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0 PEGGY GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM TENSION EXHIBITION SPACE Academic Work | 2014 | A, Dal Fabbro Combination, stratification, tension betwe= fen full and empty; these are the mi aspects which make Venice a is old-fashioned, but it scems willing to sccopt medemity because of its “inexhau- sible interpretation” character. Emblematic in this sense is Ca Venier dei Leoni, an unrepeatable palace of its kind, ‘evocative in its incompleteness. The impo sing stand tells you something more than what ean be seen, Bom as a noble rs denee, used as an exotic garden, abando~ ned and thon reused, becoming the first museum of contemporary art in Italy. The project intends to reinterpret this space, maintaining the relationship with the la- z00n landscape, which finds a solution of ‘continuity in the succession of the facades ‘of the palacos that delimit the edges of the Grand Canal. It is intended to pursue the goal of “making space” through a sucees= sion of environments characterized by dif forent elements. The musetm path moves. within the extension through the wing of the exist passing. from New 10 the Ancient, with two modes of interprota~ tion of space. ‘The theme of the cntry was ol I to the genesis of the design jdea as the actual layout lacks of fluidity between the wings. The intervention eon sists of a ribbon leaning on the existing, engaging and leaning on it, always maintai- ning a senso of detachment and respect; a Single volume encompasses cntry a fimotions, leaving side wings that, gently tiling, reach the existing looring of the existing factory. ‘The central void exeated by the vol tutes the pin around which the museum path moves between lights and shadows, dilations tractions, allowing to Fully pereei trinsie nature of the project. The perimeter ‘walls, with no openings exeepton the Grand Canal font, have been completely emptid Aa the lower level in the interior viows in a rational and shythmie succession of steel pillars, covered with stono slabs to recall the exquisite existing fagade stand. To hi= hight the homogencity ofthe project, and the reading of the inner path, all the frst the covers, was covered swith Conen stcel slahs. ‘This ploy allows to obtain an evocative light whieh rosults in perfoct harmony with both, the context and the functional nceds of a muscum.

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