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V i A a rquitectu ra

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Oolegkl Oficial de A[ql:Jitecto5 de la COml,Jnidad Valenci':tn:a


~ «-(.(!IIIilIoIi'at:!SMltWI_Ui_I_1I

Habitar ,e'swoil;l'ill';, y vi,vir es e,cm\lhrit con la gante y con ]I em ,ei entcrno, POfque' habltar, habitarnns, 0 al menos estames, en tedo tile-mpo y en eualquier hl.!;gar; Es unconcepto tan arnpllo que podriamos publicar manero tras nume'l'iOl con este titulo y distinto subtitulo -'I no deeimos que no 1'0, hagamos ern !J1lni 'fut!.lro-, pe'IF'O el lugar primer'", de, convivl(uu:ia" donde 1.!111(1 prlm:ero viive, es dentro de su FAMiliA -cualquiera que sea su eencepte, unlones de' heche 0 derecho, f·ammas mOrlop,anl:rl!tales,familias tradlclonalss •. ,.- qtJf3 \live' en una, CA$A. La CASA, la VIVU;:INID',A.,. es dcnde se da ~a cOl1viver:u:ia mills J:Hlu',al, dcnde marJifeslaimos nuestras necesjdades 'J ex!gencias, que pueden ser tali! dif'er,entes come dife.n:~;"ites somas, s'egiu!n educacion, cultura, costumbres, edad, ideolegia, etc.

Per t,oda h), al11erior"el .s:l.!btitulo de nuestro nUmeir(l' serla "casas, vhtiendas 0' 'i1lIlloJamientos". :En la pr~mera parte de~! m:irner,o; Lucien K_roll 'ii!5,cri:be sobre laconstrucclen die casas y cludadesdesde el respete a Is cl.dw!f"a: y a las C~'l)stl,:lmbres, referldo tanto a Ins espacios, su formal Y usa, como a los rnaterlates y tecr:licas consnuetlvas. Pedro Feduchl nos haala sobre la conlviv!;l'l'lcia :y la IIhdenda .y Grrnetje Lesage centra ell terna en 10'1 casa .y SI.:IS limites, en como ha evolucienado en e!ti,empo y c6mo, se rnenlflesta en la casa F'amsworth de: Mies V,an der Robe' 'J eL~i ta casa 'e'lTl M,sgome:2a,wa de Toyo Ito'l m:n:b''(Idudllnd~!lTQs a:!111 el eoneepte [apones d:el espaclc y su refle;jlt)1 en lavi\liendfl.

Estas, ideas se materlallzansn la :se,gLinda secelen de la !!"e'l!l'ist~, tanto desde el puntc de lj,I'j:sta de la l,I'ivienda p!Jb!~i(::a 'enl la diUdad -dends sarecogen obras y proyecto,s de estudlos nclandeses y ,espai~:oi'E!Si-,c~lo'mo desde el punt.o de vista de la vhrienda u;l!I'!ifamHi,ar -cen obras de ar,qu~tec~ tos japoneses, europeos Y' espafioles. La! elecclen de .H:ola:n:d,a, 'Y j.a;po.n como referenela extranlera, no es casual, Holanda se ,elige por su tradlcion en vivien:da; publica! 'Y Japon porsussportaetones de cenceptc del espaclo f~!Jido 'Y urntarlc, 91n, la '!'",e,laci6m de!' su,,'lo y ,e:~: lPudio" del patlo, ...

Me;-cedie 5 Pill rleltes

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~~t:>'I>!Q ;PRE!jIIIEIill. ;l'tJ.HrJ]~,_

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(ctmijlQ> IroOO .... • EDO_ 1llJJ'~;:;

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• I

t, I'iRO~L '008 MQd1~:rmid~d/GQIil~emporanEl~da:1I

Mo<hmllly./'d nle mpQ r',1I1M)I'

p, FEOUC!41 O'l! 4 I1~Ditar e,n, II~ a n,dro,giili~ Livi n g In Ihe and rog~i'Iy

G. USAGE 0120' La 'OIlS,a! en la l'I'Mro~oli, LO$ Umile$

Thle hl)lJ~1! ill the ffifl"Opohs. The ilrnll's.

1 CANO lASSO (144

J. M:AlnfNE Z I C. BRAVO 050

J, PAU.UA I S. R01G , F. MA,'Fi'[ I J. tPUNJ!,S I J. l\lRrlES I E. iN.I!ICHTER I T. IIl0~SO I

W. O. 1:'iFlIGHT I fl_ (s~e';lf; l!'O{2

Vililendas silo Hous: n.s sito

127 alP>@rt!'lmentos en ~~hl~er Bo~!d i 27 a j).1r I ments rn M:1He'r Boa rd

,~par ta r!lentOI~ ~de IIker'" Apanments "ele Pl'ker"

Vi~'iend:ils de \fro 121'1 V~,l(lebern.'lr(l:O SUlbsh:!eo:! hoYs!!)C in \l0! Ideb~.rI'l.mjQ

'131 Vi ~iend!a s en V'alldeberllardo 13J Ow~lllllgS on VaMetlerlllaorcil)

V~ieflda,s I~:I'I TQ:~aln,~,

Hou s i rll1:;,'S In 'TQI,liIoi!

iEl!'ific~(J d'e~hlliw!lc!ilS ell T:anfl~ii!l Reslde~'I~.a~ buildi~g iI'I T .. rnl~ml

(ii'ific,io de~iWemlllse" 101 calle RoslilUlI 1J~~~llings In Ros!!116 StIC~1

ires C.'l~"$ ell eil camflito

l'il ree nau Sf S a Ion iI '111,e ~a'ne

~!ifiertl:l~s ildo,s,"Jo..,s ~in Tri'!S Cantos. liiil~o.A. Mla,nf ~~:Q:llaid!l Group 01 tO\\o'1I houses in Ires Can~(ls

,Mo~~das en Tall!!! lBI a mIU@$

'[Iown houses 0 n TElI""~f!'l~S Blalnques

Ca;$.a ~n Ifoie'~

HQus!'! Prj Foills

C<l'$>\1 (Gil eortmas en JapOn CourUrll1 house In Japa n . C~!8~ d~ papel enJall'6n P(lPcr hQus,,: in Japan

eil'Sa p<lrticul!lwen J.'IpM Prjvah!' neuse In Janan

1iIivie'm da urD<!fla • EeQ~ Dlalilc(:J'$~ Ur tid!! ewe Iling 'Whl!!! ee~{lI!s.·

Ca'$~ TolU

T(lf,u IlQU$<I:

,Casas en las Pir!iu:sas .1ii)){lo T. M,ui Pitm~.<ls Ilollse~

G!l$1l1$ R:o$elhH~ose!l6 n{l~81liHlosel16 Houses S~I~·Fr;'ln(;h

S,~ljI·Fr<lncl'l house

Propy esta p@r.~l Inll.le~{lS' ·a,I,(I.~1l1mie:nlo'. flrop esets lor new aceemodanen

fodo. nene de Olg!l~

All 11111 o[ wa,ler

l38 COIllCUfSC rel'riabjtitilcion cdmejo CQI().!'!Ii~r·Zuril,a. 'IMI Moren~, C(}I(]rn@r·'zuri~3 buHd~ng umllre ccrmpl!!ltlDn In Morella


150 Plu'brhc:~dI~d AdI~er tiS,! n g


Lucien Kroll

Modernidad/ contemporaneidad

Modernity/ c cnternpor aneity

I ,n~ .ilC'''1uirl'':[(';:'. ~.II\~ I ,1i.1:;unn' l,.~i~llo;, JI~ .. bJlK-., ..J1[l,UJlLfl: m,ll"F.ln,l'l...~ (1 1.J.1;,0lt~ ~{'_dl:rlr~1I .1 c..uU\ 1i..t:~IlI~l'":5i que ac+ualmcrue .....: ~'LICh,"l~11 !QIXldaJtl..1S.

K ... t,l.'>. ,1 .... [IU.lJc.:.- ··m,J..I1"k·rl1..1i .... ~ L,ll'Irilofl ~~1ill~ In ... :lL~Jr.1l1(""ll1h.+'MiI)Ij" ICI, ... Ijpi.Jiim;:lllC" un 1ll11S"(J .uHC 1<1 L1tH.b. 1.1 rw .. ;t.~,1 ,1E liia, l" ,)l"u'·~, ,611 ,It <Hr." e .. k·l';;l, hurnanas, ("II" r~l.aridi,d ,IJ1ill>L"t'C1) [t:''!,'fl~ rnur h.lm'bJ(t". '';,.I~I1.rol.;1 111ItNili<:![,l1i§lllfll"'~' -,) (,W("J!T de:" In n~n'flZ'r'i"r][~~nb'U". ~,lh:1.I 1,:11 .1hiL1il..:'C1UTJ. Urt.;]"i."1M1n \' ~li,u',\[~.

"' .... '1: rr::11f.:"l 1.:11 :Ib'l,olllljf~l de [df'U~ IlI.:_g;atjv'U:!-'J ~IHiiu:l_'I-: "~Il >11]'I,I~-mC'n['[' in{IUcH"1'JI.."":~ " r..:"-i,"\rnn,lr :,' -1 ;LUu.JJ )(.':y.:Lil1 b rl';}liLhi {Ike ["I',ltb, ,.j. i.!;J, J. 11<1 ~·.l ""~LLjj ~i,,(J"('< '1(1~ I"rnl'w'l ;(,'nd'f~111( ~LlI :-.i.J.!lo JL' .Jnt;ttllC',d~d '\.r)n 111."l\ .11~"l'[', 1.~111;" "",'_nfinHI,uk~.

t\:1.JL."":'ILriI' ... 4Jml .... Hl.IJn.i~nll) ~·Iii~IiIi'")lr ... rn1cltt.h,11 JLLLl ~ !Jl'o. prirnero. I i'lnl"'~ del ~ lOHnl ,,'Ll'" }',i'-l<k'f1 II· .1. '(Jm~.·nl<J" ,1"I.'y;I .. \X ~ de 'U 1 .. cha (,n<~j'f'",,

"'l-J..:.IIrl"I •. ~ t:1:..J ~u\-.:n) contf';"( r~'"jl; cnnl1ut1l1.i"!I"r'tIl)O'l. ~1h.·cC[1,,"lIII(_~. JIJ{:I rom .mr.cisrnew, I.,,,, ~L"iI~LI ... I.';r"'" ..... Ltd "l"" IL':I.,IJI... j:,1ll0, ,,\Jl!n~;"i, p.lrd .,iI14;.lm' __ r q,Itf..:"I 'I'ILI.C\';) ~LldJ("'l, II1JJ1H'5.1.:;;J1I LIII J'I'Il",l" con ~I jQwn rnev illlJmm d,'II'm~ll,.""lI. J,. L, it!dll'(fi~. tid r.Ki('n~[i'""I. <I~I ..,i'u,llJ. C[L. Los Jr'luir='" 6!!' 1.3-1;' i..1"Ux·.J Cr..111 .«., .. iLO:\._ _...: .(UI'l~lg.rJbJ:J' I ur: .. 1 ~'.JU'\,I ~~'. rFJ,F:IC~lJ"'_nl"~' rrJi,I'I~lirilr!w..l~ Ih~ podian n11. a.:j1lJij;" .~h~'i1r.:.c ci'1l UEI fill~,Hi"jnL' ~Im.: h, I.~ :'i"'-" U Jt.i ,J~ ,lI1'I "li ~.Jr • de 1't. ..... ,l~.U, ill. hl"k.· dJ: roda iruenrion ... 1!nJ~>1 .. 1 ..

l iilr .~lIe • ICC n..""J r "'Ui-o (r~I,.""Hll...-i.11I C'II 0:" ('on.qui~{;1, (k.,1 :111 r(~· i;'r:IlnJli;'l.l:iNllltJI H~iliLl[ -f,1 ,n~:I t~ln,ll n::p;~'IIn-,:u l.l 'UlJt..T,Lh,l (JIUf till) III. ",J '~Ltrll~uir hiL'I1 1 m. b;]Jrio.:- Ii4,01iI-~ dt..· I~,.;, j"Dbtd_.d~ I('rio cornerclanrcs H d.t· ~IJ'<: Ir~~~I..JH~), 4.:J!ri~f Ju: I!:L.OIlOtILI'J l"~ikuhr.tJu pl~rll';~ tllLi'ItILlC'!,_1llcs. Indjc.1c~ p,lr., ~i.s:1n:p~11'" '''r!Ll'l~jll~ inJL.l.S[IL.J[c,; (I' admirnr <:",1 ~I"1ILLili-LlIl'_' tucra de ~:,tJ:li ~t.:.1.!" It.. I...·XI~I"('"I.~'h:')~ .. :nll!!!: ,II ;J ~II';: Clbrc-rfk';: 1._"":.I~ r;_ur..p,ri:l's. (~'I ~llin.~ l't·h.;:JnJ.1tiI 1,,1 0tr·~l:kion, '-"'I .. ' .... i["l1d,l :-.!X·j.JI)~ norm«] i .... 11 (wrl\~l\i.J<~. 1.IlHo'I los "hjelD' mmll I.l' fX'['Iml,I'_ ,-II

.... 1)lhLlll'jJ.t'ro', JL-..Lullllr,/,Lr (,j""ld.l'nl{"!1rL'~ 1,:·.;;I~LI1JIL'f t::;.[~I.u J..: ,I.r~ ~L[<\'Lm~ o ,ie vi,i" 'l~Ll' 1"1,,1"-·"1 rn <OJ Lb, I.. 1",-i"'LL~f,L de 1.ol'"l"fl:lS fr.-..dKir~."Lk'),J: jsr.u "l1JI/...:LI b ~J( In.:I:W :-'Igll~nu'i) d 1ll(.:iIilLlI (k1 L iL(r~ i'('1 (.,:nn I~\':r C'lI'Ju1,J.I..:n-d.l'i J(: :gfJ.JJ..):'; mdit~I\">~' .1<4min i~[r'·I~l"l<'

y !Il,'!h~ ", .• re, i I1L'"\',~,_hIeH"l<lllC. I,,,,~ ... ~l .. I~, !: .. ~r,_,,: lut flC'Ct.."$Jrltl Ft.;,,'IC'1.: ..... r ~~J;o., IIrI.:! 11;.1:'1 LJoII i.i ~. (":iJlr qUf ~(' 1'~~.1l1tf,,·irr.m I.·.U·;:.&. ... t-; .... liI=r.LJL~I)L:. 1.,i,.1[11 .. '[L1.1I J ['nllnptt~"!:tk'ftb ~ .1 Ji:'ltIHSllir 5.'_~ '1i1tf"ul(1~ ~. "".:: 'c(~I"I.T.lf..h)!'--, 1:~4)dt.:mil:-' .uTaJir las "'~(Jb"l~md de I(!I~ ~"'I~""I"'I._'" ,)1) enm Ilmm:.tIllI,;'I1I." d"'!E"'JII~111;..d:.l"'i l.ili. .IrqLI Ift'ClII'r.l'1i 'I',IIlj;{'ill~r.\1~L"I ~ to., F.l,,-i,bL, "~IHr<: lob J~ [~ld,,",:~ ~ Ii" ~'"" d." Ro,h,· ~. 1.11 de Alben St~'" Y rnUr ck L').llr'r.'i.l..J! I.L 1",y ... ·nJ~1 tft."]nJ.'!,l~lJo ""I~, f,l Col ..... , ... nbd •• ld soclalisrn« pur<> de 1'>-1 i,·,

rC(J;,n .. .Luukl ""lut: ~ ~Jbl.."J l~1TI..~idJ1. ';1.1\ ~ I.'r"ll,. In~ :J. I~~':i Mi.J..o!.l::' v '-I~I~ !l<' ~nfiJr<..:il; a' '·a "lLL~' I'r~r,ri:," _. ~p<J:'J_ 0 [Jmt-icn, rr.n.:ar de mOOlF.U b ~oidll",~lm c1'U~ I:"'.ll .. )!i. .1r.'"I~('nllr.l" -Is.ocl.1Ji9f.,o:;-~~r:L~ltn:dL"'" (LtIUL" l)in UJ1 L,lJ.n e] pr ...... 'C'Lrll (Id furl~ I~ J".;rlinr.. Lt..:: \1ie:-.. ,~'. pt'Jr "'l~flJ· liS. 11JfI.lJ.l'-: .,KJ .. uc .... ·llI'~t·, 4Jd ....... ttrm.:n IIM.i) JJ: lum ,1 r "-~t~m~ r rud,.,1 mQd",'I~),.~ ,,:II'.~ 114) ic dcc"iJjJll .Ilill I"" '''~:J u uU.' opcion: l,,, fil"i,~" \,nlbw,I~"" oJ" \~',Jfsl,urg 0 d conjunto 1'"".,.1. ~ km .k

lunguud til rhif:!·n" ""lb., ,Id B.lllk.,1 Pero e">1~ ~'tl,1 1I11 c ..1r"rll~',. ~IIIL' .. ~~1.~ pt.'1" Q....ribir. ~~ Jr:liL.[Jllo pufllU(" debe L ...l ... .JL w;ri ~:..IJ[, cl ~I!.nri(~n ~k' h .H~L"i~Vi.~u[", ~. 1.00 d de 11l')'i: ;\rqllllhu".

F'i-t.~s 1L·llll1ni.,:~.;.i~'II~:-.c ~-'lrJa:~ic .. 1NjI1 r;Lmofl dn1f[I} LlPllh)

rLl(lr,I 411.:' IIICL~Lt o.I!:. hun Ltl ~~: Ik· v, ,.- 11uC"'.~Lf.' !LljI . .a ['I1J ..... btn::. qill' I'I~:' b I'L-dk.m ~' .(u:.'tl 'l!:-ot.11!) de \ Ict, eran inc;}I"'i,C(~ rlc .JpJI.."\..iJr tJ .:-j'lui~'Til J~ I)tt,dhir krs. m\"~"")R'" Cc-ull1tIIJlo;,.~~_ ~\I.., C::. 1l ... ~ ... -.,..;UL:t1 "'.)Iill!m~l:lar ffJ1.1~~ I!!'-n~ dl! ..... AL· 1111 i~UJU'" ... iC' ",i~[,l ll1or.,dl~1 i)-; Ll,.o:r..:t i~,K""Jlo elm,,!1 ~ ;.,i.II~~)lt: tJh~·['1. iU.:llJ r h ictortc o

I ICLILm.l,l dc'lit:'rihir 1,1 li'iI. .... :·ria pruduI...iJa., ::'111 ,I.-~~"-'\;U ill.l 1.'"(7 _, "~I··."" n)'o ,LlILI.oL:I~)." J~ ~"~llo(iJii;.~ cuh LI r.l~: III h.K·I·.LIl

~ II'.]' L~ L~llldt.:ULla lirnpiu y (OrL IIJ~.] ~ri1T'1 5!.!nl,."'n1h.lti.itl ~~II(· :!ill~ dt.",:,,;':("I]Ji~nl~ j'.J i:ilil ~"IJL.."(il!ll m. :<SIr.lT

II" ·'I\jll i,,,.1'" dL"<'.i.UiJ. • m: J <1 .'r'~l1i~,' I"'~ '·_1 " ';:;IIUhi,Lr Ja ,·iJ.;:.~ h-J!I.L .!IHL.(I:I •. rs V vi v ·I~1ilI n ~In[~ 1'lt~rI i fL"'!1.

~...1.ic-r"H;:.l:S: qUe' 5~1'j: nh:r;lo,; t:r':"Il' ~h't.....,}c-§: irr.kliJ,hrn

~I.¥.. ~~III vrm r, ~nll[:·Tlfl5.i(rbd. i Iltt.·li~ra:IlCI~l~ 'lfll..:"i1 i ~·i~bl,.l. iJ-I"~li'''l{). ,"'~ misrn« ri~mli'l' I )'~"I~_\· fLlIIJ.ili" b I,.,me '" blbli"(c'<C.1 jr~l1(' rII,~k'n"', cl L.,j,f'LJ!}..!c Co-'fT('<1' de ,\",..1 era LI !l~i 111.~~l.!;rl Hi,,:;.) i.llljf;.~don ~ U,ln'i.JI~I.('.~.I:1 ~ 41L- _1I1~tlj rectum ;!oiUr"li i~_I, I ... rn c :·.J j._ i na ri.t\.ilJ:I=~ ~ p'rcv~ui'i.·~1 0:.(' .Iipl ic:~lh:l ~11 ~~"'U;lk-n[d crueros , C'lo:. ~ l k~PLl6i_ FKt((~ • rt·H.. .... ~. -e cousidero ;.L 100 .. iJ~dl~o!'tu( c!dinl[i ... ·Jfl I{·IW •. - mud!;! uizadus ~ ~~~ Ie-.:i .1~IIJLj, C'II ~~I.JIIlt~ LI rh.:ulo~ r.lcinni1~~·"" 1.i-~U]]l~lIL: -LLL

n;,ul il:l.lJ cu.!~ .JIulj( i,lll~~ l y f,'11 '~JI~'i~'fLLth ~,oLi.lllr!!! 'p'cf~brili"~ld.'_~ 11"(·:·dn:I"IU1· II~~ 10 cran, perL) su Jl-t.uieTI'-'u hlilii~.lh:~ 1";U-;1 11:bL:L-r- .(-1;;1' al J;r..lui~r;:"-;.~';;;'~. I..iL Ilidl i~r~"i.l .1SI

G' Ij(.rj~ru murilo IHli~niJ;I,1 .1.,1 '"bj"01 I<JL.I~, ",ell,il i, ... dlX"(l'fJ[i.:'n. \.·~U"', p.-li'-.,ii<;~ IInO,I"':;l_ !J.Uc-j)05. rcJI.giAn~ cn , !.(l~ ~lLllku~l1[~ .. .; LC';:'Upt"r.J.1l de- ~ff"1 r.litf[·ihm:II(L:. en

~ H,.:J;'tIVII.,:~ Lolli v iolencio, ';:~\(-~I"'" l '\dtl CL[U~"'.'L;jJO~?

I:J [L-:::;[: ]_-'J".) rnnl.l~·rl1i"'I.I". 1,~iffirFil.o!i q\'1.:' I.:ODsiJ(I".u1 LI..h:ljrIH,;nlr..~ racioual [a ionpo)i(j6n de IIn~ cuhiena F'IJI1~- !.]i'" ... ,I~ :,' 'l"c r"~"t~l~ ~I ajl;l1,H'rt d I merior, , .. ti I!~I" d~ LI "lS'.lIJ,1d ill()~(.il~L.[,.l cl cuhrir r-..;,t, .. vu'umcn LUn UIIil cubicrm if"uy:lll, ,Ill';" \.cntcnt~ c~pLll~n l..n ~gu:.l!. h.ld_J d ~l.h,.'rill>r. ;V:I~'71 V .. 1_ tl ,;:umpn,'udn :>tLI riJ...:iot.li3~kiilJ! E::.L.i1 ~~i;) (, I.:' I~~it~ qUI! un ~LIIi.:gt1 de p~-1~.,hr;l!."= lo)-. llloJ.:'nm'!~.ji!'I" con ";I!I! rcrror .] l •• t.h:."l.OIr.._IL~q~ (lgrJ!..-I~ Lrm)~ i·~lllj ...... LC"J" ... t~·'ll con-idcnr l:"Ii'tn ~'~ll1lL~ ,.rl I.:ii~i~n:r 111'l!III,1o!ot :o:t..:LII ... ILL euilo .lb~~r;'Ic{'-~. aj!;II~11 qLli' 1:.\L'tH" LLIl;'} 1,;. ....... I,JI[~n:.J ~·IOO r l{:rl. 11JII;'I ri !HII r:1 .11·~t~'L 1.1. ere,

P(lJcIIlOS".J!r ('\1 .. ' t.1L-:niLiu .10]'l"£! I') nJillh:IU~ JIi" D~~lI. H.I hknu 1'1, ~~[' \'i:~lhCf' Cfopius I:nO d ... · :;!J ~lC'T~JrI .. a, (II.... , .. pu..i~"i[l como ci U,l,";IIW 0 de ,~, I""Po;! ~"'I'u buen padre de tlllliliJ",I, -ino .I,. 'II III:JIL~'.J lolt:n,a] ~ nrremi.r.l.1~ C~I'n..-\"l r ftll'I-l ~~IIJL:IIUJJ larerue. QI 1tJ.llh:1l1'1, >1.''1, , II. -L··n.h.h:l~u ~:4,;rfr..!,",,[;un("J11[C illi.- .,!i..."lJO dot.'1 !1u>lli."n~i"'~Il"'_

X 10 (Lln,itk-ro 1llIJd~"'l' 1:11 cI "",,;d., n<"!:;:~J,k" del h~rlTIinl' no Hl4.1:!t1 r..r m dq.u {·uU'i:!';,'.cr {Ir._. 1:Ii'l. I~ tr mac

u J<I.:I~r,;jL)IUIC; qu;: F'L..d~:ln fl-.,h.t·a- c.·;.;i~~icl41 :1 mo;,:(i~~llb~C"JUC-, tbI i.:iL·mrl('t. mn~LlnJ curvn !I;~lrg1d.i do.; LJI', prinL~pif, corurrucrivo ()!If"'i'''i~ln (niJ}~LiI"1 ilT'Jl~n "JU~J.l Ji.' LI

rulru r.1 .1. I., .. "l,rnJ,·dufI f~~n,lI1lt' ,. de LOOn <LI \'''"II,I,L"i.) L'<,r~1 ico: .!rcu.. L-,Qvc.j,Ll. d inrcles sobn- I'l~" dcrecho«, cubi<'rl.i5 J,< d"'~L· "L"JI;"IH~ -mduso, ,lVCCC'<, (k 1.I1l.1~~I .. -).

Np :J.d",i~~· li,il~~llll'" IDDd~I]-'(10n "'~.:'5ti~':'" Lh· t';,lrf..:RI[Ii.'"):. 11ii1l(d!..':l.. ~ornbJ:S~ IIi vu . .tlqlli,,·, l1roILL'1:I-cm conrracl chorreo

.. I.. I. lIjL\·i~, 11111~~IJ1 • ..-:.lrnjLr.Ir~, m,lf.ri~ im.'[;, ",,,1"r 4U~' J.l J~~l."·." ~iI ;up' rlkl'~ d't, t,,~ Ill"'''' .. f"J[licr~ rt"1,' UR;l ta:hri-l:,I..:i.)u .:Ift(· .. ;IIl:rl tid [[I.J~...:r.iJJ. r!.1.fla:,un -ckfn'::IUO Il1f{'rrnctlin '~II"': ;o.!i.'rJl J<i.: [f.l~tsk-iOI1 .. ·r~rft· .. li~(.rC"lll~_'" hJn(i~)1i4.·'i: L.".'..:I.f~~'iL':-cr.. corll.J I~ h:~ ~1'lw ,.:."i1pi1.4:1~ ..;ic ,,,I'ili"lll'" u rll ..., Lru: 111~1L51J.1",~ J~ H~ voladizo fw, son .ck'":lUCIHOii curulillm j"IJ':' de LlI~ ~Jllct, son I L-st."!l'·I.lII1R'IH{. "§.]IOp]C'S rnecl i"J.!. ~k !l.LI!-I[L:"I·lliilUL~Il~~. ~8 l1in_g:I'111 t1'n~TiI'~Ir.Licr.l[u -rn I~ l ..... c JL.: II.» muroe qu~ (('IndUr"{"fl .l In ... (.'i",iL-n~.J!. t!I ,IJ 1II..!II>~f cspoor de In. .... murov d1' 'AJ[:UlIl1:l. niJ'l~Urliil IUII{;;i quit' rnuescre un.l 11.1"" ~'" ,,11(;;1 ",n.>lbk-, lIill!\UII h ~I:oil ~rli I (. -t'1I'i,.3lr.11 ht'Jt" d.: c.!Jfpih[l:nJ.. AqUL '!tl.:'ri;~ ~1r.."\'·",~!or;;U i4.1 UJ I l;d/i'h ul,. l"flIt"l!fO rJ.r~l JR,UI/ ... llr I.:. pJrdi-d:l. b l"II[.!:3L1Un Jd



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Ot~"M.iml£l'I[C> de !;), cn;;ull~bjcs J.: I~ cU'l,i IlIc",'L ..... jl> , cuudra ... lm" Ij,':h;",!o:'i ~. I i'l;(JIl, t(i~~.l§. recras, uni~~n'nkb.J"

p:1 r.,idi".h'!~ Qil'toa:.0n..t.liJiiJ I ... '"Uh.: ...... ,,"1C

['of (j"t' <c n i~l md" C"!" ':",1 .• ,'1 IIcian te 'lJ1j)ll>Ii:t.: NADA J~ I~ 'L'''· ]JLI.J..;,,, l<n,rJJr ~I f'o'l""1dJ, ern" d~"'dl" ,I ,.1 ~jM!~~fln. A ,',W 5e l~ IIJ,rt~ H'~I:" :,.1 1)".11'1:". ",i; bien 1'1105(1:;1.1' los ,,'i}II~t,lcj'>O'i. ~lLlt: uno ric'm' Cl1U su rJlJJ ~ iL':'l ~.,.~u,. .... ·\"luirocltlni:co! {\J~1111~ ar\{~.J~(~·~I~ !l'lCM.:Icrno~ osaban .1 '","('.'I 'ltili ;.lr, p"r ekm~~l", un ~r<.1.1 de rnedio

1:iI~I! 1~4J~ III 11~[)in!JJ.HCI quedabm ('X('11U1 .... I,\!·~ L em ,~D.PJil·Litl.. bn'lT""H'~' .

SobiMllfL' lns 56lh[_cion~ "modema." ilJ,.llu~lriillz..::t. rlllli'iul ~3C.r:L,_hL. ;) t::ti:uu. ['o.,r tC;ClI~pkto., I.,J", "'1,.'1n.J,lib. Jt: I .... lNIu hJ,L1S son d-cnw"t.,. 1:j1lL· 1""",·t<IIL·i! (1.i""~I"'m·l't.[~ J~ d~m~'!"'1 j~11J i hoi: .ll(h as l;;ll1J.U h"m"''''' I.." ..... ~b'i!;} M~l1b.Pl(k, sobn, m .. nm.b }' una ;,.:.Jcn~ J. m.woo Loh lim I:p ... ~, 1., l'J.labr-~'L 1~_11 d ,"du ,I~ I;, "",r.,d.1 h,md .. , J. ""lor nlju. ,'linlilJr1II(E111 IliILW') '[~J!IlJLLIi.:O[II (~i~'r"'pllL' ~itL uLf"';L'" .en 1('I1j. ""~r,llit"S) una I'IJU;:I "I L1i n:L. I I.:IT I ~71'-lll hacla -cl CLtmOOIJ-I~ U ~C'fl.';;T;L ... I ... l;il;li,,~~.:,l, ,,[c.: como se h;.,~ I'y,~r.' 1,,\ t:lrl'r1ill.1~ en h~ l:inric,1O.

< y' ..L .. 1 .. 4"", <Ie- ""f'c[L> al ""mrnro de ('I", ~,ii flei,,' b ,l:J..!i&!1Ilu[(Jo: 110 ~J...~I1('n 1I~_LIi.1.! ... ·11 ~JCU .:IU. Y IE:.!! 1';'1 {LLc (GEI11111?!1Llifk .. de una mJIlCf.J tan JX'Th,'\.-[.J l'"1\lf ~"KILJ"), lu'l

.. ti!i1.L'" :,' 10; 1l.'1':'!I"Jr.,. 'l"{' JA~1A<; "},,llr.lron en II misrru Im,t~n. 1,\ R::J l,tli..l~I" ~I .... U), 'I,-L.....:.i.rl:1S '~;l~ibO ~(!;In ~ lJ~fC' v ?t v_ ,·m·",· "r';L .... I~ h<Jllu~ 6O:lIeI.} de b~1ri I~, ... ,j,l ,;!""b ffi~~IUl·. H'lr i1'U71 p,unll.!~ c.'lliJr.L~.J~, Jt' JirqUII«IUJ:.1 t'~rvl1f,\:1 ~1~ll ~I J".I,'Ot de 105 csp..lm£I':; fi,ld, pn.."'IiC11".:i:1 h~lr1l.III;1 Je :nb n"t~lri\""~ It>!; estropea, L..! ~"~ibf,.l do: lIsmrios en 10. .ill:olJm~" ,k ,'I'L~,ji!c ... [Um rn ... " L"l~ l<Jrn1~III~~"~" l,i"MIJ,J..I: un 4111.1. n<J;':~I1.l!n ~I'1.1 ",,11,,"lll'~'" Ll!)~. frr£lida,

... in "'·IIl!h ... v~n JL"~~I h'J I un P[o.

u.ClJ' I!"~ hi'ul.')rt.1. r.LU •• 'lIt, I,~ Juv(.'rllu~ .. Id !110\'TIII il:m~, .. JI:' 5U~ ddt. ubrirn icntos \' doc ~'I.l_J, .Jr[rl~b;'l_..:i.r..nfi ~~ nUWUlfLi{'I1I'f1 C".r.J I:'l1Itun.;_~~1;, :tl'l" ~jiKM.,;t:'I'~cl J-'lLlIi.."5 dL"'.1t:LLbri6 'I,;~5 ! 1~1~"Y.iI)"

i 11'i:"t."1)[O una actjrud 'Incdi ra, ~'i~tTI ill11nll~ Il1th_,p.:rt'i,ihBc en

• 1!.lllfo.Il.l cpO{~ (~tl;l.IJ"L:'I[iL-;J:m,=nLd.~. Sin I!mbJ~..!,ol i!l('ull~LinFlc~llclHC preparaba iol'i n~q!li:Jm ~ 1..:1,1., LY.-ii llcac lOll!;,':!! uheriorcs,

Y '(1 lou "..t"'l~.d,,}ii de dl':lp-1lC:" de I~ !!-m·H·~ (1'"",,1,,. I~Jl

Ii mplc iJruloJt!i.1 tel plI.,~~,I1n,~d" no h~ ~,,:lo nunci mcnos (.,Jp'O {jU<" I,!] rnauu.el], 1..1. ,1nJu!:.Lri:.l-:1:s.L-si un -JI(1-Cl,,!tUr...L't h..,bl.1 "ii.JL~ d .... J:,ILf,;' L'i'II111 r.t 1.1i ,:I~"''('r.lii~.wzI p!,\rn1'{~LL f"'~~' el :Jtu'i!'!t.:milJu dl" I.L ~~br.1; 10'5 ... 1)·4.~I~L~L.1 LIe'. ~q;..IIK1" cnl~JI rnerne ~ r;.n'nil1il .... qllt' ... ill ("1'~n.}1go, h:'"i ~h.l. {x[l,!'I1ain:u. I (].lki t'"\1u ~ .... rJ: k:rmjn.11 4.·f~ un p.,uqlll" (.Ie vj'l-'itn"iil..'1 1I"_~CHi:iJk'~" de d~-';J1;L.') de milll1lr.~·",: Ja; .J1~~ij~lIiell.I.IJ!" J.t.. ... u:dllloi_·nn· '(111'1'"

illj, .... blf!.Lhl("!J.. ron rutn t L '1l1Ipt=:r'iii1l~...; ~'I~· r".n~tIll...LI .• \i;i;-; In.mli<l<<O: d 11,~, .. ,J.·",i""" l .. u1lr"hlc tic 1101M rchuw .. l" IItlli7.Jr IJ indusrrn v Ll dh-c"r"ld.,~t 1l..1U(' 6,f,1 en II"fll1~1l<hd l"n b """ pk'jid"d de 10-, .Uf<:'>'1!lN, It" .1Ir'{p.:l~~(,(,([~ y b .. -, tl:'liLJri(h_

,,\t.I13iljnll::n[C' ~ ch;'lrucr;" l'1n ,W.l1 I ~ b ,'r:'kriL"1~L iii ~ un r(1!.."'_1 de n~'{'. ;'k-t" .. , !!:L." •• l. Jlu III<1iolll1orFQ5('.l el ",fifidn ,!d OOI~~<). Af1lrmn~,bmen re, los ,.~~'k'rrt:l' !II h:II},"" >C hun ~","l}" I"" «'1!I"li'Jtk.,. '1"'< OI.),ti~ ha 1mlti,~ ~LI n C 1"'1111"" I""~ on1",!:.r I". JlIL.ldo, 1",)[IiI~[(I:I u:~ lo~ U{~'~l" ~LI~llu!\.lJ ("~os urb ... 1n0 (" .. :'71 11;.1'" L:n.~Hi'i,'u Ellie ello, .. ~ lk"r!J

l.J "r~·trtrlJ_' HJ""I~~lIi"JI U41 IJUL-dC m.u[.UK.1 ~j Ini;;UI.JI COr] 11in..J ,1'~~nL([__~ de I nlr.t·M ... mc-,

~ NUii!w.r ,H ,:xp,;,,'rj~Il'" i~ P'':~'''L~I'''I.I.:'':.? ~~Jn m.i.1i. Inu·in~i'J.7.1~ ~lLlo{: r.KiL~I;:nI~:\~ i"\ ..I1.'r"1l 411: 10 Li,f\.un..,m.n...:i ... d, ;J.-I i.U.JE"; .1 \'LU.""!I.. mI.l lJoI..l~iOII pctnli~l\.· .I.irnurl,,~ 0(,:1)11 1I1..:1)'fJl C\o1(al."f1d;L

[)c"'C,l'n'.JI ~~'Ull.U .;,A~ml) ILliJ:[L.-rt .. ~ dl; "'::'orlilo."~11-i611 nLlo:":'tH.L 1""11.1",1., ,I~ ,r.",.m ..... lo de ,",inlilll.l'n, ru, ,'~\';;l (::Ip'tal .J~ l{lIm.!..I. EI ("jIUJilo1 h.h;" .i,l .. ""liLII.l<1o ror fii"!'t"i,,· f.:_T,·h.In,Ia. l'tTiller Pre-idem" de !.:J. !RlI·r~IIIl' Rq,';['!i.:'1 ,i. [t"..."J.. .• "~11'I,Jd" 1"'" J e -r vnn Bil",n, ~'!L.,.iJI id~ Je l.. C(llfllp{"r.l1:i~~U1 ~d&"i' p'I~.1 ...-J Lk'~ .. }[JI_.iln ... ·rJi I,..,; ;~il':!foi 7U. to;.f.n :-.1 11 . .1; !iiiJ~, rd.U~)l~ I en 04 rn ILI~rl l't~ 14Jnll.1 m.b que' :,iLJudlll"l <lU~ r;."ulu (Itil poP La .1,·",,,,,,,,1(1<"".

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Con ,.1nrnil1riJaJ. \"t) lc hilbi;1 rm'J-JlLL~"II1" \,H'I Rihen una <'~1'" icru.i.r de ~iviC"nd"" '~"l'.J~. Do, tlll .. :~nJ.'> ,'~ ~.ll11i~i.a"li, UIi1 r~n.:ll() UlOOIl ...... ,~nr 1!111.~'. dl;'l~~:lIl;L"'~.f.I P('·f~o P;II:I 1L.-dcliLr L.\ Ji"1-1(Tsilf-m h,lhillll.ll Jd rA~.5. H~ d ... ·n~id.o.\d ~ .JrJ i lIll rln"'h~.f"rn., ~J.lln ... h ... --,t'll,, U 11·~ ._· ... onerru .. a dedl~bd~, l'V;~,~,,)~[L[" mt'lol,l(b, tl'I1·1 r<'t n;l,i ,i.

JUlI •. ,,"orWlnILt.lul1 ) '. sobrc wdn, I~! Ik· UI1 ;t.:;i';;~':l1f1.· .. \.:0 Q1r:" ~I~ "I~u,: ,..:.l.,!:.t 1;IJUlh.l I.db.o;; .;~ •. IY1UI..JI"KiI1L ,-,nn.: ;,f ~I:IoI,b~L-..I1 net I 1" ... : 'I :'i":- ...-on~~n~i rm,{ :-.U I~t()pjil ""i'r'k'nJrl '". i rn f"'l i ~l~n:-o>. Ulla ;,,;.1,1 rllll:!; I "'L<"' el proycC(o, ,k'f'lL<.O. ~'rl i.,ld" ,. ,icci, """r lIIlC-, F,IIC ~,i"t.llj< (ell d

.... -n j'i,l" de C":lf'<'€1.l,["r \' "" ,I<' .,\1"1.,, [o:J C>{,)b;.1 ,111, r~n

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\:,;.litlo·,n!r;\ ytl ICJ fLlb(.1moo;. ~kh .. Hid,o I,;';'!1 V;I.U:a.'I. .1~LlIllJ..s c'LI.klldr;.:;l ... : J'~LL!· prollLQ n 11~ dim-nob- cucnr.i ~,ll' ~!"Il' ~o:..:tt..lo ~Iu ~r,' I~"ihl~ ( inj uso descade. 'i~ ~.m ...... ~l", LI.I1:! J .... imic,l 1,"(]l1f:lgj;.tl~~ cH l1-':r.b l-xperit:'llJ,.'i..u.. L'lI~ I.! C"fC'ilCI4-:'n d~ ti.'t·IUI,.-':,1i Jch ... til, .... ~. ~1~I~plll&L ... , dt ~tldos. subc ... rJjn.JdlJ~ l.n.·IH.I.I~;'L:o~ (-:1;n.11 i r. ll iilllliL-:o., ~~L-':~LlI,;:'io.s I"LI~bl~:!t. ~1ili'1~~e"f"'-~ d~ hlgl~'n(' y de .!kLuo:.mll ... ·n(H, t.:H":.).\·. -""..!lIt: rodo. ":01'1 ~a .1~'Ud.;l J .... oC,· ... I~1 opcraoon, ~."I ,L,j",,~ IIL';;I r (IJ~ ''J!i.b ~~I";/[cru:i,1.') ,1 1.1 dd~1"I il.i,;". d~ 1II1l~ ,1~rur.,("i';1"1 ,i~ 1 i po ~..uii(";} Ccmral l.t111k'fllpl)ir.inC'£. 1J11I[1,e;t,o lll!1t:" J1L) t!:..i~LI.!'. ~ ... r;i:!;vl1:t.Q.~;LI'~¢I'''(,~ rn .. o:. ;;-~I..I-;'· 01,'11 I~).'J. b..lll JIJo::- Jr:- ..:hJll('ll!)'U; d n"~.n 0-; ~[~mpf~ I"L)luIiJal .. l·:.... h.ablJ obse r~·~l .. ~i ...... tJUULh,.ri "':1JI1l. I~ luL>IMn[("; de I". ~rr;'" de chabolas l"'f""",-;i".,,, ). r"''"j;lIl:I·,nll.:nIL'' d1..~hi.JLi.Jos.

b[" f, ;[(",1<8 noolnu·n.f<: 1"'" 'lh,dHb IOJrdi<i"",

-.....:u .. ~t!~ pn~pu:~i .. d.un de d~:;;Hn~l1n 1u'll.lno ";L" ,l:P-1:""'ilhl en [a ~l'F-tt;}gr,LfIJi .!iclli;iblr dd J,.,ls.'l.ft:: 1m l'i.ibiJ.mos p'n.'"I.'i~() rl1:h ~II":' KI,d-l·JO'l. ~'9ti I] LLlC!J. Y ~r(.dB i.l~LIr !'(. fr';IJ~L rli'tr'l

CSP(~I'1:[ri ncamcn re, §'I~ui('ndl ~ ~u~:o. t I .~IA."au.s. Jib- L lin Ji~ dl.: find. r ;uil,. ... rJlii"l. pr("I11U\Llll:unID urus CU,lll{.":I'" c ... 111~·., lI\;h, jDi~P"""Jrl.-tlu~C"!I; t'iI~ l. nr .. ~J i.urI:.". 1 • .'111[(' 1.1 J1i.:"mlio:.!ll ~L:" In.i!:. 1i11Z'rk: r tlot; ·(ur.v.l.~ ..k oh 10.1. 1.011 ... nud~,._, .... ""i1iidall J~;,I.d.o§. de ~U.1 r ,'I.'tiri..hl~,j, Alii,.v ,",mb;,'" en cualquicr •. ,. ... , t,.g:lI, '" pl~Ji"Ii.l:1l in~f.ilL.,.I,' comcrrios ~. t.·.).p;U .. i~H tic· i.I.dl\·id.1dt":ii ~L~nf'.,][i[l!l~'

(oj 11".I~I" u~nt>tit:o ~""iJcm" 'T~ I~ 't>iJ""n'ill.,,·' j barno .1,· duhola., ~,>n sus rt...:ULW, "" :I,hp';>e>on ,11 , .. d" ~' J I,l

c ... u~Lld,,)l1. FJ .1 tt~i..:I~I.'i!CI(ooioo ...:r;;illli 1.11- dn~boL..:Ii .il"h:i..-Ji.:nnsun.wiU c..:L1n muros J~ tierrn, ~iQ.~I~ C.hilj't.l.""_ con Ia.;., t~~dido[l.ill,·> ,~1t.1' ,l~ .';"i,,~. ere. J>.<i el moJcro IJ.rb.1JIi~,j,<) ru el ~rqmrc,.tr'>ni"", 1,,]£(:)11 n i Il~lill sipo <k ,y~!.Ijt'iol ,I .m ItIl0th:b .. b6L&l":l.l,) ~1 ~m.l .nl}~;mi r: :Il .. il:'i.l'I d:nHlci:1!1 ~

~Impkrnr"t, h"I,,,; 'L'IL' ","-;.If 'I"" '" hid"r~· r p<!r~ 11q: ... r": ,dl[~ 1.k ~l~"'1 ~i:Ir'~Lil il.nn·(lni1.)~L ,,·tl;:'::1r lin dim .• libre de JU[<>Il'Ll;(.,i", [cm'i,m:, r'l\I'·I1"n~. \ ""p.:·(,aJi.;.~" ~ol" ~II t,y .(.1 t;(1. '::lITg,'n I. .. , f()r'lUh de ItI}~ ..k~al1l.:"'; {pJI..'" ... t' :In J1Inl1.Ul ~. IlO "J~ I~J~ urdcn oenrral, AI .1f'qli i1'4.'Cr4\ t~..; ... t~ttaPII1~ltlJi n .. :'Cogcr r.Lttlln ~~h) y Or;.l nii;r;H~' 1,,):~I!lU uUilubm ili.: .,.11",' ofiin IWI.;-':III;:r;:U· I" c(>JI'I.I"iiLI~d ru I .. L"~"nuod,,,,L

(~lIf"L1b.l cl deseo lo('d d~· P"'_~"""" IL'<:,lim. i"i;l mas 'vL~r.J~ ink'U[;d ~~ pL~l~ti"L~ qu . c l.obL.ftlft.l.J!

DYr.ll1j~ I .. £(O"<tnlccron del <'{~jll,i,,,k "I 1"d'J..::'Ki.l J.t 1.1 Rrp~ibJi(jl (1..1'! ... 1..:II~r"'_".:lLkltlC', L"'U~'O dj~n(l me- ha.b~lll <:m.t'1."dL~.~, nn,,,,rm pnllll'r (!:,C>w ",k,"" h"hi, '" I" ~, ~~'lll.lcdDn <J"~ ro ~prob~b.! eu 1'..1"" ~f["", I:I<:IO '!1I~ rc;po"ndi" ;(. ,,'5;0 .1!>p-i"",io'l ,Ii nl;;')! h;lgamo;.lo 11m 'fJl-i

\· ...... 1 ... f1"l'rf~ ~~u.J' ~I \'L.~~blt .. Y. ·..:omo tina ~br..~ ~ujc:'l;1 :. ~u nl"'_""I. :-oft il r4~ 1:111 bulk!of.Ji.:r ,ii; UJl ",-:;tl_,.h: ~1~,do. tri d ('~nH{'I .d~ un dH.ulu dc.~ ... u,n In ...It" .liiil~U"f['01 5Qbn: d qrue iiI? lrJ.lQ UI1:,! c>rITf('~ rn U I,;!.'> hur.,,: ..I ~"'[\["' de Iu CIjJLli)d (kl'OJ:l qll«iar :w.i 1~~~~Lil,:'ioun(u[.: 'Itacln.

Lil 1:15 inmI'Ji~( 'w;,." <I", I~ f'r",idernJa S~ I'rolollphJ" k.,. Jnll n~ ·dd c.J~fl.du algunm nl~'fnJo'i; I.·nll b n'1'~' !~lZ;u:~i.611 deIJCL p..qU~ll0 p.>rq"~ 11<I.,Ln" ~L~''''';bLi" a~, phIlO"" ,k\:~mtjo,',,,, ~"ti~i.k", P'X" ~ po<.o ~. H:llI,f"r",~ha ." ,uhi,,,' j"J".lrJab ([c.. CJfi.':, "[,dim.', de I, <i.:;.f'l"':; en Lulm"" "I irncmici,,,, I,,.,d~ (i,~tlJ"". gul~lll~"', m,IIlJ i""", ..:nnJ~ltL·"mtl ~~ "':[L.l !-,:ll ~j~~':ll ~n VC';g('t:1(·i.~r. -ntll['rar, 0liloLlI:'[ LI' ~n \'eSlo":uti6n (Orli Ii" (L~m.U ]a qu..:


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J",,,d'i'''''!~ ,,,-UP;I on continuo La coliaa. 0dd b,,, ,kbr;l n"!!. iblr t.·dqu;;':~::ls. ,.. ~~rl'r''''' enl; it'!J:rl i(oIIclo.T'I~ i-rudim .. ,,: d t·r{:~i.;klli~(, {W~'rh i~~'t,·i.[;1T rC'.L~ul:iIl11c.:n L"':- :.1 Jo;:; niJiv-;. d.>!: IJI'1- ':_'.\';"I.Ii;,:I.L\ Jt.: su pais..

li.n este (",]5.{'J Ii I('rnn 1111 It i\ LKo. bRirO(r-Jc kes 11.1:-. '1.:1'i.lf.! i mrid'~·""r> lu rt.-~Ii.!a(iL'1I ,I.' L'SLl" oirNk,!,.

I ~.'!o f.ufll~~ h,.l_ot .• UIi 'Surg~do ",k' ~'I;J I) ...... ' }' de su cemlnua [mn;:.·ifolrrT1=igon 1;1 li!rli.,J LiI'I L) LJolm, sin IjnlilJr.:' 111~F('.fI~I~] poor IIU;I t.:i"il ii~L:ii(lol~ Loll .fc$p<'C~O ~ nrra, sin L~JtHa'i5.rt:· ni

O~Ki>lL 16:n ].5[,1 ,J(~'ift1d ropm!!o.Ha h.C.[:l.l1lii.: bien ;1 h .J"Hi~1 ! . .f 1,'(.'{Ifm, riil J~ "":;II"h: d pal; no p",~i~ nlf1');lln:t line·" 'ccu. lIin~Lil~ If,,~][C ~·I;:.ihle (e'it~1):I; erm 1~r-._...;;i~(K:o ~:ro

i nreri .... rir ... 1JIJ"'i)~ rl iH§.~III:. r...:J~L1·i...I.;Ll de dCI11(,1l ro..; iJ~i~lt <~.._ ni lIin~.J" "inllk, \n" I",hian "=,,hi~rt.-. b "L~J~): W. h,oen<-.; denen habltual mnl~,' ~ I>r"~ ,I.~ i uJ.IJ.

,\ l)bar J~ I:J.S "f'~ I ~l ... i.u. I;L ~Ll i I Lid de ~<[(1< m,~irl,",

UrhJJli:'ll(~ o.i')[)'~ftint."1.)s !' de ",i'f'i('I1(b, 3'Ut(JrI,,0I1~r; LiJtll.) es

rt.t.J .. l~lilhlt: i1~nulluhi.{.am"""Jw~I.;'1 ~~IIf.':Vlr LIo;I~.I]b~t ... iciones

r1..'t: nico-buro ... r ~Li<il~; ~dlar.. I~ convierrcn ItU di .. -:a ... ~~ [)P, ... 1L: ('tt.;l 1,.'rl,""\'1,: '--':lx"ficnd.J ru.eidesa no he "'\Idu) it (t."1'itI.,")

Inucha;, oponunidarle .... ,I.. 'I,I-A,h ~ CtOO plcnamcnre: ;=llment' "It L-"!;~ .io Ijh~b~ S(';].. en Q:;.~···I>"", • ..,;~, uucvu

~.:i'U,L'L~ .;Ini .. :rt-l fU:~2l"CfHr,.,'.J t .. • liipn Lte ~L~r~~ude~ f(_it:«ipub

:-.1..- cnoerru como UIl." I ~tr_L.J \ 'irtt:rt..ri C!;,; nU'l....,-\·t:Dl:iClUe:5 "'~I;'

~~", ~I ph'l 1!'L"tl"1":J del barrio .~ "'i':'I11;"'. 1~"U"'~"ti[~: L"ft ap.lf<·IU~ drsor .. kn, ,in Lli~('I)l,ru gc"'I)fRr~rr{.ll sin rc.pctitil~n i.~ rUhit·[(Y.) Ld,_:mk·o,>" .. ill

[er JlHL"LI~;:I~ i n:-.MI:JI·IJLI&I: r..Of[.!sI1l~n [C ~111~!JJ:: 11111.41 :1 urt'ut. .. k"VUL;" de haber ,1.: ... <id" "I t'<:.'!"'l~" .,'" l".to> ellos,

I "-"'f'1IL" ~II 00.")11"'-. L", t.n l"abt, Balos •• e me I'orrll i,;6

,; .. :t~1EI.;,.i 1.;I]bJL-I1I~ titi.ur~ll"1ii"";] r un fr,17.;i1U4il ~I rbJn:'1J ~')l)1!' mOlli, ~ ~wlc\gkm .. l-' n ",,;1 01:.";1'" ,"in -an II~bj!~r, .kjt que Ikl-'OCiJr.1H r"rl1lle l'lIu~ '\'/Cn1,OIO;': urMnoc;:fI ~. 'lUI: M: jn~t.'lbt:'lll"' pl;i.ckl.lm...:n te .. rorno "'('1;. i II~')." ~i I) lIill~Ut"L. n norm'} de erdcnaclern d p~fil"';~ ..... h, um \·h·,,,mh. ~.tmil;'1' del emorno".

Si nus i.lin1il~~);; arquirecros se '\':'nr~Irt.·[,(·1L ~'il:f'lLfu j'C$[tt".I0S h;Lhi[;Lllllo" qu<' aDl i 1'''1ti~Jf'l''NI Y 0[= ,i rnples inrc ~ ...... d", IlP vi['"rIIJ'I L-I~ din ,Ibs.oluunlli.'n tc naJ.a ~ ~"'~CIIJL:illIC": cr.1 -,I:lILLr,LI". il:",~nclUL-iddJ d~ 1M ~"IiLlr.l.'!

IC,xIJi'~ 03111 ~n;lyIH f"OL"lM.·U(~il di~!'(·r.T!J::' pal:K!:'-':51;:' p~~I~I·;,nL P<" ",~.~bil~'il.r su "parque uri"IQnn - 1 .... ·f..l .. ie:.ILlio (im p<'<O ("mu" '" hab!,,,,, d. un ,,·I).;ioCl \. tic: m s.lll1d"j. ,I:><'ro rodos, :::in c-.;.c~(i.n~ I~l 1=."''':'':''1' u.~,- bll:1IHh ....... m-::o ", di.l.:..:'n ~llnr,;.

~II ulil';LlltILl' h 1-'I;I!llbm ~cioll~J 01 iu~do ~"icl"h.-r.~ln d~'Llr

absc,-;} .. no. r,lr.l. <cr r.l"",,,d (jCbLJdc lkrn;J.[J!) h~!" '1'j~ r,i:Lmo r b ~"'1:.'IIl~L folruhm e n ~ll: ;Cuicl~r ~ h Ih,hL~L i <,,, 'I ;) ;,1 LJbid'': I ~'LO •. ,uNe ,j~n i ~r~f: RlUil if l;h c""Ulico.:iolll'> n~Ct·~,;1n;)..; p·.~rJl (br i:~nu;1 :.a ~1I!1 pru.:.:C5>O vlvienre n h.1("n ,~rr~lnt~;(';LI d Lnlll~'[ [ il~Jl.)flll~£Mo de k>'ii, R:'oI,.,.ln":.IIIJL":t. gUt.: {I""rt'll. f'~rm.1nL'("t·r ~n(>rI i"l11"", ~ic'~'.·

1.1> cualilicaciones ~", c'IL J"inlcr IUf:;u. los de 1,-.. hJl,jl~nlp.. J~I.>4tC:S las nq;;uiv~ de I", .rquil~"'I'" tp que. .£:0 d I1UmlCIUI.J. qLl(, ~'1~~ ~I,!' vuelvt-n :-i!11"t3(J,:oi.), dot If)!i: l};,i'"'lu:'iO\.iaJ~ pero I)(J Ic).~ conrcrnplarivos, AI;;!(. kt:>. ;Ir,,:(i~~l'a. IWi. an i.l1rl;'h.101C,S. de barrio {,L menudo bL~rLliLO\ 1 jlCfCI Io.:nn lin "fljed ~o urbane,

y ck"1'II(<., ~I~l":n,lr:r .1 ,m~j,Lr andando. X<J I,~" 11 illp111 nl~b~:': 11J~;1 (~lkT;l(i.on en <:oJabor.ll,;i,')n I~Ukt.l. 5!Cfnpre ~{.·d "S6lo un;:! 1YJX1I':;1Ii:i~~11 ~"'IJ5\i I ...... ~illli!liL-:r ,m rn~



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I I Habitar en la androginia

a Living in the androgyny

De hs iTiUC'hM.'!' V-dri=da:): 11~.r(lr.JJ; que ~~ '1:1.1.1.' P:rOOLI:c1do en csre siNo (;(1[1 R'h'Ci61l ~ fIi,. vivienda dd hombre. 'lqndh 'l"~ nll}'OF dill I '1611 ,_I;;anLfi, " ~C<.1,.",cL6Jl 0' ~hil<Z(l 1'",(11110. rue sin dutl~ I~ <CilC~ilci;t Iecerbuscsianu ,..I. i'" <:;!.~ mnl<> "1II1"IJ;'10 t/;·lltlfJIMf. Srril:;nI senso, una rasa IIU!! cmnl"iel':l 1<11 aForismo s('l'\~fil; uns vcr Jrncmado 50 llleo:-.ullsmo die Fimci""~lIIi,,""LW P'l[;l quI." S'!l in"luilin[) rum~n~t.'1 .,"t!mpnkh~: e ·i·Il~·:m[1lhk~)i~ilk ~ h~il'i:t~~ t~l ella .. Natl.:! mi<; 3]CjadoJ de 10 que es In lrd/;#.1t:itf'l. HabitaQi6n. ~ d('CUr, iii '1.C'CiOll o deClO dd II:Jhit3t. '" d'i (;"" independencia de I~ eun I khJ..s ~lu~ ICIlIl'! el lug;ur d(lnd~ ~() pl'ndu= SCilo R:"qui~re WI deterrnl nado ~Io J~I ~r. ~ud :[)reejSl!;ml'fl[(! que permi~~ (ItI~ K" proo;lu=~ I~ h~bj=irul. I'ero].' d~ 1:1, In~t;jf(,i'ra ""'~~ b~Siida ~11 "'n~ "'pl.iClaiO" tm.\ li~e",,1. ·teFl'O implicadofl.¢' menos directas Y Jfllii:> ~i~ll!il.les. Ern, s<obre kldo. iii in~n misma J~ I~ n11iqlli":lI~ que w l,rol)!.IIili>a I-..Jb,,,,"'~ l' <'lei '{am'" ~1.'lniIQJgi(! l'"'' rooLidr I::! h~bir.ad6'n.

M~'iI~m~ cll~~,]l;jj~ sabemos que 03'blt,'l11'l.OS; ~:III msi to.1tloo: r(l~ p(l('iihb, IIIg:m~ njsrem~ (11 I. r.i.c!mJ .• e j"du"",· 011 k .. ,,11;[1'" Ibm.c1O'Hj.o-I~res. Se hahira Ell I.IS 'isL'l:5 d~ l'a '1bIi!1<'l:h. <:n I:IS s:dl'iiS :Lm1l:lo.lli!:'&. 1.(1<1, ?TLl.fesiol~llti tid ",,!alit;: !1~'binn en .I<1Ji Glrn.'teT .... , 10' 1Q<:~Ir.""'" <l~ radio to h"om en 1M hondas, '" 10. i 111<:1."11>111.11;1:> en I~ red, Hasca ~,,. .rn ... ~tt<'" y f:ln tasmas h~hitJ:T'1 eIW'~ I1OS01riJ~_ ll,rrJ h~bi mr no 11 Lu':\h<lmo~ lIingt!ua miEquiJloJ e~ped.'lli~.:I(h Eli, mas, nn creu qut M,li" h"),,, sido c:a:[><I,;k 110 Il:._bit~' '''!!Ill''. ,=. S; se cs, ill' ItlllJil;1 ell ese .s~L PO'r '311110, 10. ~et'l!"; humanos h:tb:il.1.nlOS CDn lndepcndencia dt m:l~tl"" djf~da.s CIJIt:l.'IJ7~1:e~ 0 I~ Ik.gat"l.':S (J,1,le ~l1lrJmm p:lJrn hacer W: ~11!J~ ''''OlU''d I,at.itacion. A~i I;lil: Q.m~. (!i~nc .~ntido parJ 10:. ll,mFe>ion!llles que d~iC;ll~ Ullt'.j;CD) riernpo n OOJ~i'ui'f' h~bicacin!lCS .. peruar dc[~"iJ,.n.l<'11IC, '''"'IU'' .&10' ~C<1 1"'" """" ruomemoe, en l" <,].~c ,;'1 h~"itllr "'p"""'m~ ~r;j, IiUI'l!Ir.! ~~ti~i<L1tII"rnte.i,," n~l~ SII.1 ~,len~. rn.~j. pl!m t::!!C s~mido ~ el rnismo dd, de ~uaJqili~r OtliO KI" hunm"CI. 1l~L[j:ho 0 ~o e;n ·n.mcl6n de 1!lIS jl'!!co~ pL",,,m,,Ic"S (Ic' =l a UIlO. Sill I'rnIY.l!'So, los 3HJuirect"us h~l]tik' en ".;:."ioll<:S p;et""d.o Ollie. h.lbi,.", ~I':il. al,gO' qu<: ~~t~!:l.,~ "'pedllaLm.cntoe .Iit:;lRlo :l nuesrros j,n tereses pKlf{,'Si.OJJl~I~. 1M! alXJllirCJ:.lo~ a menudo pt"rul:lnms ~11.!~ nos es I",ito haeer haM"" .. ~ nu"".;:rm t"i.j'rrLlcn~ri~ cnmn a nosotros mJS gmcal(~ h~(:fi!O'.. &m. I~ ~KI<1d es que In; tUI<I; ~!t~ j,II110:$ r!ll.ldnn ,10 III 'I'''' d me,.;;"d.o 0 1M (Qs[uml.m:s nos dicran, II..> I~'''i"r (oFm~ de ;IctN!itnrJo ... trl'f"riN:: '" h :<rCflI· .... I" t"!.t arrr~ apL~il_ .~Il><lr C'1l h~r~;,- roll u~dclru:l p.:ml. ser m~r~lli ii<lS d~"'lrnru 110 i5 :o;:.;)l!o una Il',~mfum p.'IlJ':'I OO.i13tmir viviendns p.~",c'd,,-, hmll~I,'MIl'[C ~ I~ ro:iqul"", '1"'~ ~xi,tirun a ~~r; "cll'ro.s de nu",!lI'O sigl.o, es, ~d~m,b. ~nl~mler I~ CIISit cnmo un oonjunto ,4: ]'!ll"'k' qt,[.' "ng,Giirmd:l5 produeen d~ inatl"", ;;,-,::ol1no:. Es, ;;;;g;mr h:rlldol=

~ nf,a...-i",. ~1'1,.'(jf;,,(1<j. .Il'1<.Ji~llJre la in.tal~d~n de, ~b.(ll':ll ~r. mliqllimlill ClII>1..'4:i;lli;ul..d~. 1..0$ espacios cun CSi~' ~sigrm;;:imlfS s(!ll u n ldos me ·li.1rno: 01 ra idea WSLOI <I~ lot "iv·jo"J.l mod.<rna. I~ d~ I ... l';rru it<eiout;:;. P.~1abr3 qnc .."i la Met;'! fi'iriC::l IL,"Olhu~~rima l'e' d~lIDmillf.1. ·pml'nc~I~t!~~. Cirodar h~bi3 ~j3do cleM~ h~<"r~ Ili.l.~t~rl~~ rienspn {!~ R"1d1rse en e::cdLL~i\'1l "I mo\';mi~lIl .. d" Jar ~"I.J"~r;\'5 formmd", di\~llk'>S p~"'1 ;!~I1"mll .. ar L"iC' d=n!J.L.~.u jin <Ii <e<:d<'in qu~ 1:r.IIISL~.l pur ,J 11~ \·J.riada ~..;I de "',:IS, l.a ;;::L~3 como m:iquina de h;}ni(ar h.tbb K,(,ll1pl3Z:)do ~1 mll,,~mkJl to de los resorres r mt<ri1nisll'''''

par las cl'i'CLi laci ... ncs de sus inqlu~1 i nos. Los esp.aciO's ql.1~ OOI1li:ml1~n b Yi~'i.!.:lld~ '~1,J(;*11 arravesar Ilijbi'llill1cJU<I. Y ;I

IT3~6: de ellos se estnbleccn C1J. IJIl3 J. I"" ~({'j"Jl.""" pUI'tLo;J.lbl'(':$ p.= t:i.:j (Iut fi. 'rnFl d"'II;i;~tllu;; ..

Est:t'l dos idC'a~, I'a d¢ 1:1.s maqlli,,",s~' SLI ronwcltt'1'.::i~ dil=. Ia de: hs circulaeiones, ~n itleil5 natlid:LS 1'1(' h;!cc mmo [r~~"I"" iunh,,~ ,.m i'.Jacili!'l ,oon un ong"" oomol!1 IXl.SiIdo en d c<:ln.o<:imiollw m~floo d~"rflfi~" &ell cu~tl)O Enunat'l(l. fur ejemple •. desde La Me!uj.;-. d h.nmll'lC')'II 110 lUi .u~lco :l $Cr b . .n'Liqllin:1 ~I 13 que habiraba (:Ia sustancia 'IiIm~r"" rial que era el ;,IIIlA. 1,;1 djvi~t,~:n dual {M hombre, uni ... a de do~ SlL~CmcitlS d'iVl"!i:m> aim .. r ~1It:1'J!t1. <11"'10 1=0 1L uilla "i~l{~Jl filM lllt'GiniC!li 'i unll<!ri~, 1:1 ~Im..,. p"r.Jj,~ ~[lt",jOc:!i,U inm~t~r!i;iliclad. ~. P"'" " coilf,>nnn r 'u.n •. f'1I'" m~ dd cyerpo. P:mc iml'mlrm!c ~" pt::ff' ~1!1c:ja:m~ .1 ]05 ili.'fTI~ .ol'gilnl~~ (I LI~ fnnn:1II = ~J{tI1lO'!d.iJll!l~~ mrIqllinnilJ. l..:;, pcrdj. ,h ,lIsral.o.l d., b ",,"oor~~ 'lijj~ in~lLfb,l .. la Vi<l, de;"; 1I'0r ~mo~C'(:< b = .le..J,~bi"nh. [I "'m;, flJr.: rrtmpL1I3d~ por d

>. ··'f""·· -;r-


d."CI brimicn t ... do: la cllQd~d6" de la .m~)7(', fJ cU'~To ~Y.I~A •• ~lIDllC~ 3. _ 111m mJqliin~ '~,:b poor el cmirl'nU~i Iluir de h ;dim~mJc,,! ~a"W". r .. erue jT~mFl1k...,t;\ de b ",'<lia i"",fhdla des<J,c I"" l'"III10ft\l'S p,~r la ~pi mc.i~li. Itl{l!l &~rdJmn ('11 ;J1)l~r illm~ circuiros ~'SjX(;ial1l~d('lll;; p~r.i Ia ,dd'em~ (linfsti·t,n)., 1.>;I1d Il illll:KOI:P\lPI':-,lci6n (nerviuSt.). ',,"I , Con !ocJ;" (;S[()., '1t1 lero p,,-n.<o, .. 'q ue on ~I ,~m!.:l m.!~'" (<1m,. d. h~"'t1>Ir LM;t cOI.d[d!lna(J~ '" .~<lll mNi;;l:l ~",r !:u .iIlC;J.5 que IlOO ~iill"lltenmll, b mtl)" Jl.rnJOO~JI1 qlll~ h~bi~mill~. inmJ5l!n r ~·11H!ii~IW.1 de las ideas 'l.u~ ada ~dl.41.d d'ilC d.., 10 que el hablmr "Icl", ""._ Fs deci r, ~llrol.bjt;l r no es un a aociolll lig,lm OOli cl rrog~'),. o;:Qmo pcdrin t:=i':l>e por I ... p<lmla[ina ;)dq,,~kion y mejora <ld ·c.",[O[[, sino:> 'I"'" b mi.!.ma idea &.. plUgtT."':; 'II!<: ;;omk"" el ron'fOrI es Ll. r,b~maad" de uj'l~ il'l'!a~en ''Ill!: h3 .d~ :ser ;tL~ltdl~b po.-.r ~t lubi~,lr_ 1' ... curioso '~l.-tfqlr:J>l-.!l.~u o;lnlCl kt CI:i:] adquiere tii1I1bien ,ell ~ {~"lir,."dnn d de ~~o~ carnbies, 1.1 (;)$,1 m~&ev.:tI ~p"'1CJS .;.1\1 on reFu~(I, h r"n~"-'f1li,.ta ct:nni~n'Z.t :I i'e~nir y di~lribuir ~1,Oi funciones, SOlo t'i:l'l iii (:1,'<11 burguC':Ia del XD(. se .l.ICU1Zi1I~ ~i~I~'1do" cornplera d~ 1.ib'llJilbilm:ion~ .. I", p,iV3drl.d, b higie.IC. I. salud, Ia v binn dd exrerior, IJJ vi~i~. I~ ilir.::~.cinl'l 0 "I solearniento, rodu~ <::ilQ8 OUd'Iil.-p'[oOO; ~n "",".:10&0, ror J"$ mOl.ld(>['I;;!l ell (],lIlaDL1 ... no. d~ .., .l:i.~!' ",dm:r·lllJ. Y. Ik. quo CI 1mb C1iJrj"!;>D aLll). c.!d~ ~!ll:l .:k O':S[~ i(l~JS cultur.tle~ es q~~I~tihl< d~ amfea:iornLr ~IIJ rl~o :!is:ocii!d(l; ccrrar 00" lI:l1'o'e', 3biirl;tS ~'i.1'1:an;k~, =Kin;lf III l~. eec, C",d" 'Iflil do:' ns 'lcd, ... "" flIdn:J.'.:I .• r .. ..den <X>ilwr!l= C'n u" rim, b repwselll;1,;;u.11 i nconsdenee de la "~3ci6;n de lIiI rrJlIm,l, LI c;l!;a es III frl.rlll31illldiln de .Ute:'iU'!.O ,,,,(:,,1 o;k h.hi t, .. " d .cll<jo cxt'l.'fiot .Iot IlU~tr;\ Qp.addlo.dl "'" ImJ:.itnci"r; ·~.l mH::StM rmimo,

1\:", c:l~ t"'d,..,.. 1«> "",ml'o"Q.< 'i;jH" h~ o"p"--rilllmc~Ju 1LL1",;'ffi cwlmFJ ~III esee si.slo quo 3t"b:l, de 1o«·llifO!i 'Ill<:: Ia ~ocil"(bd l1a ido in r~""r,lf~.;I(I' ~ ~LI 'wILXli~'U, die I.~ nues .. t~ n=j!:lillS de Jil'C'/lS~[ .... de tOL[O ~IIQ, CI'CO que II) que m:is ~m~~IlCI;\5 .,,~ .~ ·[,:'11<.'1" en "'.[,"Slr as fOJlI Li, .... lormas ,k Im!>J{:lT "'" a ser lAC ~!lrUt:mr.aclt"in {k~ d(}mlliLo H!rrirmiall-jer· ciOO POt l!1l~ mJ.;;:v.l rmma de OO'Jl~l:bir Iili!' I'lliaciollli'l' enrre 10-., sexos, I~" .dMli~,,, es - ~ilHC ~I~ h~b, r.~u1o["", o."IDS <=>U1[1" !Jimo que mll);!! ra sociedad hn experi l'lI'til'iltadu, b.L.~ ell ~ llovmlliS jdeM 50bi1\' L1.rih1rh~d~d. I~ IIICh~l de clases, el ;';~'<.>.li>,i~Hte ,~d re.ipero po. d bi'Mrnbi~m<:; .., do: ,~,.!.,II'." mm;; R10i:i""d05 por Ii\> lecfw!ogi.~ d"bio:u :t ,100 prugresr'" ld~(n:.l(icos. biQQu.lmkoh etc .• .n<j,tld qUI: Dlla},or imp'liCldoll 'Io-;a a tener SI.lIJII~ 11 .. ~tras,lill[Ur,JS· ~ml.~, !;fr:l. b rrot:g:'· ciill' c~rrjrori;u 'l"e ACU.r<'~. b R"'tluip;:!r.tcil_ln d",!os ~=". 1,,-, nuevas rumhi",.IO[W d .. d,\';I,h., del IJJlI.~'YL) papel <i,lIC h mllj~r 11" to!JllIOO enla socioo..d "~[l!JaJ,

Lo (lrinl~ri~ ql!l!" 1mbFlu qlJ~ d;:;:li' de e§;[;\ FUlCI~ mmn k n:nriroriJJi~ ql.l4.i I~ fIlt!P,,"" ooddentnl ;:,;i':l implJ~mdo ,r:,n ~ hcogaJ', es b ~;s •• '~ d"""<,,,"lt;j~~~~ <Ie l<>;'l ('<fI"d"" d"m6;,:oc."., L, (;';it';;! ~I';I. C>Ldll ~ ",:t!; '!.UI .'''.rmmri" <ir"'itl,i.lo ~~H Ull~ detenn i nacidn secual ~peeifL(a y ~"~F:!lwhk EI OOJltlJltl trmlilliill \Iue aar~ 'lod'a dl.vjsl'!in'! se prodLir cir.l . nllre la. base ,,~ 10 iudi.iduaJ Yo eada .~ mcnos roml) ~m"'lll" un .:6dig .. FH~t:ableddo desde fllJem. UIO quie:n:: dcdr que nU<:Sl[1<L!5 =J1> ~egllir.'i" ~rando <livid;d"" en flmkioil<t de ~"g~r .P'-"'RI >in correlaeos sc ..... "Ib f"il:d~

0(11:;.0 f~linadm. Qu~ qll.(.-d~ ~laru q~ .:I", Ie. que ~hom h"hhmm ell delas ca..~~n las (ll~ se ii"him. ~'f1 oomuD,l-Wid. es

;: r; ~ror, on L,,, 'lU~ .-c a_,.bbi l~, En i!qu~lI;!;~ d~ Qm~ sob. p"'IW1'l~ b l~rrl{<>rbl ldsd "'" il n'~", 0 ,,,,noo "'lldm inlluel'lCllil:d:t pihf;;l ool11;prOm~l ~III~' Lll(livlooo y .sodc.;

Cu n ..,10 a ~i 1101 .... ,M igl;) pasado, Ro:lh"ot L. :St~1S0" .,..rihi6 '~I~ ~1:1 I'Ir;e'I.'I.': <:IpuKlllo d[ulada 1.&1 Oi.M lrkd ... "jj\"-Lfid() Y rnujer dehen -d~~mer d~ Slindos <;'Uan~ d{· I:<:I1:,11j" ~ (p;ig, 37. Mdrid,.19RO). no I,:x-I:t ",:is <Ji'L<> ~<'1;;lli,r 10 '1~N Y' \'l1 si~nd(llln:il. exlend:ida n:-,did~d, 5610 a.l aibdir, "11.0 docldii!l~dO'me ~ ip~dir d !ioJDruarID d(!.l~ csp033, !lie dinj!1 ~I.M !'ombu",", .:lI"""ml'>il IJila ~,Q"im<l !OO""jfi mlly tl<...,dDra d~ 6. dhist6:n ;;i'-I! $~ imiJl<!rM1 re <-'il ... q.t.>Ci, SLn .L"tfii'iilt;g.o. :!l ~quiparJ'rS~ ·108 ~(l8 ll'!llC!lglla $U di\lersid~d. 1£1 IiU~ a b L~ ¢$tili ~C!~~l1dn I!:. dCliflpmiciolll dd ImJlilr rradJd~I1:!l. Ei!

f urgo <jl.l" cal,eOl-a 11ll~~W hahiF.ldll <-~1 cI[;R'Cimi~mu y d~roollJ) d~ un~ bbniO.Il C1"lmLln cs una Y:ld~ t'.OnllXlrtida C'Il

I[ rnlllrkN"'!~nr.!!;od3d. La d=p'Lrici4n dd "~. d~ ~I~ .;"'rnJ>l"mEma~ied"d., C5 ll. ~p"rici61'i.k ii'l11 'ti('Q d~ I!ilbita. ~I!<J~ ,110 q~.:~~ita iI'~i~Tl3r geni!1UoS [~rrilllri":b, l.ii..l,tt.tdJciof1~J~ !d~ciQI!~ SI!: .b.m, "ism ~mplirLdil~ ·rou IllSp2_Itj~ de h.d,u que: OCIJp<>n 1[)oS ~E""dm J~ 1\3 cru.'1 d~ rlll;ll101lr.t I'];( ...... -d~

,f-lacia dOll de I!(U; Ilcl!:lir.I -= ~ I!qlll.rlGlr.!.clOn~ ($0.:1"(11"],05 cap:ra:s clc babitlU IA:!~ L\'.'llllcios ,de: Y'!1~ ~. ~1.[1

.~,h ... r,," ll11P'lQhti .Sab",mru ~OOi1\Qdiimt'" a loa esl~ciOl' d~ ,10 qlle pmlri.amos [l'iIliaf hiJ,birn r I~ ".ItdllOg'nf~? No :ntl~ ,~~ d~ld~ q~.~ i. ""pL~t:;i'" ~" comD sO~"IPR:, ;llirl'll'I.d,,';!.. Y <;gm<l ~km!"J1l" ~:nC"llIIplt1>l. cO m~_' "'rm, d";bcr~.m~. ,do.,;:ir ul'l!.Sll[i~~cWJla? .'triJt~ tDd ... J~ 1.0 qll~ 00 1",x!!\'mQ;O> r~_lnljr <=.!i d'c 5cr 10.:; prlBtl':i(ishilJ.:,jJt.l1lISS de 100 d'j1p;!cim d~ Iii ,,"dr<"l&ini,,-I~n:km<>s.;i ,,_ pJb"", Y 11 'i~n"" ";~b"''''I,tC$ de b I'ri,gill ,de OOllllli'eS .Baucis r Fii'l:'nlj!,n 'lU," h"bi",,tl<l"-li I,:n IIn~ h!.fmi!clo:' CIIS:I run cullt I1iI !l~ p<tj~, )' (Ill" cn una !ObJrq;a nude' IKVg~1I .:i.m ho~-pi ~"" ,daJ d~ mAJ,l'l'>b <II divino Jlipher}' fl.3dre. OyjJit), tit ~i ~lllwflsis. IIOS (ii~~! I'l"()[lrdar ,1:1. ~~: ''1 no impl;l~ <It!I!':·:JilJi bIllli.ILle!; dy~ii(l.' y ~c ... rn; b. dO.> C" ... till'l'liI 1I)<b i!;, ~~ y "bei!o;ce" y <!rd""~,, II.. mi;i"1<i~. -lllJ1 i 0 probrm!~ r.;,;id~ ~'l eI d~rill(i al ql!!: l~ni:t11 rt'.S<."n'lHlo 1m dio!ltS una ~ ~f. La hLimilcl'c mbilii:l. llabillldll!lur los jlli>-.J!l5 Of djslIl:!S ;tT.I;;irulM, ~. o>~,,'irr,n ;"n ll[l Ix!mplo ftrun.u'loli Y t'~pbml«~~l~ ~l '1"~ .pocnn",[IIxi~rnlt lInirlOli h<01a I~ ImJ<!rt~ $i~'I!!,"" CU!itodia!!o por dl{l~. G0I11:0 ,n£1' !milia ~t J:(1.';;liO~" po;if \'OlullI:ld de to;! diD"SC.S I~, m1J~r1"c Ie:!. J!Qbn."V'~I1I~ ,.] mi.<~w ,[!emf'''], no f~i~mlo truinguno i:l.~ ~lIo~ qil~ ~lIIflir tJMJ·r b P.1.rJ.'d3 ,.M Clm, 3111& ruerpo1. 4.-'11 gr.uirud porb Imspi(:l.iidad 'l.uedcma-:r .... n>ft a.1 <lrn:ger " run i'L'~fl"" h&>'plw. flLl.IDJl OXIl1verQ<iru "" ::Irbolr;:. r;tl \'t'l, un - pig>\dn til!) )' "l'IlI rID".!""'. UK:i.- 111 Cl)nfirurnt105 qu~ h~bimlld!.l Iii ~mlrogilgi~ JlUelltms rns."tl .oa- ~ U'llMf(;ml~n tlmI.Jj~n CfI ~nrLl:ll.riru a ''C<lJl;pllns, iJVUp:><:lOnt..,. de ,,,,,kl .. 'I <.:d~5, Va S<l ~;ibo!i:, q~ ,,~ peligm de b" m~qui"",, d. !1, hi,,, r h~ sid,\rl, degJ~ h= alb.u.ll [i~m,p;tJI, !U 'IllC:rencia ;] qlletL~~~eel~M, 1\:1'0' 110 ~ :1Ilt;lmemo p:mt e\t:Jg<:rn., E.n lo~ :tIh!l!'e$ 4;! mikn.fu 'I"" .«: nm "iell<' "[IeimlJ. ilia ,&ffi~d~IliO, IXlI1~rn{)~ rn:I1 d F.lm~pcos r (';:'lDllmr ·oomo 1::1 fi,m·1 d~ I~ Cilnclo.ll C,l,_!oruIl'l'l!a!C11 d~ Tomil.!; Melitkl CLIO",:,!" d«r.l: ~ riedw i~In;i_~ Il~]",na I Ql~ "'10 ~ ""h",r I I.k ilt'fI>I}~,';,

Of du: Ill:;!")' ,,,ri<ld m~hol:l ~f mankind's dl\',:LIiJlilg.~ fh~t dffi CmtlliY Ii.;s PtI1J~ - t [lit; !lIn~ th~t hik~ btwrrt.'e' bestiutQWl'l :u,.t :lr<l~ .b~ !P"",m ~ilI"'" or rt:'j~.ioJl 1, _"L<loy"t~ly I.., Cgr~ j,i,d'~ (I' urn .IM~'r she hou,.., b"iJJg ~ mnehine ,fOr li~Ln!l i II!. Stricti::; :qml,lti'ig. :l hiiLtl.e lIa~r filmUed thb m<!:~im ~'lI]!I[cl S!!:1'Vt', unce i~ (llPCrnti~ mmllln:isll1i,'~ "tlMi'I, L'LllItli'l W;'I! p~'Md;, fu.r' ir:o; ~~[lt I{I hqli 1'1 [II tI~ ,[1:1 lt, ooml'llIl~~d~, ~IlJ irll:lWmbly. NOlb i li~ oouM '~ 1w:llj~f [1'..,111 ha"i_~,_ l"I~llIi OJ;I;iO!rL, ~'Ih:n.t b to :!i:>Y Ilh~ .1ct cr ;';;;;L1J~ (if j'ji n~bi·tirl,lj ()r Jw.,mnll" il: ind!:'J",~{llom or Ill~ tl~,dicit:;!i of Il'~ r~(X WnEI1:: i~ 1::Ike,; [l1~o:. h only R'lJui= ~ pllrtirulnlr ml~ uf kldng. pn:C'iK!r !h>Ir wl1idl .JJ~ ~hh~1i(m '0 ",1<1:, ,,11l1:,"- II""""",r. ;t,. pw:Ipnlliaiil)' ofu a)~bw:L""'" metll))Ior 'I\I;U l1Ql au,C Dli such a li:lJ=1. '-1qli:uUtl£lll. it> i.mpli<:llli.un. \""'" !en di<ttl: ... d more lIiru~~ II WOIll, <!!h.p~ ~II. [he im~ of r.hc m;Jc},i"o ",,,hOT Elm. Ihe rlt"l'jCl! to pmd~LC= hll~~lion ill; Illitoh IhiI'l II pmpooed !(I m~~ ll~bit3h!e.

1111'tJu~h 1~ll)gu:1~" "~ ~ ~ ,lI"';!n: m:l! "''C: inh;tb;r ~lm_"''1:''y po.s:olh~ 1'10,.,,,, th .. l.,;;J.", 1>11 e;arth. ii:!dudiL<g \lIh!f !n" tL'J-I" kflll\\1D iI~ fKlf!'pli!(lI!i, T~hc Palynl!5i:LIl Wand5 3nc1 mm i\nm:mJ r,;tiJi-roR"J.1 :Ire illli.Jbiloo.u,iT)o'''' ri~r.; in!t:ihir rh madJ. br\)3dc:iSrers inha:bi( die scWKI '\W\'C$. i nremauts il1!tilh,r rllie' "o:b, EI""n r~K: dL:<1tl ;lncll!h':"'t~ dw.=m iiimDnll 110'. We ru. "I;>t n ," ny spoci:J"od machine in Um.':f to inhnl>h. Mlll'.'lf""r. I 4, not bdkve d,~[ ""),o,n,, hos "",r been ~DI~ !!l not inli.'lbil. AU whi'!;h nre iitlll;!h,t Ih~jr ~n&- N; ~ l'Oiulr. we humnn ocillg.s inhabi l irrop~i.l~ uf uLit "",Itur:d L1LfTerer=s ,mol G,r I.b~ pr",~ "!'~ ~1~o~\I,~ m _lkt <1ur h..~b;".;i"" or dwdl ing,

1'bJ~,Ix'iTl~ W. dQ~ iI' I~ ~lIr sense fi1<r WI: ..... .h()' sp,,:nd nu r <irLt!: oo.n>truaing h"hitatL'Ij<fJ~ ~I!l '~"F' .and lhiJ,k. i.f,cmly fu'r ~ ~~ m(i111!;1l~. ~I~m wh.,[ i,,~biliilg ,fI1~\n5 fO:r our pro&.!i.!jMi1I.1.«iyjo/~ 1 biIJC'o~ il d!l~. bur ill n S'l:ns.=' i]J3l is [h~ same ,33' for .J1), cdicr l'vw,'"", l,dn~ ",,,It or 1~,sIi SU d"pcI,wi1j:l "" <!;!<:h ,,,,"J. p~n~1 [[1["''''''''', Ho,,,,,,'U. "-" arch hc:ru: h3V1: SClmClililC!lcli:m:ir,lll th~~ jfjh~l>lll~ ~,~~ WIII~fhtng !!lm "~ ~po:::lrlCllI.~ ~b[C(1 w UUT pro~~.:nl:!l irUrf('MS. \~ have rutm thought d;,u \"C "'ere CIlrrll~ 10 ",<lib; our users i!lJiUbir in t~ way 'w WQul.dlikc to,

IIItho .. ~ tI]I;' !nllb i,; [hat "..,.to "<" ;u",Ui1Uy depart 'IIU}' fu irom what rhe mllrkd: or <:m.tQtn diC!;ue 10 \~>.. The besr JemoMfI'uillR of Willi r:lm ~yi ng is ILc Cornu ids dicllLl!JII'I. To conceive of l_,LJildil'i~ I M! .... ~ I hql .lie (;;!fiil1h:lt= of ~in.s J)I<ieh;l1~ Ii)r ii-'In!; III i. mI. <J(nl~' • m""'ph", rDr Imilicloil'1!l dwdli,,!1i" ... 11h .. rorrml resemblance (0 .he machines ilon:[ Wl:r!: around ~l r:h~ begiJ1il~irq; of [his a-mury. ir tiliiD m~nS' u~,,.jel':!l~qJ<9;,,,g, rhe house :1' :> serle> of C<lJI!i' that ",.,;I, to produce 'pI!cifac actions, rot m~ ru>iJ~lnJ; ftrneli"Jl.I< re ~pi1Ciii~ ~p~ by [Mtt,mfl'gElpc<:;la1i~: mru:bil1.~s ('tn~~ [ill)!: ~;i't;;allrl. The ~~ so @signed are Imked hy ~",[lr!r.c .. !.rL,k <»11.0:1" .. r the modern .!wdlit'lg; .:iP:lJllolio;ll, ,~n t-.:: c.,rtHJs~rl'·~ m~llII'JJ!)j' Ihij i$ c;Llleo;I "promen~-d~", CiocLJI~ri ng had I~ C1t~~ed '1:1 'l:C'~f 1:'l:1:~~'i~\i,,~y 00 ~-oKrug I'(I!J~ and round in circl.'S nn..1, had CQm~ [<,I m~ r.b~ 'ilr.lndc.rin~ ill ne I?ilro~tL~~r dl r'(';«(i<)n cl~af mo\olCl! ,:t1~ng, a v~rr.m rli$';'()'fk of rnmc:o;, '111],1: h'ILl,,," ,," "md,ino ror li"i,,!; i .. "'lb>llimlO>ti Ithe drc!Jl~dQn <>f '1~ I"'...,"'" ror ,th~ l'flom:l1KIIllli of 'l,rin'S> ~ncl mcr,h"n1saru. 11,~ Sf!.iill Gh91' Il;~b "K' the d,"clli~g ~" he cr(l~d &rely ~J11d i[ IS lhroutlh lhli'm m~1 ~ .. td IlJif til!:

I'"rtirnl", ~cti<>J'" fur \.,;I,j~h m<'j "V~ .;k;;ign .. d IS ¢.il,lIhl .. kd_

111 esc two idt.:i! th.1t ef !llC m~inc ~lld !Ila. Q ciDnll:ulol!l. i[~s d'~ ~o~qlll:nc~. wert I!UI born <9 l<;l"JPiP- T6.." .m:IiUlh 1:'!;:1>'I'.:d ,., HI)mmfifl mlgin ~'Ld on d,e ~mtili, and pllili)M'Phi~ k!n{7wk-dge of thel!nJJl:n:m lK!d~'. r"(Jr

c: <lJUllk. eli'!:< since Ll .Mam~, man h", c .. ..,.,d m be, tile lIl;ldtij!l~ wh""" .i).,il~ Ihar irnrnarerlalsubsranre, cl,o: "",,,I. Th~ dual division of man <lli tin: UlIKl13 "f I,.,.) i'lP:~": ~!J!hiil'ln(li;:¥. body and WIll, g;~ w;ry m ~ mnre mel:illimloCal ",..,! u.n]mry vi.,.... ,n. :!()1I11'tis~ i!"l i i'tll'l1~ .... rllliIY ~I lhis [I'Ilinr ~1l(1 ~m~ ,an{)i,h~r I",m ur .. h...: ~)i'. AH IlnpOil'rillf!q PJ.i1, <tdmim:dly. bLlt ~lfi1l.iJlII' 10 th~ Qm~ ~~ru dm lUrm rh;. .:>01r.t<>rdir:u,'}' Im.Kn ijj~ry. Thr ~L~l>;;r;!mi~1 ~!ji; ,,( tI:o~ dcmc:n1r lil,al had ~~~hcllifc ~, tl;l [hE body left [b~ OOIil'C' IlInirLh.w'it~. Th~ ~(oul w:E.~ lIq'll~,"od 11.)' [Iu: d~~ <Ii' (h~ dl'(;l;d~l'i"" L~r DI,~ 1:.1<><><1 ~ml <h~ body ~nN ~ i:rIr.!I:l'ii ~'!ll'L:!~ \".-",> ; rriS"-[;;:;::I bJ' qhc COM"tlLnJ 11<"" or l"~ n"tnlly. IlIQoo.ll.k IDLlrc('; or,l,~ UlIIUDl'issl:tJI' Q;)fthc lif~ elm l~ bre.n11~d i!'lED m~!:t., I:Iy mcn,n.~ Ilt"Lh~ I~, .Burtew; ro;pi.rnil(lrl. I[ W;L~ no I I.ollg h.fur", lJlh~1 ~ .... i~1 ~;;d d!~litli m:ul~ dl~r ~[l~J~Ji1ru ddffl~ (I,lmph,lII'i~ "~~1ll). i"hlocomn'lu nlC<1ti<}11 (ncM>u; ~I~ml o:tC.

DC!!pil~ ~1I1iI,i~, I wtl\drllilce m, rhink rh:n, b~lrnll}~ ollr rOm] (!flJ]b~bitil'ig.ll' ,,,n,lirij~n~'d I@ ~ g~[ ;;:'~I"II~ by Lilt' idl:.n'llm 1I"lIrish ,1<\, r~ ... I'ighl)" lir.",l)' t1 .. t we d ... ~11 in the itl1~ .me Ii~,,~ or Ihe itil:'lLj ih:Jr ~.Idi 5oci~ty hilS fir '9,'hu d\\\l:lIin:1l 5hnnld 'Ix. l1':il ~ ro s:l',I', oiwl."lIilllg iI; m,n ~J' ;mi~n •. 1fitlfla:rr.i ,,~,Ih r~5, ... ~ mit;l!l Ix be.i,"",," d" .. m mi! gr,~illl~1 ~l:quiJiti[Oi'i of ~d iR1PM'~111~'n,[,s in ,!)mrClrt: ""her. ih .... \\cr}' idL'liI Dr pl1l~ that in~luJ~ an:lif~n ,j. dq" m~ t"rillll~;Lti..tIJ <If ~n ;n,;l~,': {f!..!t 11"'« be .cldres&cd by d'iw",l'ling,. it ~, eii ~""'t''45 1'0 S<.'<l 11,,'.\ cite h,,~" ~n ,t> tlt~~n i:\ildun, ~1S>f,l ~tI;m~ !be i,,!lnmce of thc~ dl[u]~. M..::(lrL"'il.I h~i~'" .... 'I!'I'I! I iul~ mOJ!e d'la,n shd~c:rs. Ih:I1:1l~h~n>Cll: '~~ DO dh 'id~ [mil di!iUihUlir tI!~ fu.l1"tiom. II w~ n~'~ I.lIU,illhi:! bvu ~is nl:l'l$~ <If l'M ~ '.)t:I, rnltUl1}' U,"-I 'Olml'~~ .~i",I6..1 ion Dr "b~ m[)rn~ WTh1 ,..:lilcwd. f'rh~. hyg.i""'''' ~Jhh. 5>J,,;ns OUI', rut",-, ~;, ;eI,,:J .lli1 ~,,> ~II mn:tl'pcs thac [un:: ~d~d by d'l'l'l:'ll",u ~~cor.:lj!lg ~Ll ~hciJ li:u'lmlr .. 1 di""rsity Of' OfhLli"lIl~. 'Wlur i~ ~11'I!!I !!I(lfe r!m"8i' ~l1Id iluel'to.cing ~~ lilu ~"" ,,,,F fh~~ OU!UJr.ll id.,." i. CiI~hl" or ...... 'i ns 't~ 'Is.;;('1d'lIro ril~£! up. "~lIiDg, I'ht wl!'<!O\!Nl. ~mln.s on dJ~ l;g]-lI, elL Each lif nb= ronline ~Cti"llX (;<1)1 l)C'Qln'~ a <it •• [hr LJJlc<lL1>C'''~ Iq'il\;~ !arion Df ~he JlegJ.r:ion or ~ IDllIJm". lh~ hlJlI;~ i$ ~he rMi'Il~It'Jiljlj()m, (Of our jd.~1 of d.\\~lli nf;, the exti.':'rli:ill rofi(lO[r.", or GUlF it)' 10 &",,11 ",id. uur 0''''1 .i1l11~' ~[r.

Iloo,'rVCJ, of;lll th~ ,cllilnli("l' ulir ru!mhl h;1t Illu:krgflnc: IlftJ me crnlJUlf}' [h:al is IlUlY ~rHl.i~. !.:If .!lIllIe mi I~mnes tim """,iel}' I~n irn:urI;J'OI7J[.,.J ;fU') 'r.< mIIO;II\'L! inuglnarion, of .II th~ 1'lC>~ "e,lf~ of lhililkin~ :trlld >Cl tin, ,[ be]iel"e ttmt wI'J.,t wi II h.",<: rIll" gf'eim;n "' ..... ".w;1lge;j [0. Illll' m'w, rul!Ll '" ,kmm" of ii:l1",hir"'S "~II 1>0 ~ I.,,,.rucrun ng of th~ lW'.ilO, i:tl d;~DI'lill. gm·t:;moo ~, J 1'It=1." .... ~y (If cuna-.ivDj'(l tiLt' t'l.'l~li"nsWp tl!!.,""·(!2n r:h~' sacs, dle n:b{iolllSh~f15 b~_lb Ilt~ J~",,[I~I'l!. Of .• n rh~ ch~"b'i'" .11m. Ilur .oci~ty IliiI" on:p~'ieoee>;t. h.L.d .'" m., "''''',1 i.J~.aS ,b:mt rdRti~'tr. Ih~ d_ .'imL~. [M~ um::on51:iullS or rurL~(n fox dw bit:M:-J\V,iI~,,,,,,~,,[ .,. Iln .J:t<Y.'i~ lho.t ro.:hJlor,,'g)' h~lS 111~!,irod dlOJ1b [iii rd~~ri'r hio(:h~i(:j~!:I:<. prog,n.-ss. d~ flll~ mrl \.\IilI h~vc= th~ :gJ'mtesl' rll'l~lie~li(lp~ For IlLt, nmlll: hroUSL':5 \~m b~ lh~

t .. rrjto.r.i;aJ _~~~k>n Ihn is bmugln "h",", 1».' ""pl''';'"1; II,~ S<:1II.'S I'm all <-qU<!1 "f(NJi'llIg, th" ~.' combinasjons d~ri""l'J frutn the "eW [Ilk I"'~r wo:rn~n have taken nn in our pre~llt flLOoCiery.

The fml tl,i,,!'! tln:;1 '''U;[ be ..,Jd :;bL.lIr [hi!; n~ seizure orr rerri ruri,lity Ih~~ W''"SI! e m \~,)n)':iI an: !,mmp' i Ilg in !l11L::i,r homes is dilll' the lI[jm~lic ~lYA~ ~ru groldually iJ.!;"'I'I\~"t d~u::dlScd. -1n~ house will i n=~ingl)' h\l(;j t!f11t.' :l I"rriif,-,"Y ,.J,.."." [Il" ,I"'isia'm .10 not tt"spoo-nd '[(I ~ ¥Ct[k :l.nJ g,!e !i!C.~U:lt determination, 'l'llt' t~rri!(lri~1

Cl:IFIl racr th~1 n':"\01!~'" (w.rn an.I' sp.;r[iru. division wiil Llwre~sin!\lr 1"1: ba .. ·cI <m rlre i ndivid [1",1 ",i!hu th"'n (]Jl a fI!'<" e't\lb~~l-ht"J code d~rcrmill~d fmm the eurside, "n,is means thn uu.1 ho)!L~ wm Q.JI' [i"l1~ ill' b~ Jivicl~ into CUDlpJlJl:l]~lln of iX""~r bu r rhn; duo:,,, "",IJ nor h,...., " predeterm ined ~""<LL<aI (;I;JrI,,;lnion, Ol",'.ou.'!y. rh ls ,!"<'reft"S[() h<ll.l_ whidl ;Ire inh~hi~ .. d ill cemmuu, ill III her wtmb. where Ihcrc is cDnabitatiM. \'{lhete m.Cl!; is Qillly cne dW'l~lrr dt~ terrimri.lliiy .. ~in~r.e. ur a[ illm! ~,iflAu,",l"Kod by ~lh<1" Qorm,.iuuC'.nIs between tl:.e in<I ... ·lJ.u.:J ~Jl(I:Of""," ry:

'«film Rl)lxn LOllis Ssevenson 'wrote, ~I tile ('nd of me b.~rcej;l!'Yf)·, ill ,1I brief wu&: entided, ill tilt! 5,~QII~" r"lln.bli"n. La CA'~ :ldeall ril,e .Ideal Heme], c)\;\1 "IttlJlbllnd :,md wife ~oollld each haY!! m.,;,.. [oWll work rum." ~.,37, MadIlJ. 1900), h~ "'~ Iltcrdy poinring out 'what is illLrrady ix'OOmiui;;1 wklll:i(lrC:1fl f$llil}'. Ir is; only when In: SOCIi 011 W gy lll~1 "as r QIII1;;1f dererrnjnc m im01d.e ti,. ""1J"'"~l}' (]f <Ii" wil"" I make 1Il~1 w-;ty w rhl1~ of th~ man'' thar he ",Ita,...', an all~tudJ:: '\I,I!lL"h L~ S{~u g~.,rlY" iadebrcd KI the cll .... isinn (]f the .'9I!I:ilI' tlml was prc";I[eJH ~r Ihe I i rn~. H~~~. when Ith~ "" .. ~ are ,pl.t<J.;J 01'1 .1 n <NjJuh .. ~km (o(uil'll!: [hd~ dh'=Er)' decreases and th is, in th~ Il:>lt1'; rui., is ~riuging ahour [b., (li!;3lJjJ~ rnlK.' of i he lr.lliltwi ~ll home, ·1 'he n~m~ ~~, "'"Mms ~.Iif" tlr<'J.t is ,j""dt in tb~ gM'I'th JJI[I dL.,.d.allm~nj or~. nmrual UI~i.(]], ioI. ~ lii~ ~lil~j in Qmnp['(;mC'flt..~ri ty. nit" dis~p~"-lllCe or tile b.c"Jrtll, Dr l~lk!; {OlPpkmrn "rir:y; m,,,fll' she ~~'pc'drnlla: of a typ<: or il,hlb,ciflg Ih~t do;,,::; nor need f,Q 'lssi~ r.;rrimrhl gen,I""," The 11';"[(1 i liL.!iil r~I~livn~.l1ip;l have been expanded ~D inrlude liw"ill p~rtll('rsIbUr'-\o, who o .... ~ylly ,hi: ~f;I!; 'lr 1 he house in ~. I1U\'~ ""'y.

'l here will tiJis In'tW1 towards C'qll h-alO:J,.c", I~d ~1:i? Will we hi= ClJlQbl~' of in h~bili ng th~ !ip:Ja.~ of a heuse withQUI go::nd er impmit;"J]~ \'(17"1 we 1m", ... fiouW {Q d~pr rO rh e ~I"\QCS (>fwlw we mig'" ClII dwelli .. g in .. n-dlrogynr? Th;e ~..I1:sw·(:r is LmdCllIDtNlI}1 ,13' :Jlw;ar' ~'C!;, Ami 1!i'i .J\\·.ir~, ltlu.lmpl~[e. 0, sh(lltld we s:r.y 11~t6l:J,C1P()r:yr Above .011, wliar "'I; ?JIIIlO( pf(;>"""\t[')1~ r" he ... [he r, m ill~ •• Ih;I:lLT1t5 qf tli<' ~;paeeo. or and tfO'!lYII)'. IM: us r<:<nt~hc. rho~ P"'''' ~IJerl)l inhabL[:rnr~ ,'If I'llrygl~ C!.II~[I B:LLI[;I~ and Ph llemon whr. Ii ~-ed. in 11. h umb.U:' du!c:h!1d ItoJ'l'l;L' ~Ild Oll~ d~~ nigi1r, WI [in Ihe J""i"~Jlilr of IImrrll., g<lVt;;. shelter [0 J~I!' her ~ru:j hi" fllJ.~r, hi his M~tlm1orpn,,,,,,,,. Ovid "'1f~~ ,If dll~ir' home i h~1 -iE \W.S mj Dl3i,[~r !l1~1l:' (00 seek ion:l~ and ~~1"i'1n~: rhe ru'O \~~c 3U d,c l1oll.sclmld ~m.l Dix,,},cri and W'~"C Ilrd"~1> [J'1I1.3I1.~H. The Imly problem W'J5 J~i>[mr dUl !he Gods reserved tQr ~'ch n lir~. Th~ h:umbk C1b'~n inll3;hill,d ~'.l the d igniilcoi. d~5C[Vi.l1' old I;llUp!,: WJ. [r3mfo.m.J im'o a. INigill new '[<mpt.:: 1[(1 whi<;l, Thcy ',"",'" the .. unit .. ..! mr r:ll. les! of their lik. ~mning lts g,u~rdlan5. '111~ ",ill I (]f rile gmL. ;13 \\~D; ul1ly rl~'1I, alw J~-'::ltlI....d Ihll Ihey si:lo:mld die n the sam. ti 1'1'" ;.0 rhar ncldicr w"uld ,I""" 1<> mlt...,. ill" Lo.oo; or .J,.". oth .... &I ,amnl\<:j" sig,n llr gmtiru.:!I' fw rhd, hQ5pit,.u ity fUtv.ltdS sllch illuS{riot1~ f;'l14'.srs. rhelr bot;li....')" m= I r.lIIsli.'rm~ inl(] m:.:s:: a tall, sl~nd.l:lI· lindel1 t~ and 1I bi}· oak. F><::rt,.PS' l.<:1 us trus ti,;,! jf ''!'e d""dl ii, ;lll1drog.m)' QUI" 1.!lIllC~ will no. become S;]J]CnLm~5 or temples, ~{lLlp:'i' of cells-and eel las, Aft~f ttl], as ",-,: kirI01o!t, tile oi"llllg« of dwC'lliillll mach i n~. lo~ SDrne: rime 11"'"', h",.\ IlC'I!l1 [h~ir ,""'':\i", w r .... "TT1~ 1" ~11h.rt'" Btl'[ ,1,i5 i~ 11,0. tim~ to ,;~"'S&~rat., At 'm~ cl':\wn of d~ ,"iilknlliunl ",Ilk" ;~ "I moM UP"" m, .,,\, I1llJS[ 1M '!K ~O dJ'lrrmtc. 00::([(:1 til ~rul with th~ fumllin~ ofTom:H. Mcncltoz's ~ng CLlQdm.lC~~I.: :~~()nes never I l'al"'li~. d~ '\1{IJl:lt d.} mC)' kn(lWll' Of'" I"",,"

G rierje Le s age

The house

The house in the metropolis. The limits

~Di~ suchen n>,1d. 111~illom Helm ... was meine l-I~im.!U~h II fig ._. W" i:\t - mcin Hei tvI~ D.1rn;!Ch jiolge lilld lCht! id.. d ... f",nJ idl nLdll~

Nl.:r=h~; Also z..r.,"thu~tra

'''" .. 1> sa

The :'i<.~Kh ror a horne is ;t univ"n;:!l need, 1"\'OI,L ... h~\'~ "",·.tp fd~ th,,:,, bdonged >01l1~~\rh<:f<~ and I1laJ~ dlsl phice Lh~it home, \,(fh~f <!oeo rh i< sL":;Iroh a,"~i .. t "f? Who. 0." .... '" '~"'rCl,iI1S fo t 1 Wln,"T~ do w~ go~" find lr or !10'" do W~ cll:fLli~ th~ I"h~ W~ u1[ 'I,.,!n~·?

tf we y, hack in his~ory we nl1lrd dm. [he ,dilfcrnlC~ Iw~'C<-'f1 'The .m1mU ndi ng.'- ;md th~ pl:tee where prlmill\'f soc ieries ti..."J .... as 'th. e.;iS~~ilC¢ of Qni!c, .• J ... ide' W35 a pI:KC ",hcu l roci<'ll orgo "i~l len had heen C>t:ll:.IJIDcrl ilnd (hi.:. di,{inguishcd if fu:lI1t !he rilre.1Rllil'lg chaos r;f [he resr of tht ~\lUrl& II ~..,..""~ rh • • v ili~(I' place, I n such ""ielia. d,(: ere:!ri(>l\ of a &onder implied the loom1ill!l of th~t ~<ldcfV'5 cosmos,

RcI,giuUJ; m:t;l. by [he ;M [If III:(t i I1gllp whn [s ~~rO:I wirhin .I ~Xl"" 'l'~ rhls ~l'aC't his cosmos. Man n[~mpf;j. ({I ~nO:;~.L1~ bil li~i ng .... iLb l,theiJ'l; by foUocwillg rhe L'n",,,I" of rh~ c rea tmlll of rj'l(i' COOs. The rcliBiotl:!i J1\l]'Il" .J"",ilt te li~~' .... if" i n wlha. i!..Il:I!::l'<\l:l is "'l,.i,·.,J,'nt t<> hi~ III'g1o' ro 1I1ld his phQ:' ill 3Jl ordered fl!'Jlity ;111.:1 ~.)of :lliQ ... , [)Urt"ir prot~'IlC ~.l(p"[itn~~..;; to illflIH~Il()l' 11 i rn, The ll~li~f i n rh~ s;!!~f<."11 hcl ps rnsn rn d~,·m]i".!' I.h>e COUIliii: (Of hi. life.

TJ:.c. .homier bet"'''''''' 'i,,~itl,,' :a1l<l 'ullb;d~' eon IIrm< d,~ separ;tlion I~~U"II (WI! <I ~h!;I"1> .. hnr 'Ire di«~lClltf,,£ man. 'Inside" i~ (Ill) ~mleR'tI ~poc~ that n:p.cs~ntl> It;, msmCIi, whilE uursidc' is 3 hm'tik-, lire.thl'C:.u':l1mg

env: corm •• '" .. [l~. l<ruiL!1 iJlg Iili~ eesmos .. man ~boli~h5 til.<: h<l.fll~ldly .~r ~I"''''.

\\;r'l ... is Lh~ ="00 of ~ hom." Ililll«! !HI? '\I'hat dCII;> ~Ilh '~"OilJlm' "f ctmremporuy m~1l IX> (It? Po~ ... J;hi:;: 'ru~mt!s' of man c;hlig~ LL~ u. ~c·d: ~ phce itl wh ien 10 retkcr it OJ" ,,~,.., "'''' IT>.'lcheJ .-tll!' poi:1l t ""j 1M' tl!t~ j"dh~,IL",J "".rri.c. <I,e OO' ... IW ..... icl,;" him~1{ (a;~ d.Gs,;rlI",J b), Bcrl,'l!') ~lId III faa no t'J1I&~' Il«t:b .udJ :J Ilm~1min ilJ'l,,1I~~ !he home ~s the simul[3nOOlL~

';:011 ju naiOlI of <I rcmpornl a.nd a pcrmaneL\1 ~kll'IJ:flI:

Th~ dJillcuhy iii !'et1ecIJJJg <In hOtl511l!> is rllus: on rh~ one 'It~J1J WI;: m.lj.~ s," ,1",[ 1.1\~n: is [h" ~ nci .. nr, rcl'ha(..s 'C:!~'I1,,] ~1e'll1all: !he rdlection of (ill!' !lumMi bdnt~ life in [he [I'IDtl1L:'r'~ womb l .. .), [II'" dwcilill~ in ir.~ mrlS'l e(t.;:;Jm: fOfflll, nHJ:\f "" crjlL~id~ 3 mode of o;'iHC'I'lC€' ll1~f iiJ; t}'Pkdd of the I !}:f. [~'II'I tU<li" '11L~ urigO'l~1 form of :my ::fw.:11:ing i> ,,<>L lif. il. ;J hc..Ltw bUl hi .a<lid ~. II CdJ"r;t'"li Th~ u:;,;:~.;:>[ wh.oe~'O;:r "l;XUp:::-s .i [. In ,jl': m.o ..

~"): rr.;:m ~~e .J,~ ~p~ J'I1 m"rIL bcrnmc> ,11 ca,'>i: 0.

,hc;nll ( ) lh~ lOLh ~iltury, with if5 (;;L~1C 't~r ?Gm~i!)'

011;. .. 1 tr~fI~p.'1'enq-, fullef Ilgh r ~IIJ open ai r, In~ ,rnH ~u end re rhe oM m~mm; of rl",dlillg, 'H"ll1P fijr beman bcil111' ~ re l,i·I«.-d ~g;.~insl the d.,I!l.' ho .. se in rhe ~n:hik'C[ Solrl~~' ;rmm~n., The MOoo;l<:m Styl~ II"" shaken fht< Iltltl(UI or.llo: l'iru·.id box tn us verv fouml~tio.m, These thp i r has disappeared ... nd ute d"'~lliIlS has decreased

in ,.ir~; ful' tl.~ Ih Lng. ",I rh b()id mnms, tor me r1~;;Jd,

,,:i rh ~;,m,at.,riL!QI,q.

Ou.'ng ehe '2'(~., a.rch;~"("!'$ ~'talf''::cI the 1'o;1I1i,}, <If !mLl;o;es !Tom "..ilbill Irhe rronl'~ ef ~I imu!i'}· ~nd l!ldlviJu~1 I(~fty; ltujollil.1j r:v led [bern 100 «JCk the II ndu~ying rrir[lc1pl~ of .11t~ hcul1L!. 11Nlli iti.,T.: h.l.-..J:I1l1tl L~f, rather, (11~ narurel 11OU'~ dUll comes !i1)f" the origins Qf rile search fu. a oom;", W,I rR~l ,ml), $[Il.oli",[. Ard.i,cc,,, .tt"IllPC.<ld (fI' WOldt nUl rhe <!!;5I!flC:':= (}rhDrn~ ~ .. hal Lhq could :M~p!. it 10 the needs of"lmxlWl: l'tUn'.

HOIII~ is more !I1;1if1" Jd'imir~lion ohpJ.'CC::. lr i.~ more lhao th~ "f'C(;liOlll d':l .""ll~r. Horne is tho plAce when' Pl4n ~ .. councered hir:n..oclfin hi"" ;''(»'11''", H;,mc rL'M"" ~t1 a!3Dl!lspll'-roe: ",Il~rc !'I\ll~ (.'lll r;;hc, r IL)m~ has (0 provide me drcum~~nt»l that will. brillg J ~,1lC al pe::it:di.d nC55 ~1"i~hil1 m;m:" R'lIij"

The h"LJ'1'l..,i~ house ~Jra_l'I [.,;;rJ tfl .. p''!fJll:>nl!m ~f'!!:urily (;f'ljti~ f'C'fiLIg\: ,1 nd m",k nll" ~(",r.,I~ h~ memories, l1oJjl<.::> ~ nd :h..:lid:;' to Ihc proteetive ~pac~ Df ll~ house, The Imuse \'L~.LI. the ptou.-c lila! was cl'larg,~ with symbols, Ili.:I.",..1. i t I",I~ 1lI0FJ.: memi ng shan ~ny other place,

111 is is '''hy We care so mUll, .. hour " ... grtr>d.p;l.A.Jlfs' house, h is why many pcupk Milll'h'i'" m h 'Imr!,\: emotioual tie, M th~ !~h~C;J1 ~~ of 3 Rome. The house has been ~yn"n)'l11()m with home for a .lullg time now. Tho house W.I~ rhe m.llC'ri31is:lfitlil I.lf th~ tiurn" m of the co'Iii'U of m~n, N"fm:!Hy i I w~.' ill II,c 1)1~,;t! wh~t'I: ,,~. lnd gnr'''!1 ll!:> ,unci J i,,~ O~, ... !kllj,min !;;Liel; ill '[he esrreme case, tile bou rgooi~ house i~ [f,~~"

dJ..<J.[ C1.rrk" th~ tll1l!:'C:·~ of wl'lt!<:lt!:'t ~pit.o;,. it. Thj~ I'luu~e WJ.'> {he nl"i':S>JiiuJ I or il~ ol\'>'~ pel'S'!lnil!l it'l.

I" a !"'''CILJre <ll1rill~d 'll,L,LiI,!illg, Tho.,",~D"g. Th"'lhn~'. lldtkwl" 5p<:'Jk:s of rh~ rehl'''fI.>ltip b.ctw"':'1 p..'<l(l;, <lmi dl:w:Uing. '[)~'A:ning', ctyfliV!ogiallll. me.1I1~ "ro be broufl,lu GO PE'<l.CC, In th~ sense apl:Jim;d by Hcidegger. dwelling Is;tn Imt'mal st:lr~,:1 C'JP"Icil}" 3 s[Jil'ir. His ori" ion ;Rll'li~ thmf d"lt~ i_. ~ '}'Il·,""li" n.1~(i')!1.hip lx:twt~n man iLl1d hi.~ hnu<e. Th" dwelling rmvi<J...s ~fu~. 0I)1]5()1~1 inn, ~!Jd[~r. It EX:p= an i nrenw<: 11m:! L~.n..: 1I113CC wh~re Ihc imli\-iJus.l dn JI:, ... 11'i" Iii)

i Il ti"'~I" mt. \"'i~llilq dl~ ,\1:111, of Ih~ hOllW. fhe 'mild .::an b~ .1fl l[lril1l~l>: (!dl~f. 1lo311k. m irs . .,.mb"li.::

IJ''''P';Jl~ th.e lwU!l<' j". ]]01. mr,dy ,l.n archi c<lC<Ul<Il pmi~'q, it i~ also ~ philo:;uphka~ ~Yi-11.l')I"8i,,;~I. amnropologica1, Ct,. o,,~.

ILa casa

La casa en la rnetropoll, Los I imlite 5

-Di~ :s'!l.chrn 1l;:J<:h m ino;:m "'kim •.. 'Va> Jitcinc HCCn'l~l(kLhng ." \~(fo hst - Iini.~U Hdl'n~ [)lllJach I~ und suehc i~h. das f.i.nd. teli n' ln"

Nic,,-<d,~, AIlro ~~tach ZaraJlhuSU;;t

L:! t-usque&. dI~ una (<tS~ "" YOOllea. ts id3d l",i"ti"1":l, :EI hombre siempre se ha idl=fni[Lao:k> O)iJ1 un ,i,;o tspedJJt.:o Y cenverrido l~ en su ]ln€,1r ... En que OOllS~ csra busqueda? .l1n I~ d~ qu~ V.Imu ' .A, ,~61l:l<'1 <ld'll;nm;:; .[ ,!ili(l que c! •. n(]miii:km..:l<S ~c:lI'1I:?

bl lil hh.tQria; ~OC<J"tr~flK."; que el J\!g:>r. dOli"" ""'i1 h .IDciodilJd primiti~ ~ difc.renoiab:i d~ los alredro<:m_"'por Ill. elii!ltlldn. de un ordcn, EI 'd~1I no' r"'ll~luoo un lup~ dondc Y! h:tbi:a I!'>lllol!l!.'ido una org;rnlm.rioll soci:Jl LILL" ID di>U.igo.l~ del ';--.1"', ~men.ZilI'l~ dd Ir<!StO dl~

uju .. do. E ... el '''gar ·ci,;1 i",<.Io'. Ell ~5 ,«J<:i-eda.:l.s, b ~reloi;MI1 de lilt frum.r:riL implica la 11:'I"I.3o.<:;Orl ..:M O)l;rnqs de I~ ~bla.;l,

I";tr,a ~Ill<}mbre reli;gi.osu .. d acto .:Ie crlgir 10 ~mdi) Ii~,,!m de ,m ,'':!, Ie corwierte "" su Cfl~nlL")(j. El h1Jnl~rc i!lC~"'" esrmcrurar .... cun~'\",nci a, si!l',i~n..:I.o ~I ~i I1W'0 de la cn.'ltciOll de: 10<> Dioses, EI deseo del ru;m.lillJle' ~li~~o de '~i~'ir en 10 ~agmdo ~-quiv.:ll.c n S'[I ~lim de Silll'~r.;C en b realiJad oi'd~~da. de no dei..ltllCt' ill.lluir POI' las l~·.i'·l\"Itla! ,('RI.I'mm1!lm!" proliirl~ ,u, ct't:(;ncm en 10 ""llr;lOO ;.lyl!(r~. ~I homlne a cltmmin.1," 5U a'I"!9L' <.I. vida,

t<l fll7O.r.rt~ra 'I?JitRl 'denno' !' 'fucra' ooilfJ1m~ I~. Si.1JM::lci~11l de dos timbho~ d.ifererlU-S fiiilt"d ~I 1:1: e« mbre, 'Dent l;i:i \'> ~I (c;:p,,;;.io Qrd.,Jl~do, qli<' 1'I:pf<!;)ema su cosmos, mientras '1L'" 'lUCGI' ... W~ jnopum hOGtil )' a~W"nl:.w.,r f"IltI I~ ,·icb. En fummr <~ C<l511flOS. cl hqmlYrc ~II"L, I" h(]IIl~H,,0.;6d del espario,

(F..n qu~ e bssa I~ eseneia M ml il(~r'? (En q_ue ~1l1isiSI~ e[ ·,oo.nlO~' .:Iiel hombN "{ln~cnt,llor:moo? i~te "oosrl'los" del htlml1.n, 1100 fi.t"""~ ,L b .. """,r un IU.&Jr donrle n.~~l~j, o ~H"I11~ iI .. 'S",-/,o .. 1 punt!)'11 ILlI'd indi,·idu.o IkL"" ~I OOI:mD'S en .si rnI imio (eumo I~ d<:sorrilx Ikr,gcr) r d~ hoo]o ]"J. no liet:el illl es[~ lugar?

Ek<"p.nln UU1'Zlllh c.= como Y.I! l;oIljunio d~ ut, ~km",u<> [E·"'p<..~f'&I, ~ a $11. vt:-' camo l~N~WUj'{> perp~tlm. "1...:. dit,.;uk,J. ,,,,,,nJo ~ :,Ab:k';l;1 SQbr" fa "';,'H,I1<b, "" la ~Ikrlrrc: ,FloOr lill I.JdLl, hay q~L<; lU ':h r d d."ll1<;noo ~IU iguo. clcrnv qllil.J: EI rdlEjo d~ Ii! (llIrn..lld~ dcl SCI" IlIJll;ano ;:;1 el ~~11O lnatenMJI.( ••• ).. hay quo:: con~iJet'ilr 1.1 "ivl~!~<i~, ·e.n '" r ... m.l ,n.:b ~".m'm.~, roml) Uil inOOo ·d~ Qi,,;:ncia l>roF,io del sigln XIX. L.a j('Jrn~ .,.,-igi .. al de torI;, .i~j(-'~'h 00 b 1.1 Vid.1 ~n I.m" casa. :s;j,m "'" OJil b.;:.r'tqllil!. E:!:te U~'YtI h hudb dc {[U iell lo l>l1ll(Ja.

En d mID m# 1l)!Trem-o, d. "pamu"I'!!:I)ln !>C calwif"rft' ell I1:!tLldli!.,t ,} B 5~JD xx. COif! ~1;1 SUSKI pm h ~,.),idld: la

tt.lJISf>:lI":1!c:i~ I ... pl.orr.l IlIZ. r el ~'" In.,.,,", I,~ 1f'U<!S1O Ii" ... 1 1111)'k. .miSt,,, .,lI: l1;}hiru A ln Cl.Il3 .. ~ rn ... ~"<'!.'l en d 3p3lft;ml~uuu 4;1 iLrqy~[a:to Soln~ eSC (l!poncn los ~tlogai'>1S IMfJ ~r;:5 hUltr~ilO'~, El1'>,1pdern Sl~,l~ b.3. ~tcl.!did.:l h~t"1 [o m~ PNlfua1d~ de SL ml"'l'~ L1 [mden d.· bmi'l u il~. Hoy ~Il dI .. ha de.!:lpar..'lt:ioo. y In vivienda ,,'" yil;w r~!t!d= sus d;I"Ii~MiQ~: I",m J"" vivos, Q('III !"l' cuartos J~ h~Ji.d,. yo r"'f;t los rrmerros, OOJ~ 1(1:). crematories" Dl~r.UI~e lQS :tIm'!; '20 s . los .l1't[Uif<:CI[J> arl:tlizabml I!II ~kbil (Ie I.., GL'Sa tkii~ro de b.~ norrnas de r.I .. clf,~~litiari y de h lil",rta<l ,M i .. (!j,i.-i.,,,. La T:J<.'1urdid!ad. b romlm;r~ a la I:!i.l:!q~~a del principio ftlilrlfUn«n!cl <k11i0!gilf. [.;I 'ClS'l primuti,';lI, '" ni~jOi' dlcho, la cw nJltnrnl. 'q~ .Hu:gi. de los (]rlge-n~ de I ... bL\sqm~b dt, un hog;.lr. era lID obj~[(1 til' ~$!lIdl(l ffO:u~.nt~. Los atquiL~'(;rj)~ int1:1l1J.h .. '1I ~k.<;"nt"'fl3r !la. _Old~ (!d il()~'JJ" p:trn Cifil..lucirb a la m:.=i.hd del '!homb re moderno',

E.I i1<1l}}E es mas qll~ una (klim,mci6" <k~,(ro cld ~pac·iD.. .Es mas quI:' b ;:dili~ciiin de un c~.bijv .. E1 hog;u es cl sitiQ do)J1d~ d hnrubre SI: tf'OO!'lI~b:t ell ~UI.(~lIOS. EI hOg~E cr." LIf1J i1llrnl'O donde c1 hombre r;;,) puede .rehjar. .EJ ""'.!iii, ri e ne '~lle ·1"1'i."IV"'-'f1", .Q,I'<l'JcI$l'1Lncl..., .,JQlIIl~rnd(j ~I hombn; a 3LUI l"!Uld", de P.1Z.

La elsa !Ju~. ~1'>1jU'~~ba 1ll.·$Il;'"llfi..t.tI pcrmmenu:o de ~'1'e ~lllP'lf(l }' hJcil que ~I h'ombre confiara m~ r~Ll<:rdo,. ·ilusion~ r ceeencias all:~~ci() pl'Or'cc[or d~ b """". 1 \,'as:l! er-.l <!lluW'r 'lUO; se ';"'1:1'1,,, de .rmooBos. D~ 1",:,110 I:a casa ,eili" nl.1s signHlcad.o '1LW ~ua!ql" ie. ouo ~lU.O.

T'or (\!iQ. I<i. Cil3;~ de nuestres abuclos nos preorup~ mnltl. Por eso. [o.f~"l'ia rillUa gen( rusmiene un \IIl~,~~I(l «<n';mc'Ilt:rll<lii .6Jkl" COI.l t,1 'l"i5f'ru:if> ft.",","" de '" casa, L"t GIli'~ J.Li,f'~1tc ~~u:h" ti"mjM ",~ "ideo sim\ni rno elk h.(lg<lr, U casa em la n'i3!~rhlirndan del h~;r o <kl mGIIID:! old Ilomlw,:. Numl~lme:lH~ S€ ~iruatn '-'II el lUg<Jr dontk ~1libJlIJllO~ crecido }' 'Vi'~ido. 0 aJm(l diio Beflj~m in. ~1iI d "111<> eJ<"""0D0 1:.1 'cW lJ!lrg= es cl ·r~dLl qu~ Il[!\'11 la

h ... d~a ok '1(lil.;P 1.;. 0.LlI"3. 1:"<rt.1 CflS<! ~m h ~"J',,-...,.i6!i ae .!. P<'t':!(lJ:llllidml d~ ru pmpl~'l!fk •.

En 511 con .l1:rLci~ 'Conmuir. T-!;lbimr .. 1'<:I_r' rleid.~~r Il:m.t'I. b .t'¢I~d6n ·.:.n[re b fX'1. Y ~I hilbhacr. lli'i",,,toll,c:rmcnte 'It,bitar' signil>c.,. '~~r Ik"l/;l;{lr.l h:t"W-l. h p"~.". En d SC1UOO" 'ILL" <,xpli(';i. Hd~r d 'Il~b,,;;r ($ ~I" ~st:Jdo !Jwc;mo, ulila c!ll,p-;!,.idOl,J .~ I..on :lll"l;;n<J. Su <Jl'il"ltfl.Jl imjJJka'lut" aisle IIna rtJ.~d6!1 sllllb<ll ka ~mr" d nO'lllbre y SOl QSJ. L, ri~C'l1d~ oJrrecr .m1p·fit\,·, ;;o!l$LI.d~, rX~J; tJ'" (':l~:!lda, in"'fl1o, oobija ~. ItS dl ug<.1r &olid~ d imlivjduD p[J~(~ ,ksarrolh, "tl lllfimidttd .. Ell! r!l 'las IXu(d", de 13 (.1S.1 d mro f'~l(.d~ ~C. m [[I tn·timv. [><JT """ rropi"Jad~ ~imh61'i"1>. ill c.:L.'IlI 00 solo C:5 lin pmyl"Ctu ;[f'(IULI,-:oonirn ~i'll(l [.]ffibi&ti moo.6lim, rsicoMgi~o. ;u~{r"rioQ!O£ioo., ..

ik~r dt!~ril!(',s Imw [h~ hQ~'. ill C(lnrellipOr.l1j1 wejery., hs C!I'Illvin,g. from ~, phys:iml ~pacc intn the ;",-.s;ukm (If 'kd~"g 3[ h:D.m{ ili"tt C'lJn l:ial'l'""1 ~!

my dme, in ~")' ~,bcc, 'I1:t~~: i~ 00- say. ~OOi1y'~ !T1<ID ~'illi r~1 :l~ ~~ in any plaoe, < F.dillg all: home' is lin

in rt'm .. t.I srate !It;lt i!linkl.'d to the Ilhysiaill spa('(!

of [h~ house, On. 11l0:: or",;:II" hond, .. he ph]V7>lcaI '~("'l~e milt """ ,.:;;ill lI,ous.: b no ]ops<=r tk 'J'«i.ll plil.('<l wheJ;c '<'iIC TJ1'cl H home', Hnm~. whidi Clio mpl~~ the h"::m~. has little: eo do \\~[h 3J building. Th roof [h~f cn.'crsit. !.b~ ro\>r w:all. IImt surmund il.llmV'<: ilil 11 Wlly beam,,, p.oof.;r;~. ,""p;lrat~ from ,,'h~r l" 111"'[1 in t~~:h.:;m al k!~i.lftMng s~ruI. Thi.pOO GIll ~, bMih' on dll.'.

~s, of h~hi!JL

W'h~1l th!: h"",,~ w.aS synOi1yrrtO\I!i, wirh h(lme, ic \\'lIS '!be I'r~",~ wit<.."., 'min f,:;1~ io1~ ,~_e;:', '111., 'sr:lJt~ of ~<iIl' obviuusly ~mlcJ {Ill Jn~nf MOl'S: rhe pelroJ1ial,i~' 'of the illdividu~l, nil: beliefs., the tyEJi:' of ~i~ty. Ill!:

m~ hIlI? "fllh ~0Ci..J ",bri"".hi,r~. eee.

lnrhe boll,!)"";'" 1;",i.W the f.!milr w~ ~h,,<=<:.n= of W;;;Lrt,~ wi'te.= J3.il1'il~i5 iJ1!'c,rprerarlmil Pll'tlS (h~' inl~li\lidLl;l:l I1Bl.

Iki*mirl also PI)ErltS I,D fftc terniJ'l:hf'.lf.1l1 of tile m~ Qfd...-el!l~. TIlt ~,pirtl of the ~ mooH'ie< om ~'t,lna:p1 of mej.Cl), arw iO.Or dl'l: dr"l'llJJring"plOll<;lC', tml:1iSli::lI:lnilig the Iv:!)' if) Wh~l WI: &\11<;11. '>lliloKIjJhy '-'ill! bd,!, til 10 underst;lm;l hOI ... mID ,p!:'K,ti,\l'd! his world. How do we ~pp;oo<lth I;ho complex 'ymOOl.i:l-rt\ ofho!!l~ In 00 r ~octgy: Tile m.(ldicm rurh~{t:er.s hJd 1I1ro.1dy ,,,,~<>d the I;l.,k of ~ cha,r.Jc!l:ri!i1!i~ m.l!ell ung of Irnei r ~g!.:. Wll;1t i~ dt~ position in j, S4Xi~ty ~har i~ chill';1..crcri~ ll)' h"'T"'g~n"ir!,?

'Tn~ set,,,ul) 1lf'l oom\; ""k.c:s Ir. dear thar 'P"'~ cannoc be 11UFIK1¥J]~}t!s. The nrllick, dif.'Fe~, frum Ih~ (1!.lISid~ ,However, In tlite IIrst chlllj?ll:r WI: sal)"> how com:~mll(mu)' w<;I.:W ~onHibult ... '10 homogO'fl_isnl~, Wh,,~ is - ,h3!P'J>el3iIJ!;lO' m~ role Qf die heuse "5 I[h~ m"<:ri.~.1 i"",iIJiii (If h()me in ~'his ~ciCLY. Is the £p~'(l: all:m.t is inllc~n~ 00 foullding the home sl'ilJ ~:iffmnti>l.tL.'"Jr How does ma.n illteg"ll,c iin II.~ mem'polis?

\'Q~ cart <!<tool, ";~,,,thcr or 00'[ [hb .;ilfklliillti;uiolil ~wl aim, and ,¥]~dliJ:.r m~ ~h~l1« ,or ~h~ h.n,m~ :s:tim ~ (Hi Ihi djlrr~.l'I:m'iiation. gn dt~ w:ly in ,71hith the imli,ojdl!:M !\:I;u[~ 1<> rh" ""''''IDIRJlis:

~C!ity lifc' is :I banle for ]imi.~ Ih;m .' 11rl' withIn IHmrti' B.c'

~lo live is (0' ~eil\i'C ~mo:"CS~ W.B_

~Th~ iiCliw fl';U!'~ ",f o;IlIl!" ."."llif", .he renl fraJi\~ of O'U r fl)CjLi ... e Uk Thls is !JIlT house, J. {UllDb. "

~Thc hllLI<>C. l'I~1!1l having diisil.J!,peamd as an irl~ri{urloll. ;15 3 specillC pl:.,OC' U!i!lI!.lM.'Il (0 ether ,l>lil~ - bOOUlSl: :I<;,;~",: "m no l:a.:rlg;;r be rI~~ l1JYPqr<.'11i~ 'fOp!?""i. ;m; tu work, and 'tim; I"hldl is poi"",[!; will no longer be Il,,, "PPmIl! op~~iti;;;n [0 rh.1t wlliet! i!. rulk'l.)ti~>: - \viII be l"l'~rywhe.r¢: ~h~ house will be ~'I'i!ry spoo.: and C'·~ry ~lm!l!: ~l'l ""Itrm. a f",,, ~liIrl ,,;ull,Lpw subiecr, ~it~l:lQ ~nd

~~I, Will stteil~h~ ~m11i1ld MIIl",df a~II1.~ JQ.


Two ~mibufo;s dJ,:"t" nre t'irt'quEMiy used to describ(l Ih~ IHJl!-<;I! jlfC' 'IlriYacy' ..a:lldi ;1Iilllil'l'lu!J11', LimiQ(Km ll: '[he ~e,;<l'Il ~"d the ",(f..:;! "f ,liiIUitillg. It &s m~rkins OU!t 3 t,.r,[j,,,,'1 10 Crnk' o.dl:'[ whhilil and iW:lar.., the external (h~w>. 'nit ~ilf1 i t~I]OIl Q( th~ house is, brot1lln.t ~hOlbl by CrIIl:2dr\g asbd((rth~t (iI13b!1!S rn~rI tu t\St;Jbl~h i'I;s plh-d<.l' and f"llnd hi. cosmos.

:~Il bo~rF.i~ society. ,I,e lilllit uf LIl" ~Wtlse W'ilS the ,\'C'.~l~Mimicl I'rnoni.ct Iletw-~n th~ wolld of J:lII! ioP',dit)f nnd th.~ \'o'Orld uf i.cisuru. The house \ ... as the pl;;l'~ where man ,,,1J'Il!.d k;;ep his ~Ioo :l!1d hiS hopes, wnil" Ir.IllO'fl !II.~""g<'d 110 th~ .~" Dr WDOIi. By ,tttins I~ limi(s, W ciri~n o:pd~, .r'ULQlla1i.::r frul"lil Ihe cl!)llIU!S~k SI)b~t'C:. The ddimimtiOli Dhh~ horne is based fill drlJwing 3 ",1"'<Ir d",tim:c:iol1 1.,..[Wl .... ~I, wl1:llt is eharacreristjc of '<I~'cllijjf;' and of'worki'1,;:'_ The !imit CLn be a wdl" d~l1ned ~i IlC tlEC;],'u.:lt:: i~'$ rwn '>'ery di±'I1mll]t ';f1,..irllf!'!TI;I,:Jl:l~" The concepts of 'inside' iilld 'oLl~id~ ~I'i;' '''';~_ 'Inside' is tIIi" "P'K'C wid;i" rill!' \!or.'Ill~ uF rhe


ronllmD lim-J. ~·alll,~.Ieak un r:lpxio ~,Imu d ~t~MrmIlDdl:' ~tilW m ...:#Il"q!!e' ~~ ocurri:r ,m cw'l.qnit:t nml'!'l((n.o;;. ~ o;;uaIlIJllier' lug,IJ;.'& d«ir: d oomhn: 11: h~)' K ~ mcunlrnl' en ~In: en m<>Iqui~J' lu,~ ill · .... IUI'!le ('II C#J' a "" <'!"!"'.tflo int.,mo qll!: ~ C~~.m"" I;~ ~~ ~ r..ww.h l~ <'<1M, '1\)', "in pilrre ~I ~P.~II'I fbi~, qUi: Ik_lIIa~, ;''':1.<;;1 ya no CIi d bigllT privi1t:lliildl) dOIIJ!:' 11m \mtil1i1ll'" m ~'. ,EI h~r. qlle pun;!!;: wh'liluir 41~ alili. lime mil)' ~ q!.!~ ~~I' ron 1m~~iliC.;le~!~, 1'iI1~. que 110 =Ix.:-, hi. LI!IIIID p;1!ro:o;IJ;lI" q,u~ .I" i .. d~JI • ..,. 'hi;l h«ho. d~ ~!glbl Ill..&.. ~ im'lIi'j1t;.rwl.itlllelo Ik 10, q'UC lr IOOU .. ~ 131 d ror~1li (iQfI~" ~ SolgIrJdo. bl.t' IIIlF pucde ~r ronmuido a purir de m!{iY-I'fi.~

CwM.o "' ....... """ ';1I6"i en .. dr hog;u-. L1 ml3 (fa cl k~r d<>...lI.: d 1kl.1'II1:r,r" ... iltnlll 'en, F'I"!'. ~ "" "1- 01~' ·m.1du de:: 1_' dc)l'C'.n.dc .. mud ..... 1001''''''' L. ~~Ylld~ dod IiotI<mb~,.I{b (KCII .;!.~ d tipo df )QCir:W.d, LI ~t)liIiigllr.l iil.lI ik W5 m-;L(ioltC! ~Qdt~ nc. £n b. aii1, b.'''Il.'",",L, b fitlll,il", m_lnplla d cerure ,dr b ;oc;"..!W, n1i~Im'''~ q~x: ,~" \11 in"''Pn.~n J!!~tj_i;er (>m~"d.:il ilidi~i..IlI'"

&nJ'mlin I~mhi!!n iildfc;. cl ,~ill temporal de I. Ini!I~j1 de h~hiilu. EJ ~lIirn del IRrnflfo:l Ifn'jtUIl~ n...,.I:r:Icollctpdan de h, ~ "! d'd: ~l \'h>ii:'l~d:J. inJ1.'!tm:l!!'ld .. ;l..:lIIUCUH ........ r.1dc- hlbi= b m_.~ ~ ~~ ~)'i<hr • MWlIMia ~o cl I.<lml:u" IXRI"k .. ,. mundo.

;USmo no:> ~ltl-~[I~.1l rompkjo,bdl&mo dtI ~ e1l. nUdm ~; :uquir«toS nwCcmo! ~ en F..1r~ b .. ;vimd..t r.rvpia d.t ~ ric"'''''' ~'''" iq~ IIo:\lII'l: en ~ ,:;x:f<o4".d "'!!~D I"'~ b;ci1;}l1~

l.:I rowt~luClj,\n die un h"'l§U'JIiilfle en r'i"idrnciru qtl~ !.'1

~o 11ft P'l1<,'(I~ ~r "!llh~ ifl(cf~ll" ~ d~till:gu;;

.M ...... '.,riAJ~~ r~ro htll\f)! ,i~o i{lK: 13 ~o:bd ~om~m~rjln!'41. \·tll,~nil.,)., " I.. l .... n~rI~iJ\ll~i:iln. ,,,Qlq~ p;ui: con d p.lpel d~ I~ ~'11 Wl1~Q' m;l~t;'''..Ji, .. d{\1I dd • 4;n!R~ !!l;: eo!!. KlCi~ .:Ilm~ b difCfa!d~CJi~ dod ,~cio illll~fC'ntr: '" b ftm.!baon d.e b ClI:lli~ (Ccimo ~ ["~ ,.0 hom'b:re: (II I~ rnrIlrDjpOOi!

f.fll!;. ~ m qu,,,'!J(l ~ d indiMidtli) am b mrtt6po:iIi ~,oo;eaM H did>,. ~h

todm:i ... i.!~~' ~ b ~ ~ ~P"P ~\iJ, 'm (i\.-p;fi~~"

Ell m~D de hWiw Iu ,mEl"'~ iU1nr.MiiC[ooeo rcpn:lclu,,-.W.u d,:: 1!IEtJ. m~ dit ili.lcogrm:c m !;a esQl!( h m~J;

-Ci'l}l' life i~ i'I barde fi)f Iirrui3 r.1Iller II ill "' lif~ with ill limi~,.· B.C. ..

-r{llc;..~ b'! 11]' k-1!''I: ~.~J W.E..

"'Thr rl(:tM' hI1M\' of 01.i.l Ml nr~ dK 'rt;'~1 frnJm; [Ir,t)ur liail'C life, 11th b Ol!f h 11e,;a mmb~

""'lk~, .:1,.., .. I • ....lilt diu~m;!;u lI.Il in.liillticm. AS ;an ..p«ilic p:bQl: ~ [fj .. tk.r p!~ ~~U!C I~QDt \\lll f! .. lOGger be , ... ~ '1"P'"I1l ~i!i(rn ~" wod~. ~ n d tJut wbidl, u .Jlri,\"iH~ "ill 110 ~ be 11l~ ~P1JW;m1 ~tiim to dUt y,rucb U ~i;,'C" "~n be ~~ IlK: ~ ",it! b: coTf)" ~~. and ~~. ti~ in WhKh ,3 iiiH: W myllipk iRlb:io;;~. ~~ .md !\MI. ,",',]1 "I'tI'Jliil!! ~".llilld. him;.df .", - J,Q,


Oro ,,-It: ~ e!J~IOI,ttl~ oon ~ cmJ~ ~ 1l"'5Uj'lX' r~'!~iii¢fi~~ la ct.IC!t..on b 'inrimld.¥i' b ·!hlli'I~·. l.J limi~ '" I~ 'KL--iOc, 'Y ,d! J __ o <iii l,miQt f_ • ..knuruu- u .. I~ paR, ~ Ull "".ir .. I'm d~11O f .ti.\Ilr cl (';to:; CXtmQr.. LlJ rimi~n d: b~, ~ .lK'IIlllI'Ite b. cIaCit'iil do: un @~~ 'i!!~ posibilil;t;a] l1ornh", <!mbl~r Sl!l inlli:midid )' furuhr MI cmlJiO!..

En 1.0 ~,""I.1e b b~ d lim;!~ do:' b. Cll'l'l! n'JJ 11 Ir!'(lm""" bilo::n d~~ o;1lJl;nt: d rnll(.d\_" Ik ~~ r.l!tl~n~l;d"! )I d 1II111i1l<1'o Ik !Kill, La t;;i;ll:iI ~nI d 'rt\t:'Il do!!d~ el 1101111111:':

IfJIxlfl &llitrdil.r ~~~ trr.;;'jl 'm r ~W' ill!l~iIl<i'K'''''' I'll im!F~ IIII!." ~ ~!'1 ~i.!:I1~ In, ~ ~rmiQ de n'ilhajU. j'!J fij~r e>'~1H Urn;c"" d .:iudo.d~ .... ~p!oitWn b r:ldtJiI!J,lid~l fUiOr:I ddll imbil'" J);;m&!:im.

En, ~~e' IlIIil d.ifetClld.! ~Jr.I ,=<11; !.;;'(,;!II'i1.<T",kt>OO &:II

llIjal f d 'I ~lr.Iooj:a:r'. SWb~ b dIiliflljQ iOn ,d~ Il.op:r.

EllilJl it~ p;iJ~ $('f U~ Iinta ~ ddDllilb. pi!!i'qLE !oI4iH.l &.l, lnlbirn~ "'U.~ .r...rntm.. 1_ ~ro~ ik '1fi1~' ~'&: .~. 50<1 .... id ... M. EI Pw~ d.,. ........

house, whkh ,Wm~ the place oflill'jsure, gu:u",m= rriwq and makes i ll,jl1t;'t9 p~;;j"k

'This limil' l"'Oni<imle:l; 1110.' di,~d;ll!! line "m~"""1i 'olle'! ,",Wli' and ·~nnthd~". The C~lIIa."jl'l~ of '{;lell~' 1l1'!.d ~difry' are also li IlkOO m rhe n'mi"" "f ll-", i nside or tlfl1:l1Q1,Lll; .. The inside of the ho= is Jl~liIXli~d as a, dt'aJl s:.I:r.JCC and rhc pcr"oll who ~ i, cll.'"~n par ""C<.1Il'1l';'C i. I),,, WORlJII. The fig~lrc of d'l< WQIIl3n has ix"<!11 linko.-d ,\~'th tho <lrg;<uili~d<:m ~"'! rnaiurenanee ot.I,~ demestic ~twjHmmc"~.

Wi,th I h. [hi n killg "f lh~ IUQdem nrchirecrs, F.1{;"".,..Htl' cmcrcd ihe d.UIII~.s[IC el\~irolll~l~m. The housewas freed from dl"l:~!'i1,~k1n was ...,-thought_ giring pdorily rn ill prnaiClI fUTlCllOJl <unci !;;n~"ling II to be LiKd :rroiJr br i 15 !lllubit1l1lts..

Aii",;m S'ld ,I"e~er Scnudll;.,m da,:,i,b",,1 .,J"" "ymholie

dwel ling whc~ Ille ~n~'fCrS ro (It" basic needs or modem lll~" are t<J I:.~ found; dl.<l '(;Qtl"l)'~rd - pa"';li",,· house. The oJUfly.mJ is '1:11 enclosed ~r;J,{'e dl."u makes it po,sibl" for 3 «'lilISP_Af pJ,vjl;"n <<> cxisr Wj~llill iI, Tli<! dirnenslons ordw couervard are fumblllcllt;~; ifi[ i~ !HJl Ia.rgc ~'1"'n,gil [!,~ paviJ;,; .. ~r,",o!' be habi t~bok

The arch I [oot'~ job w.~ 110 (resign the ~tnl'!;n!l(; of «he house. I' lis duu! "I',,, so cn_':I!e rhe o)JlI'~ I in which rhc ~r>dii ... l.;IlL,J could f111r.1 hinm:lf. TI.~ il~lihl.bilffiiU, the ':mist" in rhe C3Sc Ohl'k'iil' archi{l;-ct~. i'ii,"fll,.",(;l~ ~ign~ alld im3£'-"> of the. $!iI;gC$ Qf Ids <:1"'" development 3"J rul!iln~~m wid'll!! {i'I~ strucrare,

MiC'S "1I.n <;1<;'1" Itol,~', :Farnu""",,nh ~jflU!iC ean be ~" ~ sn example. In this hOl~. rna: irrtponance Qhlw cc.mrty=l j s ., The pW(lJ:l'$ rnn ~Oily tbd0i" ill <I safe plal:C. Ill?' ~ 10 ~"Y' in" $pIlCe: t!':'If will g,ll.,1.r~m<)C pri'o'aC}' under all circurnstances. 11n~ $,Iigl:nesr disrusbance of th i, clwirunm<."IU b"d.~.~ the ill(lh'i,h.!~! JrDi:! C()ffieqli~n~lr ~j~'>,!CI~ hi" SID[!: !:If por.;1~_

TI,is house silow:; {he ~h~"gt.' rh •• rnh ... 1:>1"00: ;n the nmiOJ1 df' inside' and 'outside', In the Ixlll1'g\'Oi!: heuse ',ru;in\C' was ""ilh in ti,. walls of {he house and '<)1""io;l.' w,,~ sllthc surround ill& of Ih~ 'inoide".

III the Mie> "",n der R"I,~ ""USC, the dilT~rnrlCe hetw ..... ; 'i ~iM ~d 'Ql,l!'>id,,' GIDIl"[~· .0 d'\'Lfdy d.cll!1,~J. Ir i! ,rlilliwh 10 sa~'wh~Jl: t.he 'OLII.side" ¢l~ <Il'ld, ,the 'iMidi lx1!ji,,;lS, f.:"h "ro", of;;. ~~ o{ NffNr5 ill'~ ~h.; dt'!;i'tt' (If illsif!cnw, The: flrs[ pI'Y'!'iOillilllil i~ 1110:

ddi,mit;uLoal of ~h~ sire. The next unc is til<' tlimmoc b('t"'"'""~ ,1'1. timiE of me sik and rhe ph~k~l,1 C(lMlmcri",., A tlri..:l one could be th~ _II.. of [he: house. Ikfmll: ,,~cllil1g ibe indh'iclual humsdf d~l're is

fi .. n.i,tu1<:, dmhhlg .. , There is. srnJ.ti,," or'iluM¢Jt~' ;m.d 'oul'$'_

11'1 Qrcl~r 'Q lO"nd his cosmos, Ih;: 1",jivklll.lnC<...,J. " place that. will BIlJow him 10' 'be ar pence' wit!' hi 11kM:lf ",hil~ pro:viJiilg him wi ~h a h",.i" ;llf,~,~rut'tlJ re, 11'1 a hosei le world, he enn M"If(!r be a p"'a'i~, can 11<:Wir b. with himsdr, withou[, ~ spaoe ;l!\M pro~'idcs h i nil

~ •. k"l""[C: ,,,fiuB'"

11iI~sil1g IW ]~'(I ItOl\; hou~ ill MegomazilW;l. th~ ~ x~ tbrough the pierceel ",,,,all',mel, <and discovers "'h~~ we: rn.ighl ~II the massive cent re (If lilt: house: ~ '~I~,re~e Wo,k., The ~irruJ.ti"rI a"'-:l.s, 't1l:;'I<1<I i,llg, fk "",ir~~, ~ • ., in II transiticu zone surrounfling '[hi~ cube,

\'('. might toe tempted eo l'l)' .hat the rouf; slIJ.'>j'I(;Jm;.:i by a I ighov.;igh ~ un.U:l,LII'C, logClhC'T with rhe pieroo;d, J»t;~"l doors, d\:fi"", rhe ph}'sicillimilt of til" house, :Hf~We\lC'.r. [he I [,~'''pll,..,n0' of the ma[c.r,i~b tl5<....:i in [hi, ddinlil~trllln lii~Il~II,\' annuls ~bi~ limir,

It is obvious I !~ house <I,,,,,, Im~ have (ULJr 'n~\'C ~""']ls o;kHmldllg iu $p:1CX!.

The house is Ji'badc' up of ~ .tqil<lfiOO (If di!l~!\. .. ,!

':.I1"i ronmeats, The external w~b of rhe cube, tile me,.)1 6ffK!r snd dl~ roof d",llrHt ~h~ limit of'tl,e Sp<lC" of dj~ nome, Thb f~m~Jl:arcn, zone sunounds ~ djtIe.rem wv:im"m~IU', CliN~r to I'he [l""",.'lilc ,000001[Le of rhe plor rhere is ~ high!)' aesthede volume, '11u: concrcre cube t:mtk 001 ill contrast wid. the IighUl~~ ofthe

dfCi.lI<lIOC>n area, Thoi$ ",,"~r~tc pan, closed to the OUi;!;,de ~~oc. wears me cin."'uil3110n 3n.":l around it like ~ "eil. 111 ;;(lIlL~;as. [0 <he lim: s:plttK', th~ roll e has .;iCJ.1.M}' .)!~{I i net! lim its, This !:'.I~~lrolblbtem is !h~' role domini"n (~f d}~ dweller, 'nHt tmlfimnll)' of d!~ rn~.",r'.J 3rl.d tho finid'tes of [h~' IhloOC, cdl i 11& ~ml ""':I1h, both iuside and l'loUUide, give the sensation of it b..~n!j it J~Li re '''I':IJlP~r, This 'bunker' can be imel"pR'f :d as a sp"<;C ,11'1[ rhe dweller hal proviJ,o;d h,imsdf wDlh.m PJmccr himscl F frorrl "be Sllrro!!mlinw; ~n"l be al penD: "",to!:.. h.i rru,df.

1I111olh.c::r dCffiC'J1t til,at deHiIl~s ,thi~ ~p~ .(ire lihe [CIllO' st<:ps. TIM- .l .. hant,age of ch~ is nOI only thin the WJlVCTSltIKlrl .;tr!di nl'lillg; sp:J.« ij: km';,:T th~n ,ihe cm:li:ilna-

cknuo ~ ]:lo\!l!y'U'l!de:; de I~ ~,qu:c' Jclj,l].e el illg.'~ del DCi!>, F-Jll~~ 1;1 priv:midad y ~rmit¢ I~ imimld:td.

Estoe ~(miFC fOmllil Ia Ifil~ il.e ~,~~n mtre 10 snyo f 10 ,tel 'off<)'. Ii. Ii; ,ood&", d.d interior d" I~ CWi, t:l:mW,!n CSI2ll, ~wo~l"" amccp!O!i de "0 limpio' '! '10 rudu:. E! iPJ~rior de la casa::!I: ooru;i~ O;lnlQ un csp.lCio limplo )' b persona pil'! mclcoo:lp;.1r:t IIIl.'lIltt.llcr la llrnplw ha sido Is fiuLj~r. L, !Igllll?:J, d~ :I!lllliijet ~ h~ alnN:F.ldo ~()i:'I cl m~"FCnim"--"lto r I", ~V"'"'_'Ld611 d~~ ~n'lbiro dCl'L'Il.!slirn. En d p"M:Lrnic:.uro 0;1" los '""ILLit~..:cO$ .tlloJ",m"~, I" rcJiclol1111li<;fud ha penerrado en el oiml:.i'.11 "!umCstioo. 1..<1 0l$3 ha sid!!> li~!';'Ji:l~ de m dcmrnci6f1 refl'Cll~.dJl prim~ndl) su fllra0611 p.r:iittka y f.lClIir.mrn; m libre w:iIl_7lIc16n pm p .. o;re d. sus hall1.F.lfiI:e;;, 'I "'ref SmirllSOll 1';1n ",,"10,,00' b ... ivi~nd3 s.lAlb6,li~ en IlL cual !1C' "IJIQlCnU'ilin, 'I"" reopu"".".. it hi. I~idadt$ bd.!icas dcl hombre modt'ITlO, ]a C'<lj;il, 'patio'~bdIOI:I' . E11l~tif) mm13 tm espaelo ;;c'rr.u:i,o qll~ pur d;)mro J"O'~ibiljt:J 1... ~,c~, de un ]J<IbelltNl .mnspa"'llirn, Las dimcnsi'>nes del po;tlo, son rrim,."liok., Si el pa~io 00 es @c'mtcme"te gr<I"d~ d .p"I"dl&ri "U p~ ser b:lbitable..

E.I :uquila';fQ f'~JlIit 'qu:e dir.=iia.r In ("$m.Clt~!~ de b casa, Su d,",l<lr er,J, crear d c:OI.ltM(I ~11 qlK: d jm'li\,iduo p~l,=m r""liurse a " misme, :EI h"bbmt', '1"~ en C';l$O de aLJwfC;; ~t~, el ·,lftist~'. rd:l<jfi signoo " in:t.-i!;<,,,,,, de l"" ~¢:l dt ;ru pmpia re.tliw;clon d<;fu:m clc ~1 estruerura. La casa ElniS\!IOlil de lIies. \.';':1'1 de Rotioe se p;xlrI:1 mmar m .. ", <!jf:fwplo. EJI m.l ~ Il~ma la ~u;:ru:io.n la rdc"~nci,. <1.,1 p.'l1io. Ll iruimi.;ind dd humbre, wlo,se puedc d=trolktr d<:;t,uo de .m lu§'l" .cgJI ro, es dcdr" dMtl'O de un Cllp"'cio {ILLeg;Jmuice j;), privacidMl en cLialquier cin;UJl~tgmci~. Ia , I~ p;t"VtW'b.1do!l de <sri: .!I.mbi.enleincomoo[b :!l, im!j~LtJ:Llj), :altcrnndo oemo <:O~lt<;:nd.l su ~~Jo t1" p~".

E ... ~ ClU3 ~ CJl.~'~"'Iild~ d qlJ,~ ocurre en hs rlUklitlii'ltS ,de mrerlor r de ~t~mlt. En, h cil5.1. b!lrgll;;o;sa, el'i!llerior' 5e SiW3. ,ckntro de 1:lS pllrcrJes ~ la e~ f d 'em~rior' 'oomiMoC: eo cl cOl~junlu ,t1~ Joo aI~~ i:I~ M'~ 'inreriQr'.

Ern I~ CIS;> "" Mits ViIJl d~ R<;J,e, I~ <I.r .. rellcla ;mIre 'inr.crior' r 'cl!~cr'i,," 1m ... p""d.: kldlc.,' <k &'rrnll 'tilifl [),recisii. Eo!> difidl, de deeir aonc!'c' ernpiC'1..'l d 'i 1~lerior· y ~nd~ cl ';(lXtcior'. E.'Iistco ml~ 5CCiJ¢nci,) de oomm:l$

'/ al mur ~da: UXI a .k. esrm ~Un1i:1l\'!l d grado d'~, inrcriorid:ld .. Uii pilm;:f lImilt fisim 1::1, Ia d~lifniuci&n Jd Iffreno. EI ~~ru:'lQ lie ~iwa I!Il I~ di5W1.cill qLU: ~t<! la ~OJ1srruo;i61lJ llib dell rmj(~ del t(,rn=no. Un. 'I~ro.'ffl pL!L..J;,n ser .I as ~de;; ,de '" Cl.5;J j' ru;n\S de Ile,g;1r '" indirvJd.oJo 11I:WmO So<: i!.ocu""trnfl los .mw:blel', Iii repa, .,' , .Ex~ !In" gr:iId..,acWlI de 'jnKlfiQri""d I' de '~lueriori~d". Ell ~n.dividuo, pan nmd'll" SlI cesrnos, it~r~l 'un Lugar qLte ee pcrJ11:i(:ll, 'e!>lll,r ~FI pat eon ~r rnismo y q,u~a Ia ~w.:

Is r:fO\'ell d~ una infnesclUom" .. b:i5ica. :En W'I mtm@ b",,<iI, ntmea puod~, tlcs",r. '-'Slru: ~.J:l: :~ " "';<3f;:;on 51 il:ld~mo, 5ill lin e:>iplKio que k do:' ~uiicic"rc: amparo', r~o n'l bdo, de 'iii ak'l:! de Toyo Iw ~i'I. !I.~'gilmi:'Z.~W\l, ln mimda pas.j. ~ rral!6dt·l[}S prutel~, de mr&ll jlL-nur.adoo r aesrubl\: .k. 'I""' "" podrb ,d.:nominJT d CMlru fIl~ivo de ,Ia C1IS3, Lift CuM !!!~ :I:wrmil¢olli' t,.., ~iL'Cul~d6n, con bt eKalU<!., se ~'f!<iLlcnlr.! crl UI:Ill 'Z'::>fI;L do ulUl.i6on. que ,,:xIe:I d cuM,

En 1.1t1 principio se p«Ir.j.,.,d~jr que ~ [(:011.0. s(Jptl.mdo por una estrucnrm 11gera. jumn '!Xln las IJII~[W dlt m~ml ,pocrfa,,,,:I.'l$, ,ddi;\~n ";ill !(!l,h"" fr.iro. d e b "'~", b O1ln.spJlreooa '* Ill'S materiales de 0IS1<l ddi,rni!ta<:i(ht muLl. viM:Jalrncm" este I"mi[~,

Es ohvi(l 'qu~ I:a easa no 'lk<n~ al~lro prut.1de; m~1'lIS qu~ ddjjt1ic;m SLL espacio,

La CI<lI. e.s;ti cempuesta poor LLLl<L $OClJMci:t de nmbienres dir""'Jl00s. ~ ?""""~ o;kti"'~ Jelj c~!ho, 1J.,,,,U":i melruiCl.q y d kchu defioro d :limite dd. ~SJ-~clo (i<: I" easa. E:s;~ .OCI.fla ~ (I'~!lSp;;umtj,.. etl'\i'llilll1'ii: m'lo 3mboclD~. M.~ h.acia cl centro g<loiitC!'liioo did ~o S(: .. nl':lleI,t!'ll Il!I v,;>I"men mlly ""dtioo'. Ell conrrasre ,t:01l la 1i&F=.a dd c;pacio d:o ci~lIh:i61lJ &>:: d"'faCl un eubo J" IWffnigo:ln. Ei;.:J.I':Ln:e de hormiig&u r c",<IMl" hasra d, esp~iD nrer,iof Il~';!, b 7,CIJ1il d~ ~ilCtil!aciilll ~mll IJn ~cl~ Ell C'i)!lr.='~ IJOFI d p~im~ ;irr.ilii~. d cubo lie~ un(l$l{m;res Jliuy bie,1l .illli'(;;lCados, Est\': <1.rriliieJuc: ~'S "ol1iio i" i'inr.:o dJcl hohiEllnre. liIl.I~ ifQl,fffihk<1 d~ i'l\MlI.'iliill r ~dn en do sutilo.t...cho )' p"1Cd.:s al inruw r "J c;:(1'erim dan Iii. :!esiUl'l d~ lin I'UCO t'Jlivo.l!o:rio. ~t,~ 'bll.nlW"r' $>: pb!.OOe im<.!l1m:!~r ~UtiID un ESp;Kjo roovis1o pMIl d h~hil"n .. " rom d 'o.bjetMJ, dc- jY.1U1",,'CJtIOI d~ .10$ aJ~"",,<l"O y d. ~~r' ~ p<lZ COil d onhinO)"

Orm elimlcf"" 'Ill. <lc61l¢ !!:!I~ ~pacio 5011 I", J:os ~alQIl~ No 56.10 o:ll'e«n (II ~(LciD clc: oolwe;rs>l.d~l r

!"iilI-aIlilll" .. _ _""".".-b);Iior. -~

..... ~ " .... ~

d. _L_ JiI.I~ -=I~ ....

...... &l'.!.I' .. , ~lnll!!!

~...,...IoIl!llOAi.o · _~._...,.,o....r..'r

~I.' .,.~ _;rl""ll~,..u ........

!"iilI-aIlilll" .. _ _""".".-b);Iior. -~

..... ~ " .... ~

d. _L_ JiI.I~ -=I~ ....

...... &l'.!.I' .. , ~lnll!!!

~...,...IoIl!llOAi.o · _~._...,.,o....r..'r

~I.' .,.~ _;rl""ll~,..u ........

de ~'Vm~r (!'eb..''tic' del rlMI de ln mtr.ul;!, q{l~ queda ,;Q,ljlQ 1)1,1;; pmrl:gicl-o, ,~rl[l qu~ t;uilllh,i~iI ~J ~UC ;mIT'! en esre ruicleo [ie,,,,, • .m" ~~!:iI ;obl!'el~ 'eseen a ootidillli'il', .i n esrar di",""C,am"mc i;t\1",.<;I:tdo ,".[I qt:i. Sill I:. baj;mGo los ~t:ol1~ d individuo !it il'l~;.1 ). cn!'r,l crt d espacio de fI'Q,vblcs: oOOlVN'mciot'W:! ,'" ;;omid!:3~" ~'.l moo oriigilla.! ~ defurm.1 ('(l l!n~ 7 ... ~n3 rrccmngul';ur dD.ltde.~ hahl~ y 51; wm", mmi,m;ul.. porun pil&illo, sql~~do p(I' lin" c!i,f;_"'tl1cm de, .. i'itt 81le,;ho de qt'" este «XJIrul!;Ul" iiC eUltL'{!rre hao:c <[~,o: !llclw1~ numeme cl ss~m ~lc ~rot«'Cirl:rn. EI nivel de 'ptjJl~c.ciof)· ~U!lle!~~" d:6~ d perlrnerrc hacia d (lmrro;p<riflj~ro en J.).wn~ de' ciKlI"R~UJl, ~!6: denrro del C1ItOO cl.; f'OMlisoo ~'. JXi1 dltimo, n0l.j3"&O b .dife~nci" do Ili~'d do:ntJi:t del rn~. E11W:tlitr de Ia.! paredes <~l ~~ ~ burgtliCSa sc hit rot\\I'<:.ljdo ~11 Iln~ seeuencla de csftliM qill: ... m de 1'0- j}'lbli h~~llI In privado. Para aeceder a la essn se rienen <["e ornzar ""00; ambienres ikmdle d !:!",cl" de I'ri"mjJ;.d. rneC~ '1,)I~ eada p'Moo:l"

Un iDrCrl~ de' delirnimr (!Sra Q_~. nos oblig<l ~ ~ m ~[i7""r el ("(mccpm de limile, I: liificiJ od~dr doind" se :K1lw. Ia Qs,1 r dbntlc dnp!= ~I ¢lpacio pribheo, Los ICrLli~ lr.:t.olki~'Il:.In1~"'" fi,ico, de b <:~ se h:o.." <:ofI'!"'C"I'IriJ;l", Ii~Y.ilm<'"'' cu Lltl.;tli ~Olt.;t! de ~1'o1'n"kil\".

To~"O Ito h" hrdlt) ill'~ rt';idll.;:ci6n. HRTil de 1:51'.1 c()~fil~i<lll de 1m llrniees. Obviamente ,i,ihl"'.,n I~ rel.adlin 0 cl ~DDtl'il1:lUllbio ~Ui'>.-..;;m ~.n"t~ 5L1 Cj!l;l ). b ci"J,,<l, ~.J;Lt.". do Illlbi[~,,~~ }' ,,:1 dtL;:bd~roo.. (l" r.1J 100 ~e iJlI<"I'I:i!1i"tbl" «; ma .. it"",,,,, en un ron~pw m& ~"'lrl"", difil.nce to publico en d ~'$~do privlIA(I rnediarue las redes {h: lot l1j;l,@J11~di:.'L

L:t u'<ll1sp.arcncl~ \'ortllal' .1 trn.~~ d~ t.<li: r>XI~ que han -"'T'J... o Jemro de b. 50(il:'<.L.d de !~ ,rnmll",,,,,d6,,, amenazan la illtllilid~ que I'l'<)OI.lrnria 16. C3SlI, to QI[;[tterllillco d~ vwi.r en'~ ~ocird3[I.l<S ta l'l·~imiLi1d~l1, d &o::w~;n<locr .0 el KllIlpc:r Jo~ lIf'~dl~ ~~lm d e5p~io flrlv:oclo)' el e''p;ido l'ul:011oo, cnrre lm~m~d Y' fnl:nqlJe2i1, s.: p"dri". d",.,;lr quit L1 ("_ ~~ ha "bier!<> '/ p<J' 'liroi" (It; I,. (clcrn~tl<;:! ~ hll <<iM on 111111 ,;:d (l", o)InUnialcLOIl qll'l: uue wd.", cl rmH'l!Clfi. Ad d C5pacio mtinio &t b eJI~ ~:sf~, 1ii~t:ni!ttr~ll.lmlli~[1 :alilroceso de ~ ~'tornoge"",iJ~cUln cld op3l:io, 8iirl'11>i(O· aiucriormC[1I[i! ~bm",I.o ""r;"",)o' S<: ''a 3.:1uJ~erMl..) I'or I"" nu .... :ts '.:ot:'llotq,o;i"a.;,

J~~ 'E<;hc~'mTI~', dcscri,1x: runm d mum!o dt: I~ fl('1~m~[jc.l, pmctr;J ~" IIl.1l~J!"" viviel1@s. Si La ~M3 ,eosti ~I'l rum~l'ttl <'J !:Ol\ .;:1 ml!ml-o o::xK:rior. 6s~iC' tilmbUI'I <lSI:" ~n ~()m~o!C> ~bkr«;L (;001 b ClI"".l~ui qijcd,~ dicl

signi i',Qdlo ~imb61ioo J~ d ,'(:k·n·~l"'J" • .I,.", tdc·, J'l::unioncs. cI tt'te-shoppi ng, b [d'c·educ:]Ci.O~l, d 'l~eo..."ICt, , ... IJo:.:IIClT.m cn 1:1 pri'i':l!cil:fa.d ptrs(>Jl~lr ~EII 'q~tC consli!je d ltog:lr {Id 110mb-oR: ro.iitempomn;;o, si '1<1. C,lSll'

se ha llb-;~rt(l hltIcica 10 plllllim? Ellmmhre, qu~ f(>!'Ina ~t b~ 4'1' es[~ :I!ll<;lor~d d~ ComliI'lL~~~ron,~~ OO!1Sndcf'ltdo ~(lrnr.; UI1 ser qu~ debe su 'm~rgw, >II;IIU IJ SLI 1,.,';ic;o.Ji social a I;). m~id., en '1= <'SClf>"X J.,;"'mihr y lr.illsmilir!a .infOmlaDj,,,, ("m:CliH'dli~C <:!h ~I mLLIld<J, (:3."~ri(JT.

l:rumbi~n {."~I~' ~J cpueste, [J ('Spa.ero pitbli,C(j tit.' h cj",Ia.l <lmple :ll~l1as raI"C:as d~m&IJc-,J,'5 Jlr"lli~~, del espncio pm".do.. €Clt~1. son I~ limo"",,,! atribu:idos aI ""I?'t.<'<o Je La ',,,-,,l~

F..I1 hl ~, Mcg['mC7.:t\\~t, d cuho ,~m:rnJ cClmkn,e 1111 g~1I o=.qJ~riL~" que da ]lI~r ~ "11a, cocma' y 'do cotmedur', I~ fUnci o <><'<'I de esre ~pacio escin indicadas

~~Mt.mI::lJm~Jm::, L a '<lIX; ...... "",[ri l'lgj.l a un r"""E}!derQ a 'I" I","W' de tm~ p"Jlf.J. EI. 'C(l'tllili'dOr' '.::I~ t".rlm3.J"C<IJo f!'O;

I~ mesa, ;1~tJilimdQ por do, I~mpa,rn.s, !vl;i;s qu~ cmnjllij. ctm ~ 'C;\i'<li I"r~(kas de enos elipacio:5 tr.lalciol1.11~. que ';"I'i111 ;:3~llLOO .:I~ reunir b f.lI"ild~, d euhn enderra des "ct;"id..d"", b:i~i~ (5o)i'tler )" h.1~to ... PlLN d ;mljyiduo I~ fun,;j6;. ramlli~r de b "'t:la [10 ,,;<~, por 'V~"""'~ii1,;h I a ~l 01<1 ticne su fun.cion. p.r'fuiCi.!

Sepodrfa supener ~.""C p;I_ft~ ,(f~ b funci6n anterior ,de h (JI,O,3 "" I,~ '"",~~n:W.;; tn ILIM ~cci~n delltrG de Iil. dmL1d. E:~t;l ~",l'lQlttcioro h..c!. a [a ci'lciJ.d, ""d presenee .;JIJp!icju en I" .. ""0'", dli.m,uiQ for Toyo !to, 1m 1'\:m's SO" u,,:JS propt:J~ms para Ilmjc~~ jmkpo.:"die;nt~"S ~' rnbBja,d.)f<!.S. Es{~ gn.rc' sodal ~pocl1icQ se nl"i\Cl~tlvt ,POOl ~r nqm:Jc!a:s qlLe m.lll1Gl ~~allS<1j' d~ ,I'll 'Qi."lII~ a}1iicli~II~'. La dave de C$t".{ .<;:1. ..... e!< .... a seric ,&., nl",.bJ"" que define" unas fimdo",,. impor['Ln["" I""'" elias,

r~1::i t;a~~ 0iC3 mms ~[IIbh~ {jlt~ no oM.t1.n d;:.iinidos p= un :lmbit'~rI[t: '':Ip1.:'(;'fi~"O, S~ podru1 rofilu U!1~ .Idiliidall lie un amlJicm~ Cr.:=MI} plra ~cihir' UfO r,u'lfio. (el :imbiw.i"lII.' """"'1"-..:10 !!I.iltt. ..... L E.~ .m rerrieorio puro, r J'le'irrnl que ~p'''''' SOl Ilrox.im3 ocup;!ei6u. 5{; "$cm~j~ a U.Il ,~cftlg[1l' qu~ P<~ nnas rml>l";ion~ elemenrales, mlJLS dimensiones mln imas )' un ""p>ldo l1etltrn.L

L. ca;;;. Je TOyQ '[m ,cldinC"3 "" 9mbi to <llIe "'P".t~ "'" It;tbi!all~. L.~ 'CL~t "" un ..... "J'I<ri&n. d~1 ""P"~'" qu~ dl:tto, .:klmm~E611lrunn!:K\ 'ail"';. tom,icne ~1. ;:SP.1.CLD <::km~ro[31 j),,11:JJ la exiSI,{!Ii(.i;! deJ hOffiDrc, ~ill mula d.~ nil jo. ,.i W; ".,,~ TlU 5<:' ba~ en su in£~Fpm;ociolt (k I:t du~l~d !' ,~d-c bt,a rontlJl.iL. mi. <'$F~d.) p~ I':,) '10 w;~~r'o rualquilm, & un n;i; 'lI:in, Un .. ,ft,'gi", (pllm, Clue ~,E.! un rcfugkl fml!'C jJ I~, ~oooolid aJnlcl1lp()rln~~ <f;; ;:1 bt,lnker del h~"i:[lIn~ [1i<iril !;lroteg~ oon~r.l los f.".'''mll!IH'in~ MaqUe5 de filI ~ocicd~c1 n I~ p=umilill~d JId indLvi.J;,;Cl~ {!kn" ~ b.:i"lkcru" • .,;1.0 rnmfc'irioo pu<;:;m ,que d u,uar;;" Ii<: plJil:dc ,,;;!;lbIO'C<)r (II.> <;QO)!"d;;> ahimo am ul;;JlquieF ~ilio (ld ml,mdi() d~e ~l:c' IUg;1r?

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Alo largo d~ W!l1iqlre en ,~1 rio ~' de Affisierdliim, un pro&fil!1ili!' mWo u~ 1 fjJ Vivie~. ofk!~"!~~"e~~~ d~ lFabilja, <l0f!~s, ~O<'I1er:ci". 'I (!<Spadl)~ piIbljcos, It.) $:dQ ajln!t!::OO 00 un dense entolF10 !lIDllIlO, E~os e1emen~os ~1'rd!J1~r~l:tan ClIatm clienl~S difere~le$: ~f1 prornotJ)r iIlmobiliario,. 1!llI3 ·ooopera.li1.a d~ '!livie~~, \.01 ~ deespacros de tl'JIlBfQ y ~I ~ntilmi~nto de Amslerd"m,

La e~lremn~d~ 'I.I'(lriedl'lC d~ ~erll'l1i~itros. ha sioo resuelta ~"~,ofliti'an.OO "la ooidi:!d ~om~n· <ie1 fji1To.graITlll: ~~~~.;:rito; M ~_i ~'\BCind~rio~- oon$1tSt~lI~ cada Ul]O en 4-S .~arl<lm~iIWS. ID~ oC-IIl3l~5 cOOlo reaoooo a la cmDiCI!1l.e' iooi1lid~16I!1 ifllte~llm erear un eFlOCIrnO' ~'e'1if;~ tna~ ~~5e~rQ.

Ci!d~ ~eClOOOOlMlIiI SU !)fopio, ~t~1ifIIli 00 accesooolOCM R;\r3 ajuGt~rse a sus ~erimiei'ito$; urn iLeall, U~ ~$ar~'I<I., w.;i @rM~:mZ!l. WJI pQ!'¢he, ~ j~cdrmi u~ pil1iix-adi!' UlOO gsnerando un upo espeofco de ~, ~s,tr,ocU!ra 'Y ~achiidiJ'" p~r<l ~~.Ja~rlbs deforma ~dien~ pr~!6rn(l ~ f;d:):r,;; IQ~~ d~ trula: uro, 1JIil' si5.tem~ de 'C;W1ilfMS <!Inerge a Irn~ d'el ,&iifidCl. GuanOO se .~~ ~~CiM delr3bajo 1l!Of'Hl~ a~i@FII;[jS, e1,r'e5U!lado as VIla urtd~d \lfi'tiClll, la (lye ~.01' ;;.sflJ1!rza ~A PJQPOrcionar a 10$ 1'1Paf1~I'fIl!'Jltoo la ~~~, d'e' ser easas cen ji!rdfne~,

Ell !a e;i'I~d~ f:!ril~ipali parte del ~diflcio, S1e PJ(rl'ec~, sabre cl ~gua :Dlm~ Cf~ ~,t~rraZ3 phlbli~~1 ,oo~d~ por ~f'i r€Istaurarr,1lloorn ...J51~ IP""f(lf1io1fli~ sab!1! les ag,uat> de! Irl0 y h~i~ ~. ,~nlim all1!g!Joc iE~to ~~!_a @I ~ooter PflrdidQ<di;!1 diqlR. Ilffi per~~d~ 270 grad os,

b~5,cijjjl"od<>de5,. ca;lli(~ y posiOOI de ~d;j rnOt;I~ '51!! pr@~taroJl a !(I~ 'PajVtiptll'!t~s en lJ!1laserle de e.ocu~mro-s.

Pari! detener Que e~ 1fII'()C~ '~5C~~~ie del ~¢.i11rl)l ~candmi60, se estudio ~I\!! ~siQn l'!polilllZl de b. taII1aoo~ @ 'iMellda!!: seE~~ 1,l. e;amoaoo de Gil1!tOS, ~5i I!! c~Dof~ia PDt~ial ,de los q~~'~ipab<a~ en ~ !:flCy~ntI_ro vodra 0IlIl1lllU8~!.ane ~di~"'!e (~IO@raQjOml~ econcmces, E:I.e;diflciG se p~~ ver como el fifo ~:8Li1tOOD de Ii!S neBociociof~ 1 ft(lf 10' ~11fu, c~ en e~ .;Ie 1;1 ~tJla:Ci6n ~ic~ y ~ggnomit" 00 Amslerdaln cl fllIlIl (!~II slglo !icinte,

AllDI'Il a ie~~ i~ lJJe l\>Jme'ld~", y Flyer e mixed ilrogl'i!mmle ol 1.60 houses, o,iflc.f!S, ~f'I.: SP1I:fS, ~onnm~r~i"1 ~Pi!lCC~ and JlL.])f!, :;'pat,e'-l ~as been SQUeoei~ inl>:! a tiglit wrb~~ envelopoe .. The$~ ~1~m~nl'S ;!W<:i!'I'Ilod 1(1'~' ~~fure~! di~n!s: a It:Jll~ln& d~~~ICI;l~r" a OO~SJillJ!:

cOn iJ&a~o~, a d{f~eloper ~t .... 'Cr~ ~Da(8S andthe CItY Q! Am;terth:trn. The !:~!;enle ~"ri<i\y o)f Fl!'quirOO\C'l\tl; Jj~' b~~n add'~§~oC\d by ~inE'. ti'le ':c:iJmmQij 1l1lit' within lli1eDrv~r ~mn'ie: a series '01 'm'l1"1i~19~bo~l'hoM~', each ~~'5F.?'lo,g <lil' 4..1'1 apamnemts. each 0,1 'o'ilil!;t\. as a reaWo~ ro iIlefoa~ing indl"'d~a~5~iHln IrieS 10 create iI more ~OClal and ~i!I'e. ~vir'lg eJWir~~m~nt. E.atll neighb(ltghood ~~~ M ~~.'A e[jfeGti,,~ <Ieee '>5 Dlm~~]llc to SUIt '1 s Ie.,.,~rnenl$: " ~3~, a high ~orndOf, .lJ I~r!l:~ b:akont. a;.'1 alley. ~ .cartl~n. ~ patio &<Iell genemting a Sp@il:lli!: hmfs!nj! I,!,~e, s,lII'welurc end la,~lle.

B~ stllCkl~& them ~1(!epEM~Atl~ next to ~nd on IQJl 01 each other, 8

~:;,~b~1l1 ~mtrge~ of I~ les thrOllJ,1h 1M bUlldln~. When lIHl'ed ..... ilh ,,",ork speres andlllPen ~~l~~, 1:11e iIflSIJI1t is <I ~~Ikill i1~Ie.lI~o~rhood. (IIfI<C; ~lal Mrl~l!s te ~i'I~ Ihe apar trnents l~~, fl!'4!ling ~~ tl-Bi~Jl lJoul>e5-Wltlil-g3Td~~~ PlI1ne main entra~~~. part of '1M b~lidn':!:l ~Of'!';I:!> (oul O~i:I II1e w;ll~r 1)1l 101m a pUbrrc bo!l!tol')'. ocwllied b~ a 18SIaUfan~ (l1'f'erb~JI or llil~Orilmlt vie\!l tlicl< ;!;-c;r(lS~, 1ne w~t~r~ ol Ih~ liY~r '( 1(lW,I!cl~ 11101 olG eemre. This 1E!~we$ Ih~ lost c~ar,~c~er oi too fl!tty.. a no degree perw~ti~,

Th8 (I'IJiII,l;et, QiIIilJr1 I!!ties ~n~ po~Llions ~r ~~~tl Qr Ihe ~~hoolJlbilOd5 W<N~ flIeS~"'~d to Uie p<:f1icID~n~ !~' a S~(I~S 01 mee~I'1;il5,

To S~OJl Ihi~ IlrC(~.5~ ir:ol'l'l geil!1lg eut of e!;Q~().nni~1 cQmtro1, an G'ptimum crNISI[)li Dr Jwt:1111l~ size! Will!!. set JJJ;I ~(JIllforming to a 'Ga~~5ii1!R cUNe'. ~o that 11o~ PQtentia~ ti!l;~pMlll' <II III~ mee1iB~. !;~1I1t1 Il<e f@-~1i'aiMd b:i' eeoilOrnical, ~{lMidera~oB5,

TIl~ bUlld'n:g can 'be ~e1!'!I a&tne 'fm~@oII" fflSLllr of ~e ~e!lCl1li1l~OiIIS <U1li therelore is a m!nrOf of thE! ~OIi!L(~1 and ~,(;~nO!'l1i;. ~tu~tioo irn Joms~ld>lm <!It !he o!'~d G[ tl1~ l'l'enliefu ceRhl",.

V,uloI'ienda:s Si10, AfIiISib~Jdal1il.

H {)I!m$iin,g :Si~o. Amsterdam,



~!<onI. RaOO~ E~11ol~

lJiJ~!!!, in! ~""ilfIi:_ff"'" Do; ~ jl.rYr;lt"I!·.;tm"~ ~!.IlIiITI

~l,r5l;l dE: EI1c~l.IDl tX:~!r:II. \'[")''''"'''' J!olol",,,,~."'" ~o!lOO:! ~., 1,''''''''.'11, T""'!i!!:i6~ JooS-! GI~iI>"l1o<, ~, rn..,.11', lMtJ'o<3!1~I~~, SI;Im.1I!o!lo


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y" •• WI'" WiI!m TmlMl', Ffiill~ ~ Il.mtl :I:w.!n DooI"II a..·fiIl. f~"" (Ion ~'~e"

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!'ii1~'1" ...... ~ ..... stiio·~ ... _do1lfifi~r~~<iol~ s.,~~~!,rt!lVwf~ ]!i9:j !-Ill: p!1l\! C~"n ~'4i.!:n 'm ~ 1OiHfI~

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~"r" lilt! .t_~......,. Igg~


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12:1 .apartal11entos, en. el solar de Iia Juma MunidlP:a1 dell Agua,

1 :27 at.palrtnlents on the 'fOmlielr ,site ·o.f the M'l.lIi1icf,plal Water Boan:!

~Liltectilji\rchltecl; DKV Alct"(~ekterl

~i!!k<~~~!M;I!"l«o; &w;:~

( 'GIk""'" ..... @""" _0I'dc.~~.

JI-.lDtpQltM,tCv.I"t~~~ Siilh~ ECJ:)iJl,II1, M1!ferd.lm

F.dlI, ~~~I~~""tla"1! <' ...... L...,. Ili~~



5"""'i.m ..... cIo(_""" ... ~jr ..... .:.;m,._",.,'".

41 OIlO<tIm!o1o. <Io .... il'o ..."."""""",4Z __ 1j!MImI!"'" 7a ilIJlo'_P~ {jr. rn h.i!;ir.ri:JI.",,8 thr~ ,1!)iI'1rni!"'~ 2>!iN1'tllTl_dt~,", __ Vl'~~5

Se ha proparado ell al1liguo em~l~zaml~i1toil d~ Ia J~lIta MuniellJtll dllf /(guO! !larOi re;::~!f una urb;wol~~ciOoi (l(l1l)Jllelam~n!e nuesa donde prima et r.eSINt~ al m~dio ~rnbiemle_ Elm <ill ~rlllado ~rOOI1G de Kees CmnS,M~mse d.l!'8lacan des e\ern~II'OO~; un rnum qllll se elE(~aJ I'ir'O'iire$ivaJ'llem~ a' 1IlOIJkj, 00 IProreociOn cOfllr.~ el 'lienW 'J el ruidtl d<ll trifl~O f.fldado), IIIl ODnj~IlIQ de ~~'tS, v~b~AC$ ~~ un enclave IIbre de ttal,co·. La c~ntriblicioo de OW a Ia fnateiializaci6Ad~ este pr'Cl)'I1lCIO es ul1' edifii:oo de ;aparl<!menll)$, t1l:PU@$IO en OO>gulo y escalenaco, de 180 m@lros d8 foJi;Kitll!d- $", FQ~ parte de la premi5<l U!iito del. eno;olloriCl del trazado urbano (Om;l, en sMrtolli~ (Jon este envolWIia, las tres larllll!l~ de acceder a'i e~!i(iQ: e1 I)IJrtal, III D~;a;IO ~ ~a ,ga~r~ ~dema. Qtr{l punlO,de pat!ia'<i es b paooramica de

1'11, c~tlkJta·. mu\!' ollid1!lda. ~omWlr.esI.<J Pl'incipalm~nt_@ cIe terraras ~ de· ~mas con cesped.

E~ prOye"lQ CQns1ruye un blO<i,lle solido. iIe :ladrllO ~ qnJm, parliend'o de cualro nr".eles, .~ ~asti! acho. Perforalloo la iachada Qlle d~ " I~ calle, las l)eQueiias <!.pemns de IaIi 'ie_1ltaoos coofigul'liln !.!ni! cornpo~iOn old~rnad~t IiJlefrumpida Dar '81 gran posla~ c.et1b3l·gue d.:i l)a!\1l ~I ~~cla~'e Illore de IraliCo Y esCWlpid8 IXII" v~riiO$ itrueoos if'l"\PQftantcs !I'll-mOB en ll!sl(lfreS de, l;i-s @<Sc~f!!t~~, ""' galetb '11()S ll~OOS. Un3S yistas imvre.nst3s a Iravts ~ III lachOOa re&istran i~ pt.IllSW1Ci8 lJai:;;eli5ii'c-.a de I~ ~!.!bier!a_ La slncopa d~ los codes verlicale!S en bis entradas conl'iere um ang(ib majl!r-broS{) ill edillcio eo Sol! orteill<lck)R hmcia la call!_

~a rachada (lue da ai Mclaote \i~rd~ 'tiBne un mooelaOO, maS abierto, coo Sl!J re1j'(lj!'a ~ belcoass ~ S~ relleno de ni~dera,

JlhQ foI'mer ~ite of tile Mwnicipal W~t'8F Board llliIS been prirne(J ttl rec!1I'!'e a l!)raAd· r;rew resklential est,atB In 1o!.\Ilich ml'l'iroomeJIlii peJfermallC(! Is WPl)f!mlOst KellS ChJfl$~a'llm~B's I1tDoo plaB ·two oompOilmts.: a rlisilig wlll'lsa-eernll!!' Iliie, ~ from \!Ii~d and tr<lflit BOI!>e ~md a cli:rkh 0,1' orban WJas • - a ll'allic·1i'·ee ·eid~, [lI<,\I"s ,oonlii:lmionlxl1!eshlng olJlthi$ Ilia" is .0; !,,aQ mnelre kmg angled\ Ste1lPeci :apal'tm@~l. iUdliJlg. TIle form is ~e.llis!!d on tlothlhe ernrelooe Gt U!e rnblilll ~ and the, ~ to IOOll!1W~IIJ~, three modes ~f aWlssii1!l tIM!

Ib~Mding • porch, co:rIidorr ,arm ext'erma! ganer~_ A r~rU!!)I' d~parLure-point 'Was a WlII~r>:lOrlled roof5(,,~ mainly of gr;k'SS dcl:ck'l and' terraees,

Tl1e d'esign corn$'\ruc\s a solidi red-bri!:!l bloc~ minI! frO<'l1 fOl)rtc, fligllt IBIlds, its. rum side p@rforrated with a res:!IIar' ~n 04 small lOOdow (I~&:5, klterl1lJiltilglhis Pl'lttem Is a larll@ c@II_lIal g;atewa)' !eadLn& iii to Ihe IraflC<f~ eto(la~(~ and a. ft!Jmi:Mf of majOil recesses carved O~ at the stair to\~rs, g;3l1ery and paiios, Une)OJ,l~cled view~ through the facad4! I'll.gistef '!he Pl"esett(e 01 the roof rat:1-~eel(l!e, Ti~~ staccato at lIIe '{e~i ioIas!1es at the ~11,am~$ s~,lI!g 1I sta~ slam to me sireet s(de 0.' U1e' Wk!iil\8_

The I~tade lacil'\g "'!Othe greem eompoll!ld 19 more' OJ)e~ly liJoOOelied wilh U$ glid! 01 balcooie:s amd wood Infill.

@ c=::J




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E1 @dificio S~ sil!J~ en el ~!lJI'!1() eii~che al Otlste ,c@ I!.msterdam. Es u~o· 00 los Jloo\!@' NiIicios alt~s uue St! alimean ,COlllO b!looeras eli lila· ii' ro lailli de la via priocipa'i de et1!rada a e$IIl' I]Q!l1I<l iN!OOdario. [I ed!'Ikio e$t;;IIO~C par gra~d'es wmle5 en tres die sus lI)idos .. Eslas Ires iacnada:s son ~ ~r~loiI, d'oOOe 58 ha maxilmi:tadCl ~ prot~.:ci611 ·co~lra el roido, .~ dCllcIl! IDs II'IIrios tipos de apartar~s JJ in'~rior del edi!ido pueden ser k<i~GS ~d<l @I e~~erio:r, La. r~ch~d" $utl'!I!!lI~'; Joki:me1l4:e aui:;~~jiRI~. se ~bre <II jaIdln cOOIJ'Ilitaoo cen b~CQries 'i terrazas·, En Ii! car;) ~Ite Ufl@ tampa eOl'Ia 'i se Introdm:e en el edllii::io ·sioodo Jl flil I;lez elllHi~ 'IJ II IIJG IrIl5Mrm;, los cual~~ re agru,pa~ en 005 n ... ele$ de~11Q ;:I~II;'OI~mell pOOl:lpa1 del! edlft<:io.

E~ g~n~r~l, los IllJevo,s ensl!!Jt!ies de I~s (1iuda~ Sll 'cilr~ctEriz~!i1 fiXjF ,set ·aburrida: r~8mclool y espamtilsa unifmmid!ad en el alma~enari1ierntil de; I~ pobbciiin, POI' ello, para ifI.~ducir ellillixii:oo de variedad ell ",~te' IIIJE!I'O 'o'eciooario, se desil!fro1lil~ ~~ lipes dif,eremes ce iJl)ilftll'llenll)S ", .. ra tQ'S .32 pre!o'i5ID& ~lflIIlend'a$ socf~le$ (Ie 3.. 4 I' 5 IiobllXiones. (IOn aIQ~iI@res ~ac:;M fOO fl' .• Me!a DOr cl Housililglllllofl "het OOS!.en'l TanIa iI.Yiacioo I!fl 1M! n~ffiero tan ;pe~ e ds apanamentos as dffidl de ~ijlll!1egui.- cOO] cI eortc !'lre~~10 de 13 vilIiIlOOa secial 'Ita flre,rle 1~I14eitCJa '~f1 la irndic.IDn &O!151JuctOr'a ,lIolandl!!Sll a soluciolles nOfm~li;lad1i$ y .. I~ JI!!~ldo~ ;ern la produCcl6m de ,ediliciM.

Pa~1I ClJnsoe,g,uir q~e ~I m~~r rul~IWO de i!P~rtan'lle1l1lQ.s, h."ti~m su pt"opia ~1lI de'l«eso e ilWel de c;a~, laplant!! baJa COOTA)ll!P.; ~~riariJllnto5 OOasadG5 por SU eSP<lI~. Estos apllrtallilelitoJJs tieDe-li los dClt'mit-Orios 'em la se8u~d<I p1i!ntil, <iI 01[0 I~o, del bl()(JlJ!l, [I re5lI.IlIadl;:. Ip~r[~ lI~rnar:ro \Iimnd;,:; i!do$ad~$ dup!.tl): cniiadatS,

US tet·cer;rs pllmtM. sOOr,e las ,aflt,eriores,. <coniiclilen duplex CDrb~~ cOl! ~ pa~ cQntr~l. Este pa511IQ discurr,e eSCI'@chamf0'5il ri8er~re aeSode i~ gran v6ml1ina de Ia fGdlada nor~ has\'<), b iwr.ll8 cDmon en ell'adO Siilr. EII'OO'.lflquISG I!fl !a facl1adill eesl.e mcsstra b esuuctara d'el ediliciO'. 'f .oi bie~

los d>J~ superjore~ suelen ser los nw}llf'@;S, IJoDr SJJ luz cerna!, ,e.tI e~, CII~ los inferiores tlenen un ~Ilindo balrJo~ ell el r,e!r.II'IQ1Jtl{i ,para c:ompemsar Ia, "ilIj<Jslkia~. La PiI!rti! :svr d~llldificio. al rrellie ~~~t!bIC{). con!ii)1i'i1i! ~p.arillm~nl(Jl; ell esquma\ rmiemllias q,~~ r.a; parte r>'Drte ton~ene ~p;!rlam~ni{l\s entres pIoo.l~~ sobr,e la e~lrllida priocipal.


IEdiliciio die apartamenb)$ "de Akern., Amsterdam. Apartment Buillding

"de' Akar" ,. Amsterda m.


Art Zaaij~r.

h""t.el .. Wl!OO!~.sIC~ J!<:hItl<~~ pamllllt.!Mlio


Tne buildl~g is In the I~$l bill: ~Ity I:tler1~lon allhe west ~Ide ot Am$~erd'llfll.

It's one of Ilille IIJ.i!her buildings. lining 00 like a rem Df ·jlags" <!long the rnam enlJal'ce root-e 'to thts fI~'" n~ighllo~rhood. The bUilding I~ <11 illl(!'e s.dQS SUI rotil\df'd tH;~ roads, rh~s.e tln~@ fuc~d~s ere made of br,.;ks Olncl ~re fQldeOl1ll ~uch a \!i"~ "l:lli!t 1V:,i~ protection is ma~jmlsed am tll.e varmn in ~s 01 apartments 1~5!de the bi,Jild'lflg can be re~ lrom 1Ile ()~ti«:le. The &;.u1ll/eaS:l facade, completely made 0' gL~~~. IS Opl!flll'1g lID ttl '~e wmn'lllll!lJ g~rd'ffi 'illilh ba'ioonies ond !erraces. At t11~ ~orlh su:fe' e rernp .$ cllllllli!:: 11110 !h~ D-Jildi g, beir1g bolJl main O!n1J~nce and accsss to \Ile SIDIS&e rooms. whic~ are coaeennated l~ Iwo !e;.lel~ WIlful llw fOOl$] ~olume ·oJ die bi.Oklin.R

liIfge new City e.;tenSJons ars ~r1own fm I~~ oormf!; Ie~<'Iron llOO their friBh~mn& rni[orrfliby .11"~ !Juild·up ~f!be populallOll, There l{it, to [ns;wt 11 IR1I)jmlJrmI (It ~ilri~1y "' Il.~ flew lJcil:hbaurillood, nI~e (lirkternt types of a~rtmerrts are de~'elepe(j f<)1 '~ &2 ~Wflmem5 ISOClil.l 1Joo5In~, .3 rQiltll, iI room and 5 room, Ient~ up !o fj 7'00.- eornmsseser HOIISH'lR Unloll • bet 005len"l. Thi~ '.'ui.ltion within ~ hi'Med "ul1'll:i4!f of a~r!Fnen~s I:> hard 10 a.:~I~ wrthlh~ IIlIIIlffllJm oodiel '01 social hOilsing YJd the :;'Ilcnil tei1lden~ ,'I1'hm 0 "«:h ·btJ,Id:flE tlli!diben I" st;aAOO: d $~lutiOils and f~petitJOI1 !11 Ou!4Olr.g I:'tcd!l~lioo.

In ardl!r 10 gl're as mOl\~ as p.r)S.~II)I!l' a:pg,rffilelllS Iheir ,O\'l~ front-Ct;lllr dlrec~y ,lilt slI'eei le\lll,ll, !he 8r'Oijild flom tOll'ains "Mck-tc-bac~' ~p~tmenIS. Inssa apartment> ~ Ulelr bM~oorn,s !'it tiie second il'.oor, ~Cro:5S the OO1W11Il:: ~t Ih~ olbH side of tile block. Tii~ ieSl!1t bs cllIllcci a • bilCk··to-b;;lclk ';fQ;;!;M)~ maisilooet!e",

The Ihrep. fl(!or$ on kip of ali thj~ contain {;OJb~$la11 ·a.,pie.o:.~s· "";1Jl ii' teIItr.1 cotrioor. Tills CilrfidQl nm~ ~llgIJ~ n~r~, hO'nl .he big l'oIimjow in the NOlib-l·.caoo 'til Ih~ cOIflllIl~dl roof4:erril1Ce 31 tM s.outn.~~. 111ft ~41t·bl',1;~ 11 U1!~ west-r~t;;!d~ shCWIS tl>.i~ s1Juc:I1ire of IIIe bUilding And !iin~(! me top rn,,~te~ usei:! am the beUlr ooe's because oJ $ky-lr,g~ts. III U1fS c~!>~ th~ bottom ones h.we <I ~(olll:l bali!:oo~ allhls 5et"biil~~. to ~(llnlle~sm:e for 1Iti:s 'jnJu5ti~~;. "lihe S>;lutll-p~r! OJI thQ oolldJrls, ~t ·the ., ... l:t.r'l.<),,~ con!ains [:Qmer-llP'iirtrne,.,t~, IJInll~ lif]e i'lor~l'llan Cllntalm; l!ll1lrlmllJil~ (I\Ier 'Ihtee IIOC4'~, on 10f) ollh ... m~ln en~~ ·'C@.

_I-I * 11


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Vi~ienrdas de VPO 'el'll 'Valdebema'l'dlo, Madridl $uJbside,d hmusing ln Vaildebemardo" Madrid


Jjjjo Cano - Estudio Gaoo La:>10


111<1 c:_ Los ... -!'_ CIno L ..... Cl!!&O tdllD ~, (I;:jn[li,;)Cil<K!~ Im..,..,~",,"'-

L",-to CortQ I>IIT'",.

~~~_",J!<I ~.:iIn~a.-ft5/ ~~A>~'o1Ilf1W«'l!l.iIIDI'I'!.~l;

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J;1'nU;I &:nr&o2' Goy.!

~ "il!lierM A!(Ifis!llls ~<leESl!irIJjj~

l< "'" tI:i>m!In



IIIfE \I.I!IHr;,,!II1d1li< FFC. !lr~lIda. r C_" ..

l.Iioo3lod!"","'b'~ir'""'" 001-" rI fr,d two 2,~.1i"_ I""",,,IM';

L<! e'Ci!!)]J.ra, 'J 00 Il3blrual profumdidad d'!l cl'lljfa, dell 1liDq1Je, 18 m'tS. • i~r~ recurrif 3 la 'dl~slc~ lipo6)gfa(le brcque de d'Qt4e qujla, Esta prmWld'lda.d obligaoo il !!'1lrao:b::ir patios de venlilaci6tl e ~in~ciQn ell -cl illerior osl bl(lqln~. ~s e~.i5lia el prob'h!m~ :MiIdiOO de pOOe;rcornbi~<Ii WJli~ e5buC:Wr.l IOlilca 'I racioma!, ~re::uQda para III distribuc:ioo de' Wviemlas. ~ que perrnitlese UIJ u~ r~~iOl1;11 en _ ~ilCI1aS de ~p~n::armiooto,

Este Cll!i!d1cionaille luncioll<!l d@t ~:af)1ientQ obIlga II d~!)c@li1lrar 'los ai!:~l!:nS(IiJi!S dt!l11je de sfilelria del I:4oque" Ci!'d~ li~cleOl eompuesto par ,a13< ~ escalara can ~b!JI(! de Ildepmdencl<l 'I ascenscr, r@~tle a cualro liMendas, if~e ~. dislri:utern ce t:a! msasra QUe sus c.u.r1oos- de e$ta~ y dmlllrb;lIiosse o~iei\t.oo $Iempre a f-acnad1i. que(!laooD coclnes r eseos .1>gI!lpadns en IDmO. a UI'I !)aoo fcIlerior. .:fie coolSigtie asi JIM e1ilruclllraeidn e~ pl~1I1'<1" C(Nltlpada y cl.ilr&, tenieockJ \lenHtatiOO dlr~tta tQd~s l<o$ e~t~ilis del"w,.l~_

L,~ ~~tc1il:a 'I ODI1IIJ)I)5i!:iOI! se enmiJICll en IIfIa Nnea de, sobrietl<X1 abMdlendo .;jemAlffl a llIila ra.cicmralidad, funcillrrial, eon predomlnlc de Iii tIOn%OilIi!ilidad, mlilO eQ",mbF<loo de hoeee y maoi~o y .ausenoi~ de \rotJJmetrn, slJ.~er~u~, 5iJf1 ~Ii ortlen05 bJ-siCO$ ft,Illl:) GQ~SiiciM.

lEi !elllate en I~s ter'ilZi!'5 en ",I te$1~o, OiJrrl%;l!Iarndo la Pm:),II' 00l b'loque. ":I el iliei,110 de c~s~tanes, 1J:Jba5. ImmlJll!sinas y b.lndas de pilltil'!I 8lUI ,(\0 Ia p~.l:a ~lico. 1Mfc.'lD ern ri! eOlJll!'OsOCioo un caracter dl'ljmlco. ~eoc"" de Iii .iI\lU~~!ura

!); DI'e$i on i sta

Edificios con des tOOO$ de blanco; Abejo eI tOcal1),. maoomiBndo' siellllPl,e uR!I llnaa hDrizonri:iIII, re<!li~ado con li'!'iJInllOo lill.amco. !'&libai morb~JD' m(:4KlC<l~ blaru:o. la cilrpillleM es d'e' ilkIminio terrnOI~C3do !mOCIl-

TI'Ie e'.CI!~!liYl!, lJ11u~1 clep1l. of grid qt 1he bIo!;II (IS m) r..r=~te~ recourse m ~ ~l'.asSiC ~e--SIl&1 t;kilildlng type. TJltS dtptll made It necfssaryto place E&i'<t and air wolEs lii5r~ lf1e bIoI:lt TheJe W3S ilIISo iiI@ Bd::ftiOOal ~obl!ml of crga~!ing e r,;;.gieal .. I>!I rational ~1nIc:llJre 1il00t WOli!Id- ~"OlpjlfDpriate fcIor lhe in~atn~1 diSll'ioeJlian O"!Me dweflI1i!.S' Jnl! wou:d al00 a'bW a l!JrJt~1 uS!! of !he I:ar~~, flO(lI$_

Tt>e- funcbomll c""d'lIOIl impQ$ed b)' Ihe car[;I!iJr1-: rn~de i! ne~SS<l~' to !.I!iIt {he li~ offoC@trc in relallOn to :he bl\xk"~ line ol5ymrn~b:Y. ,Ear;;ln fIlttleus, m~ rIP or til(! IflIii1-Jl~IIda:>t eI1!rGflce h;IU, stairllall alMllllt ~e",'eS ltlClr dweJlilllls, Il5lfillotJted III such 11 wa'J

!hat Ih 11W1g_-room~ ilnd bedrooms i\:

fa~8 oLll'ward~ ij~d Ihe k:rt.:h~~$ ~~ ba1JJroorns ~e ~lYtn Ih~ ~ell1JaJ .... en~ In !hIs "iM~ lr>ll ~(IOf plan ~'1n!l:_1JjTe is coorp.1lcl and dear and all the rooms III !he dWelli'lg h~~ drl'llcl 'If!1lrl;:roOA, 'The 3e~tI1J!!'1iol:~ and cornQO(>iticn ~re on SoOef 11r>e!;, P-ili'D.i: atL~J\tion 10 funetxJmal t8tiOOa!~y alan tlRle5. They <:roe ECl\'efn"" b~ !he b;rslc COi11~illDn r,rlten. elf hO~L!on!alilY, b~-llnced t~~'HiIIS o[ ihe ~nlilS and solrds ~ad !he ahsellte or SI!IWIil!,jOu~ 'lOlmles, TI>e linrs crf tile Illmce5 00 iJ!e ~horl ~id€ sheee t!re !lrtJl'j of DOO l)lock, and tile """~ ,Or 11Ou~ln!l,'S ~~b~, cllnoples and bands cJ blue p-aint on .~ pi."lIlhou!;~ ~y pe tr.1! alfll1lOsiliOll ~ lIyIlai~1i::. character I'llIil refel1l'1'Ce<5 to expressiDlti!;l ~rchrt«:ll!~_

llulldln8S Irr ~wti lOirt!5 ~r Wlt'te: !he pfitlh b@1'OI."i, <I coolinueus 1J0000%:¢olllai 6ne In \\ifnle brl~_ jLho~,'er ..bie I~MaL l1If! rr.mes ,LIm ~Me hotl!a~qucred alumeuurn,

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La Ilpolcgla corre5llOOlle iI OO11cauoo de <lob-II!! oru]i.1 COO Ioodo d'e 12 m. Q~ c(lllli~ yn gr~n P~1!iQ de 'I1lIaI1ZiW1a d\:i 66x3l'i m,

La 501iiici6B adCtlt1~ lJ'al:a de reioiLaliw ~I m~mD tll patio.:le IIIiI"lz.DI, y para, e!io pel1Samos ClUB as mpre;;cindtie ~cceder " tos ~ a !raves da el, bte paliCl es ''-' espacio ajarci;]ado ~ arbo1ado, ilgradable de vhrit. en CcnJlllclo diroctll ro!J!ali lODa$ IDik Witderas Oe III ~ COO1C1 son codnas ~ es.tares. La rJecl!sid!id po OIdMilnz-iI:S de eleva! Willa ~ta rnis ern uoo d~ 100 liJiites ooooe ba)o ~s comsrei(iles y Ia mayor t'fb!rr,a 6bre ere ellos OWlll1 pml:JlerM 'oo!nPC:;;ti'tl) UI las fac~. Se tesuehie ~Mdo ese tIIociue dE! reM ~dolG:!; S()11lIIl~rrtepor medic d': lel'1"~~s.

En las fachadn memes siertl()l'e dao h~ de; ~io~; salviJ, en 1M esqllilJlas QUese re~ d@ [orma ~r. dando WI alraclivo formal a URa 4;omposiciDn de carkter hol'l!tQ,geneo QI.i@ r'@p~;!! $lsternMir;am~ iI coo erden ribnto los Ire; huec:o~ i6!nllcil~ dB ].20, ~ l,20 m, oorre>poodiente a los (iQmiilorio~ de cada w.iend~,

tEsta sobfted~ co~Wta e-xte1lOf,

QI.!e ~e oo-Lfler~ UfIl1Sp!ile;ID !Ms. urmno·, !Xmlr~~t., con :Ia~ CCii'lllPOO~ illi:l!fiDIes, en las {JIje C!O!'min;l 011 'o'idria de los tmd@d@ros r iii (Ue~iOn 00 los hII(!(~ fJE!rtm@cleAtes a Piezas di~t!Ilta~ Que abr,em <II f,IlI1io d!! manzaaa, Se accede <l dic~os patIOS Illr.wes de 4 penetrac:iooe:s".

il'ihe !itlreet blocks

The bui1dog typo;! I. !loOOle-~poin, 12 m ~"', !IIJIw~llIlIUi!l a large centreJbk>dl courl)'~rd, ee;.l6 m,

The 5'lJliJb .dOll-WI ~lwnJlts a m!lKimllll1l reWi!hSi!Wol of lhe lMlral coortrard, .• as a re~1lIt ot ClltOCh it ".,,-as ~I)(I~ @!S8flti!I1 ior 1tJe errtJilIlCe' cbc)r$ to open off ~_

The ~yri)'~ IS a garden Sj)~ witli lrees wtlere It IS pleasant 10 $jlell(l OO1e alKll~ in direct J;O!itiIct w;th the mos. Itved.jn zoaes 1]r tile dwea.rg ~ud1 as ~.itthens and IMIlIl'FDOOIS, ~ ooildif1ll reglllatJo~5 rea~liredi tl'r~ beigM 10 be r~iSM one storey ~ on one '.,d~. ~ lh~rE are rommertial ilrenllises. The greater clear hr:iight ~tI a lJf~rn 1m oomposlng Ih~ facades, Thi:s wa'~ ~ by $epara~1l;!l tJjI; tJkick f!'Om ftIe rest, to whdiJ it: is uni~ ()mly b'yl!m terraces,

All the ~I!!f.i:lg:s ill ite omward-filcinB, fi!l;<!des ar~ bedroom "ind'(!\% e:«:ef)t at 1fIe cCfIlel'S. \~liICh ate gillen 1I siIlgulsr soluij:;D !hilt PfO.'<RS a formal .M1r.acfu.'Cms~ to <I fKlrnoge<recu$ oom.oosllicn \\l1@rf Ih~ Ibree ldenlh:al 1.,20>; 1.2'0 rn openi!l,g~ of the bedroons ot each d\\~!l ~Il) S'}St!!IWIiG~ fi!'j)e~ 11 a rlTylhm(; ordar,

The sOOfliet)' of Wli!IlOsiton Q! ~ ,e:xteriOl" gives iI!@' la~e a more wrb<irI look ~Ihodl tOrltlasts \'.till itII? IIteoor Wmpil5i1ion, dQr'rir1a!ed b'j ttl€ g'.asS«!n cIClllhe~·Une ~reilS ai'ld thi? dift(JF@flDatiOfl of U1~ windQW$ ,.1 Ih~ v~riou$ roorrs ,that overloOk tlie ~urIyaIJ. Th~ aDult/Md. are en~ered tt.w~lIh <I are~




131vlViiEmdas en Valldebe:l'lnal"dio, IN(lt~te. IMad[ridl

131 dweUil1lgs on Valdeitlemard,o Norte, Madrid


J~iFlle Mar Un~z Ramos C~M':!e!'l tk/l\l(l Our~


Cc.;onide:i AuIt.Mll1'" d~ P&;Jjo(J

_"'o'll"'l!q;..,: 1>U'M

~1J\I;~WO::onlr.>:~. o:.:ll\IAIII, S, Ii,

!-1!Ig.o;-l3 t.rnI ~~~ (If« ... 'to'

P,i\Q~,@CW G~nador ~n &iFlC!l'>9 FlUb".co., Me<!don 'ESlJeOOl '1'rerr;o~ COAM.97",

EI rJanB~@nt<) ,ooRtmlplaba ta e(;[lftt~l6r! ~~I oo~ pa1jQ ~ mai'lla~ en 'l1li solar rect~~r re 90 ~ 50 rn La GDlIjl.Xioo total d!;! area d'e rno";mienlo flj"'*' ,en <)1. pl~~mial'i't<l, afl~ <II:! altur<l ~rmb([~ a:rrojaba IiIM (jtjjfir~JidadqlJC I1IiS 131 iMel1das lobli~<ld~,. 110 Ct)<)~!,It"';~ii. Pccl,a ilJlt.<W£.!! !par OCWp;;I!" l.odo ~ area con 1:i~C>S aI1I:Jm d't la Il~rmilii:ia 0 coosumir esla, lit).;<arI~ p~te del '~uelo, consieu~ <lSi. aceesos ~!l i!1te!io.r d.e! P~lJO o:le manzana

Esta jjloow Wki;:;ian 'OOS parw:io. mas In~er'e5<!Ilte ~. q~ (eo>se,eu", lDa!'lte"'lr !!t drnoo sobre la ~oIe.·y se ~tmWltHli!ab~ '~I e~cio i~_ E.s!arro~ convenOOos _ Yr'!<l !i""n~an~ rose define O:bb.l!aoori~Iir;lmle pur '-<II ron@lliidad di! ta alillol..!lcitln. T;tfrOi!n D~e for~nliiiwse. 'I hay refer,e~r!ls d.aras en !oS ensencbes, oor !<i o;:mt:ruoci:ill de ~ll que caJflJi1lEln Ia ma!'lza~, pero nQ la oierran,

i\5I, se IJroyedQJl cuatrc b[Q([1Je~ QIre, ~~d'0"S 8m el centre de I~~ <lli~i(llfle~, d!lja~ ~ta$ I~~ esQUVl3S, Se aonsigue' as!, um~ re~!ur~ 00 contiJwidilida la \'e.! que se sugiere la aperllJrOi allineri:lr ~li!Ille~dO' como e:;oocto serni...f.llitll~o..

En F'l.!int~ Baja se sitiiiin t:lllllbilin uivienda~ entroe ~s, las' ~~atrO' pai'1i M!nllSVaUd05, a !a~ !We ~e .x;cell'e ~,dWTI.~ rarnpas 0 @->CIller3~ ya ~e t«ias !!is ",Melllda,.~ ~u~Il1,~ e1ewld1!'5 urn rneIr0 (iIeiI l1ivei de los SGporiales pl!fll cOOGll.illJirp,rWi;::idad. ,I.,.as ~r:lI:i)~ S!JP<)r'i!:;:roe:$ ~e ~1i'!J_M3B ,de igui!;llorma, entoaos IDs, edifo::m~Se ~tea 1.11' awBilDr cell1Illl, [JiIralelD a ~ f~ch~ ~ $le.-!O' a la Iu,l <lfl l'oi!. e;,;lremo~, Deooe..el se a~ .. 1;.$. iMeOO.8ts. 6 0 10 PDr pial'ltii se~u~'eI bI<:>rl\l'i' se~ ~ ~()I't(l (I ~I 1[jI~N'- Co~$ 'J aeees se a~ a!i CO~, y Ia~ in.tNiaioMs se r,~.giwl¥I d'esde Eil, ESl'llr ~ dOFlfllit:oriM viert&l .ill ~ti!ii~r. !\QLa se 1iQ$ .~nl\eoO, ~ Pflme .. ~, que el poo::emkije de 'oIMendas de :2 d(ll"llVlOIios dOOlabia ~ ill 00 nes, .l\iIMtIotf e~t:a< QJ.Jey" u ~iaIlmp~i'SlO ~n cas! tcdos los ~ooCur5'05, joolO ~OlIla "lusiOOI ~ u~ Ilmioo OO1II'~O de baiio,

Se 5itii3r!. por $11 !m~ niim1el'O, !as (Ioo;! ,2~;M@ eI e~del ~ ~ ~;: de ~ d\lrlillitoriGS .~ fa cllfiaQwe d1i al N1tio de. tnilll'LWI,

Emi-e ~i, 13s ...n..;elildas de 2 y 3 Wlimi1ll1iD~ lirmoo idi!rJtlr,!l dim8nill6r:l ~ru !o-se'!e(ltentos t$:(1iCO$, f'l'iodirJcando, S1.I prograrna ~flramef!le ~or iii adio!6n ds ,~se t@rc~r dormitoriCl !iiU<fdo' d'~ rfI31I'~ro ctue puetia ~r'Vir t~ COi'r'l() I~ de trabajo, eskw, etc,

la p\!!nta c~arta, rT1anti~n8 ell I;j, crujlm mllenO!i eI mi~ m~!iIE10 'f corn[)GS1cQl de \<MMd~. 'Sin~O al edie!"!iJr, ~n ~ lrun~~ la~ c~ntrat.~!. i£)er;.,)f~do:se l\Il'i ~uevo !ipO ttl)" ";:"ioeng'~ sinM!ar a !~ de ilas .D!a~S in!eriores. ~ro coolailldo COA Ufla p&qucii.!ll [errllla d'eS<:\ibleft<i ~I'nl~ad. [POl' ~n~ p~oI~ que pro'l!l'1l:al juliltO ~oo la dell~ opu@sro.. ~I r8rnate dill ~difIClO,

I'.'irln""!! oroject ill coen competTl!onS~.;ll r.I@n~ in COAM 97 !"fizes.

lhe Illi!tl pfOYlde> for hnei!f (OI"lS!ructro~ with !ifl! c~ntre 0.' .l90 x 60 rn, retWigular plo!.

The 1.o1.aJ OCWJl~~OO o~ thIe ooild~ble :!f~J, as ~iood by me plan. oombio<idl "1iUI \tie p~rmitte(i ~$gIll. gnle$· a .create!" butdn& ~U11e tMiIn l'IIQuId I;oe oct~p;Gd tiIj 1he Clbngaloryi 3.1 <:f,velh..~. The eller~~twe~ were t'il oc.cuPjl' lhe eP1Ire oo~d~ble 0<:ei1 .niJ l[lwl~,r ~~ h@ieti' or ill U~ 1M@ @Flbie ~Med het.!;tIl ~nd free ~;Y~ o! LII<I UQt.Wld ijt'e'afm access Io!J U~ r.ent,r~1 cour~~rd,

liM r:1)I'I~~ 1M l~tMI' kr Ile if)(! bclter opton as il nn",nlil!Jledi me Wll.lll'le of O)e f~adc aoo f~cillla'i3d IDe l)efmealj'ity of ttl<l inl"!l" SpilC~-

We are ~e;;[ Ih"l iI ~beell;olQ.o\; is oot nQc<:ssaril)< d'~fof.d by a coo1inlJD~s ~li~f1mEfI'L It CJII:l alsc t;.e f(lrmJiilt'l!':d 'by co.'S1rurt.trn~ ~~rl."'iimt I)Ws ~~ ooIJ,,~ !he Weet block ..miloot IGlal~ ~nf;lOsin~. il. [tl1~ I g~1 C~!UI)' '~"$~~' or 'n~ to",,"S' ~.31i otr.oous refe;e<i1l,

Con~to/. w~ ~~gtlro jour blt;l<'::k~ .r~ jl1a>:E'!(j Ihem ,eil!ral~ Ofl en a~nt, fea\llll.g the corners :>pen, Th, g;X!~ 3 coolirluous"H.g ~,I~ 5u1'Ji-e~1InR an Q~!&-fJ(I (If ~~_ interior as a :;emi-p!.lbIJ{; space,

n~ g~Ouoo flQ(j( is also mad~ up Di ~-ell~s, iCl(ludll'J,f r.our fQr t[)e II<!ndiCllP~, AIl1h€se d.Ye11il!g~ <Ire ta,sea OO~ rnelre lIbo-..e liB!! potltoo to ~~I~ "(>fr.-xv ~M ,af~ l821th~ti' br f~rr.fls or slers,

Too upper floor<.s ~~ Jrr:!ll&ed In i:Il:!! S<l1TII: 'W~~ in .,,1 ~ b~fo:~"Il.S_ i~ It'nelirlgs. 6 or .10 per ~oor <!~mrolng 1(1 ",Id@r Ihe bllMn& i~ 11 short or Ion.g side, ~ lher: el11r;lH;e oil ;i (~t,"J corridor, Ili""a'lello tfte fal;a:Je 1n1 Clt)tn III ~1~ igll1 ~t belh ~OO<:_ Th~ ki1~ aM b!Ii!<'Q;11'f15 blrck O!tlt'> ~he O1r~.r, ~ch [!ls(l [Jro'Mes access to ~&e u'li!1t.l' sha~s for i'moor.1ioo and lmintM1lr.c-e. The .~",~~,,(.nl~ and bedrl'l¢l'l'l!) f,a,:e DtJ!'uards,

Th!; was the fir.;t tm!J ~ had ~OI!Ji;t~ 'UI~t ~lol' ~1,J1nbf!l o! 2- bt>dr<:iDn'l dv.-ellings 'm.I5 ~ IhM Ilf !he 3ffdroom OI'!eS. a OO'IIelt')' \,;t1icJJ, toge'tf',;,>f "";1,1'1 ~ s~ INItI'Ir-ocmlllilS naw ,beWlm.lhe norm I!I ~hn05t an COfT1jJI!tltioIl!!.

Due ~o tIi!!r greater I'lllIiYIller, 1M 2- beoroom di«1!1l~~ ,~ l~e s~t ~e ·tIle .Mledr:oan OOJes..-e b::a!Bd on IF>c s1~Mal ~I"ij IA~h o~l'Iro~ ~'li! oenlre 01 ·the ()'Q:~.

T[>e Mdi~s ~l1d tlalhrooms fl bdh tihe 2*drr:x;ol and ~\f)' 3-lJ~d~ t1w.,gs are ,he 5.i!me Sil:8, The (Jf]ly dfier,eltre !n lI1e bri<:i is Ih~ ~itiIJ!l oj the ~j,]ird i:;r;Nroom, lOC~t~ 11'1 sutb a .,.,.~' ~t<!llt Ca!1 ilItIJ be used as 1l .... -ort area, sit\P.1groon, ~tc.

The f(:ll.-1;i1 flOQ( 1i;I$ Il~: ~e>me nun:l'l ... (li4 (llTallJlerTJl'!lll oj d\\'dlings on ~he !f.i'ler grid but oliyllle centJll'I ooog 31e retamed on ItoI- ()I,I'o'W~aClrl1.!! s~- This .e:ener~re5 a ne'/I ~ of cIYI.e1ing ,hilt !l5 Slm!ar to t!iose Of( ~ loI'I~r lfools bill: liiI;:; 3 >fI1~'a <lpI!fI ~~rr1lo;<e-. ~~d b:l' iI ~i~ that wrrtl1e~ with ti1Jt <:in tile oppoS!lle side ro praWie Ihe finis!lin.g 1OJ~h_

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EP elli'lliiOO~ (0 ~ proErarnI! de coosbocci:in de ~ sociaIfII;; ~ POI" l'l CooIi.nidad, S8 ElIDlfg3 eJ ~ de ocho 'oi.ieOOa5 ados;.:!as, scHando eI rn.biiio ~ ~l:.i~pMJcid.3d, L~s vi'Ylendlils proyed:;lda~i~an cambillr el tono ~irrisi.a de las VMmDAS SOC&I'!J.ES p(;G" yn~ a~en;alilra donde pmw:

La caIdOO eSIMc~l.

La ~aci6m d~ ~,

EI use de materiales dLl'acIero-s '1 La r~1adM COllet exterior,

lEI coojumlo Ilretende e~llIb1ocl1l' Ullil (el~~ ilJllmsa coo EL LUGAIl_ CDf1lia4am~mte ~blar\O <lilia, laclmd~ si\l!.Jad~ rrente II Ii! acna verde ~ !;-eiI05afnente OI!lT<lOO eg iii filchaCla voIc~da a los patiOI;i,

U!SCillttien ~ ad!Jpf~ CQrlSISte @II la REfElTCION oc ~()A[)ES. [una .lI'. laoo de !)Ira) ~uesta5 1JiIf15v~mei'ille; ~I ~ lneal, ro QUe pl!frrWiQ ootmer fadWIa delaiile 'IJ de1Jas j~ ~taciOn}. parOCuwar.OO Ia S(b:t6A @(I IQ ...n.~, d\l eSllUina. [stalllri:la~ s.e despli@ogan en Ires,~, 1Joosf~ndoS!? Ia \IiIoieOOil en OOfiztIntllidiJd 13,60 rn de ~par!lciOO de (&Ia's~ a ~da il'Jl 'o'Iif1k<IUdad,

La SEflCillez ~ ~~ 00 las plantiliS de bs IfliaOOas pemit,e QUe los espadtrs $e ~1 sdapand[l oon fluide.IJ aj, OI~n de iii e~a, Me&ntl!, un ooeoo prac:lP."..<Ido en ra pim 5egllnda se po;:rmibe t.3 er.trMa d'e Iuz NJlurd a 1m; dI:;tii!\O$ iW~~ iIll~ La CJJoiertil 3)'00II II dar arn'll:l!lia, 'I ~ aI 00101'00, I.i! uti"!~oiCm grmeroSd de las &lJpe,rfi:;ie~ al:riS~ C!tH'glI Willi gf~n LUMlNOSlDAD aI interior de fas 'l!Menda5, La <!GImtaclOO !Ie las terr.;1Z3S con 'In3S lDal'a.id3s de plalliCnamet.lJjca lleriO!1ldii,ilEilitan una Imnspafllflcia ~'isual. lntoosil'icando' 1& re!m. del edifi;:i:l coo el lugar,

a RECUR'SO NE.O~LIISTIOO ~iOO en la viIri~nd~ de; esquina, no MS permiW de{ef~r yj~rrte que lado COi'iSbbl')'8 1121 'f,uchada pro;;ip.a! .~ c~M lal iaci1ada Ial~r~.

lOSexpf@sMlS det.lIIe:s de C01.0RJ::S VIVOS alliman lOs ~ d't iIlloscadc b1~1IItJ;l If apl1lcado !Iris de piecha Bal:!1g del ell.terior ~ ~cio_

Con h api::aciiin del color en Ia Iacllada recat'Olt)le aI ",,!io !'.@ pteteJlde aoenW3r Ia ~Ulli de !ii, OOfl~-

La ~aoi611 !;eenlieOOe no cari'lO 1m lima roonoIb y e'ilttica, slno cam W1~ i\'$OClacrn d~ ,piaoo,s.{l1Je ~'e QIJO(IeiI y r:ootiliin mile 51. 'fOOIl.;,moo lill ~ de relaciooes mire b5 ~ de co!oreS "*' mt ~ a'llaMlIi;l}"t los ~O$ 00 calolrgalJos ~bIa!lCO 'I grist

La tiJ!J\swed'a de 1<1 ESa~OIAl.JDJID estaJ peseil!@ @fi todD, eI P'1il)'eCtO, meclante 10 _allSer<ida de I~nto~ dOCflr.illivcs )' 13 rf!CUJ~ia II e5lro::IJJras ~I!'ie~!; ~$, LI)S ffl.IUfS MNlMUSfAS ;J.l pui!dEfI aPf,e<;iar en ~ ~~z 'i silTikidad ~ ~;tCio irrtetia. ef! las soIIJcDles tecricas )' en Ia p(!tD!pI:ilin (Io~a d@ Ia IDiltilfieidad.

Se ha P'etenditJo 00II LA

f.tRQUIlECl1JRA ali'alfllsar el ~O. efmOi!ndo !PO!' COtl'lDieto I\a SI!P1II'<JCiOn ewe df:h1m ~ fuera"

The project for eigl1i tcwri hO~~ dvoeRin,gs was. commISSioned as part of 11 simable s0ci.31 hou>I!ii: buildflg DrCRJ;rn .. ~ promoted b~ !be l'le~1 GoW(fIIQefIl. Yiflich dema~ ;na;:.:murn use of seece and prN~Cy_ 'Ihe PTdje~!ed ~~.IIft.g~ M~Mlpt 1.0 Cl13~ge tile glum image of SC<:iAl HOUSING by P«McLng an alternabloiB It..1i !!;

Spa1rQ1 CI'IIaht\r

A f!!~lillll [}f spaoollsneS:i

the use of ~ard,""'.f!.lIIifl!: rnatenals

lihl! (~hi~ ~ the e~\l)rior

lI1e ijrr;tJp as a \ID:lIe <lim5 to relate prolouooly 10 Fls SETIING... The l.lI;3de ~r!OO~!l1lw! green area oomlkleitlJit opens orn'Io It where~~ IJlf!' facade that grve;; ont,} !he patio is Ze.;lIOl,JSljI dlll!ied o~,

Till! blli'dIlg type I~ a Sle!i~ of REPEAT ,-""I1S, aBe beSIde ~ ~. set across IIlB l!f.e<tr blOC!!; 10 ®!ain boIh a rr't)lll Md a r!i<lr facade (facIng two 'fIay:s~, 1'Iof1h IIId!Vld~1 ~<llmont Ilf 1lle comer hOlJSIIlS- The Ihree-storey con:struction 01 the. mrl~ turns llie ~c."I!ootalily rn !he dw~i1 ~3.8 m ~~II seP<lrmll iIi1P ver&afily.

~ simplic.ity of !he fiIoor ~ <lllows !he (lHerent ~~ 1.0 b~ owrlilid srTltJOOily ooto ttle ~lrvctur~1 i)f~_ hi ()~ermg at ~(lfld SlOll!)' height.1et5 ~a'urallight iAlll tl'ie \lat1O<~S Il!\reIs {II .he' int~MOI'_ The r:oot helps ttl pr~ hal'lllOO)' Mid ord~r to ~ SI!lm:m!l.llgs, TIl!! gf!nf!f'ouS-llse Gt ~ed areas fdfs 1Ile Fnterior ollJilt! dl\'llUin~ ri liGHT, TI"IB pilm:ilod mEtal sileetil',g b;lILl$'lrMie. IfIiI1 edge. ~ l,e,;yac@!> lIlso l.woors "i$!ill ~ and re~ ~Iie bUildiil\ll more il1'tensely to its settillg.

The NEO-FlASTIC e~ieItl empkJ)oed 'On !Jie corMr lloo~e rrWles II dfll)0551ble to determ~ vlMlty Whim Is 1~ mai~ f,jjifade and wlw.h is ~'N) side

Tha !1:tpf~5(';"re details i~ OOIGtfr CotOURS eolr..t!1i Ii'Hl "lli!~ reFKIering alld gr~)' EIat@ig stOlle fad~1i! Ql1 Ihe ~ ~~lIfaee~ of 11M! OOikflllg,

Th~ usc of coiplJl! (In U1~ f;lil;.J.e, 0'Irer .Jre ~atJo JS lfi~ended lCI1i~Sl5e 1J1e slru&lIlre of 1Ile bciilolrw-

Ra,t)sr lllan a mone. cubi~ blO(k. IIle oonsffirellO!1 IS ~1"K."enied of as an associati{)n '01 plaoo5 Dlat ~s.e afld combine will! e~dt o~ to torm a set (J~ rela'lioflS bil!twell11lihe cdOlJI'e{j plares (red. bll!e ~ yella ... } and those ...nitlillU! 001 rolour·ed j...nite aI)d ~'e)'~

Th!! WIIfcll lor ESStr'fCE is '~reseo" ~hQut the ili'Qject, IHith its aD:senQl~ of dl!COralive elements ~ re((lUIIS@ to b~5lc seome'~r1C struc:1IJre:s_

MINIMAUS T TOUCHES can tte ~ Ii] tile ~;lkedne~$ and simtlk~ of tI!e ilt@ra space, m Ihe lec~mc~1 sllluooAs aild In !he d00l8Stic jle~BDliIln 01 mal:eri.afily.

~ ifltenti!ln bas been 10 MCRTECME t¢ .i)f!!aklilrough ·tile WPU. ood so do '<Ma~ ~ether .~ !he se~aratiO!l1 btlW~n m'td@ and o1l1Sidli.

8viViendas tile VlPOen TO,lana, Ml!llrcia 8 subs~ding Musings in lot.a!ns, Murda


Enrique Mingt!i!)% Camilleri /\Monic LOlIle~ Sarn:lle.z


D<t1o ~~ l1li 'PlOO'(II;ilo> ~~ ~ ~..tM!fi'CNIIk ~ • .,


lJ< ..... ncllto ........... TabIL 1ArtiiI. ~I ~"'~ T.OI.Mo. r.vt.!

~!C10 T~vt'Qutr;LOr ~ J."" Gal<lof_


D'fl'''~ Gtn(:<,~ iIo Oi1:I!!1!1Oiln a[n!l1T~oOO ~ "' ....... , C«.;cj;rll dt"".". .. ·l'!.rr_~ Obr~ ~. Corro.Ddod/lulllo ...... m.r.~I'iI1"". ~

z.o,m;: .n:!I_~~ Clep~m~ 1loIII~ """'II)' QI Land U .. Pd""/ 01'>:1 ~ ........... .iIu1"",""""

~""""~ ...... ""






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Edifh::i:o, de vriV;iendas en Tatllli3lriu .. 'G1.mna Residel1tiial builld!ing ill Tarnarlu, GirQna


J(I1foi G'af~es E.!n·ic Sbrlal

L.r.rn.!.!.~~ 5-1!~f~ I-!J.!"~ 2',r_~~~ k.:''!:»~1iD: 3;"""diI_, (...')r.:t • .e'II


E~i=ioJ ~ \W,O;In;iI~ CJ1 r"""",, Rf .d 11\.111 bu ldrl~ ;, T.!Hit.~.


Pl.~ a "' .. ~, rift SIa ~"' ~ 1;,nlj1'lJ IGoOfllll


__ ~~~r"n e I:mo;tbol1lr~. s,A.

~rl~>t 0eI $oI;rt" ....... "' ... ",;. >anIIII'

~~~ 1l:>I~1~~ 1Im>' .. "" w,""" l ~19.4~1111



AIIQ d 1I1iI;>;> lie l.l Qb'.,!,,~ tc I •• ,t! .oJ l~

IlOO d. r ..... ,..:~ \l1",o:J~I"" I~

~OOI ... .jIw..,r.~ -~ w.'O"!~: _c;.n,

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fiii!'JlAl~rO/f1';QI~~t~ LJu>~

~~ *~. t',._~ FAir ~I....-:L..,j ....m ·P,I::II"U'.I F ..... y

Sc tr8t~ de!. un ec!i1iciCl p. ~par'ta~1'Itos de 3 phdas ~ sticc y d!ls subt~rr';l1e(M,. ~ntre medianer~'l>. y en prj. rneo:a 1iR>e<! !I'd mar, l.M dC)s pI~rr!3~ SiJb1.l!nan~~ @s:t.a~ de~1in~d~~ a ap.arG~m'>ilnto Pf!llO!dO. ~ ~UW~ d~ plaJltlis ~ OnOl! lliPaJlaml!\1llO:S. lOOoS coo, 'oistas ~I mat

L.~ ~r,;)(I~ (le IO~ ~llhlwtoi Y ,de los usuaries de 100 ~~OIrc~lIIlitI!loo ~~liIiitO;!' ocr ja calle d'e ~~r ~<;. Los ~~hlt:uIos IlIlJaIl ~ UljII rampill <I' cada uno de 100 niYele.5 det ~ubterrjc1eo, LO'.!: usuaoos a 1r .... l!s d~ des rampas suases. eiltr,11III ~~ ','cs.1!b<iik! central del ~.trlI~ii:l ~ des- - ~.5 do<s e$(~"~$ OJ des ascensores lo~ acsrcan a lof. ~ mas aII.(lS- A rO.5 apartaoi1entos ,d~ la pl~ ll.aja S8 aceads dirocMFfIMte POI' del.3n~e,

los aocoosore. lIes~n h~SI~ i~ planta ~ ga:aje. Dew i!stas hay I.IIN! e$!;a".era d!l evaOO1lciOrl QlJe d'~ dil!);a~ml!ll'l'i! al e:denor.

La iocllada d'e~nt"'fa que da a I~ ~Im esta tormi!!~ PQr' 111 C()lIjunto de r~r'a. 1~ cl~ 'Q<!os 105 apartamentcs Y cOlii· puesta F;Klf unas ~$I.i)n~~ rlj<is ern el p!aiIQ de ladliJcI.a 'i etras rr>Dv1les 'il'fI b~lcon S<lliente, Los b~QI1e$ se a,gl'J} pan par I)a::'~"'~_ lesuttando una flld& da Don dos elelDll<lW'.5 sa~nle$ irJl)ortemes 'I una rnilf('~ ~mla ~IIII'oC'ofo, EI !rente an planT.a tlaT:a e~ tot~~en~e ibi~rto,

L~ IaCha<la pMteriot B~ mlfl" mscira iI l':fIlel de IGiS P'5DS, POr cu~AtQ ~. ~brl\ffi WI~en~e uBil!$ estte~lI.a.s bslcuneras y [olallllCflle Jbiertd ell p!a_flia bajatr,enro 81 '1e5~'b!.!lo de accese.

Edl Sf centrn d\!1. '-a. plan~a hay dO'S patios QUI' dan It'l " I~~ ga'Mra~ de: entr<!tia a esda 1lp3ll1;:UlIl!1lto, coo 10 que se preteooe romper f~ e:.;tlema protundid~d ~e~ ~[fjat_

This IS a ~flQnt aMrtl!!!ellt blo~k of three s~~ plus atti~ and 11'10 basen I~J)ts bel'l\'I'M party walls, T t~ t ... 'Q basements OUr! ass gnjlcllO prNate p.;lrliinf: places and tile t'@l'Il1Iinin.g floors are (ji1!i(l)e;':l In~o ele~ aDartmefilS. all Wl[~ SN'/I'lrd 'IrNS,

The e~lrtM";Ol' til Ihe spaces, 101 ilolh 'le1idl~5 ami users, '5 b:li 1M slreet '0 1h" real. Ver"de s go do.ln a ramp. ~I ~llds to (,G('t. o' Ihe Iwo levels. two genlle riltl1i)S provIde pede$trJ<lj1 accl!'~ I(ll~e miI~ rollb~ IJf the building, from ww.~ bD sl"lf4's~~ ;lncl1wo lifls I@ad to the upper 11OOrs... ~ illllJ'~n~F to Ihe g,ro~nd floor ibIS f.$ al 'h~ froM of [he bddukll_

The lifts go ®wn ~5 f'l)l' as Uw gar.!::1: Ii!!..els_ 1Of~C11 ,1:'50 l!<We an e~fl staircase leadmg dlreC1i)' to- 1M e~terTl)r

The front f~i·a.,j~, l'd!i:(:h.8~ (14110 L1'~ beach. is mad e liP 01 the ~nsl1'm!lle oj bar.;\)~~ of all too H~t&, 11 ;5 COOJll'05eti ollli'led 1:)~llIf~ 00 111" Sl~rf~ce t)[ till!' [~aQ'e .100 IT1tJvoole blind s (Jfl f:1e IlrolnJdlng balcOI'JI!~.

The'1! !youped I~ pairs 50 that th~ fa~e has IWiJ mill'lr protrudi~s. 61emeBl~ wilh a rnarkec JUI!!:.OOI1 b@lWeen them, The fronl 01 the gHlulild ~oor 1$ COrnpl!Mi!!y oper., ih~ rwa' I~~~de gr.ros a lief)' 50lid Illlpl'l'l1lSlon aa Ihe upp!!,r t~ v ~I~, wi1@t~ the o~I)' O~lng~ :Jle the lang, ".;!"'IW balcomes •• md is cOlrJC)I~lety open on the 8Jound ~IOOI tl.DPOSI!@ Ih@ e~~ralY.:e loob~_

Two cel'lkal \OI~"$ On ~acl'1 floO( allIW,' lili'" TO ent~r t~ j!f1tfance g s. lene5 ol each 8P<1r\rnent "".d b"' ..... 11~ iJl" ~~~eS51 ... e dep1ll of ft plot

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EdifiJeio de YNielildas en 131 callie RoselID6. IBarallolillii Dwemlings in Roselm6, Street, Dart,elmna


Car1es BassO ~stav G1U


CII!! RosiiJIin, 8J'~91.1W<$M

Fteilil Je\T~"""""'~ 1!92

j:"~~~"",dII ... 1_


.11K.:! !i~""

Un ptngf!lma cOlweoooi'lal: 34w.ffgndas en cDi:ll 'plant~s, iifI ~araj~ swbleml~eO y yn kJC~1 C0Ill6rci111 eo pl~rrta IbaJa.

UR -eIililPlataillienttitomm @f)Ue mlldianer<llS, en el ensaocM b8n:eIOl1e~ ~ ~o ser poi' la '~IlCi8 de· l1li3 edifiC(ld~~B !!lllar en et 'oelirlirO de m<ml!ana: 81 Iidificl() de ia Edito<id Gustll'110 Gili SA cOO5b11i40 elflrf) 19541%0 pet' J~ GMi y FnlKlll~ BmW. ~ FAD 196L

La volootad (Ie tal ubi:<:<ld'6rl en e1 irnterfur de es una dQ' fIBs cliracterfsticas pr.ocipa]es de ~~o edjfoclo, coo !II ~ se rett<!Ior6 Ia Ipeor !)arts d'e lilliica ~ IJIIlIS 1011aS sirn ~dilic~r q!le (Ie ~fguM mamera retoJnll'banai COfIjuneG de I~ I11ft1J.lana la IJJtop/;,1 i!ilf espal::io "ja~oy libl'll. Iii SII VitZ ,cDl'Istituiil'll" t<I! 'f e~ dke r8 memOliia del IProyecl.o IlrigiiYII, "LIf1\3 ,reserv3 (fe, W'~~o de '1iIllIlI",les ~lllil:aoiOf1e$·. La id8ll de iii ,c,on$l.I'iiJCClan I!!/Yada a ~ilOO aitora Ilg 'er;!J IPUBS ;)jern~ ,il1 .i1lanleamiellfto ~ la imPlanta06m tI@ll!dificio !:Ie iii EtI;lorial. La ,!):~cia de 1115 dos med!~neras, £tiOOilIrIes; 'e.;qlIJe~ 1'e'lie1~b;1 !!11 ~icdo ~.eIlMo Iii la'l~ ,d'e' CIiIl'ninao1lln de Ii! opereaon de' !lidificad6R @n ~I inleoor,

La wiLlll'l!!l1ra dslllJe~·D e(ffitic re~oo a I~ ,~~.cia de I~ C~ada ed'liitadQil ~ eI ifirierroc, EJ ,eSl)liciQ dt!Ialerooamente 00 'ed"i~cado, e.l vac[oeOOslente, adtjlJ(sre W1I sspeciel ~linoia. Las tra~f>Parencia$, stan a It~$ de' dlcOO vBdo 0 d'e superlic:it:is 'rOOri<ldiis eo sus distlnroos .erados de ~~d. enrll"ii2:.llD ~ ~s~~noi~ de ~n~ e~rlCillci6n pi»lE:rjor,

f\DI" UII ~o fa, poooilidadl de arexlooar un solsi1 !ll!cmG al,eSpaOic' lible. rdetilm!E! dilim ~di!:c.iallia ,penn!Mo ~dlr IIIIIIJeII'iI cOI\W"-...cciDn en d05 b!OQweS adOS<ldQs a las mecianer,as dejan® IJI ~~ ITbre en'IJ.e dos Que rIO!!:> I!IIIis q~e'd plJr'!I:e!ll.<lj,e de patlB' illterior IlablluaJ alInl!Ki@ dispuesto ell sMIidc P\!IiPS~dlcular ala calle. Pw CItro l!!ido. ~IIOOIJ.or de· los b/oq~e$ 'e5 lIM Ciln,s!n:icoi6tn sobfe pilolis cleamio lUi porche de- a.~QSO III ilitiliilJr. En de'IWtW~. ~!iloll 1IlJe'II1I t4ffido clerr·a I~ COII1!lw::cioo del pe~ d's iii JDaIlZBRIl dejando COIlStUIlCia d~ !<is jHlr!iC!J1aridades d!! caw.

A ~ d'e· ~Q "~~ond'.ef· liIl:!rame~te' ~ 18 1lQ1II'Iafliffl tOOsten!e $O~ IJ edin~~~iOO ell eI eR5!ill1lche I:QuIoni.!s como por ~ en las pl"Op;lm:iolles de Ia.s ;aterlur<'liS'. sf se han reWiil<ido a!8uno.s ~emas tradlciooales de es.t<r ;1lqlJii~lwii eOOlO ijJuedei1, ser las 'lrib£Jn~s" ell, fllIchada 0 I<i~ ·g:JWI~s· ilIIe!',iores de mtlOO'l'i que d reSllltaodo e!5 en tieI1,Q modo colrtex.l.!raiista,

Se Ita lJ,il.tacl(l de e~er ~ Ilia"klgo del lWeI;'!! ~d'ffioI:io CllIi1 el ~stmQl' '~asb ret detaDe. POt ~" la ..:IilbI! pill de la raciiadii ii1~"Qr, aWIIIILJ8 nQ sec:undar'ia <!iI esl;ll C.!I'SO, ~~ de WlliI calosfa Mlll'iad'a, .,e w.e~~ POI' (!ebl'lll! dill.'! 1.lldJOOa prtlt)iamente dlch~ !III!! IIIJS !'Emi'e ill la, fachacla ~1driad3 coo bris~~ del ed1licio ilienITl' tilll\{l en SU 'llili\'J~ dluroo, cano ~oc1!Jrna.. JliIivafu:~n<lo a 5U ve.l e:;pa,oc~ dom~stiDDS que 51!: abreJl sotI!"e r>3s ofiCi1l8S,

A tQI'1!I@i1lklilal briel; 34 dw'el!illg~ on fr..a $tQIl!Y', iI!I UJl~'CM)fId garag~ and cOOIntlerdlJll'lrami81!s on tliIe !:,lQund ~Q{ij'.

An ordnliry po5iblln belw(!(ln party .. alls IA Flartefcm'$ Ensa~chB d~Wict, were it nol' rillf .' Slngula, -eOflstru~~OO III ~ t!!flln! ~I ih~ bIo~k: !he Edltorial GuslallO Gm S ,1\, bumd~ng, built b~t\y!H!O 1%4 ood 1960 by Joaqllim Cit end FrIlOOfl:;!; BaS'llo. ", woo 1he fro pri .. e 10 J961-

On! oldie III05l UIIIU5'L!!!I ~I!S of tfli5 bLli'ldi~8. .. ~Wv 1Iri~ dwm.oo to pl.a~e ~ in ti'I!1! II"IdkIla of Ire block • Thi~ ga~ ~ new

... alu~ 11;1 what is uSl,Jaily coosidered tlol1 O\'Of$t ~,~ or !he Si!8 and, re.!t ullm$ are~s unbuilt, tmls. j~ a ~, reOO'l(!rin!l, 1bI! Irtopia 0-1' a~ open gatden SPllC0 lOr Ihe s~e' block <IS a 'hI1ol@. T1ii)' also c:oosti:lJled, ~s I~o ooiDal p.roJeCl de~flpVOll $Ilj'~, 'a rIl'Serve of bold lor rntJilipift applicatioll:>". n;;: idea ollhe buUlg Ilk1t hs- now b!l~n cBmetl out was 11.0t \liI!1Bf(Jr&. rotdy a~nlh'Oll'llM; coocept cl Ule Edi1t11ial blJilding's d'eslilll, The fiet lblIi IJiIl two adjoiml1g li¥ty .,or,dl!; WBrl! left I!)i~~ reotUl5. II) '" s.e~s~. the IIlllni$l!ed qUJa1i1y ollhs biulkmH 'operation In IIM~erilX

The. IoI!Jlume 0:1 'lilte new buil'd".ng Je5DOnds ro lfi!: eols\'elll; ~ [Ij ihf [ditorial biiJlhting in 100 IMldle. The deliberately IIIlIlrnit space, 1be l'1'i5Iii1g wa<:wm, m:qllir~" a partit.ul.;u fBlswllCe. The' ~n~g~rel1(~~, M1911l4l1 thrW£ll tha! 1Ial:-lUII or tllJloogt! ,gIa<zed svrlac8<S 0" dilJerilll! degtees or Dp!qtJ8fle'Ss, emp~asise Ihe ~i!;I~nC!l 01 8 boidiR8, beJUi'ld.

On iIre one 1igOO, tl>e chancs to armexe ~ tMJitdlfl8 lot tw Ilii~ Ilpen ~~ ln frOilt oillie Ei:lilOlilll eoob!ed lIle Ile\V construc~G11 to be: cr""ided ir'Tlo t'tlll blocks'b8cMIg onto lhe NLrI~ w.aIIs, IaMI! ~ c~ Sl»CI! bflllieen lI1em which is ~Q mOr!! !han ~ u5llil! ~cenlage CJI cootl~bklck open SP~CB aMloogh it 15 Illaced perpend!cllilBrly to !fie 5tr'el. On ~ clh~'. I~ I~F&~ til 1iIe two blocks is r~ 0Ii piloll$, creatillg all eW"n~e il<Jrch ItIalleads inlo i!tre inhmo'. This IlIlW bUilding, j~~~I" rooodscir Ih8 c.oosln.!t;;1i1Jfl of ~h~ !i1f4:l!'tt;l~ permerer wllile selling 00 record !he particulill~ly or IIlel:'~se,

MhoLlskl It d08~ not anS>O'e1" lill'!raly 10' ~ 1!\IIii~1mg rellLllaOOiis tor Bvn:eiol'la's Ens:!illche. ill '~e ~Dp(lrlioo of lM ~lIgs, IN It1sj<)OC"1!, ctlrtHllrlldi~llIl<I~ U1eilll~ (If 11181 arcll!ted.ure ~h as- Ihe 'triIJtmes· on the Ia~ad'e (I/' lIi~ Imler "eaIlerres· hiII'e boi>M P"e'I~5i1ed 511 'l1e !"eS4Ilt is. I~' ~ y,~. cOf!'te1;!J,J~II~t.

The Mn!foir hillS been to exre~ !he dia!ogu8 OOtween 'he ~ew bwlldil1g~oo IhB CIII~ bemrid rlJ!lht d.qwn 10 !hi> dellllls, fo.r eJ:ampl~, Iha 0000le i>lm or 1M ii'l~' ra~~d~. ailliioogh rt IS nO\ ~,~ in ·~~s (3'Se, coo:sists 01 ~ glmd IatIice t1Jat IliI'IIls ~!lrronl [J;f Ill!! lacade iKOW· BellM tv,> dill". Ellild b)t nigllt. il. is a 00w iIlal ~ !.O Hie (entral bwllding's glazed ~ade \'oith it!; 1lJI!oe--Wle~ ME ~fv~lislnfl' !lie oomest;c ~aces Ii!lin (ijX!ll Ioward:s lJle ~

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,._ - - .. I U~~~y!:l~hija$,~ ~5, deseo,~de 11(1 marureSlilir tres «J~p05, do:> i~; ~n ~ edifltili ~ lo tant(l,

Sootres~ ell 00 ,ed)f1Cb, Q!,I!)' ~ ~~~m,!lIU ~COIi~~ U1 'ClEI']Xl (!)le O~ll<IliI,~ cI8 !as 'irivie"oas; intefjllere1riKfaS;, &~ndo ocutaslhe<zls ~,mH OOOO~ ~~

eJ ~ ~ a;on 1IR!I1l1N'e, que se IIIiIB'l'Il,,'ql.I!l~\!!!I!kI~.~{)j'iki oir~ i!lelcamoo:: Il .... ~n~' 5Iil' 1ide!S~~ ~~ ~ I~ p;!iri!llpe!loetli'1:( .m5~te em ej,fljjl;j ~I es~ l!l.ta pol' ~ rorrfmh ~"E!IIIiI ~renidac!oe. ~ ~ 1fIll')OI'~&Oi': es Ia roa5aQtJe >e" ~ ~'aGerrtll;Y,d ~!ci:1rlm.0al del ~rrto; Ia'~ QUe,se W1i3' C(IIn) ~ 'itxhlltJMpmSllliid:l ,fa tel1si6n .1'Ifj Il'IO\!iirieM:o Qiie QlJH!te $fl.

,De1ro~ di1II ~rpod'~ I!I.-e. troiS lal ~:wada 1KIIi'!i' ,~~ eI'~lpaljiJ de! wclO.:Ie 13 ,~ de ~ Ml>!:ie; ~ ~;W' ~ en ~I~~,d€ iii eslela. ~ <es W3 OIbiertii ~~, 'iX'IIlit$ ~ cemdis ~ esa COtl ~~ ~or~ Que Soli! I!O$ Qfr@.l:e d~ (Rerfllt@s fOOniIs ~'Ia t!i~ tre' b~l'

AliIt 1*Je" Ll!au, ilZIIW, ~i los c~ dil i;I'ln!If soo kls Q1Ie pemjren ~rsw ~ M bd'ru.aocla, ,M !lSI! ~:draiio mal' wniJe en eI Qi:II! ~ ~"Qiit ~ OMS<! ~de eI pueIlte ~ 11JI8fIda?

[" $tIlItIJ<; ''i'I!,1i~ eI etiifiOO refiIWJ L:If!<I "d!inil<l de los siete ve!oS", Ei!I ~!o\ ootlifDITna' 3s~00e b ~ 'IIil ~ ~;,abalo. (QS~,d(l nmool_niiMlo IilIl:JIiIa (Ie bs ~ ~ ~~ en fa liMf1III'ocIura d;:, Ia.~ ,a cootll~i6:!\ ~ ;!llBfrad!i. ~L,(fllbs Z!lgIJaIle'S: emOscaClO be, nUs ai'll'itai w vCl! 8~ este,apareoe tm~rocie fil,goGa pI~, PPI':~ tH;..go~e! ~w: rJiero de 1i!:'.mle,6(!; Ie:~ i:iI ~~SQ_nW'id'~SlTl'tey, !XI!' ~ ~ IlIDorI:b DIiIliIrTte. Recoffi~~ !oI'e>t~" i;;l Qef!lm frOO' alf:lffi'iRlen eI zOCac, ha:>t.! eI '''$6\0 para ~ ofM' del ~ ~e 1liI, de ser l~ • mM!O y; !PQ/' WI1.O, ·,acatid!idO·"

&I5'efltiOO !iJani.a'!t.aIl. eIIedficb $I! ~lldB ~~ a derecha dlljarndo Illls deSii 6 es!eia, eI~, y cem~ ooa ~IB delleChla: 1:11 "ie!o Ql.Ie ~',el ~ 1TlaIlH', moIor.eft lal'~awn (Ie "'reW~16!l ~'" ~O'o)'li!ll 00fa 5IJpooJe para elas. En media, LIlia :serle de ~1!I1tQ~~~M SoIlIn\liMlfl ~~~~sQt!e rn::Idii;an III IecI:mI delalfoc~, ~ ~e.s mhd~a~al aJ:J~to esIlttiSlllOCl'waooo estan ~s. Alectad:ls par.aSh! I!Iif(~Yi IDs hi,l@Oos ~dOs de ilos ·p;ilios Pfiid'ell algo. 5>il1 ~,.,

En eI ~ ef! C<)(il.!I ~.~ Ia:>~. nos sspiWa~1 mi5!iOO ~ COI'I~ no~ I!d!!illJOln;;o;., b~1fic.c dt! C"ilL'IlI 1.00 d'e krsp!~ P1J\!OCi1 ~ d~ aspaci1llllaffil aleimlir eI ~lt:o. deS<Ie ~U)!O bOltOn tgClllado en III SIl'I.':OIOO pOOeroo~. IIU fin. . .., !1acia eI OlIo Ia® if d'et~'H~ri:.o.!c .

A ~J!~@la~ I'r1clIlft arne lwo doaug!l't(:;fS" tI1ree tlWners, Ut~ e:>ipile$~ ~ ~~t tc shDwl:hiree' 'i'oIume:;,ti'.ll ~ifi1Iil$; COll~uently <I ~I~ b~iIkbg. Th~s~ .~te tbr,ee. housesin one b~idilij!, v.t1r.:11J ~~U1~rOO rn 'a single . oolfi)!Jrei'ty, One 00d~ ooncennr.ilte~ fue, il'q)l~iOi'l of"tlle irrrtBrpe'.netrallld dwe~i!1J!~. g<ne!'ating IIdden rrne$iha~ are Or{jlrem l'itiere!tie.!i' come imto corntacl.

The blJirooll is lillle <i ship, f!tIJ ~m,!:, "'" it~ WIlli. Evel"fllliJl(l poinl:5 in!he ~ectiOf'! ~ Ii't>e ~:the ~o!lJllIl(f beoDm€s Pro.BJe5Si¥e!y ~r online f<l~a~ in ar4m' 1.0 peM'tt~te 1Ile fb: (If s~~ more' easil~; '~grournd plan o~ 1liIII !J1h~r ~and" ei5I~$, iliS grealesl: ijlickne~ lOgelher at tins 8m!:! !bat gNes ili1tO lIIle' w.~, Iii!! mass is ~bld to aO~~!lluai.e Uile ilerUa effect of the mO!o'M'lellt: 1be ro¢ 'I1iBS Iikl! !!II arrow t.tI e>:~ss Uie ~ o~ Ih'e mc~ 1:bat i~!Na!I't:S to he, IEle!1imlll~e ~ M 1Itoe ~, lbliihindl as slil1WJled.d'O'H1'l :stem, tomes tM ila~~urn ~d~c~d bjo: tlIe!iOO1io~ 'Df ttIe SYeW ,a~d Ule shared ~!ace.the 'foam of !!i!;l W~IIIB. '01' is n a b.aI"'~ [fed, wiUl' me tad:s "df.awn in by tl'6 tQo!he~ or!lg rID'Ilon Imt .IlisPl¥,

diliferent 1000ms <l(corcirl,g lQ 1,M directioo iI w1ilicm·we are Iooll1ilg?

Blue, azwi. b~u, ~~lI'ro, ,~IJ~.lJm~ 1Il~ coiOllJrs of tI'!e ~ea are tM!~ ...tIleh. ~~ UE '~a lINreciate it~ p~e~enoll in !be Qist3liC~. li~thl$ $'b'~I:Ig~ ill:r~l!f1 :s,ea om \Iflidl it WiI~lI;to :;.aI,What can' I!!e lIladeom fml!l'll (hie bridgl;!?

vm~,aJ!y, II!e blllilii),B ~erf.ormo; 3 daIKe or ··lbe~~n VO!il~, As IIit!fa.J;:ade n5'e'S tt srad\JaJIy ~etls s!Q[ls: 'below, ~rtJle rik- show Iiflg rraeks of 1I!e drill bits. lJf!e~r$1 st.a!'ie rn $toi:l~Fe'S$im.g; ~. ~f1ecl SaMI SID!le rOc' !he 11:;l1l~; f!!.~ rup, $rno!1llii, retldsirug: lI!its· peels aw3)' to show <I ~~gb ~l)d $Ilr~ace an-d then ~ to me oorres.: c~ uves,!!1e5~. ~~d :siidiiUg upwan:liS afkl, fm:a!ly, shiilll rnliikonrug~ alwliliiOOJrn, A p:i'\l8ress from LheeKl).reSstM o~ dererlct!i!8airnS'! tile ,exIJ'~ iiIIlti1e'h~1l !',,!fiJe!or ~ ,eyes (\111~. o~ .~:.e .aJiMlTurlr:l,. Yiti1i~h lIi1S to be~leafle(]b:'1 h<D:I'~ h'oefore. c~~sood"

HOrn"MtalIy,1be buiid!rng ~ fl'ol\!':! ~ te, I1.Ilht, I~\!I~ 8, !Nllk~ bdfml it . tt.e g:a~ .. amdl ~~LiCtil'i! ~!I 3tTJ:I\Iloheadl: tile ea'Illi;sI!'i~IIIfQ!ect Ule !:iedrGOf:I1I of liIe 1l1.01)00I,. \'oI1G is 'Ntt! lOOtor a! th~laltiily re~urndine:

OlJeraoo~ ~! 'tmi~ b~i!ding ~rniti~s far ills C'toI11er~. rn be~" 01 seYies 01' Sliding \Wi_ mO'll"~ IOwgges.t

d!ffereM<!!'r~errl1eM$ t!M n"fO(if~·~e ~oo,g rn Itt!! :flI!i;"ad~,.ff'!Jm tOta1lY ~ to"C~bel!j' !t{llU: ~en

they iI1e dl};Seill, .

lin 'Ul~ midst (!.'I\IIis hlJl!ibt.dl, th8 hDUowed-Wt y,ards Ios-e s-omelhirtg o~ 1I'l!!if.~rli!!:y".

Inlbe li~ten« of ~ M~OO we 'fiod Ii1e: ~ 1l.a11l1Jt. as we gl:l lurlher in, !1'.xh o! llJelr ~~1iI; b~:> 1lIlJ:~~ II1em ~~ ci'!lerse uvto< U1e attic !IoIi!h illl I::k!~CiII)!,. oritJimEtdI frll!le SetL~ '!'IIilert.,·!i(jai!'J'; we ca~, tl1iC!k O\rerti:l' Ule Iltli~r 5ide aiKI P"1u:se.

Tres, casas en lei camino Three ho:uses al,olll tihe lalii!!


Man~eiJ. Feo Oje<b "'.feW I!lotlSi!!r.laf~iIl~~

~ ... a. \!'II ~jl~doIPt.,.,.;". ,r.~""~_.d.{]j.~~~,

~,tIIbI,~,i~~ r;rie.~_._



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E1sdar de ')I,(H8, 22 m2 GSt.'i slbJl.IOO ~OOJ!) rem3le'lle u~ rona d~, Ires Canto:; {!(wp.a!da m~larii~~ PQT ~81.ll ~peIo&b re$lQernoiaL L~ ~rrela ,e$l~ !imilad~ !!'Or !!!I b~I!!'iM cmtrlll ~ PQf' el OO~ de borde del parQUl!, or&~~ilZ~lld~e' 5~ <lOC~!l() dil'sde el propOO lJulevar a lJ',aves de 'euatro vias perlJelidiccJbres a '~I cIe 5,40 m_ de ancIwJa de ea:r!!cler ~alonaJ (J trBfico ~e5trlli~G.. E~ o~n produce una mll~nizaol6n de s$~ marIlanas reclanju4ares ,orienl!d~$ em s~mlido 511J,eStenor~.

LGS ed'lffcios pr~8C!1Id'os tienell ccmo lli'O:!lro1ili\ll \!MMdas de superliCies rj~les il'!hHiores a 9D m2 COB de~encias parol gar3je 'J nastere vinculadas a las llli$mas, sieOOa, Ii ediriCabili~ d'el «r1lj(Jnro ~ 6..400 m2 cooslruidos.

[I pro({eCtQ parle de una ,dKis!oo inicial ftJniIaf1'ilt}Mat sustitvir '!~ !ipQIogl~ MbibJ~1 de .. -Mertd. ad'Q5<l4~ ent~ ltle4ill~BrfOO. Qllle ,~tei'a ~roBlas de gr,m foo.OO ~esca~ 3mOOll'a POI' 1nlI' or,Il;a~izlIDio~ ~ a I~ cJe ca$a4llatio renllllCi1ndooe a iii Geble focbadB 'I i!OOsa!!dose ~r el lado mh largo II la casa co/il1dointe Que ree.oo sabre ta ooa calle.

E:;tl!IIUIffi disposici6f1, ~enera 1m patio mii~ ~11!11i1c ,que, ~e destina II jaroo sititllrndo en su lalera:! el gar3Je obleniemooSie as! fa Pfiya'ijza~i6B ,de @soo.

La. .. wilda se OI'g.I!'Ilila en 1Jes plamla~: OOITlaS oornunes en pI.a~t.1 baja .. d(Wmitonos en pIanta pnmera .~ terreza ,oolarium til pIoota re.ccera:oobre Ia que ~ae el' lIall'i:l!ro. LE' eoc<lkfa se ado~ ~I rnwro medianere ronsls,IJi9tOOw ilumil'!<'!f a U'~'l@:~ d8 lOU espacio ell doole al~ur3 IllS zona; oJi.ClJ!"as {j!l!e este 000 de 'Of!!aflil<lciOn espacial lIeliera,

los e~g Ilabilabies se abren a 1'a¢heda POI' 1'1001:'00 Clli)'3 forma y bm<iilo re~POil,dan iirI1camtmte a fa flilm::iOti de ~rn e U~min~ciOtr; '" (:1Jl;ierl:a dsl c~to as inclin~d~ a ClO$ ~~ de s,el"lCilla chapa meMica dejand'(p dMcubfe(l~ fa l:errllZil de PIaU" terc~ra, oonWlienOO I. pie.;!<llrastero po.' $\I ,pO:Sicioo l!!i1:rahlgiic~ reCil~~nte 3 eb en ~n e~paei(l Cll;P~l de acoger flil1~[OO@S ·'mas dlj1l1i1s" ~e las Q~e iniclalmen~ s~ Ie asignan. El ma1:erial uti~ad'o en la C~ucciDn es rundam~r:t!almellle lildI1i11o c.eramico ~ en los £@fT~tos de vn.ien(li'lS como dE jai1&les, fCcllmit:ooooe a Ii! c:el~a det rnismo m~leJii!1 colOr ~ ;em~ ~1I~ndo sequiere abrI el ~ del ,p~lJo ha>cia oI!.l IDrterior. Les terraje;lras 'I elemenlO$ !Ie d"e.'sagUes son Imet~lICa$ IPiml'adas 00 It mi5lOO 'c~ QUe el m~~erial d8 culJierta 'J los llalj1~w. en rOI1a~ ei>I.Wiorl!S,; cornu ilce~as, (.<Il!~d\<ls ~'zonas soladas de paUos, se ~ con 1;lOnDgoo gris..

'°1> I. ~
Ii' "If
" I_I ,I,.
" -,
'1 -4 La OOr31 C(JBS\ituye I!lma aprll~!IDaCiOn ej;emlll~ all dititil problema de Ia 1it.!i€:llda u~ilamiliar OOGS;ld'a-

L~ probIHMtica i~l1Ite desc1e el PII~ltl de ... ista del proJietafio y S!J tilrienckl, ~ en SII lI$O cOO!iiaJlo et1 iii vidal pn~ada COOIO ern los .~pecws fepte~:tMJ.:s, de oos es.talu5, ~ )' cuIUll~$, queds areooida d'esde ,el proy,ecto: un~ unica ~ll'Cllada d'.e ma:ror lamaiilll ~Ia reprflsenlaciO!i wda1l. ~(:IJlS~i6n d'!! lit d~sead!al ~ad' (.or! elerneW~s propios d!1 Ilf'OyeJ:,to (garajes QtIe cierran patios, C~S sObl'@dirneJlsio~adas en ftiChada5 ~ elrital1, faoliisiOn ral1nll desde iii ~rna cooti,gua etc.l. 1101 allrlrQt;i6n (f8 Ie ,indMdtmlfrel'lle a 10 colectirlo II~ disposicit)n ~ iamaiiD de ,chimemeas. Ia lerraza e~ cubie~l'l. la ca!le IlriYada'_,

E~ el a'SJ)ecto ufbamo tI CllnjuJltn rewel\1e SU inserti6ft eIIlla ciu(fad een 1;'Oca~ioo de 'rilmlai' parI!;' de ella: SB r_iII a ila fiag~i(in fren!:eal iii idea de esula ~~ elllS(l oosesiiro de un IWIka rnnaleria], II sscala I:anlD de las e~i1IeS erJ ~s lacllildal; ~ .. bl,llev~r u~ como 'en los wales iAlefllOs que poor su dimefJsi6rr impicien iii IectUr3 fragmentadii! del ~. I~ i!!licclOO dell cOlOr de ~ eeramlca de I'I.Iem! IlI!Senci!l, etc, ete., iIIejan eS'le ,oonJu~l(I de la ~en rrQllWti,za <1UIi' eslLiiS mDanizadilmes de. b.aja de~sid'ad lI:&bitua'IJlllero~e nO'S Ira;nitetl, acercano'ota a la ilililagen wnt1IDdenle de milnzana ~rtana Cl,liJe rec!lall'ill su ILIg.!lf '~m la ~[!jJdad"

Por Oltimo. Iir decidicb rellur'lCia II 101 ~11 ,iJbs,tiI1!aoo del re~40 boeIo. Ir~gllllllllel!iderrte 'Olp!llE'S1a IloOf los wlories qpe' errtendernos prol)ios dB la arqlitectiJiral tolfeS. WirIO la g.e~trra. la m~cid8 y III, ecooorria, <IIejan esta obrade 10 mD\lBOOso, ~~m,placienlB (I miificiooo qqre III moda p[eo~" hiici@ndo surgireWJerntes 1M, Mp.ectoS ,e~pecflicai1ll~nw lIlquil_ectOOrros de Iia arquileclura., IlJOI;!ocamlo (lwe' del pn)JJi() rigor disciplimar ~rie la poetica.

Mtonio Marl Mellad()

Vivlendlas unifamiliare.s aciosadas ell Tlle'li CalnlOis. Madrid

Group, of 'hlwn houses mn Tres Cantos, Madtlld


M~I:eo CoI'I'~le$ Cant~ro

~~_Ru\;I1~ ~~~

1\IIIO!j.Id<ir~Syo,T,JI.'" F._ ~ ~ 10 fur:nl. luH. pll!ksl; de Ii FUcnb>


JMil. Jft!I<!u C.iIE I~!

~~~ ,J"L~'~.~'

E!J>t)rt$O-~ Jl.CS

n Ttw 1,'518,22 m2 site ,puts the iini8!iD,g tooeII to an 3r"e3 01 TI~s C~nli}8 lliat is. 1I1iiI1~1~ t1CCllpied b-)' this ~e of IIOIIsj]g. The sile is bor~ tI)' !he cetWal ~r'CI and b)'lhe prom~n~de ib~l1g !he ed~ ·01 Ihe J>lIrk and a.c,c.l!ss is orl!:anl~eli by Wox 5.·4 If1 \\lOe pecJesbian Of lesll'ict;l:d Irafoc ~e~ts IsadlJili pe~pendi::ulally O'ff 'the ~KI, This layout. w~es rise to $i~ IOCtim8~ ~~t blO(lo;s rllflllilg oolJ1ih.east· ID ~orIf1,west.

The bri~ 101 1l18' pr:ajected buildiigs ,calls fOr dwellingS IWtIl a nellloor iIIeil o.f ~s lMn 90 m2', ~ 118\111'1& 3~iated gllf'age and slioreroom 5P11te$, Th~ cwerall C-ll\I4lI'@a ~urfaceareQ per!li1illlld is 6,400 m2,

Tile starting poinl (1)11' !his pr(ljec\: is !he Ilmdilrnenlal deoi:;iofi 10 aballdOll Ih habituil1llrrallgetllellt of awelliA.g$ ~~ IJIiIlly ~lIs wl:Jich g_ates tml~ pbt~ Or llteal dwlMI and Iilll@ width, replacing ~ wM a back-~ oo~s,e1l11d be.r::lJi.JrI '1Jipe Clfilmals.illlo~ thil:t 5'lIrral4E<rS Uie ~ubl!!' faAade· 8fld jDi~s eac~ hool>e by !I;~ !o~ge5t $I(!,e. to Ibi~, 1I0000e whlC~ faces oolo tile next slIee~.

ThiS new Mr~@Im~nl gen~rates.1I mIlCh wider fmm area rM a gardoo. Placing tile gouge alcott Oile sicl@ of it snsures ns prwllCY.

The hoo:;e is arrr3"iged 00 11 ee !1001'S: Ihe cOOIImIoal areas are on till!! grollnd Iloor, tIM! lJedrocms Gfe an ~ 'rloor and 1M S't(lf<ijle 100m look'S QU! onto.a solarun-tetrace on Uw!Mlj lloor, The stain::ase is located agaBIsI: 1M back (partyll'l'aI: 1lhi~ ~iwe~ :;op3Ce enabJes Qht (!:! leach the dark areas lll.t 1Ili:5 Iype of $p~~al OiIani~m gelll!lr~ks.

TMe halHleble Sj)~oes haVe 'oWldoli' IlpellilliiS irI tI1e r~ 01 ~ s~s a~cI shapo!\ '1lIl!rt I€iSptlllllG5 tc UL~, sole~'tllon~of htJ~~ <!itd W1I1!i1.ili!lB, The dIll!ble,pdclI roof is ~il'lIlPh" 01 $heet rnatal, 11!'iMn,g. Ole h1If'loor l'l!fr~ee open, TITle Slnlegie PQsitilm Dr 100 storage room. gMlilE 01110' U1e terr~, enables !hi:; space to be IISOO !or "more dlglljfDOO" f\lll({iQIl~ h11hose initially ilSstsne:<l to 11:. The b-aisic biddillg lMteI'ial is ceramIC brick for 1he walls, Ilc!l! (lJ Ill!! 1l0iMS ~d Df Ihe Hardens.. where <i bt.toc:4! of the same malMrial, ~oIOU' and teJClure 1$ ~ l'itw!n the intention Is to open up the '~U(t ;tre~ 10 th~ ~:d~ior. The fi;tmllgS ana drai~pipes are metal, paint€(! Ihe same collJur as tire :roolilla rna!eriil1, all(!! Ih~ Nlsmal 13MB sblClI as ~me~l$. ~Wl)I'$ and thg p.lW'!!d ~·us o1l11e lorecOW'ts are n-ade 00 gl@y cro::rete.

This WCM'k is lIBOremp1a1)' aPllfoot:h to the dilf1eulll>l"o~ a! the single-fmnly.lO'MI hoose.

The project addfe5Se-~ U!e !nlIoerenl ~~ I~ the PQInt QI Wil:'0'1 o~ the QIffl1ers aild tneir dWdn.!!s. ~01b iI tni!ir da6J" use in lI1eir p!'III3te- tves and III U1lli1' facet of reple~ socl.iil iIf1d OIIltwaJ slaWs: i;I ~ingle; iMggr. rliAads (social reDreserTtat.iCKl), thIe ~sired privacy achieved II1rou,gh l~e poo$lt!on of the cornpenems 01 the project itself l!he I! sc~llIIin.g th@ froot 1l~l'den, o'lel"~ized cl;irnne~ $'t;adis 00 th~ t(} block a side view !rom !be mndOMI ~t cicQi, me}. !hB ~lIimliloon of 1m' ildMMI 0II'!!t' 111~ ~C'tive tOle ilUimg,emelt and si2ie of t.'le Ch'Rmey stacks, the rooftsrrace, ll1e priva\e $lI'ee~~.

From 1fI8 1ITtm~ poina of view, 1Ns 811ilq) at ~ouses sQI.I~s the ClUltSboo 01' its int'egroUClII rnltJ lhe l.(mn Ih~h lts ...o~a!joo as p,!IU of 1he UflM>! f'ilbTiI;;. il OPIS lor ~n urboo scnle rBlflerlhan rril8ment~tiQfl; its obse~e use cl 3' ~€rma!eriil!, tbe sc:ale of tile buildings bOlt! 00 thelaAadm; that gJ.'e onto the bwlevard aM Uios@ Ulat open onto Die Demal streets. Ihe d1~100!; of thB latter I'dlichl ~ a rragmelfteci ~ of ·the gl'DUp" lite clloice CIf a \'oid~)I'l'5'ed ooioor 'fol 'title brlcll

51 ~ sle, etc, ill otiismnoe i[from t/iie bord'~, image liltil1:l:h~!lI! lol'l'd~JJ.~i~ odevekilJll!e'lhi, habi'luilly I!anlmt ;md 'bM,gs its closer 10 1IIe filr(e1ili ~e ilf IbI! 1ItD.MI :s.IIt@t broct 1b&t iIIsisto; 00 o~~ulll'1B.S Its ~ In Ins 1D'a\n'I.

Finally. 1l'Ie tes;()MI! l"Jfluncia~oo of an oo5liJn~!'e'R ~r ~s.s in ihe mslillt lind Ole e'IIi(fent dlOice of ~3Iue$ ~h~~ we b~· are proper to ~lire, ~iiCA as gOOn'lBtry, ~&S~re aoo economy, SlettliilS work a~ Ift'(lRI the nC~'eII~~g, c001l1aiS8llt or <l!'lful ~~IDI;.ns ptellc)1Bd by 'fi!iSlrioo, rJ'Ia:Io;ilig the specillcall)' archl!eclJUrlil a!lJl@ct~ Gf Its arDhiteclJJre 5l'illlld out and bM,ging pooUy out of its ligGllJUS appr03(b to its dlScipWif.

5. \1$11 _,. ~if:JI ,&.IloIilo._


'1. MI IoI!M' t.It<tr>!l!o 1.1'ilI.I!>!!fti' 1!:lID' """

NIl.eve ,adlo&adas en lavennes: elanqlues

Nine town houses on the out&k~rts of Tabemes Blafllqu:es


fr:am;;i5W J. Re~es Medrt~

JIl:;e Lui5 'TOIlanos U'reiiil

Frent.e a ilT'lar~ies ta'l@s como prGYl!ct~r Uliidaoes lali1il!ar~ sin C(lnO«'r lo,s d~~~(JfS de IDS re5i(f.e~tes y ta sustilUCfOi1 til! III tridad tarniliar por Is agmpoci6n. se preS'eI1la la I.i.Jicolo!!)i~ clt!1 ~j]o\Sada.

Ski perdef de ~jsl~ 'a indMdua1idOO de Iii familial e niveles de iMirnldlad, se provecla e$t~ oIlrll ell TalierJl>es, Es IrIJ:to del med~ .~ (Ie la hom!ncim de l\li casa a 'dO's mlIiins', ai'ltigjJ~ C~ de la ~~.ert.l a 1<'1 que se ~ccedr31 COA el carro '11o,s <lj)erO$ de lalmlll'za h~stlIlln pati!) liraser,D.

El PATIO es cl ~~otagonista de lodas estas pre!11iSi'!S, [$ sl ~lemMtl} 'l!Clmoeibie y mullilJica>!lor del m6odulo 'I lie oonii@re 1J11iida(j a nP/ele;s, d'e i~lfrnidad ,acuSlit<i.J Il1Si1<'lly ,r:re tl'gIlllllcioo ti:rmiCB, Ilroo~cio:!~ose una coj'(Peflt~ de aftB g~l1~rada pO[ la diferencia (fe leIi1i)eTa1)uras.

~ ssqeerna del m6du!o enJ. f(lMllado !lOr dCi$ c~erlXl~ ~nd@pemlie~!es ~nida5 por !a esc<IJerli. 58 @rn~reluan lo~ eos Ilimite:> Nsicos, ,el b1oqu~ 00 liMeIldas me;diarn@i'il!/1lI huerla, La e'Scaiera jun!o al portio ,al'l!a~j:za III ~a C!II medos b'al1los

haMables, AI rm del reoorool) verticall ulla escalera mstilli!:a nos Ueva II la dDble cwierb ~Iana.. La cwUierla r~lom~ s~ papel Mdi~o perdidolras 13 (ri,sis de los p(iSlull1dc5 roolfurl'los,

La pers~tiwl 88M lifTlitada 'j se Caplll I!r,~ci3s a la tomtinwi.~hd d~ plano dill mum, I~ ooidad es prece]llWl,m<is QiII!J ifsica. En el Pianoillterlor se pi'Odtv.1I! un carnbiO' ~ materia.! 'Y cOlOr~,Wi! ,e$!ab'l~c~ el r~ndido <::011 ~I' bmde urb-iltlo-. Sevarados de- Ia lacrnooa SII dk.~nenl parasdles que ~lfiI)rtigl,l;l~ elo!!lecto del so, 00 pclnienre. Est,CIS ,liiltO a

lOs iJa1cC!tles pi'Omgeli ,~ inlmid8d

del illterillr de 1<1 vivien(b,Ahora bien, desde al ill~eriDr loda,s estes elementos meU1lcos ~

lranllp.llFillLtan 'J nGS, a<;oerl;.3l1 ,~I paisaJ~' agr[cdla.

When faced mtb 1II'I'~1liIIJ4e~ 54.o;;h ..,. des~ming famty uniffi wllMut knOl'!'11l,g the ~iish@s of ~ residents ami replaei!!!!: tll~ Immll\l' Ilr1iI: will! <I gFOIIIl, 1M tOlYn lKJuse ~e makBs an app.eer~lIOe.

'I'hi5 ~roJ~t in TIW(lFIIeS- 'o'fiS OO5J!lJied wilfilool 1il$'in8 si&ht 01 each family's D:livlWGlty in terms 04 J',II'liIl1c)" It is ~ rru~ of the medium and ¢ the OOilage aillie house ·a dos m~ms· ~dooolf!ohandedi. Hie old lat'IIWIg ~Qttage M1icil ~opIe: .rnN "url' and fu,m implerroonl::s IfflJIJ!d ij)!:Ir~ii V1~ ~ back yard.

Theb<'lCk ~.ilrd Of PATIO is tile !M:s.~ fUbJ~ 01 all Hlese IlJIJIIOs:i~ons. It is 1119 R"OOgNs,able e!emeJrt tit"t m~'~pll@s lhilllll;)dule and gilres. ~ IIIJtY I~ l'etm~ Qr acoustic and vi:rual priY;!c)' iIfid thenruJ.llsgu!aOOM as it pl1!duCeS a CI.!!1"efIt 01 air, ggn~mtoo b)' !he difference in tcmjIerature5..

'I1Ie modIJl~' is de';Rne.:l ar'Ol.!n~ tvro $J!!p.'lla~e Wllumes, united by lJ'Je slaircase. Tha bloct. of party wall ~!lf.I.~ Wlc:!'tIM! melds and erehards, die ~'I'IU ~hy.oix:al rmts.. mterloc~. flte staircase beside U1!l pann orgamises IIIe dwetliRg Illlt) iI:lMable hit! spans. ill Ihe end Qf Ihe l, trnoier 541, a metal '!ti!:t'C<!IS1! Ileads l!llOO fhrt dwele rQm. The rO¢r re~iJp.;!1aISS its lost leisure r(ile .dler !he crlsos. of tl'm modem pOoSbJlates.

TiTle [lHs,peclilJ@ is limited .wi IS llef'lteWed llirrrJli:~ W 1be cunlinuily 01 ~e wall scwfac8. 115 unll}' is more j;lerceptu~l than pbysical. The cit1ange ill !iRifloerW .wi <::oI011f oo1be iflOOr SllrlOIOe se!s up a fadlMnJt iIIl.o tlte edge 01 .he !'OWIL

Sun~hatf~~ Me placlKl lJ'Mof lrom the flllC'<Kie to redVce tI1e ~1:Mrngtlil of tile SlID from the ..... est. To,g!lher with !he ,balcooies, Ul.e)" also, protoot tIte privacy {II !he iD~iQ< of lhe d .. ~. Viewedi rrom lhe mtericr, hO', <III 'tl:lese m~!ill elements OOcOl1'le transp,1rcrrt aOO OOf1g UIe r~r.Jl l;tndsta~e dow.


CMIi!O Ill! ~~, proihlrio d. T~ S!~;_.



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Ca!;al en F'oios, Vallenclia HO!!ise· in folos. V~lenoiaJ


Vicente Manuel Vidal Vidal LI3IS Aiom$O, de Iumiiio :?et"el


~<li!1iOO ~y_~ifj~~r

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~Ic _MilIr ... !>'..,mo/ "~_l_!II~~v.!lh [IfOjoo<t. ~Ei!N:sW

~to~~~<II'eoooIn ill! 1liIr ....

~tM~~J1&.TiI1 .... k!o~~

JosH"pncn 1._

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i'n1a!ia CCf1Sl)~rIIlOEtr<: c...'~~f.n""1'_

La easa que se Ill'O)'ec~en urn soJar de'! mu~o, d'.e FQYOS liMe Ii! metrlc~ ~ 1:t2:0 rn. alln a !aSP\l~~ ~e llIlerg.Oin las casas de ~, mano, IJin lifllndidas ell ef pals val!!nciallDl.

lEn estas eases fa diSpO$IdOn d@ Is I'Menda comsiSI! en un clllr,po edi~ C~'j'() J)l!rimelm b !Jeliille la 1J'.u~ de III calle 'I su plQlwndid'ad de do.s: ulljlas C-O~ II~ ~~o pIlstm'iCf doMe se di~O\'Ie~ ~nQjM de $c)'O a las 1~,MiDmBs 1il000es:~o~s agada$ al "ire lilore.

La elemerntal dispo:siclan ~ ,clIRrpo!o que se ha 'l:loo'll!!1iOO em '!r~dloom ,a lnivils de I'i!' ~ticion t1~ el ii~. as:egura, una 00Il001 ~dIilJ'l;1ciOn a'llugar ,oom, esle geS'!() ~!'eIIfl@ dB I'Iiispetor. a li).arlir de la ~ra dB cgerdlls" su a!ineaclom.

!:I lIoIIumen eliiiipreado ie I!ffilliza como UR s6Udo C-~ de albBlliilr IllS e$laJ)Cias ~ Cllilfigurilll' d IlrQgJ"alliWl, dcmI!:sOCo de' mlilil vMetida_, .... Ilaf'lil;:tjor ·orgmaci60 de ~ c~Jilel1te!l a'lr,edeoor 00 I11III estaJ1da cenl,a1 de ¥!llumetrfu, geJlerosa COO Iwoes ~ 'I~ calle ~ a1 ,pa~o. ~. rema ulilizoodc ~I tOi'l!:!C:ido pll'ocelini:etllo de ~~i)II" u'iiizalildtl ~ en", !nIl!<Wllfia Bstrfd.iio de 2,26 1iIIt$ OS pi!l~() que I'eCOffe ~1I1le~te eI ~uDllmem ed'ilicado {Xj1lTl~lIiciI!liIo- ei1lre- sI ~ pIalIIa b!>jill, doMe M! disPQite \III ~ para Cil'!JSc. fli p&anm prim~r.i clonde SI!! alb!!rga fa cocmr y la sal" principal coli 005 re~s a m~dilJ ~IIJJJ<! Que se des~llIl1T1 II Ibi~ '!IlI'ab~J(I y un iJlliliJO ~M!I de ~Itooos 'J baiiD 'c~ ~j)ei'll)ra OIl mterirH se ~m ,a iJra\ll!s di' um ~ ~ coo Iw cenil:311 ~ SJ!< ~ Bn fOChaOa oomo i!li'I' ~-dII y en SlJ imhlrior (im1O un p-aliQ qlle I1Iport;1 mtimlda(l y I'I:lZ,

LtI ca-ac!erislfc() 1i18 I~ WYiendar 110 soo I!~ ~ion;&.S Ql!e as.etUll'atl til, 'wabilid"dl de lin fifO.!Nlm!I donme.slico. 19: que ~mmh tl!I vil!tet'lda rnueslra es 18 m.aild de 00 Pf'~ni1li:~ml:o qln: !flO esla ~go~OII;IQ, Ij\IIl se Dcl6 ¢MIO !;)"ilI:dera II\! 8t:1gllllclJeOO Ia tina (!'~ coosolidacl6vi d~1 ~to MDderno yes d'e' pleJll! ac>tueldoo.

En e~ ,~tidQ y sin pR~~ir dB ooas iI1reropr1ltaciooes- reSIJllam IIsclllrm:edilriS II'IS \iin(ul'aciOlll!~ (fie se e;!Weiltran e/ltJie la arquful:ct1Jra i1I'Iod'.etM '!I ... opcillo iilW51ria! que 18 rni~ reela!i!l~para WI matefilllil'!lciOOl. C),pei6!'lr indiJslriaJ 1100 di[)ere de III idea que 101 civiilacioo t.iJdo,!nd'ustn;11 1iet1~ de Iia iiiJdu:m-ia; es decI, rffiil'ldicamc.s fa mncil! tit!' I!I flIbriClldoo etIll;;JI'er '!I no Ia utiizaciOmr i!iCliSC~3!b1 de poa.t!!lTllIs. Reto~~em~ CDfOO utilla plJestil ~I d'.a ~ teooicas de '~brkacl«! mllmi1filPtwera (tile M'IIil:alfc@n Iii ~OOSli!iICdOn de tar 'liIIf~ml'ilr p~S<!JjOO ~p(ll Ia n~c~sarfiill lJadLlOtton ~_1lI misrn~ ~Ilenijlli!je de laa~a.

[)e III iKI~ma de r4$ ~(lrnpomerrres ~ toma y~ ,0pci6~ pOli lafonna mec-.'lnlCII, ell.ndo e:>ta es trilils1erlda iii matetii81 m~dlemclo ,el pro!lBOO de f1ibricaelO~, Oi!~lro de e:sle car~ fIIOCaniCD M ellClJelllta IIIfIlI de I~$ virtudes q~e rmanlienem la eli!Y3dll califl~acl6n lormal de 1M compg~e~tes «Jms1J~cl:ivos clJ'andi:l ~ rel'3e!6!! can ~ mrrura!el.a de'l maberf<!1 S~' pene em valOr a partit del pr·oc@so de ·elabOl'aoiOn O'el Pl'G)'eetD.

~s.dIl estas cOilsiderac!oiles no reSIJIhI orflci e5tab1~r b$.llrnilaciooe:s emlre Iii forma de los IlrOOLJcto.11il'miudos ,gUQ BJi'Ort.m a Ia meta ~OO!:lruiciiifllas soniblas QLle f8' @',stabm &OOf:li1das ;i las fmpostas de IC5 amtigwO$ ofi.I;kls obi@~ fills CO!U$ d!! Ia piedr.o 'qlJe ~B eI canicler- prl~lii:o de $\1$ piezas como una ac~;!!Cit'in de las Ilibra<S COil h~rramieAtI! ,lig<ldliS .. I;;l idB~ de cai1iooat~ (!Ie las IIIUOOS del c~!'1rerc,

Di[l1:~ se 11iil~ IIilIce wr.Q!4l! eJi b pracllca diariia ~I} ~ Sal intIIl\i;~s dB lIqu~IIm;. 0110s ,c~a..rmi~Il.fos. de doode $t' OOspJ!U1dlln las oerteZ<lIS- E:tista [feliCe I¥--<iCe fi'Ml'!:nO ~, III fdlea de casa y de SU~ ~8nles, eccina, Ib~iio. ~lInsg" (Jl:e aaoptanr sOOIciooes disli!rtas,en las dife~llres cutl!:ir<l$ ''1 de las ~e soo e:scasos. SLJS ve$~gr.,s en arqlliiEelura, 110 ob$'~ IDS ejemplos QUe tod~l3;I Pll~en 5e~r de ,~.~ ~, ~ illln de progreso ('WID!1 'J 'tAcrnioo son cl iMk!ilico esklbOrn nere5aliio en !a eademl de la dlscipjina d'elllfOl'~do· Cllya II'Il~ri! 'lKii dej~ri;I ~ 00& ilia Iil~erta.

The ~00'Se:. ~~ed ror a builcflllil kit m lhe.lIiIilile of Fo'lOs, I. ba:;e(l On a 7~O i'JfI. goo, simI8!' to the P'lt sll'e or Ih!} 'ca:>ll:> de una mana' rOflebaOOed houses'l that are 00 familiar'" tile llalallcia region.

In I!'iese 1l0llSe'.S Ihe ilffaDEement of 'the dIN811ing conslsts of ~ b!.IiIdlng, I\\ro spans !Jeep, il~ perimeter defined by !be st<e~" with 11 b~ack yafd corrtaini"8: olltbuildiflgs t{J SUP!'lOrt the cklmestu:: luoctlOllslns:t ate a$socla~~d w.iIII HIe outtloors.

Ihe elemlNlli!f)' ~f'lIngo!ffient cllhe bu~dlns:, r~~ (lV9r 1hI> .ye.iW5 until,. 1Ie$ beeOCNl' ill tradiOOn, ensures its a~taiioo to !lie Place by 1111,1 1l8rflW1ial a.ctiDn m following !he IlnIls tnat are 'oe<! oullO mark lls aliglimerll.

The ~oI!l1n@ is taken as " solid lilitn 11i1~. clIIJ:Jcity to hOtlSl!' the differed f'OOIn!i 'iI!I:lic~ n1I3ke uP ti'u! dl;mestit re_ernenls of ~. cl'\wlling. The 5~(;1f"1(; O(~ (Ii' ~5 c6m!lOliei11:$ ~lQuDd ~ g<lnerou~ied Cet1lr.,1 reern wrl1ll \md1l'llS; 0010 the $lfell't and the yard uses tI1Ie well·lmOlMl ~ procedijre. II ~mplays a 5E!' .. ere, 2.26 m ir~~paR steircase Illat nms \leflic~11y Ihroosh Ihe b\Jliding,. jointl!g lite grownd ~OOr, >'ffiiI spaceliJfW:hdes, tile firs! ~oor. wMD1llocilds tile b'l;(hen aoolhB l118_in room ~n¢ tM:I haif-lletght soaces lor a Ilbrary afld a worn-toom arid !he· top noor. ~ C\l~'~in$ in~ bedrooms ami balhroom_ ~ top IlOOr lias openings til Ihll exterior 01'110 a $m<lll voltlme \riIh zemhollligill which is peloeeJiied as a I»1cO!!y O!I th~ f~e am:! from Ihl!: WlI«iOl as a lerrilOl! tl1~t C(If1lriDMles priWM:y .aM light"

What is ~har;)>;.Wi$tic about ~e dwe~ Is no-t \lie partiben wall5 Ihill r'I1()~e- ill.iia~ as a domestiC I~L bUI 'IIint ii' .eally d'enlD1lS1taleS, Ih~ IIselulness or a Ptocedl,lrl! ltiat is pot yet ellllaliSle4, I'IfIicli beillll es a raliying at duriIg Ute cOfoscklatio~ of 1bei Modem f~CI'IIel'n~nl but is slIIi ~bsollA~1y mQd~rn.

In ltIis sense, lNI'ibDut cIQi~ away \'oith oItier lillef'l)letatlOilS, d1!1' mk.l; 10 be: f~ b-etwsell modem llrchile~w.-e ,~11!1 1M ind'ystrial QQolJO!t 'that II demllDlls for 115 l'Ilitler1:ilisatiion an!! ~lfll8- Till!!; indtilSuial option IS not ihe idea liIai 1al!8 indcR;1riiII cMl,~tion !'las or Indusby. In tI\hIet I\'ords, \\o'e dl!!e-nd till! esset1Ce of •.• orksIlop msniIlac-rure r,llher 1han tb!! indi5crmioa-le ~$e cf p:n~rlIs. We recQBni~e Ihe wst!lulnBs~ ,Ill klnr®l'l.1l ~p i() c;iat(! tile manl1liK'turirtg ,P!'(lCluclloo tec'hrIique'SiIlall'e\ri~lisl! bo1dillR consir!JctiQD \\oteri ,1Il(ly hB~'e gone Ihrou,sh tile lW;tllo."'SnI}' translalioo !l\tothe I~!!gwgl of !lfCMecll!re.

With l'Il;8ilrd 10 til! cornpoaents mimilfadurlrJ.g irldIlW!t. ~ opt ler !he mechanIcal form when Iflis i~ 1T3iiS'fert1i'd tollle maleti~1 IJiJ~ agenc~ of Il1e rniIIM/feclkJrlB& process, We enc~ ill Iflis mect.:;Wc.1l c.:Ilaracter «Ie of lbe · ... rbIeS IMt maintains lila iij;gh f{Jl'n~ Quall~ (ll 11i1~ cons1nJCIlOil comPQnellt~ wbm 1he ViI~e 01 the retmnsbip willlUh~ nll.wre (Jlll1e' matertal is enhii!nc,~cI lIwougll1be process ct developing 1JIa pmjBt:t

ee~_1mI! 1I1~ 01l~!KI8ratlons in mint it Is 001 dilfi(~1t to ·eslillbi5lllhe im1~l;ionsl!et~ ~ k1rm 0-' 'Ihe 1smk1l!lled orodllcts t1Wll hrng lMe shad~ 1I1~1 ~ to be cooHded to the impc~ 01 the ancient lIad'E-S to l/le mere ,coflslru::tilm and Ina rufs of stone iIl,,1 re(;tOr~ !II@! priHnllOC cwacter of 1h!Ir pieces as an up-dirtifli 01'~ tooled stonework 8s5lC1ciated With the iclea ollhe «lnrtln~llI,Il. hand ollhe ~1.oDe-(;!Jtter-

In CO' ~ Illacljceo., it i~ dilili~u1t III (listinglJisn OOt\veoo IntIitioo5 3nd Uie ~"Q'i'i'ledgl! from which wtilin~s sp~- TIil:! idli!l!I ot 1fIe ~uoo has Blasted rer a 10000001inl@' OOW, as have iIs parts ~, batlmJ(lm, re'St "J:eaS]. wbich ~ lIdapted cifferent sotuUoos kl different c-IJIWres and hilll;\ll 'I~ft scant ~-e5tiges fill arCilm:c;-hJn!!. I-k:twe\rer, IfIe "3m~s tMI can sti!1 De ~seful i() ~hil: idea 01 culbrr.a1 and led1r,jcll.l pr'O.IlfeS:S <lie !he geBulllely i!!iS-91&llrnli: iii tlie chain Ckf ibe dis~iplirne Qf Ihe ~ject It it were broken '118 would be reJtsltilnder,l-

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CaiSa con cO'l'unas en Jarp,6n Curtairn wall hOllIse in Japan



SiluItlW1-_, tI!~ Toi;yo

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E:ntr~do"""]~irt .. Stl!<ilr~;~.Iorio.

EI -coont.!! de esla easa h~ dlsrl'lltloo ,Q\>!ide ~UQfI1PO del e~ro de II'id<i IIbre y de!sei!faoodQ do III otIIlImi bo~emi~ ~~, e&a c~ amterilorll"llltltl! aiestio Iradioional. ~p;;ll1lb. Est'll case se aIlre 10 mh posibre 'I coo toCla S~ ~m al s;w:rerior para ()j:~ ~ du~n() puada manrelier e$'ta aetilud, hacia, iii vida aot-tua! 'f con .ill woo de mooi.les "'t!lilles.

ArnpliDs e511HciGS ei1tarimadoo se ai'iaden en r.o~ laidns ~ste ~ ~ del WOn d'e Ia segunda pIail.,., y commas cuslgen eo ill f~~ :miis llJderiOt' 'Fecogiencto los pisos ~i1Indo ~ 't~ttero.

las ,eglildl:c.ioiies inWriCflllS" tales 0011'10 vis.!a$, iluminaciolil 'i viento se c!:lllnola~ .abriendo y C~mlndll estes ~des-tO!'~n~ al sslilo ,japgnh.

Ern ,jrMErOO, las pllerta:o e~Ofe$ acnstaloolas 'lias C<l~ pue>ilem CerTMSe c~nte para (~nse.guir III cornplelo al~. Esta ~nm membrOiN I).~e el pi!lpet de las llilllt~!aS 'sIv#, pl!Illrtas 'fusUlmi!', oeFl'·al!l1l1emt'Os y p~n!a·lIa. <.s.Jd~e' en la, 'tradi:ion~l casa japone:s<l.

llle clie~l of tlii. hi;luse M. kll1g @1;lioted 3fI Opel! ali" free "dilwnt-awn. ciilnll's" lifestyle In lliis rlll'l'Mr~ JIl.~anese-st:Yle- beuse, ~ house in i~~d to 'be opened lIP ;;$ moch as p(l~sible 00 the e;ctOOor so !hilt !he {I_' ~~111 'maintain Ulf:s kind of aWtlJda in co~teJlll)Or<D)' lile widl 1be U~ of cooleinpor<llY matt!:rials.

lUide cli:'d< splICA!'S are attached! on tl'le east and soolh ~il:!~ of tIM! secondnaG( liWl"l! recrn and tent.w.;e ClJrlains are' IlUllg on Ihe outer lal;a!:!e ~Ng i:l@tv;een 'lie secCq\(ij ~nd Unrll IioGr'. InteriOr ~ndic~i(KI,!: such a m;, ligh'~ and wind 3m Qonlrol!ed i:I}' opelling and cflllsq lI1is Japone~e-,o;~

·01111.,1111 wail",

r~ "";nt~r. !Me e~i,erf1sl ~Iated doors and 1be c~rt!iii~ ~3i1 00 eomple~ety dOsed lor inrobting ellecl n.s Ih'n membrane liIt;e~ Ute pial@ ill shoji screens fusurna doors.. shutters. and Slldare scre;)ns in Ihe Iradilionai J"panes8 hoose.







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OiblJjal'ldo ooa S, 'f ~obre II~ plant~ Wildraiila de 10m 4e I~do. 11(1 "bJbos de 1)<Ip!!" m,1 lllii!lrns de alhlra., .2JlOrmT! de ~ 115nnm de g-ros:or] delln!n las .mnas dB ast!!r delimitaooCl y exlerior cumoredail~· de c:ompoi'ler pl~mo~ ~~r'II'I:I<$ '!I ~ro$, Es~~ ru~ ~I' primer p~d)J en qUI! lOeauroriJ:o el us.o de w!tios de pipel COl'i1O estruclura, ~ un OOi1icic IJil!rrn~nl!'nt'e_ Di~~ clflios tulles ~cp!lr'tan Ia t:ilrg~ \lerticaJ )' res 80 iI1terio~· CClflll)e~nm !;Is ii,mrZlls l1ori~JI(a1es, las .;mlas d'e madera de rotmillrifof!'l1e erI b$ bases ~ IllS coluom'!~$ e$'t~n ~~S a los cimisnl:ai!i, a los qUe IOSi"lubos se f!ji!~ mediallle'lOmilios ~ (!tie' ~1llm ~OII'I,O e1ellllOnto sn !;'Diadiz,CI del suelc. EI grm clK:u1c, rodeaCkl pur' 11).$ 80 tubes de madera collli.!!ur~ IftI lerna de I!<$l:arintoe-Jixw COOl un:a, tu:rlllZll a su ~lredeoOOr, u~ cohjm~a alsla>d<l de tubos cJe 'f d!)- 1231cm, O~ (li~m8'ftro ~R 1m g<i!«fa (l(Jf]~e!le !aJ cabinii d'e as.eo. Un oirtulo nneli1Ql elloierr~ lJlIIlb~m(l 'I urn patio, los tubo·s d! poape'l ·exteriares Qwe rodea~ <il

pa~Q se ~ll<I~1i) ~ ~.~e:rp;Q

,estruclUra! "I slNen flomO parrta!la, La WM de estilir ~ el ,circulI) grande rep!v!5.e'JIta eI ~SiP<loia runiwrsal erm mirigO~ We mobiiilrio (pie 1m aista;Jo beneo de cQci~a, !as ouertas cOlTederas, "Ilo$, <Jl!lllmios moviles. C~ando bs. baOO~s Ilerimeb'ales se "'breil comJJ!etamer:tbe. ,sl I.!!c~o i:Iori.!:OI1U!1 SOIlllr\adEl per Ia COluitu'ilrta d'~ bJoo~ de pape1 es visualmellte ~I) OJ ~pa~ Ia conlinujd~d 'esp~ci~1 ~nire III IiilspiEiiOo de Ia gatEt'fa

!II' lilIS tefrilZas e,x1tetiOfeS-

CalK! de p~pell en Japcm Paper house in Japan

l.Jne.:f lip in an &sI!ape ,corrfrli:aration 00 oil SQIIII!"e 11001' areiL lO meW 'liO a sise. 1] 0' "'paper ·~u'bas· {Z'7 IJII!'B' ~igh. 280 mm ill diameter aIId IS iM\ Ollerd define the liv.ilg area~ laid Oil! r~$lde 11l1d ourlside m itte resUlillg COOipDsitiDn o-.f ~uMd iiiid $1)ralgllt plall1es.Th's f)(Qjeci w.a~ 1M 'first In wliI;II Jl~Br 1Hbes _e autmtnHI te be utiized as iI sln!cural material ~ ,3 permooent buikllnli, Ten or Ins ~PilJ Iub~ swp!OOrl lIle ~ertical IDadi mil tM eigllty iriler!Cr j)aper tuI'ie$ bear !hi! lawai l'O'·ces. TIll';! clucirwm, wooden Jafnrs in ihe cokJll1lil !I.atS~ are ~ red to ·the fo-wf'ld'3liOll,; on ~.tJlc~. 1Il@· pape' lucas !r(! RIled by till! s:a;ews to act as calJllt:\rers from the 110(;(. iI'he lailJe drde $'!JI'~ b)' Ihs !!fg,hty pap(!rtubQs Icnms 8ill Il.!mor 1i1rilflg area Iri1iI II 8i1l1e,y ~ul"ld il- ArJe~ St3"ding pa~ tUM coli.llDfl willi 11 dillmetm- of 123 centir:n~ters in lI'!e gallery ~QII1.\airI$ a, ~t Icooljh, It. srneh eifel!!! @1'iCllo&8S up a tNlnIlrwm and iI WIlIII: cC4l1:yar<l. TIle exterior J)aper tv~s SlJilrounc!iE'lI!l '!be cOw1yMd ~taOO apart (rom the s-trJJclursll>~ and -!;~rre as <I SC~I!, The Ilvin~~rea In I.I1e Ii!t.!le c~"de is mpr&ented as a ullivl¥sal space witIi rIO iUrJ1i1Shi! ofuer!lian an i$Olalkd kitchen rolllltN, slO!&!g doors, and rnoIfiiiJIe' doSlets. Wh~n Ihe pffimeter ~e$ ~re en1jrely opened, ~ hI;lrkronilll rool ~ PQftM Il)1' Ill@ cdlllmw:ie 01 pll;Per tube.S1S vi.uilly ~lSlted and SIl3- t!a! O)n~lilllllLV is. CU!ateil ~~ lfie S<Jftoondil1g galle" speee and tlie ~t, dClQrlerraCes,


Shigeru &n

su~; i'J!:no!i~i;g,Y~I'r~r~'l!

C*~.~~DJi'~ ~M!!f!l: ~'IiIIoIWiIllil'Millilti1'Mll!l!,


Kmlola 1i'ld~~11

[;M'If!~ _Mill!'$; ~tiI!r..t>h.



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~Mie«UII'~ ... !C!'Jn'I'

'1'Q~ _tIi:i!~QIloI_1fN IIXJmi

bu-uc:b.<.,;sw;b!rt< 1'T$~.lm,'" po¢J); 1 ~ I'TS~bJI>e.~~;11ltIOJ

FKiII1~oIC(II!IIli!1ion ""III:

..... 1;;:<.15


1,~1"W(r ~ ... ~~


I I , , I ,
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I ~~ ~n I ,~ I: I I
I I n _II. .n La amultechml j~S3 (tel ~OgM 1i~ mucho en cQi1\l,Jn (:()II cl ~~o!limiento Moo:filroo, Se~, fcrrnas 1l1Jl,~S, siOC.elramente ~~d~. m cualidades ~ ~. encuetlITBIl1amto en Ia:s. casas JDhrnsoo ~ f~'ilrlh como eo t-i 1r.ld1cio!la1 em ~$!!. ED @I di!;ei:lt),d'@' sstas CII8M. ell Japt:in, Footer esta unilmdc dtlstradfciones, eI amor tJO,f Ii'! armolllia 'i al r!!~etQo pol'

fa ,Ml:iJri!ll&za japooe:ses COIlIa

Qbl;e5l6R occiderilal poi:' Ia aI~Cll!Jra desm:!l.erialimdaJ di!I aeero ~rfuclllll1elll.e ptllidO y Ia ~I de ttim~ Era de~ d~ .;iilfII8 QJiJa III (:;JIla ·toomas.e foil iruspi'aciDJI de'J b'~ ~ei'!oj~~b,

La, ca$il pri~ ~ ~ cooligua C~>iI 00 illlritado:s se smla~sobre W~ d'ramatiw, Irilmo tie eosla ~nlca con largO$ ,e I~c~bles dedos de Iwa imr'l)du~se etI el nnar~ La casa prillCipa~ fto." !Obrn· UI1I piso elev<ld'(I del su~ 'II se hi! oQl;ariizailk! de mlll!eJa q!le eI !'tal! de entrada y eI S3~ f,!!1inoc~ ~'lln de vistas ,iIiIllsrrumpi:la!l; sobre elmar,

La eslrvtlura de ambas cssas es ra iTlsma ccn pOrOCos rlIpre£ lied\oll de eslrucIJIIr~!li. de acero ell ·vdadilo. En cada· cr,~, en~ lu co!urmnas, Il!J£rnas acrisialadas de5liwll:es de doble altIJra de~amS3i'1 $Ob~ ('I SJ.I~kl. a su \lU prcl8gido dB la Iw: del, 5011JOIf' !a1ilil3S fija:;, £11 d menor, eI ~iXlcio ~de ser il;~ente ,modilitado IIltlt1lante PlIntml\;IS de5blltrtes y Ia ~~ C4ffiillll q!le5e iIi!riiolb::e' !l«' eltejado de cI1istal i)Ued'e cOi1lrol!if;Sj! rncWBfldo l-l$ lama!S!'Ii$larrlil:s deHecho. PI. coolraliio QUe en las casas de- ..k!f1ll$CIIII ~ IFams-"""rtfI, 100l;@I'IIido~ yo ~Im~ !;e' cOk:Ican 00 etta casa em fa zooa ex~eriO!' !'od'ea~ el e$jl~cio

de- I1<St~r peI'~do alll IlfI usn mob ~~dJi!.t5I11.

J8pan~0C1 dornes~c ancllite!:b:Jre l:1as I'T1IIC!l in ~oll'l!'OO~ W1t~ 'Il~ Modem MO\IeJne1i!. S"~, pollfC J(Jfffls, 1Mti~I!I erore'llS'e'd, ~roe Ql!ai'Ilies 'too be rtlll!OO ~, I~e JoIin$(iii ""t1 f~tll6"W11lt1h ~I,I~. I~ w~u as fnthe Japooese vernacular. In de~1ilnQ t~ tlO1,J$(!~ IB J~i1II,. FoSWI is lMlillng I\¥O tTlIdlOOnS, tlile lillJllnelie b.Je 01 Iwmoo)' and re~t for ~ OU1d' 'live I!lestem ol;i$o!s!ion vmhlh~ deJBatene~sed arc~itecture of trie Dn:>1i!e ~t~l·iind gia'$ box. It was * d[~nt's IW5h !hat 1Iis house sl'iould lalre its inSliration fl'OOllraditJoiial Jal)3nese ~.

Th~ main hOOS8 m1ll .[5 adiaKlins goo:sl house ., sited on ·a dram<toc Si.n<tch 01 ~'OO;~nic oo~~1ll'iIe M'ill fOIl 8 , ililalCcc:s5'lb1e 1Wlger~ of ........ jutling OVI' inro the sea, Tlrie iI\'3in Mute 1I001s on " raiwd oec1\ aro.e ~moo<l aM haS been OQ:o.~ SQ 1.I'iat ttme entr~{! Iobb'llllld m~lll WiDg room ef1jO'j lM1irrt~mIpted Yil!Wl; '!;II,Illo sea.

The stRo::ture ~ I)Qth hOi.J$i!$ fsMIM'l ~ \'ii!h regtJfar bays IlNlOO up of CIII'l~le'llered steel fr<ime.:.. In e~cIl 00y, betwe:e~ '!fie cdun'ln&, sliding. doublehEi@l gl!iud doors le<id 001:0 tile doc~. ~ioll aretli:iin1Selve.1)rO!eCled f~sunlgMl»o ~d ~s .. rmtm~Uy, 1f1,e, spaoe CiIfl be 5lmililliy IililCJdjjied. b)' me¥lS oJ sI6I1g ~t'WIS ~nd Ihe qua!i1y <:II top, lighling

fin me g~55 roof CiIII be dia~d

b)o man<lP'ilatillJl (be insulated

c@lling h:lif'lms" Ui1Iik.e!he Joon500 lind' F.amswartIJ liOO$es, tile sen.ites and: storage" It!is hclill! ~r!l BrlllJlg~ .aroond 'I!le ex,teriOr. aIlOM1~ more flej(jble use of ltJe t~mtr~1 Ihrina Sp~DI!,

Casa particular ell Japo:n Priva~e liiouise in JapalQ


ftJst~ <lnd P,artrJers

~..,WUCI>ofl; ]'!l9i.·I9W

kut'_: eu.~_:

- Cim<i!'~<l"",,,,"'





0Im~i'" o...~tt~

J ~ F'rosIrn EII'.1n1!t!!l 'N(lf(~ 1iei~IEINddlJolll ~ 1!1101 o.n!ofo t0110 T",s.ri!i1'~$ ~CooI1¢r~

r .... "'''y<kl;>l-.v -w.rt>tr .... < .. ,"'~. Mshml IIiII ORbJr.1 WlflIIf

:1.:!lo>;J!IIpI>'b .... ....,.. 1oI,iiiJt.i:!M~_ 2.t\!tI),d!_


l.hlodo dltaKO' (nric<MiI

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itlrittt!l .... llmIlllI!!!!

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"'" 5o:ol!I1i:rfI:uhI iMIl.flnle.,.~ 1I,M1~~ &.~-~.._ 1'o:n;;0!t!l_ .... 1:.\1",_

~ ...

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ViJ'ieil1d1a ~t1ballWa "£o"0S blan(lGs~ Urban "'Wh'iteechoes"

1J,rti~~ettWAn;;hiti!t:t; Mtra'(o~cr<]

Este eoililiicio rue diseiiado ~a IJD diS'1riW ~e poObf<ldo de T(ll!ic.

En un ~)Je~.o solar (0:18 5Wpefficie .80m2 'I CIlA un a~.ctI'lP de 3, ] m an la filcbada a Ia ul'l' se p~dia una casa para, (lIGS Jamfbs com~&fu~ d~ !lbIlf!ICI, liiaIidAl, miJjer 'y 'trlls lIiWs, se QY,eI'f\i, adennas we la ~ IrJI1imsra, do:m:le estaba la habltacloll del aoolll!)' pudiera en el futuro ~g~it'llrS1l. Tambien se pedran des 1)1~l<1S d~ gllrllje, un espacio liado. cieS'l¥l y l~rlll!ll!Vll~ cullierta. !-labia iii'! man drn ,~ re$i!x;iones, tanto en .elacl~iI ~I entilmo f;lrteoor como iBter'Ms. SOIQ II sWperficie oomerc·I~1 Que «iUP I~ m1ad del wier permi~ !!bert-adl eo~!M;1. Por e{fID eI proyedO se dewr;(II16 ~igtieJldD Ia IfmEl-ill de borde e~w z,on~ ~(ilmerl;w y lOO3 ,esiMl1cial. Y eI poellil dEli ~i~cio tlJmo :SU lonna ,de Ia Irnea de Slj1)af8cioR enlre esas dos arNS;; La ,mlr.,01 e$ta cOO1lriJid., Iii o1ra mltadl se exp~rndf)'. En! III interior estes dos ~arte8 I'usron enbe1a~u meciante escaleras_ ParB, dar COI'ilinllioad. !a lBbitaci6n y ~s eS!Cal@rllsc se p/Iltaron, de bI<Inco, 'Y Sil colecason _$ de aliJml~lo <Ie 25 mm. de espesor 00Ii\0 mesa,tabiciue y bM'r1i. /I4laren.teme;l1I!e el i!Wtodo rtl)i~ 1!1 ,~sijl'o deillriner c·Oi'I<Wl.IctMsmo mooeroo.

~(I astos pWlO5 no erMilllanos ooWados. Cadi! ~~Q de erIC!; pe~ab<! 130 kg. ~ represemlAloiID 10 elC!~ri(lQ'. E~ @<Stili case 'sl tmIa era Ulla n!leva ~nSlbili~ de 1ib4!dad III illboCki1:i' el moodo ~. HI @I ~5pacic ml'!'l.o!'J~.


This iIOuse was p1allned in alllghl'l OOJse district In fOkYQ. In 11 sma _ ~ (ao 1n2 sire a!fl.!ll, 3; I. m \'ride from I'O<tdl II noose I[){ twD fan1lies ~ com.ist8o of (If<iJ\d ~renl, mU$bmlo •. wile ~lltllR,ee c~rell Yla~ demanded, MUreOlle,. as re(JUi~erne~t. ~ Mura Ih firsilloor _re . 0:> graBd (.MIlent room OillJld be !'!ental s~. ArId a~o two p.a:rkims: lot!!. 'Rlid ·SlJaCe loil: s~ end roofuerfilce were ~QuKt.e:d.. I~ hfms 00 e_:deOOr emirc~llil~nt 8md "mer re~ll'ements.lnefe W!fe a lot 01 resli1etiOll$_ Only COft1lI'M!rclal area i\lhich ccw~r hair of tile sile' allow ~reedom iI high. So pjag)il1g ~!QJl@d fQlfCl'lftilliM bOlDlillry line between commercial a~a and reSiideJllia1 ate;}., Anel !!he ~ of bllilding .sllaped tJ:irQUgJr\ IfIe gilP ~ these !Joo eseas. 'The hall is ~(mI(pfl!;S-S-e'd •. allcllbe oII'ier e>:lXII1decl_ 10 the inreriOl' these two !p~rl~ WBfe 51itclled up b>' $tair~, KieE:rM1'I8 cMtilliSlty, '~he 00001 and 8lailS were Ilalnted 1'ifIi!~,. and a.1mIiIimi ~rames 25mm Ulicl: wer~ in~er!ecl a. tabl!!, partilioo and cC!lIRler. /q)'pa~ lIiis meltfod repeated t!arly modern COO51iUC~St mooo. But: lhe'1le Illarnes we~ "oi

Bbslfact CineS. The), w~re I30kg per one I.liece II1Illt~ri!llli, Am they recresented @)(tl!!m;:lity. In Uiis ~ouse flew sBnsibiliiy of f(eedom WOlS ~. ~UblB[;t when !he e1l.'bernsl WQrt(i was put Into !he imlna~llit Sl)aC-e'.

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