increase in oxygen content of
MWNTs was performed at 450 ° C for 1 h. Defluorination of up to 5.2%. It was observed that with low fluorine incorpo-
fluorinated MWNTs was performed in argon atmosphere at ration in MWNTs, cutting of all MWNTs was not achieved.
700 ° C for 45 min. Pristine MWNTs and cut-MWNTs were With fluorination of MWNTs, fluorine atoms form band-
dispersed in a chloroform solvent with 0.2 mg/ ml concentra- like fluorinated areas along the nanotube sidewall. In the
tion respectively. Pristine MWNTs and cut-MWNTs were case of partially fluorinated MWNTs, the transition between
mixed with a P3OT solution 共6 mg/ ml兲 with the concentra- the fluorinated and nonfluorinated bands typically remains
tion ratio 1:1, respectively. Prepared solutions were spin quite abrupt and orthogonal to the MWNT axis.19 Since the
coated at 600 rpm over n-Si substrates. Fabricated films were fluorine atoms are localized in certain regions along the
annealed at 120 ° C for 15 min. Finally, semitransparent top MWNTs and leave certain lengths of the MWNTs intact,
gold electrodes 共10– 15 nm兲 were deposited by sputtering. hence defluorination would only affect the fluorinated part
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy 共XPS兲 measurements of the MWNTs and leave behind the intact parts of the
of MWNTs were carried out on a SSX-100 photoelectron MWNTs, resulting to cut-MWNTs.15
spectrometer. Transmission electron microscopy 共TEM兲 From the TEM study, it was observed that as synthesized
measurements were carried out by using a field emission MWNTs were of micrometer long having diameter distribu-
TEM, JEOL-2100F. Gold electrodes were deposited by sput- tion of 10– 30 nm. Figure 2共a兲 presents the TEM image of
tering of gold target in E-1030 ion sputter. Current-voltage pristine MWNTs having a length in the micrometer range.
共I-V兲 characteristics were measured by using JASCO SS-200 Figure 2共b兲 presents the TEM image of the cut-MWNTs
W solar simulator in the dark and under AM 1.5 simulated clearly showing an open end of the cutting nanotubes. It was
solar radiation. observed that cut-MWNTs were having length in the range
Figure 1 shows XPS C 1s spectra of as synthesized, of 50– 200 nm. It shows through fluorination, cutting of
fluorinated and defluorinated MWNTs. The spectrum of pris- MWNTs was achieved in nanometer range.
tine MWNTs shows photoelectron emission from the C 1s Figures 3共a兲 and 3共b兲 presents I-V characteristics under
core level peak centered at 284.5 eV corresponding to sp2 dark and white light illumination of the device fabricated
carbon. After fluorination, the intensity of the sp2 peak sig- with pristine MWNTs and cut-MWNTs. Composite films of
nificantly reduced and showed a broad intense peak at pristine MWNTs and cut-MWNTs with P3OT were having
293.5 eV. The broad C 1s peak observed at 293.5 eV was thickness around 400 nm. The fabricated device with pristine
ascribed to sp3 hybridized carbon with covalent C–F bonds, MWNTs shows short circuit current density 共Jsc兲, open cir-
which are similar to graphite fluorides, 共CF兲n and 共C2F兲n.18 cuit voltage 共Voc兲, fill factor FF, and conversion efficiency as
Quantitative analysis shows the presence of 57% fluorine 0.51 mA/ cm2, 0.18 V, 25%, and 0.023%, respectively. Simi-
atoms along with carbon and a small amount of oxygen at- larly, device fabricated incorporating cut-MWNTs shows Jsc,
oms. With annealing of fluorinated MWNTs, fluorine atoms Voc, FF, and conversion efficiency as 7.65 mA/ cm2, 0.23 V,
were released from the MWNT surface. The XPS study of 31%, and 0.54%, respectively. It was observed that with in-
defluorinated MWNTs shows photoelectron emission from C corporation of cut-MWNTs, there were much better device
1s core level peak centered at 284.5 eV re-establishing sp2 performance than that of device with pristine MWNTs. En-
carbon by releasing the C–F bond. Quantitative analysis of hancement of device performance is due to a large improve-
defluorinated MWNTs shows reduction of fluorine concen- ment in the Jsc 共from 0.51 to 7.65 mA/ cm2兲. This may be

FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 I-V characteris-

tics of the device fabricated with 共a兲
pristine MWNTs and 共b兲 cut-MWNTs
with the structure n-Si/ cut-MWNTs
+ P3OT/ Au under dark and illumina-
tion 共AM 1.5 100 mW/ cm2兲.
123508-3 Kalita et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 123508 共2008兲

within the polymer, suppress the recombination path, and

thereby enhance device performance.
We have demonstrated the application of cutting
MWNTs 共cut-MWNTs兲 in photovoltaic devices. Cut-
MWNTs were obtained by plasma fluorination and followed
by defluorination. The TEM study shows cutting of MWNTs
having length in the range of 50– 200 nm. The fabricated
device incorporating cut-MWNTs shows much better perfor-
mance than that of the device with pristine MWNTs. Device
with cut-MWNTs shows Jsc, Voc, FF, and conversion effi-
ciency as 7.65 mA/ cm2, 0.23 V, 31%, and 0.54%, respec-
FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 Energy band diagram of the fabricated device show- tively. Here, we proposed that cut-MWNTs can be the solu-
ing band alignment for pristine MWNTs and cut-MWNTs.
tion of the shorting and shunting effects generally observed
in MWNT solar cell. Cut-MWNTs can be well embedded
due to the fact that cut-MWNTs provide efficient hole trans- within the polymer film, proving efficient hole transporta-
portation having a few nanometer transportation path hence
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