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Proceedings of the 19th World Congress

The International Federation of Automatic Control

Cape Town, South Africa. August 24-29, 2014

Automatic controller tuning for soft sensor

based flow rate control
S. Leonow ∗ M. Mönnigmann ∗

Automatic Control and Systems Theory, Ruhr-Universität Bochum,
44801 Bochum, Germany (e-mail:,

Abstract: Pumps are often operated poorly controlled and manually throttled, which results
in a significantly reduced energy efficiency. We propose an automatic PID controller tuning
approach in combination with a dynamic flow rate estimation algorithm for low speed radial
pumps to replace expensive flow rate measuring equipment. Since our approach is fully
automated, there is minimal additional effort for the customer to implement an automatic
flow rate control.

Keywords: soft sensing, radial pump, robust PID, time-delay

1. INTRODUCTION can be automated and therefore used by practitioners

with little or no background on controller tuning. Despite
Pumps contribute significantly to the world wide energy its simplicity of use, the proposed method guarantees a
consumption. In the European Union, for example, pumps prespecified closed loop behavior for delayed systems of
are responsible for about 16% of the electromotoric power arbitrary degree, also those with dominant deadtime.
consumption in the service sector (Almeida et al. (2003)). We briefly summarize flow rate estimation in section 2.1.
Despite the significant increase in energy efficiency that
Section 3 describes the automatic process identification
can be obtained with automatic control (Ferreira et al. method. In section 4 we present the automatic controller
(2003)), many pumps are poorly controlled. synthesis for a class of process models that typically
Automatic control of pumps is unpopular among prac- occur in flow rate control. The control performance is
titioners, since it requires sensors, which result in un- evaluated on a real process in section 5, followed by a short
acceptable additional costs. We have recently reviewed conclusion.
existing flow rate estimation methods and presented a
dynamic flow rate estimation method that uses soft sensors 2. FLOW RATE ESTIMATION
in Leonow and Mönnigmann (2013). The proposed soft
sensors can easily be integrated into the pumping unit and Numerous flow rate estimation methods have been devel-
a flow rate sensor is therefore obsolete. oped. Recent contributions to this topic were made e.g.
by Ahonen et al. (2012). We reviewed this and other
A second reason for the lack of popularity of automatic methods in Leonow and Mönnigmann (2013) and proposed
control solutions in practice is the need for controller the boundary curve method as a new flow rate estima-
tuning. Even in those cases that do not require any so- tion algorithm with improved steady state and transient
phisticated method, practitioners often attempt to avoid performance. We briefly summarize this method, since it
the controller tuning step and opt for a simple solution provides the motor current sensor model (1) required by
such as overdesigning and manual throttling. Among the the process identification in section 3.
variety of PID tuning rules, the Ziegler-Nichols and the
Chien-Hrones-Reswick empirical rules seem to be most 2.1 Boundary curve method
widely known. Recent analytical tuning approaches handle
deadtime explicitly in first (Cvejn (2011)) or second order The boundary curve method is a dynamic flow rate esti-
plus deadtime systems (Wang et al. (1999)). A compre- mation method that is based on the effective value of the
hensive approach by Hohenbichler (2009) calculates the stator current imeas (t), a measurement which is typically
stabilizing PID parameter region for arbitrary systems provided by the frequency converter. Essentially, two lim-
with deadtime, though without regarding closed loop con- iting cases of the pumping system are analyzed: The lower
trol quality. We present an automatic PID tuning method limit is defined by the pump operating against a closed
that is based on the root locus plot and handles deadtime discharge valve, which leads to zero flow rate q = 0 and
explicitly for strictly delayed processes of arbitrary degree. a low stator current imeas (t). The upper limit is defined
We apply the tuning approach in combination with the by the maximum flow rate q = qmax that can be achieved
flow rate estimation algorithm presented in Leonow and without cavitation and leads to a high stator current. Both
Mönnigmann (2013) and show that the tuning method limiting cases are captured by boundary curves, which are
⋆ This research was funded by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt used to estimate steady state parameters. The boundary
DBU. curves can be determined automatically by a series of

978-3-902823-62-5/2014 © IFAC 5229

19th IFAC World Congress
Cape Town, South Africa. August 24-29, 2014

measurements carried out by the pump itself (Leonow ρ · c1 (t)2 ρ · c2 (t)2

and Mönnigmann, 2013). In addition to measuring and p1 (t)+ + ρ · g · z1 = p2 (t) + + ...
2 2
estimating steady state parameters, step responses are Z L
used to determine a dynamic model of the motor current ...ρ · g · z2 + ∆pf + ρ dx (2)
sensor, i.e., the relation between the rotational speed n(t) 0 dt
and the measured motor current imeas (t). The effect of (Gulich (2007)) to the process described in section 3.1.
fluid inertia is canceled by setting q = 0. A first order plus Since c is independent of x, ρc21 /2 = ρc22 /2 and 0 dc
dt dx =
deadtime model
L dc
dt . Furthermore, we introduce p ∗
2 = ρg(z 2 − z 1 ) + p2 .
d imeas (t)
TL + imeas (t) = K (n, q) · n(t − TD ) (1) Thus (2) implies
dc(t) ρL dq(t)
is sufficient in our case to model the sensor dynamics. ρL = = p1 (t) − p∗2 (t) − ∆pf . (3)
K (n, q) is a nonlinear function that is estimated from dt A dt
steady state data. The constant parameters TL and TD The friction losses ∆pf depend on the fluid parameters ρ,
can be identified from step responses (see Leonow and ν, c and on the process parameters R, L and kS . We use
Mönnigmann (2013) for details). the description due to Darcy (1854) and Weisbach (1845,
pp. 136-143)
L·ρ q2
3. PROCESS MODEL FOR CONTROLLER ∆pf = · λf · 2 . (4)
Moody (1944) showed that the friction factor 0 < λf ≪
1 is approximately constant over a wide flow rate and
Section 3.1 describes the type of hydraulic process treated
parameter range. Combining (3) and (4) yields
here. All requirements stated in section 3.1 apply through-
out the paper. dq(t) λf · q(t)2 A
=− + (p1 (t) − p∗2 (t)) . (5)
dt 4·R·A ρL
3.1 Process layout and definitions Obviously, (5) has the form of a nonlinear first order sys-
tem. The gain of this system depends on the pipe and fluid
Consider the layout shown in Fig. 1. The low speed radial parameters, which are determined from measurements in
pump is operated with rotational speed n and delivers a sections 3.3 and 3.4.
discharge pressure pD = p1 to the downstream process.
The pump inlet pressure is denoted p0 . The process is Pumping unit: A low speed centrifugal pump with stable
modeled as circular pipe with average radius R, length q-pD -characteristic can be described by
L, inner surface roughness kS and geodetic heights z1 , z2

at its inlet and outlet, respectively. The fluid is assumed pD (t) = C2 · q(t)2 + C0 · + p0 (t) (6)
to be incompressible with constant density ρ and constant
where nnom is the nominal rotational speed and C0 , C2 ∈ R
kinematic viscosity ν. These assumptions are appropriate,
depend on the pump parameters (see, e.g., Leonow and
for example, for low speed radial pumps and aqueous
Mönnigmann (2013)).
media. Note that the assumptions imply that the fluid
velocity c is independent of x. An increase in the flow rate q(t) causes an increase
in the measured motor current imeas (t). The response
motor current flow rate characteristic depends on the motor current sensor only.
sensor estimation
The motor current sensor model is obtained by using (1)
n and substituting n(t) with q(t):
p0 pD=p1 , p1,z1 , p2,z2
d imeas (t)
TL + imeas (t) = K (q) q(t − TD ). (7)
The parameters TL and TD in (7) are known from (1). We
note that qest (t) responds to changes of imeas (t) immedi-
ately, i.e., without delay and without lag of any order (see
Leonow and Mönnigmann (2013)).
Fig. 1. Process layout.

The process is assumed to be strictly delayed (compare static gain

Fig. 2). Consequently, the plant transfer function GP (s) pump

pipe system
(12) does not have any zeroes and only negative real poles. characteristic

The mechanical rotational inertia of the pump is neglected.

Its effect is implicitly contained in the parameters TL and
TD in (1).
static gain static gain
flow rate /
3.2 Process modeling motor current
motor current flow rate
sensor estimation

Pipe system: We apply the Bernoulli equation for in-

compressible, instationary pipe flow Fig. 2. Process model structure.

19th IFAC World Congress
Cape Town, South Africa. August 24-29, 2014

Combining (5), (6) and (7) yields the process model the fastest possible setpoint tracking without overshoot
sketched in Fig. 2. The response of q(t) to a change in (cf. section 4.2). The second objective is the ±45 deg
n(t) can be expressed as first order model according to control (cf. section 4.3), which results in a reasonable
(5) and (6). The response of qest (t) to a variation in q(t) compromise between speed and robustness, since it leads
is expressed by (7) as described above. After linearization to a damping d = 0.707 in closed loop and thus to a low
the relation between n(t) and qest (t) is described by an overshoot and reduced rise time.
aperiodic second order plus deadtime model (SOPDT).
An aperiodic SOPDT model is uniquely determined by 4.1 Characteristic equation
its response to a unit step. The unit step response can
conveniently be stated in terms of the physical parameters Consider the open-loop transfer function of a PID con-
of the pump and process as follows: troller and plant of arbitrary degree and with deadtime

0, t < TD KC KP −TD s
q̂(t) = (8) Go (s) = e , (13)
fq (KP , TD , TL , TQ , t), t ≥ TD D(s)
with    where we assume that the slowest plant time constants
1 t−T
− T D
− T D have been compensated with the controller time con-
fq = KP 1 − TL e L − TQ e Q , (9)
TL − TQ stants. 1 The denominator D(s) is polynomial of arbitrary
where the deadtime TD and the pumping unit time con- degree z ∈ N. It consists of the plant denominator DP (s)
stant TL are known from (1), i.e., the flow rate estimation with coefficients ak , multiplied by the integral part of the
described in section 2.1. Sections 3.3 and 3.4 describe how controller:
to identify the process gain KP and the fluid acceleration z−1
time constant TQ from a step response. D(s) = TC s · DP (s) = TC s · ak · sk , a ∈ R+ (14)
3.3 Identification of KP All poles so ∈ R−
0 of Go (s) are located on the negative real
axis in accordance with the assumptions stated in section
The gain KP in (9) can be calculated from 3.1. The closed-loop characteristic equation reads
qest,end − qest,start C(s) = D(s) + KC · KP · e−TD ·s (15)
KP = (10)
nend − nstart
for qest,start , qest,end, nstart and nend from a step response. with complex s = sR + sI j, KC , KP ∈ R+ and TD ∈ R+
An example for such a step response is shown in Fig. 4. We assume the dominant pair of roots of D(s) remains to
Since the considered process is nonlinear, KP depends be the dominant pair of roots of C(s) for all stabilizing KC .
on the operating point. In order to ensure closed loop Due to the complex exponential function e−TD s in (15),
stability, the calculation of KP has to be performed for C(s) has an infinite number of roots in the complex plane
all typical operating points and the highest KP must be for TD > 0. Arguably, this is the reason why the root locus
selected for controller synthesis. We analyze the behavior method is not popular for deadtime systems. While the
of KP for the particular laboratory test setup at the construction of the whole root locus plot is tedious in this
beginning of section 5. case, we show in sections 4.2 and 4.3 that the calculation
of the aperiodic limit and the ±45 deg criterion is simple.
3.4 Identification of TQ

We determine the remaining unknown parameter TQ in 4.2 Aperiodic limit control

(9) by solving the least-squares problem
tend The aperiodic limit is defined by the largest value of KC for
(qest (ti ) − q̂ (ti , KP , TL , TQ , TD ))
(11) which the dominant pair of roots of C(s) is real. Due to the
TQ factored s in (14) there exists a root s1 = 0 for KC = 0. Let
ti =TD
s2 denote the second rightmost root of C(s) for KC = 0.
where TL , TD and KP are fixed and the time series q(ti ) The roots s1 and s2 approach each other for increasing
is a measured step response. This problem has a unique values of KC , collapse, and become a complex conjugate
minimum, since (9) is strictly decreasing in TQ ∈ R+ 6= TL . pair. Let the value at which the two roots collapse be
The discontinuity in (9) at TQ = TL can be removed in the denoted s∗ . We claim s∗ is the maximum of
sense that the limit from below and above are equal (cf. D(sR )
Fig. 4). The process model (8) is finally expressed by the KC (sR ) = − (16)
transfer function KP · e−TD ·sR
KP · e−TD s in the interval [s1 , s2 ], which can be seen as follows.
GP (s) = (12) KC (sR ) defined in (16) solves (15) under the assumption
(TL s + 1) (TQ s + 1)
that the solution is real, i.e., s = sR ∈ R. Since the poles s1
with KP , TL , TQ ∈ R+ and TD ∈ R+
0. and s2 become a complex conjugate pair for larger values
of KC , the largest value of KC (sR ) defined in (16) that can
4. AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER SYNTHESIS FOR be attained under the assumption sR ∈ R− 0 corresponds to
FLOW RATE CONTROL the double real root s∗ .
We consider two control objectives that are popular and 1 We apply a PI controller to the SOPDT plant (22) in the
often used in practice: The aperiodic limit control features application in section 5 but state the more general case here.

19th IFAC World Congress
Cape Town, South Africa. August 24-29, 2014

4.3 Control with ±45 deg root location the pump to simulate various pipe friction factors and dis-
turbances. The nominal pump operation with a rotational
The 45 deg case can be described with similar geometric speed nnom = 1500 min−1 leads to a nominal flow rate
considerations as the aperiodic one. A complex conjugate qnom = 4.69 m3 /h (against fully opened control valve).
pair of roots is located on the ±45 deg locus if and only The control algorithms run on a PC with MATLAB that
if −sR = sI for one of the complex conjugate roots. The is connected to the process I/Os via PROFIBUS.
root We claim the gain KP can be assumed to be constant in
s̃ = −σ + σj, σ ∈ R+ 0 (17)
the test setup. This can be seen as follows. The pressures
satisfies this criterion. Substituting s̃ into (15) yields p0 and p2 are both approximately equal to atmospheric
pressure in the laboratory setup and the geodetic height
C(s̃) = ℜ(D(s̃)) + KC · KP · eTD ·σ · cos(TD · σ) (18) difference z2 − z1 = 0.5 m is small, which in particular

+ ℑ(D(s̃)) − KC · KP · e TD ·σ

· sin(TD · σ) j implies p0 ≈ p⋆2 . Since the gain KP describes the static
relationship KP = limt→∞ q(t)/n(t) after a step in n(t),
Solving C(s̃) = 0 is equivalent to solving both ℜ(C(s̃)) = 0 we may set dq/dt = 0 in (3). Using p1 = pD , which holds
and ℑ(C(s̃)) = 0. KP can be removed from these equations according to the assumptions stated in section 3.1, and
by solving both ℜ(C(s̃)) = 0 and ℑ(C(s̃)) = 0 for KP and substituting (6) for p1 into (3) yields
setting the resulting expressions equal. After rearranging s
and dividing by eTD ·σ this yields q(t) 4 · R · A2 · C0
KP = lim = .
t→∞ n(t) ρ · L · λf − 4 · R · A2 · C2 · n2nom
ℜ(D(s̃)) · sin(TD · σ) + ℑ(D(s̃)) · cos(TD · σ) = 0 (19) The r.h.s. is independent of the point of operation. Figure
The solutions of (19) represent all σ such that s̃ defined in 3 corroborates that a constant gain KP does indeed hold
(17) satisfies the 45 deg criterion. Since σ is equal to the for a large range of operating points.
distance from s̃ to the imaginary axis, we are looking for
the smallest σ ∗ ∈ R+ 0 that solves (19). The corresponding
controller gain KC (σ ∗ ) can be calculated by substituting
σ ∗ into either the real or the imaginary part of (18). qest(n)

Decomposing D(s̃) from (19) into its real and imaginary tangent
part yields 3
flow rate q

X 2
ℜ(D(s̃)) = a(4k) (−4)k · σ (4k) (20)
k=1 1
− a(2k−1) (−1)⌊k/2⌋ · 2(k−1) · σ (2k−1) 0
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
rot. speed n [min-1 ]
⌊(z+2)/4⌋ Fig. 3. Static relation between qest and n for a geodetic
X (−4)k height difference z2 − z1 = 0.5 m.
ℑ(D(s̃)) = a(4k−2) · σ (4k−2) (21)
⌈z/2⌉ 5.1 System identification
⌊(k−1)/2⌋ (k−1) (2k−1)
+ a(2k−1) (−1) ·2 ·σ , Applying the flow rate estimation algorithm results in
TD = 0.75 and TL = 1.8 for the process model (12).
where ⌈·⌉ and ⌊·⌋ denote the ceiling and floor functions that A rotational speed step from nstart = 1000min−1 to
round their argument to the next higher or lower integer, nend = 1100min−1 is performed to determine KP and TQ .
respectively. Both (20) and (21) can easily be generated The resulting time series of qest (t) is plotted in the left
automatically. Figure 5 shows an example root locus plot diagram in Fig. 4, where the speed step is performed at
along with a plot of C ∗ (s̃) and KC (σ). t = 200 s. KP can be calculated from the time series of
qest (t) using (10). TQ results from minimizing (11) with
5. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION ON A known parameters KP , TL and TD . The right diagram in
HYDRAULIC TEST SETUP Fig. 4 shows the mean squared error, i.e., the cost function
of (11), with its minimum at TQ = 0.55. In summary, the
The proposed controller synthesis approach is applied to process model (12) becomes
a hydraulic test setup that features a KSB Etanorm cen- 0.00449 · e−0.75s
trifugal pump (G32-125.1) driven by a 0.55 kW induction GP (s) = .
(1.8s + 1)(0.55s + 1)
motor with frequency converter, which measures the ef-
fective motor current imeas (t). The rotational speed n(t) 5.2 Controller synthesis
can be varied between nmin = 600 min−1 and nmax =
1500 min−1 . The pump is connected to a piping system We choose a standard PI-controller
with a total length of L = 11 m and an average radius of KC · (TC · s + 1)
R = 0.0125 m. A control valve is placed downstream of GC (s) =
TC · s

19th IFAC World Congress
Cape Town, South Africa. August 24-29, 2014

Step response of qest(t) and q^(t) Mean squared error mse(TQ) over TQ Root Locus KC
3.1 1 1 220
3 0.8
qest(t) fq discontinuity
qest(t) / q^(t) [m3/h]

2.9 qest,start 0.6


Imaginary axis
2.8 0.4
q^(t) 120
2.7 0.2
2.6 0
180 200 220 240 0 0.55 1 1.8 2 -0.5
time t [s] TQ 40

Fig. 4. Left diagram: Estimated flow rate qest (t) and

modeled q̂(t); Right diagram: Cost function of (11). -1 -0.63 -0.53
-2 -1.5 -1 0
The discontinuity discussed below (11) is marked in
Real axis
the right diagram. KC (sR) over sR KC (s)KP over s
120 3
for performance evaluation. The controller time constant ~
TC is used to compensate the slowest time constant of the 102.9 2.5
KC (s)KP
process, thus TC = TL . The open loop transfer function

KC (s)KP
then becomes: KC (sR) 60
KC · 0.00449 · e−0.75s 1
Go (s) = (22) 40 0.692
0.99s2 + 1.8s
For the aperiodic limit control the maximum of 0
0.99 · s2r + 1.8sr
KC (sR ) = − (23) -20 -1
0.00449e−0.75·sR -1.8 -0.629 0 0 0.529 1 1.5
has to be determined. This maximum is located between real axis sR σ
the poles s1 = 0 and s2 = −1.81, where KC (sR ) crosses
zero. The lower left diagram in Fig. 5 shows the plot Fig. 5. Root locus plot, KC (sR ) and KC (σ) · KP function
of (23), with a unique maximum at s∗R = −0.629 and of the sample process (22)
controller gain KC (s∗R ) = 102.9. The root locus plot in
the upper diagram in Fig. 5 shows the branch point of the Estimated flow rates
two dominant roots located at s∗R for gain KC = 102.9. 4

Both branches are bend towards the imaginary axis due

qest(t) [m /h]

to the deadtime. 3

For the ±45 deg control the first zero crossing of C ∗ (s̃) (19) 2 setpoint
has to be detected. Using (20) and (21), C ∗ (s̃) becomes: aperiodic
C ∗ (σ) = (1.98σ 2 − 1.8σ) · cos(TD · σ) + 1.8σ · sin(TD · σ) 1 45 deg
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
The lower right diagram in Fig. 5 shows a plot of C ∗ (σ) Time t [s]
with a zero crossing at σ ∗ = 0.529. The corresponding 1500
Rotational speeds

KC (σ ∗ ) is calculated using the imaginary part of (18), thus

(1.98(σ ∗ )2 − 1.8σ ∗ )
n(t) [min ]

KC (σ ∗ ) = = 154.1, (24)
KP · eTD ·σ∗ · sin(TD · σ ∗ ) 1000

which is plotted along with C ∗ (σ) in Fig. 5. Note that

Fig. 5 shows KC (σ) · KP instead of KC (σ) for ease of
interpretation, which leads to KC (σ ∗ ) · KP = 0.692. The 500
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
root locus plot in the upper diagram shows the dominant Time t [s]
pair of roots located at ±45 deg for KC = 154.1, thus
s1/s = −0.529 ± 0.529j. Fig. 6. Performance evaluation of four different PI con-
troller tuning variants.
5.3 Performance evaluation
series in Fig. 6 start with a setpoint at qest (t) = 2m3 /h.
We compare four PI controller parameter settings. Settings At t = 50s the setpoint is increased to qest (t) = 3m3 /h. At
1 and 2 result from the root locus based, aperiodic and t = 80s the control valve in the process is partially closed
±45 deg, respectively, root location tuning proposed in this to simulate a disturbance. The results show that the root
paper. Settings 3 and 4 are based on the rules due to Chien, locus based tuning (settings 1 and 2) provide the desired
Hrones and Reswick (CHR) for aperiodic setpoint tracking smooth and robust control, with lower rise time for setting
and Ziegler and Nichols’s (ZN), respectively. The time 2. The CHR tuning yields an even lower rise time with a

19th IFAC World Congress
Cape Town, South Africa. August 24-29, 2014

small overshoot visible on the rotational speed. The ZN crucial if the acceptance level of automatic control is to be
tuning leads to aggressive control action, which amplifies raised. Although the proposed tuning method requires a
the measurement noise, particularly after the disturbance process model, the implementation effort is as small as for
at t = 80s. Obviously, the ZN tuning results in the lowest empirical tuning rules, since the process identification and
robustness and a minor increase in the process gain will the controller tuning are fully automated. Unlike empirical
lead to an unstable closed loop control. We define two error tuning rules, our tuning method guarantees a predefined
measures to assess the control quality quantitatively: closed loop behavior for delayed systems of arbitrary
1 X |qest (k) − qmeas (k)| 1X
τ degree, even for systems with dominant deadtime. The
MREE = ; MSCE = ε(k)2 , proposed approach proved very useful on a real pumping
τ qnom τ system.
k=1 k=1
where τ is the number of measured samples and ε is
the control error. The mean squared control error MSCE REFERENCES
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Controller setting MSCE Energy consumption actions on Industrial Electronics 59, no. 12 (2012): 4803-
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qest(t) / qmeas(t) [m /h]

qest(t) / qmeas(t) [m /h]


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The results in Fig. 7 show a reasonable estimation quality

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We proposed an automatic PID controller tuning approach

for flow rate control in low speed radial pumps. The tuning
approach and controller do not require an external flow
rate sensor. It was the main goal to reduce the imple-
mentation effort for the customer to a minimum, which is


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