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A cure for type 2 diabetes is real, but nobody knows.

APRIL 24, 2018

I recently posted on Facebook about a medicine for diabetes and suggested someone
to try it. Only six days later I received the following message from a friend:

I just wanted to send you a message and thank you for that post ... My lab results
at the beginning of the month were 230. After this week it dropped to 155. I think
I'll be within normal range within a month. Really wonderful ... It was really a
game changer for me and I wanted to let you know how much I appreciated and how
much a difference I think it will make in my life.

Four months later, the friend posted this on Facebook:

I started this regiment when my friend reported about it [four months ago]. My
blood glucose level at that time, while taking two daily glucose medications, was
235. Two weeks ago my glucose level was [fasting], WITHOUT the medication, 68.

If you Google "diabetes cure", you will be redirected to websites such as WebMD and
the Mayo Clinic where you will find information about nutrition, exercise,
medication and insulin therapy, but nothing about the remedy. This lack of
information may be due to the fact that Americans spend $ 322 billion a year on
diabetes, $ 60 billion a year on weight loss programs, and $ 124 billion a year for
snacks. This is around 3% of the US economy!
Because the livelihood of so many people is supported by diabetes and its main
cause, obesity, the viral effect of people being healed and telling others is
greatly reduced.
Because of this understandable choking of the message, if you are like my Facebook
friend and have already experienced the type 2 diabetes treatment - there are
thousands of you there - it is important that you can share your success stories as
far and wide as possible. You can just share this post!

Now here is the cure. Just follow these three simple rules. If you are using
insulin or other medicines, you should discuss this with your doctor, as the dose
must be adjusted (down) so that you do not die from overdose.

1. Absolutely no snacks between meals.

This seems hard to do, but it is not really if you know one secret: replace
snacking with something much more satisfying - fat. That's right, the government is
wrong to recommend a low-fat diet. Fat is what you feel full until your next meal.
Remove the fat, remove it completely. Do not go to the extreme, but lean strongly
towards a low-fat carbohydrate diet.
A simple way to increase your fat content and stop snacking is to start your meal
by eating an avocado. I and others I know have used this trick to easily stop
snacking. Avocados protect you against one of the reasons that some nutrition
studies incorrectly claim that high-fat diets are bad for you: the danger of
choking on delicious, fatty foods. With normal avocados there is little chance of
gorging. Another danger is clogging your blood vessels and giving yourself heart
disease. But it has already been amply demonstrated that the blame for this is
entirely dependent on trans fats, such as margarine. If you see a product with the
words "partially hydrogenated" or "hydrogenated" in the ingredients list, put it
back, it's a trans fat. On the other hand, fat that comes directly from an animal
or plant is not trans fat and can be safely consumed.
Hint: There may also be benefits to eating the avocado because research has shown
that the fat literally covers the inside of your gut, physically blocks other foods
from being absorbed and effectively reduces the size of your meal.

Tip: using more olive oil during cooking can also increase the fat content of the
meal during meals and help eliminate snacks, just like avocado. Butter also works,
and it is very tasty, but don't overdo it.

One way to cheat: coffee and tea, possibly with a little cream - but never with
sugar or other sweeteners - can be used as a snack if you spend a particularly
difficult time until your next meal.

2. Limit meal times to 1 hour or less, with at least 12 hours between the end of
dinner and the start of breakfast.
You should not have more than three of these "feeding times" per day. The reason
why the number and duration of your meal is limited is so important because you
have to stay out of the vicious circle of increasing insulin resistance. To become
smart about insulin resistance - the cause of both type 2 diabetes and obesity -
read the book by Dr. Jason Fung, The Obesity Code: Unlock the secrets of weight
loss, or watch his free reading on YouTube

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