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Deaf - blindness

• Deaf–blindness implies an impairment of both hearing and vision, leaving the

individual to rely on his remaining senses – touch, taste and smell.
• There are 4 classifications related to the time and order of deaf-blindness:
1. Those who are congenitally deaf-blind
2. Those congenitally deaf who become blind
3. Those congenitally blind who become deaf
4. Those who become both deaf and blind in adult life.
• The psycho-social development of the individual may differ depending on this
classification, i.e. depending on which impairment has demanded the initial
adjustment, and what further psychological adjustments must be made with the
onset of the second impairment.
• With those who are deaf-blind, communication depends on the use of touch,
taste and smell, with the touch sense playing perhaps the major role.
• The standard mode of communication within the deaf-blind population is the one-
hand manual alphabet – a system in which each word is spelled, with its
appropriate letter symbols, into the palm of the reader.
• Just as with verbal speech, specific personality patterns will sometimes manifest
themselves in the ‘speech’ of the deaf-blind man.
• Although this method proves very adequate in terms of contact, it is a long
process which requires constant awareness that the social concepts that we
often take for granted in a sighted-hearing population must be in many cases
interpreted for a member who has no familiarity with these concepts.

Gluvilo - Slepilo
• Gluvilo – slepilo podrazumeva ostecenje sluha I vida, ostavljajuci pojedincu da se
oslanja na svoja preostala cula – dodir, ukus I miris
• Postoje 4 klasifikacije koje se odnose na vreme I nacin nastanka gluvila – slepila:
1.oni koji su kongenitalno glubi-slepi
2.oni kongenitalno gluvi koji su oslepeli
3.oni kongenitalno slepi koji su ogluveli
4.oni koji su postali I gluvi I slepi u odraslom dobu.
• Psiho-socijalni razvoj pojedinca moze da se razlikuje u zavisnosti od ove
klasifikacije, odnosno u zavisnosti od ostecenja koje je zahtevalo pocetno
prilagodjavanje I ostala piholoska prilagodjavanja koja su bila neophodna sa
nastankom drugog ostecenja.
• Sa onima koji su gluvi, slepi komunikacija zavisi od upotrebe dodira, ukusa I
mirisa gde smisao za dodir igra mozda I glavnu ulogu.
• Standardni nacin komunikacije izmedju gluvih-slepih je jednorucno pismo –
sistem u kom je svaka rec spelovana sa odgovarajucim simbolom za svako
slovo, na dlanu citaoca.
• Bas kao I u verbalnom govoru, specificni obrasci licnosti se ponekad manifestuju
u “govoru” gluvih-slepih ljudi.
• Iako se ova metoda pokazuje kao veoma adekvatna u smislu kontakta, to je dug
proces koji zahteva stalnu svest da drustveni koncepti koje cesto uzimamo
zdravo za gotovo u populaciji koja cuje I vidi, moraju cesto biti protumaceni za
osobu koja ne poznaje ove koncepte.
• Disorder
• Perceptual handicap
• Brain injury
• Dyslexia
• Aphasia
• Visual
• Auditory
• Kinesthetic
• Tactile
• It is very difficult to define the field of learning disabilities in special education
because it deals with problems diverse in nature.
• Children with learning disabilities have a disorder in understanding or in using
spoken or written language (e.g. disorders of listening, thinking, talking, reading,
writing, spelling, or arithmetic.)
• One common characteristic of all learning disabled individuals is some unusual
problem that interferes with the normal learning process.
• Although criticized, perceptual motor approaches are in use today in kindergarten
and first grade programs.
• Equally important are multisensory programs, defined as the planned or
deliberate use of three or more of the sensory channels in the teaching-learning
• The most accepted multisensory program includes the use of four modalities: the
visual, the auditory, the kinesthetic and the tactile.

Poremecaj ucenja
• Poremecaj
• Perceptivni hendikep
• Povrede mozga
• Disleksija
• Afazija
• Vizuelni
• Slusni
• Kinesteticki
• Taktilni
• Veoma je tesko definisati oblast poremecaja u ucenju u specijalnoj edukaciji jer
se bavi problemima razlicite prirode
• Deca sa smanjenom mogucnoscu ucenja imaju poremecaj u razumevanju ili
koriscenju verbalnog ili pisanog govora (npr. Poremecaju slusanja, razmisljanje,
pricanje, citanje, pisanje, pravopis ili aritmetika)
• Zajedniska karakteristika svih osoba sa poremecajima ucenja je jedan neobican
problem koji ometa normalan proces ucenja.
• Iako su kritikovani, perceptivni motorni pristupi su u upotrebi u vrticu I u
programima prvog razreda
• Podjednako su vazni multisenzorni programi, definisani kao planirano ili namerno
koriscenje 3 ili vise senzornih kanala u procesu poducavanja-ucenja
• Najvise prihvacen multisenzorni program ukljucuje koriscenje 4 modaliteta:
vizuelnog, zvucnog, kinestetickog I taktilnog.
• Stuttering presents the highest incidence among the speech defective.
• In comparative observations it may have been noted that fewer adults stutter
than children do, that all adults who stutter began when they were children, that
few very old adults stutter, and that there is an almost total absence of stuttering
in those with severe hearing impairments.
• Characteristics of stuttering are hesitancy, blocks, repetitions and/or
prolongations of sounds. In addition to these disfluencies, the stutterer’s voice
may be tense and narrow in pitch range and in modulation. Also, many children
who stutter experience feelings of anxiety and apprehension.
• There are two types of stuttering:
• Primary – when the child is not aware of the disfluencies
• Secondary – when the disfluencies are associated with facial grimaces or
other spasmatic movements which are not directly concerned with speech
• Theories as to why people stutter are numerous and diverse in their points of
27 Lekcija-Mucanje
• Mucanje ima najvisu ucestalost medju poremecajima govora
• U uporednom posmatranju mozda je primeceno da manje mucaju odrasli nego
deca, da su svi odrasli koji mucaju poceli kada su bili deca, da samo nekolikko
starih osoba muca, I da postoji gotovo totalno odsustvoo mucanja kod osoba
koje imaju jaka ostecenja sluha.
• Karakteristike mucanja su neodlucnost, blokiranje, ponavljanje i/ili produzenje
• Kao dodatak ovim negativnim uticajima, mucav glas moze biti napet I uzak u
opsegu glasa I modulaciji. Takodje mnoga deca koja mucaju su imala osecanje
nelagodnosti I zebnje.
• Postoje 2 vrste mucanja:
• Primarna - Kada dete nije svesno mane
• Sekundarna – Kada je mana povezana sa grimasama lica ili ostalim
pokretima koji nisu direktno uslovljeni proizvodnjom govora.
• Teorije o tome zasto ljudi mucaju su brojne I razlicite sa razlicitih tacaka gledista.


1. maladjustment
2. peers
3. offender
4. truancy
a) people who are the same age as you
b) when students deliberately stay away from school without permission
c) someone who is guilty of a crime
d) bad adaptation to environment socially, mentally or physically
REŠENJE: 1 d) 2 a) 3 c) 4 b)
• As a result of educators’ concern for emotional and social influences on
children’s lives, we find different supportive services in the academic curriculum.
• These services help many children to receive the type of education they need
and adjust to life.
• However, some children have such severe problems that they need more
intensive and specialized assistance.
• For purposes of educational planning, the children whose behaviour is so
disturbed or maladjusted that they need special education, fall into two
categories: the emotionally disturbed and the socially maladjusted.
• Emotionally disturbed children suffer from mental illness, while socially
maladjusted children are juvenile offenders constantly in trouble with the law and
most often from multiproblem families.
• The distinction between these two categories is usually quite clear. However,
there may be some overlapping in individual cases, since some of the socially
maladjusted children are also emotionally disturbed.

Emocionalno uznemirena I socijalno neprilagodjena deca

• Kao rezultat briga vaspitaca za emocionalni I socijalni uticaj na decje zivote, n
alazimo razlicite usluge podrske u akademskom nastavnom planu I programu.
• Ove usluge pomazu deci da dobiju obrazovanje koje im je potrebno I da se
prilagode zivotu
• Ipak, neka deca imaju toliko ozbiljne probeme da ima je potrebna intenzivnija I
specijalizovana pomoc
• Za potrebe planiranja obrazovanja, deca cije je ponasanje toliko poremeceno ili
se ne slazu sa tim da im treba specijalno obrazovanje, spadaju u 2 kategorije:
emocionalno uznemirenu ili socijalno neprilagodjenu.
• Emocionalno poremecena deca pate od mentalne bolesti, dok su socijalno
neprilagodjena deca maloletni delinkventi koji su stalno u nevolji sa zakonom I
uglavnom iz porodica sa vise problema.
• Razlika izmedju ove dve kategorije je uglavnom potpuno jasna. Medjutim, moze
biti nekih preklapanja u popjedinacnim slucajevima, jer neka od drustveno
neprilagodjene dece su takodje I emocionalno uznemirena.

• Residency is intensive training in a medical specialty performed in clinics,
hospitals and institutions.
• Residency training programs in psychiatry require 2 years of supervised
experience working with adults. Those trainees who are interested in working
with children need additional one to three years of training.
• The goal of residency in psychiatry is to train the student to provide diagnostic
and treatment services for different behavioural problems.
• After a year of diagnostic and treatment experience following the residency
training program, the psychiatrist becomes eligible for the written examination
(followed by an oral exam) for certification in child psychiatry.
• A small number of psychiatrists complete the course of study in a psychoanalytic
institute which allows the therapist to be called a psychoanalyst.
• A few psychoanalytic institutes accept candidates who do not have medical
training. A person without a medical degree who has completed training in
psychoanalysis is called a lay analyst.
• Prebivaliste je intenzivna obuka u medicinsko specijalnosti koja se vrsi u
klinikama, bolnicama I institucijama.
• Prebivalisni program obuke u psihijatriji zahreva dvogodisnje nadgledano
iskustvo rada sa odraslim osobama. Onim polaznicima koji su zainterosavani za
rad sa decom trebaju jos dodatne 1-3 godine obuke.
• Cilj boravka u psihijatriji je da obuci studenta da da dijagnozu I preporuke lecenja
za razlicite probeme u ponasanju.
• Nakon godinu dana boravista I lecenja iskustvo nastalo iz programa obuke u
boravistu, psihijatar postaje podoban za pismeni ispit (sledi usmeni ispit) da bi se
dobila sertifikacija za psihijatriju za decu.
• Mali broj psihijatara zavrsi kompletne studije u psihoanalitickom institutu koji
omogucava terapeutu da se zove psihoanaliticar.
• Nekoliko instituta za psihoanalizu prihvataju kandidate koji nemaju medicinsko
obrazovanje. Lice bez medicinske diplome koji je zavrsio obuku u psihoanalizi
zove se nestrucni analiticar.


a) happening as a result of a
• Match the words with their definitions: particular event or situation
1. interfere (with) b) a lack of something that is
2. deficiency necessary
3. facilities c) rooms, equipment, or services
4. mobility that are provided for a particular
5. consequent purpose
d) to prevent something from
succeeding or from happening in
the way that was planned
e) the ability to move easily


1 d) 2 b) 3 c) 4 e) 5 a)

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