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Aloka. ———————__ SERVICE MANUAL ECHO CAMERA SSD - 500 English Version Document Number: MN2- 0142 Manual Version =: 2 Copyright ALOKA Co.,Ltd Mure, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo, Japan YY secnow section secnon section section SECTION 1 B ‘CONTENTS page nrRopucTION 11 Service Manual tea 12. Best use of Service Manual 4 13 Contents of tis Service Manual wa 14 Construction of this Service Marual 121 15 Contents of each section 12 PRECAUTION ( Pleae read without fail) 24 Precautions agninst electrical heards to serviceman 2-1 22 Precautions against mechanical hazards to serviceman 2-1 23° rections against germ hazards to serviceman uy 24 recautlons for keeping sect safety of $S0-500 2-7 25 Precautions for keeping mechan cal safety of $SD-500 2-1 28 Precautions for Keeping chemieas safety of SSD-500 2-2 2.7 Preparation to be made at service center 222 28 Gare to be taken in the eld 22 BEFORE REPAIRING 2:1 Handling of SALT. and SMD. DISASSEMBLING PROCEDURE 41 Disassembling procedure of the main body SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM 541 Beplanation of system 52 System Block diagram PCB BLOCK DIAGRAM 61 Introduction 62 Panel Control e273 63 Re P2668 54 Te & Control P2865 6s ite 2670 es Bsc feast 67 MPU e282 68 Panel Board CKEV-16 A, 8 69 Gain & Power LED eP-2078 E10 Selec Key P2879 Et Contatt & Brightness e880 €12 Inout 2881 E13 Photo Cont Bright. e282 6-1 622 6.4 bc6 6210 6.12 6215 6216 6.18 6-20 6.22 6.28 SECTION 7 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM Symthetcal sxhematic of USL-11S mH Gain & Power LED ere m2 Selec Key E2073 a invout P2001 a Chev-ta a, 75 kev 8 775 cpza6e {device location ) 720 2.2869 {devi Feation ) an 9.2870 {device leeation ) ar 9.2871 { Beviee location ) 7213 287 ( deviee leetion ) 75 2873 ( devee lection ) 716 eeaere (doves leeation ) 718 er2e7s ( deviee leeation ) 79 Ee2ect ( doves leeation ) 3230 epee? ( deviee leation ) ae LKEV6 A (device Ieeation) ee LKEY-18 8 (device Ieeation ) a Cable iit 7a Cable Connection of £°-2873 ae Power Supply Unit su.s500 73 TV'menitor re-o7o2-TH 7235 SECTION 8 TROUBLE SHOOTING 21 Introduction 8 82 Attention 3 83 Tools and measures 8 84 Using method of Trouble shooting 3 83 Information for reparing 8 Bt Automate setting up @ 852 Condition of swith on PCB a 8.5.3 How to Ue the user function 2 854 Aftertlon of connecting optional units 3 BSS How to reset ackup RAM 2 856 Location of Pe 8 857 Location of RON 2 85. Disposition of locking up 8 86 PCB ( check) List Map 8 861 Phenomenon Code Tobie 8 862 MAP ©7 Weve form siogram 22 271 Introduction 8221 872 Atention B22 ara Re p-2668 Boa B74 Tx 8 Control P2668, 8.6 or IF ep2e70 830 B78 DiC eae 835

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