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Kimberly Lopez

Journal 11

Today the children were visited by a funny clown. It was circus day today. Some of the
children were afraid of the clown but it was just Mrs.Tonya one of the teachers their dressed as
one. I am not to fond of clowns either. The children who were afraid felt better after the clown
made them laugh and gave them what the children call treasure so little gifts. Some of the kids
got balloons, stickers, and a circus coloring book in the goodie bag. All of the kids were very
happy at the end of the day to be visited by one even though it was Mrs. Tonya dressed up as
one. They never found out or knew it was her which was great! Overall I had a wonderful day
today with everyone!

Today at the school the children were visited by a lady who works for a recycling
company. Where they recycle water bottles, tires, and so many other things for instance
computer drives. It was very interesting to hear about. All the kids behaved great while she
spoke. We also got the chance to go outside and play, because it was very nice weather. All the
kids behaved great outside and they enjoyed every minute of it.

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