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Yasmeen Hamdan

Tierra del Sol

Subject/Grade level: Science 4th grade

Unit topic: Moon Phases
Lesson goals: The student will be able to describe the 8 phases of the moon and describe what is
happening to the moon when it changes appearance.
Lesson title or topic: Phases of the Moon
Estimated length of lesson: 45 minutes

TEKS Standards:

Science 4.8 Earth and Space: The student knows that there are recognizable patterns in the natural
world and among the Sun, Earth and Moon system.

Language Arts: 4.1 (A) The student is expected to: listen actively, ask relevant questions to clarify
information, and make pertinent comments.

4.1 (D) The student is expected to: work collaboratively with others to develop a plan of shared

4.7 (C) The student is expected to: use text evidence to support an appropriate response

Learning Objective(s): Students will be able to orally explain the different phases of the moon and use
new vocabulary (waning and waxing) to describe the moon phases.

Academic Language:

 Waxing: The sunlight reflecting on the sun is getting larger

 Waning: The sunlight reflecting on the sun is getting smaller
 All eight phases of the moon: Full Moon, Crescent Moon, Gibbous Moon, Quarter/Half Moon,
New Moon.

Grouping: There will be whole group, small group, and individual grouping. For small group pairing the
students are already placed into small groups and will talk with the students at their own table.


 Science Textbook
 Science Notebook
 Clear plastic cups
 Labels
 Markers
 Laptops
 Paper
 Pencil
Yasmeen Hamdan
Tierra del Sol

Resources: Science 4th grade Textbook- Gives a detailed description of the Moon Phases and introduces
key terms. (4.8.B)

Flipgrid- An online resource that allows students to record themselves and turn the video into an online
classroom for other students and the teachers to view and comment on.

Connections to Other Subjects: The lesson will incorporate Language Arts. The students will need to
record themselves orally explaining the phases of the moon and use new vocabulary in their
explanations. Before they record their oral description they will need to write down their script onto a
piece of paper.

“I do”- I will introduce the topic and review the phases of the moon with the whole class. I will give
visual examples of what the moon phases look like.

“We do”- The students will be grouped into twos and work together to create a moon phase
manipulative with plastic cups that will be provided. This portion will also be done as a whole group and
teacher led to accommodate for SPED students. The students will still be doing the majority of the work
with their partners.

“You do”- The students will work in pairs or individually to create a video on their computer using
Flipgrid. They will be given a series of directions to follow for an online assignment. They will need to
explain the phases of the moon using the manipulative they created in class.

Instructional Procedures
Introduction: I will begin the lesson by reviewing a previous reading we did as a class on the phases of
the moon. I will ask questions to refresh their minds and have the students explain what is happening to
the moon during its phases.

Teacher Modeling: We will go through each phase of the moon and discuss what is happening in each
phase and whether the moon is waxing or waning.

Body of the Lesson: As a class and in pairs the class will create a moon phases manipulative to help
them visualize the different phases of the moon. They will work as pairs to create the manipulative.

Guided Practice: I will be leading the students and showing them how to create the manipulative and
what to do step by step. I will be showing them how to make the manipulative but as we are creating it I
will be asking them in what order the moon phases go and what the moon looks like at that phase.

Independent Practice: When we finish creating the manipulative I will ask a few students to explain the
different phases and what the moon looks like at the phases. I will then tell the students to take out
their computers and open up Flipgrid on there they will receive questions that they will need to work
with their partner or independently to answer.
Yasmeen Hamdan
Tierra del Sol

Conclusion (closure): The students will need to record themselves answering the questions provided on

1. Tell the phases of them moon using the cup you made in class as a visual.
2. Tell me the name of each moon phase.
3. Show your cup and explain what each moon phase represents. Is the moon waxing or waning?
4. Explain what causes the moon to change in the same pattern approximately 28 days?


How will you assess how well the students are meeting the objectives during the lesson?

 I will be asking leading questions throughout the lesson and be asking the students to explain
the topic.

How will you assess how well the students have achieved the learning objectives?

 The Flipgrid video will be used as an assessment so that I will be able to assess if they
understood the moon phases or if they need further instruction.

How will you provide feedback to support student learning?

 Whether a student is correct or incorrect I would ask them to explain their train of thought and
why they answered the way they did. If the student is correct then I will let them know that they
are on the right track and that they did well. If the student happened to be incorrect I would ask
leading questions that would help them see where they might have missed something and at
the same time offer encouragement that they are doing a good job.

Special Needs Learners

The class is made up with the majority of them being special needs learners. Due to this fact the
majority of the lesson will be teacher led but mostly to keep the students on track. While making the
moon phase manipulative would normally be done in small groups, as an accommodation we will be
working in small groups and as a whole group.
The computer resource is an accommodation that has been made for the special needs learners. On
Flipgrid there will be a recorded video of me giving instruction and also have written instruction to help
the different types of learners focus on the lesson and understand what is expected of them.

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