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2355 Mira Mar Ave. Long Beach, CA 90815-1755 (562)-986-9105 FAX (562)-986-9205

Mercury Powered Aperio 1 to 8 Hub

The Mercury Powered Aperio 1 to 8 Hub device can be connected to the Mercury controllers as if it were
another Mercury SIO device. This is done via an RS-485 connection and the baud rate is fixed at

Dip Switches
The following table describes the dip switch settings on the Aperio Hub:
DIP Switches Description

1–4 Address – switch 1 (bit-0) through 4 (bit-3), address 1 through 15

are supported. Address zero should never be used.

5 No function

6 Controls use of an RS-485 B pull down resistor. ON = 620 Ohm

pull down connected

7 Controls use of an RS-485 A pull up resistor. ON = 620 Ohm pull

up connected

8 Terminating Resistor – should be switched on only on the last HUB

connected on the line.

9 No function

10 Select internal antenna (INT) or external antenna (EXT)

The following table indicates the wiring that is needed to connect the Aperio Hub to the Mercury
Aperio HUB Mercury Controller

24v DC V (5-30Vdc)


RS485 B TR-

RS485 A TR+

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Mercury Security Corporation

2355 Mira Mar Ave. Long Beach, CA 90815-1755 (562)-986-9105 FAX (562)-986-9205

Hardware / Product Information

The following table contains the information that will be reported back from the Aperio Hub.
Product Model Name Hardware ID Product ID Product Version

Aperio Hub (1 to 8) 201 55 3

Reader Tamper
Transactions with source type of “Reader Tamper” have a status code that contains additional
information. This status code is interpreted differently, depending on the actual reader. The
table below provides the meaning of the various status codes for the Aperio Hub.

In order to receive the “Reader Tamper” values and not have them filtered out, the keypad_mode
in command 112 (enCcReader) needs to be set to a value of 1. In EP firmware after 1.16.2, this
will be fixed to always report these transactions so the keypad_mode will essentially be ignored,
but can be still set to a value of 1.

Reader Type Status Code Description

Aperio Hub 0 Inactive / Secure
1 Reader Tamper active
2 Low battery
3 Lock offline with
communication hub
4 Radio Disturbance
5 Jammed
6 Unknown fault condition –
Lock not paired with hub
Only one status code at a time can be reported so the condition with the highest priority will be
the code that is reported. The priority ordering (from highest to lowest) is listed below:

- Lock offline with communication hub

- Reader Tamper active
- Jammed
- Low Battery
- Radio Disturbance
- Unknown fault condition
- Inactive / Secure

Example: If the Reader Tamper is active and then the Low Battery condition occurs, the Low
Battery change of state will not be reported until the reader tamper is restored and the low battery
condition still exists.

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Mercury Security Corporation

2355 Mira Mar Ave. Long Beach, CA 90815-1755 (562)-986-9105 FAX (562)-986-9205

SIO Panel Configuration Command 109

Configure the SIO(s) attached to this SCP. Specify the model number, the number of readers,
inputs, and outputs.
Field Name Comments
1 109 SIO Configuration
2 lastModified Not used, set to zero.
3 scp_number SCP Number
4 sio_number SIO Number on this SCP. This value needs to be unique within
the SCP and should be in the range of 0 to (nSio-1) as specified in
the 1107 command.
5 nInputs Number of Inputs, should be set to 24. Or this could be set
based on the number of readers (3 x NumReaders).
6 nOutputs Number of Outputs, should be set to 8. Or this could be set
based on the number of readers (1 x NumReaders).
7 nReaders Number of Readers, should be set to 8. Or this could be set to
the actual number of readers that will be connected to the hub.
8 model Model Number. Set to 55.
9 revision Lowest allowed revision (0 is ok)
10 ser_num_low Serial number, low limit (long). Set to zero.
11 ser_num_high Serial number, high limit (long). Set to –1 to accept any.
12 enable Enable data communications to this SIO.
Value Description
0 Disabled
1 Enabled
13 port MSP1 port to attach to (0-n). Corresponds to the value
msp1_number as specified in the 108 command.
14 channel_out Channel to send on. See Remarks.
15 channel_in Channel to reply on. See Remarks
16 address Physical Comm. Address (0-31).
17 e_max Number of consecutive errors before off-line
18 flags Setting flags to 0x20 means reverse the processing order of this
SIOs inputs (SCPX_736). This is useful if the lower input needs to
be reported after the higher input. See Remarks.
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2355 Mira Mar Ave. Long Beach, CA 90815-1755 (562)-986-9105 FAX (562)-986-9205

Fields 19-21 are used in elevator control, for cascading SIOs.

19 nSioNextIn SIO number for continuation of inputs. Use –1 for not used. The
continuation point is the first point of that type on the continuation
card. A value of zero specifies to use the next sio number +1 as
the value of nSioNextIn. Therefore, SIO 0 cannot be used as the
next sio. For maintainability, it is recommended that this number
be explicitly specified.
20 nSioNextOut SIO number for continuation of outputs. Use –1 for not used. The
continuation point is the first point of that type on the continuation
card. A value of zero specifies to use the next sio number +1 as the
value of nSioNextIn. Therefore, SIO 0 cannot be used as the next
sio. For maintainability, it is recommended that this number be
explicitly specified.
21 nSioNextRdr SIO number for continuation of readers. Use –1 for not used. The
continuation point is the first point of that type on the continuation
card. A value of zero specifies to use the next sio number +1 as the
value of nSioNextIn. Therefore, SIO 0 cannot be used as the next
sio. For maintainability, it is recommended that this number be
explicitly specified.
22 nSIOConnectTest Specifies test at connection time:
0 = Both serial number and OEM Code test must be satisfied
1 = Either serial number or OEM Code tests must be satisfied.
23 nSioOemCode 16-bit OEM Code test value.
24 nSioOemMask OEM Code Mask: bit set for each bit in nSioOemCode that must
match the SIO’s OEM Code.

# Define SIO 1 at port 1, address 1of model type 55.
0109 0 1234 01 24 8 8 55 0 0 -1 1 1 0 0 1 3 0 -1 -1 -1 1 0 0

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Mercury Security Corporation

2355 Mira Mar Ave. Long Beach, CA 90815-1755 (562)-986-9105 FAX (562)-986-9205

Reader Specification Command 112

Configures the Reader on this SIO. A reader is identified by its hardware location and its
operation is defined by its interface properties.
The data output from the reader object is a formatted BCD digit array or an unformatted binary
bit array.
Field Name Comments
1 112 Reader Specification
2 lastModified Not used, set to zero.
3 scp_number SCP Number
4 sio_number SIO Number on this SCP
5 reader Reader Number on this SIO (0-7)
6 dt_fmt Card data format flags. Set to 0.
7 keypad_mode Keypad Data Filter. With 1.16.2 or older firmware you will
need to set this to 1 otherwise you can set it to 0.
8 led_drive_mode Reader LED drive mode. Set to 0.

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Mercury Security Corporation

2355 Mira Mar Ave. Long Beach, CA 90815-1755 (562)-986-9105 FAX (562)-986-9205

Access Control Reader Configuration Command 115

The Access Control Reader (ACR) configuration command essentially configures two main
functions of the reader: the Access Request Manager and the Access Point Handler. The Access
Request Manager determines the access mode (card, PIN, etc) and how to validate the request.
The Access Point Handler configures the physical nature of the door and door status, such as
held-open parameters.
The ACR includes support for such features as paired readers, elevator access*, and biometric
readers. In paired reader mode, one reader is configured as the master and the other as the slave.
Only one reader has door control. It is not necessary to have both readers operate in the same
Request-to-exit, door strike parameters, and anti-passback features are also configured in this
Note: Any SIOs used in command 115 must be configured prior to configuring the ACR.
If any SIO links are not already configured, it will be the same as using -1 for the SIO
*See Chapter 17 on Elevator control for information about configuring the ACR for elevator
Field Name Comments
1 115 Access Control Reader Configuration
2 lastModified Not used, set to zero.
3 scp_number SCP number.
4 acr_number Access Control Reader number. Valid values are 0 through nAcr-1
as defined in the 1107 command.
5 access_cfg Reader Configuration as defined below:
Define Value Reader Configuration Description
ACR_A_SINGLE 0 Single reader, controlling the door.
ACR_A_MASTER 1 Paired readers, Master – this reader controls
the door.
ACR_A_SLAVE 2 Paired readers, Slave – this reader does not
control door.
ACR_A_TURNSTILE 3 Turnstile Reader. Two modes selected by:
strike_t_min != strike_t_max
(original implementation – an access
grant pulses the strike output for 1
strike_t_min == strike_t_max (pulses
the strike output after a door
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2355 Mira Mar Ave. Long Beach, CA 90815-1755 (562)-986-9105 FAX (562)-986-9205

open/close signal for each additional

access grant if several grants are
ACR_A_EL1 4 Elevator, no floor select feedback *
ACR_A_EL2 5 Elevator with floor select feedback *
6 pair_acr_number Access Control Reader number of its pair. Use –1 if not paired
7 rdr_sio Reader link: the SIO number on the SCP that contains the reader.
Valid values are 0 through c_1107, nSio –1. Use –1 for not used.
8 rdr_number Reader link: Reader number on the specified SIO (rdr_sio). Valid
values are 0 through c_109, nReaders –1. Use –1 for not used.
9 strk_sio Strike link: the SIO number on the SCP that contains the strike
relay. Valid values are 0 through c_1107, nSio –1. Use –1 for not
used. For Aperio this should be the SIO number of the Hub.
10 strk_number Strike link: Relay number on the specified SIO (strk_sio). Valid
values are 0 through c_109, nOutputs –1. Use –1 for not used.
For the Aperio hub the strike number should match the reader
11 strike_t_min Minimum strike activation time, in seconds. A typical value is 1
second; valid values are 1 to strike_t_max. If the strike_mode
option is ACR_S_OPEN and the door sensor detects the door as
open, the strike is pulsed for the duration of strike_t_min. Actual
activation time is strike_t_min minus 0.5 second.
12 strike_t_max Maximum strike activation, in seconds; valid values are
strike_t_min to 255. Actual activation time is strike_t_max minus
0.5 second.
13 strike_mode Strike control mode as defined below. Should be set to 0 for
Define Value Strike Control Mode Description
ACR_S_NONE 0 Do not use!
ACR_S_OPEN 1 De-activate strike when door opens
ACR_S_CLOSE 2 De-activate strike on door close or
strike_t_max expires
ACR_S_CLOSE, to select tailgate mode:
pulse (strk_sio:strk_number+1) relay for
each user expected to enter

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Mercury Security Corporation

2355 Mira Mar Ave. Long Beach, CA 90815-1755 (562)-986-9105 FAX (562)-986-9205

14 door_sio Door contact link: the SIO number on the SCP that contains the
input. Valid values are 0 through c_1107, nSio –1. Use –1 for not
used. For Aperio this should be the SIO number of the Hub.
15 door_number Door contact link: Input number on the specified SIO (door_sio).
Valid values are 0 through c_109, nInputs –1. Use –1 for not used.
For Aperio, these values are fixed, see Input Configuation
section for more details.
16 dc_held Delay before held open alarm is reported (2 second units). Valid
values are 1 to 32767.
17 rex0_sio Rex-0 link: the SIO number on the SCP that contains the input.
Valid values are 0 through c_1107, nSio –1. Use –1 for not used.
For Aperio this should be the SIO number of the Hub.
18 rex0_number Rex-0 link: Input number on the specified SIO (rex0_sio). Valid
values are 0 through c_109, nInputs –1. Use –1 for not used. For
Aperio, these values are fixed, see Input Configuation section
for more details.
19 rex1_sio Rex-1 link: the SIO number on the SCP that contains the input.
Valid values are 0 through c_1107, nSio –1. Use –1 for not
configured. REX 1 will be used for the mechanical key override.
For Aperio this should be the SIO number of the Hub.
20 rex1_number Rex-1 link: Input number on the specified SIO (rex1_sio). Valid
values are 0 through c_109, nInputs –1. Use –1 for not used. For
Aperio, these values are fixed, see Input Configuation section
for more details.
21-22 rex_tzmask[2] Set to zero.
23 altrdr_sio Alternate reader link: the SIO number on the SCP that contains the
reader. Valid values are 0 through c_1107, nSio –1. Use –1 for
not used.
24 altrdr_number Reader link: Reader number on the specified SIO (altrdr_sio).
Valid values are 0 through c_109, nReaders –1. Use –1 for not
25 altrdr_spec Alternate reader configuration as define below:
Define Value Alternate Reader Configuration Description
ACR_AR_NONE 0 Ignore Data from Alternate Reader
ACR_AR_NRML 1 Normal Access Reader (two read heads to the
same processor).
ACR_AR_BIO1 2 Biometric Reader, Type 1 – RSI Handkey II

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Mercury Security Corporation

2355 Mira Mar Ave. Long Beach, CA 90815-1755 (562)-986-9105 FAX (562)-986-9205

ACR_AR_BIO2 3 Biometric Reader, Type 2 – Identix FingerScan

ACR_AR_BIO3 4 Biometric Reader, Type 3 – BioScrypt
ACR_AR_BIO4 5 Biometric Reader , Type 4 – Iridian (Not

26 cd_format Card data formatter table bit map. Positional based bit map of card
format to be supported. (Example: cd_format would be set to
0x04, for card format 3.) See command 1102, Card Formatter
Configuration. Bits 0–7 are for cardholders, bits 8–15 are for
27 apb_mode Anti-passback processing mode as defined below:
Define Value Anti-passback Mode Description
ACR_APB_NONE 0 Do not check or alter anti-passback location.
(No anti-passback rules.)
ACR_APB_ANY 1 Soft anti-passback: Accept any new location,
change the users location to current reader, and
generate an anti-passback violation for an
invalid entry.
ACR_APB_CHK 2 Hard anti-passback: Check user location, if a
valid entry is made, change user’s location to
new location. If an invalid entry is attempted,
do not grant access.
ACR_APB_DLY_L 3 Reader-based anti-passback using the ACR’s
last valid user. Verify it’s not the same user
within the time parameter specified within
apb_delay. Note: if card A is read and then
card B is read, card A can be re-used and not
violate this anti-passback rule. This type of APB
is not affected by the bSupportTimeApb flag in
the Access Database Specification command
ACR_APB_DLY_R 4 Reader-based anti-passback using the access
history from the cardholder database: Check
user’s last ACR used, checks for same reader
within a specified time (apb_delay). This
requires the bSupportTimeApb flag be set in the
Access Database Specification command
ACR_APB_DLY_A 5 Area based anti-passback: Check user’s current
location, if it does not match the expected
location then check the delay time (apb_delay).
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Mercury Security Corporation

2355 Mira Mar Ave. Long Beach, CA 90815-1755 (562)-986-9105 FAX (562)-986-9205

Change user’s location on entry.

28 apb_in Area number the user must be in. If –1, allow any location except
area specified in apb_to. Valid values are 1 through 127.
29 apb_to Area the user shall be moved to. Valid values are 1 through 127.
30 spare Firmware revisions to 3.088: Unassigned, set to zero.
Firmware revisions 3.089 and later: Extended actl_flags:
Define Value Extended Access Control Flags
ACR_FE_NOEXTEND 0x0001 On a new access grant, do not resume the
extended door held open timer.
ACR_FE_NOPINCARD 0x0002 Card and PIN reader mode: Do not accept
PIN followed by CARD. Forces CARD to
be read first.
ACR_FE_ASSETREQD 0x0004 An asset is required along with a cardholder
access request.
ACR_FE_DFO_FLTR 0x0008 Enable “Door Forced Open Filter”.
Opening door within 3 seconds of door
closed will not report a door forced open.
ACR_FE_NO_ARQ 0x0010 Do not process any access request. Reports
all access requests as “Access Denied, Door
ACR_FE_SHNTRLY 0x0020 Relay #(strike_rly+1) becomes the "shunt
relay". On door unlocked, the shunt relay is
activated 5 ms before the strike relay. The
shunt relay is deactivated 1 second after the
door is closed or the held open timer
expires. The dc_hold field must be greater
than 1 for the shunt relay to function
ACR_FE_FLOOR_PIN 0x0040 Enables “output selection tracking” feature
when reader is configured for elevator type
1 and the reader is also in Card & Pin
mode. Instead of entering a pin code at the
reader, the floor/output number would be
entered instead.

31 actl_flags Access Control flags as defined below:

Define Value Access Control Flags Description
ACR_F_DCR 0x0001 Decrement use limits on access.

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Mercury Security Corporation

2355 Mira Mar Ave. Long Beach, CA 90815-1755 (562)-986-9105 FAX (562)-986-9205

ACR_F_CUL 0x0002 Require use limit to be non-zero.

ACR_F_DRSS 0x0004 Set to deny a duress request. The default
behavior is to grant access under duress and
log event. See Command 1105, Access
Database Specification for more information
about duress requests.
ACR_F_ALLUSED 0x0008 Do not wait for door to open. Assume that
the door was used and log all access requests
as used as soon as the request is granted.
ACR_F_QEXIT 0x0010 Do not pulse the door strike on REX cycle
Used for “quiet” exit.
ACR_F_FILTER 0x0020 Filter Change-of-state Door transactions.
This flag is normally set, unless detailed door
sequence notifications are required.
ACR_F_2CARD 0x0040 Require two-card control at this reader.
ACR_F_SETMPR 0x0080 Not used
ACR_F_BIOVERIFY 0x0100 If altrdr_spec is type ACR_AR_BIOn then
requires bioVerify for access.
ACR_F_BIOENROLL 0x0200 Not used.
ACR_F_HOST_CBG 0x0400 If on-line, check with HOST before
GRANTING access. See Remarks.
ACR_F_HOST_SFT 0x0800 If HOST is not available (off-line or timeout)
proceed with GRANT. See Remarks.
ACR_F_CIPHER 0x1000 Enable cipher mode (if user command fits a
card format then use it as card). Allows user
to enter digits through the keypad as card
number. See command 1117 – Trigger
ACR_F_MODE_TRIG 0x2000 Flag used by triggers, acr_mode = 25 sets it,
acr_mode = 1 though 8 clears it
ACR_F_LOG_EARLY 0x4000 If set, log access grant transaction right
away, then log used/not-used. This feature
disabled when the ACR_F_ALLUSED
(0x0008) access control flag is set.
ACR_F_CNIF_WAIT 0x8000 If set, show “wait” pattern on “card not in
file” instead of “denied” response. See
Command 122 – Transient State “wait”.
32 offline_mode Off-line access mode. Set to 0 for Aperio as this is not
33 default_mode Default access mode – The mode the ACR is set to under warm
start. Zero is no change. If bit 7 is set and firmware revision is

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2355 Mira Mar Ave. Long Beach, CA 90815-1755 (562)-986-9105 FAX (562)-986-9205

newer than 3.1.2, then the ACR current mode is set. See
Command 308 – ACR Mode for definitions.
34 default_led_mode LED mode, set to 0 for Aperio.
35 pre_alarm Number of 2 second ticks before held open alarm condition. This
will cause a transaction to be generated prior to the held-open
alarm condition. Valid values are 0 through dc_held –1.
36 apb_delay Anti-passback delay in seconds. The number of seconds that need
to elapse before this card can be used again. A current request
beyond this delay is not rejected for anti-passback. Valid values
are 0 through 65535.
The following two fields are invoked for users with ADA Flag set in the Cardholder record
(Command 7304) to allow for handicapped access.
37 strk_t2 Strike time in seconds, "special door cycle" (ADA compliance).
Valid values are 0 through 255.
38 dc_held2 Held open time, number of 2 second ticks, "special door cycle"
(ADA compliance). Valid values are 0 through 32767.
The following fields are used for the strike follower feature. Please note, the strike follower
relay will not activate if the door opens before the strike_follow_delay interval has expired.
39 strk_follow_pulse Strike Follower not supported by Aperio.
40 strk_follow_delay Strike Follower not supported by Aperio.
Note: the shunt relay and strike follower features are mutually exclusive. If both are specified,
then the shunt relay option will be honored.

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Mercury Security Corporation

2355 Mira Mar Ave. Long Beach, CA 90815-1755 (562)-986-9105 FAX (562)-986-9205

Input Configuration
The input configuration is fixed based on the reader number. This configuration cannot be altered. The
table below indicates the input number mapping based on the reader number.

Reader Reader Reader Reader Reader Reader Reader Reader

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21

Rex 1
(inside 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22

Rex 2
2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23

The equations that can be used to programmatically calculate the input number are:

Door Contact = (ReaderNumber x 3)

Rex1 = ((ReaderNumber x 3) + 1)

Rex2 = ((ReaderNumber x 3) + 2)

Special LED Meanings

With the Aperio locks, a special grant or deny message needs to be sent from the hub to the lock so that it
can properly operate. There really isn’t a direct means to handle this at the Mercury controller level so
another means needed to be used to accomplish this. The Aperio hub will look at the temporary LED
commands and if they contain an on color of green this will be treated as a grant, if they contain an on
color of red this will be treated a denial. Based on the temporary LED commands the appropriate grant or
deny will be passed on to the Aperio lock.

Starting in HUB version 1.101.10, the ability to signal the lock that a PIN code is required is done by
looking at the temporary LED settings and if both red and green are seen then the proper command will
be issued to the lock requesting that a PIN entry is expected.

Using Keypads
To use the keypad on the Aperio Lock the keypad needs to be enabled in the lock via the Aperio
Programming Tool.

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Mercury Security Corporation

2355 Mira Mar Ave. Long Beach, CA 90815-1755 (562)-986-9105 FAX (562)-986-9205

Scheduled Relock
Starting in HUB version 1.101.10 and in EP firmware 1.18.x the ability to issue the scheduled relock
command is available. To issue the scheduled relock you would need to issue the temp ACR mode
command (334) and set the upper two bits to a value of 01 and then the remaining bits would be used to
indicate the number of minutes since the last midnight.

For example, if you wanted to unlock ACR #3 until 5 p.m. you would use the following command:

334 1234 3 2 17404 0

The time field is set to 17404 which is 1020 (17 hours * 60 minutes) + 16384 (upper 2 bits set to 01).

You would most likely set this up in a trigger (on pre-grant ACR_F_LOG_EARLY) so that a valid
access attempt in the morning could be used to kick off this command to properly have the lock go
into the unlocked mode until 5 p.m.

The granularity of the Temp ACR Mode command is in minutes.

If the command gets delayed making it to the lock but made it to the HUB, the HUB will keep track
of the difference and when finally relaying the command down to the lock the proper offset would be
used to account for the difference in time from when the command was initially sent.

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Mercury Security Corporation

2355 Mira Mar Ave. Long Beach, CA 90815-1755 (562)-986-9105 FAX (562)-986-9205

Version Information
The Mercury and Aperio version information can be returned in the application (nFirmwareApp), boot
(nFirmwareBoot) and loader (nFirmwareLdr) version fields. The Mercury version is returned as the
application and the Aperio version is returned in both the boot and loader fields.

The mapping of the Aperio version information is as follows:

Aperio Major = boot major (bits 12-15 of nFirmwareBoot)

Aperio Minor = boot minor (bits 4-11 of nFirmwareBoot)

Aperio Build = nFirmwareLdr (reader directly as is without having to break into major, minor,
and build components)

Below is an example of sample data returned from an Aperio hub:

Boot=0.11.0, Ldr=5.146.11, App=1.101.6

The Mercury version would be: 1.101.6

The Aperio Version would be: 0.11.22827

Version App=1.101.5 and older had an issue with how the Aperio Build information was returned that
would truncated bits 4-7 of the Aperio build number. For historical purposes this is how these firmware
versions reported the Aperio build values:

Aperio Build (LSB) = loader major (upper nibble would get truncated)

Aperio Build (MSB) = loader minor

This document is for the sole use of the intended recipient. It contains confidential and proprietary material protected by a Confidentiality Agreement
between the intended recipient and Mercury Security Corporation. Any use or distribution of this document not explicitly covered by the Confidentiality
Agreement is strictly prohibited. 15 September 13, 2013

Mercury Security Corporation

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