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nonzero digit are significant. LOGARITHM THEORY OF EQUATIONS

PROPERTIES OF REAL NUMBERS IV. For values less than one, zeroes
 Number of Roots of an Equation:
immediately to the right of an understood
Closure Property The logarithm of any number N to a given Every rational integral equation f(x) = 0 of
decimal point but to the left of a nonzero
digit are not significant. base a is the index x to which the base must the nth degree has exactly “n” roots.
The set of real numbers is closed under be raised to make it equal to the given
addition and multiplication. This means that number.  The Remainder Theorem:
adding or multiplying two or more real GREATEST COMMON FACTOR
numbers always results to another number
logarithmic equation: x = loga N If a polynomial f(x) is divided by (x – k),
that belongs to the same set of real numbers.  To find the G.C.F., factor the given x the remainder is f(k).
exponential equation: a = N
numbers in canonical form and
Commutative Property MULTIPLY the common prime factors with  The Factor Theorem:
least exponent in the given numbers. Types of Logarithm
The order of adding two or more numbers of a If(x – k) is a factor of a polynomial f(x),
sum or multiplying two or more factors of a I. Natural Logarithm or Napierian
Logarithm: then, the remainder f(k)=0.
product does not affect the result. LEAST COMMON MULTIPLE (base e)
loge or ln
Associative Property of Addition DESCARTES’ RULE OF SIGNS
The Least Common Multiple of two or more
numbers is the least integer that is a multiple Properties of Natural Logarithm
When two or more real numbers are added or Descartes’ rule of signs determines the
multiplied together, no matter how the of each of the given numbers ln xy  ln x  ln y
numbers are grouped, or associated, when x maximum number of positive and negative
performing the operation the result is not ln  ln x  ln y real roots that a polynomial will have by
 To find the L.C.M., factor the given y
affected. counting the number of sign variations in
numbers in canonical form and
MULTIPLY all unique prime factors and ln x n  n  ln x  the polynomial. The polynomial must have
Distributive Property real coefficients and be arranged in terms of
the common factors with the highest ln e  1
The product of a number a by the sum of two descending powers of x.
or more numbers (b +c +d +…) is equal to the eln x  x
sum of the products ab, ac, ad, … RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN H.C.F. AND
L.C.M. OF TWO NUMBERS: II. Common Logarithm or Briggssian ➌ The number of positive real roots of a
Identity Property Logarithm: polynomial f(x) = 0 is either equal to the
(base 10) number of variations in sign of f(x) or less
 Additive Identity log10 or log
When zero (0) is added to a real Product of Two Numbers = (H.C.F.)(L.C.M.) than that number by an even integer.
number, the sum is the real number Properties of Common Logarithm:
➌ The number of negative real roots of a
LAWS OF EXPONENTS log xy  log x  log y polynomial f(x) is either equal to the
Inverse Property x number of variations in sign of f(-x) or
 Additive Inverse x a  x b  x ab log  log x  log y less than that number by an even integer .
The additive inverse of a real
x 
 x ab log x y  y  log x 

number is its opposite, so that the THE QUADRATIC EQUATION

sum of that number and its additive x a  ,x  0 log y
xa logx y 
inverse is 0. log x General Form:
 x a b x logx y  y
x 0  1, x  0 logx x y  y Ax2 + Bx + C = 0
I. All nonzero digits are significant. log1  0
 
 x a b   x abc
II. All zeroes between two nonzero digits are  
Methods of finding the roots:
significant.  mx 
 Negative numbers have no real
ma x a  By factoring
III. All zeroes to the right of an  b b , n  0, y  0 logarithm.
 ny 
n y  By completing the square


 By quadratic formula Relationships between roots and rth term:

For reciprocal roots : coefficients
x1(x2) = 1. th n-(r -1) r -1
The Quadratic Formula:  Sum of roots: r term = nCr -1x y
x1 + x2 + x3 = -A
B  B 2  4 AC  Product of roots Coefficient of the next term (C):
2A General Form: x1 × x2 × x3 = -C
x3 + Ax2 + Bx + C = 0  Sum and Product of two roots: C
x1x2 + x1x3 + x2x3 = B D 1
The Discriminant:
In the Quadratic Formula, the quantity under
the radical sign B2 – 4AC is called the Methods of finding the roots: BINOMIAL EXPANSION Where:
discriminant.  By synthetic division: ( trial and
BINOMIAL THEOREM: A = exponent of x in the previous term
error) n
 Cardan’s Method: (Exact) Expansion of (x ± y) B = coefficient of the next term
Nature of the roots: (by discriminant)
D = exponent of y in the previous term
If, the discriminant; (x + y)0 =1
Cardan’s Method:
 B2 – 4AC = 0 , then, the roots are real (x + y)1 = x + y
and equal x1  S  T 
A (x + y)2 = x2 + 2xy + y2 PASCAL’S TRIANGLE: (BLAISE PASCAL)
3 (x + y)3 = x3 + 3x2y + 3xy2 + y3
1 1 i
4 4 3 2 2 3
(x + y) = x + 4x y + 6x y + 4xy + y
4 Pascal’s Triangle is an array of numbers, in
 B2 - 4AC > 0 and x2    S  T   A  3 S  T  (x + y) = x + 5x y +10x y + +10x2y3 +
5 5 4 3 2 the shape of an isosceles triangle, having a 1
- Perfect square: the roots are 2 3 2
5xy4 + y5 at the top and also at the ends of each line. All
1 1 i
real, rational and unequal. x3    S  T   A  3 S  T  the other numbers are made by adding the
- NOT a perfect square: the 2 3 2 Note: The coefficients appearing in the pair of numbers closest to them in the line
roots are real, irrational and binomial expansion are known as binomial above.
unequal The Discriminant:
D = Q3 + R2 (x + y)0
 B2 – 4AC < 0 , then, the roots Important Properties: (x + y)1
are complex conjugate.
(x + y)2
1. The number of terms in each expansion
(x + y)3
Relationship Between Roots and Nature of roots :( by discriminant) is “ n +1”.
n n (x + y)4
Coefficients 2. The first and last terms are x and y , (x + y)5
If, the discriminant respectively. (x + y)6
Sum of roots:  Q 3 +R 2 = 0 3. The sum of exponents in every term is n.
(all roots are real; at least 2 being 4. The exponent of x decreases by 1, term
B by term from n to 0; the exponent of y Take Home Exam
x1  x2   equal)
A  Q 3 +R 2 > 0 increases by 1, term by term from 0 to n.
1. Given: logax = 5 y=logay . Find the value
(1 real root and 2 complex 5. The coefficients of the terms equidistant
of x.
Product of roots: from ends are equal.
conjugate) A. x = a5y C. x = 5ay
 Q 3 +R 2 < 0 B. x = 5ay D. x = ya5y*
C General term of the expansion
x1  x2   (all roots are real and unequal)
A 2. Determine the sum of the positive valued
Term with yr : solution to the simultaneous equations: xy
For cases where D = 0 and D > 0 , use
= 15 , yz = 35 , zx = 21.
For opposite roots : Cardan’s method. y rth term = nCr x n-r yr A. 15* C. 17
x 2 = -x1 ; (b = 0) .
B. 13 D. 19


x x 4 3 2
3. Simplify: log( x ) 11. Divide x4- 10x2- 9x - 20 by x – 4. What is there in the polynomial: x - 4x + 7x - 6x 29. Find the sixth term in the expansion of
A. x2 logx * C. x logx 2
the remainder? – 18 = 0 .
(a+2b) .
B. 2x logx D. x log (2x) A. 50 C. 40 * A. 3 or 0 C. 1 or 0 A. 1792a3b5* C. 56 a3b5
5 3 3 5
B. 45 D. 38 B. 1 or 2 D. 3 or 1* B. 1792a b D. 448 a b
4. Find the LCM of the numbers 15, 21, 36.
A. 1260 * C. 3 12. Solve for x if log2( x+2)+log2( x-2)=5 ? 22. Find the value of k if 4x2+6x+k will have 30. Find the term involving x6 in the
B. 9 D. 36 A. 9 C. 7 equal roots. expansion of (x2+1/x)12?
B. 8 D. 6 * A. 8/3 C. 4 A. 792x6 C. 1024x6
5. What is the GCF of 27, 81, and 108? B. 2 D. 9/4* B. 924x * D. 572x6
A. 27 * C. 81 13. Solve for x: 2x  2x  1  6 x  2
B. 324 D. 3
A. ¼ C. ½* 23. Two reviewee’s from USEP solve a 31. What is the sum of the coefficients of the
B. 2 D. 4 quadratic equation in x. One student expansion (2x-1)20?
3x 2 made a mistake on the coefficient of the A. 0* C. 3
6. If 3x = 4y, then  linear term and found the roots to be 1 B. 2 D. 4
4 y2 4 9
14. Solve for x:  2 and 2, while the other, made a mistake in 32. Given: log6 + xlog4 = log4 + log (32 + 4x),
A. 3/4 C. 4/3 * x 3 x 2 find the value of x.
the constant term and found the roots to
B. 27/64 D. 9/16 A. 5 C. 7 * A. 2 C. 3*
be -1 and 2. What was the correct
B. 6 D. 4 quadratic equation? B. 4 D. 5
7. A businessman goes to Chicago every 18 2 2
A. x -x-2=0 C. x -x-1=0
days for one day and another 15. Solve for x if In (x2+x-2) = In 2x + In (x-1) B. x2+x-1=0 D. x2-x+2=0* 33. If In x2 = (In x)2 solve for x:
businessman every 24 days, also for only A. 4 C. 2* A. 2 ln x C. In x
one day. Today, both men are in Chicago. B. 3 D. 5 B. e2* D. e2x
24. Find the sum of the coefficients of the
Within how many days will the two
expansion ( x + y - z) = 10 .
business men be in Chicago again at the 34. If log 2 = x and log 3 = y, find log 1.2 in
A. 1 * C. 0
same time? 16. If 1/x = a + b, 1/y = a – b, then x – y is B. 5 D. 2 terms of x and y.
A. 32 days C. 54 days equal to A. 2x+y-1 * C. 2x-y+1
2 2 2 2
B. 72 days* D. 98 days A. 2b/(b – a )* * C. 2a/(a – b ) 25. If the sum of the roots of a quadratic B. 3x+2y-1 D. 2x-3y-1
B. 1/2a D. 1/2b equation is 12 and the product is 36, then
2 2
8. If x – y = 5 and xy = k, then x + y = 35. If the product of the roots of 4x2 + (k+2)x -
what is difference of the roots?
A. 25k C. 25 + 2k * 17. If f(x) = 10x + 1, find f(x + 1) - f(x) . A. 1 * C. 3 (k+13) = 0 is -15/4, find the sum of the
B. 25 – k D. 25 – 2k A. 1 C. 9(10x)** roots.
x B. 0 D. 6
B. 10(10 ) D. 9(10x+1) A. -1 * C. ¾
9. Alex has two pieces of cloth. One piece is
4 26. If one root of 9x2 - 6x + k = 0 exceeds the B. 2/3 D. 5/3
72 inches wide and the other piece is 90 18. If (x-3) is a factor of the polynomial x - other by 2, find the value of k.
inches wide. He wants to cut both pieces 4x3 - 7x2 + kx + 24, what is the value of k? A. 6 C. 8 36. What is the coefficient of the term
into strips of equal width that are as wide A. 11 C. 22* involving x9 in the expansion (x2 + 2x-1)12?
B. -8* D. -6
as possible. How wide should he cut the B. 12 D. 24 A. 20423 C.25344*
strips? B. 22524 D. 28245
27. Find the value of x if the 8th term of the
A. 18* C. 10 19. If x : y : z = 4 : -3 : 2 and 2x + 4y - 3z = 20 expansion of (x3 + 1)12 is equal to
B. 9 D. 6 , find x,y,z. 37. Some birds are sitting in an oak tree. Ten
A. -8, 6, -4 * C. 7,-5, 6 A. 2* C. 6 more birds land.More birds arrive until
10. Ben exercises every 12 days and Isabel B. -5, 4,-6 D. 9, -4, 5 there are a total of four times as many
B. 4 D. 3
every 8 days. Ben and Isabel both birds as the oak tree had after the ten
exercised today. How many days will it be 20. If f(x -1) = 1+ x2 , then what is f(x) ? 28. Find the middle term of the expansion of landed. A nearby maple tree has 16 fewer
until they exercise together again? A. x2 + 2x + 1 C. x2 - 2x – 1 (√x + √y)12. than 12 times as many birds as the oak
2 2
A. 34 C. 24* B. x + 2x + 2* D. x - 2x – 2 A. 924 x3y3* C. 740 x3y3 tree had after the 10 landed. If both trees
B. 12 D. 18 3 3 3 3
now have the same number of birds, how
B. 826 x y D. 628 x y
21. How many positive real solutions are many birds were originally in the oak tree


before the first 10 landed? B. -1 D. 2 to be -1 and 2. What was the correct quadratic
A. 4 C. 16 equation?
B. 7* D. 24 What is the identity element for multiplication? If 8x=3 find the value of 26x. A. x2-x-2=0 C. x2-x-1=0
A. 0 C. 1 A. 9 C. 8 B. x2+x-1=0 D. x2-x+2=0
38. Solve the equation: log (x −1) + log (x B. -1 D. 1/a B. 2 D. 4
+1)=2 log (x +2). The number 77 is divided into two parts such that
Which equation illustrates the multiplicative If x – y = 5 and xy = k, then x2 + y2 = the GCF of the two parts is 11 and their LCM is
A. 1 C. -2
identity property for real numbers? A. 25k C. 25 + 2k 110. The smaller of the two part is
B. -5/4* D. ¾ A. x+0=x C. x(1)=x B. 25 – k D.25– 2k A. 11 C. 22
B. x(1/x)=1 D. x(0)=0 B. 44 D. 55
39. The number 77 is divided into two parts The remainder when 2x4 – kx – 15x2 – 3x – 2 is
such that the GCF of the two parts is 11 The terms of a sum may be grouped in any divided by (x – 3) is 4. What is the value of k? Find the sum and product of the roots of the
and their LCM is 110. The smaller of the manner without affecting the result. This is known A. 4 C. 3 equation x3 + 3x2 + 3x + 1 = 0.
two part is as: B. 7 D. 5 A. 1,3 C. -1,-3
A. 11 C. 22* A. Commutative Law B. -1,3 D. 1,-3
B. 44 D. 55 B. Associative Law Find the value of k for which (x+4) is a factor of
C. Distributive Law x3 +2x2-7x+k=0. If the roots of the equation are -1, 2 and 4, what
40. Find the L.C.M. of the fractions 5/16, D. Reflexive Law A. -4 C. -68 is the equation?
15/24 and 25/8. B. 4 D. 32 A. x3 – 5x2 + 2x + 8 = 0
A. 4/48 C. 5/8 The number 0.004212 has how many significant B. x3 – 4x2 + 3x + 8 = 0
digits . Given: log6 + xlog4 = log4 + log (32 + 4x), find the C. x3 – 5x2 - 3x + 6 = 0
B. 75/48 D. 75/8*
A. 7 C. 4 value of x. D. x3 – 4x2 + 2x + 6 = 0
B. 6 D. 5 A. 2 C. 3
Sample Problems B. 4 D. 5 Find the sixth term in the expansion of (a+2b) 8.
A choir director wants to divide the choir into A. 1792a3 b5 C. 56 a3 b5
The statement (x+y)+z=z+(x+y) illustrates which smaller groups. There are 24 sopranos, 60 altos, If In x2 = (In x)2 solve for x: B. 1792a5b3 D. 448 a3b5
property of real numbers? and 36 tenors. Each group will have the same A. 2 ln x C. In x
A. associative C. closure number of each type of voice. B. e2 D. e2x Find the term involving x6 in the expansion of
B. Commutative D. distributive A. What is the greatest number of groups that (x2 +1/x)12?
can be formed? If log 2 = x and log 3 = y, find log 1.2 in terms of x A. 792x6 C. 1024x6
Which of the following equations defines the and y. B. 924x6 D. 572x6
associative property of addition? Two clocks ring once at the same time. After that, A. 2x+y-1 C. 2x-y+1
A. (a + b) c = ac + bc the first clock rings after every 18 minutes, the B. 3x+2y-1 D. 2x-3y-1 Find the value of x if the 8th term of the
B. a + b = b + a second after every 15 minutes. After how many expansion of (x3 + 1)12 is equal to 25952256.
C. a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c minutes will they again ring together? Given: log (x2 + 3x) + log 5x = 1 + log 2x. Find x A. 2 C. 6
D. a + b = c + d B. 4 D. 3
A beacon flashes its light every 12 seconds, The equation whose roots are the reciprocal of
Which equation illustrates the additive inverse another every 18 seconds and a third every the roots of the equation 2x2-3x-5=0 is: What is the sum of the coefficients of the
property of real numbers? minute. At 12:00 noon the three flash A. 3x2 +5x-2=0 C. 2x2-5x+3=0 expansion (2x-1)20?
A. a x 1/a = 1 C. a+0=a simultaneously. Find out the times when the three B. 5x2 +3x-2=0 D. 5x2-3x+2=0 A. 0 C. 3
B. a+(-a)=0 D. a+(-a)=-1 flash simultaneously again in the next five B. 2 D. 4
minutes. Find the value of k if 4x2+6x+k will have equal
What is the multiplicative inverse of (x/2)? roots.
A. –x/2 If 3x+1 - 3x-1=72, then x=
- - - GOD BLESS - - -
C. 2/x A. 8/3 C. 4
B. 1 D. 0 A. 2 C. 3 B. 2 D. 9/4
B. 4 D. 5
What is the additive inverse of -2a?
A. 2a C. 1/2a Solve for the value of x that will satisfy the Two students from RCD solve a quadratic
B. 2/a D. a/2 equation x  2  1 equation in x. One student made a mistake on
A. -1 C. 3 the coefficient of the linear term and found the
What is the identity element for addition? B. 2 D.nosol’n roots to be 1 and 2, while the other, made a
A. 0 C. 1 mistake in the constant term and found the roots

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