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Villa Trinitas, Bugo, Cagayan de Oro City


S.Y 2018-2019

I believe that honesty in my work gives me self-respect Score: ______/50
and dignity. On my honor, I shall not violate it.
Percentage: ______
Signature of the student

Name: _______________________________ Section: _____________________

Teacher: _____________________________ Date: _______________________

I. Multiple choice. Read the questions/statements carefully. Circle the capital letter of the
correct and best answer for each item number in your exam paper. One point each.

1. If you are a cartographer, what will give you an idea that the continents
were once joined?

A. Ocean depth C. Shape of the continents

B. Position of the south pole D. Size of the Atlantic Ocean
2. What is this theory which stated that continents broke into sections because of seafloor
A. Pangaea Theory C. Continental Drift Theory
B. Plate Tectonic Theory D. Glacial Depletion Theory

3. Glossopteris sp. fossil, a fern plant, can be collected from the different parts of the world.
What does it suggests about how landmasses before look like?
A. There was a single landmass before, but the climate vary a lot.
B. The fern plants grew on different broken continents before with the same climate.
C. There was a single landmass before, and the fern plants grew on a tropical climate.
D. The fern plants grew on different broken continents before, having different climates.

4. Isostasy is equated to increase of the height or elevation of a mountain, whereas isostatic

rebound is equated to what?
A. Increase of weight of the mountain
B. Increase of weight of the rift valley
C. Decrease of weight of the mountain
D. Decrease of height of the mountain

5. An S-wave shadow zone is formed as seismic waves travel through

the Earth’s body. Can the S-wave travel through the outer core?

A. Yes, because the outer core is solid.

B. Yes, because the outer core is liquid.
C. No, because the outer core is solid.
D. No, because the outer core is liquid.

6. What is the reason why the lithosphere is in the upper part than the asthenosphere?
A. Both lithosphere and asthenosphere have the same density.
B. Asthenosphere is less dense than the lithosphere that is why it floats.
C. Lithosphere is denser than the asthenosphere that is why it floats above it.
D. Lithosphere is less dense than the asthenosphere that is why it floats above it.

7. The characteristic of P-waves are mentioned below EXCEPT one, what is it?

A. It can travel through liquid

B. After an earthquake, this seismic wave reaches a detector
C. P-wave means primary wave which comes after the S-wave
D. It can travel by particles, vibrating parallel to the direction where the wave travel.

8. Which among these convergent boundaries where ocean plates dives beneath continental
A. Continental-Continental C. Oceanic-Oceanic
B. Oceanic-Continental D. Transform-Fault

9. Which of the following earthquake waves can travel through both solids and fluids?
A. P-waves and S-waves C. P-waves only
B. Rayleigh waves D. S-waves only

10. It moves the ground either up or down, or side-to-side similar to the direction of the wave’s
movement. Most of the shaking felt from an earthquake is due to this surface wave, what is it?

A. Love wave C. Rayleigh wave

B. P-wave D. S-wave

11. With advancement of rocket, space exploration became possible. Who is the first Russian to
study the rocket for space travel?
A. Konstantin Tsiokovsky C. Yang Liwei
B. Valentina Tereshkova D. Hermann Oberth

12. The following are some of the reasons for conducting space exploration EXCEPT one,
which is it?
A. Gaining honor and prestige
B. Improving the quality of life
C. Searching for possible new habitat for survival
D. Drop destructive equipment on the target area

13. The following are countries that are active in space exploration EXCEPT one, which is it?
A. China C. USA
B. South Korea D. USSR

14. Which among the following is TRUE?

A. Neil Armstrong was the first human in space
B. Alexei Leonov was the first man to walk in space
C. Curiosity rover explored the Mercury for forms of life
D. The first animal on space, Laika, fortunately survive the trip

15. What is the full name of the acronym MESSENGER spacecraft?

A. Meteor Speed, Space, Environment, Geophysical, and Ranging
B. Moon Surface, Space, Environment, Geophysical, and Ranging
C. Mars Surface, Satellite, Environment, Geochemistry, and Ranging
D. Mercury Surface, Space, Environment, Geochemistry, and Ranging
II. Modified Matching Type. Read each given statement below carefully, and match its answer
from the given Test Bank. Then, write the CAPITAL LETTERof your answer in each blank
space before each item number. One point each.

A. Asthenosphere F. Eileen Collins K. P-wave P. Transform Plate Boundary
B. Buzz Aldrin G. Luna 9 L. John Glen Q. US Appalachian Mountains
C. Convergent P.B H. Magma M. Sputnik 1 R. Valentina Tereshkova
D. Core I. MESSENGER N. S-wave S. Viking 2
E. Dennis Tito J. Philippine Trench O. Philippine Trench T. Yuri Gagarin

________ 1. A hot, viscoelastic solid found on the upper mantle and below the lithosphere.
________ 2. Type of plate boundaries where two plates slide past each other horizontally.
________ 3. The primary material that is circulated in the convection current.
________ 4. An example of rock formation evidence to Continental Drift Theory that suggest
similarities between Greenland and Europe.
________ 5. Pulse energy that travels slower than a P-wave through Earth and solids only.

________ 6. The first human in space.

________ 7. The first satellite spacecraft launched in space.
________ 8. The first woman in space.
________ 9. The first tourist in space.
________ 10. One of the first men on the moon.
________ 11. The first spacecraft to orbit Mercury.
________ 12. The first American in orbit.
________ 13. A spacecraft that discovered water frost on Mars.
________ 14. The first Russian spacecraft to land on the moon.
________ 15. The first American female shuttle pilot and the first female Shuttle commander.

III. Essay Writing. Read the questions carefully. With EXACTLY FIVE SENTENCES, write in
PARAGRAPH FORM the best answer for each number at the back of your paper. 10 points
each (Completeness – 1 pt. each sentence, Content – 3 pts., Cleanliness – 1 pt., Grammar –
1 pt.).

1. Give three reasons why there is a need to conduct space exploration. Explain each.

2. Do you think there is also a need for the Philippines to conduct space exploration? Why or
why not? Explain and justify your choice.


NAME: _____________________________ GRADE-SECTION: _______________________

SCORE: _______/ 50 DATE: _______________________


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